I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
“Good to see that the devs are SO enthusiastic about WvW that they have released absolutely no new content for WvW in over 2 years*!?”
- Posted a year ago
And note that we’ve not had another Adopt-a-dev event since!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
What’s this?!
Anet said they would do something for WvW but then did nothing?!
This has never happened in the last 4 years of mine playing this game and posting on these forums!
I am utterly gobsmacked to hear that. How did this happen?!
OK now on a serious note, as said above, if the plans got leaked and everyone hated it, it yet again shows that the current devs do not know what WvW is. They dont know what they are doing and continue to ignore us.
These polls are nothing serious, all minor minor stuff, and stuff we dont want either!
Communication is key! We’ve been saying that as well for 4 years! And now instead we get polls which ask us if we want a slap in the face or a kick in the groin!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I hate to say it, but the way things are going, WvW will end up being converted to EOTM.
We’ve already lost half our servers due to linking.
Large WvW guilds becoming bored and moving to another server which triggers another bandwagon transfer spree (bet anet make a bit from gem purchases there!)
Server pride means nothing any more.
Guilds are facing issues with TS as well, having to invite and give permissions to their new linked server players. Only to find in a couple months today’s ally is tomorrow enemy, and enemy which can now spy on their comms.
As more players leave this game, how many more servers will need to be linked so that anet can pretend WvW is still an active gamemode?
I can see it now, every few months player will have to sign up for either Red Green or Blue. They’ll all fight for that colour until the next reset, where players can select again which colour they want to represent.
And just look at the poll options they give us! None of the options they provide are to tackle the real problems with WvW. They have all been small Quality of Life improvements, or things which require very little time and resources to implement!
Look at the canons, people voted for them to be added to test, but that’s because there was no other options available!
People voted and posted they know they’ll be OP and cause problems.
And they were OP and they did cause problems.
And when players complained to have them removed asap, we get a red post blaming us that we asked for it!
We asked for it because it was either that or nothing!
The polls are yet another illusion cast by anet to make the newer players believe the devs are working on WvW.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Yes, if yes means no
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I agree, I too think WvW is missing 2 things
1) Devs
2) Updates
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
If you aint part of the solution, and if you are helping prolong the problem, then you are definitely a part of the problem!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
In sports they’d call it fixing.
That’s how bad the gamemode has become!
WvW is officially dead now, there is no server pride, no reason to stay on a specific server, all we do now is play for fights, win or lose.
Anet dug kitten, threw WvW into it, them threw in a few tonnes of TNT to make sure the mode never surfaces again!
How much longer before EOTM becomes WvW?!!!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I think the title of this thread should be renames to :
How many times has your server died that you either had the option to leave the game or transfer to another server?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Or Anet could add on DX12 support!
DX12 uses more than just the first core in games, and for GW2 would allow the game to properly utilise modern graphics cards!
Still being on DX9, the game engine is just too old and is limited to what it can do.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Thing is Anet have always refused to tell us how many players from each server can enter each map.
We’ve all seen it before, one server seems to have 80 players, the second 50, and the third 30. Yet all servers have a queue to join that map, why?!
If the third server has 30 players, then it should allow another 50 to join straight away to equal the first server!
So to truly balance the population on each map, Anet should do the following:
Chance how queuing works
Have it so that everyone enter a queue as soon as they join a map.
If one server has 10 player on, 10 players from the other 2 servers are able to join.
The rest remain in a queue until players from one of the other 2 servers join WvW.
Keep it so that all servers on all maps have the same number of players on each map.
So say if servers A and B has 9 players joining WvW
Server C has 15 players joining.
All A and B players can enter the map
Server C will get 9 players and the other 6 join a queue.
System sees all 3 servers have 9 players, with C with a queue of 6, allows 1 player in queue for C to join.
So now it’s 9v9v10 with 5 queue for C.
If a new player from B joins, they will automatically join
So you get 9v10v10
If a new player from A joins they will get straight in ans so will another from C, lowering the queue to 4
So then it’ll be 10v10v11
Now this is the only fair option.
But it will also upset a lot of players if one server how a low population and the other a medium population, as some from the higher population server will be in a queue for hours maybe!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
As I posted many times 2-3 years ago.
The only way you are going to balance populations for WvW is to kick everyone from all servers, and then control how many WvW players join each server.
Guild can register to a server to make sure guilds arent split.
Anet can then also review all the guild applications and then spread those guilds evenly.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I’ve recently found out that it wasn’t just beta testers, core testers also expressed the same concerns. At no point did they listen to user feedback at all.
That’s because they refused to spend any more time and money on it!
This is what I think happened:
The PvE devs hat made it were probably told to make a WvW map.
They went to check which WvW was the most active.
Not knowing what WvW is, they assumed EoTM map was the most liked seeing as it’s always so popular (with PvE players).
So the design of the DBL was based on EoTM map.
But as we all know, EoTM is not WvW!
Well with all the server linking it may as well be now.
But there you have it, they based it on a map we veteran WvWers do not even consider to be WvW, and they were confused why we didnt like it.
But they had spent all that time and money, what little it was, on a new map, they couldnt just trash it. So it was forced on us.
But again, ALL of this could have been avoided if they actually talked to us first!
From what I heard the first testers of this map were streamers and PvE guilds!
But then again, they had the Adopt-a-dev event to listen to players and what they wanted, and somehow came away with things none of us wanted at all! So even when they tried to listen they couldnt! They went to the wrong players!
I still want to know which guilds told them to add that crap!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I would like the Devs to respond to these posts. People give feedback. I am sure some is positive and some is negative.
Oh they have mods for that, and they have responded.
They have responded in the same way they have for 4 years.
For example there was a thread here this morning, now it’s gone.
Just gone, not closed, but deleted. Without informing any of the posters in that thread that that thread was being removed!
Anet want WvW to die, but they still want your money from gem purchases so pretend to be doing something to keep players here!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
They’ve been working on a huge WvW overhaul for well over a year. That’s what they said when HoT came out and it’s been a while.
Dont forget that this is during the same year Devon left.
And when he left he said he hadnt done anything for WvW for over 8 months!
So if they had been working on it for a year, yet the WvW Team Leader said he hadnt done jack kitten, what does that tell you?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Like werent they supposed to help us communicate with anet devs?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Option 1: You want us to do a bad change which doesnt waste too much of our time?
Option 2: You want us to do the really bad change which doesnt waste too much of our time?
Option 3: You realise this is just smoke and mirrors to make some players think we’re actually doing something and listening to you. But you know we really are just into PvE.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
As for them taking a long time, that is about personnel and resources. It’s very hard to give any sort of suggestions that have sensible scope without knowing the team makeup of the WvW Developers.
Let me break it down for you then.
There are no WvW devs!
Devon, the WvW “Team” Leader admitted after he left that he himself did nothing for WvW for over 8 months!!!
So Anet have no personnel for WvW!
And they refuse to put in any resources into WvW!
That is why WvW has been neglected.
That is why it rarely gets updates
That is why any update is just basic QoL stuff – low cost, low resources, low personnel, and low production time
Like I said, it took them forever to add different tag colours!
Something like that, they could have done in a couple of days! Max!
You can ask anet for all you want, you wont get it.
All you’ll get now is the option to vote in a poll asking us what they should do from a short list of things which again require low cost, resources, people, and time!
WvW needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, and all they give us is more QoL crap!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Did you not read their reply from 3 years ago?!
It takes them 500 years to design a WvW map from scratch and test it for balance!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Doesnt matter what we want, the problem is when and if!
We’ve been giving Anet ideas on improvements to WvW since launch!
Anet have hardly done a thing!
We asked for coloured commander tags along with a whole load of features.
It took a year for them to come back with just coloured tags!
And then they were going to charge us 300g for EACH colour! i.e make us buy gems to convert to gold in order to get it!
TBH all the hate Hello Games has received from No Man’s Sky, Anet deserve it more as they’ve done much worse to their loyal players!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
The devs who originally worked on WvW have all left.
Devon the WvW team leader, posted on reddit after he left anet that he hadnt worked on WvW AT ALL in the last 9 months before he left!
WvW polls are just QoL options where the options are
A Disaster
The Worst Thing Ever!
Lesser of Two evils
Basically nothing which will fix WvW, just options to keep the new players who havent been here since launch and dont realise that Anet are just repeating the same old thing to keep players in WvW in the hopes some of the buy gems in order to move servers!
There again, why do we need to buy gems to move server when they have destroyed servers for PvE, and even starting to merge WvW servers?!
Anet won pay attentions, cos they have no idea what they are doing for PvE, so forget about WvW!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
there are way more important things the WvW devs need to work on than this.
Such as PvE and the new expansion.
Anything but WvW!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I’m confused as to what a forum specialist job is.
To make it so that the devs dont have to read these forums.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
What is your problem with downed state?
Guy must play a thief in a group of thief roamers.
They can burst on or two enemies to the ground, but cant finish them :P
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
3 months to do something which normally should have taken a couple of days.
Yup that’s the correct release time for WvW updates.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
As a reminder, we held a poll 2 months ago and the community voted to beta deployable cannons: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-18-July-Cannon-Blueprints-Closed/page/3#post6252969
Yes but it was still your idea! From a list of no ideas!
As with all the polls, they only give options you want to do, all of which require very little development time!
We’ve posted in these forum for 4 years on what we think would improve WvW, all of them require time, dedication, and money to be spent by Anet to improve!
Problem is the same problem since launch, you are so high on your PvE content and your failed esports, you dont give a kitten about WvW; doing the least possible amount of work which requires the least amount of resources and money to do!
Your polls might as well just be
Option 1: Do you want us to kill off WvW slowly
Option 2: Do you want us to kill off WvW quickly
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
And as if PvE isnt forced onto us WvW players!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I does when you consider why it was done.
The game is dying, WvW is on it’s last legs.
Players have stopped playing, servers got inactive.
So let’s bring in the Megaserver!
Well Megaserver’s little brother, server linking!
And let’s pretend WvW is still active, when all you’ve done is destroy server identity and thrown the little of what’s left of the player base into half the number of servers.
So there you have it, population inbalance got so bad, that Anet had to “delete” HALF the servers!
There used to be 27 servers in EU and 24 in US, now there’s 15 EU and 12 US.
This option is usually one of the last options a developer does before letting go of a game!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Dont forget that you can still make more gold in PvE!
You know how Anet like to keep things balanced.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Yeah these high burst dps and run-away builds are pathetic.
Though a couple years ago when I was roaming on a necro condi build, I had a warrior all confident that he could kill little old me just came in all guns blazing.
Well that warrior got a surprise they werent expecting when I almost killed him and he ran off like the wind!
And that there alone doesnt make ANY kittenING sense at all!!!
How can a heavy geared warrior outrun a light geared necro?!
It’s like a 10 tonne truck outpacing a ferrari!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Anet: Can put up invisible walls in all PvE maps over the weekend.
Cannot put up those same invisible walls in WvW maps, cos balance?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Before you buy the expansion …
…you have to realise that you are really buying a DLC.
Oh and as for the episodes for Living Story 3 you may have missed if you didnt log in whilst they were on. Sorry but that isnt included, if you missed it then you will have to pay for each missed episode with gems in the gem store.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
I have no idea what they’d do in GW3.
DX11 support confirmed guys! For GW3!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
And if Anet wants constructive feedback, they should check the forums from 3 years ago! From when the entire community was making threads on how they thought to improve WvW, but Anet ignored!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Not noticed a single thing different than from before!
Still a zerg infected, unbalanced, neglected mode!
We’re getting tired of servers running in 80-man zergs, karma training and then laughing at the 30 people the other server has on at the time.
Or even more pathetic, when your 40-man zerg continuously wipes that 80-man enemy zerg, that the enemy start building ACs everywhere!
But even then you still wipe them, and then they resort to map hopping to take unguarded towers, and then when you come after them, they hop to another map to avoid you!
But of course to get rid of the zerg mentality, Anet needs to spend time, money resources, hire someone with a brain cell etc.
The game mode is dead, we’re all just waiting for another game to come along with large scale fights!
I hear you got a new DLC in the works, is it even gonna have something for WvW? Or will it just have a new trait line which makes it pay-2-win like HoT did?!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
2. Combat system. Its very fluid, flexible, allows for different tactics and group strategies.
Commander needs a waterfield
Sorry skill lag
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Loot is where the zerg is.
It’s really hard to get scouts these days, but this again boils down to WvW neglect.
Anet want the zerg mentality as it means WvW is stay active for longer.
Why else do you think from launch that WvW as no rewards for defending, patrolling, scouting, escorting yaks, or even rewards for support roles!
If you are a true water ele, you do a lot of heal but very little damage!
This means half of your tags on enemies do not count as you didnt hit them for enough points.
But when it comes to your support role, you heal thousands of health on several allies, you keep them alive to kill your enemy zerg.
But what do you as a support role player get? Nothing!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Used to be just our guild leader who seemed to get stuck on the loading screen in WvW at random times whenever they used a waypoint.
But this problem is spreading, more and more players are experiencing it!
And now it’s happening to me as well!
This bug is spreading like a virus and you Anet have not done a single thing to acknowledge it!
It needs to be fixed!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Lag isnt going away EVER!
Why? Cos Anet refuse to spend resources on anything other than PvE and esports.
They wont spend money on implementing DX11 or even DX12
They wont spend money on anything major for WvW
And the real problem which is causing this lag, they wont spend money on better servers and increasing bandwidth.
So yeah, the lag is here to stay and there isnt anything we can do about it.
Well you can go play another game and not give Anet any more of your money.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Server pride used to be a thing.
Anet killed the game.
Megaserver was a ploy to make people think the game was still active, but what it really showed was thousands of players stopped playing.
Who killed Scarlet’s marionette first? Who completed that triple worn thing etc etc.
Doesnt matter anymore as megaservers mean there’s no PvE server pride any more either.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Well you could use a macro, set it to double click at 10 clicks per second max!
Thanks to Anet’s completely and utterly useless guide on macro use, and their “you decide if it’s allowed” approach to them, it’s hard to know what macros you can use and what you cannot.
“You can use a macro as long as it does one thing” That is their definition of a macro.
But that is a definition of a normal keybind!
A macro is set of instructions, not one single instruction.
So with Anet’s lack of telling us what “macro” you can use and what you cant, you can be banned at any time for using any real macro!
Hence why I say set a double click macro to 10 per second as a lot of gamers should be able to do 10 clicks per second, so such a macro doesnt give you any advantage.
But doesnt mean some mod wont turn around and say it’s a bannable offense to use it.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
How long till HoT goes on sale for like $15?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390
Well seeing as they may be releasing another DLC expansion next year, could be Oct Nov.
But then you might as well save it to buy the 2nd DLC expansion which will include HoT for free.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Your own fault for being lured to the invulnerable spot.
If you know you cannot kill them, but they can still kill you, then why are you even there?!
Seem german zergs do this at our spawn when they massively outnumber us.
Basically if you are stupid enough to go there, you deserve to be killed.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Lol that reddit post is a year old. I’m talking about 4 years ago, at launch! They said DX11 was in the works and take 6 months!
That said DX12 WILL improve the game.
Unlike older DX where the first core is given almost all the requests, DX12 spreads them out a bit more. The first core is still the main, but more is shared between other cores.
So yes, it will improve performance, if you check that reddit thread, almost all mentions of DX12 state it should improve performance!
It wont improve lag, as that’s on their end with their bandwidth and servers.
The only reason it wont, is the same reason why Anet didnt implement DX11 support. They dont want to spent money on it!
They want to keep the game stale as it is whilst asking us to buy more gems.
Sorry but if the money players spend on gems isnt going to improve the game, even performance-wise, it doesnt deserve our money!
GW2 is DX9 because the most common cards at the time of development were DX9.
But go to your local computer store and buy the cheapest GPU there, it’ll be DX10.1,
You cant buy DX9 cards any more! They are obsolete! And as such so is GW2’s game engine!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
(edited by Buy Some Apples.6390)
I think the dip after the tournaments was due to the really bad rewards
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
It’s the only real endgame material in the game!
Unless you want to farm and grind for legendaries, in a game in which they promised no farming or grinding.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
But the PvE is still bad, and I’ve already finished the story missions for it!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
You said DX11 would be coming 6 months after launch, and here we are 4 years later and nothing.
Well DX12 utilises more CPU cores than DX11 and DX9, so if improving the game is your plan, DX12 has to be in there somewhere?
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Can confirm it is bugged.
Logging out and back it reveals it.
Though the one it revealed I had already picked up!
Seems as though there is a chance you pick it up and it doesnt register in the quest, but removes it from being intractable until you relog.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2
Its supposed to still count.
But it doesnt count if the person presses B and clicks the leave the mists button!
Again another issue with WvW which has been reported, yet again ignored by Anet!
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2