Never tested it so I won’t be surprised if bosses did have different aggro tables but I’m under the impression that the leading causes of aggro was high toughness, distance (they love chasing range down), DPS and healing/rezzing.
There’s already a candy cane hammer.
and i’ll only be happy when every weapon has a candy form.
Make it happen.
Certain dungeons are locked to encourage people to do the events that are in the game and make those more challenging. Those dungeons are also hostile territory so it makes sense you would need to do something to get in. There are sites like the one described above to know which servers have it open or you could get your group together to get it open. Makes sense these dungeons locked by dynamic events from a lore perspective so if you want it unlocked do it yourself with your group or guest to a server it’s open on
I’m all for the lore and the reason behind the events. Just not the fact that 90% of my groups can’t guest over to my server to help me do these events leaving me alone, heavy out matched for a lot of these events. these events are meant for groups. not solo. I be fine with them if it was scaled for solo players as well.
I think she’s targeting other races because they’re more complex and defined in terms of being systems, compared to the Sylvari. The Sylvari are still a child race in a lot of ways, while Humans, Charr, and Norn are very old races that have well defined, complex cultural systems. Taking them out, or damaging them, might just be more of her testing her abilities in preamble for what she hopes to do with the Sylvari.
My theory is she is making these alliances to gain their technology/resources, and in return she is attacking their rivals.
Some people think Scarlett is building her own Chaos Reactor, like Thaumanova, and The Tower of Nightmares IS that reactor. I don’t know how a Chaos Reactor fits into attacking the Pale Tree though. We will just have to wait and see…
would make sense considering how she was before she when crazy.
I think they will be a living story chapter about the steam creatures. They have very little mention outside of their spawn zones and are said to be from another dimension and are a major threat. Plus, the “do not touch” pillars look very similar to the steam mechagate and other steam constructs
I thought the same thing but when the aether blades or the clockworks (can’t remember which at the moment) made their appearance but scarlet was using machines to make portals that looks a lot like the ones steam creatures used and we never say a single sight they had any involvement then.
Steam creatures going to determine who is naughty or nice
nah, its gonna be scarlet pulling a “nightmare before Christmas” or some furry green troll taking over the toy shop.
Sure this is like thread number 100 and something by now but I must say it again. Unlock the dungeons anet. No one does the events, we would sooner guest over to a place that did do it before gathering together to finish the event series so long as 1 server is open. It was a nice idea but now its pretty much a group crusher
Also does anyone know a website that tell us what servers are unlocked. I’ve been finding groups lately that just seem to know when all the servers are locked or what ones are still open.
If anyone was like me they were expecting new skins. Weapon skins, Armor skins, Back pieces. Exclusive Finishers All we got was Dragon chest clutter
Hopefully Anet will learn from this and not treat a 7 week event like dirt.
If anet wants to make it feel rewarding they should of introduced some kind earnable skins.
Give people special tokens for Weapon/Armor/Back pieces based on how they did. Higher ranks get more, lowers get some but less. Then introduce those special token that can be earned once a week depending how your server finishes in its match, giving people a motivation to push harder to win but at the same time not cut them off from the new skins.
I think they will be a living story chapter about the steam creatures. They have very little mention outside of their spawn zones and are said to be from another dimension and are a major threat. Plus, the “do not touch” pillars look very similar to the steam mechagate and other steam constructs
I thought the same thing but when the aether blades or the clockworks (can’t remember which at the moment) made their appearance but scarlet was using machines to make portals that looks a lot like the ones steam creatures used and we never say a single sight they had any involvement then.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Lazy writers, I say. They didn’t want to take the time to actually write her a good motivation that they would then follow up. Writing such a motivation, while not giving that motivation away immediately, would require throrough thinking and planning.
So instead they give her some vague motivation and just make up stuff as they work forward.
That, or they actually did carefully craft a motivation, and it’s so brilliant we just haven’t figured it out yet.
Not holding my breath for the latter one, though.
Well I won’t say her motivation is vague more like we have yet to understand them so we come up with theories on what it might actually be. Its common for villians to keep their master plan secret and only reveal it near the end. So I’m leaning more to your latter. Course anet hasn’t exactly wowed us with heart stopping stories yet.
I’m curious if anyone knows if mystic cogs will be given out again, I still got 3 toy frames and 500 cogs from last year.
Honestly that skill has almost become useless to me because of that bug. I myself would like it a bit more if that was fixed and maybe had in a knockback seeing as it pretty much does uppercut them when they try to pass.
My theory is she’s trying to become a god or an Elder Dragon. Considering how much she enjoys manipulating people. Creating/ Infusing different species together. It all makes me believe these are nothing but experiments to prefect something that she will ultimatly do to herself.
thats the first theory ive seen that might make sense. maybe she on a mission to find out what happened to the gods or mursatt and is going to try to change herself so she understands them better and is more like them.
Plus after her little accident that showered her the “universe” she might actually believe she is one.
…and for content we probably get a “kill 10 rats at each pillar”…
I’m really hoping its something destroyer related. But I could live with it if it is the molten alliance again.
I’m one of those “maybe i’ll need this later”
your exactly like me, I got 4-5 cheap but uniqe exotics I’ve got sitting in my bank just collecting dust because I “might” use them so day even tho I know that will never happen. I really have to go through my bank tabs and clear out a few of them.
It was ok, I had really expected some kinda random boss system when 1 of those portals would open up and a boss from some where else would step out. Number 6 is ok and I do like the way they made the last boss their. Even if its a 1 way to death with no way back.
It seems that PvE and PvP skins are getting merged; what you unlock in one will be usable in the other. Might this foretell the arrival of a PvE wardrobe? One can hope!
that would be great, especially for people who want to have multiple of hard to get items like volcanus. Gastly grin shield. or legendary
^ Any reason buddy?
she has a few annoying things, The main one just being how she is just involved in everything. I’m getting burned out. It’s more like we see what is coming for the next story without any hints at what it might be and my only thought is “and what’s scarlet doing this time..”
I like her as a villian but if its just her over and over it gets old fast.
ya to me this feels like a bribe. “give us money and get this free item”
If anet really wants to they could of done it like the Kite a while back. They gave it out as a surprise. No one saw it coming and it was a very nice thing to get and kind of had me motivated to buy in regular intervals in case they did it again.
Might be nothing. But the chances of anet slipping something in there is also very high.
I kind of agree with this, Staff isn’t the best option for zerging but at the same time I do like being able to stay out of the melee fray when 2 zergs collide. I find the best way is to simple throw aoes every where and aim for the main clusters of enemies. It does wonders when you force their range support to spend more time fleeing then shooting.
When it comes to towers tho, Thats when ele staff really shines
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Or just make the gas mask an actual plot device instead of a useless achievement award.
Would of been nice if the gas mask actually was one and cleared up our air so we could be immune to toxic pollen. But at least it looks kick kitten on a engineer
The T6 to gold coverting is better then the dyes?
You get 2 dyes per laurel or 3 t6 mats per laurel. At the moment I think this means that t6 mats are the way to go.
Makes sense, I’ve honestly never really thought about my laurels till now and thats mainly because I’m nearing the 400 mark XD
LS is a nice thought but if all it is ever gonna be is a major disaster or event that completely destroys a place and after 2 week its sudden reverted back like nothing happened. Over and over and over again I feel like our evolving world is going stale very quick.
are they zombies or just a clan of norn who worship the elder dragon? I was always under the impression they were more like crazy radicals who blinding worshipped this dragon but still had a sense of free will, so long as it was in the name of their god.
I’m not sure of the lore myself. I always thought they were dragon minion zombies because they were slowly turning into Icebrood. There is that guy up by the Claw who’s trying to resist the Dragon, so they do have free will. He’s having a tough time of it though.
Jormag is calling to them and they follow his will. So if the Svanir do join Scarlett then I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that Scarlett’s in cahoots with the Dragons somehow.Same if the destroyers join right? Aren’t they just dragon minions too?
Its possible they are minions they never really tell us if being converted into a minion is instant or progressive. I like to believe their case is special and its simple like all norm and they just have a spiritual connection with Jormag and he uses that to collect a steady supplie of minions by letting them reproduce and grow before completely transforming them and the Norns we play are the ones able to sever that connection thanks to the Bear, Raven,Wolf, and Leopord Spirites. This is the kinda stuff I would love for a living story series, digging into Lore like this is 2-3 month period.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
The T6 to gold coverting is better then the dyes?
It can’t be sons of svanir though. They’re just zombies of Jormag, right? None of the other ones consist of known dragon minions. It’d be like the Risen siding with Scarlet.
are they zombies or just a clan of norn who worship the elder dragon? I was always under the impression they were more like crazy radicals who blinding worshipped this dragon but still had a sense of free will, so long as it was in the name of their god. I could see Scarlet tricking them into doing something for her.
I’m with you there. I have weeks were I can get on maybe twice for an duration longer then me sweeping through the dailies. And its not always because of my life. I just honestly feel its more like “grind” wars. Gotta get in, gotta power through the living story and hope I can get enough achievements to finish it in time. Forget doing anything else in the game
we have already 6-8 threads about this, same topic different name (lf merge buttun)
Not surprised alot of other people came to the same conclusion.
My theory is she’s trying to become a god or an Elder Dragon. Considering how much she enjoys manipulating people. Creating/ Infusing different species together. It all makes me believe these are nothing but experiments to prefect something that she will ultimatly do to herself.
I have a theory, whats the chances that these large thumpers are meant to say wake something up like say maybe some destroyers and a certain Elder dragon we saw in GW 1.
I’m on the fence.
If we had more variety in events scarlet wouldn’t seem so bad. I think the main issue I and other have is its always her. every time. The Womens got so many back-up Doomsdays devices its started to look stupid. I’d be more willing to believe she was behind things if it was more like The molten alliance days. little manipulation here. misdirection here. Not “Meet my NEW army of the week”
Slip in some stuff like the consortium trying something new. or This guy/girl is trying to rally his people to over throw an area (without scarlet) with some new device they created or unearthed.
or heaven forbid one of these Elder dragon actually do something. For a game whose main story in tied into the awaking the of elder dragons I’m feeling ripped off.
The only thing that would redeem this is if Scarlet WAS this rumored Jungle Elder Dragon or at least being manipulated by it and it was all his doing.
have to admit I thought about the way she acted during the story. Its hard to tell where the “get it done” attitude of her starts and ends but I do admit she is acting a little different suddenly. course what’s new about that a politics
Just like they “buffed” WvW by heavily nerfing badge drop rates.
was that before or after the flooded me with those achievement chest badges?
I’m all for mounts as long as its like the witch’s broom. No speed buff or anything like that, Just a cool way to move around.
my threat management is 1 of things. Hit it till it stops moving or flee to my thief friends to stealth me.
I myself have never actually used a mesmer myself so I can’t hold up a strong argument for this but I do see your point from a PvE side. considering clones/illusions are a major part of mesmer it does seem odd they be allowed to die so easy. On the other hand I have seen quite a few mesmer who had no issues keeping illusions up. It might be a case of bad timing for when your releasing them.
Try waiting till after he does his double stomp. I always find a large gap between stomps in that time frame.
Well rares drop more frequently now. Not sure if that is new MF or fotms though
Thinking MF has a big hand in it.
I’ve actually felt the molten bosses got weaker. Not so much in how they hit but the how much they can take. Feels like their HP drops much faster then I remember when the dungeon was out.
I had honestly thought about this a few times over the year, more so in the earlier days when bugs were running rampant every few feet. My only theory is Anet wanted to beat blizzard to the punch and release Guildwars 2 before Mists of Pandara.
Its the only reason I’v been able to come up with as to why everything felt and still feels so unfinished, and the fact that anet is so hell bent on releasing endless new content as quick as they can which also comes out feeling sloppy and riddled with flaws and bugs at times.
And once again people completely disregards fact in order to keep up their unnatural hatred of a character.
We KNOW Scarlet worked with the Inquest.
We KNOW she was kicked out due to something.
We KNOW that the Reactor is an Inquest Installation.
Thus it is quite easy to connect the dots and see that Scarlet being there makes absolute sense.Except this is shoehorning a character when Anet should have just expanded on other inquest. Scarlet have shown her ugly face for months, destroying lore left and right, and players are freaken tired about it. This is middle finger to the fractal runners and those that wanted Asura to Asura action when these players vote for Kiel.
Or.. it’s about incorporating her into all phases of the game. She’s popped up in LS, open world, Dungeons, WvW, and now Fractals. I guess the last place for her to show her face would be sPvP.
I shudder at the idea of scarlet doing something with the mists.
And once again people completely disregards fact in order to keep up their unnatural hatred of a character.
We KNOW Scarlet worked with the Inquest.
We KNOW she was kicked out due to something.
We KNOW that the Reactor is an Inquest Installation.
Thus it is quite easy to connect the dots and see that Scarlet being there makes absolute sense.
oh don’t get me wrong I understand completely why she’s there and her role in the whole disaster. If anything I almost expected her to be involved some how. that isn’t the issue. I’m just 1 of many who want a break from her bi-weekly plots to take over tyria for a game involving a major war against elder dragons we seem to be a little to hung up on a weed.
I always though something was off with my zoom, I’m using a tiny sylvari and even I have issues when I find myself sudden being forced in from max to min and completely blinding me. I don’t even wanna imagine what norn characters have to go though.
come on anet, you we’re given a perfect chance to do something completely different and have the excuse that it was in the past so scarlet wasn’t even around. A lot of people I know had hoped it would involve the steam and maybe explain how they even found tyria in the first place or even try to add some kind of mysterious being breaking through into our world and disappears. foreshadowing some kind of hidden threat that’s yet to surface for future living story ideas.
But instead you just add scarlet playing with some controls.
was pretty much all I could do when Scarlet appeared.
Kudzu= small field of flowers growing around and over the body.
Quip= body explodes into confetti
Frostfang= freezes body in a block of ice.
The Moot = turn them into a zombie and do a little thriller dance before falling to the ground.
That would actually be a very nice touch, give people a bigger sense of pride in PvP for having 1.
You’ve gotta look at it both ways. Not every class can pile on 8 conditions at once. and even then most aren’t more then a few seconds unless stacked pretty high. Then there is the every favorite dodge option which can help prevent it from getting to be to much if done right.
Unless your alone with only your limited removal options there is also the team work effect for removing conditions since quite a few of them affect people around them as well so suddenly you could find yourself with 4-5 different means to remove them with ease.