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Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.

No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears

It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2->T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.

Wait you honestly think BG has more coverage than JQ and TC? When I wake up early I get to map hop playing against a massive jq SEA that says otherwise. There is no lack of coverage on these servers. They literally lost one match so they decided that they needed to rig the entire tournament to compete. After they had already won every match for two months between the two of them, they just couldn’t comprehend losing. Clearly they had to work together to manipulate the outcome of the entire tournament.

When I wake up early during EU I get massive BG map blob. Your point?

Yeah cause JQ and TC are going to hand BG free wins? What do you not understand about the point system. Please go to your respective community site and ask there someone will do the math for you since has been done on TC and JQ community site along with r/guildwars2.

So that 2nd week match during Feb where BG won doesn’t count. Ok now. So JQ/TC has so much coverage they blew BG out of the water for 2 months straight (didn’t happen btw go check Mos most of the matchups from Feb till before S2 were close except 3-4 matches which is like 1 month). So BG is SUPER weak yet won W1 by a large margin yet prior to seasons they lost by a significant margin (throw much?). Don’t even say break cause all 3 servers took a break.

How about this, I want you to publically wage 500g in a pot to the server that wins the entire tournament. I want you to guess who will win S2 since you said it is rigged. If so then you can guess who will get 1st. Saying either JQ or TC getting first doesn’t count. If JQ and TC were so great at match manipulate wouldn’t you in your infinite wisdom know who will get 1st, 2nd, 3rd. So instead of just putting out nonsense why don’t you just straight up put a wage on it. Or unless you are sour that BG won’t get that free win it got in S1. In that case I’m sorry and may I recommend this course of action to you. Consider sPvP, GvG, or WvW roaming (where points, wins, PPT don’t matter).

Should there be a carebear mode for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Can we call it BG? Please

Lets have a REAL wvw tournament 1 vs 1

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


BG has better coverage and off hours than TC or JQ. TC and JQ’s solution? Combine their strengths to eliminate their weaknesses… BG buy’s guilds, sends spies and pays off players to do their bidding, that’s their strategy, this is ours…

We think JQ is paying TC. You can make your baseless assumptions and I can make mine.

Being from JQ I can confirm that our ninja spies raided the so called super secret BG war chest to pay TC to 2v1 BG. :P

Lets have a REAL wvw tournament 1 vs 1

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I have 3 words to solve this problem and stop the tears flowing into these forums and to solve the problem with coverage, PPT, 2v1, and so on since everyone wants to play WvW for fights:


Make it happen!

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.

No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears

It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2→T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Man it seems all the Tier 1 WvW servers have like 0 Sportsmanship Im glad I transfered our of TC cause all of you JQ,TC,and BG all lie cheat and steal just to win a few extra tickets kinda puts a sad spin on such a great game I hop after this tournament after all the crap you will at least try and stop acting so awful towards each other and learn some sportsmanship.

It is a WvWvW what do you expect. If you want pure fairness how about this. Let JQ upgrade to T3 max on their BL same goes for BG and TC. Then everyone queues for EB and fights constantly over SMC that way nobody can say “Oh nos” we are getting 2v1 in WvWvW it is not fair. /pride. /sportsmanship.

So letting say HoD auto win in Silver = sportsmanship. But to make things more interesting and competitive = not? hmmmm . I hope people transfer to FA, SBI, and YB cause that is the only way to beat HoD in Silver. Can’t 2v1 since that is lack of sportsmanship. Might as well let HoD T3 everything on their side cause if two servers decide they want to get rid of a waypoint because it is tactically advantageous = lack of sportsmanship. #logic

guild missions if my guild on another server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I am with them, why do i need to guest on the server to get credit?

That is how it is when they fixed it so that you can earn guild commendations from guilds that are not on your home server.

Seasons: Best Tournament System?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Lock down on coverage wars and transfers going mostly upwards (to high tiered servers) then introduce a tournament system

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



When BG doesn’t show up then yes it is boredom. Same if you get like TCvMagvDB or JQvMagvDB or BGvMagvDB or SoSvMagvDB. The reason it is boring is because of transfers to have unstoppable coverage. Now 2v1 is a viable strat against constant transfers to the best server (BG) for free wins. This helps smaller servers since people will have a reason to transfer there when a transfer to BG doesn’t guarantee a win and coverage isn’t the sole determination for season wins. A win for WvW in my opinion.

If matches were even where 1st gets flipped constantly like a 1st place server winning by <10k or something. Then there wouldn’t be the need to 2v1. The need for 2v1 comes from some server having more dedicated guilds versus another server or overall they have coverage advantages that the other servers can take advantage off. Say X server has 8 hours of high PPT in a time zone while the other servers can only muster 4 hours of high PPT. The server with that 8 hour coverage advantage has better coverage. Based on how PPT works.

If Anet wanted something like Rule 22 or fair matches they would change WvW to 1 server versus another server not WvWvW or even have GvG instead. That is when it is fair. WvWvW exist so that 2v1 is a strat. And the way the map is designed allows for 2v1. If you want fair you might as well make keeps with 1 entrance. There is a reason there are 2 so that hypothetically speaking 2 servers can attack 1 from multiple fronts.

Honestly iono if it is true that you are from JQ. If you have been on JQ from the start you would be on the community site then you would have seen the JQ thread about this along with the logic and reasoning behind this and how it won’t destroy WvW.

Please Give Protection Back To Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


If you’re playing your ele correctly, you’ll have more survivability in full zerk than a warrior in full ptv in zerg fights. Protection really isn’t needed when you have some of the best escape skills in the game, and you’re ranged. Positioning is key. Also, your Armor of Earth gives you stability and protection when you get caught, and Earth Attune gives protection as well if you’re specced correctly.

Absolutely NOT. As somebody that ONLY plays warrior and ele, this is false. In full berserker it’s painstakingly easier to survive in a zerg fight with my warrior than on my ele unless I essentially stay the kitten away on it and therefore, drastically hindering myself. The thing about ele is, once you’re targetted you WILL die, provided you’re in zerk. There are a plethora of incredible ways to defend yourself, I’ll agree, but it’s not enough to survive if you’re targetted in a zerg.

I can tank as much damage wearing no armor with my warrior as I can with my ele in full berserker. Sorry but your comparison is just… no.

Please keep in mind that I do feel like elementalists are in a great area and I’m not advocating buffs with them.

I think that is the point. Like Warrior is more tanky but they are most likely in the front lines taking damage compared to Ele in the back line ranging at ~1000 range or more. So an Ele can survive as well as a warrior with more dps pieces if they position well throughout the fight. If their position is bad they will get focused and melt. I don’t think the person was saying Ele > Warrior straight up tanking damage.

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Coverage and population wins matchups, can i now label “blackouts” and “stacking” a breach of code too? [..]

I would argue that those are more of a match manipulation then 2v1 is

TC got 10+ guilds from SOR, JQ got 2 guilds just from BG plus the others. BG got 2. So which servers are really “stacking”? Coverage in T1 is very even, with JQ being the only of the 3 servers with full 24 hour coverage. Coverage and has nothing to do with the current dynamics in T1.

LOL what JQ does NOT have 24 hour coverage. Have you seen EU and early NA on JQ lmao.

As for transfers it depends on how big those guilds are. JQ can be like we got 5 guilds that field 10-15 each day versus say BG getting 2 guilds fielding an entire map per day.

What matters isn’t # of guilds but # of players a transferred guild fields per day during what coverage zone.

Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


lmao bg is looking into the fine print and terms and conditions. What’s next BG, a class action lawsuit for punitive damages and such? lmao….ohhh you guyyyyys.

Gem refunds for all of them paid transfers

Mesmer OP in CM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Awesome portal at the start, good job SC

Why duel wield agility is no good Updated

in Warrior

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


It comes down to time pretty much. Like for speed runs every second or fractions of a second count.

So say DWA saves you 0.6 seconds over not using DWA. If you add that up over the length of a dungeon run it’ll save you a few seconds. And for speed/record runs this matters. But it is true that for PuG runs it won’t since your teammates won’t take advantage of that time or you have to wait for your teammates to get into positions for the next part of the dungeon.

As for DPS, DWA does increase DPS. Since DPS is damage over a specific period of time. So if you hit a full rotation in say 9.2s with the trait versus say 9.5s without the trait. It is still a DPS increase. Although it is important to note the damage can be the same even though technically DPS is higher. So say the full rotation is 50k dmg then with DWA it is 50k/9.2s versus 50k/9.5s . DPS is higher with DWA but the total damage you do for that full rotation may be the same. Say a boss has 300k hp and you do 300k damage over 10 seconds. Now say you have Time Warp and you do that damage over 5 seconds. Your DPS is higher with Time Warp even though you are doing the same amount of damage. So even though with DWA you don’t get that extra hit/skill you are still doing more DPS.

For the average player DWA won’t matter much but truthfully what other minor trait will you get instead of going 6 in Arms for DWA if your base build is 6/5/0/x/x . DWA isn’t the greatest trait but it doesn’t hurt anyways since alternatively what else would you take as a pure Axe build.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


But why is there this need to “take it to the max?” Why should the rule of thumb be zerker is best for dps. If someone enjoys playing a condition build, zerker just doesn’t compliment the traits.

Even IF the person is using conditions, is he really making the run less fun for the other 4? IF someone is using P/V/T gear, is he really a rainy cloud in the parties instance?

With relation to changing traits, there isn’t always that luxury with LFG. The best you can do is swap out weps and skills once you get there and hope for the best. There is much more group synergy with a guild group.

I think you aren’t understanding my question. I’m saying if a good player can dodge and stuff then what is the point of vitality or toughness?

Which profession for which dungeon.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Oh I was thinking if you had to solo the whole dungeon lol

Zerker nerf is not enough

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The only build (well, I mean, in this case, class actually) that is even remotely considered meta in TPVP in your list is Thief. Ele have been kicked out of the tpvp meta and turned into freekills for a long time and mesmers have also been kinda weak to the condi meta. There is literally nothing more cringe inducing than doing soloq and seeing more than one ele in your own team. They are tolerable in small amount but any decent thief that spots a glass canon ele will start shutting him down like crazy. In fact thieves are the reason why berserker is almost completely non-viable on other classes. Going berserker on other classes = playing the role of a thief, without the mobility of a thief, and the ability to get out of fights when the **** hits the fan. Anything that wears zerker in TPVP is just a subpar thief doing the role of a thief without being as good as a thief. [/quote]

Viability is one thing which the poster did not ask about. Meta is different. Say if you use Ele EVEN if that profession isn’t viable or would not be used in a high level tournament group what would the likely builds be. You would still go zerker just the way it is. Now if you placed viability then of course thief would shine more due to the profession mechanics in relation to map and team role. That is like saying zerker isn’t meta for Necro cause Necro isn’t viable. Although nobody would ever waste a space in a dungeon group for Necro but if someone does use Necro the meta build for them in PvE dungeon would be zerker. So although Ele sucks compared to other things if someone used Ele a zerker amulet would be used. This is all pre patch since the new patch just landed and it will take some time to see what is meta now or not. Solo q, team q, tournament are all different in terms of viability due to coordination. So something might be viable in solo q cause people are uncoordinated or just suck but not viable in say tournament level. So my post referred to an understand of these differences.

Zerker nerf is not enough

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Humans aren’t machines, even the best pve guilds can wipe, not to mention typical zerker pugs.

I think you just proved the point. Organized group even if they full party wipe is rare compared to PuG. Doing that would just punish PuGs even more causing more toxicity and people raging at PuGs in LFGs even more. Nobody wants that.

PvE instanced is mostly zerk, open world is too casual to even care about that. And most people play open world.

That is the point. GW2 is too easy it doesn’t mean that non zerk is the best for open world it just means that what you bring doesn’t really matter since it is extremely easy. That isn’t to say non zerk is the best it just means that you can get by with anything really.

My point, not everything is zerker. Condie engies, spirit rangers, bunker guardians, condie wars, bunker wars, decap engies, etc.

You said you don’t see zerker used as a meta but I’m saying you do see it for certain professions. It is meta for them. There is just more a bit more you can do in PvP in terms of builds but either way you can’t expect a single game mode to have all play styles and builds available for you that is the point. Decap engi works in PvP can you use it anywhere else? No. Trying to complain or make it so that you can use that build and be viable in PvE and WvW is just silly. Some things will be better in one game mode versus the other.

Again, meta isn’t zerker. You just admitted my point.

You have to have zerker or dps in your group otherwise you do kitten for damage anyhow really. So how isn’t that meta just because other people choose to use something else because of their skill level. Same happens for PvE. Like 1v1 you would use zerker that is meta since if you are skilled you only need dps and some utilities. Small group play you would have zerker like 10v10, 20v20 or something since you won’t take damage from a large amount of people and it is easier to survive through utilities or dodges. It is part of the meta. Meta =/= only 1 thing. Now in a 60v60 blobfest or 100v100 map blob skill lag fight then yeah you might run some tanky stats too since if you fail you get hit like by 30 people or something. Either way that doesn’t change what is good or not (meta) since blobfest you can really get by using anything since AoE cap and skill lag.

I’m not sure you understood my point at all.

Using active defenses means you can use more offensive stats and by that definition it means a move to zerker. Condition build are a different story since they only need 1 stat to be effective hence they don’t need to build anything else really so they can go tanky stats without punishment. I don’t think you understand my point since you said that zerk groups get owned more than defensive group. But that is untrue it depends on the level of skill.

Zerker nerf is not enough

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I’m talking mostly about fractals. But if you would say that in fractals zerker meta isn’t that prevalent, why do people want to get rid of it when it’s prevalent only in 1 game mode? You don’t see zerker meta in pvp, wvw and the rest of pve.

Also, I can promise you that zerker groups wipe more often than more defensive groups and most of the people cannot adapt when something unexpected happens. One mistimed dodge and a vast majority of people can’t react to a following change of circumstance.

Skilled players wouldn’t wipe to begin with anyhow. Wipe = reset just punishes everyone else like PuGs and such.

PvE is mostly zerk. The only time you wouldn’t use it is say a structure like Tequ then PTV is acceptable. Even then Zerk is still called upon for adds at Tequ or burn phase for Wurm. So it still matters.

PvP your zerk amulet has vitality by default and you can’t really have full zerk but as you can see zerk amulet is used often. Thiefs, S/D Ele, S/F Ele, Supcutie Shatter Mesmer, and a number of other builds. If you say zerk + dps trait lines then I have to say look at the guardian build. It doesn’t just go say 6/6/x/x/x it is 4/5/0/0/5 so as you can see the traits account for the defense and survivability part just like what you will see in any WvW or PvP build.

WvW group run a mix of tank, tanky dps, and high dps. Zerk groups wipe as much as defensive groups. The difference is skill. A skilled group of dps can take down other groups simply through skill. A defensive group with low skill will get wiped regardless.

As your skill increases where you can use more active defenses at the right time: Stability, Aegis, Protection, Dodges, Evades, etc. The less you need of defensive stats and the more offense you will have available to you since you are using a lot of defense stats.

Which profession for which dungeon.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Wouldn’t P1 of CoE be difficult on a Mesmer at the console part?

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


But running non zerk doesn’t change this anyways. Bad will still be bad and good will still be good. Then again if someone is good why wouldn’t they run better gear (zerk), utilities, or traits.

There are many good players out there not using zerker. The reason they don’t use it is because it doesn’t compliment their traits. If you are a condition build or survival type of build, why use zerker?

As you say, bad players will be bad and good players will be good. As long as everyone has fun playing, everyone is a winner in their own right.

Because why do you need toughness or vitality to survive when active defenses are significantly better. And for a good player wouldn’t they use active defenses better. So in that case why do you need to build toughness or vitality if you can dodge well, time aegis and evades well.

You use zerker because the stats power, precision, ferocity is the best in PvE. Toughness and Vitality aren’t good simply because active defense > passive defense. Condition Damage isn’t good in PvE for other reasons like how often you can apply max condis for max dps and take out threats (condi bombs) and how useful it is if your condi skills are on CD. Zerk has AA at the very least that takes full advantage. Can you say the same with condis? Healing power isn’t good for other reasons. So that is why Zerk is good.

Is 1 person’s fun > than 4 people’s. Instead of saying fun I say bring whatever is best for a team and that means traits, utilities, and stats. At the end of the day people say zerk is only dps but look at say Obal’s guardian build it has a lot of support in it too and if you compare that to say AH you see an AH build is very lacking in both offense and support.

Arcana and Evasive Arcana .

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Arcana line is such a balanced and strong line. You have both defensive and offensive options so if you choose to go deep in that line you can’t go wrong unlike if you go in say air or water you know you only get either offensive powers or defensive powers for the most part. Like EA has blind or cleansing wave on dodge as defensive but it also has burn and blast finisher + cripple on the other dodges. Access to fury. Elemental attunement trait gives you boons that are useful to you offensively and defensively. Then there is vigor or increased AoE on Staff. Just a lot of good stuff that I would say is hard to pass up unless you want to build a one hit wonder Ele.

Will staff ele ever be a build for sPvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


You can run Staff Ele on specific maps. The problem is that generally if you aren’t queuing with a group your team will lack coordination to maximize the utility of a staff lee.

[Video] WvW D/D Ele thoughts/build

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Any time a class can maintain 20-25 might stacks with ease the hammer comes out

Reason this thread shouldn’t ever have happened

Then you aren’t caught up on the forums and gw2 community. When DnT releases a video it basically becomes the PvE standard which is why the price of the runes went up. People where running around with strength runes before I made this video. I suggested these runes before the patch in another thread they where the first one shown by Anet. It was pretty clear they would be the best runes for damage.

Less publicity least chance of spreading.

Share info with guild and friends…no one else

Any decent Ele player would know the potential of Strength runes anyhow. So it isn’t like it is secret information or anything.

What should I be running on D/D ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I would look at Dekeyz’s guide since it has everything you need to know about Ele in dungeons and she explains it really well where I would just be repeating what she said.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


2 kind of players with zerker set in dungeon :

1) die very quickly = bad players.
2) knows how to survive = good players.

most of the time i meet bad players.

But running non zerk doesn’t change this anyways. Bad will still be bad and good will still be good. Then again if someone is good why wouldn’t they run better gear (zerk), utilities, or traits.

Zerker nerf is not enough

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


-Changing some of the bosses large abilities trigger from “cast every 5 minutes” to cast every “33% of health lost”. Assuming that it takes 5 minutes for a zerk group and 15 minutes for a normal group to take down one single boss it doesn’t change anything to a normal group but makes zerk group’s life harder because instead of one big hit they have to withstand 3 of them.

Doesn’t change anything really. Organized groups will have high uptime of blocks, aegis, and evades on top of their normal 2 dodges. Zerk is already tough unless you use your active defenses well. This just makes PuGs harder than anything else and since it is a big hit PTV or any tank will have to dodge anyways unless the big attack doesn’t do that much damage then it defeats the point of having it in the first place. If a zerk warrior say dodges 2 and tanks 1 hit and survives then what is the point? But if it does high damage where everyone has to dodge then why do you have to run tanky passive stats when evades from weapon skills, aegis, blocks, and dodges are simply better?

There is a lot of support in GW2 however people assume that healing = support and if you can’t heal someone then you aren’t supporting them. I’ll pull out the guardian as an example. You have hallowed ground, purging flames, sanctuary(fractals, CoE one boss on a particular path), Wall of Reflection, Retreat, Shield of Avenger, and Stand your ground. That is like 7/11 utilities that actually support that are viable to be used. Nobody can expect every skill to be good anyways. Looking at a Obal’s 20/25/0/0/25 build you can see that it has a lot of support in it. Every time you blind you inflict vuln and this comes from GS skills along with focus skills. On top of that you have your virtue of justice which blinds, burns, and inflicts vuln on foes. Then you give might to your allies and when you kill stuff it refreshes and you can do it again. Remember a lot of professions will take advantage of these conditions since they do +% more damage when foes have these so you are support them in this way as well. You have increased duration and reduced recharge on consecrations which you will use a lot like Wall of Reflection and purging flames for a longer fire field (more might stacks) and more condition removals. What does say an AH build bring? Very little heal and some toughness versus blinds which are better than toughness or healing and vuln to take out threats faster. On top of that your team gets more might. Pure of Voice? 3 shouts = 1 purging flames. I’d take purging flames any day and save 2 utility slots. As you can see even for full Zerk guardian using Obal’s build they carry a lot of support that are just plain superior to other alternatives.

There will never be a case where people can play whatever style they want. In any game there are things that are better than other things at any point in time. You can look at the popular game LoL and know that some champions just do better for a specific role than other champions. For GW2 certain builds will just be better than other builds it is very difficult to have a game where everything is equal to each other.

As for diversity, there are build diversity when you run full zerk for different professions. If you look at the builds post patch you will see for professions like Ele, Warrior, Guardian for example you have some options. For some other professions you might see only 1 good option (Engi). Or they might be outclassed in every way for a group (Necro). Just how games are.

For most people they will find it more interesting to just play better. Understanding why certain traits are used more in PvE by top dungeon players/guilds. Skill rotations. Utility swapping. Fields (I have seen people not know blasting smoke field = stealth).

Holy trinity isn’t interesting at all. The only thing holy trinity does it that it makes it a requirement to have certain types of classes and/or builds in a group for a specific dungeon/raid. The thing with GW2 is that the content is really easy that people feel the need to not play better since they can get by with whatever. So people will naturally feel that content is boring or one dimensional since you don’t have to do anything special to succeed but there is some depth that you will only see in organized play (example is uses for say Ice Bow #5).

(edited by CuRtoKy.8576)

Zerker nerf is not enough

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



The only thing an increase in condition cap will do is to allow more damage if you have more than one condition profession stacking it up beyond 25 stacks. The problem with condition damage is how often you can continue to apply those conditions. In PvP and WvW conditions are stronger cause you can condi bomb someone and take a threat out but not in PvE. Once your conditions run out your dps drops and you can’t reapply a bunch of conditions again since they are on cool down. While Zerk you will always have a skill that will take advantage of those stats when other things are on CD (AA for example).

“Threat” doesn’t change anything. In fact a 5 man zerker group is better in this. Since only 1 person will get the aggro at a time. So the other 4 players just have to position well to do dps and dodge/using active defenses when they need to when aggro switches. For corner stack nothing changes since people who know how to use active defenses don’t care about so called “threat” since they will dodge/block/evade attacks based on the boss’ tells.

The problem with healing is that in order to make healing remotely good you have to make it viable but the problem with that is that you will go back to the holy trinity. Making bosses have attacks that you can’t dodge or block is just bad because then you are going towards trinity where you have tanks and healers. On top of that GW2 revolves around active abilities. So anything that is passive will be weaker because of it. Why have vitality and toughness when a well timed dodge is simply better. To try to promote vitality or toughness is to get rid of active abilities like dodging. For boons most of them are used. Fury, Might, Vigor, Aegis, Swiftness (for running trash), Stability, Protection (Fractals). The only boons that aren’t really useful is regen (passive) and retal (since you don’t want to get hit to begin with) .

Dungeon Loot - Complaint

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Fractal chest are supposed to be a bit better than your normal dungeons at higher fractal levels (in theory) since it will take longer than say a normal dungeon. Each fractal will have 1 end chest so that is like 3 + final boss chest whereas normal dungeons you hit like 2-3 chest per run that take very little time.

Theory: Why they nerfed dungeon chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Its kind of annoying that you can only get the lupi chest once per day. So dungeon paths which have common bosses in multiple paths are affected. So it does effect everyone.

Oh what? Wow…Didn’t realize that. Haven’t noticed :P I thought it was only something that would affect people that rush a path over and over.

Maybe that will be fixed though? It seems like a bit of an oversight/error.

I dont pay much attention. But it doesnt seem to always happen.

I believe it is bugged or something. On some runs you would get the chest reward again for the shared parts of the path. Other times you wouldn’t. Like Khloer dropped the chest for me each time for each path on one day, but the next day it would be something like 2/3. It is really weird. Maybe it has to do with the instance owner but someone would have to test that.

Stop it with the toxic attidude to newcomers

in PvP

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


It has nothing to do with personal or mental issues it’s just the fact that PvP is a more competitively oriented game mode in which people over time simply develop the need to win. Its the same as with “zerker dungeon elitists” which over time certainly do not want to enjoy something they did over 1000+ times, its just the reward and tokens they want.

Furthermore, PvP is more dependent upon teamplay so if one link in the chain is horrible the rest is pulled down too. And it is perfectly understandable in hot-join which is intended as a casual playground (no one actually takes it seriously) but when you see a level 2 player in solo ranked and he/she starts asking questions about basic map mechanics on map chat in the middle of the fight… Oh that certainly isn’t going to sit well with veterans.

It isn’t really about the win really. It is more about getting good matches. Nobody likes to get stomp hard and nobody likes to stomp new players all day. Zerk dungeon runners aren’t elitist by any means. Everyone wants people to be a team player and contribute. It is impossible to get a new player set up and explained it to them since there really isn’t time. No lobby no nothing. PvP rewards are just extra most players who are ranked high that do PvP do it because they really like the game mode more than anything.

Because there is no way to explain to a new player in the middle of a fight or match. Explaining it during a match is to stop everything and not play PvP. Sure a Dev has stated to be understanding and so on. But Anet needs to do something like a lobby so that people can talk otherwise you can’t really teach or explain something.

BUG - No reward chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Just did CM p3 then p1 and I didn’t get the spawned chest on the part where you skip a large group of mobs and fight a smaller group in a room. It shows up on the map but you can’t loot it or anything.

[Video] WvW D/D Ele thoughts/build

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I am using a similar build. I would swap in celestial for shoulders, gloves, and foot because it gives the same total stats as say soldiers or something.

Celestial would give 17×5 (power, precision, ferocity, toughness, and vitality) which equals 85 stat points similar to say knights or soldiers at 35, 25, 25 equaling to 85 but Celestial would give you an extra 17 points in condi and 17 in healing power. Making that 51 condi and 51 healing power. Not much but every bit counts. And you can use the other pieces like say knights, soldiers, zerk, etc to min-max for power, precision, ferocity, toughness, and vitality.

Change to dungeon bonus chest gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I think it is to balance the lack of coin from the bags you might get from the chest since the bags only give dungeon tokens now.

Have you 'felt' the nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I totally felt the nerf today.

So I’m at Lupi on Mes, full ascended everything, 25 stacks perception then swapping to sword undead/focus force, 6/4/0/0/4, 3 mantras and 3 illusions up, using butternut curry, wielding a LH, 25 vuln on Lupi and fury + disc banner on me, TW’ing just after the invuln into phase 2, and I hit feedback thinking “everything’s great, I’m at 100% crit chance, maximum modifiers, it’s gonna be a phase 3 skip”

….. …… …..

lowest feedback dmg I have ever seen. WTF?

What was the HP bar for lupi when your reflect was done?

Wtf!? The Dungeon Currency Drops.... Wow

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



Maybe they replaced the ac troll with the hotw troll. Someone go confirm it for me.

That would be hilarious if it were true

How to do well with Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Warning: Text fence. T.l,d.r. version at the end.

After leveling one of every other profession to 80, I’ve started trying Elementalist again.

But it seems a lot of the time, I die or otherwise have trouble dealing with enemies that I’d be defeating easier with most of the other professions.

- Armor is focused on vitality, with some mixed trinkets. Despite this, still feeling squishy. Any more than 2 enemies at a time is troublesome, especially if any are ranged.

- On top of being squishy, I don’t seem to hit really hard either if I’m using anything but fire (and sometimes earth).

- Settled on scepter/dagger for now. Dagger/dagger I’d like more, but not great range wise. Staff has a lot of range, but either doesn’t hit hard or the hard hitting moves are just slow. Haven’t used focus at all. Scepter feels really limited to single target most of the time too, the AoEs it does have are slow most of the time.

- Using Signet of Fire for more crit chance, and Signet of Air to move faster. Third utility varies.

- The conjured weapons. I really wanted to like these, and thought I would, since they seemed like engineer kits (which were fun to use). But the conjured charge limit means you pretty much should never use the 1 skill and stick to the others (which gets annoying when they’re all on cooldown and you can’t just switch between the conjured weapon and your regular weapons at will like the engineer can), and the time limit means I feel like rushing to use all the charges (or grab the extra conjure early). In the end, they make me just want to use kits again. Meh. :/

Too long, didn’t read? : I’d like some advice. How does one play elementalist well and not die a lot, because right now I feel like elementalist sucks.

Practice and more practice. Good rotations and dodge roll timings. Pretty much for PvE you want to might stack so learn the rotation well and know what kind of dps your low CD skills do for each attunement. This way you know if you have no conjures or anything up you can at least do some damage using your most damaging attunement spell. Learning to dodge roll well will increase your survivability by leaps and bounds. It is important to get this down as an Ele. Finally check out Dekey’s guide that is sticked on the Elementalist forums. She has a good guide on PvE Ele and you can also watch her videos on youtube. She explains a lot of stuff and what to do as an Ele in Dungeons.

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The staff elementalist is a joke with barely 14k HP (maximum).

The staff elementalist is an AOE class, this means that it relies on heavy AOE spells. However, some smart designer decided to give elemetalist 14k HP which means that in a WvW battle when the elementalist use the AOE, he/she will die by retaliation damage!

Keep in mind that the damage you are receiving is from the retaliation + direct damage from the enemy.

Retaliation damage by itself can get your HP to nearly 0.

Please fix this!

First of all what? 14k hp is by no means the maximum. Like the max if you have a bunch of Vita would be like 25k with buffs and such. Reasonable would be like tanky dps at around 19-20k. Even when I run more dps I usually get around 16-17k before buffs.

You shouldn’t be taking that much retal damage. Your job isn’t to focus tanks in a zerg all the time. You should be damaging their tail or other range when your hammer train rolls through. On top of that, if you position yourself correctly you will find that it is hard for you to die or get singled out even with low hp.

I feel like this more of a play issue or just bad build

Does banning a class improve quality of life?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Dungeon groups have 5 people max per run. Each ideally in a perfect world should contribute 20% to the group and their overall success. The reason people say no rangers or engis is that often when you get them in your group they don’t contribute as much as they should. For example, ranger would range when we are stacked AoEing mobs down. Or they would refuse to swap out stuff since a lot of the utilities that rangers have aren’t useful to a group. So in a way even if say you have an extra warrior that you don’t really need (3x, 4x) it still in a way a bit better since at least they are contributing a bit more than rangers and engis. Now that is not to say all are bad since I have seen some great rangers and engis but it is more rare than anything. And to take a chance then 9/10 times you know it won’t be good is a risk most people don’t want to take with limited playing time.

As for Necro unfortunately they don’t have a lot of team utilities and traits for them so naturally they are outclassed by other professions with significantly more team defense/support. Which is a totally different rationale for why people may not want a necro compared to ranger or engi.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I agree with this. Some playstyles are not compatible, but it doesn’t mean one is more valid than the other. For the fastest speed run you wouldn’t ever bring a full healing build-however that doesn’t mean those players are selfish, bad, or dumb.

And to the other poster, I have never in my life stated that Soldier’s is more damaging than Berserker’s. :P You are confusing me with other people. They have the right to use Soldier’s nonetheless, and you the choice not to play with them.

I enjoy playing with my Berserker’s gear Elementalist, but I also enjoy many other things.

(Also, I am 100% sure that ANet doesn’t agree that playing how you want is “toxic” to the game. Aren’t meta people playing how they want to? It’s their right. Play with people that share your views, and stop insulting those that do not.)

Let me quote you:
“They would be silly each and every time they would do that. However, it’s also non true that non meta builds “bring nothing to the group”-a more accurate claim would be that they aren’t as efficient for a speed run (not that you claimed the latter, but it’s a frequently made inflammatory statement.)”

So my question is how do they bring something or contribute equally or more than zerker. That is my question since you as quoted say it is not true that non meta builds bring nothing. So I want to know what exactly does PTV bring compared to say meta aka Zerker.

People don’t have a right to choose whatever they want. They should use what is best for a team and/or group. GW2 is a team based game your actions aren’t isolated. They affect other people. If you play say Skyrim or FF then sure use whatever you want. It is like going to the movies and you discuss what is happening with your friend next to you. And someone tells you to quiet down because they personally can’t hear and/or enjoy the movie. The excuse you use is that I want to watch this movie however I want since of course I paid for it. Is this right? Of course not. So then why are games an exception? As you can see in both cases your action of “doing whatever you want” has an effect on other people.

Again how do we choose not to play with them when they join up anyways (not reading LFG). On top of that people are called elitists if they kick or gear check. The expectation based on forum posts is that if you want to run dps, get people to contribute their 20% to a group/party/team then either they are elitists or they need to suck it up and let people play how they want. Nobody ever tells “play how you want” that they need to also suck it up and contribute a lot more to their team’s success. In fact if you make such a suggestion it is considered elitism.

I’m sure at some level Anet will agree that what is toxic is people not playing as a team or being team players. Their track record shows that they release a bunch of things relating to team play more so than solo play or “play how you want” .

More support options for different professions.
Tequ, Living Story, Wurm all require a lot of team work and coordination.
The AC changes and TA Aetherblade path all involve a bit more team work/coordination than their previous paths.
Just to name a few including all the changes in WvW and PvP. I can’t think of something that Anet added that wasn’t team based. Do we have solo challenges/instances/dungeons like other MMORPGs? Nope. What we have mostly is game modes that by nature require us to coordinate and play as a team together. Not play how you want. How can you run PTH in a dungeon and knowing full well the heals aren’t helping or contributing to a group and be like “I just want to play how I want” and then go “I’m not greedy” and “I’m a team player” . That just doesn’t work.

No Holy Trinity = Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


But roleplaying a zergling and being forced into one gear set and a small handful of trait builds is apparently fun?

There is no game out there with 100% viability for all play styles and builds for all game modes. It is impossible, some things will be better than other.

I rather run something that contributes to a team then get the feeling that other people are carrying me. I mean is it fun that I’m weighing down the team and not contributing in a team based game. You tell me

Should I wait until Apr 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I’d play it now and make 5 professions so that up to 12 traits from each line are unlocked from you since the feature patch will change that.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


If non-meta runners just accepted that they don’t care about efficiency then all would be fine.

But instead, we get people telling that we don’t know what we are talking about and their build is also efficient, just in a different way. Or how they carry everyone and res noob zerkers. Or how their build is really good.

Also if people respected party descriptions… But no, instead we get people telling how we are evil and toxic because we want to play our own way. Oh, and how evil we are when we try to force our way on everyone else. Yeah right…

They would be silly each and every time they would do that. However, it’s also non true that non meta builds “bring nothing to the group”-a more accurate claim would be that they aren’t as efficient for a speed run (not that you claimed the latter, but it’s a frequently made inflammatory statement.)

You should indeed play your own way in the end, as long you understand and accept that 100% of players shouldn’t necessarily play the same way, regardless their skill level.

So the big question is how is say PTV contributing equally or more than zerk build? There are people on these forums that say PTV is contributing cause they res dead zerk players. I find that is more of a skill problem. If both PTV and zerk player dodged perfectly then what is the point of running PTV. What does it contribute? Since you claim that the statement “bring nothing to the group” is inaccurate I want you to state specifically how they are contributing. My argument is that they aren’t because the toughness and vitality are wasted if you dodge/aegis/active defense your way to avoid damage.

Beyond stats for traits lets look at say guardian. If they run shielded mind or indomitable courage. Now is that contributing or bring anything to the team? What if you don’t encounter any CC in a dungeon is shielded mind good or contributing? I would say no. You can say indomitable courage bring stability but isn’t there a better alternative like hallowed ground. So are you contributing by bring indomitable courage. I would say very little due to how often you can use it and the duration of that stability.

GW2 is an MMO aka a team based game. I expect people to contribute and play as a team. Not play however you want. It isn’t about understanding that there will be people who don’t play a specific way. My gripe is simply they do not contribute or unwilling to play as a team which is problematic in a team based game like GW2. Sure they run subpar armor that is fine but when I ask for them to run a specific utility or possibly trait to at least contribute something or help out the team. A person’s refusal or inaction tells me a lot about.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I knew all your arguments before you said them. Your post IS why people hate Berserker’s gear users. You give them a bad name. No reason to get this angry over people playing whatever, much less attack them and make irrational “90% are bad” generalizations.

They are “greedy”, “selfish”, etc., if they don’t play your way. :P How more insulting can you get? You hate THEM, seeing them as “lowly”, as much as they supposedly hate you.

Hate the jerk, not the zerk.

(You do know that sometimes speedrunners ALSO join casual runs and complain, right? Unless they take for granted that every run is a speedrun, which isn’t true. Perhaps players know how to read more than what you are giving them credit for. Perhaps they made a mistake, or just want to annoy.)

Funny you should say that because I predicted this response already.

You know your post is the reason why people dislike non zerk users. You act like you know something but you don’t. Which I find funny.

Go to any PuG group and tell them the smallest change in the nicest way. Ranger run x please. Can you stack. etc etc. See how they respond. Most of the time it is a negative response or an excuse. Like we kill it just fine so we don’t have to change (getting carried?) or stop whining when it was just one comment about say getting frost spirit, stack tighter, or swapping out a movement speed signet during battle. It is all about teamwork but if you ask in a PuG group to do this it won’t happen or negativity comes from it even if you say it nicely.

Play how you want is the most toxic attitude that is perpetuated on these forums. It is about playing as a team. If some day Zealot becomes the best stat since healing power matters. I would run it instead of Zerk. Why? I’m want to contribute to the team. Not doing so means you are selfish and only thing about yourself. Why should use play how you want and ruin the experience for 4 other random people. You shouldn’t that is the definition of selfishness. Now if you are with 4 friends then that is a different story.

I love how you read beyond what I wrote. How do I think they are as you called them “lowly”. I have a feeling you are one of these people that think other people think of you as X because you fall under this category of individuals that people talk about on these forums. In fact my gripe is simply these “play how you want” individuals I encounter do nothing to contribute to the team. Even when they run like subpar gear and you ask them to carry just one utility to help the team they refuse to do so.

Speed runs do pugs all the time. I do coordinated speed runs with my guild and I have seen DnT members in my Arah pugs so it is nothing new to me. Just because someone doesn’t complain publicly doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it on TeamSpeak or other voice comms. That is the problem when people are like “nobody complains about me wearing x subpar gear.”

Uhhh iono what game you have been playing. But it isn’t just me that said people don’t read LFGs. Other people have said it on this forum. So either you are delusional or you are arguing for the sake of arguing. For example, if you put like say p1 you some times get people who ask you “what path is this” when it is the first thing people would read. For those that say make your own group but if you put full zerk there are people who join that doesn’t match that even when asked for gear checks. Then again gear checkers are elitists based on these forums.

As for 90%. Why do pugs dislike rangers. Is it because they are bad in dungeons? Nope as proven already over and over. The reason is that if you get a ranger in your group you can expect that the ranger won’t play well or won’t contribute to the team. Or what would you say “perhaps they don’t know”. Well if you suggest something to them nicely most of the time they’ll respond negatively to you or they will refuse to do it and contribute to the team.

Best Party Composition for AC (and others?)?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


For my AC group I run 2x Ele, 1 Warrior, 1 Thief, 1 Wild Card

Wild Card:
1. Guard
2. Ranger
3. Mesmer

I never run with a necro since they don’t have a lot of team utility compared to the other 7 professions out there. Guard has good dps with great support and defensive utilities (aegis, reflects). Ranger is great for spotter and frost spirit to help the team on top of dual banner warrior. Mesmer is ok but I feel that for the last spot you should run ranger or guardian since with 2x Ele you can dps things down fast without the need for Time Warp

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


While I do not hate Berserker’s gear, I bet that you have no evidence that 100% of players that use Soldier’s for whatever reason do not know how to dodge or just want to “mindlessly facetank.” Insulting generalizations like these not only don’t help your case, but perpetuate the irrational hate on both sides of the coin.

Just play, don’t hate.

First off in what statement did I say that people who run PTV don’t know how to dodge. I’m stating that people who want/use PTV tend to equate Toughness and Vitality as survivability while disregarding things like a well timed Aegis or dodge as survivability. In fact if you read the forums you will see that people complain about dodging and that Anet should design dungeon bosses that require passive defensive stats instead of being able to dodge everything to survive. On top of that I am not even making a generalization in my post. I stated “some people” not “everyone” which would have been a generalization. I referred to the person who made the argument that zerker doesn’t require survivability which I disagree since they use active defenses a lot rather than passive defenses which is the only thing this person equates with survivability.

As for evidence there is no such thing as 100% evidence since it is impossible for me to play with everyone that plays gw2 at least once across both NA and EU. What I can say is that based on my PuG experiences for dungeons I am not impressed by the level of skill over a time period of 6 months. I can say with confidence that when I get a thief, ranger, engi that 90% of them don’t play well at all. And my pug is open to any profession. Further, a lot of Eles and Guardians I encounter run odd utilities or builds that doesn’t fit the situation they would encounter in a dungeon. I seen my fair share of people not dodging running tanky stats. I run full PTV in WvW at one point and I find that it is pretty mindless there. Since I could care less about positioning and where the damage was at on the field since I could tank with my group and quickly heal up to sustain. Whereas on a more damage tanky spec I had to pay attention to AoEs and my positioning. For dungeons it is more scripted so to me it is mindless. Based on the arah p2 vid posted above really doesn’t require that much effort to run tanky using no dodge and not dying.

Cases have already been made for many months and nothing changed. Do I hate people who play PTV or PTH. No, I just think they are contributing absolutely nothing to the team. So iono how it incites other people to hate other people. I mean no where do I give methods or strategies to deal with these people in negative ways on the LFG tool or when they are in a party. In fact nobody knows what a player’s build, traits, utilities are until they are in a group anyways and by that time people already have preconceived thoughts about PTV and such already.

Beyond that if say someone with PTV can dodge as well as another person with zerk then why run PTV? This is the question that comes to mind all the time. The only thing I can think of are two things: The person can’t dodge everyone well so they run PTV. Then again they should be moving towards zerk as they learn but most don’t (knights + zerk for example). Or the person is greedy and doesn’t want to contribute since they know the build is subpar and they refuse to change or modify it to make it better. Based on my experiences when I tell PuGs to say change one utility or just to next run for them to time the reflect a little better I get cursed out or called whiny kitten among other things.

Just play is fine but not when you get pugs like these. Now before you say make your own lfg I will say this: people don’t read what you write. And if people gear check they are called elitists on these forums.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The problem isn’t caused by the stat, it’s caused by the dungeon imbalance.

Currently, Berserker’s is ALWAYS the best solution to everything (well, maybe with rare exceptions, usually being Assassin’s) because we can bypass the difficulty by stacking/skipping etc.

If “exploits” weren’t possible, then we’d need more survivability in dungeons and thus Berserker’s wouldn’t always be the best option.

from this post alone i can say you dont know what you are talking about and you should spend your time to l2p the game instead of writing nonsense.

Agreed. I guess to some people dodging, timing aegis correctly, or evades isn’t surviving but mindlessly tanking something with PTV is survivability.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I noticed this:
PvE: People want to run PTV even though zerk is better.
WvW: People want to run zerk instead of ptv/tanky dos

I find this funny

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The fact that gw2 combat is broken beyond repair aside, crit damage normalization is actually a good step into the right direction. Your post just reads like youre upset anet is stealing your lollipop.

GW2 combat isn’t broken it is just that active defenses are extremely strong since it makes passive defense weak by comparison.

Crit damage changes are bad since they affect both WvW and PvE. For WvW this change will make tanky builds and condi builds even better since the damage output will be lower to put a dent in tanky builds. And condo builds are naturally tanky by design so they will receive less damage. For PvE it doesn’t do anything except add time. I am sure Anet didn’t balance dungeons or world bosses based on these changes. In fact it is only the crit damage change. This means dungeons will take longer for all groups. World bosses like wurm take longer or would fail more often because they are balanced around the old dps numbers.

In fact this change makes dps (full zerk) more of a requirement because it will naturally take longer (even with full dps) and on top of that if you have someone with a subpar build the effect of their lack of contribution will be felt by the group more. Hence people will want everyone to run more dps to make up for the loss from this change.

It isn’t about being mad that Anet is doing something. It is more about how 90% of the people that comment on these forums lack a true understand of what dps groups actually have to do and how people that run say PTH/PTV are contributing to a team when they aren’t and they are just in denial. And instead of making dungeon design better they nerd certain things to cater to the 90% of the people responding here (or so it seems which isn’t to say that they truly are).

After a 4 Month Break

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


It’s not disingenuous, OP has a serious question. I’m leaving GW2 for ESO at the moment. In a few months when I’m looking to change things up and consider returning, I’ll be asking the same question.

To the OP: It’s still the same. They stealth-broke some bosses to make things harder for soloers “exploiters” and put up some invisible walls in Arah (BTW, can still bypass them, required bosses are still optional headdesk). Other than that, business as usual — ignoring dungeon bugs and limiting community involvement to infractions-only.

Oh, and they started these “Dolyak Express” threads to make the community feel valued by letting us ask questions about pressing game issues like voice acting and LGBT NPCs. pats ANet on the back for being so progressive

Stay where you are. It’s not worth returning. There’s not much new, since the vast majority of the new content they’ve added in the past year disappeared one month after it was pushed, and developing these temporary additions consumed all of the resources that should have been allocated for basic maintenance of the game.

ESO is not really different from GW2 so I’m surprised you even chose that compared to other games that are vastly different from GW2 and have what I think you want.

As for the stuff that were introduced like around 80% of it is still in the game in some form. The other 20% are either recurring events (halloween, wintersday, SAB, sanctum, queen’s pavilion). May not the type of content you want is the problem not the fact that it was temporary since 20% of the update was which is reasonable.