I foresee some falling in price by only a little depending mainly on how popular it is and how much supply is build up for the 1 of a kind type like back pieces and exclusive weapons. you gotta remember people before use to just keep older skins that got replaced in their banks or inventory rather then destroy something they bought and would just equipped the new skin onto a new separate armor/weapon.
The only difference I can really see wardrobe doing is clearing up some much needed bank space of our old skins and slowing down the sale rate of these items. Where people would buy 2-3 for alts now only need to buy it once.
Rares and exotics will probably stay as they are. people bought them mostly for the sake of salvaging or for Mystic forge.
A factor that has to be considered is how it was used and abused.
Warriors rushh as always been more around breaking distance to start or return to melee range and of course to break distance at times and was nothing amazing in our view.
Ride the lightning on the other hand was considered OP because it was used so much as a escape measure and the start of a crushing combo that torn most players apart unless they saw it coming straight on.
I believe this was the major deciding factor that resulted in RTL’s time nerf. Elementalist did what all good players do. Take something that was created and use it to its highest potential and beyond which of course got anet’s attention and was quickly nerfed because they realized to late just how dangerous its potental was. If warriors started using rush in a similar fashion that created some amazing OP combo it would be nerfed right into RTL’s current position as well.
no idea if we actually get the effects of the some of those sigils but its still kitten funny to see warrior after warrior flashin 4-6 sigils and maybe only actually have 2-3 equiped
Gotta remember 3 important facts in pvp
1 . Everyone you face is a thinking human being like you. No AI here.
2. Everyone is playing classes that stronger then most enemies you’ve faced
3. You will meet many different skill levels and builds. Some people are always gonna have the advantage while other times you will
Prices are definitely down. I’ve seen them around 21s, but they were predicted to be down to like 5. What do you economists make of this? It seems to me that they are going to steadily go up, probably after a few months once the influx begins to dwindle. Invest a chunk of gold and pick some up now? Now that they are 1 for 5 laurels, it’s definitely no longer attractive to use laurels to get dyes so it seems like demand will begin to increase. I’m not getting my hopes up, but some people were talking on my server chat about them reaching close to a gold each some time down the line.
The price dropped for 1 major reason. The dye refund. I myself got several stacks back for doubles I had on multiple characters. Just like everyone else I imagine. So of course there has been a large supplie flooding the market
Are they even worth it? 1000 gems cost around 100g, and 100 orichalcum mining picks only cost 4s. :O
Like most things in gem store it’s pure cosmetic. People buy them for the convenience of never having to take up bag space or run out as well as the special harvest effect
The Sickle is a little more than pure cosmetic, since she is faster. Helps alot for farming those herbs without having to fight against annoying Raptors
thats why I say mostly. There are small benefits but nothing game breaking
Are you even serious, skins are not made to be useful, but pretty. I believe with toned down aura it would still be good light in dark rooms, you probably don’t have a Jormag’s Breath so you didn’t experience it’s FAR stronger brightness than FDS provides, despite having a smaller aura.
Edit: adding some screens
Excuse me but is there a definition of skins which says they should be only pretty, not useful?
Yes I do have both swords but I still prefer having a source of yellow light as opposed to going blind from blue.
They did release a torch item for 1 of the living stories that any class or race could use, provided you did the story to unlock it.
It’s also sort of strange that it was PvP exclusive as PvP was not really guild focused and the chest is for sale in the PvE world. So I do hope you are wrong but I guess your not.
As I and many others have learned. Anet is terrible for back tracking and tripping over its own feet. Look at the guest system they put some much effort into. Mega servers make it pointless. So making armor skins you currently own none existent seems about right.
I salvage all rares. I’ve had times I’ve had 2-3 dropping attempt after attempt as I kill off a pile making me very rich, other days very little. In the long run, I’d have to estimate my salvages bring in around 1-2 ecto per rare over the total span of my game play from day 1
Even if they would look similar, that’s what LoL does “stealing” character ideas.
Stealing…right… Because guildwars 2 was the first to introduce large men covered in tattoos with a stupidly big shield with a ram design. me and alot of other gamers here could list off piles of games with characters who have similar shoulder pads, tattoos, ram designed shields, and barely dressed Vikings something even more then just 1 of the above.
TBH swimsuit would be best implemented as a tonic. I don’t want people running in PvP wearing speedos and wielding greatswords.
The notion of a giant Norn pulling his greatsword out of his speedo and proceeding to wield it against me is certainly terrifying…
Greatsword? You mean to say letter opener
Are they even worth it? 1000 gems cost around 100g, and 100 orichalcum mining picks only cost 4s. :O
Like most things in gem store it’s pure cosmetic. People buy them for the convenience of never having to take up bag space or run out as well as the special harvest effect
Stealth nerf since patch. Put 4×80 and you might get a lower lvl one. Like the bad RNG wasn’t enough. Had to make it worse somehow.
It wasn’t a stealth nerf…well maybe..kinda…
They did announce in the patch notes that toilet was being tweaked to effect the rate of what gives. They didn’t say how tho so it can be considered some what of the stealth nerf.
“The chance of rares and exotics in the mystic forge will be adjusted. This will not affect precursors.” http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/April_2014_Feature_Pack down in the Miscellaneous
So now that we know anets all for creating new traits to “try” and improve build diversity I thought now we a good time to make another of those threads (because we can never have too many) So what kind of trait idea’s would you have put in if you had the chance.
Myself I would of made “leading the charge” “Equip banner to your warrior rather then summon.” Range and effects would be the same but instead now of planting it on the ground it be attached to our back while we fight. It be rather balanced in my mind because this would create 2 styles of banner play.
1. The usual multi banner style with fixed buff area’s that limited movement but allows for multiple effects to be applied at once.
2. A single banner style that allows you to always be in the center of buff effect while fighting.
if your having trouble deciding I recommend going Solider (or Trooper as its called now)
Power, tough, vit. Play that for a while and decide how good you are at staying alive.
If your always near your max HP and rarely go below 50% then maybe throw it a few DPS aimed pieces depending on what you feel is lacking like ferocity or precision.
If your having issues handling conditions and keep getting to many maybe you’ll choice to invest some toughness into extra Vitality.
Other option is go straight berserker and decide from there if you need to cut back a little and invest a little more into defensive stats till your comfortable.
if you can’t do the research and make your own choice, we don’t want you.
The fiery sword is actually perfect. The whole point of the sword is the blade is made of fire coming from a open dragon mouth hilt. my 2 biggest complains are actually that it looks silly with those 2 metal pieces sticking out 1/3 of the way when its put away and that Jormags breath doesn’t match the intense look giving off a weaker impression.
There isn’t anything left that’s even remotely viable for warrior. It’s all magic related weapons and that’s not for warriors. Best you could find is dagger but even that doesn’t fit warriors.
25 stacks of might still counts as 1 boon, empowered works better the more variety of boons you have.
Thanks, there was exciting talk with empowered and the new grandmaster trait I though it might of have changed
Quick question, when it states for every boon are they referring to boon types like might, stability, vigor and so on or are they referring to the number of boons plus the stacks. So 5 might is giving 5% Rather then just 1%???
Honestly this trait is the only viable one we received. I can see people actually actively using this in groups. We have several means to add might to ourselves or people around us. Skills like “for great justice” go from giving 3 to 6 now. “Signet of rage” use to be a self buff but now it can give 5 might. “Forceful greatsword” can give an easy 4~8 might every 8 seconds or so. We have always been might producing machines. And this trait shares our vast wealth.
Those should have been separate even before the patch. An Omnomberry Ghost is not a sigil.
I wasn’t sure. I was always under the impression the 2 effects were the same and shared a proc like alot of other skills before. only difference was 1 came in the form of a weapon sigil and the other a food buff.
I’ve seen some left handed mouse. I think most MMO are pretty decent for trying to make it possible. tho its usual in the form of hot keys.
So with the change to allows sigils to proc seperately now does that mean Sigil of blood and the food buffs like Omnomberry Ghost are also seperate allowing for twice the heals?
Well so much for all those new builds people were putting together for the fire trait. These traits are doing an amazing job of creating new diverse builds Anet, Good job!
I could of sworn we were promised a fix for this skill with the april patch. or was that just some dream?
The third ability in your downed state is “Vengeance”, which revives you to full health with a slight damage increase for a few seconds before killing you. You have a chance to clear Vengeance when you kill something but it is unreliable unless you get the 20 discipline trait that causes it to trigger all the time.
If you’re not hitting Vengeance and this is happening, I’ve experienced in the past insta-dying after reviving but only when returning to waypoints after death. Never on an actual rally.
The insta-dying thing has happened to me but only when I would use vengeance and die before the timer on it wore off and would WP before it ended and would wp and die 2/3 seconds after wping.
That dieing after way pointing is a bug. because you died before vengeance finished it some times delays because it never got to trigger its final stage, killing you. so the second your up and about and alive the vengeance skill resumes till its finished its cycle even tho its not showing you in vengeance mode anymore.
I’m more a fan of the rifle. An auto attack that stacks bleeds. A cripple shot. A quick rapid fire skill that hits hard. A good solid 8 vulnerable with 1 shot. A interrupt knockback for melee, and of course a powerful burst shot. Its just what a warrior needs when they have to step back from melee range to recover.
Bow is great and all but when I’m retreated from melee range because I’m low on health the idea of throwing down aoe and risking pulling multiple targets on me is not what I’m looking for. plus its usual bosses that require me to take range breaks so its better in my mind to have the weapon better for single target burst damage.
Alone a burst skill isn’t anything special, with maybe the exception of Axe, Bow and Rifle being decent uses. For the most part I’d never use it for combat. keeping the burst bar full has more benefits if your speced for it. The only real exception for me is Cleansing Ire which even then is reserved for those emergency times when my warrior is flooded with 4-5 conditions and I have to get them off in a hurry other wise I’ll just leave my bar full.
I found there is quite a few builds out there tailored to a certain weapon or attack style that helps create diverse builds. You got axe builds, GS builds, Hammer builds condition builds, tanky builds, zerker builds, even healing builds.
male or female. That makes a big difference.
Its a shame you didn’t die to that hit. Would of been funny.
Its an uphill battle but the reward for success is 10X sweeter.
Clown Feet.
ok so I’ve just taken away the weapons you currently have equiped as well as your swap weapon choice. What weapon will you grab to defend yourself with now?
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
condition warriors suck in duels?! /covers ears
I refuse to accept that.
this is why I believe everyone should of been exactly the same. Every player starts out with the exact same stats at level 1. Then they pick a race and class they like and start playing. by level 80 if we strip off all their gear and traits and expose them in their bare essence their stats would match up perfectly just like they did at level 1. Now we had gear choice. rune/sigil preference, traits and boom. now everyones stats are spread out depending how they want to use them.
No more light classes going deep into defensive stats and have almost no offense just to break even with heavy classes who has equal or even better defence stats without doing anything. Its laughable
I’m sorry for your pain and troubles. The sickness you are suffering from is a case known as “narcissism” as of yet there is no known cure to correct this issue. however there is a treatment to help relieve some of the pressure for your inflated head. I few sound smacks from a nerf bat will quickly help you and all your fellow warriors return to respectable size.
its never happening. that way in the future anet can release blue ones, green ones, yellow ones, even purple and us being thr suckers we are will buy them all O_O
I was afraid that farming the gold would be the answer. Having to use gold isn’t a huge issue to me but I like to farm mats when I can. I imagine those loadstones have to come from some place, and CoF isn’t exactly flowing with them for me, so I thought there might be a group of mobs some place that dropped them. Thanks all for the info.
when in doubt check wiki http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Molten_Lodestone
It’s got all the sources on that link
Warrior. Its nice to go from an under dog class to the top class some times.
permanent stats increases is always a good pick you can get an extra 10% damage or crit or 5% of both.
Sigils that proc on weapon swap is also a prime choice. our attunements counts as a weapon swap.
Pretty sure the devs just don’t play ele so they have no idea what its like having to be either a bunker ele that does 0 damage or a glass nerf gun that does only semi decent dmg and dies in 3 seconds.
This. Until they actually spend time playing the class in all modes they will not understand HOW to balance us.
I’m sure to them we’re fine, on paper. In action theorys and numbers don’t really add up the way devs think and thats where alot of balance issues lie, not just for us but every class.
Watch this is order and you’ll get a half decent idea whats been happening living story wise
Never forget the ever favorite CoF path 1 and 2.
it’s not worth it to farm for materials, farm gold then buy the lodestones from the TP, much faster and more efficient
Molten cores and lodestones are one of the cheapest available because CoF is so easy to farm so the supply in TP is massive with lots of uncutting.
If I had to recommend a method it would be to do CoF path 1,2 to get the 2 gold. Buy some up along with any you can find while in there and then maybe do a little champion farming if you have no better method to get gold. The bags have a chance to drop cores and stones at a fairly decent rare. (1-2 cores/lodes per every 10 bags in my experience)
and while you can’t really choice what cores/lodes will drop. its always possible to sell those to buy molten ones.
Assuming short time translated to an hour or 2 the only real method to making gold at the pace your wishing is playing the tp as a trader or a farmable material supplier. or doing several dungeons runs really quick.
sadly thats what guildwars 2 is all about, temporary content to keep the current players amused. Major flaw to this idea but thats seems to be the road anets sticking with.