Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I was so excited for ascended weapons skins but If I’m honest I’m not a fan. Some look better than others i.e. the white one for healing stat but in general they look far to thin and flimsy. For female characters I guess this works great but for my male characters its not so appealing. If I’m honest a lot of other skins seem to top the ascended ones, especially some of the newer chest drop ones.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
This is a suggestion for the introduction for a new weapon – the ‘Halberd’.
There has been a lot of requests for the introduction of a spear-esque weapon. Obviously as we already have ‘spears’ this would have to take the slightly different form of a halberd (see image below)
Who Can Use It?
Guardians are probably more restrained than most other classes in terms of the range of weapons available to them. A halberd would certainly add another unique dimension to them, providing mass buffs/conditions (carefully balanced of course). I can certainly see the weapon fitting in well with the Guardian lore. Indeed there could be an adaptable ranged version to boost the Guardians somewhat lacking ranged capabilities. However for now I could envision Holy related moves with this weapon type easily.
I think the weapon would suit the ranger class and I’d picture moves that would apply mass conditions i.e. bleeding (“Low Sweep”) or perhaps more of a focus on mid-distanced DPS to a single-target i.e. “Impale”, “Lunge” (KD)
Although elementalists already have a vast array of weapons, I think the new dynamics introduced with a Halberd would be very interesting. I think the focus of the skills would be on AoE immediate to the player. So it would actually not be useful as a ranged weapon but rather a viable short-distance weapon. i.e. applying freezing to immediate foes (“Frost Circle”) or cause burning and x damage (“Ignite Area”)
Balancing The New Weapon
I don’t believe balancing would be too hard for this weapon. Yes, It would be able to apply mass conditions/boons (a rather OPed idea) but the damage should also be notable reduced compared to other weapons. This should stop it becoming the go-to OP choice.
Anyway this is a rough idea that I wrote down very quickly and is more of an encouragement for other people to post their ideas on a new Spear-type weapon.
Thoughts please!
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Guardian: 7/10 (The whole Sir thing seems to fit in well with the Guardian lore)
Warrior: 7/10
Mesmer: 8.5/10 (sounds like a good mischievous name)
my names are:
Guardian: I Dantay l
(I’m a fan of Dante’s Divine Comedy and the idea of journeying through hell to paradise seemed to fit with the Holy Guardian theme)
Mesmer: Vijion
(obviously a play on Vision)
Necro: Il Judge Il
(i.e. Judgement day upon death)
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I wanted to roll human because I felt thakittens more immersive playing a character more similar to myself. Also a human male guardian seems to fit very well lore wise. That being said I’ve also rolled a Sylvari for more mystical professions
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I made a Guardian because a) I like to be the last one alive and b) Out of all the professions i’d say that Guardians are most sought after for group-play. Yes, ‘all classes are balanced’ but I reckon if you asked everyone to compile their perfect team 99% of them would include a Guardian
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Is it just me, or does the Guardian lack any form of viable range?
The Staff is very useful but doesn’t really provide any damage and Scepters, albeit our best ranged option, seem to do minimum damage and have a very limited range on their attacks anyway.
I know that the Guardian is a primarily melee class but even Warriors have some very viable range possibilities.
Anet has said that it is looking to release more skills/traits and maybe even weapons to different professions. I hope that some of these will boost the Guardians ranged capabilities. (Ideally adding something like a ‘Spear’/‘Harpoon’ throwing weapon).
Anyway I was wondering what everyones opinions were on this point? Has anyone found a truly viable ranged build for a Guardian?
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I enjoy these small festivals now & then. If I’m honest I tend to only do them for achievement points / some cool item skins. They are definitely something that should continue to thrive.
Though I do agree that as soon as one ends another seems to begin and as all the content is temporary there seems to be an almost grind-like scenario for each new festival. In my opinion these ‘festivals’ should be every 3rd month (4 a year). One for Wintersday/New Year & Halloween are a given. Perhaps mini ones for events such as Chinese New Year (as it was always very popular in GW1). I think more than 4/5 a year is just excessive.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Brilliant idea. I used to love experimenting with builds but because of the complexity of doing so in GW2 it is something that I have really been put of. Its a shame because it makes the game much interesting.
We already don’t have second professions like GW1 so playing around with builds is less fun, please don’t let complexity ruin what fun we can have.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Go buy Brutus Chestguard & Transmute. Its an option.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
The Heavy Brutus Chestguard is essentially PG Male bondage. On a more serious note, armor always tends to look better on female characters but I don’t think thats something that can be changed
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
This might just be me but grouping (in PvE at least) appears to only be for dungeons and if Im honest the only thing I really care about is doing the dungeon efficiently and getting boss loot / tokens. The rest of the loot tends to be pretty petty and unappealing because you know thakittens usually a load of rubbish. Anet should focus on making random drops more interesting rather than who should get what %age of what rubbish.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
Anet has said before (from what I recall) that Race changes are not something that will be implemented because of the affect your race has on your personal story. It is something that I’d like to see in an ideal world but honestly looks a bit impractical.
Class change I’d also like to see as its always nice to have the option to change class without having to re-roll and doing all the levelling again but it seems like it might be open to abuse unless its very expensive which in itself will put people off.
Thing is, if we can change both race & profession then thats changing every detail about are character which just seems ridiculous.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
I feel as if the scythe, as a weapon, would actually fit the Guardian well – something a lot of people seem to have overlooked. Yes, scythes have connotations of death and yes, Guardian lore essentially defines them as the opposite of that however the Guardians primary role is essentially to perform group wide boons/defences. Its what sets it apart from a Warrior.
To me, a scythe is clearly going to involve group damage/conditions/boons. So I don’t feel a Guardian should be overlooked here. Plus the Guardian is probably the closest profession to the GW1 Dervish (the original scythe wielders).
This is just my opinion.
To me, it certainly shouldn’t be added to the Warrior (who already has a very wide array of weapons), the Ranger (who doesn’t exactly need strong melee because it is essentially a ranged character) or the elementalist (I don’t see how a scythe would fit in with any lore for an elementalist and again they already have a wide array of weapons).
I agree that a necromancer should also gain the use of the scythe, though careful balancing will be needed because I’m having images of very OPed mass condition application and damage.
The only other classes I would say should use scythes would be Mesmers/Thieves. This is purely because I think it would be an interesting mechanic to have a mesmer using a scythe & thief + stealth = surprise scythe just sounds too fun to miss out on.
Personally, as my main is a Guard, I would love to be able to use a scythe or indeed gain any weapon expansion because I feel as if the Guard has a very limited set available to it, especially when compared to Warriors or Elementalists. Also please add a viable ranged option for Guards (a ‘Holy’ bow?) because currently the ranged weapons are truely poor for us (sorry this bit is slightly off-topic).
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast