Showing Posts For Black Iris Flowers.3418:

New Legendary Idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I`m not sure if you know that but actually ALL 2nd generation legendaries were probably finished long ago. They just decided to release 1 legendary weapon per content patch so we feel like the patch has more to offer. I`m pretty sure Anet finished legendary armors long ago aswell but they will release it with “HUGE CONTENT PATCH” when we will have all 2nd generation weapons. It`s all about that they have to include something more than personal story to patch to make it feel bigger and more interesting.

What basis do you have on that? They indefinitely discontinued production on them since it was taking too long, and then changed their model and got rid of the story/scavenger hunt that went along with them. Maybe they have a concept for each one in the works but I highly doubt they’re all actually done. They were promised with HoT and a lot of people are still kittened that it’s a year later and not even half of them are out

mini pet discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Please no auras for something as easy obtain as minis. A special mini? Maybe. All minis? No.

Did I Miss It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

From the 12/13/16 Release Notes:

New Items and Promotions
The Festive Hat has returned and can be found in the Style category of the Gem Store for 150 gems.
The Wintersday Wreath Backpack has returned and can be found in the Style category of the Gem Store for 500 gems.
The Winter Solstice Appearance Pack, containing the Winter Solstice Outfit, a Miniature Snow Flurry Dragon, an Immortal weapon skin, a Total Makeover Kit, and a pack of 5 Glint’s Winter Dye Kits, is available again in the Style category of the Gem Store for 2,000 gems.

So it yes it was released as a pack not an individual outfit

Is this a new trend?

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

We have no control over DE, we’re not even in it, and as far as I can tell he’s not joined our guild either.

DE is dead. Died with its heart and mind – Eir. And it is true that PC was not part of the guild and therefor has no right to “revive” the guild. Thats why we created Dragon Watch, a direct successor of DE.
But. PC was a friend and unofficial member of DE, starting from our DE mentor, helping to reassemble the guild and fighting side by side against Zhaitan. Thats why PC has a right to carry on the heritage of the guild, unlike Braham, who was a total stranger to everyone there but Eir, and don’t even have a right to complain.

Unless my memory from Episode 1 is off, it was Rytlock’s idea to create an entirely new guild led by the Commander. Given that he was the last fully functioning member (Caithe is still iffy to everyone and Logan and Zojja are still recovering) he was the one to make the call.

Winter Wonderland Challenge [Beaten]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The humble brag is strong with this one.

I don’t think it’s possible to get any more in the allotted time due to snowballs

Best way to do masteries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

It’s easy enough to get xp but be aware that the Core Tyrian masteries and Heart of Thorn masteries work independently of one another; each have their own type of mastery points and you have to be in the correct zone to get xp

[IDEA] Legendary Weapon(s)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

They aren’t making any new underwater legendaries, sadly. Kamohoali’i Kotaki is a shark, Kudzu has a sort of nymph on it, and the Juggernaut has a human/god (Atlas) on it, if you would consider those creatures.

I saw someone suggest that the greatsword should be 3 skritt in a trenchcoat

having tons of trouble with power reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

get used to it. GS is a kitten weapon, and is easily countered because of bad design on all fronts.

Don’t take pvp seriously in this game, its a joke, and the reason that this game has such low twitch viewers, streamers, and tournaments have such a low turn out.

that got salty real quick

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Yes but how does it suffer. On a play-to-play basis, what precisely about the amount of conditions and boons is making the game difficult, unfun, confusing or unhealthy?

Visual clutter and the sheer amount of different conditions- condi clear skills can’t keep up.

Delete this thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I’d like to start with saying I appreciate your guide! You make everything seem very approachable. I’d like to try the Corruptionmancerbuild you linked- do you have any specific advice? I’ve done PvP enough to know the basic mechanics, strategies, etc but never with a necromancer. Is the main role of a Corruptionmancer to stay in group fights, would you say?

Pick the Better Looking Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I have female Human, Norn, and Sylvari Rangers. I adore Norns, but I dislike the way medium armor in general looks on them. Even with the thinnest physique, I feel like my Norn should be wearing wide load signs with most medium armor. There are very few pieces she looks right to me wearing and so I feel very limited with wardrobe. This may not be a concern to you, however. So far, I find my Human (w/ thinnest physique) looks best in medium armor, with Sylvari coming in 2nd. Med armor just doesn’t seem to bulk up on them like it does with Norns.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. Most of my characters are human for this reason (with the odd asura or sylvari). I have a norn but she feels so bulky and awkward

Nerf to bloodstone crystal nodes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Reporting in:

I’ve mined the nodes every single day for months (like legit never missed a day since Bfen came out) now, noticed little to no change. Some days I get bad RNG and only get 3 rubies, other days I get 13. RNG is RNG.

I have 11 stacks of rubies right now as a sample size (at least 8 from gathering, maybe 2-3 from dailies; I don’t usually do hab either).

Why do you have 11 stacks of rubies? What possible use are they?

Trinkets, salvage, hoard in case they come out with new uses for them

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I don’t get the Bleed hate. It is a pure DoT effect that males sense with cutting/stabbing. Burning and poison don’t cover this type of theme.

Beyond that, I think by doing this reduction, you make the remaining condos and boons even that much more critical, and stripping them even more important. The goal should be different than that.

Ps- if I would remove anything, I think torment should be covers by chill and/or slow. It doesn’t make sense to add a dot effect based on movement when you already have slow, cripple, and chill.

People find the purpose of it redundant; there’s already 2 damage over time conditions (burn and poison). Thematically yes it does fit and that’s why it’s in the game.

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

My tweaked Version:

Damaging Conditions

  • Burning – deals high damage per second, extremely short duration, spreads effect to foes adjacent to target
  • Poison – deals low damage per second, long duration, reduces Healing Efficiency by 33%

Punishment Conditions

  • Cripple – Reduces Movement Speed by 33% and deals Damage over time while moving.
  • Confusion – Removes Friendly Fire from AoE and deals Damage when using Skills (AA not included)

Debuff Conditions

  • Blindness – Chance to miss targets and Target can’t deal Critical Hits
  • Weakness – Attributes get reduced by 10% and Boons last 33% less long

Control Conditions

  • Chilled – 50% Attack Speed/Endurance Regen Reduction
  • Fear – Forced Movement and slowed Skill Recharges

Removed Conditions

  • Bleeding (Total obsolete Condition)
  • Immobilization (Total obsolete Condition, therefore exist CC!! Stuns)
  • Slow (merged into Chill, Cripple is enough as Movement Speed Reducer)
  • Taunt (Fear is enough)
  • Vulnerability (halfwise merged into Weakness with a better debuffing effect)
  • Torment (merged into Cripple)

14 Conditions reduced down to 8.


  • Might – Increases outgoing Damage and Condition Durations by 1% per Stack
  • Protection – Reduces all incoming Damage by 33%, includes Condition Damage
  • Regeneration – Regain per Stack per Second 1% of your Max Health and gain more Endurance Regeneration per Stack (1%/Stack)
  • Stability – Increases Heal Efficiency by 33%. CC Effects aren’t working on you per Stack
  • Fury – Attributes except Power get increased by 10% and other Boons except Fury last 33% longer
  • Swiftness – Move 33% faster, Skills Recharge per Stack 1% faster
  • Resistance – Incoming Conditions last 50% less long and your Break Bar revovers per Stack 5% faster
  • Alacrity – Attack 33% faster, Speeds up the Ticker of your Effects (Your Poison you deal tick not per second, but per 3/4s instead, so your Poisons tick faster under Alacrity, or your Regeneration ticks faster regained Health for you under Alacrity)

Removed Boons

  • Vigor – merged into Regeneration
  • Retaliation – No place for garbage like that in GW2, if seriously needed, rework it into a Rune Effect/Sigil or Traits for specific Classes.
  • Quickness – merged into Alacrity, reworked Alacrity, Chrono has no standalone Boon anymore

Done, 8 Conditions, 8 Boons.


  • Petrification – Immobilizes you, No movement possible, 99% Damage/Critical Reduction from incoming hits, but if you get hit critical = Crushed > Instant Dead
  • Stun – Chance for Automatic Activity Interruption, disables Dodges temporarely
  • Daze – Break Bar Regen Reduction
  • Fatigue – 20% Max Break Bar Reduction (makes it easier to break the Bar, works basically like GW1’s Deep Wound, but not on Health, but the Break Bar of the Player)
  • Launch – Move Enemy away from you
  • Pull – Move Enemy towards you

Removed CC

  • Knockdown (just obsolete)

I really don’t like Petrification, it’s like getting killed for being unlucky if you’re hit critically. Total immobility is enough. I do like the cripple/torment merge. Question: how does Fatigue affect players?

Balance of the Dragons – Kralky and Steve

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Primordus never uses seismic activity though. There was the Great Destroyer causing some earthquakes, but that was all there was. No more earthquake causing than Kralkatorrik’s, Zhaitan’s, Jormag’s, or even Mordremoth’s awakening.

Volcanic activity is seismic by definition. It may be different in Tyria. Also are the other dragons tunneling as well?

Happy holidays everyone.

‘Seismic: of or relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.’

Earthquakes can cause volcanoes but not all volcanoes are caused by earth quakes. We’ve no idea if others are tunneling, we haven’t actually SEEN Jormag, just have a vague sense of where he is, but he hasn’t seem to have moved much given the norn’s history with him. Kralk hasn’t been seen since Glint’s death (which is really weird now that I think about it, did he wake up to do that then go back to sleep..?) and no one knows kitten about Bubbles

The little bit of Tyria our map covers isn’t all there is to the world. Kralk was last seen flying out into the Crystal Desert. There’s the remains of the Forgotten’s civilization out there, and a whole Elona beyond that, and who knows what else out east.

It’s not so strange that it wouldn’t just turn around and head back the way it came.

That is true. If Kralk could lead to Elona and Bubbles could lead us to Cantha, that would be great

Just purchased HoT..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Does season 2 explain who all these NPCs are calling me boss and why the fleet went into Maguuma? And the story with Caithe and the egg?

In case you want to know the answers:

We met all of the current characters in Season 1, at different times. Marjory and Kasmeer were investigating an attack on the Queen’s Jubilee, Rox and Braham were trying to rescue norn and charr who were captured by the Flame Legion, and Taimi was studying Scarlett’s Marionette. Everyone came together together and became a group and Scarlett’s war progressed. As you were the Commander of the Pact they considered you the leader and went with ‘boss’.

The Pact went to Maguuma because that’s where Mordremoth woke. They thought they could handle it like Zhaitan, taking a bunch of fleet ships and taking out the dragon. Trahearne and what was left of Destiny’s Edge (Eir, Logan, and Zojja) led the charge. Mordremoth wrecked them with his vines and corrupted most of the Sylvari to turn on their allies. Most of the Pact was destroyed.

Caithe’s Wyld Hunt was to protect the egg. She thought it was her sole responsibility to keep it safe. Instead of talking to us like a rational person she stole it and ran off.

Condition & Boon Condensing Recommendation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I enjoy the condensed, cleaned up conditions and boons. The only thing I take real trouble with is poison increasing in damage the longer it is active; it makes more sense to scale from a number of stacks. Or was your idea to remove condition stacking completely?

Just purchased HoT..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Season 3 is the post-HoT after the Mordremoth story arc. It won’t make a ton of sense without doing HoT first.

Just purchased HoT..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Scarlet’s War is literally just a video recap. If you care about story and achievement points consider buying Living Story 2, if you missed it. I’d start with the Heart of Thorns story as you get a lot of mastery points. Fully train your core skills and you will be able to start training your elite. You’ll need more HPs to full train your elite spec- the Hero Challenges in Heart of Maguuma areas award 10 HPs each.

Pick the Better Looking Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

As is my ranger, who I absolutely adore.
(she secretly wishes she could ride her pet, which is far larger than she is)

That is exactly why I made my ranger an asura

Pick the Better Looking Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

You’re already level 80, stay human. My ranger is an asura if that makes you feel better.

Condition request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Changing more skills to also remove movement impending condis could work, or reducing the amount of mobs in PvE that apply movement impairing conditions and instead give them damaging conditions. its less annoying on players (since you won’t be crippled so much), and also makes core Tyria just a bit harder without really changing anything since its the same amount of condis that have always been applied.

In my mind that makes it a win for everyone.

Edit – To add to this topic, I find this more aggravating in the 2 new zones than in core tyria. In Ember Bay, it feels like every destroyer applies at least 1 condition with every attack (with the crabs applying 1/4 sec of immobilize with every other attack on top of the burning). This makes it no fun to me. No amount of cleanses can keep up with that for very long since new condis are applied every attack. Its just boring and I hope that this trend does not continue

Or that chill in Bitterfrost. Extra 40% skill cooldown on those condi clears

utility skill: instantly refresh attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Next espec wouldn’t have tempest so no point. And fresh air already exists and this on a tempest would be op.

Strictly speaking the OP never talked about tempest… Why bringing it on the table?

Beside, if looking closely at what’s said, it’s only “instantly refresh attunment”, Nowhere is it said that it refresh tempest overload (which is not an attunment and have a different cool down.) Anyway, whatever you do there will always be 5s before your overload is ready after you switch attunment. Chaining 2 time the same overload with a cool down of 40 second ain’t a big deal.

Honnestly I wouldn’t see any problem with this being introduced as an elite skill. I’m saying elite skill since we already got more than enough skill and incidentally some of our elite skill may be lacking. A signet with the active doing this effect would be pretty usefull without being overpowered at all and could open some new build possibilities without breaking the game in any fashion.

I think it’s a pretty good idea.

Im going to pretend I didn’t see the ‘not op’ line and remind you that there are trade off mechanics for every profession. If you leave and attune meant early you lose those skills. This would only promote skill spamming.

Or quick skill chains by people who plan their skill sets before hand.

To the topic: Mesmers have Signet of Illusions that recharge shatter skills, I don’t see why elementalists couldn’t have their own version

Balance of the Dragons – Kralky and Steve

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

In relation to the OP: Kralkatorrik is described ‘as both a hurricane and sandstorm. It has the ability to create and even become the latter.’ His magic seems to be elemental based but more so in earth, rather than the water formed crystals you were describing. When lightning strikes sand it creates a sort of glass- perhaps that’s the concept they were going for with Kralky

Balance of the Dragons – Kralky and Steve

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Primordus never uses seismic activity though. There was the Great Destroyer causing some earthquakes, but that was all there was. No more earthquake causing than Kralkatorrik’s, Zhaitan’s, Jormag’s, or even Mordremoth’s awakening.

Volcanic activity is seismic by definition. It may be different in Tyria. Also are the other dragons tunneling as well?

Happy holidays everyone.

‘Seismic: of or relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.’

Earthquakes can cause volcanoes but not all volcanoes are caused by earth quakes. We’ve no idea if others are tunneling, we haven’t actually SEEN Jormag, just have a vague sense of where he is, but he hasn’t seem to have moved much given the norn’s history with him. Kralk hasn’t been seen since Glint’s death (which is really weird now that I think about it, did he wake up to do that then go back to sleep..?) and no one knows kitten about Bubbles

Question about cultural skins/transmute

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Just tested it. Transmuted my human elementalist’s ascended head piece to a human cultural skin, then unequipped and tried to put it on my norn mesmer. My norn could not equip it, ‘Required race: Human’ was high lighted in red in the description

Auric Basin too popular?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I don’t know what Anets plan is for removing multiloot, but my thought was taking it off the timer and making it event based like the Silverwastes. The meta would only occur when all the events were done, so maps wouldn’t all be looting at the same time

Glacial Gauntlets and Armor Sleeves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I recently finished the meta achievement for A Crack In The Ice and received the Glacial Gauntlets. Trying to find a good armor combination in my wardrobe, I was disappointed to notice a lot of the chest pieces had sleeves that clipped off the glacial gauntlets to just the wrists, making the gloves very unnoticeable. Now I know that armor clipping is nothing new to this game, but I’m no programmer- is this clipping by design or accidental? Could it (potentially) be changed by Anet or would it be a difficult bug to work around?

In the mean time does anyone have any suggestions for armor chest pieces? I main a human female elementalist but my alts range through classes and races. I’m going to be looking through the gallery myself but I’d love to hear what everyone else uses!

Can F2P players get to other starting areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

If you’re trying to enter Lion’s Arch, f2p accounts cannot enter until level 35

Discussion about next legendary

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I hope the next one is either a focus or a mace. I happen to like the look of the Minstrel myself, but I can understand why many wouldn’t like the minstrel or the Moot. I think that ANet adding non silly legendaries for focus and mace would make a lot of people happy.

We got Eureka with the Ember Bay release. I do hope for a focus- rumor has it Elementalist next elite is a sword mainhand. No idea the play style of it but since I can’t have Tempest warhorn with it I prefer focus off hand to dagger off hand. The next sword legendary would also be welcome

I imagine they could save any legendaries relating to new elite spec weapons till nearer the next expansion, or even acquirable in the new maps of the next expansion?

So if the rumour is accurate then I’d imagine Sword or Greatsword, Torch, Dagger, Rifle could be towards the end of LWS3 or even drop with the next expansion and Focus, Warhorn, Hammer could be sooner in the next few episodes of Season 3. Scepter I’m not sure because I’m believing it could be a new elite spec weapon, perhaps Revenant (this is an unfoudned guess, they could get greatsword for all I know…).

I’m personally hoping that Revenants get Short bow so they can have a mid range weapon. Short bow and Rifle only have two classes that can use, I would hope they would expand their usage. Of course we already have Chuka and Champawat out though so that’s moot point here. Who was possibly getting Torch, do you recall?

Suggestion : Condi, Boon, and CC new system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The amount of visual clutter from so many conditions would be insane and condition removal would be insane. Decent concept of categorizing conditions and boons but that is way too many added conditions

Discussion about next legendary

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I hope the next one is either a focus or a mace. I happen to like the look of the Minstrel myself, but I can understand why many wouldn’t like the minstrel or the Moot. I think that ANet adding non silly legendaries for focus and mace would make a lot of people happy.

We got Eureka with the Ember Bay release. I do hope for a focus- rumor has it Elementalist next elite is a sword mainhand. No idea the play style of it but since I can’t have Tempest warhorn with it I prefer focus off hand to dagger off hand. The next sword legendary would also be welcome

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

In your original comment, it sounded as if you were suggesting that Anet would leave things as they are because people were encouraged to buy additional accounts, thus making them more money. Clearly that is not how you meant it but that is how I (and presumably others) interpreted your comment. There’s no reason to call people obtuse.

Auric Basin too popular?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

People run AB for the multiloot; those who aren’t there solely for look always end up AB because that’s where there is consistently people hanging around. I honestly prefer TD but don’t get to it much since it’s regularly empty or under populated

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418


Let’s use some logic for a second shall we?

1. Some people have multiple accounts for Mystic Coins
2. Extra accounts cost money, that money goes to Anet
Explain to me why Anet would fix MC’s based on the fact that people get more from multiple accounts? I can’t see why they would.

Well, the greed is not a great way for making business.

Neither is ruining there working economy with giving into to these kinds of complaints. I mean … you call this greed but it’s not because Anet is giving everyone MC’s for FREE all the time. Calling players deciding to make more accounts to get free MC’s as Anet’s greed is just … wow.

If the entire point of the MCs being limited was to make players buy a second or third account, yes that is greed on Anet’s part. Greed or desperation. However I do not believe that is their goal or model; they wanted MCs to have more value than a few silver, and now the price is rising rapidly- perhaps faster than they intended, perhaps not.

Re: Weapon Sigils and procs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Thank you for your help.

Another question I’ve wondered about.. For Sigils that activate on weapon swap, how does this work on an Elementalist? Does it apply when they switch attunements?

For Elementalists it’s switching attunements, for Engineers it is equipping/unequipping weapon kits, and Necromancers it is both on weapon swap and when entering/leaving Death Shroud.

It should be noted though, that all ‘on swap’ skills have an internal cooldown of 9 seconds. Even if you spam switch attunements or kits you will only get the affect every 9 seconds

Where are the corrupted female Norn's?

in Lore

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Sons of Svanir don’t accept females. I believe they simply kill them. Whether that’s something Jormag himself influences or not is up for debate.. Sons of Svanir seem to have more willpower and presence of mind than most minions. It could be a cultural prejudice with them

(edited by Black Iris Flowers.3418)

Re: Weapon Sigils and procs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

The 5% damage increase is for all damage you are outputting while that weapon is equipped, including your main hand, skills, and traits. Same goes for critical- any critical you get off while that weapon is equipped will be rolled into the sigil.

Favorite Back Item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Adding to my answer: the Crystalline Dragon Wings when used in a backpack/glider combo. Much more attention went into animating those than the other wings; they’re tucked in when used as a back and expand when switching to gliding. The wings actually flap and move when you’re gliding- it feels more like actual wings and not a stiff angel wing Halloween costume accessory

1000 gems per cape

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

All the scientists have come out to play I see. The Crystalline Dragon Wings are more tucked when they’re on the back, I appreciate the amount of attention went into the animation for those (especially when shifting from backpack to glider).

Unable to Salvage Zap Experiment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I believe it has to be salvaged with the character it is soulbound to

If not AFK farmers then what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I don’t know about afk farmers, but for this particular patch A LOT of crafting materials dropped in price on December 13th and 14th. Wintersday began and everyone started buying up the drinks for Winter’s Presence, selling off their stuff to do so. Leather and cloth being worth so much it makes sense they dropped quickly. T6 mats like powerful blood are at a record low for the year as well

More Minimalist Shields

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Agreed. I feel like I’m carrying around a billboard half the time

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Surely the only purpose is to delay the start of the next round so you can’t farm presents faster than the other activities? Same as the waiting for players takes ages between songs.
Don’t get me wrong I’d love it to be removed tho.

It’s a legacy thing before instruments were in the game if I recall. Since then we’ve had many permanent gemstore and then infinite or breakable choir bells added in other Wintersday Seasons.

It just needs to be cleaned up and shortened in length.

As for farming presents, the Wintersday Wonderland jumping puzzle still gives 10 per completion and takes ~1.5 minutes to do with a 30 minute map length and virtually no downtime/animation graphic between map changes. Even if you don’t practice much, you could easily do every 3 minutes or so after a few hours of practice.

Net net you get ~13 gifts plus occasion daily from the choir bell for 5-6 minutes and 3-4 minutes of downtime to repeat (exit/re-enter and find a suitable map is just as bad) and you get ~30 gifts plus guaranteed daily for Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle in the same amount of time. No contest.

It’s actually 18 gifts for the Bell Choir (1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5 for the consecutive rounds). 20-30 presents in the same time frame is still better though.

Favorite Back Item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

From the gem store, the crystalline dragon wings- especially when used as a glider. Such a smooth transition and I love the sounds/animation that goes with it.

Not from the gem store (though I do not have it) is the SAB skins. I do enjoy their appearance but the prestige behind them (especially Kaiser) gives me respect for anyone who took the time to finish the achievements for them.

Not for the aesthetic appeal I love There With Yakkington: A Traveler’s Guide simply for the story behind it.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Yes and no. If the prices to become too high, it will drive too many players away from the game due to their end goal being so far away due to high Mystic Coin costs.

The prices of such end goals are down, not up. I know there have been a few posts by people claiming that they are discouraged by the price, but those have been veterans who still remember when m-coins were below 10 silver.

The 200+ gold increase to the cost of a gift of fortune is pretty sad making. Ectos dropping in price saves some of that, and you can get clovers from reward tracks and daily box #28 now, but if no one is looking at that I can see how easy it is to be jaded

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year.

As far as I’m aware Winter’s Presence was added in 2015, I don’t think we can call it several years old yet. However I agree that by next year people will be itching for something new.

I did not say “several years”, I said “a few years”. By next year it will be a few years since they released it. A few is defined as between 3 and 6. So, yes, I stand by my opinion that they should either nerf the requirement to make it, or nerf the jp itself. It isn’t a legendary weapon, it is a skin. And it is a skin related to content that is only accessible a month a year. It is associated with content that many many players find beyond the capacity of their their computer specs. I don’t see how allowing more people to enjoy this skin is hurting those who’ve had it special for 3 years by the time next wintersday comes around. They nerf’d the night fury batwings drop, I didn’t complain.

I always thought of ‘several’ and ‘few’ and interchangeable terms. I didn’t contradict your opinion I thought you were under the impression it had been around for longer. I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that I think it would hurt anyone who’s gotten it already.

Living World Seasons payment

in Living World

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

Thanks for the aswers, but doesn’t look very clear. On one hand, you get rewarded for being loyal (for logging in), on the other hand the people that bought the gw2 game and supported the game from the beggining don’t get rewarded?
Is there a difference from people like me that bought the first game and left from people that just started now and only bought the HoT expansion?
I payed for: core game, LWS 2, HoT, LWS3;
New player would pay: LWS2, HoT, LWS3.

If you haven’t played in 3-4 years, you haven’t been supporting the game. You bought core game; you have the core game. You bought HoT; you have HoT. You are getting what you paid for. As mentioned above the Living Stories are given free as a gift of loyalty- anyone can find 30 seconds in their day to log on and get the chapters.

Let me ask you, from a business standpoint, how do you expect Anet to make money when they don’t do monthly subscriptions?

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

I do think anet should nerf it next season. The achievement has been around for few years, they should develop some new activities and allow others to enjoy a skin that should be old news by next year.

As far as I’m aware Winter’s Presence was added in 2015, I don’t think we can call it several years old yet. However I agree that by next year people will be itching for something new.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Iris Flowers.3418

Black Iris Flowers.3418

B) The drink part of the ach is probably a good real-dollar maker for them. I know I would probably finish out my drinks by spending some money on gems to buy drinks. So, again, they can decide if the gem store cash flow is okay without it.

I’m guessing participation is probably fine, as is the gemstore, so if I were Anet, I wouldn’t nerf it. Makes some folks happy, annoys those who did it the previous way, who may not be a large percentage but are clearly a dedicated percentage and should not be lightly annoyed, simply for business reasons if not also for fairness.

This was me last year. I did all the achievements, spent hours mastering the jumping puzzle, spent buckets of in game gold to consume thousands of drinks- but I was still about 5k drinks short. I was so sick of farming and it was close to the end so I just bought gems and converted to gold to buy drinks (I thought it had to be done by the end of the Wintersday festival). I’m sure I’m not the only one