Showing Posts For Daniel Handler.4816:

What are your post patch builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Already posted mine. No one commented Q.Q

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
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September 9 Patch Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Mimic is god awful.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Has decoy been shadow nerfed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

k thanks for the heads up

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Crowd Control: Mesmer Commander Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

[Mesmer Game] Tower of Egos

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Can you put (Kentigem) next to my name. It may get confusing otherwise. Daniel Handler is my account name but I don’t use it anywhere in game.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

[OMFG] Help Wanted!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

dungeons, fractals, and pvp.
edit- but if we have mutliple coordinators I would prefer doing pvp or fractals.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

(edited by Daniel Handler.4816)

[OMFG] Help Wanted!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Yo. Im your EU guy. Kentigem the mesmer.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Moving on to Signets?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Don’t forget that Signet of Midnight is a instant-cast Stun Break with an Unblockable AoE 5-target Blind. You can pair it well with Blurred Inscriptions, if you wish to try doing something with that.

I did not forget that – however, do we really need another stunbreak utility? We have plenty of options that are way more flexible. The blind is still meh, and the blurred inscriptions point applies to all signets.

I said this in another thread at some point, but I’ll say it again here.

Signet of midnight makes no sense. It’s a pbaoe instant blind. It’s also a stunbreak. If paired with the trait, it’s also an invuln.

So, if you blind your target, you don’t need the stunbreak. If you need the stunbreak, it means you already got hit, the blind isn’t super useful. If it’s an invuln, then you don’t need the blind OR the stunbreak.

Yes, there are situations where multiples of its uses can be helpful. However, that doesn’t make it any more cohesive in these non-niche situations.

Except for the fact that it prevents two attacks whether it is traited or not. The stun break allows you to move and avoid the first attack the blind allow you to avoid the second. Blind is not removed when you attack a distorted person, so when traited it also prevents two attacks. This is two attacks from five people. Pretty good in my eyes.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Everyone join this now.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Help: WvW Comm. AoE Lockdown Build 4 Patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Thank you OMFG guild. If you are not in it you should join. It really helps with these posts where you see everyone has seen it but no one responds. I got the help I needed.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Help: WvW Comm. AoE Lockdown Build 4 Patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Basically you are tanky as kitten. Problems I have are with direct damage (Fresh air). Yes they fixed rune of vampirism+desperate decoy. This is an aoe lockdown build for the new patch. Things I need help with is better armor mixing to preserve healing power but do more damage. You can easily run at the front of a zerg with this and swap decoy for veil and distraction for concentration or blink and you can lead a charge.

tldr; help in anyway possible. no deceptive evasion (unless you can convice me otherwise)

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

About PU

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Cool you don’t say toxic you say cancer. Kitten kitten kitten kitten!! Meox Mix you kitten tiger panther kitten.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

What is your favorite skill in the game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Spectral walk is hilarious, Nothing funnier then being chased by a group of people with them right on your heels and then porting and running the other way.

Decoy while targeting a Moa then use blink?

Oh god yes. Watching people chase after a clone and then have it blow up is hilarious.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Mesmer Poll: Scepter Auto-Attack Torment

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I think the point is that polls like this are harmful if they are done before the patch. This is because they incite people into rash postings about things they might not completely understand. Add in a few celebrities (helseth), and suddenly we have more nerfs because the community goes crazy and Anet feels they have to respond.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Illusionary Elasticity

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Shhhhhh don’t post about IE. Publish more hate on scepter AA

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Mesmer: Change the changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

TW is good only for golem rush and unopposed Lord slaughter these days.
Portal is used for golem rush and keep retake. With only few mesmers in the zerg it is hard to use it in any other way due to long recharges.

Poor poor man. You should really try thinking outside of the box. These skills are good for dungeons, world bosses, even solo combat.

Are you actually basing the quality of a class off of its utility skills?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

It is pretty clear that rather than waiting for direct feedback to a proposed game change, the devs are responding to hype on the forums. This has lead to a number of unfortunate changes to all classes, that are pretty unnecessary. Recently Shiguru Miyamoto of Nintendo has discussed the relief he feels now that he can move his company away from casual gamers and back to the core. I hope that at some point Arena Net can do the same. Dumbing down the game is what is leading to the slow death of WoW (think pandas), hopefully guild wars will try to remove itself from the primadonnas that post on these forums and wait until patches have actually happened to then make declensions on balance.
Edit: This is not to say that bugs should not be reported. This is to say that the hardcore quality of the game is being damaged by people who don’t want to work for anything.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

(edited by Daniel Handler.4816)

Clone Death Changes are a Terrible Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Í’m just confused how blinding would ever prevent the attack. It is a radius based aoe that is not generated by targeting. I legitimately don’t understand what the reasoning for applying this to clones is other than an attempt to nerf it.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

PU Bounce

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

For a few months now I have been running with this in WvW. I always felt inferior to pure Blackwater. But six second cooldown on staff port was too cool for me to pass up. Now that I read about the upcoming changes I decided to share this fun build with you all. PU Bounce:

You have essentially two major bouncers now. The staff clones, and the torch phantasm. Combos generally fall similar to blackwater, such as summon mage>confusing images>illusionary counter>the prestige>swap to staff>chaos storm>phase retreat>chaos armor>phantasmal warlock>phase retreat>repeat. But you have new options, for example shattering 3 clones puts 6 stacks of confusion on someone, add in torch phantasm, confusing images, and illusionary counter and you can counter pretty much any burst. The celerity trait allows you to generate illusions faster which increases the debilitating dissipation rate. But the best part I find is the 6 second phase retreat, which improves combat mobility immensely.
I picked hydromancy and doom because its hard to prevent people from running away with PU condi builds, but blinking next to a person and putting on them the best (imho) conditions in the game goes a long way.

I’d love to here some input from the community. So what do you guys think?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Selling dungeon paths, reportable?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I see it all the time in the lfg. People advertising that for 2g they will let you join their party and kill the boss (which is usually on 1%). Does this fall under Lfg abuse?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

[Build Survey] How do YOU Shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I do PU conditions, but instead of going blackwater I go 0,4,6,0,4. As a result I can do crazy bursts of confusion. e.g torch phantasm + Confusing images+ cry of frustration = 10+ stacks of confusion. If maimed is buffed I might switch out of PU and do 0,4,4,0,6.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

IGN: Kentigem
Server: Ruins of Surmia
Role: Any
Playtime: 8:00PM EST to 2:00AM EST
Playstyle: WvW, PvP

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Are there negative affects from professions?

in Lore

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Are there any affects on the body from being a profession for a long time. Can people easily change without harmful affects from mixing magics? Do necromancers have residual death on them? Do engineers lose there sense of smell from the fumes?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Bounty: Warlord of Chaos (Bounty Raised!)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

how can we be assured that all three Chaos are not just illusions made by Pyro? And this bet is an attempt to destroy one Chaos so the next time Pyro starts using phantasm Archangel isn’t overwritten.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

About Deceptive Evasion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I do not agree, it would just require a bit more attention to the number of illusions you have up in order to spawn a new one, but i dont see it so catastrophic as you say.

DPS and utility from shatter builds is directly tied to the rate of clone generation, unless you can generate 3 clones/shatter faster than the shatter CD’s are up this will be a nerf to the shatter play style. This is possible against some foes but not when engaged against heavy AE classes or multiple players. Unless I completely missed a meta change, shatter builds are rare in WvW and barely hanging on in top sPvP. In addition clone death builds are not popular in sPvP tournaments and it is generally agreed that you can walk away from most of them in WvW. So if shatter does not need a nerf and clone death is negligible, why would you want this?

Nefing a play style will not increase build diversity. If you are thinking of increasing clone generation in another area to compensate, I would be interested to hear your idea. That is the only way I can imagine a DE nerf being good for Mesmer builds and diversity.

Also positioning is very difficult otherwise. Lockdown uses it to chain daze. Shatter uses it extensively to 6 clone shatter. Hell the lost asura fractal we use it to body block projectiles with clones. Something you cant control with any weapon other than staff (greatsword, and scepter put the clone near but not at a definite spot).

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Why isn't everything on fire?

in Lore

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I didn’t really notice it when I played mesmer but after playing elementalist a bit it leads me to ask: Why isn’t everything on fire? I try to save people from a burning orphanage in the pstory, but somehow my own flames don’t compound the problem, and my water doesn’t put it out.

So I’m looking for some lore explanation rather than thus sayeth Anet. Or even a wild theory with no basis in lore.

Why would you want a lore explanation? Sometimes it’s best that some things do not mimic real life for the sake of gameplay.

Would you like a lore expanation on why Queensdale and other Kryta areas have green grass? Surely you would think all the thousands of elementalists would have burnt the grass by now?

I’m confused as to how you think I want the game to mimic real life? From what I am aware there is no real life version of magic I could compare the game too. Instead I want magic to be further defined for the process of lore/roleplaying. Its possible that these decisions were made for gameplay. But as someone mentioned earlier, all structures that have burned in the game have been ignited by non-magical fire, and I want to know why.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Why isn't everything on fire?

in Lore

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I personally explain this for myself as being the difference between magic and actual fire. See the original schools of magic are described as: Preservation, Destruction, Aggression, and Denial.

Fire magic is thus a visual representation of the Destruction/Aggression side of magic. Or in other words, there is no actual fire magic, it’s in a sense destruction magic shaped in an illusion of fire.

That /\ – and this is not Minecraft, implementing a system like that, while interesting in a world where rebuilding is fairly easy. Would be devastating for the game world, how many people do you think would be inclined to burn down LA just for the sake of it…

But I don’t think it is illusory. Because that is the basis for Denial. I think Destruction is imitating natural forces using magic as the destructive catalyst. i.e flames that consume magic as fuel would not affect wood, but they would burn npcs and players who are chock full of magic. You are forcing the matter in an area to transmute but that transmutation isn’t permanent.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Why isn't everything on fire?

in Lore

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I didn’t really notice it when I played mesmer but after playing elementalist a bit it leads me to ask: Why isn’t everything on fire? I try to save people from a burning orphanage in the pstory, but somehow my own flames don’t compound the problem, and my water doesn’t put it out.

So I’m looking for some lore explanation rather than thus sayeth Anet. Or even a wild theory with no basis in lore.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Chaos Armor (effect)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Okay but imagine the situation where one Mesmer is moving through a zerg, and getting random aoe. This produces a Xv1 situation without the actual targeting of Xv1. Added is the fact that we can share our boons. Guardians are good but they can’t give perma protection/retal/regen to five people around them.

idk if a single tiny aoe boon share every 36 seconds could be considered Perma but.. i mean if you know a way to get that much prot and retal and regen when the game seems to cap at 25 seconds.. please.. let me know.

Its quite simple really. None of those boons cap the number of stacks. You could hypothetical stack to around 2 mins in duration. 2 minutes-36 seconds=perma protection, swiftness, and/or regeneration.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

(edited by Daniel Handler.4816)

Chaos Armor (effect)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Okay but imagine the situation where one Mesmer is moving through a zerg, and getting random aoe. This produces a Xv1 situation without the actual targeting of Xv1. Added is the fact that we can share our boons. Guardians are good but they can’t give perma protection/retal/regen to five people around them.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

How can I improve my build? D/F WvW Hybrid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

This is a dagger focus hybrid WvW build. It uses supreme amounts of damage mitigation and hard+soft cc. It works the best in teamfights but can easily solo by its ability to attack in the middle of group of enemies. The elite is avatar of melandru, simply because it gives us a water field, can be used to insure a stomp, or used to clear conditions by instant casting cleansing leaves and then canceling the transformation. If you have any ideas how to improve it it would be much appreciated.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

D/F Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

YES. Basically it allows you to go full tilt and then recover using one of your various damage mitigation abilities.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816


Its Irish Gaelic for chief.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Chaos Armor (effect)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

All the boons last more than 1 second. On a good day you can get 15 seconds of protection, (technically 10 by the time the armor ends). If the boons were per attacker on a good day you could get 15*X easily getting close to one minute of protection (and this is without boon duration). 1 min of protection could be comboed with our other skills/traits, or our ease of gaining chaos armor, to have perma protection. I think that is what ANET is trying to avoid.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Daliriants Mesmer Meta!! (High end TPvP)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Get rid of the sigils and it will take longer for people to realise the farce This build is great, I love the synergy you get from sigil of chilling and chaos armour.

Enough people have messaged me in game that i need to make this qualification.This build is a joke build. It is terrible and you should not play it. Do not waste money on disruptor sustainment, it is worse than a cigarette addiction.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

(edited by Daniel Handler.4816)

ANET should shut down WvW during a DDOS

in WvW

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

This is the first time I have seen a server attack happen. But its annoying to hear that some people are taking this opportunity to PvD an entire server. There are also periods though during patches when great amounts of the server cannot access wvw. I don’t have many good answers to fix this right now, and would appreciate a discussion.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Class action lawsuit vs iMage bolt speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I actually quite like it. Having 3 iMages up on a thief insures that whenever they reappear they cant burst.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

A race for a flamboyant, effeminate mesmer?

in Lore

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Most definitely Sylvari. Fairy is a common description of effeminate men, and the Sylvari are the most fey of any of the races. Besides the fact the Sylvari are the only current race in game to have a confirmed male-male relationship.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

"Role": What should Mesmers fill?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

No, I was agreeing with him that mesmer burst sucks. I just quoted the last guy to comment on it to keep the thread going.

>.< Carry on then.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

"Role": What should Mesmers fill?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Mesmer is currently THE sustained DPS class, I dunno what you’re on about. Where they fail currently is burst, which is why no one wants them in a speedclear. Takes too long to ramp up to high sustain (3-4 seconds) and burst is crap meanwhile.

What? Mesmer has incredible burst. If you wanted burst, you’d bring a shatter mesmer. No class is capable of the same massive aoe burst that a shatter mesmer can do. However, burst is entirely useless in PvE, so nobody brings shatter mesmers.

As far as being THE sustained dps class…no? I mean maybe if you’re able to maintain 3 phantasms, which happens incredibly rarely. The sustained DPS class would probably have to be the lords of autoattack…axe warriors.

Mesmer shatter burst < FGS into wall burst. Since that’s how most bosses end up dying, and mes has low percentage modifiers and low DPS without phants, and even shatter takes a few seconds to setup, the burst is considered low. I’d be interested in seeing whether a burst/shatter mesmer could contribute a bit more to FGS’ing speed runs. Obviously this only applies to PvE, as burst works very differently in PvP and WvW.

If two/three swordsman are up, than mesmer is competitive with or better than Warrior DPS. Warrior is still probably better in most situations because of banners + FGJ + EA.

Shatter is like nothing. How much is it even worth again? Like 1k base damage I think? That’s like one Jump Shot or half an HB and then you do pretty much nothing for the rest of the fight.

It does so little I usually don’t even bother pressing the button to kill a boss since it doesn’t even take off a sliver in most cases.

A fully traited mind wrack will do about 65% of a hundred blades and 136% of a jump shot. Note that this mind wrack is on half the cooldown of jump shot, though slightly longer than hundred blades.

Edit: Actually, if you consider the channel time of hundred blades, that puts mind wrack on a slightly lower cooldown than that as well.

He misread your comment Pyro. You wrote shatter < fgs and he seems to think you wrote shatter > fgs.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Hi Nemka. We can’t really helpful unless you post what build you are using. This is a question sirreliast raised more than once, which you have ignored in both your OP and your recent reply. Also you did not respond to any point made with your reply. I’m not trying to be offensive but is English your first language? If not what is another language you might feel comfortable writing in?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

IMesmers don't need a passive speed boost

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

So we are like thieves. But we shouldn’t receive a passive speed boost, like thieves? And this is not about being able to catch people. For most of us this has to do with build diversity. The Mesmer has to go with runes like centaur/speed/traveler, or use focus, to achieve speed. All of the other classes have options for perma speed boosts: so should we.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

How to fight mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

can we try being nice even if they are trolls. isn’t responding with anger and sass just feeding the trolls?

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

Powerful Mesmer build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

I think your video is a montage of you gangbanging bad players and it didn’t really demonstrate anything.

Fixed that for you.

This is just a normal shatter build with suboptimal rune and heal choices, and not particularly inspiring play.

K you wanna be snarky for no reason that is up to you, but I am literally this close to reporting some of your posts.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

K you guys need a whole lot more patience.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

This is the forum code of conduct
“Keep it clean
Keep it civil
Stay on topic
Be responsible
Share your knowledge
Report posts for removal if they violate these standards”
If you people feel you can’t be civil when responding to new players then please stop posting here, because it is getting really disgusting.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

How to fight mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

This is a serious question.

No it isn’t. Go ahead and re-read your original post, if that’s a serious question then Pyro’s reply was death-in-the-family levels of grave serious.

Yes it was. If you and Pyro would get your heads out of your kitten you would see that this is a new player who was quite obviously confused. He wasn’t telling you that the build could do that, he was telling you his perceptions. Later, working with other players (who responded with far less sarcasm), he was able to understand his mistake.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

viable dps mesmer builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Seriously hendo… go take your OCD medicine and come back when you’re feeling better. I don’t understand why you have to tear into every build that is not 100% optimized for fractals elitists. I carried 3 separate bad pugs with the traits I posted yesterday. Most of them ended up staying and having fun instead of ragequitting.

Medic’s feedback gets better the worse your group is, that’s the entire point of using it – I don’t slot it when I’m running with people who know what they’re doing and don’t die all the time.
Every time a pugling goes down, that’s a free feedback field for the rest of them to hide in and make some chaos armor if they’re smart enough.

Really. Really. Okay so I come back to read comments. Find out I was wrong about rangers (in my defense it was not in the patch notes). And I find this crap. If you want to behave this way on forums. Then go ahead. But too many people in this thread are creating a hostile environment to new players. If you all aren’t so obsessed with being right, then we can reduce one of the many things stopping new players from running mesmer.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

How to fight mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Full stop. Pyro please remove yourself and preferably your comments from this thread. You have a right be upset with anet. But you do not have a right to bring that caustic attitude to new players, especially given how hard you try to contribute to the mesmer community.

actually pyro is right though. this persom over exaggerates everything here in this thread and sorry but telling him to leave is not your place. no one in these forums has the right to tell someone to shut up. pyro knows every inch of mesmer builds and yes hi might no notice every bug right away cause he doesnt play the affected build atm, but he goes and tests it.
he is being honest about things to other players and we all know pyro is not someone that sweet talks anything. op was exaggerating and whining about a build that didnt make sense to me the way he described it.

Read the actual thread from the beginning. The person was asking a serious question and pyro immediately begins with sarcasm. And I’m not asking him to leave these forums. I am asking him to leave this thread. I don’t care if he doesn’t sweet talk things. If his first inclination is to be rude, then I would prefer he leave threads like this, especially because it seems like he doesn’t wish to participate.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

viable dps mesmer builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

hendo. ranger runes don’t work with illusions. this has already been tested. ergo bad advice.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.

How to fight mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Full stop. Pyro please remove yourself and preferably your comments from this thread. You have a right be upset with anet. But you do not have a right to bring that caustic attitude to new players, especially given how hard you try to contribute to the mesmer community.

“Kentigem”-chief. Born cycle of Dusk. Wyld Hunt:
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.