“You lose.”
- Male charr PC on crit
Just a cold matter of fact way in the charr voice. I always feel awesome when I get that line and waste someone in PvP.
Close second is “Boom, headshot!” when I have my longbow out. My charr doesn’t play around.
My Asuran engineer when he gets up from being downed “Guess who’s back”.
I like that one too. The smug way he says it is a touch of awesome, considering he almost died… XD
“Guess who’s back? It’s me. -insertlennyfacehere-”
I’ve fired off my skills in town randomly or just for the heck of it. Not at RPers or people playing instruments to be mean or anything, but you know. Just because.
How would you know if I accidentally stood next to you, or made conscious effort to target your character specifically?
I don’t know what you’ve been dealing with but unless you’re the victim of some kind of malicious online stalking, OP you sound pretty… paranoid.
If you need help dealing with someone like that, if you have screens of the incident, you can send a ticket to Anet and they’ll certainly shut that kind of thing down real quick.
Didn´t research all facts about Silvary making babies n stuff, but for me it looks weird that plant-beings have a belly-button :-O
Any explanation from the makers or RP people ?
I’ll take a crack at it.
Theory 1:
It’s a part of what the Pale Tree picked up about human visage. So while indeed sylvari don’t “need” it, it exists as part of their humanesque appearance.
Same reason they have accurate reproductive organs that don’t actually function for that purpose.
(The parts themselves do actually function mind you, but they’re all sterile. Only the Pale Tree can make new sylvari.)
Theory 2:
Sylvari grow inside their pods a lot like a fetus and their development mimics our own.
The pod equivalent of an umbilical cord separates from there and they have a belly button.
Otaku police is informed and on their way…
I like it. Good idea.
You have to admit, it is a most dangerous game. New downed state meta confirmed. :O
Well If it wasn’t for the terrible long time it takes Dragon Tooth to do damage, I’d say the skill is perfectly fine, but currently its almost impossible to land without a knockdown. I agree its useful for area denial, but making it an AOE spell would also be tempting (no preferance though).
Dragon Tooth AOE:
- Better usabilty infight
- Better Might stacking ability
- Player Can choose Area DenialThis requires an CD increase to at least 8s otherwise it would be too strong (imo).
Personally I would much rather remove the vuln. stacks from Shatterstone and replace it with a 3s cripple. A 2-3s chill is too strong as it is already one of the strongest conditions and cripple would still allow for CC and whats more important imo: It gives scepter more kiteability which it is severly lacking atm.
I agreed with you on the CD reduction in your first post, but I certainly do not agree with a CD increase for the sake of it being AoE.
I don’t agree that it should be an AoE myself.
ATM I use Dragon’s Tooth as something to force the enemy to react to. It’s an area denial skill (AD).
You’re right, if someone doesn’t want to get hit by it, it is very easy to avoid.
But if it does hit, it’s punishing. I like it this way. If anything it should do even more damage and burning.
I feel the same way about Ice Spike on water staff. It needs more damage, more vulnerabillity, chill… something.
These skills are supposed to be easy dodge, but punishing nukes/spikes on low CD’s.
You don’t even really need to spend a dodge to get out of them and because they’re so hard to hit with, it should reward skillful and tactical use.
Making them instant casts or killing the tells for the sake of accuracy I think defeats the spirit of skills like Dragon’s Tooth, Shatterstone, or Ice Spike.
They just need something more to them to justify the inherent risk of using them.
Cripple doesn’t make sense in the context of Shatterstone IMO. Chill does the same thing, and you know, it’s an ice skill.
I’m just pooping out numbers. It’s the idea I want to convey, Anet’s good at getting the numbers right.
I mentioned 2s at most. I agree 3s would be OP on that CD. Reflecting on it, even 2s would be a bit much seeing as the skill is on a 2s CD.
1s of chill on the inital Shatterstone cast AoE (which is very small), buff the damage done on pop.
Keep the stack of vulnerability; maybe lower the amount of time it sticks from 15s to ~10s for reason of the addition of chill and damage boost.
Chill is strong, but for 1s of it on a skill that you can walk out of… probably even with the chill (Shatterstone’s AoE is probably among the smallest of AoE’s)… it’s really not so bad.
The play in it would be trying to apply it on that alluring CD.
But between the cast time and the pop, it’s something you’d have to balance between your DPS, staying alive, and actually doing something.
No enemy is going to sit there and let you keep doing that.
You can’t keep casting it under fire without taking it in the face and by itself even with a hypothetical DPS boost to the pop part of Shatterstone, you’d still be grossly lowering your DPS to spam it.
It’d be something that would reward tactful play. It’d instantly go from a lackluster skill to basically improving the entire weapon’s utility IMO.
Most Dangerous Game
Trait effect applies to player and pet depending on their own health>> When under 75% Health
- Gain +100 Power
- Gain +100 Condition Damage
- Gain 1s of Stability every 3s
>> When under 50% Health
- Gain +200 Power
- Gain +200 Condition Damage
- Gain 1s of Stability every 2s
>> When under 25% Health
- Gain +300 Power
- Gain +300 Condition Damage
- Gain 1s of Stability every second
Something like No Quarter would be seriously amazing.
Both of these ideas are amazing, I’m leaning more towards the first one though for unique factor. Don’t wanna step of the thief’s toes.
Not those exact numbers, but the idea is solid.
Flame Strike should be 0.75 with 2s burning
Shatterstone should be 0.5s cast + damge 4s cd
Dragon Tooth should be either AOE or 1s casttime + damageeverything else is fine.
I like the Flame Strike idea. If it can still remain a fluid animation at that point, I’m all for it.
I dunno about lowering the cast time on Shatterstone any further before we end up with a skill that has a largely useless animation.
Lowering the massive after cast on it before was a step in the right direction.
In terms of it’s actual cast and cool down, it’s lacking for what it does ATM. That can be fixed without lowering the CD though.
For Shatterstone I think it should cause a 1 1/2s, maybe a 2s chill at the target location within the initial radius of the AoE (very small AoE) before it pops.
This would make Shatterstone an excellent form of CC on the scepter with a little damage and healing for utility.
Water scepter auto attack is underrated. It’s great for procs and something like this sort of buff to Shatterstone would really bring life to this weapon and attunement.
If 2s chill, remove the vulnerability stacks and buff the damage on pop to compensate. If 1 1/2 sec, leave it alone and simply add the chill factor at 1 1/2s.
I actually don’t want Dragon Tooth to be AoE. It’s a good pressure and AD skill ATM, I don’t think AoE in of itself would do anything for it besides make it harder to throw out.
I mean I can see it being used strategically this way perhaps, but eh.
Just a personal preference I guess. I’m all for a cast time reduction though, so long as the animation remains viable.
Any reason in particular you don’t want to go into skirmishing? Your preferred field of play has nothing to do with what you can or can’t run.
Seems a silly reason to retire your Dreamer when you can get it functioning again with piercing in like a few seconds.
You should give everything a try. One of the best things about this update is that it’s easier than ever to play with all the different trait lines.
And if it sucks, take another second or two to swap to something else. You can make some interesting and unconventional combos that just weren’t possible before.
Not everything is picture perfect ATM regarding traits with obvious bugs about, but it’s very much functional.
does this trait applies to pet too?
Not that I’m aware of, no.
I’ve been thinking on this trait and playing with it (against better judgment lol), and I think I understand the rationale behind this skill. It’s a hybrid GM for a hybrid weapon.
I get why it has to be short. It’s actually a pretty powerful catch all skill that does a little of everything.
That condition duration applies to all sources of conditions you (the ranger) applies, not just the SB.
That condition duration increase is pretty great for stacking the bleed stacks that SB excels in, and the damage boost is respectable enough.
The only problem is the short/bugged duration.
Make it too long and it’s OP, too short and it’s garbage. Testing this in game I (and anyone else like the OP) can confirm we’re not getting the full 4s duration.
It starts at 2s, and the 0 blink can count for 3s I guess. Right off the bat if nothing else, that needs to be fixed.
However IMO, even if it were the full 4s, it still feels limited compared to our other traits in the same line (Quick Draw).
That’s enough to only stack bleeds and not, say, move in and fire off Poison Volley with the increase.
There’s little time for even little combos like that.
The timing at the moment barely allows this, it has to be perfect and you can’t hit SB2 before the end of the dodge or you waste it.
Dodges aren’t cheap. You certainly don’t want to waste both trying to keep up a trait for bleed stacks and little else.
When this trait is fixed for the proper 4s duration, maybe it’ll be more forgiving… but personally I’d make it a cool 5s per dodge.
You’re not crazy. It’s just a really bad/buggy trait right now.
You’ve mentioned Healing Spring three times, my dear clueless boy…
You know because if you really wanted to take something worthless to make an imaginary point to discredit me on, you could have picked where I said pets or how I mentioned healing spring twice.
Healing Spring, traps, Entangle, spirits, pets… Healing Spring. Druid’s coming to nurse your team support needs you whiny baby.
Them anally retentive semantics though~
When you’re right, you’re right. Enjoy your cream buddy.
You’ve mentioned Healing Spring three times, my dear clueless boy…
You know because if you really wanted to take something worthless to make an imaginary point to discredit me on, you could have picked where I said pets or how I mentioned healing spring twice.
Post for posterity though, just in case someone somewhere might take your bigoted opinion for things.
There’s always another perspective.
LoL, said the guy considering Spirits as viable team support…
It’s not QQ. You’re just completly clueless about what you’re posting and your viable Spirits are proof of this, since there is no single reason to bring Spirit Ranger with current state of Spirits into competitive PvP…
Serious question between you QQ session maybe, might I ask you what you’re talking about?
Are you gathering all that from my tongue in cheek response to that first point of yours?
You know because if you really wanted to take something worthless to make an imaginary point to discredit me on, you could have picked where I said pets or how I mentioned healing spring twice.
Sorry I made a joke above your paygrade there, tiger. My bad. Want some cream for that?
Post for posterity though, just in case someone somewhere might take your bigoted opinion for things.
There’s always another perspective.
LoL, said the guy considering Spirits as viable team support…
LoYF is actually kind of interesting, they did change it from 5% to 10%. With two rolls, that’s a 20% burst of condi ticks and damage that stacks with itself and other sources.
With proper timing of your condi applications you can set up a nasty, but subtle degen spike. It’s potent stuff even if you don’t invest too heavily into condition damage.
Also restores piercing to SB without investing in marksmanship. Gives you a new tree to play with altogether. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
Wait so 2 dodges stack with the bonus?
I don’t think it stacks in intensity, just duration, but don’t quote me…
Not even that. It just gives you a new 3s buff. Every time it starts at 2s, and I count the 0s blink as one second. So 3s. I never see the initial 4s mark we’re supposed to get.
Maybe I’m just slow, but I never catch it.
While the buff is on you, you get the 10% direct DPS increase for like 3s. This increase does not increase your condition damage at all.
If you hit with a condition while the trait is actively blinking on your bar, that condition will benefit from a 10% duration increase.
So if you can burst a bunch of conditions in the tiny window when the trait buff is active, conditions will benefit from the increase even after it expires so long as they were applied during the traits active.
There’s that, I guess.
This does not apply to conditions you applied before you dodged with LoYF. The effect doesn’t stack per dodge.
It still frees you from being obligated to the marksmanship line, but meh. Just sat down and seriously tested this. I was very wrong. I can’t defend this.
It’s a really crappy trait for anything except restoring piercing and CD reduction to the SB and even then it’d probably be wiser to pick Quick Draw for the benefit of your swap and just use the SB skills wisely.
Most Dangerous Game might even be a more attractive pick. But yeah. LoYF is strictly a PvE trait at best.
LoYF is actually kind of interesting, they did change it from 5% to 10%. With two rolls, that’s a 20% burst of condi ticks and damage that stacks with itself and other sources.
With proper timing of your condi applications you can set up a nasty, but subtle degen spike. It’s potent stuff even if you don’t invest too heavily into condition damage.
Also restores piercing to SB without investing in marksmanship. Gives you a new tree to play with altogether. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
Does Ranger bring any good support into Team Fights? Boons? Cleanses? Anything?
Healing Spring, traps, Entangle, spirits, pets… Healing Spring. Druid’s coming to nurse your team support needs you whiny baby.
Does Ranger perform ‘well’ when he is under fire in Team Fights?
If you’re not running glass ranger, one of the best, actually. Rangers are slippery AF.
Is Ranger better or equal pick to Cele in terms of 1v1?
Equal. Of course that goes with most cele builds. Cele does everything decently, nothing outstanding. It would amount to build setup and skill in a 1vs1 of two celes.
Is Ranger as mobile as Thieves and/or Mesmers?
A savvy sword ranger (read: mapped quick turn key) out does mesmer for mobility, easy. No body matches thief SB.
Elementalist with Lightning Flash and FGS might be able to run from (not outrun) certain thief specs ragged on initiative where it would be counterproductive to chase…
But that’s a big maybe. That same mesmer or ranger is probably screwed.
Is Ranger damage on pair with other ‘+1’ (Roamers)?
Absolutely, yes.
There is only one answer to those questions : NO.
Ranger is at horrible spot right now.
Of course, you’ve already made up your mind so it’s useless to convince you of any of these things.
Post for posterity though, just in case someone somewhere might take your bigoted opinion for things.
There’s always another perspective.
If it ends up being warhorn, I’m okay with this.
I was all for sword but I can certainly see warhorn working for Tempest. Bring it on. It’s all about how they sell it. If they make it unique, cool, awesome… that’s what it’ll be.
It never had to be a sword for me. That was my expectation mind you, and my plans to make a Robin character from FE:Awakening is kinda off the table (for now…)
But I can come up with some cool themes and styles for dagger/warhorn or scepter/warhorn. Originality is fine too.
Daggers are great for ele, never would have expected the combo, and they pulled it off like champs.
Anet is very good at making engaging and original combat, I have faith they can make warhorn for the Tempest amazing (if that’s what we’re even getting at this point )
If they drop the ball and make it like every other class warhorn… it’ll be fairly typical and underwhelming.
In either scenario, hopefully the Tempest trait line itself will be great. I believe in Karl (& crew).
Speculation: Don't let ele spec be warhorn!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CETheLucid.3964
Thanks for the kind word Silhoutte, I know I will end up accepting if it really becomes warhorn. But I also don’t have doubt that I will be crazy sad for a long time, since I really want to use bolt on my elementlist (Heck, I’ve been even farming mats to bolt the last months).
I just think that ele lacks so much in variety of weapons, that give to it (Just to it that have only 4 weapons avaiable atm) the most sad and boring weapon is like a slap on face :| .
Well, still crossing fingers to it not be warhorn .
Think Stormcaller from GW1. It can totally be awesome if Anet works it right. They gave us dagger ele’s and I’m very satisfied with how they came out.
One of my favorite ways to play.
I have faith they can make warhorn really cool for the Tempest if that’s the weapon we’re getting.
And if nothing else if isn’t sword and it’s warhorn, you can sell Bolt and dry your tears with money.
Sitting on 6k gold… it doesn’t help =(
Sure it will. You’d have ~9k to swim around in after you get over it. No one will even see your tears in all that gold.
Speculation: Don't let ele spec be warhorn!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CETheLucid.3964
Thanks for the kind word Silhoutte, I know I will end up accepting if it really becomes warhorn. But I also don’t have doubt that I will be crazy sad for a long time, since I really want to use bolt on my elementlist (Heck, I’ve been even farming mats to bolt the last months).
I just think that ele lacks so much in variety of weapons, that give to it (Just to it that have only 4 weapons avaiable atm) the most sad and boring weapon is like a slap on face :| .
Well, still crossing fingers to it not be warhorn .
Think Stormcaller from GW1. It can totally be awesome if Anet works it right. They gave us dagger ele’s and I’m very satisfied with how they came out.
One of my favorite ways to play.
I have faith they can make warhorn really cool for the Tempest if that’s the weapon we’re getting.
And if nothing else if isn’t sword and it’s warhorn, you can sell Bolt and dry your tears with money.
As a longbow pew pew ranger I welcome warhorn for the Tempest!
Gale Winds: All projectile attacks are destroyed in a pulsing 180 radius AoE. All enemies inside the AoE suffer from slow. Grant allies quickness with every pulse.
Do you feel lucky?
“and is a channeled skill that roots you for the whole duration”
Do you feel lucky?
As a longbow pew pew ranger I welcome warhorn for the Tempest!
Gale Winds: All projectile attacks are destroyed in a pulsing 180 radius AoE. All enemies inside the AoE suffer from slow. Grant allies quickness with every pulse.
Do you feel lucky?
Honestly? I’m okay with this. I was thinking “sword, sword, sword!” like everyone else, but a warhorn is fine too. I’m thinking Stormcaller from GW1.
It’s all in how they sell it. If the skills are awesome cool and amazing (or awesocoolamaze), I’m down with it.
Chronomancer got some really cool skills to go with their shield, so it’s not like Anet can’t sell it. We do already have a bladed weapon.
If Tempest traits are worth while and the warhorn skills are the coolest of stuff, I’m totally fine with warhorn being our elite spec weapon.
It doesn’t have to be that particular warhorn. I can definitely come up with something neat to go with my daggers and scepters.
RE: HS requiring a trigger.
If you have 100% health, you don’t really need the cleanse either. If you are using HS to cleanse cripple, chill or vulnerability, you are doing it wrong.
This. Also, it’s kind of annoying atm that our pets can trigger the trap when trying to pre-set it. Have to stow the pet to be sure it doesn’t trigger early.
Third-ed. I’m actually a little disappointed there isn’t a trigger point at all.
How it works now is almost right. It was a good call to keep the heal instant but the actual water field needing a trigger. Whoever thought of that at Anet, you’re awesome.
That was a stroke of genius.
At the moment the “trigger” is literally any ally (pets included) walking into it. Or after we set it and step out of it, if we step back inside of it (or the pet moves into it) it triggers.
It shouldn’t trigger on any ally who walks over it that is above 90% health. Anything below that (pets included) and it can pop the field.
So using it should give the ranger and the pet (which is bugged ATM, doesn’t heal the pet, that’s no good) the heal up front at the time that you use it.
But, the actual water field needs someone below 90% health to trigger the trap.
This break point is ideal because it’s certainly not hard to meet it and it has synergy with the dozens of traits that rely on being above 90% health. Just feels right.
“my healing spring field triggered, im below 90%, noooo my traits”
“oh crap, i triggered that healing spring, im below 90% but on the plus side, im in this snazzy healing spring woo”
The water field itself of course won’t heal directly, but it’ll do what it always did; heal conditions, grant regen, and you can blast in it.
This way we can reliably precast it, and not worry about our pet triggering it on accident (at least not as badly as it does now lol) or other players.
The heal is the big thing and as long as this part of the skill is on demand, we can still play it both strategically and offensively.
With a below 90% trigger, using it in the heat of combat makes it easier as well. You’re 50% and going? Is HS recharged? You get the heal and the field like before.
Am I the only one that thinks of Lion’s Arch in Guild Wars 1 when people mention “Old Lion’s Arch?”
I mean, it’s still there even.
I think that pre-Scarlet LA being in the PS was a nice touch in itself. So basically, you technically can sort of time travel back to old LA if you really wanted to. For free even.
I like the new LA. It’s very nice. Looks like a proper port city with some amazing aesthetic.
Props to the designers for the art style. Lobster harbor is best harbor, and octopus bank ain’t ever gonna let you down!
The Black Lion TP Hub in LA exclusively to sell the older skins, while having a “normalized” vendor in the major cities? Epic.
LA just looks and feels grand. Pre-Scarlet LA feels small by comparison, and I certainly won’t miss wrecked LA.
When triggered, Spirit of Nature’s Renewal will also cleanse 5 condis on 5 people in the spirit’s range and revive anyone downed (5 now, up from 3 with a larger radius, includes yourself with good timing), on a 30s CD.
Do you guys really think they will make the CD on Spirit of Nature 30s? That would be a game changer tbh and it would be our best elite skill then.
I know the patch notes stated all Ranger spirits will have a 30s CD, but doubt they were referring to the Elite Spirit, is there any other source?
Wanted to follow up on this; I was wrong and you were right. It did get a CD buff from 3m to 2m, but not 30s.
In the patch notes they added “all nonelite”. Probably my doing. :B
On top of the slight CD reduction, the spirit GM trait with Spirit of Nature pulses stability at a little over 1s every 3s. That’s pretty cool.
It’s a contender for worst GM ever.
240 range… Well that leaves out any pets with range over 240… which is most of them. The point of pet F2 imo is to pres F@ and have it run into range and use the skill… not drop the 240 the second you press.
If you use this with a melee pet that has a ranged F@ ex: wolf, you need to wait for the wolf to be on top of the person to use it. This is far too much effort to make it worth it.
So let’s say you use a full melee pet like a bird. Unfortunately you need to time it perfectly and it still fails most of the time vs anything that is moving. I even tested on centaurs with a bear and it failed standing still lmao.
Then there’s the fact that assumign you do land it, it causes the enemy to attack your already glassy pet which dies to auto attacks and wayward aoe anyway.
Whatever you say boss. Your definition of too much effort and mine are very different things, but I’ll agree it’s more effective when you’re in melee with a melee pet.
Screwing with people’s targeting is something I value myself. Your mileage may vary?
Between Quick Draw on LB3 and Beastly Warden, I’m not missing Hide in Plain Sight as much as I thought I would be.
I miss it in principle, as in I hope druid get’s stealthy stuff, but I’m really impressed with the synergy and general target kittenery you can pull off on your foes.
Yes they exist, no they don’t need representation. Dude, some things just wouldn’t be interesting game stuff. This is one of them.
Use your imagination.
Someone should organize a skilled berserker group in the Silverwastes to burn down Vinewrath with largely DPS only.
And then they should organize a skilled condition group to burn down the Vinewrath with primarily condis.
Invite an ArenaNet dev who could take metrics in real time to come up with data to compare between the two.
Maybe make berserker a little stronger to catch up to condis, and make all bosses and mobs more durable and intelligent.
Or barring that, you know, just data between the two DPS forms would be good.
If Anet is willing for such an idea, what better way to get the community involved in the balance process?
I think the patch is fantastic. Conditions are awesome right now, maybe too awesome (that delicious burning). It needs to be toned down, yes. But I would advice delicacy.
Tone it down, but it is a frail and hard to define line between too strong and too weak. It’s just a tad too strong right now. Carefully inch it more towards that happy middle line.
Conditions are really viable now. I’d hate to see that nerfed too hard to the point where they become obscure again against the mighty zerker.
(There are probably bigger guilds than my own to do such a thing, but…
If anyone from Anet wants too, I can totally get in touch with my guild leader and see about organizing such an event.
Anet could also already be doing that and this is a moot point, so eh. lol)
wish I had a copper for every bashing or whining post…
Eh, you’d end up with a few silvers at most. I doubt you’d break a gold piece.
I think the patch is fantastic. Conditions are awesome right now, maybe too awesome (that delicious burning). It needs to be toned down, yes. But I would advice delicacy.
Tone it down, but it is a frail and hard to define line between too strong and too weak. It’s just a tad too strong right now. Carefully inch it more towards that happy middle line.
Conditions are really viable now. I’d hate to see that nerfed too hard to the point where they become obscure again against the mighty zerker.
A typical charr druid wouldn’t be the beatnik hippy you might think about when you think druids.
Charr are masters of their domain. When I think of a charr druid, I envision a charr who’s become closer to a primal factor of themselves.
Uncontested predators that subjugate the land to their will, fierce, nigh unassailable wardens of nature that one would do well not to end up on the wrong side of.
A boon to their friends and a relentless curse to their foes, for the land itself may as well be your enemy.
An unyielding stalker, tireless in the vast expanses of the jungle. The jungle has become his ally, but it is your foe.
Nowhere to be seen and everywhere you can’t. He is the hunter and you are the prey.
When triggered, Spirit of Nature’s Renewal will also cleanse 5 condis on 5 people in the spirit’s range and revive anyone downed (5 now, up from 3 with a larger radius, includes yourself with good timing), on a 30s CD.
Do you guys really think they will make the CD on Spirit of Nature 30s? That would be a game changer tbh and it would be our best elite skill then.
I know the patch notes stated all Ranger spirits will have a 30s CD, but doubt they were referring to the Elite Spirit, is there any other source?
Do you really think so?
The up time on Spirit of Nature hasn’t changed from what it is now. If you played it for the passive regen for example, nothing changes from now to post-patch.
Spirit of Nature still has a 1.5s cast time and it can be destroyed preemptively by your enemy, wasting your elite play altogether.
At 30secs per cast VS 3mins CD and the potential utility it can provide it’s worth the elite slot now, I’ll give it that.
It’s definitely one of the more impressive QoL buffs, but it’s not exactly game changing stuff. It’s still a hard sell VS the new traited RaO/Strength of The Pack or Entangle.
Ranger elites in general got more attractive.
Didn’t you ragequit the game?
When i make a case: I use in-game as evidence, that is all
When you spout gibberish you dig up completely pointless, highly edited videos, and reference 3 year old threads posted by other clueless players, and think that qualifies as some kind of evidence. You can go back to your bridge now troll, that is all.
Puck, you’re feeding :-p
Don’t know how you can say we know nothing about the DH. We have seen the live stream and watched the DH vs a shoutbow warrior.
Critical thinking isn’t just about raw data it’s how you processes it and also how one perceives a situation. its definitely not a wait and see attitude.
My point was we have no information on Druid except they will exist and they will be able to use a staff. However their is a common theme of what specialization have brought to each of their classes based on what they were lacking. For the Druid this could be a great number of things. Speculating on what they will bring to the table is a thousand time more likely to be pure fantasy than anything said about DH.
You probably don’t even realize how much of a hypocrite you’ve made yourself out to be with this in regards to your signature.
How are you going to tell me we know anything reliable on the DH based on a reveal demonstration with no real data points beyond preliminary traits and numbers for a test server public reveal event…
And then turn around and say how what you’re trying to say is that we know nothing about the druid based on a character reveal? Seriously man?
Even if you want to argue that the DH reveal is absolutely certain tru facts, no changes from then till release, and something more than what we have on druid (lol)…
Sure, alright.
We have nothing on druid. It is as you have said. So… how are you going to critically compare the two with only half the equation?
Such a “critical assessment” is worthless. It’s theory. Chitter-chatter based on nothing certain.
You’re half-loaded at best and jammed at worst.
Impressions and theories are fine. Please do share your thoughts and concerns. But don’t pretend you have proofs and facts that you do not have to lend empirical support to what you want to say.
Yet you are speculating on what druids will have. We have seen what DH are getting and comparing it to what we posses now.
Opinions and theories one way or another is just chitter-chatter until we get some hard numbers. So that said, here’s mine.
Critical thinkers will see the issues before they happen and possible solution in the works when they arise.
Critical thinking requires understanding of the situation based on hard data that we don’t have.
At the moment any “critical thinking” on the topic is BS and theory craft based on ones opinions, informed or otherwise. Mine and yours included.
Sorry to break that to you. Feel free to share your impressions and thoughts. I did. That can have it’s place in conversation, but don’t pretend it’s anything more than that.
Don’t insult critical thinkers by comparing that process to your own biases and theory chitter-chatter based on literally nothing.
For a little bit I was really really looking forward to posting a dragonhunter. Then I went onto my ranger again and played for a while. I feel everything dragonhunter can do the ranger can do better, and more easily. Plus we have a pet on top of it taking all agro for us in pve. Is anyone here thinking dragonhunter will be better then the ranger as is already? If so why?
We don’t even know the damage coefficient yet and you’re already saying ranger can do better.
From what I see, DH has better snare than LB (barrage is a very bad snaring tool), it has more spammable burst(again, we don’t know the damage coefficient yet), a range projectile destruction that ranger lacks, a short cd aoe field ranger lacks also (Quick Hand may fix this btw), and a much stronger version of Barrage.
Also, DH’s traps seem more powerful than ranger’s trap when in a larger group fight, like blade trap can trigger on infinite targets for 1~2k of damage per travel through, and can chip down zerg’s hp quite effectively. The reveal trap is also a 10 sec area denial that thief or anyone wouldn’t want to stand on it.
Conversely, DH isn’t out yet and you’re already arguing it might be better than dedicated ranger DPS. You’re both wrong. The correct answer is we don’t know.
Opinions and theories one way or another is just chitter-chatter until we get some hard numbers. So that said, here’s mine.
I think guardians and rangers are gonna be inverse of the other. DH by itself won’t outshine a dedicated ranger (non-druid) in ranged DPS and utillity.
I think the druid is going to give up a little of that ranged DPS edge (one of the specialization lines) for some hard heavy support and a different kind of utility, like a guardian might provide.
Stealth sharing, party buffing, healing, nature themed tomfoolery… while still being a relatively durable guerrilla warfare character.
I think druids will be stealthy characters in a support capacity. I don’t think we’ve seen the end of traits like Hide in Plain Sight for our class.
Illuminati confirmed, steel beams, etc.
I thought I mentioned it in my earlier posts, but looks like I just kind of glossed over the fact without focusing on it since it’s the main reason why I prefer HS over all the other options – the continuous nature of its removal coincides well with the often continuous reapplication of burns/poisons/bleeds/cripples that is so often in PvE encounters that have conditions. Having a party wide healing signet that can remove a condition once every half a minute, is just a nice extra bonus. And no, I don’t have a heal power build.
I get you now. I don’t believe Healing Spring will change so much that you can’t do that anymore.
Even if there is a small breakpoint before it pops in general it’s going to be the same heal it’s always been, a few perks and kinks withstanding.
You’ll be fine.
Honestly, I dont think LB needs rapidfire.
Id be thrilled with a spreadshot.
That is the Shortbow’s niche, and the poison change is going to make it pretty effective. We also have Barrage on the LB.
I like RF. There’s no decent objective argument that can made for nerfing it. Every time this comes up it’s almost certainly going to be a L2P issue.
A well timed dodge negates the ‘spike’ altogether. A reflect makes it your RF and will often shatter a glassbow with their own attack.
Rapid Fire simply isn’t individually strong (weaker than the autoattack at all points except point blank) and can be countered a multitude of ways.
If you’re getting killed by RF, chances are high you were already screwed… or you suck. RF is pretty great at finishing foes who have exhausted their defenses.
A good ranger is watching for that in a fight.
Please also don’t see this as a hate post that ranger is too overpowered in general or something. I am just wondering what you think about this.
The subject have been discussed dozens of times. You don’t know how to deal with RF and you make the same mistakes over and over again. You could have just asked for some tips but you want a nerf. This is a boring cliché.
At this point, like Lugh said, wait the next patch (and watch youtubers, there are plenty of thieves).
Yeah, but that’s just another reason to keep it up as much as possible for its passive, and rely on HS for the actual condi cleanse. Free healing signet for the entire group is a great bonus.
How is that more of a reason to play it for it’s passive?
I don’t get what you’re trying to say at this point. You can already play Spirit of Nature like that with 1m up time and a CD of 3m.
You can play it like that post-patch with a 1m up time and a CD of 30s. At that CD, it’s actually something of a waste not to use the condi cleanse (if you need it) at around 30s.
I mean unless you have a healing power based build and your team is relying heavily on your spirit’s sustain… for SE3… for whatever reason…
Then yeah, sure. Keep that spirit up for as long as possible!
If it absolutely has to be Healing Spring for your condi cleanse needs, by all means. It’s your dungeon run/scenario.
I was just throwing out some friendly suggestions for party wide condition cleanse.
lol he’s going to spec for all those reflects and then comes across condi ranger..lol
‘Come, friend. Let’s talk rangers. No pew pew here. Only TRAPS understanding.’
Yeah! Why aren’t there skills to block, destroy, or reflect projectiles?! Ranger is so OP. And then that pet! That crazy fuzzball! Always hitting people reliably and so very hard.
And you can’t even kill them and effectively neuter the rangers damage, because they’re just so OP.
Yup. That’s why everyone hates us. Definitely because of our OP pets and our unstoppable rapid fire attack.
And don’t even think about dodging or closing the distance. That’s just silly. Definitely won’t work.
Gonna get yourself killed m8.
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I’m all for divertisy, but 90% long coats is not really diversity.
males have really few options if we want something “lighter” looking.
Well, it is medium armor… not quite heavy stuff, certainly not lighter. There are some options out there for medium that can make a non-longcoat look.
I use at least two and they’re really cool when I feel like something different.
Like I said I don’t care if we get more non-longcoat looks, by all means. That’d be great. As long as we don’t preface that with “no more longcoats”. I sorely disagree.
I’d like more looks to pick from and I certainly hope that includes new longcoats.
It would mean it gets killed as soon as you use it once for a condi cleanse, removing the nice regen effect which is the main reason for using it – makes it easier to keep scholar rune damage bonus and lowers the need for party members to use their heals thereby increasing damage slightly.
It’s still worth using for the condi cleanse. Post-patch you can put it back up every 30 seconds. For comparison, it’s cooldown right now is 3mins.
It’s a significant buff to Spirit of Nature.
I like trenchcoats/longcoats. I see no problem.
It’s one of the reasons I made a medium armor class. And they’ve been getting pretty good about considering the charr’s tail in things, so hey.
I’m cool. I wouldn’t care if we got non-trenchcoat options. I like a non-coat look now and then. But I certainly hope they’re never phased out of production.
I like the look. The latest one is pretty great.
I like the first one and the last one. I’m still going to really test what I can do with MDG when it comes out but if it doesn’t work, I really like these two ideas.
“While below 50% health, you gain 8 Might for 1s, every second.”
This way you get the full benefit while under 50% health and not after 8s of being under 50% health. Pet gains no benefit unless you have FB traited, then it is magic.or
I’m tossing in again, “+50% critical hit chance when underneath 50% health.” Makes a Ranger extremely dangerous, options to drop precision for toughness for gear, and creates a “Kill me or be killed by me” situation that can change the pace and dynamics of a fight.
Edit: Added Wondrouswall’s idea because it is really good and easy to implement without ability to abuse it like boons.
Let’s throw some ideas around, its not too late