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Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


But you know? You are right about the legendary weapons. Indeed, they broke their word on being able to offer 16 new legendary weapons.

You know, kind of the same way a parent may break their promise in getting their kid the number of clementines they requested.

“Sorry sweety, you asked for 16 but I could only get you 4, I’m thinking we need to invest in more foodstap—”

It’s not a good analogy. A parent/child relationship is not even remotely similar to a business/consumer relationship.

Comparing apples and oranges here.

Yes, literally.

But if the best you have for me is to tell me my analogy sucks, we agree. My analogy sucks. I’m trying to convey a point, not be Shakespeare.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How many more were you expecting?

Just the 16 that they promised us.


“Man, why isn’t Anet ever transparent with us?! If they would just tell us what they’re doing people won’t get so mad about things chang—lolnvmlegendariesrsrsbsnss BURN THE WITCHES”

Was there a point to this quote or are you just drunk?

It’s over your head. You can get back to being mad.

no it isnt. its nonsensical and youre just trying to pick fights and be argumentative. this affects you too, you know. its just one more thing that anet said they were going to do, and didnt. whats next?

Alright. Name me these 50 things they’ve promised but did not deliver.

If even a quarter of those aren’t outright BS, most of it’ll be hyperbolic infused half truths constructed to make you seem less full of it.

But you know? You are right about the legendary weapons. Indeed, they broke their word on being able to offer 16 new legendary weapons.

You know, kind of the same way a parent may break their promise in getting their kid the number of clementines they requested.

“Sorry sweety, you asked for 16 but I could only get you 4, I’m thinking we need to invest in more foodstap—”

I find the community response to this a wee bit over the top though.

It’s not for nothing and they’ve explained they’re trying to get resources into more vital areas of the game VS legendary weps.

That’s not an unreasonable trade off for most people. But I mean if you’re hardcore into legendary weps, I’m sorry for your loss.

Another example of that would be legendary crafting. It didn’t come until a lot later from when it was first hinted at as a concept.

A lot of things in development change or ultimately flesh out differently.

That’s part of the development process. If this was some very major feature or content, I could totally understand the backlash.

Given it’s legendary weapons, I have a hard time following the strife.

They just aren’t that big a deal to me. But if I’m in the minority with that, excuse my plebe opinions and continue in your completely justified anger.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I… still don’t get it.

I mean is all this really over the new legendary’s ending with a new shortbow? We did get new legendary’s.

Not many, but they delivered on the promise of new legendary weps and the process of crafting them VS RNG.

How many more were you expecting? And are they really at all that big a deal? Moreover it’s not like they said no new legendary weapons ever again.

I see so many people here who have been utterly critical of Anet in the past suddenly up in arms over legendary weapons?

Like it’s a wonder some of you are still even here at all but of all things you can be mad about, it’s… legendary weapons?

A peripheral part of the game aimed at only the hardcore audience? Really? That’s the torch you want to take up now? Hahaha… alright.

Stay salty, friends.

Its not solely about the legendary weapons, although its understandable alot of people who bought the exp mainly for legendaries would be upset.

Most of us are more angry that anet advertised 16 legendaries as part of their expansion. We paid them money for this feature in our product. They then failed to deliver the feature marketed and advertised.

They did not give us the product we paid for. It could have been living story, guild halls, maps, anything that was cancelled and people would have had the same reaction as its not acceptable to take money people have given for a specific product and not provide it. In fact its borderline false advertising, only the ‘suspended’ part can protect them from consumer rights, but its still unethical as they are essentially using a loophole to avoid proper business conduct.

And yes while it hasnt actually been cancelled and just suspended, I dont see how they can say this fulfills their advertisement of ‘regular intervals’ of legendary releases. Not to mention how, given anets track record, its unsurprising that many plays see indefinitely suspended as cancelled. Sooo many projects that have been suspended have never been revisited. (SAB, dungeon rework, fractal leaderboards, wvw overhauls, clipping issues, home instance development)

I would like to mention that, had legendaries been a free content update like originally planned in 2013, then I would fully support this decision. But they werent.

Alright, I get it. I hope you and others who feel the same can talk to support and work something out as far as a refund goes.

If nothing else if you can initiate a chargeback, you’ll get your money back and your account closed and you can put the whole thing behind you.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How many more were you expecting?

Just the 16 that they promised us.


“Man, why isn’t Anet ever transparent with us?! If they would just tell us what they’re doing people won’t get so mad about things chang—lolnvmlegendariesrsrsbsnss BURN THE WITCHES”

Was there a point to this quote or are you just drunk?

It’s over your head. You can get back to being mad.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How many more were you expecting?

Just the 16 that they promised us.


“Man, why isn’t Anet ever transparent with us?! If they would just tell us what they’re doing people won’t get so mad about things chang—lolnvmlegendariesrsrsbsnss BURN THE WITCHES”

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I… still don’t get it.

I mean is all this really over the new legendary’s ending with a new shortbow? We did get new legendary’s.

Not many, but they delivered on the promise of new legendary weps and the process of crafting them VS RNG.

How many more were you expecting? And are they really at all that big a deal? Moreover it’s not like they said no new legendary weapons ever again.

I see so many people here who have been utterly critical of Anet in the past suddenly up in arms over legendary weapons?

Like it’s a wonder some of you are still even here at all but of all things you can be mad about, it’s… legendary weapons?

A peripheral part of the game aimed at only the hardcore audience? Really? That’s the torch you want to take up now? Hahaha… alright.

Stay salty, friends.

(edited by CETheLucid.3964)

Nostalgia hit me and now I want to come back.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Am I able to keep up from the Living World Developments? I’m a real fan of the whole History and Story development of GW2 (I’ve read the books. Loved them.)

Excluding season one unfortunately, yes. You can play all of season two which leads into HoT.

They designed season one and two differently. Season one was a living open world event that happened at intervals that you had to be at in real time when it came out.

Someday they might bring season one back in the new format.

If you don’t have or are missing parts of season two, you should be able to pick up the parts you need for like ~200 gems.

Has the story for the main quest line and the Living World evolved so far out that I would be lost/clueless?

Not especially. Same basic story. Each dragon does tend to bring a new trick or twist. But in general it’s easy to follow.

That said, a lot of major things happen in HoT.

Has there been any major changes excluding HoT?

A whole bunch. New trait system, new pvp reward system, wvw EoTM map… a lot of the basic systems have been overhauled and improved over the years.

It’s not hard to figure out though.

Season two brought a couple new PvE maps prior to HoT out west. The drylands before the jungle area that opens up in HoT: Dry Top and The Silverwastes.

How’s the WvW and the server population? Is it still poppin?

WvW has experienced a slight drop since HoT came out.

Most are waiting for the new revamps that Anet is going to do for WvW and a lot of people weren’t satisfied with the state of WvW post-HoT.

The top WvW servers still have a powerful presence in most places, even the new borderlands.

The lower tier servers that have always had coverage problems are worse for wear. Server population in general though?

Tons of people still play.

Older looking People

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


You’re saying this as several posters have already responded with examples of older characters. What you probably mean is that you want more variety for an older look.

You must also keep the lore in mind. Sylvari don’t age like humans. There aren’t any “old” sylvari yet. They’re still a very new race.

Even the firstborn who have been around for a few decades don’t look much different from the day they were ‘born’/awakened.

Norn don’t age like humans. Norn can get much older and they tend to retain their strength well into their golden years.

Charr and asura are closest to human mortality, but even they tend to live a bit longer.

Shout out to ANET for their amazing CS!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I haven’t needed to contact support directly myself, but I have a similar story with my friend and the new account-wide slots. They fixed it for him within a day.

Anet’s CS team is amazing. If I do have a problem sometime down the road, I know I’m in good hands.

return to GW2, suspended for no reason?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


If you value your account whatever you do, don’t do a chargeback. Once you do that your account is gone forever. Give support time to help you out.

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


See this here? Stop it. You are not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.

I do not understand what’s wrong with someone understanding a fact of life that many people have gotten used to for years? There was nothing malicious about that statement at all. o.o

When the hell was Guild Wars ever a medium for gender imbalance and not, you know, a pretty cool game series? It’s not much deeper than that.

Even the OP was just looking to figure out some pattern to the members with regards to Destiny’s Edge and DE2.0.

Quit trying to make everything a sociopolitical issue.

I hate to break this to you then, but when ANet went out of their way to make 2 of the new main NPC characters lesbians in love with each other and added a NPC with a disability as well as going out of their way to make strong female chars instead of the usual generic set of male chars and maybe the token female, they had their eyes on current sociopolitical issues.

I dunno. I have an inkling that lesbians, strong females, and people with disabilities existed before Guild Wars 2 was a thing.

Yes they existed, of course, but they weren’t usually portrayed in games and certainly not as main NPC heroes. The usual NPCs were the male heroes, with the maybe token female. When ANet made this group of NPCs, they didn’t choose lesbians, females as strong individuals and someone with a disability by sheer random chance. It was deliberate and with an intended sociopolitical message.


This thread might interest you. 16 pages of discussing a lesbian relationship in the game.

Another Lesbian relationship?


Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


See this here? Stop it. You are not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.

I do not understand what’s wrong with someone understanding a fact of life that many people have gotten used to for years? There was nothing malicious about that statement at all. o.o

When the hell was Guild Wars ever a medium for gender imbalance and not, you know, a pretty cool game series? It’s not much deeper than that.

Even the OP was just looking to figure out some pattern to the members with regards to Destiny’s Edge and DE2.0.

Quit trying to make everything a sociopolitical issue.

I hate to break this to you then, but when ANet went out of their way to make 2 of the new main NPC characters lesbians in love with each other and added a NPC with a disability as well as going out of their way to make strong female chars instead of the usual generic set of male chars and maybe the token female, they had their eyes on current sociopolitical issues.

I dunno. I have an inkling that lesbians, strong females, and people with disabilities existed before Guild Wars 2 was a thing.

Yes they existed, of course, but they weren’t usually portrayed in games and certainly not as main NPC heroes. The usual NPCs were the male heroes, with the maybe token female. When ANet made this group of NPCs, they didn’t choose lesbians, females as strong individuals and someone with a disability by sheer random chance. It was deliberate and with an intended sociopolitical message.


Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


See this here? Stop it. You are not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.

I do not understand what’s wrong with someone understanding a fact of life that many people have gotten used to for years? There was nothing malicious about that statement at all. o.o

When the hell was Guild Wars ever a medium for gender imbalance and not, you know, a pretty cool game series? It’s not much deeper than that.

Even the OP was just looking to figure out some pattern to the members with regards to Destiny’s Edge and DE2.0.

Quit trying to make everything a sociopolitical issue.

I hate to break this to you then, but when ANet went out of their way to make 2 of the new main NPC characters lesbians in love with each other and added a NPC with a disability as well as going out of their way to make strong female chars instead of the usual generic set of male chars and maybe the token female, they had their eyes on current sociopolitical issues.

I dunno. I have an inkling that lesbians, strong females, and people with disabilities existed before Guild Wars 2 was a thing.

Katana skin already in game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Is anyone else wincing at the phrasing of “Katana Dagger” and “Katana Sword?”

It’s like saying sword-sword and sword-dagger. A dagger in that style is a tanto and the sword, depending on length is a Wakizashi or a Katana.

Belinda’s Greatsword on the other hand, is more resembling a “Zanbato” which is a fictional/fantasy sword that’s uber long. Translates to somewhere around “horse-slaying sword” or “horse-chopping sword.”

Zanbato swords are most commonly seen in fighting-style anime, highlighted most especially by Bleach.

Anywho, just wanted to know if anyone else winced when they read that.

Nope, no wincing. Small things like that don’t bother me.
I do like random sword facts though. That was pretty great, so you got that going for you.

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


See this here? Stop it. You are not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.

I do not understand what’s wrong with someone understanding a fact of life that many people have gotten used to for years? There was nothing malicious about that statement at all. o.o

When the hell was Guild Wars ever a medium for gender imbalance and not, you know, a pretty cool game series? It’s not much deeper than that.

Even the OP was just looking to figure out some pattern to the members with regards to Destiny’s Edge and DE2.0.

Quit trying to make everything a sociopolitical issue.

(edited by CETheLucid.3964)

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Taimi’s a great character and I’ve never thought to myself “Gee, this character sure is great… but she would be so much better if she were a boy.”

Just never entered my mind until I happened upon this thread.

In fact their reaction to the gender imbalance is the best response one could ask for, since now they understand what it’s like to experience 99% of the medium as a woman. Where all your representations are token , barely effective, and in most/the worst cases not meant to even pander to you. Hell I’d say y’all cashed out with Braham and freaking Canach! They’re at least complex characters!

Yay art!

See this here? Stop it. You are not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.

I want Tengu as the next playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I’d make a serious third character if Tengu became a playable race. That’d be pretty cool.

[Satire] My New Game: Outside

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


It slaps me on the knee. Well done.

All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The word pants is not a word I would apply to either of those items.


All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The only pants-like look for light female is Profane and lets be real, that looks like something a girl would wear in a certain club after midnight..


You consider these pants.
But these are NOT pants.

Do I understand you correctly?

All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Whoa…did not think I would upset you. I was enjoying the back and forth discussion.

In fact I was obliquely making a bit of fun of the designer’s choices in the meantime.


All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


This might be how a lot of folks see this, obviously it is your viewpoint as well, however, I do disagree that it is set in stone and cannot be different.

Okay? I mean I’m not asking for it to be set in stone? I didn’t say anything like that. I hope one day they make something you like.

As it stands though? It is what it is. The look you want doesn’t belong to the armor class you selected.

You can hold out hope for a pair of medium armor inspired pants that you might find acceptable some day down the road.

Or, roll a class with the armor that has the look you want. Do as you will.

All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I cannot fault your reasoning, but I edited my post after I reread it and realized it did not reflect what I was trying to say.

Everyone makes mistakes. Fair enough.

As for the sexism topic, its unfortunate that comes up in any genre. But ignoring it is not a solution either.

It would be unfortunate if the issue at hand truly was some blatant, undeniable form of sexism. I wouldn’t expect people to ignore it.

But fortunately, that’s not the case.

However, folks discussing genre and characterization do have a right to state what they think. I don’t always agree but I have to say that, like it or not, it is inherent in the way character gear appears, based upon a certain expectation by the designer, and not the player.

Yes, all designs in the game meet a certain expectation by the designers of the game. They follow a theme, loosely.

You picked a light armor class, a mage of some school of magic, which are part and parcel for flowing ornamental clothing (for both female and male) in most fiction.

Even so, pants and non-risque options do exist for the light armor class. Several have been pointed out. Use the wardrobe in your bank to figure out a look for yourself.

At my age, I just cannot see myself in some of those frilly, fru fru outfits even if my characters appear young. I am over 70 years after all, and I have to laugh at the image of my wrinkled self wearing some of those outfits gets me giggling all the time.

I sincerely hope you find what you’re looking for.

If the aesthetic is that important to you, it really might be worthwhile for you to reroll a medium or heavy armor class.

If you’re playing a human female, maybe try out a norn. You can make them look much more mature and tested.

All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I really do not think my posting was sexist. Please to not attribute that view point to me.

I didn’t say your post was sexist. At least it didn’t begin that way.

You said the devs were being sexist by not having pants catered to your particular tastes, and edited your original post a few mins ago to whitewash your rhetoric.

You started with a simple request and no one could fault you for suggesting more options.

You really should have stuck to the core of that instead of following after posters who want to make it a SJW issue.

It doesn’t help your cause and it makes you look bad.

What to do with gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


What to do with gold?


All I want are simple pants...where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I’m honestly impressed with how this went from:

“I want more simple pants for the light armor class”


“This game is sexist against women because I can’t find enough pants to my liking, regardless if they exist or not (spoiler: they do) in the light armor department”.

I mean if it matters that much to you, maybe consider rolling a medium or a heavy class character with an aesthetic you can accept?

Anyone else sick of the gold seller bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I have a feeling its all the gems I got via cards for xmas and the fact one of my guild mates gave me100 G (legitimately of course) to use on upgrades that they started targeting me again.

It’s impossible for them to know what you have on your account unless you made a personal API key and made that public.

Even with this, they couldn’t actually get at your account without having compromised your details somewhere else (weak password, e-mail, etc.)

The way most gold sellers get at your account is if you’ve used their services in the past and gave them sensitive information to buy their services and contact you with.

Which you’ll need to do to, you know, buy it. It’s a silly risk to take if you think about it.

In addition to probably losing your account either by Anet catching you or the sellers stealing it from you, you may have compromised your entire e-mail and bank account.

For GW2 gold. People are silly. Just use the gem exchange!

Or it could be my name (and character name) as well. Is it such a stretch that they are getting that info on us even if we are secure?


It’s not your name and you’re secure if you’ve never bought from gold sellers, secured your account, and generally practice common sense with your e-mail details.

Gold sellers just hit everyone they see randomly. Occasionally they might add you to their friends list and use that to keep bugging you.

Once they get banned, that’s the end of it. But if you have any gibberish names in your followers list, it’s good practice to add them to your block list.

If you suspect you’re being especially targeted and it’s a stolen account that isn’t gibberish, block everyone on your followers list for a good while.

After an extended amount of time has past, remove everyone.

Chances are they were banned or that account couldn’t get in touch with you and won’t bother with you anymore.

It won’t stop the random messages (nothing will, we all get it occasionally), but if you were especially being targeted for whatever reason, that should put a stop to it.

If for whatever reason after that you’re still getting unusually targeted by mass gold seller spam, you’ll want to contact Anet support and talk to them about it.

Is GW2 the best MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


This isnt what anyone wants to hear, but by simple definition the best MMO is the one that has the most players, and makes the most money for its creator.
You can guess which one that is.

True for companies, false for their players.

I mean that sounds solid in theory but one wonders, why if it’s false for their players do the players remain?

Why not… leave?

“this game is crap and I hate it, but I’m going to continue playing and funding it financially!”


Anyone else sick of the gold seller bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


When I get hit by one I pop offline mode, report, and wait a bit. Maybe do a match or two and go back online. I never hear from them again.

They’re a minor nuisance at worst. I can agree in wishing they weren’t there at all, but that’s the world we live in.

They’ll stop being there when players stop using their services (and getting scammed as to become bot fodder to continue the cycle).

I’ll think the best of you and assume you’ve never done anything shady to warrant any special attention from the gold sellers.

If you see any absolute gibberish user names in your ‘followers’ list, names that look automated or “botty”, add them to your block list.

If you want to go full paranoid mode, add all of your followers to your block list for a good while.

After this extended time has passed, remove everyone except the gibberish people. If this doesn’t completely stop the bot spam, it’ll certainly significantly reduce it.

Bristleback Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Didn’t need to happen. Too heavy. 10% would have been ideal. 15% is pushing it. But a 25% reduction?

That’s just mean.

How many rangers feel "robbed" by druid spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I guess a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is why I do not feel robbed.

I don’t see Druid in the list.

PvP doesn’t show the elite specialization icon. They’re using the druid spec.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


My Elementalist
Chest: Koda (Honor of the Waves)
Shoulders/Gloves/Boots: Flame Legion (Citadel o Flames)
Pants: Sorcerer’s (Human Cultural Tier 3)

Dyes: Midnight Ice for black
Wrath for red
Evening Red under the shoulderpads

That’s a really cool armor mix ’n dye combo. Flame theme feels overdone most of the time, but you pull it off.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I mean it’s not something they needed to repeat or need to repeat ad nauseam. Pay attention and you’d know they already said this.

It’s not a priority… just in case you needed someone to tell you that. I love SAB. It’s great, I played it to the point of exhaustion.

I have a bunch of the awesome skins, great times with friends. The day it comes back will be a fantastic day. But you know?

Major features and the actual game do and should take precedence over SAB. Some of you might have a problem.

SAB was fun, but this obsession some folks have for it is kinda silly.

They killed fireball, now Auras

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I’m not exactly impressed with the aura changes, but it’s tolerable. Fireball is a joke though. The projectile needs to be a weee bit bigger.

Or, they could rename the attack “Flare” from GW1. I’d find it tolerable then. I’m weird. But at present it’s the smallest projectile out of all of the staff AA’s.

It could stand to be a little bigger.

For a game that "isn't grindy"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Well, what would people do if there was no grind in the game?

Complain that the game is too grindy.

Mordremoth is a metaphor for extremism

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Those loser dragons only want you to think of them as forces of nature but we should know better! Criminals always try justifying their behavior. Greater evils in real life had tried world domination and failed, some even said they had God’s approval and were issuing his will! At least the dragons don’t pretend they have God or “The Eternal Alchemy’s” approval.

Nah, it’s canon. They’re somehow tied into the world of Tyria.

They awaken and feed on the magic of the world, destroy it in the process, and effectively hit a reset button on intelligent life and civilization.

Then they go dormant for several millennia in massive cycles. The Elder Dragons are largely indifferent to the world around them.

They generally don’t care if they kill everyone and destroy the world. They respect no one and have no sense of remorse or empathy for the creatures around them.

Our generation is the very first to actually succeed in not only resisting, but killing an Elder Dragon. It’s unprecedented. Possibly dangerous.

But you know even if the Elder Dragons are a natural process, most of us on Tyria kinda don’t want to die. So we’ll fight and resist.

We have some of the best and brightest minds our world has ever known. Maybe we can figure something out.

We have an egg from Glint, a dragon who was well on her way to becoming an Elder Dragon herself. A dragon that actually cared about us.

Maybe from her egg we can raise up an Elder Dragon through the generations that can ultimately control the worlds magic without destroying the world and killing us all.

That’d be pretty nice.

How many rangers feel "robbed" by druid spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


You’re not familiar to opportunity cost, are you?

One of the reasons I like the spec. Sometimes it is quite beneficial to be a druid. Other times you’re better served staying with the core trait lines.

Working that out is what determines your performance.

What they felt robbed was of an elite spec that enhanced the mediocre offensive capabilities of the ranger and gave them a weapon with powerful aoe (which rangers don’t have).


So you/they don’t like the druid spec and wanted something else. It didn’t rob you of anything though.

That’s a stupid way to say “I don’t like it and wanted something other than what we got”. But I get the gist of it now, thanks.

Have fun arguing.

Mordremoth is a metaphor for extremism

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The Tree ‘varis are the brainwashed ones, it just happens that they’ve gone to a value system we prefer so we think it’s a good thing it happened.

… Are you serious with that?

The Pale Tree is a loving parent. Mordremoth is a slave master. He enslaves bodies and minds. Mordremoth literally makes slaves of his minions.

The Pale Tree made children with morals and allowed them to oblige those teachings or go their own ways. You’re very confused about who’s doing what.

Mordremoth is a metaphor for extremism

Nah. Mordremoth is a force of nature (literally), not an ideology.

Or he was. We kinda killed him. We’re probably screwing up the natural order of things, but whatever, to Hell with these Elder Dragons!

They’re trying to kill us! Jerks.

How many rangers feel "robbed" by druid spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How can you feel robbed by something that takes absolutely nothing away from the core ranger?

Everything that makes a ranger a ranger is still there even if you spec as a druid and the whole thing is as simple as changing trait lines around in the hero menu.

Nothing gets taken away from the ranger for the sake of the druid spec. Rather, it adds to the rangers repertoire.

Getting a new thing to play with isn’t robbery. I’d think that’s quite the opposite of being robbed?

Get Rid of the Druid Please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Get Rid of the Druid Please


Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Tangled Depths is like Ogres. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Tangled Depths has layers. Tangled Depths has ogres.

COINCIDENCE!? I think not.

Press M to open your map. See the reddish almost circle in the picture attachment of this post?

Click and mess around with those panel looking things in-game to switch the layer of the map you’re on.

Now you can be sure what you’re looking for is actually on the map layer you’re in.

If it’s solid, it’s in the map layer you’re in. If it’s transparent, it’s on a different layer either above or below you.

Congratulations, you can now navigate the Tangled Depths! Hooray!


The State of the game. Anet please read.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


WvW: This game mode makes me sick and always has but I gave it a fair shot about a year ago in Edge of the Mists to level my Engineer at the time. I had some fun for about an hour but proceeded to get bored quickly. It was soon after my Engineer earned 72 levels from EOTM that I decided it was simply a Zerg fest. A Zerg Fest!

You say in one breath that you got bored with EoTM in an hour, but then proceeded to earn 72 of your engineers levels in EoTM. And yes, EoTM is largely a zergfest.

It’s not the actual WvW experience. You played in the training area.

You haven’t given WvW an honest try, you kittened around in EoTM and suppose you’re able to speak about WvW like you’re a seasoned pro or something.

That’s not how one goes about this friend.

PvP: The PvP leagues are a joke and need to be balanced a bit better.

It’s their first league ever, they took steps to improve on it mid-season and they’ve promised the next season won’t be a rough as this one was.

You can afford to cut them a bit of slack on that.

I will concede that the league was rough around the edges. I’m not impressed with the thought that several teams probably made the leaderboards on the back of that exploit.

Even with these issues, I’ve managed to enjoy the first season and done well enough to wrap things up in the second one with any luck and a bit of determination.

The exploit didn’t hurt me directly. I did well in spite of what people were doing to game the system, but it does damage the integrity of the league system.

There’s no value in being the “best” when it’s a real possibility that those who got there didn’t get there by being the best, but by gaming the system.

Even if you got there legitimately, the existence of the exploit will cheapen your efforts by extension. So, why bother? Everyone will think you just cheesed it.

It’s something I’m sure they are well aware of and determined to stop from happening a second time around. I’m good with that.

Open World: The original open world in GW2 is okay first time

I like the open world in GW2. It’s gorgeous and engaging. Sorry to hear you’re burnt out on it, I’m still good with it myself. Because that’s what it sounds like.

PvE: This is where it gets juicy and I have strong opinions to share. I’ll begin by saying this is from an “elitist” point-of-view

Thanks for the heads up. I sincerely appreciate it. I’ll be skipping this wall of text.

Open world and PvE are pretty much interchangeable terms for me at any rate, but I’m sure you’re breaking them up like that for some reason or another.

Good luck with that.

To close out this rather long post, I just want to say I wrote this because I’m truly upset with the way the game is going and I have invested many hours and good times into this game so I’m trying to raise awareness and speak out against the downfall of GW2. To those who have read to this point so far, I thank you greatly for reading what I had to say, and if nobody reads this then I have wasted 2 hours of typing and strong, valid opinions have fallen on deaf ears; nothing will change. If you agree with anything I have to say here, reply with it or add to it. Think of this as a petition for change in GW2 as it is today. Share this link with people who you know want the game to change as well.

- Zedd

You’re obviously very passionate and you care for the game a great deal, I’ll give you that. I’m sorry the games losing you.

I can’t really follow what it is exactly that’s soured your experience, but in a lot of these kinds of posts it basically breaks down to burnout.

And you know, even if they made the game exactly “perfect” for you?

You’d still be sick of it. It wouldn’t last you very long before you came back again to complain because “something” is off.

It wouldn’t lessen the burnout effect. You’d still be tired of the game overall. And you know what? That’s natural. It’s okay to take a break from the game. It’s healthy even.

Too much of a good thing is in fact a bad thing.

What HoT feels like on GW2 forums...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Yeah it’s like Anet(Courage) making HoT(Mac and Cheese) for customers(Li’l Muriel).

Too much macaroni!

“More challenge!” “Too much challenge!” “More heals!” “Heals too strong!” “More expansion less LW!” “Yay expansion!” splat “We hate expansions… When’s LW?”

This is accurate.

Elementalist/Tempest changes discussion.

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


But needing us to get hit for it to proc, when a thief or necro reaper can probably knock you out of the 75% threshold by themselves in one hit?

They wouldn’t have set the threshold to 75% if they actually played their game or did some testing. It’s like Icebow, they see some forum thread of people complaining so they just take it out of the game. Diamond Skin was the symptom of the condi damage buff, it became impossible to play without it. They should have nerfed condi instead so eles would have been able to use a different trait.

I think at 50% it’d be usable, maybe.

75% is too low for most encounters with a thief, shatter mes, or reaper. If you pair it with water, yes, you can pretty much get a kind of bunkerish build to deal with it.

But then, we go back to the issue of needing water. If the meta stays condition centric, water will probably be required. Still too early to tell what the meta’s gonna do.

I’m guessing it’s gonna be more glassy as opposed to conditions (with exception of reaper). But who can say at one day in?

Elementalist/Tempest changes discussion.

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I manage. The new amulets are a fine replacement for celestial. I can still pvp with my ele. Focus changes were clean and nice. Underhyped really.

Scepter changes were alright. I was left expecting more, but nothing bad came of it. Fresh Air change is pretty great.

DS feels overnerfed. I could accept lose a condition every second from complete immunity, that was a fair change. Complete immunity was a tad OP.

But needing us to get hit for it to proc, when a thief or necro reaper can probably knock you out of the 75% threshold by themselves in one hit?

That wasn’t so tres bien of them. Next time I’m keeping my mouth shut…

Buuuut… if they are gonna insist on keeping this new on hit mechanic… move the threshold from 75% to 50%.

Even then it’s still risky VS glass but at 50% it feels like it’d be more useable than it is now.

Overall? Pretty decent outcome. It wasn’t the end of the elementalist as we know it. We’ve had worse balance runs.

I am kinda kittened off that they changed Ride the Lightning to not work in the air though. That’s terrible.

Can we at least get the old range back then? Or a better cool down? Plz?

Ele PVP finished for me

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


With the removal of Cele and without any gear with healing/vit/toughness/power/condi I refuse to be the masturbation object of a Thief and Mesmer and instagibed over and over.

I.. I didn’t realize the human female thief meta felt so strongly about me~

Diamond skin change

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The Shatterstone change is a change for the better. By itself I get it’s nothing to get excited over, but I’m certain there are other changes. It was a preview.

I really doubt that’s the only scepter change that will come.

They also mentioned focus QoL changes for example and none were showcased in the preview at all.

Diamond skin change

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


It’s funny how the necro we used to counter the most (AOE condi bomb) will be maybe the only one that the new DS alone will be uneffective to deal with.

Careful what you wish for. =)

Yeah, pretty much.

Basically with the change full on condi necros are gonna give us a hard time with their condi bombs, whereas before we were effectively immune to them.

For everyone else dealing in conditions? The change isn’t so bad, maybe even a buff VS opponents that can’t apply heavy conditions nearly as rapidly.

Still feel like it’ll be pretty rough in a team fight, but combined with other condi removal and the ammy change in PvP (and you know teammates who might even be useful), the meta may be shifting away from condis in general with the exception of necros.

They’re taking away our hard counter, yes, but a fairly skilled ele won’t be an easy kill for a condi build. I believe we still stand a chance.

It won’t be one sided, eles banned from pvp like everyone makes it out to be.

1vs1 with necros are probably gonna end up like this again tho:

Mordremoth... :/

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Living World Season 3

You can look forward to the return of our Living World updates and the story picking back up in the world of Tyria. Warning: There are story spoilers ahead if you haven’t yet finished
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

With the recent death of Mordremoth, the Pact and its armies are in disarray with the vast majority of its troops dead or missing. Survivors have begun to regroup or gone home to mourn the dead while the heroes of the great invasion into the jungle investigate a strange disturbance to the north. Within the golden city of Tarir, the last known dragon egg rests protected by the Exalted—but the egg begins to crack. What creature lies within the egg? An enemy or an ally? In other corners of Tyria, the remaining powerful elder dragons continue to expand their control—but what impact will the death of the two of the elder dragons have on them and on Tyria itself? What impact will being held by Mordremoth have on Zojja and Logan? What research will Taimi uncover at Rata Novus? What plans do Anise and the Shining Blade have for Canach? How will the Black Citadel react when they learn of the return of Rytlock? These questions and more await you in season three of Living World! We’ll give you more details as we get closer to its launch.

LFR Gor-- Your message has been suppresed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Sorry about that. It was taking AGES to post the thread and it was giving me errors, so I kept trying. I guess they DID go through Lol

It happens.