Showing Posts For CETheLucid.3964:

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Reading your previous post in this thread I’m gonna have to say your ideas of balance are way off.

D/D ele doesn’t need to be nerfed

I rest my case.

I mean after you so elaborately tore down my arguments! I sure hope the judge doesn’t throw me in jail!

But yeah, you’re still full of crap.

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Reading your previous post in this thread I’m gonna have to say your ideas of balance are way off.

I didn’t even present an idea so much as agree with another poster that D/D ele doesn’t need to be nerfed.

I expounded on that with an explanation regarding cele ele’s and why they seem a favored spec for ele’s.

A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.
- Charles Kettering

I don’t have a solution for it, but I can say with confidence that nerfing D/D ele isn’t the answer to this problem.

Like I said I’d gut any class for the sake of balance.

Yeah, I stopped there. I’m all for balance, but what you’re suggesting isn’t balance. You can keep saying that all you’d like.

If nothing else, at least you’re letting us all know your expertise in this regard. It’s been noted.

Beards please!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Truly, it would be nice if there were more gender-busting options for the humanoid races. Asura and Charr can more easily be more masculine or feminine than Human or Norn. idk if Zsiegmond mentioning discrimination against trans people was flippant while the suggestion of bearded women was the serious part, but either way it stands. If we’re gonna have an openly trans person in the game, please give us more genderqueer options for humanoids.

….can we stop hijacking the thread for heaven’s sake? Yes, we are all equal under the sun, all genders and all that is between them should have a chance to express themselves..BUT! THIS IS A REQUEST FOR FREAKING BEARDS!!!!!!! I am trying to make Anet know how much happiness they could bring the players by doing something very little, and people keep chiming in with female dresses on a males and charr horns and Norn moustaches on an Asura.
Go make your own thread about that, THIS IS FOR BEARDS!!!

Well, someone has a fet—ehh, nevermind.

More facial hair of all varieties would very much be appreciated.

Agreed. +1

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Except the new players won’t have any gold to exchange yet. And with the rate currently well over 20g per 100 gems, any continued rise will simply make turning cash bought gems into gold even more attractive.

Honestly if the F2P accounts work like trial accounts, that would be irrelevant. They can’t use the trading post.

But lets say they buy the game (or they can otherwise use the TP/gem store) and they’re new players.

They earn money in-game the same way the rest of us do.

If it’s more attractive to buy gems with real money, and they have the means and are willing, do you consider that a bad thing?

It’s great for everyone if they do.

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


If teams were winning in PvP with 4 thieves on a team yes I’d say neuter them to uselessness until you can figure it out.

So yes for the sake of balance I’m willing to shelve my Ele for awhile until this kitten can be figured out. If you were interested in balance as well you’d ask for the same thing.

I’m pretty sure that’s not how you balance things.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I like core game going FTP.This will boost GW2 community by ALOT,which will boost Anet wallets as result,which will bring us more and better content.All of this for a vary small price and that is – not been lazy to spare 2 sec on pressing – block player.
Now all of you are upset about bots and hackers but tell me….does WOW have hackers and bots in some significant numbers?WOW is also same way of FTP as GW2 and we can call it TRIAL.
In WOW,as much as i know,you can download game and play it till lvl 20 without limit.This also means that game can be full of bots and hackers but…its NOT.
Gw2 have trial that instead of locking your levels,it locks your content.Anet is big company and i don’t think they gonna let bots and hackers infest this game,just as Blizzard never did.

You’ll like it a bit less when the exchange rate gold -> gems will skyrocket.

Yeah, you’ll have to work harder for gem store stuff that you don’t need to actually play and compete with the price of gems that players set.

C’est la vie.

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I’m pretty sure that even most of the Elementalist community agrees….

Naw. I don’t think it needs a nerf and I’d say most in the real pvp community don’t. It’s mostly forum warriors that seem to think so – if you actually go play PvP I rarely hear people complain of OP eles. Moreso its these official forums that you get all this OP calls and hate mongering. I don’t see as much ele hate on reddit for instance.

Cele D/D is fine. I’ve seen warriors and necros with far far more keyboard facerolling combos and mesmers (with skill) that just destroy with no chance to fight back.

PS and if you really think the devs are gonna listen to a thread like this……….you realize there have been 1,000s of these threads on ALL classes? If they listened to these x class is OP thread we’d all be playing kittens with mittens.

Theres still people that think DD cele ele doesnt needs a nerf? :o

Yeah. For all the reasons he stated. Most people on the ground, in game, have no real trouble with ele’s of any kind. Cele ele’s aren’t much better than a bunker ele.

Cele is literally the only spec for ele’s that can marginally manage to survive the burst meta and put out mediocre damage.

That’s the sum of the cele ele. Skilled players can make it shine, but facing equally skilled opponents, the cele ele falls short.

Most players have committed to something stat wise that is superior than cele stats (which commit to nothing and have a less than standard boost to everything).

Unless it’s an extreme bunker spec (and honestly a good bunker will simply outlast everything, much more mediocre damage dished out by a cele spec) or a less skilled player, that ele won’t pull ahead.

Most if not every other class can go a bursty or glass spec with less risk than the ele.

The reason you don’t see much variety in ele specs is because most every other spec that isn’t defense heavy will result in death in a glass meta.

The DD ele isn’t the problem.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The restrictions were datamined by the almighty that_shaman long ago.

Only one or two character slots

Limit of level 15

Seems like a limit on how high a “rank” you can get (specific to trial or possibly PvP related)

Only able to send mail to friends.

Can’t send items or gold through mail

Can’t speak in map chat

Can’t access Team Arenas

Can’t access main WvW maps (EB and Borderlands)

Can’t sell items on TP.

Understanding that these limits applied to trial accounts a year ago, given these limits to a potential F2P base, that would be pretty reasonable honestly.

Given this setup, anyone could try GW2 anytime.

I would add an auto-delete inactive F2P accounts after maybe ~30 days or so. But yeah. Given these kinds of restrictions, I’d be okay with this.

That’d be a lot of work so if they’re not already planning something like this, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if it was just IGN being weird.

7.5/10 too much hearsay.

Angel Tybalt!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Ahhh good, he’ll make a nice pelt for my necromancer’s study!

How dare you. I just came to share love :c

There’s always at least one. Don’t let it bother you.

New pet

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Pet? More like one million billion pets. Or you know, more than one. Come on. At least a few new ones.


[PSA] Read Before Buying Upgrade Extractors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Good advice. The extractors should really go down in price. They’re way too expensive to justify the cost most of the time.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


It’s just another option for bored veteran players to do, if you bored of SW or World Boss, then run a train for a bit. No harm done, you not going to make a lot of money cause of rng .

Sparkfly has a train, Frostgorge has a train, Orr has a train, EoTM is more often than not a train.

Take your pick.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


People who are saying they’re tired of the Frostgorge train would be saying that they’re tired of the Queensdale train if it were still around.

I’m not a fan of trains when it becomes a ritual to the end of sucking the life out of the game, but I don’t begrudge people who legitimately enjoy or use that as a means to an end (all the monies).

With the caveat that that isn’t going to be an argument for the “be all end all” of the game. GW2 isn’t just a loot piñata, and it certainly shouldn’t be represented that way to new players as it was with the Queensdale train.

Anyone that would argue to that end is arguing for mediocrity. Anet was right to get rid of the Queensdale train and honestly, they’re handling the balance very well at present.

The Silverwastes is the de facto farm for people that want a loot train. There are several others.

I wouldn’t even mind if they added a new one with HoT, but I would hope it would be a secondary concern, and rather priority be given first to engaging content.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


What’s with this nonsense that the dailies “ruin” new players experience in the older areas? Are you lot serious with that? Really?

Bringing experienced players to areas they might not normally go to is to the benefit of new players, not to their detriment.

And here I thought I was a bit on the asocial side of things. Ridiculous. I bet you bunch are going to be salty AF when the new reward system comes out for all the maps.


NOOOOOOOOOooooooo… how could u anet u monsters i no by expanshon

all is vain.

Portable Crafting Station

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


They already exist, you can get them in the form of consumables for guild commendations.

I couldn’t tell you if they worked in the HoTM (never tried it as I tend to get into a match in maybe five mins on a bad day), but they should be fine in WvW.

Maybe works in a dungeon, unless they fall into the restricted consumables list. Couldn’t see why they would though.

Tempest Changes for Next BWE!

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I don’t get why everyone’s hating on the Tempest elite Rebound. It’s got great potential.

To make it workable simply make it add a buff to the user (and everyone affected), the same way that Quick Draw works on Ranger. Don’t let it work on auto-attacks.

Boom-bam, everyone has control over what they use the bonus on. If anything I would change that the CD reduction applies to attacks and utilities, not just attacks.

And maybe increase the CD reduction from 25% to 50%. Make it a stunbreaker while we’re at it.

Weapon Size

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I like doorswords. They’re awesome. Please keep us supplied with doorswords. Last most awesome sword for me was the Mordrem GS.

It’s a fantasy game world, it’s okay to exaggerate the details for the sake of aesthetic. To a point.

That said, OP, we have several huge swords to pick from already.

If you want them to go even bigger, play a norn or a charr. Really unfair comparison you’re making VS Tera using one of the smallest great swords in the game.

GW2 has several GS as large or larger than the pictures you posted. That’s the reason people are lashing out at you, not because of your opinion.

You’re being dishonest.

Demon Hunter > Dragon Hunter (pic)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


weell i would like to see some dragon hunter pics that looks cooler than my demon hunter

Next time just post that you want people to show off and post pics of their characters so that you might get some inspiration for yourself.

Neither the title nor your OP make that apparent.

It's easy to build yourself into the ground.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Maaaaan there is gonna be some serious salt when Anet makes all the mobs smarter, more ferocity, hit harder with condi’s, etc.

It’ll go great with my popcorn.


Is GW2 P2W for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


No OP. Guild Wars 2 is not pay to win. Objectively. It’s not a matter of opinion. Happy to hear you like the game though.

Creature Feedback: Smokescale

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Honestly, I’d like to see more like them. Bosses could learn a thing or two from these guys.

It should be tastefully done mind you (not every mob needs to be a smokescale to the point of absurdity), but they’re a great kind of critter that breaks the norm.

These kinds of guys are the trick to beating stacking and other brain dead tactics. Any mob that forces the player to think is a good mob.

Definitely hope to see more kinds of these encounters.

I dont wanna dx12 because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Sure is false equivalency in here.

What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.

Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.

Okay. Enjoy yourself.

You know I’m right

You are so right. 3smart5me. You got me man. You changed not only my mind but my entire life with your elegant words and informed opinion.



I dont wanna dx12 because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Sure is false equivalency in here.

What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.

Both are the same in some ways both collect data to improve & protect their procduct while MS takes it just it futher becuase it offers a wider range of services then GW2 does. So not all the differnt at the end of the day so really no false equivalency here plus companies have always collected data on their cunstomers even before internet age in some way. You can’t name one that doesn’t! Even every time to buy something at the store data is collected and tracked.

Okay. Enjoy yourself.

I dont wanna dx12 because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Sure is false equivalency in here.

What I agreed to with regards to Anet and other services I use (which may or may not be any of those some of you have listed) is not the equivalent to what Microsoft is wanting to do or the argument being made in that regard.

I’m not advocating “unplugging” from the world to maintain a perfect kind of privacy. I doubt Lian is either, since you know, we’re both here right now.

But I’ve no interest in changing your minds or telling you how to live your lives. By all means, do what you will.

Have fun with Windows 10 and Cortana.

I dont wanna dx12 because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Big brother’s operating system for the good of us all. Is this being pointed out in security circles? Privacy advocates?

And then to gain some form of “privacy” (fat chance), you need the enterprise version. That’s seriously messed up.

Linux doesn’t need advertising. Microsoft does it for them. When Linux nails down PC gaming, I’m out. I won’t be touching Windows 10 at all.

Game updates for Ranger, 28 July

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


HEaling spring still unfixed which is game breaking for rangers , baffles my mind how this was left out and starting to think now they actually intended it because of how the tooltip states heals you , your pet and allies – this could simply mean the regeneration portion of the skill. I hope not and I think the tooltip has always been like this, but just weird they would exclude this from the fixes.

Stalker’s strike – i was sad to see they didn’t add this to the range, it was one of the cool things i liked, it was sort of like a mini gap closer but maybe they didn’t include it for that reason. Who knows.

Not game breaking, but certainly a very annoying bug that should have been fixed by now. I’m impressed with everything else.

Fix Healing Spring so that pet’s get that initial heal and I’ll be a happy camper. Bonus points if they relook at Stalker’s Strike.

I kinda get why they didn’t give the range back on it if for nothing else that it looked awkward with increased range.

The animation didn’t match what your character was actually doing. You kinda magically slid the increased range on the old trait.

I did like the range increase mind you, very much, but it was weird looking. If they fixed the animation and gave back the range from pre-patch, that would be fantastic.

But such a thing isn’t exactly game changing. The shorter range in fact encourages you to use it more defensively, which is how you should be using Stalker’s Strike.

I won’t lose sleep over it should they leave it alone. But it would be a nice touch if they fixed it though.

But please fix Healing Spring for pets. That issue is much more significant.

I suggest Anet turning down the servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I suggest Anet turning down the servers
.. and doing a rollback now that’s not too late…


Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Being “In” or “Out” of theme doesn’t change the fact that its current state is really bad.
Instant cast
2 seconds of haste
50% reduc on your next ability
pick 2-3 if all seem too OP for an elite…

I’d go for all four. Since it’s a shout, it also needs to affect everyone else.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Both elementalists and mesmers work in the arcane.

Mesmer is a master of illusions and reality manipulation, control, now chronomancy. Elementalist work is still based in the elements and the raw ether energy that is arcana.

Not much change there, elementalists as tempests are simply going to go deeper. Elementalists have always had a handle in arcana, ether energy and control of it.

Elementalists and mesmers work it to different ends. Rebound is a fine skill for elementalists, lore wise.

But this is a ‘Tempest’ specialization we are dealing with. While I understand where you are coming from in terms of it being “fine”, lore wise for an “Elementalist”, its just that the elite skill “Rebound” seems very “Lack-Luster” for a Tempest style spec. When I think of a Tempest, I think of raging storms and pushing the elements to their limits. And “Rebound” does not come across as a good fit for a tempest elite. Maybe Rebound will be a good fit for another future spec for an Elementalist, but certainly not for a “Tempest” specialization. The theme just doesn’t fit in my eyes.

And I respect your opinion. We see differently you and I.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How about we meet in the middle? Leave it exactly as it is, increase the range to 1000.

Most people can still catch it with their range (not just LB rangers), ele’s are the slightest bit more mobile.

Fellow rangers lets play the waiting game >:(

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Realistically, I think they could get into those meta’s with a change to the spirit system, making them auras that radiate from the ranger (active effects also radiate from us when triggered) instead of immobile totems with 10 hit points and die shortly after being dropped unless placed “in safety” (aka too far away to be useful).

That is a really, really cool idea.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Both elementalists and mesmers work in the arcane.

Mesmer is a master of illusions and reality manipulation, control, now chronomancy. Elementalist work is still based in the elements and the raw ether energy that is arcana.

Not much change there, elementalists as tempests are simply going to go deeper. Elementalists have always had a handle in arcana, ether energy and control of it.

Elementalists and mesmers work it to different ends. Rebound is a fine skill for elementalists, lore wise.

Making Overload worth casting

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Overloading an element causes the desired effect during the channel. Finishing it allows it to linger where you finished it.

Some attunements like fire or air can benefit you even if you interrupt it/are CC’d. You’ll only lose out on a lingering field.

I think earth is the same way + a break bar to help you finish it, but if you don’t finish, you still get lots of damage and cripple.

No AoE immobilize or big finish damage though (think churning earth).

The only one that will probably be crucial to finish is the water overload, for the big bubble pop and heal.

Might still get regen and a few condi cleanse ticks should it be interrupted, like Ether Renewel.

But I do agree with you in general.

Overloads need to be worth that investment. That is a looooong time to be channeling something in battle, where every second is the difference between life and death.

That how I feel when I play ele ...

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Scouting Legion. Best of the best. Most skilled players tend to seem OP. Generally, not a very long life expectancy. Yeah. Sounds about right for ele.

The Priory has an interesting book about how more potent elementalists might be endangering themselves.

The Tempest specialization promises to tap into the most primal and dangerous aspects of the elemental magics to go even harder at the existential threat of the Elder Dragons.

Elementalists, you are called upon to unleash the inferno, drive the uncontrollable torrents, rain hell and lightning upon your foes, and harness the earth and ride it into victory. The tempest cannot be stopped; your enemies cannot endure. Press forward!

ELEitism… to the end!

Ridiculous Ideas of what A Game is

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I respect the spirit of what you’re trying to do, but you’re going about it wrong. This kind of post will accomplish nothing to that end.

Rather, it’s a bit like throwing a rock at a hornets nest.

They’re just the typical QQ element every single major MMO forum is cursed with. It’s to be expected.

The forums are a microcosm and the angry, irrational, salty elements a microcosm of a microcosm.

Anet has thick skin and they’re impressively tactful in dealing with these types.

A lot of the people here aren’t like that. Don’t worry about it too much. They’re not accomplishing anything. It’s just the way they choose to waste their time.

Don’t let them waste yours.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


What makes you think they will? Companies rarely admit they made on error in their ways.

I’m not sure they will admit anything with regards to this

Didn’t ask for an apology.

But how do you really feel?

You posted on page 14 and replied to me. Notice other posts with different names? Maybe others do share similar opinions. Imagine that.

Right? It’s almost as if different people have differing thoughts and opinions on things, like golem rush events.

Last I checked, WvW is even more populated than usual with folks playing with golems, not less. Certainly nothing that indicates people hate the event.

If it’s such a lousy event don’t you think people would vote with their feet primarily, in addition to their mouths?

Oh and BTW, if you’re trying to make a point with regards to the post count here: it’s a megathread merged with every repost regarding the event.

The positive and the negative. It’s neither impressive nor comprehensive. But hey, we have a week.


Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


What makes you think they will? Companies rarely admit they made on error in their ways. I don’t expect this company to be any different. It is in. We either go along and play, or sit it out.

Because Arenanet have a history of making mistakes and then admitting it and fixing it, most recently the whole pre purchase extra character slot they gave out after realizing their mistake, or if you look further back there was also the flame kissed armor issue where people blew up the forums demanding refunds and they also admitted that mistake and corrected it, there has been other times too I just cant remember off hand, but 3 or 4 times over last 3 years they have admitted fault and made corrections, so yeah that’s why…

Interesting. I see your point.

I’m not sure they will admit anything with regards to this and we are all still reeling from the last patch and effects still in play for some classes.

Or maybe it wasn’t a mistake that warrants an apology and other players are actively participating in the event, enjoying it. Maybe not everyone dislikes the event or shares your opinion.

Imagine that?

The game has become broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


No new storyline, no changes to dungeons, nothing to collect if you’re around 16k AP. Just the same old stuff every day while gold piles up useless.

Dude, I will totally find a use for your gold. Send it here. Please and thank you.

Golem Rush Feedback Mega-Thread

in WvW

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


EOTM never has a CMD these days because there all probably on there home server maps.

Well, you know… wouldn’t that indicate that folks are enjoying this event enough to participate in their own world’s BL battles and actual WvW?

Oppression of Indigenous Peoples is Bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964



So I love this game. I have put many many hours into this game. I plan to play for many more.

Here’s my complaint, or rather something that makes me uncomfortable.

There are a few hearts in the game, “Help Zippti study the Hyper-agressive skritt” in Caledon Forest to be specific, that force me to ruin an indigenous culture’s art. The Skritt are my favorite indigenous npc’s in the game, but I need to knock over their version of art and culture in order to 100% the area. They stack gears in this specific zone to express art and culture. I need to knock it over.

In Queensdale for the “Assist Laboror Cardy and Ojon’s lumbermill” I need to “topple skritt shiny things”. That’s their art and culture man!

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem defending myself once attacked. I have no problem destroying weapons or supplies during times of war. Why do I need to destroy their culture?

Invading armies have done that to peoples they oppress in real world wars. No one believes it’s ok. They’re considered war crimes.

This is just something that makes me uncomfortable.

Thank you!


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Yes I can afford spending $50. No HoT is not worth $50, because I know a little something about value.

Says the guy who’s been playing the same $50 game for ~2 years.

Ranger: A message to devs from a hunter

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I have the opposite problem. Sometimes in the game I’ll play a staff ele and I’m dealing massive damage by shooting fireballs and summoning meteor showers to smite my enemies. I figured it would be pretty awesome to do that in real life so I went out and got a staff but guess what? The lousy staff doesn’t do any of the things I can do with it in game, it’s just a piece of wood that comes in handy for hiking.

I swear the developers have no sense of reality when designing this game, rangers should be 1 shotting people and eles should be taking hikes. I say we riot until they fix this.

Well, they better be some OP hikes if ele’s are going to compete with rangers in this brave new meta.

“You use your staff to take a hike. If you take a hike, EVERYONE DIES.

plz do read if you think ranger is nerfed

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Ranger was buffed considerably, but there are a few key skills that are bugged ATM. Namely Healing Spring and Light on Your Feet.

Healing Spring is very buggy, chief among them is that it isn’t healing the pet. We’re not getting the complete duration of LOYF, we’re missing a second.

Most Dangerous Game didn’t deliver on the hype, needs a buff. Otherwise? We got some love this last patch.

It’s a step in the right direction.

I don’t know if you can say ranger was OMGWTFBBQ SUPER BUFF NEW RANGER META 2015 compared to everyone else, but we weren’t nerfed by any means.

People saying we were nerfed are silly.

Time to not let people play anyway they want

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Time to not let people play anyway they want


How to play GW2 hard mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Hard mode is just running around without my chest piece, being the GW2 equivalent of Rambo. You should try it, it’s fun.

What is wrong with healing spring?

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The bug is how it doesn’t react to conditions without damage and how you have to step out and into it again to make it trigger after you lose health. That is a problem.

Simple fix (in concept), add conditions as a point of triggering.

Make Healing Spring trigger if someone loses health or gains a condition while inside the trap without necessitating them walking in and out of it.

Also, pets are still not being healed when we actually use/set the skill. That’s a big problem.

The fix to where it doesn’t trigger under max health though? That was a good call. But yeah, Healing Spring is still super buggy and needs attention ASAP.

Patch 07/07

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


RTL a creep (rabit, bird, etc.) make you enter combat, so you loose (even more) mobility. And i’m pretty sure there is other bug, just waiting for player to find them ^^

Hasn’t that always been the case? Does it keep you in combat much longer now or something?

Patch 07/07

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Fixing bug that help ele? Check
dont touch ones that nerf them? Check
Implement new bug that nerf them ? Check

=> perfect patch for Anet

What’s the new bug that nerf’s us?

Why aren't we calling for scepter buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Personally I think Arc Lightning should spread, spider outward in an arc to all foes within a certain range from each other up to a maximum of five targets.

Add something like the more foes you catch in the channel, the more damage you deal. That’d be fun.

What does Jormag do with females?

in Lore

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Within Jormag’s ranks, I’d guess that the Svanir are unique to him with regards to the norn and we don’t really know why other than the events from GW1 where Svanir was corrupted and his sister Jora resisted.

It cost her a lot, but she retained her life and sanity against Jormag’s power.

Females just don’t get turned into minions. We don’t really know why exactly. If they’re captured alive VS killed, in all likelihood they’re probably sacrificed, tortured, etc… then killed.

You’re right, the Svanir cult aren’t friendly to women, akin to the Flame Legion.

Whatever it is, female norn don’t simply become minions. We can assume Jormag deals with norn differently than he does other races we know about based on that.

It probably had something to do going back to Svanir himself and his sister Jora.

Some unique corruption or special rank he was going to inflict on them as a pair, but Jora “broke” it.