Showing Posts For Crysto.7089:

What GW1 Features would you like in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I think its easier to go the other way.

Things GW1 can take from GW2:
The graphics.
Z axis.
Yea that’s it.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

The direction and state of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I never “go for” these, they just sometimes happen while I’m playing and sometimes they don’t. Never seems like a chore I have to do. If I accomplish one, great! If not, oh well. I think you have the wrong or at least a different point of view on these which is your own perception, nothing that ANet has said/done. You NEED laurels just as much as you NEED a legendary.

-Ascended Stuff
You in no way need ascended gear everything is easily completed with exotics and they are far from mandatory. If you personally WANT to grind to get them so you can… uh… grind more things faster? that is your choice.

“Ascended could have been a long term goal everyone would work for, due to the sheer convenience of it, but nobody felt forced to do.”

That’s how it already is.

-Temporary Content
While it has never personally caused me any grief I can understand how it could be frustrating to miss out on content. My experience has usually been, ok whats it about this week? Sky Pirates…. Floating Bazaar, meh, not interested. Or, oh nice the Super Adventure Box is back. Tribulation mode? kitten yea! Its gonna be around for a month? Well I can’t play today or this week, but next week I can. Being temporary can help with the feeling of a growing/changing/living world. We’re not gonna have the queen’s jubilee all year long, we’re not gonna have Wintersday all year long, it doesn’t make sense lorewise. We’ve finished that chapter, now its on to the next. If I wanted to play an event and missed it, I’d probably be a little upset, but I also have a feeling this content will be returning one way or another, chronicled events ala the Gwen flashbacks in GW1 or the Wintersday toyshop? Could be…

Putting this in general PvE “forces” people to have to do Fractals. Anything you put as optional, someone will argue that they HAVE to do it (see yourself and ascended gear).

Its what you make it. I have very rarely been a part of a “zerg” (typically solo-10 people) and have a great time every time I go into WvW. Now I will admit, it was not so fun in higher tiers, but thats why I switched to a lower tier where strategy counts for a lot more to make up for a lack of numbers. That experience is out there if you are willing to go for it.

I don’t understand why people feel compelled to play or do certain things (addiction maybe) but I have never gotten that from GW2. If I want to do something, I do it, if I don’t, I don’t. I don’t complain about it and do it anyway.
I have a feeling its just a matter of perspective. I have fun while still seeing potential in the game and look forward to future updates.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

[RE]Rethesis fighting teq before disbanding

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Sad news :’’’’’’’’(

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“How likely are you to repeat kill him?”
None of those choices matched what I would say which is, I wouldn’t do it again because it is content I have completed. I did it, its done, and now its on to the next thing.

Well the content is the Meta\title, I would assume after you’ve gotten it, there’s no other reason to go back, right?

I do not intend to get the title/achievements etc. I just wanted to beat the dragon and I did. I’m not going back for some stupid wings.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Once again, challenges are challenging.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


It is far from impossible lol. Many servers and overflows have beaten it so how can you call it impossible or even remotely very difficult? Organization is the key.

I’m not yelling at anyone, and I don’t think anyone plays to hear nerds yelling at other nerds, that would be nerdy.

Please re-read my post and try again.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Once again, challenges are challenging.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


We can blame them for designing an encounter in such a way that makes it impossible or at least very difficult to avoid that community.

I don’t play this game to hear nerds yelling at other nerds.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Divided playerbase? Let's have an election!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“The Hans dungeon offers no loot the Cathy version doesn’t.”
Screw that! Give me the same loot for easier obviously!

While I do love a challenge, I also like creative gimmicks. So far, tribulation mode in the super adventure box is the best thing in guild wars 2 and Casual Cathy sounds closer to that.

Raids in general suck because once the number of players reaches past a certain point you feel like you no longer matter. Small 1-5 man scaling content is great and can still be challenging.

Also, I hate joining a public/guild circle-jerk teamspeak so anything that forces that is a thumbs down from me.


#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

I figured out what's the problem with Teq

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Timer is required because its in open world with no caps on resing. Can you imagine another fail condition? Losing too many turrets, too many deaths? <- These would cause epic snarling hatred directed at players and are a bad idea.

Timer is needed cause res run back can be done infinite times.

Uh… there already basically is another fail condition. If you let the laser/batteries die a massive instakill wave wipes everything.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“How likely are you to repeat kill him?”
None of those choices matched what I would say which is, I wouldn’t do it again because it is content I have completed. I did it, its done, and now its on to the next thing.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Add Darkhaven to the list

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Pic of me soloing Tequatl. Bunch of leeches were following me around so I figured I’d let them get the chest. You’re welcome Darkhaven. You’re also welcome for the victory fanfare at the end.

Special thanks to me. #1 Player/Commander NA. Promotions.


#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

I'm getting so tired of this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


1. Overflows
Doesn’t particularly bother me as any time I have been in one I simply join a friend’s party and join them, either in a different overflow or in the main server. I preferred the district system from GW1 where you could pick which “overflow” you wanted, but this works too.

2. Disconnects
I rarely disconnect but when I have I never felt like I was missing anything. Dungeons? Hop back in at the farthest waypoint. Fractals? Spawn at farthest checkpoint. Dynamic event? You spawn back in to the same spot you were. How do you propose they hand out rewards? Send them to you as soon as you spawn into the zone the event is happening regardless of success? Pause the entire server for anyone who disconnects? Give credit no matter where you are in the world if you participated so you can bank rewards from multiple events across multiple zones and servers at once?

3. Insta-kills
Another mechanic that adds variety and promotes a certain style of play just as other situations favor/promote another. A one hit kill? Block the hit, blind the boss, dodge the hit, become invulnerable, etc. Many mechanics exist to counter this. I’m not saying this is good justification for it but it IS a video game staple. That one big boss attack that you have to dodge or you’re kittened. Its not exactly a surprise.

4. Dulfy
Difficult to strike a solid balance between spoonfeeding and starvation. To say that adding arrows that point you everywhere would break immersion is a bit of a joke since there are already so many things working against immersion in this game, but still, its a little extreme. Currently, I would say no content has been so obscure that you couldn’t get through it without a guide and I am proof of at least one person doing just that. Now, I may not have physically be able to complete something, but I never felt like I didn’t know how. An optional guide from a 3rd party is, again, an industry staple, if you are the sort of person that needs a guide to figure things out, that option is there for you. Its something people expect and if not dulfy, then gamefaqs, or some message board, or an official bradyguide, etc.

5. Stop trying to force me to play
No one is forcing you to play. If something looks interesting to you, play. If it doesn’t, don’t. I didn’t play the last few updates because sky pirates and a flying bazaar did not appeal to me. During that time I played what I enjoyed, exploring and doing map completion and fighting the good fight in WvW and tPvP. I don’t feel like I missed out on anything by not playing. I don’t feel “behind” other players. I don’t understand why you feel like you’re forced to play.

6. Achievements
I think the entire idea of achievements and achievement points are stupid in ANY game, I don’t need a game to tell me what it thinks is an awesome achievement, I already know what that is. When I say, “ohohoh holy kitten that was cool” or get that “kitten yea!” feeling, I know I just achieved something and I don’t need a number attached to it. ALL OF THAT SAID, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything not getting achievement chests. It is very little gold and the %boosts are small enough as to be insignificant. It might “add up” eventually, but if you play long enough that it has time to add up, chances are you’ll be getting enough achievement points to unlock them just playing anyway.

7. Time Gating
Stupid. I understand the idea behind it but beyond giving devs more time to work on stuff, I disagree with the whole thing. People should be able to play at the pace they want. If you’re a turkittend powergamer, power to you. Is the inconvenience to the players worth the time it buys the devs? Difficult to say objectively. Subjectively, no its not.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

I dislike the new staff

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Crysto.7089


modnir’s staff is good though

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

I dislike the new staff

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Crysto.7089


how about a mace that isn’t a tiny square

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

GuildWars 1 to GuildWars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Someone never hung out in Marhan’s Grotto!

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

How do you play ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Mouse/Keyboard for SUPER SERIOUS TIME (pvp, dungeons that require me to be awake)
SNES Controller for everything else.

2 Skills, Heal, Jump → ABXY
Weapon Swap → Select
Pick Up/Interact→ Start
Rotate Camera Left/Right → L/R

Works great for easier content.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

How does Anet afford this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Wait… did other companies actually fool people into thinking they needed subscription fees because it was comparatively expensive to run the servers?

Bravo marketing teams.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Define Exploit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“i dont for moment stop to think if its an exploit or not.”
except you obviously did otherwise you would not have posted this.

the “rule” is if its too good to be true it probably is. it’s anet’s game and they can do whatever they want to you for anything. its up to you whether or not you want to give them more excuses to exercise that power.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

CoE - Bjarl the Rampager: Model Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Crucible of Eternity – Path 1 Explorable Dungeon
Enemy Model Glitch

The Corrupted ice enemy (Bjarl the Rampager) bugs and displays 2 models when you remove his frost armor (when he runs into a pillar.) He displays the static “arms out” model AND his normal model at the same time. The bug ends when he recasts his frost armor. The bug occurs again when the armor is removed again.

Attached screenshot is after we killed him, though you can still see the dead model AND the default state model.

Youtube video of the glitch:


#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Ability lag 3/2/13

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Having this same problem. Never had this issue before. Been paranoid doing ping tests and such. It reminds me of the beta weekend event’s server lag.

Very frustrating seeing an attack coming that I normally could have easily avoided, hitting the appropriate key, getting hit in the face with the attack, and THEN using the skill 1 second later putting it on CD.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

I can't open the client...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crysto.7089


If it happens again and you are comfortable doing so, just open up task manager and look for any running GW2.exe instances. End those processes before starting the game up again and all should be well for this particular issue.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Forced to Rename Character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Names like this? What???

I followed the wiki article about Charr and Asura naming conventions.

“In a military or professional role, charr can also refer to each other by their rank or role. If a charr is particularly notorious, they sometimes will become known instead by a descriptor that reflects their dire nature.”

“Last names: Soulkeeper, Doomforge, Splitvein, Fierceshot, Brimstone”

All two part names, descriptive of a personality trait or role in their unit. Well, my charr happens to be great at killing things. I guess I could go with something like Killfoes or Crackskulls or Smakittenoes, but Blastbutts was less harsh sounding and pointed toward his more playful nature when not in battle. I do not understand how, in a game where you frequently kill things, this could be offensive.

I mean, Splitvein? Thats much worse and graphic than Blastbutts and that is a name ANet themselves came up with.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

(edited by Crysto.7089)

Forced to Rename Character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Why am I being made to give up my awesome name? – Blastbutts

Am I seen as racist against posteriors?

Come on ANet…

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

(edited by Moderator)

What is Causing People Not To Play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


ANet has also made it clear that there will be many ways to get Ascended gear other than through Fractals. An informed player would not feel forced to do FotM unless that person was also impatient.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Ascended gear poll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I’m glad I have friends and like-minded players.

You guys fight over your 5 stat point difference. I’ll be running dungeons naked. For fun.

As for the poll, Don’t Know/Don’t Care.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Why put mobs next to ore nodes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


From a “lore” perspective the animals and monsters are in the wilds. Its not like ore has some sort of magical foe repelling property.

From a design perspective so you have a minor obstacle to overcome before receiving your reward. Overcoming it doesn’t necessarily mean killing it. You could stealth, you could run in with swiftness and make a getaway, you could carve a path to it. However you want to do it. I know I always feel like a kitten when I grab a channeling skillpoint by popping my elixir S.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

BUG: Human female sounds like an Asura in combat...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I have the same thing on my human female warrior.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Hi people, I would like to give away Dawn.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Here’s hoping!

Thanks for the chance OP.


#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Your level, class, and happiness rating 1-10

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Engineer 80.
PvE 10/10
PvP 3/10 on land. PvP 7/10 while defending a siege. PvP 10/10 underwater.

Overall Score: 7/10.

Warrior 17
Only 2 weapon slots what? I’ve got like 4 unique skill bars on my engineer at any given time. Gets boring fast. Feel like my options are quite limited even on a profession that can use many more weapons.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

One "simple" thing could save gaming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I’m out of this discussion, but I’d ask you this: if you don’t matter, why play at all? Why not just ask for “ghost mode” and FOLLOW your friends while they do stuff?


Because it offers experiences we have not yet had.

Watching a movie is not the same as playing a game. Interactivity adds a lot. Even if its just jumping from object to object just to see if you can make it across a farm without touching the ground. That has no impact on the game world. I don’t matter for jumping around. And who cares? Its still fun.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

One "simple" thing could save gaming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


What makes something “fun”?

Sharing unique experiences with friends.

After its been done once it is no longer unique and we move onto the next thing.

And if each repeated experience was unique BECAUSE it was experienced with friends?

And that could lead to changes the next time because you had to “hold” the tag of a member of the “Crysto/Name2/Name3/Name4/Name5” dungeon run as the group that had completed it the fastest with the fewest wipes?

I don’t know what you’re trying to say.

I’m saying I have a group of friends (RL) and we like to do things together and then talk about them after. Be it finding a nice spot to climb, discovering a new beer, or playing a new video game. We find new things to do, always looking for the next challenge or thing we haven’t done yet. Maybe we’ll repeat stuff with slight variation (ok now you have to make it past that ridge with one hand!), but for the most part its on to whatever is new.

I don’t care if I matter in a game. I care about having a good time with good friends.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

One "simple" thing could save gaming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


What makes something “fun”?

Sharing unique experiences with friends.

After its been done once it is no longer unique and we move onto the next thing.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Why I feel guild representation is not a good idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Meh I have my “real” guild with my friends.

Then I have other guilds that I win PvP for.

The great thing about this system? If you don’t like people not representing, you have the choice to kick them!

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Just bought this game. What should I know?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Apparently if you want to play PvP make a Thief or Mesmer.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Rage Quiting has to stop people...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


If you are doing poorly people probably:

1. Think they could do it faster with a different group by the time you finish.
2. Don’t want to waste their money on brute-forcing their way through via repair costs.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

What do you want us to do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Have fun.

Those things you mentioned preventing you from having fun? Play something else if that is the only way you can have fun.

Also be patient. New things are coming. There is no fee, play something else for awhile.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


“Do you want to unlock an additional bag slot for this character?

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Server Full, Friends Can't Join

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Start sabotaging your team in WvW so the vacationers leave.

Also, you wouldn’t move servers in a video game for your RL friends over some guild mates? Thats kitten up.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

You want raids? I have a solution..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I personally like the smaller groups. Once you start upping the player count (see every dynamic event) it just turns into spamming chaos with a dodge roll thrown in every now and then. You lose the feeling that you are contributing anything to the fight.

I would be a little upset if they introduced large party dungeons that had some really awesome looking skins since I wouldn’t watch to play in such a way that belittled me as a player. Of course I’d get over it, but given ANet’s past statements it seems that is also their feeling (they created the world for the player).

Something that could work to make both you and me happy (using us as player stereotypes) is to do it in the style of the Elite Luxon mission or the Kunavaang mission in Factions where you are 12/8 players but split into 3/2 groups completing different parts of the same mission, and then you all join up at the end. That way you’ve got the part when you can feel important to the mission (when you’re split into your group of 4) and the guys who want to have a massive clusterkitten of chaos can have that too.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

(edited by Crysto.7089)

You got me once (ncsoft?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


woah wait wait wait..

you’re telling me that the goal of selling a product, is to make money?

it tells you when you buy the unlock that it is for that character. now it would be nice of anet to give you the slot on a diff char or give you gems in the amount (i think its 300) you spent, but thats would just be pure kindness/goodwill, not something they owe you. you were given a warning. if that warning didn’t come up it would be another story, but it does.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Did the original Guild Wars "flop"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


PvE Skills with Grind Attached (r u rank 10 bear norn kill master? gtfo)
Consumables required to get a group for high level stuff
Full Party of Heroes

and the biggest offense of all to me!

Changing the way Cap Sig worked.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Wasted Potential in Story Missions (Minor Spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Would like some discussion about this. Thoughts? Other missions that I didn’t play that had awesome things happen in them that you wish had happened more often?

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Puzzle Griefing in WvWvW ruins the Game experience.

in WvW

Posted by: Crysto.7089


its an interesting place to fight. not an open field, but a lot of varied terrain.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Wasted Potential in Story Missions (Minor Spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Before I begin let me first state that I have completed the story 1 way with 1 character, an Asuran engineer. I am playing Guild Wars 2, as I played Guild Wars, for the story. The extra MMO-lite stuff does not concern me. My opinions are based on this experience.
So I completed the story including the final dungeon and was fairly disappointed with the overall activity and structure found in the story missions. The majority of the missions were:
hear some dialogue
kill a pack or two of guys
hear some more dialogue
end mission

This is actually quite similar to Guild Wars apart from how short these missions are. In Guild Wars you’d have to traverse a fair section of the map in your quest for killing things and listening to dialogue, not so in GW2. However, there were a few notable exceptions to this in GW2 which shows some sparks of potential that were not taken advantage of.

Example #1
Priory Mission 1
The very first priory mission has you traverse a large chasm while the wind howls at your back. You have to make it across by watching the cloth physics on the flags and banners around to know when to move. If you mis-time it you get blown off the bridge. Later in the mission you have to navigate through the ruins via platforming.

This was an awesome mission. You have fighting, you had a unique mechanic, you had platforming! It was quite short but what there was, was awesome.

Example #2
Sunken Temple
In this mission you went in solo with a manta ray assassin lady and completed a series of challenges that would open a door to the next area complete with “Zelda-esque” camera that zooms in to show you were the door you unlocked was. Good camera work and multi-tiered structure made it an interesting place to be and the series of challenges gave a good feeling of progression through the mission. (many of the other missions are something like defeat x waves of dudes, no real sense of progression)

Example #3
Most bosses have a unique tactic that adds an additional layer the your fight with them. The Eye of Zhaitan for example goes through waves such as having to dodge his projectiles (non-homing projectiles that you can move out of the way of without using the actual dodge roll), avoid several aoe fields to reach him, and one giant death laser that requires good timing to dodge (this time with the actual dodge roll). This was by far the most interesting and engaging fight in the game and since you were solo (unlike big map bosses such as jormag’s claw or shatterer) you feel like you’re contributing to the fight. A great feeling for the player.

These are very cool things, things you’d think ANet would want to show off more.

So given how awesome a few of these missions are, it just makes the rest seem disappointing. Why couldn’t we have more utilization of terrain in missions (and don’t even get me started on that invulnerability mechanic…)? Why not add in more environmental hazards to mix things up? Why not have more in-game camera work as opposed to those JRPG face to face text boxes? Why not have more interesting battles with enemies with their own unique attack patterns that require specific tactics on the part of the player other than dodge roll and kite?

The potential is there, and it shines through a few times during the story, I just wish ANet had let it come all the way out.

Awesome, standout events and mechanics happen in the story… ~3 times. Why not more when the capability is clearly there?

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

WvW and Dungeons unplayable. What should I do now?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


What makes the dungeon “unplayable”?

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crysto.7089


I heard shank’s pony was free.

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions