Eh honestly its a cool little bit of dynamic content.
LOL Though they should make it more clear why it happens XD Ive seen come new people clueless on the chat trying to figure out what happened.
A little message on screen would help.
It’s a bit of a problem lately: lack of conveyance.
it’s funnier without a message.
somewhere, someone has grown a chronic phobia of killing critters in GW2.
EXACTLY! tyrias 6 gods smit all who harm the innocent rabbits.
If anything its not enough! I say lions arc should be affected as well! it be funny to watch a whole populated city go boom.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
thats why we have kick buttons.
I feel for you. I hate getting kicked for no reason because someone needs to be coasted through. Should start making it a rule if your brought in near the end of a run your chest reward is effected and your not given credit for completely it. The last time I got kicked from a dungeon at the end it was “because your a elementalist” you couldn’t begin to imagine how much I wanted to reach through my screen and plant his face into the keyboard for that kind of excuse.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
10. plus you got 5 side skills so 15ish for most classes some have more.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
I want a shrink/growth ray that can be used on players. I’d love to shrink down some random warrior in a dungeon whose fighting some giant.
Do you all see the demand increasing in the future? (with the release of 500 jewelcrafting)?
that depends. are ectos common in jewel crafting? if yes then very likely will see a sharp spike in the early release. if no, likely will still see a spike from people expecting it.
There was one a while ago, which resulted in the devs changing CS to stop champ farming exploits. People were deliberately failing event chains to restart them and farm the champs that spawned.
For about a fornight you could barely get in CS main and when you did it was full of people screaming at one another for completing the event and making other people wait. Horribad times that was.
sounds no different then our current trains. wonder why anets yet to do anything about them.
Be pretty easy too. triple those champions spawn rate. find it kinda odd they spawn as fast as regular mobs. I always envisioned champions being kind of like a rare spawn or some major enemy guarding a chest.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Biggest thing for me isn’t so much which gives more its which gives more Permanent content.
scabbards would be really nice for warriors. something to hide their sword behind when not in use.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
here my logic for ascended cooking. make some food, sprinkle some bloodstone dust and poof its ascended!
considering how easy and pushed this these items are I half expected this Dust/ore/crystal to be used in some kinda next stage sharpening stones, tuning crystals or maintenance oil.
I would visit the Cursed Shore train sometimes, if it ever started running again.
wasn’t aware they had a train there.
depends on what she likes to play I imagine. Tho if you ask me one of you should be the “knight” and the other “range/support” Make a nice round team
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Warrior would make a good starting class, easiest to learn and pretty strong through most of the early game. should help you get a feel for what you want.
Elementalist. We breath fire. enough said
Elementalist is a very exciting class once you’ve master the 4 sets of skills, dodging and survival aspect of the game. It how ever is true elementalists lose quite a bit in DPS compared to most classes. usual for the sake of building up our survivial to match other classes but its still a great class if you ask me
engineer. Why? because the majority of players will want a warrior. That’s extra challenge to have fun, try to beat the LFG rules and the community favourites, and have fun.
P.S. My main is a warrior actually… i might be drunk tonight xD
oddly enough I know were your coming from Elrey. Sure warriors are great but I can’t help but feel its so mainsteam is making it kind of a turn off. I like to feel special and stand out just a little.
I’d occasionally attend a Southsun train if I knew of one. Love lil bb young karka and their blood.
I say occasionally because I don’t like wasting hours of my life as a mindless drone amassing fantasy currency in a multiplayer game.
I’m up there with you on that. I’m usual playing the game but I get times were I’m suddenly in the mood for mindless farming for an hour or so. I always try for southsun.
Frost gorge, Queens dale, Southsun, Cursed Shore. Which of these trains do you take and why.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
I’ve always just put them in TP for a price around their highs. some times it takes a day or 2 or even a week but they sell in the end.
You had me at make us immune to a specific condition that matched out with our element.
earth-bleed or vulnerable.
I am against the idea of getting heals from these effects. however If we had it like just a immune effect that be a great condition remover and but not enough to make it over power us since it would force us to switch around just to remove stuff which can be used by enemies to keep us from fighting in the element we wanted just to keep that 1 condition off.
Also I would change its name to match the effects. rather then diamon skin i’d call it elemental skin.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
I can see it now some poor guy whose new to the game and still leveling kills off some helpless rabbit only to have their kitten independance dayed right after.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
I have to admit I was quite pleased with how Marionette was done. Hard but not hard enough it feels like hitting a brick wall. It requires a level of leadership and team work. and the fight gives quite a bit of variety for boss fights.
I’m most of all pleased with the very bright and clear danger zones. None of that thin line I some times miss in the heat of battle no this is impossible not notice (unless your color blind).
If I did have to fault this it be that it does seem a bit heavy is player requirements at times and the time to fight bosses is a bit to short. Not everyone is a zerker, I’ve lost a few boss fights because we ran out of time instead of dieing.
is it a foot fetish or a dominatix fetish?
crazy asura? or possible future scarlet follower/disciple?
Top of my head 25k toughness, 17~18k hp. I am planning to reduce my toughness down to a 21~22k range soon to try for stronger offence stats Just holding off to see how this new crit change goes down.
25k I want your build!!
Don’t worry it’s just typo it’s 2.5k
My understanding is sigil will no longer share the same cooldown and will now be independent of each other. So now we can use 2 sigil’s that proc on crit without fear of only 1 or the other triggering. They did say how ever stacking runes from kills will not be possible meaning we can’t have 2 sets of the same or different stat increase stacks.
Never going to happen. Anet preys on people who want that nice chest piece or those fancy boots. If we want a piece we gotta buy the whole cake
There like wine, aging and getting more expensive with time. Longer we go the less become availible making it more valuable.
Top of my head 25k toughness, 17~18k hp. I am planning to reduce my toughness down to a 21~22k range soon to try for stronger offence stats Just holding off to see how this new crit change goes down.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
If I had to guess.
1000~1500 gold in weapon skins. Including attempts for precursor (which I still don’t have)
200~300 gold in various armours, sigil’s and runes.
400 ~500 gold in misc stuff like dyes, back pieces, gemstore and other less important stuff.
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Risk vs reward. Melee are rewarded with higher dps because they are in direct range of enemy attacks and are taking hits as well. Vs the range who can sit at 1200 and stand still firing away without a care in the world
It’s fine as it is. If people wanna stack in one spot in front of a boss that’s their business. Most attacks will hit anyone in the arc anyway so it’s like its a case of only one person getting hit while everyone else gets a free ride
I sell anything I don’t need right now.
Owwww you must be kicking yourself about the silk scraps!
If I had a crystal ball I could buy X,000 of such-and-such, hold on to it for several months, then sell it at the right time. A lot of people have stacks of materials squirreled away on various alts and bank tabs in case of opportunity.
If I wanted to see how high my bank account could go, I’d do that. But playing the TP is, for me, only a side effect of playing the game. I like to try out different races, classes, weapons, etc. and explore the personal stories and so on. So I use the TP as a source of coin to gear up my alts, and not as an end in itself.
So I’m not concerned with what the next “hot” item will be, or how to dump massive amounts of it into the TP at just the right moment to make the maximum profit. I don’t have stacks of back skins waiting for the time when they are “in” again and sell for 100x their original cost. I just buy stuff, sell stuff, and use the money to play the game.
Plus this game isn’t exactly demanding for blowing gold. Sure things can get expensive over time but most items can be bought fairly cheap while it’s still available
Part of anets problem is they are to afraid change anything. They take the tiniest of baby steps forward and then immediately take a big step back. Anet gotta learn to be bold. Increase effects or damage, improve the time for these skills more then a %. They know balance is terrible, we’ve made sure of that. If they would only take big steps forward wait a few days and then if it real is suddenly making that class miles ahead of everyone simple reverse what has to be and revisit it for the next patch. I loved blizzard for it. Sure they created a few issues but they were quick to correct it and we’re never afraid to take leaps to improve a class for us. We need more flavours of the month. That’s how your create diverse builds. Make us wanna sudden switch over to this trait line or this weapon because it’s sudden got a big buff
(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)
Will keep the same.
Right now, use 2x 1handers have the same power than 1 2hander BUT with the benefit of 2 sigils, next update that advantage of the 1hander will be fixed.
Not to mention the signal proc change so now every sigil is independent of each other rather the. Sharing a cool allowing both to proc at the same time
Thankfully I don’t have that issue in this mmo. By nature I’m a bit of a hoarder in game for materials but here if it doesn’t had a special tab it’s likely useless and even then materials are so closely balanced with it’s finished product I’m better of selling the raw materials and buying the item off tp
I’m so happy to see the Elementalist get some nice buffs.
Hopefully there’ll be more to come.
I’m just happy they admitted they have been nerf our class much to hard and are now inthe process of fixing it if this patch is any indication. Might be more dagger heavy this time but won’t be surprised if scepter or staff for a good buff next patch
and so Anet said “Let there be ele buffs.” tyrians across the land rejoiced. ele alts and mains that havent been touched in nearly a year got to see daylight. and eles made their triumphant return to pvp. GG anet
Wouldn’t say all that. But we have taken a clean step forward finally
Wow finally a change that makes me smile from ear to ear. Every last change you put will effect my build in a good way
Toughness vs vitality. What should he limit be for building up toughness before starts losing its value over vitality.
I use it mostly for Zerg trains.
That is all.
/wiggles his fingers a bit setting off a rock and roll style pyro effects in the back ground
well they did say the asura was greatly different from the others. Maybe they meant size wise? Norn cross breed or something. But the more likely difference is gonna be the personality
thats what salvaging is for. If anything I kind of wish there was less leather. Stuffs sells for kitten so I end up just vendoring off piles at a time.
Dungeon sellers could disappear from the face of tyria and not 1 person would notice or really care.
Pretty sure the buyers would notice and care.
ya heaven forbid they have to learn the fights by youtube instead of sleeping through the fight.