I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
RoF isnt being double teamed, you are left alone most of the day except for some ppt-hungry AM blobs cruising through your border after they tried our T3.
It’s not like a GH blob would come to RoF BL and flip a t2 bay when it’s 2 dollies from t3 and then leave, capping nothing else*. GH would never do that. GH are in it for the fights with AM and leaving poor little RoF and WSR alone.
To be honest I’d prefer to see all of RoF capped by AM than one camp capped by GH. The more ppt and glicko AM get the better. Perhaps then they will pass Augury Rock and we will get something different next week. And that reflects perfectly the sad state of WvW for RoF and WsR.
*Btw GH did that last week.
Hey GH, what you doing down at rank 17?
Blows GH a KISS
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I have to say I didnt see that many new commanders when the merger first happened.
I didnt even see much increase in queues either.
I think what has happened is that Blacktide is more of a PvE server, with only a small WvW population.
And those players have decided to join AG guilds instead, or run as pugs.
But I do think they have added a little to the server, but not as much as we were hoping for.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Since i am getting famous here
Who are you?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
What Anet should do is kick everyone from all servers, then make guilds and players rejoin at a controlled rate so all servers fill up equally.
To make sure full guild join the same server, guild can apply to servers so that Anet can reserve spots. But to prevent bandwagoning, Anet should stop all guilds from adding new member and creation of new guilds until this new transfer is done.
But again the issue here is that hardcore WvW guild may try to apply to the same server, whilst another server only gets a handful.
So again, servers must be distinguished by class. This doesnt affect anything, but will tell players which servers are active in WvW/sPvP/PvE. and join accordingly.
Nothing will be perfect now, things have gotten too messed up. You cannot fix a 4 year problem overnight.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
My point is …….. we need a place to go, that does not change the location where we are.
Again, buy an airship pass!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Buy an airship pass, that’s that Anet is hoping.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Crafting isnt WvW, hence removed.
Yes there are PvE players who us WvW to quickly go craft and item, or use their bank to deposit or withdraw an item, then can then leave WvW and be back where they were before, without the cost of using a waypoint.
You can see how this benefits a lot of PvE players, but they then increase the WvW activity of that server by coming to WvW, even though all they do is go there to craft or use the bank.
If you still have problems with this, buy an Airship Pass!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Ragnar wrote a really accurate timeline that explains a bit the fact that most guilds (in particular GvG guilds) disappeared.
Post needs updating to include the server merger test.
Where the entire bronze league servers have been paired up with other servers based on their activity/population.
This has also caused some people to move to lower servers, eg Ruins of Surmia, as it’s a lot cheaper than joining Desolation directly.
Anet have made it a lot more easier and cheaper to bandwagon on the top tier servers with this.
But as said in that post, even with Anet having all these polls, they still have not done anything to fix WvW! They are still hoping to do the bare minimum for WvW in the hopes people yet again think there is something big coming, when there is not!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I dont want to hear from a T1 or T2 sever complaining about losing guilds when T8 and T9 servers have such a low population that a guild moving there would double their activity!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Wait when did Mike say they were dumping the overhaul for being too complicated?!
Doesnt sound like Anet to spend so much resources on something to then dump it and work on something else for it. Dump it and work on PvE, sure, but not something else for WvW! :P
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Anet simply cannot handle negative feedback. These beta tests are kindda pointless, doesnt matter what we say they will just release as is like they did with the Deserted BLs.
Do you really think after the beta tests if we give negative feedback that they’ll say “Oh players dont like this, let’s change it”? No as per the last 4 years, Anet has given WvW the most minimum amount of resources and time as possible! They refuse to spend more improving things we say are bad because it means higher costs!
WvW is not worth it in Anet’s eyes.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Nice one Anet, I tell you 3 things you need to prioritize before trying to fix WvW, and what do you do…..?! Well pretty sure I dont need to say it, we already know.
How are you going to fix things, if you ignore us?!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
As usual Soon™
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Coming back to GW2 after YEARS of being away
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390
Put it this way, even PvE players complained about this expansion!
And as for WvW players, well the new Deserted Borderlands are just that, deserted! Many more WvW guilds have left the game and everyone queues for EB only these days. Only go to the Deserted BLs to wait for their queue to pop.
Dont bother buying HoT if you really want to buy it, wait the end of this year when they will launch the next expansion and buy that; you will get HoT free with it then.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Are they making another expansion?
Or is it another DLC in disguise?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I’m gonna say no, keep it on Saturday.
Why? cos I work evenings and dont get online until 11pm on Fridays. UK here as well
2 years ago this wasnt a problem, my guild raided late almost every night even as late as 3 or 4 am!
But guess what anet, you ignored WvW since launch!
Players left the game year on year!
You released HoT and the infamous Deserted Borderlands! More players left!
I log in now on Fridays and 11pm is when most of my guildies now log off WvW because there is no-one to fight anymore!
At least on Saturdays, my day off, I can log in at 6pm and join the reset with my guild, my server and my enemy servers!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I think the issue with this is every time they tell anyone what their plans are, the people react negatively because they do not like their plans.
And there is very good reason for it, because anet’s vision of WvW sucks!
And another problem is that WvW is given the most minimum amount of attention and resources possible, so anet can concentrate on PvE and esports.
Because of this, anything they do do cannot be changed as they refuse to spend the extra resources changing things.
So they add something, they ask a few people to test it out, most people say it’s bad, but by then it’s too late cos they made it already and so release it.
If anet bothered to put the resources in, they would listen to the feedback and make the required changes. But because they are not, they release as is and it’s tough luck for us WvW players, that’s all anet are giving us this xmas!
Dont need a youtuber to tell you WvW is dead.
Anet do!
How do you think they finally got around to changing the position of the Compact Inventory option in the inventory menu?
A streamer said in a random stream, they hate it when they accidentally click that instead of deposit.
Anet then jumped at fixing this!
So yeah, lots of people are saying WvW is dead, but when it’s one of their most precious youtubers that they love, you know this info will now hit them hard.
Real question is will they do something, cos woodenpotatoes is clearly a PvE player, even in the video whilst talking about WvW, he was running around the map killing PvE mobs!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
A quote from a youtube comment:
“Anet claim they have been working on an overhaul for over a year, yet when Devon left, he wrote of reddit that he has not worked on anything related to WvW since March!
So how can they have been working on an overhaul for a year when the WvW LEAD dev himself says he’s done jack all!?”This got me thinking as well the other day
LMAO when you quote me via youtube
I’ve posted this on other threads as well since Devon let it slip.
WvW overhaul coming next week….100%….its famous streamer complaining. HYPE TRAIN CHOO CHOO.
Yep, youtube. Can’t infract him anet for being honest lol
Incoming copyright claims!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
7 pages of most people saying they want the old maps back, and no red post.
Yet Gaile jumps into the Top 5 Priorites thread within a day of it starting!
Pretty sure Anet’s top priority should be getting their priorities straight!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
LMAO, I can see anet now:
OMG a top youtuber said something bad about WvW!
Do we infract him or ban him?
No it’s Woodenpotatoes we cant do anything!
Oh kitten! What do we do now? how we gonna fix it? We need to make our PvEers happy, and if even they know WvW sucks….
Calm down, it’s OK, he wont play WvW much, besides all he did was run around killing PvE mobs; and forgot that he cant use a glider in WvW and fell to his death!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
You cant use shield generators.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Yes WvW used to be great.
Too bad you ignored it since launch, ignored us, and let it become the Deserted BL it is yoday!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Send a letter to Santa, at least that way you actually get a response!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
The chances of it existing are very slim!
First of all they claim to have been working on it for over a year.
Second, when Devon left, he wrote, on reddit as usual; that before he finished at Anet he had not worked on WvW since March!
These are 2 very conflicting pieces of information!
Anet saying they have been working on it, when the WvW lead says he hasnt done a thing!
Then they claim they cannot release it yet, even though they have been supposedly working on it for a year, and will not be released later in 2016.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I hate to break it to you but a new director, new dev team etc will not do anything at all!
Even if they assign a new WvW team, just like for the last 4 years, that team will actually be assigned to Living World and DLC2. Any work on WvW will be whenever they have free time.
The real problem is Mike O’Brien, who infamously called all WvW players PvE players.
He and other management are solely focused on PvE and the continuous flogging of a dead horse they call esports; that they refuse to assign any resources to WvW!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Seems pointing out that they use reddit to communicate with players instead of their official forums is an irrelevant issue!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I also find it funny how he says " I just hope the WvW community can dial down the answer", like we have the answers to help WvW, but he doesnt want to hear them :P
But pretty sure he meant anger. But how you gonna make 4 years of anger go away? Unless this overhaul is amazing, it aint. HoT was the last straw for some WvW guilds.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I forgot 3) Actually do what the majority of us vote for! Not what T1 NA want, and not what the minority want, not what PvE players want, and definitely not what your favourite streamers want!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Thanks for the down-votes and for the thread on the official forums, “Wrong answer again RIP WvW”. You know I’m actually here to help.
If you want to help
1) Communicte with us HERE, not reddit!
2) Listen to us
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
And finally, an hour later, people are starting to up-vote my comments here again. It’s all good. I just hope the WvW community can dial down the answer and focus on working with us.
kittening hypocrite!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
Why the kitten reddit?!
THESE are the OFFICIAL forums!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Feels like Anet losing players everyday…its up to them how long they gonna wait.
Sometime in the near Soon™
There are only 5 players playing in WvW. Looks like WvW is a failed projects guys, time to scrap it. Too bad, we were just about to release out non-existent overhaul which we were working on for so many years!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
WvW player culling took 1 year of our most senior engineer to fix.
Just read that again.
Took one year
Our most senior engineer.
That’s 1 year for one guy to fix.
As in they only assigned one person to deal with it!
What happened to the team we’ve been hearing about for 4 years?!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Anet doesnt want us already filthy rich, drowning in our gold WvW players getting any richer. They have to think about their poor poor PvE players and how they need their next legendary!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
When have we ever not heard them say Soon™?!
Soon™ we’ll do this,
Soon™ we’ll do that
And each and every time their Soon™ has always been too long and they have delivered things we did not want! And when they did give us what we asked they have always under-delivered.
I can tell you one thing for certain, Soon™ I will be leaving this game!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Breaking scoring into sessions was mentioned on these forums 3 years ago as well!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Arrow keys and Numpad FTW!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Oh look another suggestion which was mentioned 3 years ago, and in fact the devs said good idea we’ll do it, yet still havent done jack!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
LMFAO! You only just realised this?!
Even when WvW was active, when my guild was doing 8 hours raids every single night!
I was lucky to make 2g a night!
OK yes I play a water staff support ele and do little damage, but still.
Anet claim things about balance, but it’s just an excuse.
I heal my group, keep them alive to beat the enemy groups, and they get most of the loot. Forget that without my heals half the group would have been dead last week, and the rest steamrolled over.
But yes, if you want gold, WvW is not the place to be!
Half an hour in PvE will make you enough gold as you would make in a week in WvW!!!!
Balance FTW right.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
So apparently the decision to move the Compact Inventory option in your inventory settings menu was due to a streamer casually mentioning that they hate it when they accidentally click it.
Thanks Anet, thanks for showing how you dont care about WvW, but when a streamer mentions something they dont like once, you just to fix it!
Not to mention people have complained about the same issue in the forums, and you did nothing for 3 years.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
If you want WvW megaserver go to EOTM!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Everything for WvW has always been Soon™
And when they do deliver, the package is damaged and 95%+ of the contents has been lost in transit.
As I have said countless times, it was OK to say “we cannot talk about it” when the game was in beta, but when you release a game and then continue with the same excuse for 3 years, well then there is something wrong.
Yes Anet want to kill off WvW. It is obvious.
But whilst players still want it and continue to play in WvW, Anet will continue to do the bare minimum in order to keep those players in the hopes they spend real cash in the gem store; a store full of PvE stuff!
Anet refuse listen to us in regards on how WvW should progress. They have their own ideas, which is to kill it.
As for the overhaul, they claim to have spent a year on it. But it still will not be released until later this year. Again using the Soon™ excuse.
So many times they have said Soon™, and so many times they have failed to deliver.
Remember this video.
Yup they couldnt talk about it cos they had nothing to talk about!
Scratch that 3 years, August if just round the corner, it’s almost 4 years now!
Cant wait for Crowfall!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
In other words, it’s legal until they say it’s illegal and ban your account.
Anet’s policy is too vague and yet they keep telling us to use it and claim we ourselves should decide if an app meets it’s vague requirements.
Which is ridiculous, what happens if one player thinks an app is legal, and another thinks it is not?! It give one player an advantage until enough players complain about it and Anet finally decide if it is illegal, and then all those who used it get banned!
Weak policies, and weak answers from anet as usual!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
What the kitten?! You think 3 years of waiting is nothing?! That’s how long we’ve been waiting mate!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I’m 100% certain it will be in 2016.
yep, I’m pretty confident Anet will have the WvW Overhaul beta out by December 31, 2016…
Oh ye of optimism.
But yes there are 3 possible answers for it’s release
1) 23:59:59 Dec 31 2016
2) Soon™
3) Anet get what they want and so many players leave that Anet claim WvW is a failed project and bin it.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
They dont care. In fact they most likely want to get rid of WvW altogether and just concentrate on PvE and esports.
The devs have no idea what they are doing with WvW, because the original WvW devs have all left, the ones being assigned to look into WvW in their spare time are PvE devs, which explains why the Deserted BLs are so bad!
They claim to have been working on a WvW overhaul for a year now, yet they wont release it for another year.
Yet they also plan to release a new expansion next year!
So if it’s going to take twice as long to make the WvW overhaul than it does an expansion, it better be one hell of a good overhaul.
But as said, the WvW updates are being done in their spare time, which is why it takes so long, and why they couldnt change anything with the Deserted BLs when negative feedback was given.
The continue to refuse to listen to us, and kitten will continue to do things we dont want or like.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Sorry gaile, but as much as I would like to apply I live in the UK.
And posting to say the invitation has been there for 5 months again is not helpful. I am sure people have applied, yet you have not chosen anyone. I mean your communication with us has been so great over the last 3 years, I am sure many WvW are eagerly refreshing the News subforum for your latest information on WvW.
And again, why do we not hear REGULARLY from the devs?!
Having you come here ever few months claiming that you are listening, is not reassuring!
Hell, Devon left and we were not told! You claim to have been working on a WvW for the last year, yet it wont be released until later this year?! This better be an expansion level overhaul!
And again where is the communication regarding the content of this overhaul?!
Just look at the Deserted BLs!
You made them yourselves, you asked a few to test during the last couple of months, the feedback you got back was not good, yet you released the maps any way! And look at what it has done! Empty BLs and 50+, even 100+ queues for EB!!!!!
You havent properly communicated with the WvW community since launch! That’s 3 years!!!!!
I still want answers!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
ArchonWing has been very active on the forums, especially when you compare them to the PvEer Marmatt we first got assigned with!
He’s done his best, and we all know the real problem is Anet here!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2