Showing Posts For CuRtoKy.8576:

So the new +6 AR or higher infusions ....

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yes, +12 has hit the API’s items list today.

This means that someone crafted it. +18 has yet to be seen on the items list. This means it hasn’t been crafted yet.

Incorrect. The GW2Tradingpost and other APIs like it list items that went through trade post, not just been crafted. There have been people with way way higher then the current +12 infusions listed since day 1 when patch hit. I am not one of them, but there are many. Understand please, I am in a guild of around 900-1000 people that is split into 2 due to max accounts allowed. 3 actually if you count our overflow which we use once in a while as we did hit 1300 at one time. We have a lot of people, many are casual players, but we also have some very hardcore people on various aspects of the game who give it their all.

No, he’s not incorrect. He’s not talking about the trading post “API” (which is not official), he’s talking about this …

Anything that hasn’t been discovered by a player yet will not show up in this API. it has nothing to do with the trading post.

Even for gw2spidy and other trading post sites they use the GW2 Item’s API too so they have data items that players have discovered. They used to use gw2db but now they just use the official gw2 items api.

The highest right now is +15 Agony Infusion and that was just updated today.

+18 Item id information (if it exists):

Current +15 max item id information:

Since OP stated guildie had +18 days ago and this just updated I call BS. Not surprising though since I had a guildmate lied to me about having 40 precursors and getting 4-5 per week but no legendary to show for.

agony infusion crafting questions...

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


2x +3 agony infusion = 1x +4
2x +4 agony infusion = 1x +5

and so on

Suggest: Alternative Fractal system.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


1. Introduce 2 types of leaderboards for Fractals of the Mist. Solo and Team. Solo/Normal can be used for anything under 5 man showing individual fractal level along with potentially a time for your fastest run. Team is for people who want to challenge themselves with a coordinated group/guild. The way it will work is you can assign 5-10 players for a particular team (only a party of these individuals would count for the record). Then you can run fractals and it will show your group’s record time along with the fractal difficulty. The Team leaderboards will reset on a biweekly basis. This forces teams to constantly match or improve their times like all competitors in any sport. This will benefit hardcore players as well as casuals.

2. Continue with Mistlock at level 30 with another interesting mechanic at 50-60 fractal level and so on every 10 levels until 80 or even more depending on what the devs want to do. I feel that fractals shouldn’t be just about Agony + mobs with high damage and hp. It should constantly pose unique and interesting things that players have to solve or overcome.

3. Scale rewards with the time spent so that casual players would want to do fractals more or at least be interested in it.

4. Provide some interesting pathways for different fractals at different scales. For example, Grawl Shaman fractal. Normally you would just beat the boss and move on. However, say you are on that Fractal at Fractal Level 60+. After that you are introduced to a new path in that fractal which will end up with a unique boss fight with a chance at some unique rewards.

5. Introduce Fractal Leaderboard Level. Everyone starts at 30 and you must complete them in order to progress up the Solo/Normal Leaderboards. So to get to 31 you must do 30 and to get to 32 you must do 31, etc. Team leaderboards doesn’t matter since it will be based on completion time.

6. Add more final bosses to the rotation as you progress to higher fractal levels. Or add a unique “bonus” that players can choose to do when they are at specific fractal levels like 60+. Make these bosses really hard so that groups will have a high chance of wiping but if they manage to beat the boss they get some cool stuff.

Good luck to new fractal players...

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Making your personal difficulty and reward level account bound means there will be less people running low level fractals. Which means people who are late to the fractal party will have a much more difficult time finding a group since a lot of people are already above 30…good luck trying to find groups under 10 now.

I pointed this out as a potential problem exactly one year ago.

Uhhh what?

When fractals first came out everyone had to be the same level to do fractals. If you were 26 everyone had to be 26 otherwise you couldn’t do it. ArenaNet fixed that

They added the ability to reconnect.
Now account bound levels.

People will still do them in fact fractals are better now than there were at release.

Veteran player, very frustrated.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


well both your arguements are flawed comparisons. if something is buffed you don’t get compensation, if something is being added you don’t get compensation. For pvp there were people abusing the fact that you could sync with people in solo queue, and it was flawed, and it was for a leaderboard already, it’s not like if you were a tiger you were pushed down to wolf.

Nobody expects compensation. But levels don’t matter in PvP it is meaningless besides getting new stuff from vendors and certain skins with a perma finisher. Fractals have much less. The number only represents difficulty and reward scale. So in this case they are similar.

How does lowering fractal level affect much? Say 60 to 30? Reward scale. Difficulty (although questionable). You keep every reward you had already if you gave that up I’d agree with everyone complaining. sPvP if today you lose your sPvP levels but kept your finisher. What do you lose? Skins you can acquire from vendors. The number really doesn’t mean much. Unlike say PvE Levels where they unlock skills. Big difference from level 50 PvE Warrior compared to level 80 PvE Warrior if reset ever happened. Locked skills, slots, items unable to be used. What I’m pointing out is these players are arguing something silly. Silly examples I used are to put what they are asking into perspective because of the “value” of the Fractal Level.

Veteran player, very frustrated.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


This patch is trying to address these issues by making fractal more rewarding, ways for people to see accomplishments, along with adding systems that allow for more interesting fractal play beyond higher damage and hp mobs which is again not very interesting for most players in gw2. Originally Fractals wasn’t called an infinite dungeon. (Reference: Official information about Fractals of the Mist on the home page. Nowhere does it say Infinite on release information. Recently it was added in for the next patch.

Side note:

Something interesting I found about this supposed “hard core” fractal community. All paraphrased.

1. We didn’t care about rewards or anything. We knew rewards don’t change beyond 50+. We just wanted to do higher fractals because it was fun and challenging for us. Response to patch: Where is my compensation? I want to be rewarded for my progress/progression. So what is it?

2. We don’t want a leaderboard. Most people wouldn’t care about this. Response to patch: We worked really to get to higher fractals. Now you are resetting our levels and we are losing all of our hard work, effort, and accomplishments. We want something to show for that. But isn’t that what ArenaNet wants to do? So that people can show off their accomplishments.

So what do people really want? Limited access? Exclusivity? Platinum club for high level fractal players? Because the patch is trying to get more people to do fractals and make it more inclusive to the rest of the player base.

(edited by Moderator)

Veteran player, very frustrated.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Would their gear get removed? No.

Is the gear useful anymore? No
Are your previous fractal rewards (all items including fractal skins) being removed with reset? No

So your point is moot. The only thing changing is a number that for starters nobody knows except you and a select few that may because they run fractals with you. On top of that it only determines reward and difficulty scale. Which again deserves compensation why? Should I be compensated because I started to gain Wxp early but ArenaNet decided to double Wxp gain rates. Should I mail support right now to complain that instead of being at 350 WvW rank I should be 700 since I started early but missed out on increased Wxp gains that they later for everyone who apparently didn’t “work hard” . This is like a reset since my true WvW rank is 700 (if I started after the change) since it was easier to get wxp and I could spend the same amount of time previous for double the levels.

Should I write to ArenaNet complaining about PvP MMR reset? I worked really hard to get a good MMR so I will be matched with good players on my team to increase my W:L ratio to progress on the PvP Leaderboards. Now I’m stuck with people who are new or aren’t good should I complain and whine for compensation?

If the answer is no then why do some Fractal players feel they are entitled to some form of compensation when other players on other game modes (which again has significantly less rewards) do not get compensation for their changes that greatly affected them.

FoTM Leaderboards (Some Privacy)

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The point is that they really serve no purpose. Not that is a security issue. Unless they wanted to use the leaderboards to get rid of all the cheaters. That would be useful.

As they are right now leaderboards are mostly cheaters. Why even have them around.

OP framed it as a security issue. As for the leaderboards it can be expanded. Although if nobody cares about then why care about a number that is getting reset? I mean just ask ArenaNet to make Fractals more interesting and difficult without having to do like Fractal 79 or just having mobs with more hp and damage which I’m sure most will agree it isn’t interesting at all.

If people can see who is high level, those people can be subject to constant PMs asking for help.

If a lvl 30 wants to do lvl 50, all they have to do is wait two weeks, then PM a bunch of people on the list level 50 and ask to join their group, completely destroying the point of the reset that is “forcing us to earn our rank” in the new content.

Except that isn’t the case. PvP leaderboards prove that. I mean they would be the ones who would get the most harassment since everyone wants to know specific builds for specific professions along with playing style in an environment where builds vary and matter. On top of that going from 30 to 50 isn’t an impossible task and at some point there will be a lot of people at 50s so even if what you say is true (which I disagree with) it wouldn’t matter since who would one target if there are hundreds and thousands of players at rank 50. Most people who get messages are already well known. They have youtube videos, guides on the forums, and/or streaming their game play. I doubt this is an issue and it is a mere fragment of imagination.

FoTM Leaderboards (Some Privacy)

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Uhhh what? I know people are trying to get rid of the leaderboards so that a reset wouldn’t happen or at least wouldn’t be logic.

1. Your account name.number can easily be gathered. In fact under your argument you should stop using the public forums right now because it is public and someone can gather information about your account to hack you. I think that is just silly.

2. How does the leaderboard change the security of your account? Leaderboards are as secure as the forums and both are public. I don’t see anyone losing sleep when they are using the forums because they fear they might be hacked using something public. I don’t see anyone stopping their use of the forums including the OP who post numerious times. The security of ones account depends on the security of ArenaNet, which lets assume it is since if it is not then everyone’s account is affected. The other part of the player with strong passwords and a secure computer. Accounts are valuable for various reasons to hackers beyond what they have on their account.

3. Most people don’t get spam from the leaderboards including spvp players unless they post on the forums with a guide or stream already.

4. How does leaderboards change anything? Fact is it doesn’t. Although I did enjoy the attempt at fear mongering.

Edge of the Mists Testing Update (Updated 12/5)

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Once this comes out, will this count towards world completion if a person hasn’t finished it at 100% yet?

I believe they stated that at the moment it will not have any map completion elements from the current WvW maps.

Unnecessarily Complicated

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Good luck getting past +10, also the above is true if you hold on to all your infusions. If you use any of your infusions, you will have to most likely start from scratch unless maybe the auction house splitter works on this. oops maybe i gave them an evil idea, sorry folks =/

Can’t you simply just replace the infusion like how they work now?

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


OK, This this exactly what Anet did for FOTM.

You guys really should think about this way.
What about Anet told you:
We are having a change about the char levels, the char levels would up to infinity level. We are going to change a new exp reward system which you need a lot more exps to level when you get higher level. And also, we are going to put your level of characters on leaderboard. However, because we think it might be unfair for the people just bought the game, we are going to reset all you characters’ level to level 0. So it would be fair to everyone.

What do you feel about this?
They just used fractal level instead you character level.

Another thing, hope this topic won’t be ban again.
I didn’t use any abused words, I didn’t has negative mood, and I didn’t post anything that unreleased.
I didn’t break any rules in the forum, i don’t even know where are those rules in forum comes from, although it breaks the free speech law, but i am not going to sue you, someone else may.

What does Fractal give you besides a number at the top right and represents reward and difficultly level? This comparison that everyone is making is comparing apples to oranges. The best comparison is fractal level versus spvp level since both give you nothing really except rewards and some number. Say they reset spvp levels and you get to keep what you have already like fractals where you kept what you got as rewards. Only downside of spvp reset is that you can’t access high level merchants. But does it represent skill? No. If you are skilled in spvp you are skilled regardless of rank and you prove that through your plays. sPvP level is as worthless as fractal level beyond reward structure. Why? People exploited sPvP level ups so there is no way to tell if someone is truly level 60 in sPvP. The only way you can tell is how well they play, how known they are among other non recorded stats. In the same way for Fractals what if they were the first group of individuals to get level 80. Are they better or worse than those who just got it in the past 2-3 months. How about people who know people at 80 scale and got buddies to do Fractal 79 for progression. At the end of the day it is just a number that doesn’t really represent anything of value like sPvP due to questionable ways that people used to acquire these levels (not to say everyone did this).

Now if you got fractal upgrades and those are gone then sure. For example: complete Fractal 50+ for each completion you get 1 Fractal skill point. 30 skill points = 1 Fractal ability. Fractal ability: Block 1 Agony attack (ICD: 60 seconds). Now if they take away that by resetting then yeah sure be up in arms about it. But I think people are adding way too much value into a number that doesn’t represent much of anything. This is similar to sPvP level where it is just a number that unlocks certain rewards. But in terms of representing something of value like determine skill not really. I’m sure you can talk to high level tPvP players and they would say just that.

Question about the level 50 fractal cap.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yes dailies will work like it does now except the daily rewards are now account bound.

Unnecessarily Complicated

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Another way to look at it is to see what the part list would be from scratch.
For a +N infusion, you’ll need 2^(N-1) +1 drops, and 2^(N-1)-1 Thermo Reagents.
So, for a +10, you’ll start with 512 +1’s, and 511 TR’s

512 +1’s & 256 TRs ==> 256 +2’s
256 +2’s & 128 TRs ==> 128 +3’s
128 +3’s & 64 TRs ==> 64 +4’s
64 +4’s & 32 TRs ==> 32 +5’s
32 +5’s & 16 TRs ==> 16 +6’s
16 +6’s & 8 TRs ==> 8 +7’s
8 +7’s & 4 TRs ==> 4 +8’s
4 +8’s & 2 TRs ==> 2 +9’s
2 +9’s & 1 TR ==> 1 +10

btw, you’re gonna spend 7g65s on TR’s to make that +10.

PS – People often call Polynomial growth (n^c) “Exponential”, but this is proper Expontential growth (c^n), which just gets downright scary.

Image the cost of +20s :X

Unnecessarily Complicated

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Maybe this will help you understand how it works. (It’s my understanding of it, so it could be pretty far off of how it actually works.) Sorry for my horrid art, but it’s all I can do with my low level of skill.

Great simple graph to help the OP. And yes that is how it works except you just have to add in Thermocatalytic Reagent for the left side since you need that as a material to upgrade to higher AR infusions.

Veteran player, very frustrated.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


So you’re saying if thy implemented new mechanics to level 1, we would all be dropped to level 1? Why not raise the cap and put the new mechanics to 50+ since those were not supposed to be accessible.

Then people at fractal level 80 will still complain that they are reset 30 levels down to level 50. Level people won’t complain because supposedly it doesn’t affect them. Then fractal level 80 will complain that they are being punished and that most people in gw2 do not care about them and that they are entitled to some form of compensation. Now if you put the reset at level 60 the same thing will happen. Not everyone will be pleased with changes either way unless it is the same as before. And certainly games are constantly changing.

The truth is that the combined introduction of the leaderboard and the new mechanics at 30+ is the reason behind the reset to level 30. They could add new stuff and reset it at level 1. But fractals were designed so that 1-9 is the basic with no Agony. 10-19 is the introduction of Agony with differences in some fractals. 20-29 is still the same in terms of mechanics like 10-19 but just higher agony damage and stronger mobs. 30-39 will be the new mistlock mechanics. 40-49 will still be the same mechanics but everything will be stronger and more powerful like 20-29 in relation to 10-19. I’m sure a reset might happen at 50 if the hard cap isn’t cap post patch since I’m sure they’ll introduce a new mechanic for 50+ in the future.

Suggestion : new fractal level

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Next thing is resetting everyone’s WvW ranks down to 30, because now the ranks are account bound! That’s what players wanted, right?

If only that were true. Fact is the reset is a result of Fractal 30+ having new mechanics on top of adding the leaderboards and it is hard to make a determination where everyone truly stands on the leaderboards without some reset.

Do you have another solution? Feel free to drop it here.

Unnecessarily Complicated

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The formula is: 2x(n-1)[AR] + TR = 1x N [AR] | N being Agony Resistance. TR being Thermocatalytic Reagent.

So say you want a +10AR infusions your N = 10 so it will look like this:

2x(10-1)[AR] + TR = 1x 10[AR]
2x 9[AR] + TR = 1x 10[AR]

So if you want a +10AR infusion you need to acquire two +9AR infusions to combine into one +10AR infusion. So you can just plug in the formula to see what you need. What we know now is that +1AR stuff drops from fractals. Nobody knows if there will be higher ones that drop from the chest like +2 or +5 or even higher. On top of that nobody knows if the current basic +5 can be used with the +1AR stuff that drops in Fractals to make +6.

Another example say you want +3 AR infusions.

2x(3-1)[AR] + TR = 1x 3[AR]
2x 2[AR] + TR = 1x 3[AR]

So you need to combine two +2AR to make a +3 AR. Hope that helps.

A refund?

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


You will have the same amount of AR now as you do post patch. Infused items will have 2 infusion slots. If you slot stuff already you will still have that. Post patch if you infused say a ring you will get an extra infusion slot versus the default 1 you have for non infused items. It is important to note that this extra infusion is an Agony only infusion so you can’t slot offensive/defensive infusions. Not sure about Omni infusions though.

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


i dont think the level should be reset at all! why bother?! why 30 as well?

i think if a lvl 50 attempts lvl 50 and finds it much diff than they were used to. then they will adapt to it themselves, let them figure it out themselves? they might try a lower level to get used to it or whatnot

This is a tad simplistic. So if someone completed level 80 should they be entitled to #1 on the leaderboards? If not then how does one make a determination of where everyone stands in relation to their current personal level without a reset?

Reset occurs at 30 because that is when the new patch mechanics kick in along with the leaderboard. How can the leaderboards work differently in your opinion compared to what ArenaNet will do for the patch that will make it fair for everyone regardless of skill level, casual or hardcore, and current personal fractal level? Without a reset of any kind to any level be it 30 or 50 how will you determine the difference between someone that got to level 80 ages ago before the Jade Maw Agony changes versus someone who just got 80 in the past 2-3 months versus someone who had someone at fractal 79 port them into a higher fractal so they can progress? Or simply should there be no leaderboard.

Veteran player, very frustrated.

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



1. Progression in other mmorpgs is up in the air. At any point you could have max gear however a new expansion, patch, or content release could make that obsolete so then you would have to grind to get the best gear in the game again. Should these people be compensated? Dec 10 balance patch. People will have to change their builds. What if their current equipment isn’t that good post Dec 10 patch and they have to spend more money on ascended gear because their old ones wouldn’t work in new viable builds post patch? Should they be compensated because surely ArenaNet changed things that force them to grind for another set of ascended gear? MMR reset in various other games including sPvP solo queue in gw2. Maybe people worked really hard to get their MMR at a certain so that they can have competitive matches. A reset would mean that people who are skilled will face people who aren’t good at the game and this may frustrate them. Should sPvP players be compensated as well?

2. AR pre patch = AR post patch. People should read around before going on to claim x is true when it isn’t. A dev has already said if you have 55 AR now, post patch you will still have 55 AR. Infused items will have 2 infusion slots (1 offensive/defensive and the other a dedicated Agony infusion slot). So your +5 from being infused will go in one of these slots. The other will fill the other slot. Potentially you can go above 55 AR post patch because you can say get x2 +10AR on each slot giving you +20AR on say an infused ring or back piece.

3. Fractals above level 30 will have new mechanics which people never seem to grasp in these threads. Nobody knows how difficult it will make anything above 30 now. To say it will be super easy before the patch is out is just silly. You want harder content? You want higher skill to be rewarded? Do you want just level 84 mobs with stupid damage and hp or do you want more meaningful mechanics? This may be it nobody knows for sure.

4. As for statistics and achievements that people say they have earned. Where are they? Name 50 individuals at Fractal 80 then name 50 at Fractal 70 then at Fractal 60 and so on. You really can’t and there is no place with this information. The only way you would know is if you are friends with the person, in the same guild, and such. As of today it is just a number on the top right when you are in fractals. Leaderboards will change that. The question is if Fractals above level 30 are changing and there are new mechanics. Is someone who is level 80 entitled to be #1 on the leaderboards at max Fractal level when he/she hasn’t even done the new 30+? If the person then finishes Fractal level say 38 will he/she be entitled to #1 on the leaderboards now at fractal level 80 since they completed a fractal with the new mechanics? How about 40s versus 30s since 40s with the new mechanic will be more difficult. Then is the person entitled to #1? How about 50s? How about 60s? How does anyone make that determination without a reset? Is the technology available to do something like this and account for this leaderboard progression?

Then there is the question of how someone got to level 80 in the first place. Were they the first group of people who got to fractal 80? Did they have a friend who did odd number fractals with them to progress that high? Did they do it before the agony changes on Jade Maw? Have they done fractals recently? How they acquired the level is important because anyone who does Fractals want their fractal level to be significant and legitimate. Nobody wants Fractal levels to be viewed like sPvP level where it is viewed as nothing really. For people who do not know, people exploited certain things in the game to acquire a high sPvP level. So someone can be say at level 50-60 but played very little sPvP. I’m sure nobody wants that. So a reset makes sense if ArenaNet had these questions in mind. Now are there better solutions? Maybe but certainly nobody here is coming up with good ideas.

My suggestion for ArenaNet on another thread is to have a “leaderboard level” . Say that starts at 30. You have to do 30 in order to progress to 31 on the leaderboard. At 31 you would have to do 31 before you can progress on. Your personal level would remain the same so you can do say fractal 49 to get the daily reward but that would not progress your standing on the leaderboards. This can be a solution granted the technology is in place to do this.

Celestial Mathematical Analysis

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


oZii is correct. You should use Celestial to hit certain stat levels that you are comfortable with. Everyone will have different levels for power, toughness, vitality, critical chance, and critical damage that they would like to have.

Celestial does have cheap critical damage cost for armor pieces. However, if you use a full Celestial set some values are higher or lower than what you would want so mixing in different armor stats will give you the desired result. Although it is hard to tell how much healing power or condition damage will help you since it is very situational. Will condis get cleanse or will your condis get a lot of ticks in. Will you get multiple healing rotations in per fight or will the enemy burst you down before you get a full healing rotation in.

So Celestial can fit in most builds if you want say power, precision, toughness, vitality, and critical damage. You can use it to meet certain levels of those stats and since critical damage (if you calculate healing power and condition damage as “wasted” stats) per stat point lost is low compared to other critical damage alternatives like berserker.

Chest Piece stats
Zerk: 101, 72, 5% (14.4 stat points per 1% critical damage) | 173 stat points total
Soldier: 101, 72, 72 | 245 stat points total
Celestial: 45×6, 6% (7.5 stat points per 1% critical damage) | 270 stat points total *

Celestial gives 270 stat points versus 245 from soldiers. Extra 25 points. If healing power and condition damage are considered “wasted” stats then you “lose” 90 stat points. Factor in 25 extra you lose 65 stats over non critical damage chest piece like soldiers or knights. If you calculate the critical damage cost off 65 points it cost 7.5 points granted you wanted critical damage. If not then soldiers or knights are better choices.

Infusions. Why do I have to choose?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Well the +5 stat +5AR infusions cost a lot of materials and/or gold to make. The only cheap alternative is +5AR without any bonus stats. Whereas for WvW you get +5 stat and +1%. I mean if they were to add a triple stat infusion like what you are suggesting I’m sure it wouldn’t be game breaking. It would just cost a lot to make it like the +5 stat +5AR infusions. Hopefully they’ll come out with some in the future.

Best Staves in Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


1) Bifrost
2) Kasmeer’s Staff
3) Ascended Staff

Those would be my choices. Although I wish they have nicer interesting staff choices to choose from.

Very Disappointed, Account Bound Disaster

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


8 level 80 characters and I’m also loosing levels… You seriously underestimate how dedicated the hardcore fractal player base really is (at this point I think I should use word “was” instead). I didn’t want to go past level 50 personal level personally, because I refused to use exploits. Regardless I feel extremely punished for any time I’ve put into all of my alts at this point taking them to fractals and learning to practically use each and every one of them in various scenarios and difficulty levels. Now all people have to do is make a character and go into a high fractal as long as any of them got to that level before…

How is this different from people that just jump into high level fractals with a new character? Nothing really you can do it now you just won’t be rewarded for it or you get kicked out of the party for performing poorly. Nothing is changed and this is blown out of proportion.

1. Reset levels to 30. Sure people are upset about that but they are changing core 30+ mechanics. So it makes sense to start everyone above 30 there so that everyone can get used to the changes.

2. What you want doesn’t get priority over other people. How you play isn’t more important than how other people play. Anet is trying to make the game better for everyone not just you or a subset of the population.

3. Everything in the game is constantly changing. You shouldn’t expect things to always be the same. For example the balance patch. I can complain and whine on the forums all day about how I feel punished that ArenaNet is changing most of my builds for multiple characters resulting in hundreds of gold that I need to spend to gear them again with ascended items. However, the truth is that everyone should expect these changes. On top of that I got the benefit of using the items already and like fractals you have already gotten the benefit of having multiple characters doing fractals on a daily basis for rewards.

4. Hardcore groups and communities exist in all game modes in gw2. Dungeon groups. Fractals. sPvP. GvG. WvW. Anet has made changes in order to try to make it “better” for everyone and this should be expected.

Is 50 still going to be the max level?

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yes it was stated here:

I believe they want to make fractals meaningful after 50 like rewards and difficulty before they increase the max level. This is the reason why they are adding new stuff to frac 30+

Daily chests, rewards, questions

in Fractured

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Above 50? No

Based on the wording it seems like the daily chest is the same as before except it is account bound.

Equipment rewards are for the individual fractal chest which I believe never dropped fine materials and just dropped blues, greens, and some times rares and exotics.

Karma no idea. I would assume yes

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


If only Mag had this many people who PvF actually PvP instead of camping in towers with a bunch of siege or building trebs in their spawn in Mag BL this might be interesting.

Unbalanced Heal Skill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


We don’t know the heal amount and CD of the skill. If the heal is low and the CD is high enough it wouldn’t be that OP.

Bugged Queues

in WvW

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Queues will be fixed as part of the new map. They will continue to operate as they have since launch until then. The queue does not function as a typical queue and we are fixing it. It will just take some time. It has been a lower priority than the other things we have done and we’ve only now been able to devote the appropriate resources to it.

So it means : no change before 2014 ??

And does anyone know how queue appears ? Sometimes we are queuing and when we finally enter, we realise we are 40 on the map with 80+ ennemies on both other servers…

I believe map caps are server related meaning if a server has a 100 man EB BL cap it doesn’t mean the other server you are fighting against has the same cap.

Queue is totally random.

Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I think spawn is broken. Waited 3 hours nothing

Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The spawn timer is wayy too long considering the reward and organization needed

Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


This is just silly they should just tell us the timer or do something cause nobody likes to wait around for a dragon with bad rewards :\ let alone the fact that you have to organize for it

[RQ] Guild possibly search... [thread closed]

in Looking for...

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Uhh the only servers with 24/7 coverage are T1 servers.

FA is already the next best thing. You have 24/7 coverage fit for a T2 server. Don’t think you should jump ship so quick just because of the leagues….

Remember… Anet has said they are open to adjusting the league structure if the current one fails.

But that happens after the season ends.

This is whats wrong with the game (imo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


You don’t need Ascended gear to do anything in PvE or be competitive in WvW,

This is false. Ascended Armor is coming. In all, the small stat increases that each piece of Ascended gear give add up. If you don’t realize this now you’ll regret later having to grind for Ascended weapons AND Armor at the same time.

Of course, WvW may not survive all this vertical progression anyway, so perhaps you’re in a way correct.

As a matter of fact, constituting this player’s point, full ascended gear gives a 13% stat boost compared to full exotic gear, which is a huge difference, and very very very significant for WvW. Basically it means that if Anet doesn’t do something about this (and the skill lagg and the blobbing), they’ll loose a maior part of the PvP community to other games that have a better competitive system.

WoW pvp anyone? But serioiusly they had the idea of making exotics as hard to get as ascended. If you look at the difference between rare and exotic it could have been much worse. As for WvW it makes a bit but not as much. I mean to be honest if a server has 3 stack of bloodlust does that mean auto lose for the opposing server? Not really. Does having full upgrades on the first two guard lines mean that you will lose to them in a fight? No because I have killed many people with full buffs in small 2v2 3v3 engagements playing on a top tier server in NA. It helps but it doesn’t make a HUGE signifcant impact that everyone is trying to make it seem.

As for skill lag it isn’t something that can be fixed overnight since the server has to calculate a bunch of things in a short period of time. That requires a signifcant amount of computing power. Even if they add more servers it doesn’t mean they communicate with each other in an effective fashion.

This is whats wrong with the game (imo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I disagree with this assessment


Yes they can be a chore but for the most part they are really easy and you can easily complete them in the course of your gameplay (WvW, sPvP, or PvE). Sure ascended crafting is time gated but that doesn’t mean it is the worst. You could buy ascended materials to make your ascended weapon. All the other stuff aren’t timegated so you can craft the weapon in a day if you have the money. The thing is as you are playing the game money should come easily to you and you will have enough to craft one out right without waiting to craft timegated materials.

Just because someone doesn’t want to throw money and acquire these materials doesn’t make it the most alt unfriendly game. As I’m sure when ascended jewel crafting comes out you will be able to make trinkets.

As for making ascended items easier to acquire I strongly disagree. Think about the old exotic tier. It was EXTREMELY easy to get. As a result it devalues low rarity items. I mean many patches ago fines and masterwork were just npc food. And rares if it wasn’t for ecto they would be worthless too (case: when you couldn’t salvage rare back pieces). Like if ascended items could be aquired easily then exotics would have less value since people can just skip a tier and go straight ascended from the get go.

Sure ascended has more stat but the difference between exotic and ascended is smaller than the difference between exotic and rare. And it was stated at some point that exotic was suppose to be hard to aquire like ascended. Image that since it will be much worse for players since the stat difference is much bigger.

Living Story:

Lets see what was removed. Molten Facility (which might come back as a fractal so they are most likely reworking mechanics and length). SAB but it might stay once all 4 worlds are out. Bazaar map. Aetherblade Retreat (which is under the same treatment as the molten facility). Queen’s Pavilion. Other than that there has been some major non temporary changes and content along with the fact that the most recent patch along with the upcoming one will not be temporary stuff.

Complaints will appear because people play in different ways and I think the key is not MORE content but BETTER content. If ArenaNet releases 5 maps in one update that may sound good but if it has nothing to do then people will complain and nobody will be there. Now if ArenaNet releases 1 really really good map (with good dynamic events, world boss fights, story, etc.) then it will more of an impact and people will likely want to do it for a prolonged period of time. The key is that it is not quantity but quality that people want. So making a new TA path is new content and it is better because they are making an existing dungeon better. I’m sure they are working on new stuff like that new fractal in the background at the same time.

So I’m sure ArenaNet could release Guild Halls, GvG, and so on right now. But the thing is they want to make it really good. Image if GvG came out really fast. Who would play it? Only people that are fans of GvG. However, it may not encourage other people to participate because it doesn’t have something that will appeal to other people outside of diehard fans of GvG. Worse it can be a really bad game mode. Case: League of Legends 3v3 map Twisted Treeline. Riot Games wanted to push something out fast but it turned out to be a complete failure. If anyone played the game since beta they would know how bad that mode was for a very long tme. Nobody wants GvG or any new conten to be like that. ArenaNet knows this so as hard as it is to not have it NOW I believe that it is worth the wait.

What people want is this:

Better content.
Better story telling mechanics.
Better way to understand and connect old living story.
Better dungeons.
Better pvp maps.
Professions have access to more weapons (Eles and Engis have access to only a few weapon types)

Remember Southsun was new but new but it wasn’t a place people want to go to. We want better stuff not neccessary new stuff.

As for sPvP down state isn’t a problem. The problem from a spectator watching the game it is hard to follow everything and it is soo quick that some times it is hard for shoutcasters to say what is going on or there isn’t much to say. What is needed is like a medium sized map with different objective types, secondary objectives that you have to capture in order to activate its benefits. Make it so that there is more space and time between stuff so that strategy plays a big role, people can see movements, small fights, new roles have a purpose. This gives an opportunity for everyone to absorb the information and really see dynamically how the game is progressing. The current small maps are hard to follow because everything happens really fast.

Tequatl Terror Squad 2: Join Now! (NA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Hey can I get an invite too? For some reason I cannot send mail to you for some reason it just bounces back to me.

Recoloured versions of awful skins

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Except Molten Facility had extrinsic rewards
-Sentinal Inscriptions
-Jetpack (*unsoulbound)
-Unique mini
-Costume potion/recipe

Aether’s Retreat
-Unique Recipes
-Costume potion

but nothing in this new dungeon but a recoloured version of existing skins, where’s the real extrinsic value?

Question is do you know what the end reward is? Currently this is all speculation since I’m sure nobody here has access to the new TA path. So why not wait before complaining based on little to no information about the rewards for the new path.

This patch is going to be small?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


For someone who doesn’t do dungeons, the next patch doesn’t exist.
For someone who’ll won’t be in the game for the next month, this patch will also not exist, since it will most likely removed in a month…

I would rather have them re-work all the existing dungeons to:

  • Fix exploits.
  • Fix skips.
  • Punish sellers.
  • Encourage non DPS stat-combination diversity.
  • Enhance rewards.
  • Give different skins, and Graphics to the different paths to make them more diverse.
  • Make them more fun.

You won’t fix exploits overnight. One may be patch but the same people will try to find another one. Case study: Fractals of the Mist.

The content in this patch isn’t temporary nor was the previous. LFG tool, WvW bloodlust, World Boss and now TA new patch, some WvW (hinted), and I’m sure a few more things that aren’t listed on the release page.

Nothing wrong with skips. It requires skill to skip stuff (if you look at Arah). Better thing to suggest is to make trash more enjoyable. Nobody wants to pound silver mobs for a few minutes it gets boring. Instead have like 100 low hp mobs or something.

Sellers are punished if they kick people near the end. If someone happens to solo/duo a dungeon and they sell 3 dungeon slots that is legit. Big difference.

The most they can do is to require more support like condi removal like they did in the AR dungeon. As for condition damage that is a bigger change since it affects not only PvE but sPvP and WvW.

Lackluster New Content

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Updates so far: F&F: Razing, SAB W1, Secret of Southsun, Last Stand at Southsun, Dragon Bash, Sky Pirates, Bazaar of the Four Winds, Cutthroat Politics, Queen’s Jubilee, Clockwork Chaos, SAB W2, Tequatl Rising, Twilight Assault.

Out of all of these updates, only 3 are festival (Dragon Bash, Bazaar, and Queen’s Jubilee). Sure they occur for a month but that is for people who want to take it slow to acquire achievements and such. Certainly nobody wants to only have two weeks to do it. SAB isn’t even a festival. Like what are you celebrating hmm? I’m sure we will find out the purpose of SAB when the other worlds come out (foreshadow from W3 currently).

As for lackluster patch. For starters you don’t even know everything that is going into the patch. It was stated that some WvW changes (getting wxp stuff from player kills) is going in the next patch. Maybe some balance changes and such this patch too. Who knows since the patch isn’t out. Tequ brought up bloodlust in WvW (big change) along with LFG tool. Previous updates brought champion loot, ascended crafting, and dungeon reward rework just to name a few. Molten Alliance brought very little. In fact one month of F&F update is equal to the 2 week updates we have now in terms of changes and content.

"Maguuma" gets Teq down to 1-3%

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Yeah cause we were trying to organize and avoid afkers. As for Mag you guys just need to get a bunch of people and organize really good and you can get it down. Either way good luck.

Another overflow kill (FA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


That was the most intense 5 seconds ever

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


A little late but Hello Fort Aspenwood!! This is the first time SOR and FA have been matched up.

Don’t worry we just want to give you a hug from our 120 mega zerg blob lol

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


This is going to be a long week. Hope for some fights against SoR roamers in the middle of the map.

welcome to the unviable damage club zerkers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


Zerkers can go to turret defense. If they don’t want to, rebuild. Don’t want the expense? Your call but don’t blame others for your decisions. Leave the frontlines to the ones that can take a hit.

So you justify this ridiculous design by saying that all the zerkers and condition classes need to go play at the back of the bus? You confident you have enough dps with (let’s just say) 30% of the players all defending turrets?

How bout we just force Anet to get their act together instead?

People should have more than one armor set for their main profession (minimum exotic). Like temple soldier gear for all the world bosses. Not that hard.

The design isn’t bad since it forces people to maximize their role. If you are zerk then killing mobs on turrets is good since you can kill them fast. However, front line dps isn’t your thing due to you being squishy. As for condition damage it is just unfortunate fact that conditions get capped. Although they can be good for mass condi aoes on big group of mobs.

9/13: FA/DB/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



Why you have triple the numbers, TC?
No need to stack that many.

9/13: FA/DB/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The video is still processing.



had to really scrape the bottom of the barrel for people …. but yeah twas intense to say the least.

AND you’re a pve commander!!

I’d say PvX

Constant attempts to hack

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


When you log into the forums it will display a login from Texas occasionally due to the connection that needs to be made to tie the forums and the login servers. This is not a bug, and not an account hijack attempt.

Good to know. I saw this the other day and I thought something fishy was going on.

Guild Missions Feel Like Quitting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


That isn’t a good guild :\ . As for the chest at the end of the guild rush and puzzle it isn’t great. The only thing you need to do is to finish for the commendations.

Ascended weapon infusion slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


So I’m wondering since Ascended 2H weapons have two infusion slots how would it work if you only want to replace one of the infusions with another type of infusion. Say you have just a normal +5 AR and one +x stat +5 AR infusion but now you want to put a WvW offensive infusion instead of just the plain +5 AR infusion.

Is there a way to know which one it will replace if it does at all?