Showing Posts For Cush.4063:

(video) ele vs necro post patch

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Lol all these people complaining only do 1v1 or only play on a team with 5 condi necros

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cush.4063


I love it personally. Being a PU mesmer and I strictly play PvP I find it extremely useful. I find myself in the midst of a battle forgetting to look at my hp and then I look down rapidly and I’m either at full health or close to it. Just got to concern yourself with keeping up your illusions. It’s certainly not that great in a shatter build I would assume. I feel a bit tanky with it on and my survivability is great. Of course I also am traited for it so my cooldown is 28 seconds and not 35.

Already hating the new meta

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


What are you talking about? Lol. This def isn’t the thief meta

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


No, you guys really don’t get it. I understand that that’s what makes this game fun to you. People do have their own ways of having fun. So I get you on that point. The point I’m talking about is that you don’t have to flame the devs and rage quit and go all chaotic over it. These posts are what make the forums not that great to be in. All I am encouraging is a respectful but forceful post. I apologize for saying the things I did about being childish and such, it’s just that these are the only forums I delve into on this site, the “pvp forums”. And after spending so much time in them and all I see is post after post about how the devs suck, the game is bad, I’m quitting, etc. it just dampens the game and the forums. This is just the thread I chose to take it out on and so I apologize for being disrespectful myself. I just feel that things would go a lot less ignored with no posts from the devs if it wasn’t a flame fest. I feel the devs respond more in threads where there is a problem and they can respond without being attacked or the feeling of being attacked as well as it makes the forums a more enjoyable place to be. Anyways, that’s my 2 cents.


New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Wow, I feel really embarassed to be a gw2 player reading this thread. For one I don’t think it’s THAT big of a deal but the fact that everyone is rage quitting here is pathetic. Seriously, everyone is acting like a 12 year old and flaming and spamming their hate. All you really need to do is write a respectful comment with your criticism to put the point across. The way you all act is really childish.

“Anet, is there anyway that you could please reduce the amount of wins it costs for a daily as it seems it is a bit much and hard to achieve. Reasons being…..”

All you all had to say really. Tbh, it’s only a daily and I’m sure you can complete enough of these dailies in a month in order to get your monthly. Not to mention it seems as though Anet is trying to push getting together as a team which I think is a great idea although it might be a little rough. I think they could reduce the team wins down to 1 and give you the amount of points for 2 wins in that one win. Is it really that bad that you guys don’t want to play as a team? It’s a lot more fun playing in a team just to let you know. shakes head

[Brainstorm] The Perfect PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


The perfect or even close to perfect PvP would be fun PvP, I hope that’s taken further into account for 2014.

agreed but their must be something to make it more fun than you think it already is. more fun is a very broad and open statement.

[Brainstorm] The Perfect PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Hmmhmm; I remember how that was in another game I’ve played. It worked with chatcommands:

@duel playername —> sends a duel-request to said player
@accept --> accept duel-request
@deny —> deny duel-request
@duel x --> x is any number; opens a duel in which x amount of people can participate (all vs all; partymembers can’t hurt eachother)
@invite playername —> invites player to a duel (usually used for duels with more than two players participating)
@leave --> leaves a duel

Of course you could also make that /commands. You could also restrict the usage of those commands to certain maps, or maybe even parts of maps.

Now I obviously don’t know how hard it would be to code such a thing, but I felt like sharing this. ^^

I saw this on another thread and it seemed like a really cool idea for dueling/FFA’s. If the devs aren’t fueled by an idea for a dueling “arena” I think this would be a great substitute.

Devs dueling in the mists on ready up show

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Hmmhmm; I remember how that was in another game I’ve played. It worked with chatcommands:

@duel playername —> sends a duel-request to said player
@accept --> accept duel-request
@deny —> deny duel-request
@duel x --> x is any number; opens a duel in which x amount of people can participate (all vs all; partymembers can’t hurt eachother)
@invite playername —> invites player to a duel (usually used for duels with more than two players participating)
@leave --> leaves a duel

Of course you could also make that /commands. You could also restrict the usage of those commands to certain maps, or maybe even parts of maps.

Now I obviously don’t know how hard it would be to code such a thing, but I felt like sharing this. ^^

That’s actually an awesome idea. Kinda like mine except with more than 1 person. Would be a great way to fill the time waiting for your queue to pop for matches as well as improving your skill.

[Brainstorm] The Perfect PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


  • Achieving Glory/Gold
    Whatever you want to call it in your new upcoming PvP changes, “PvP Currency/Gold/Whatever”. This currency that you use to purchase or obtain gear and/or other items as well as rank points should only be given out for wins. Period. I’m tired of running to point A and winning a 1v1 or 1v2 and then being able to cap the point and then see another player come running up to me and standing on the point with me for no purpose at all except to get points in the match to improve their score. Actually, points in a match should be taken out completely. If points in a match were taken out completely than nobody would be farming. Just basing it off of overall points in a match would be perfect. Individual score is meaningless unless you’re playing a gametype such as team deathmatch or ffa deathmatch. Those are literally the only gametypes that it would make any sense at all to provide individual player points. PLEASE implement this. I feel this would fix so many problems just by itself, farming, beginner players understanding how to contribute, team communication, etc.
  • Farming
    Please read previous bullet, I believe that would completely fix this issue
  • Matchmaking
    Players are often being matched up with players that are ranked all over the place and it is really really screwing with peoples leaderboards. It’s one of the most aggravating parts about PvP for sure. I feel there could be a couple fixes for this. My highest reccommended one would be to place everybody into a specific bracket aka lvl 1-10, 11-19, 21-29, etc. With that only let people comete with another in the same bracket. The other one which is make it so that you can only do solo q and team q if you’re level 20 or higher. I am only a lvl 13 but I personally feel that I really know my class well, play it well, and know the gametype well, BUT although there are people like me that do know these things I feel that the majority do not so I would rather personally sacrifice myself to stop playing soloq and teamq until level 20 just so that when I reach that rank I will have a more enjoyable time. I feel that the reason I know how to play the game and my class so well atm is because of time spent researching, watching, learning, practicing it before I started which is not what most people like to do. They just want to get into it right away.

Anyways that’s what I have to contribute at this moment. I’m sure I’ll think of more. Everyone else please feel free to give your own lists and even break down my own list and tell me what you disagree with. Thanks!


(edited by Cush.4063)

[Brainstorm] The Perfect PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Now we all would love open world PvP but that’s just not gonna happen as I can see endless amounts of code and time so I figure this thread is focused on the arena PvP. I haven’t seen any threads like this, just posts here and there talking about a specific area of it but no overall generalization and lists. So, let your lists unroll and discuss and be respectful please. I posted some of this on another thread but it didn’t seem like that thread got much attention so I’m going to post some of it on this thread as well.

  • PvP Gametypes
    (I think we’re all tired of playing the same old domination no matter what game you go to) Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Attack and Defend, FFA Deathmatch, etc.
  • Dueling Arenas
    I’m pretty sure we’ve all wanted this since the beginning and not to mention this would be integrated into the ladder system and would contribute to the “solo gametype” ladderso that you can get your name recognized. I feel this should be the only way to get your name on the ladder system as well as other solo gametypes (not being hot join or solo queue as those are still team games) and the other ladders are for “team names”.
  • Teams
    I mentioned this at the end of my last bullet and yes I know we already have guilds but I feel teams should be different than guilds. I mean nobody has over 100 players on a team and all compete for the same PvP team, that’s for guilds. One thing different about PvP is that you can play with people on different servers which is also a big downfall for PvP guilds. The downfall is that you get your guild points from only the server that the guild owner is on and the members that are from a different server don’t contribute and that’s why I think teams on PvP should be different than guilds on PvE and your team name will be what is posted on all team played gametype ladders. Not to mention in order to progress your guild there should be only PvP achievements and missions. Teams will have an easier time getting together and can setup scrimages as well as playing together. Playing PvP with someone is so much more fun than playing solo and implementing a feature like this will really get this game more competitive, more social, and overall a more core aspect of the game.
  • PvP Gear
    As far as PvP gear goes I would hope that it would look like “PvP Gear”. I liked some of what people were saying as far as having capes with a bronze, silver, or gold trim marking and distinguishing you in PvE as well as PvE. PvP legendaries was also another great idea. I also feel as though getting some gear should be more than just a random chest or random forge. Gear progression is a huge thing but the way it’s implemented in the game it’s completely random. There should be a way to get better gear and sets of gear by progressing through PvP and not just by getting lucky. Having to purchase the top tier gear would be one good idea as long as it’s with a currency you can only get in PvP and an achievement system would work as well but there really needs to be a better system for progression with gear on PvP instead of randoms.
  • Team Sizes
    A lot of people have the issue of playing Team Queue because they can’t find that one last player or they can’t find those 2 or 3 other players. Give the option of having 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, etc. I feel that unless you implement my idea on teams instead of guilds for PvP than it really is hard trying to gather a team together. I mean most all guilds focus on WvW with their large numbers so It’s really all about spamming the chat when you get there hoping someone will actually respond and then finding 3 more people.
  • Ranks
    This is one of the biggest complaints I’ve seen in the PvP community and I’m glad you’ve decided to keep them but I think it should be more than just a number and a finisher. Connect gear progression to this. Yes I know every 10 ranks that I’m pretty sure you have a chance of getting better gear but it’s still all random.
  • Integrated Voice Chat
    Another HUGE game changer to hot joins and solo queues would be an integrated voice chat. It would solve so much as far as acting as a team and communication. This would work for both PvE and PvP so that voice chat would be enabled while you’re in a group for dungeons, WvW, and regular team gameplay/progression as well as whenever you’re in a PvP match with other teammates.
  • AFK/People leaving midmatch
    Really just need to fix this in some way, I’ve seen a lot of great ideas out there and I’m sure you’re working on it and it will be fixed. If it will take a lot of time to be fixed in the current PvP then I would rather wait for it with the new ladder system so it comes sooner rather than later. If it’s an easy fix than please implement it now.

Continued onto next post as it’s too long >.>

Devs dueling in the mists on ready up show

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


It would be cool if we could right click someones name and request a duel which then only you two would become hostile towards each other. Or just make a dueling arena that you can queue for in general and add a ladder for it. Either way is fine with me. I like the ladder dueling arena idea but the request a duel would be good enough. Implement please.

A Guide to sPvP (1. Teamcomps and roles)

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Bump sticky plz

SO stacked..... Skyhammer nearly fail.

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


I don’t get it….a close game? I’ve had 499v500 games on other maps.

[Brainstorm]Ways to increase stream views

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Main priority should be to create a good competetive pvp mode. Something that is super intuitive, easy to get in to but hard to master.

The entire MOBA trend shows exactly what designing a good pvp mode can do for your game.

They’ve talked about some ideas concerning the lord and that MOBA design. One example was making the lord go up over time in terms of its points so that even if someone is off by 200 points, they can still make it if they can kill their lord.

Another suggestion I thought up is maybe making respawn times last longer as the game goes on so that dieing has a much larger punishment. Similar to what they do in MOBAs when the respawn rate I think is decided by your level. I mean imagine being off by 100 points, you win a teamfight, boom you are now back into a close game because the team you just killed is waiting to respawn. This kind of on your edge of your seat instances could really help improve the watchability of this game.

Although I hate the idea cause I hate waiting to respawn that may actually be a good idea. So that when you kill someone you actually “defeated them” and won’t have to worry about that person while capping a point rather than defeating him at his home point and then next thing you know he pops up again when you’re at 3/4 health from the last fight now having a disadvantage and the cap being pointless. Although I think the best idea would be MORE GAMETYPES lol. CTF, attack and defend, team death match, 1v1 dueling arenas. That are all on leaderboards. And more maps.

Class Tier List- Post December 10th Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Tier 1
- Warrior
- Mesmer
- Ranger
- Necromancer
- Engineer
- Guardian

Tier 2
- Elementalist

Tier 3
- Empty

- Thief

LOL. That made me laugh. Thank you.

10 casual tournaments, 8 wins

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


I mean the devs are remaking a whole system where it will be better. I say patience is a virtue. The news is out, things are going to be fixed with matchmaking. You just gotta wait till its officially out. No point in complaining about the current situation when they’re making a full new system unless you want to prolong the system for a small fix now. IMO id rather have the kitten system come sooner than later. I’m really excited for a legit system that I’ve wanted for PvP for a game for so long.

Çoon and Friends [CaF] ~ PvP guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cush.4063


We really need guardian bunkers atm.

I'm Done with PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


We have a guild started solely for always having people to do tPvP with. We are definitely making a “main” team to be competitive with but the overall goal of the guild is to have someone to play with always. If you’re interested message me

A Guide to sPvP (1. Teamcomps and roles)

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Btw awesome post. Sticky for sure.

A Guide to sPvP (1. Teamcomps and roles)

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


I think you should update this based on the nerf on Dec 10th which also includes new healing skills. Such as the s/d thief is getting nerfed and such. Unless you feel it will stay the same even after the nerfs. As mesmer is getting a buff/op healing skill and so on. I feel that all these builds/classes you listed aren’t going to be as good in this composition after the nerf.

Çoon and Friends [CaF] ~ PvP guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cush.4063


Yes we are looking to have a good time in tPvP as well as also being competitive. I also have a TS server so leave a post here if interested or message me or “Is X”.
My main (Çush)

alt code 128 for the C

PvP Livestream: Friday at 2pm PST.

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Alright, these are my ideas. They are not really questions but what I would love for you to implement into the game with all this new content.

  • PvP Gametypes
    (I think we’re all tired of playing the same old domination no matter what game you go to) Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Attack and Defend, FFA Deathmatch, etc.
  • Dueling Arenas
    I’m pretty sure we’ve all wanted this since the beginning and not to mention this would be integrated into the ladder system and be the only solo ladder up there so you can get your name recognized. I feel this should be the only way to get your name on the ladder system as well as other solo games (not being hot join or solo queue as those are still team games) and the other ladders are for team names.
  • Teams
    I mentioned this at the end of my last bullet and yes I know we already have guilds but I feel teams should be different than guilds. I mean nobody has over 100 players on a team and all compete for the same PvP team, that’s for guilds. One thing different about PvP is that you can play with people on different servers and that’s why I think teams on PvP should be different than guilds on PvE and your team name will be what is posted on all team played gametype ladders. Teams will have an easier time getting together and can setup scrimages as well as playing together. Playing PvP with someone is so much more fun than playing solo and implementing a feature like this will really get this game more competitive, more social, and overall a more core aspect of the game.
  • PvP Gear
    As far as PvP gear goes I would hope that it would look like “PvP Gear”. I liked some of what people were saying as far as having capes with a bronze, silver, or gold trim marking and distinguishing you in PvE as well as PvE. PvP legendaries was also another great idea. I also feel as though getting some gear should be more than just a random chest or random forge. Having to purchase the top tier gear would be a good idea as long as it’s with a currency you can only get in PvP or an achievement system would work as well.
  • Team Sizes
    A lot of people have the issue of playing Team Queue because they can’t find that one last player or they can’t find those 2 or 3 other players. Give the option of having 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, etc. I feel that unless you implement my idea on teams instead of guilds for PvP than it really is hard trying to gather a team together. I mean most all guilds focus on WvW with their large numbers so It’s really all about spamming the chat when you get there hoping someone will actually respond and then finding 3 more people.
  • Ranks
    This one seems to be the biggest concern from the community about keeping their ranks and finishers for all the hard work and time they’ve put into the game. I can see where they’re coming from but at the same time if you have a better and cooler idea and that involves taking ranks away then go for it. I’m sure if you’re taking away ranks you have another horizontal progression in mind and it’s better to do it sooner than later. Now if you don’t have another ranking system by time played (hopefully changed to games won and not lost) in thought to replace the current one then I suggest you do for the sake of how many people truly care about their rank more than making the game a better game to play so you avoid all the hate. >.>
  • Integrated Voice Chat
    Another HUGE game changer to hot joins and solo queues would be an integrated voice chat. It would solve so much as far as acting as a team and communication. This would work for both PvE and PvP so that voice chat would be enabled while you’re in a group for dungeons, WvW, and regular team gameplay/progression as well as whenever you’re in a PvP match with other teammates.

Anyways all in all I think the most important ones for me would be the integration of a team system, voice chat, and more gametypes. Thanks you Anet for actually communicating with the community on changes and for the first time in any mom I’ve played actually focusing on making PvP a core aspect of the game.


(edited by Cush.4063)

Anyone else disappointed?

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


I don’t think you all understand how much this team actually works with the players and is actually truly working on bettering the pvp system. I don’t know how many games I’ve gone through trying to find good pvp and if it isn’t than maybe some new content in the future but it never happens. I think it’s awesome that this team actually responds on the forums personally not to mention is actually doing something about the issues. I mean take Neverwinter as one example out of a million. Their pvp is simply just 2 maps with domination and I haven’t seen one thing explained from any dev about pvp changes. If you can find a better game that is actually looking at implementing some new features, gametypes, and maps as well as fixing things that we have brought up that then please tell me. Cause in the last year I’ve gone through like 8 different games trying to find one until I came here and pvp is one of their big features that they’re trying to make one of their core features. I’m so tired of domination being the only gametype on every mmorpg I try with only 1 or 2 maps with no intention on going any further. This game has pvp rooted into its system and actually does have more than one gametype (WvW). Not to mention they’re actually planning on putting in more which I’m stoked for. Not to mention making a ladder system so that people actually want to be competitive again and all the other features they mentioned. Are there areas that may need a better description and/or maybe some tweaking? Yes. But that’s what we’re here for because they’re actually listening to us. Just give them your advice in a more professional manner imo. Put bullet points and go into detail without saying "omg, this game is ruined now wtf, I’m out. No Ranks! "

Removing our hard earned ranks!

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Maybe you should read John’s article before criticizing it. All veterans before the ladder is implemented will be able to keep their finishers and more to show that you were there since the beginning. Don’t worry…be happy ;p
This new system sounds like an amazing new change that will get PvP more active and I’m super stoked for more game types.

We will be able to keep finishers but the ranking system will be null and void. So anyone who’s tried to rank up knows it took a very long time. We will never get the chance to earn other finishers. If they go on sale or end up being rewards it will just cheapen having actually earned that finisher.

It’s a really really bad idea to scrap rankings

I was addressing the errors and complaints in your posts thus being

  1. - Not catering to the veterans of the game and completely taking away finishers which is not true at all and
  2. - That they removed a post from the forums to hide the removal of the rank system when it is posted right smack on the front page.

And that’s all I was commenting on

I am not the op. The post referenced was pinned by a moderator which is now gone. I never said they were taking away our finishers just the ability to gain them with our current ranking system

Wasn’t referencing you in first point. Was the original post.

Removing our hard earned ranks!

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


But I do have one thing to say that is my personal opinion. It seems as though the devs put all this hard work into creating this game only to get completely bashed and hated on about something that is in the game. Then everyone rages about how they want it changed (take the current PvP system for example: people complaining about why tpvp is dead and so on) and then the devs listen to all your opinions even if it is in hate and put in a big change only to get bashed in on that as well when all they’re trying to do is help and make our game experience better and the way we want it. I feel this criticism could be handled in a much better way. If people would make a post in a professional manner that is not bashing in the devs and threatening to quit cause of a nerf or change in the game and list what you think could be different I believe it would be a much better environment and the devs would appreciate the advice much more. Just saying g cause if I was a dev I would hate everyone and say kitten it (luckily I’m not one) lol. And I’m not specifically targeting anyone in this thread but the community as a whole.

Removing our hard earned ranks!

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Maybe you should read John’s article before criticizing it. All veterans before the ladder is implemented will be able to keep their finishers and more to show that you were there since the beginning. Don’t worry…be happy ;p
This new system sounds like an amazing new change that will get PvP more active and I’m super stoked for more game types.

We will be able to keep finishers but the ranking system will be null and void. So anyone who’s tried to rank up knows it took a very long time. We will never get the chance to earn other finishers. If they go on sale or end up being rewards it will just cheapen having actually earned that finisher.

It’s a really really bad idea to scrap rankings

I was addressing the errors and complaints in your posts thus being

  1. - Not catering to the veterans of the game and completely taking away finishers which is not true at all and
  2. - That they removed a post from the forums to hide the removal of the rank system when it is posted right smack on the front page.

And that’s all I was commenting on

Removing our hard earned ranks!

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063

There is a main guild wars 2 page you know guys? With news, not just the forums >.>

Removing our hard earned ranks!

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Maybe you should read John’s article before criticizing it. All veterans before the ladder is implemented will be able to keep their finishers and more to show that you were there since the beginning. Don’t worry…be happy ;p
This new system sounds like an amazing new change that will get PvP more active and I’m super stoked for more game types.


in Looking for...

Posted by: Cush.4063


Whatup, I’m interested. I main a mesmer on Anvil Rock at the moment. Let me know if you’re interested =D and what server you all play on.


Mesmer sword phantasm bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cush.4063


While using my mesmer under the sword/pistol weaponset my sword attack #3 is supposed to send out a phantasm to leap at the foe and attack it and then allow me to press the sword attack #3 again in order to teleport to where my phantasm was. I use this to easily get close with my sword attacks so i can stun them with my pistol and use sword attack #2 to do more damage. The issue is around 60+% of the time I click the button my phantasm doesnt appear thus I’m not able to teleport to the opponent and my cd begins. This is very aggravating. I’ve hovered over the button multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing something and doing it wrong and all that it requires is that I press the button while targeting (doesnt say while targeting but just to confirm in case someone tries to say that is the issue as I always use tab targeting). This is very aggravating as it renders my combo I’ve perfected for when it does work on my sword useless everytime I have distance on my opponent. This is mainly a problem in pvp as that is when I use the sword/pistol combination. Please fix this.
