Showing Posts For Deihnyx.6318:

Just Finished HoT and...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


If you just do it for the hero points. Just do WvW, you’ll get them much, much faster.

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Take off the zerk armor and use something that will help you survive.

Less DPS is better than being dead.

GW2 PvP doesn't require enough skill to play.

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


No. It does require a particular skill that is very, very important in order to be known as the best.
The “Blame everyone but myself” skill, that consists in constantly pointing fingers at others when your team lose. It requires a wide vocabulary of trashtalk and a limited notion of honesty. Fortunately it doesn’t actually require to be good at winning.

Joke aside, there are classes that are easier to play than others. You can’t say being a good thief / mesmer doesn’t require skill. I’d say it’s great to let newer players have at least a chance in pvp as they’re progressing. Each competitive game needs to find a middle ground and will rarely fully satisfies the extremes.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Armor repair has no purpose anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I did like the GW1 system and would love to see something similar back in place.
Aka… if you die, you lose a small percentage of your stats. Play longer and kill enemies and it comes back.

It could be an interesting change for WvW as well.

What RANKED pvp should be

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


For the AFK problem, I couldn’t agree more, AFKing is not taken care of like it should be. People literally say they will afk, there is written proof that they have no intent of respecting the rules… and you see these same players all the time.

However about “winning”, I would say that while yes it’s important, not everyone is at the same level, not everyone “has” to be that committed either.
And that’s fine! For really good people, there are higher divisions, where things get real and all. Leave the lower divisions for people who enjoy some good matches.
If you’re that good anyway you’ll end up leaving them soon enough. Why trying to prevent players from lower divisions to do their own thing?

In real life, in addition to winning, what matters is also to keep a good spirit in a competition. THAT I would say is the most important thing in ranked. And that is something that is completely disregarded by a lot of players.
A “GG” to the other team should be a strict minimum, congratulations when someone is clearly making the most of their build etc.
But no, most of what I see is X from the losing side is gonna blame everyone but themselves. Well sorry. I have no intention to win in company of people like this.

You want to bring back the spirit of winning? Punish AFKers, very severely, and channel mute/temp ban the trashtalkers. Allow the better players to lead a group efficiently and silence those who are only there for their own kitten.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

ideas how to handle and recognize AFK's

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


You could punish players for lack of fair-play, be it with their own teammates or the other team.

I wish people still understood that simple concept but apparently you’re a kid if you still believe in that.

Serial idler with god among mere mortals

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I will try to explain it again.

The problem is that these people go afk knowing full well they will get reported for it. And they don’t care because nothing is done to them.

And so yes, someone who does that while having a prestigious rank means he’s never got punished for it.

And that’s really an issue.

Serial idler with god among mere mortals

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


It is relevant when the person gets reported and is still there. Means it’s not a new account and the person doesn’t even fear they’ll be banned for their behavior if they do it with that type of account.

This is not the right message you want to send to these people.

Serial idler with god among mere mortals

in PvP

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318



So we had a player afking right from the start of the match.

The reason? previous drama with one player.
Apparently, this guy does it quite often and got reported before. He auto-run against a wall to not be kicked.

The best about it all? He has the title God walking among mere mortals.

Anet, are you actually reading reports and taking action against people who ruin the game for everyone? How is that possible that someone with this title is still playing and laughing at us for reporting him?

Upgraded my but lost FPS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


It’s a CPU intensive game, like most MMOs.

Even with a 1080 I don’t have perfect specs, I still run low graphics in WvW for example :P

Thanks, Anet, Sincerely.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


+100 to that, I’ve done a few stupid things (selling ascended to merchant, crafting the wrong gifts for legendary) and the support helped me every time it was an honest mistake.

As long as it doesn’t impact the economy of the game (for example: you’re not getting back your money from TP) they will help. Consistently and fast.

They will also provide a high quality support when you have connection issues . I don’t know if they simply follow instructions, but it feels like they actually know what they’re talking about unlike your regular ISP technician

Thanks for this post. It was indeed really needed to highlight the excellent job of the support team.

How to break into fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I don’t know, I create groups for said dailies and ALWAYS find people. Always.

If you guys have issues why don’t you go ahead and create groups?

Path of Fire Stress Test August 31, 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Will we be able to stress test the gear templates you most certainly have in store for us during these 2 hours? <3

Or you could just force all EBG players to fight within SMC during 2 hours. I’m sure that will do for crashing it!

Season 1 Redux

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


It’s also content that for the most part wouldn’t fit in the “5 players max story format”

Most of the memorable fights were open world (marrionette, breachmaker, the tower…) and what could be brought back was already brought back (molten, molten boss, aetherblade, tower fractal, and now the skins)

If they ever bring back some other content it could be just marrionette/breachmaker but it will be really diminished. The reason it was so kitten good is because there was a lot of player hyped for it and there was a lot of players hyped for it because it was short.

Not saying I like it being gone forever, and it’s even worse that some AP are gone forever, but it’s a real dilemna to bring this content back. And I do agree with them that they should keep producing content, as it finally reached a pace that makes everyone comfortable.

They could also bring back the jubilee (they better cause kitten sovereign skins) but it’d be a seasonal event separated from story too.

Let us trade merchant/bank express

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


For the so called “whales” such as myself but also quite a few people I run into in WvW or raids, we end up with stacks of them simply because there are of no use to us (especially bank express).

It has a psychological effect which is that when I gamble, whenever I get a bank access, I feel like actually losing something rather than gaining something.
Consequently, if there’s nothing I absolutely want with the BL Keys, I’m not gonna gamble. Why bother if it’s to see stuff go wasted?

Obviously I would rather make some gold out of it, such as using mystic forge to turn a full stack into a permanent item. But if you’re not gonna do that, can you at LEAST let us get rid of them without wasting them completely? Like I don’t know… donate it to friends? Sell them to TP?

season one memory box on gem store 1 free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I’m not quite sure what was the point of ruining the value of the gift & power core, given you could still obtain and craft them in game.
The power cores are now dirt cheap lol

Also… sclerites weapons are okay, but they’re already in the wardrobe unlock… whereas the Sovereign weapon set is still completely left out. (unless you buy one of the few gift of the bazaar left, but there’s like 20 total lol).

If you feel like giving tequalt weapons that way I’ll forgive you for ruining the power cores <3

Mounts Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I would actually pay to see more animations of the raptors, they’re just that good.
So yes to all of that.

And different skins of course (Samarog mount <3 <3 <3)

Mounts - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Another thumbs up for the current implementation of the raptor.

It’s not just a speed buff, you’re riding something that lives.
If you want to talk about clumsy mounts… I remember a certain EPONA from a certain ZELDA (not the last one) that was much, much harder to manipulate xD

This… is really good in comparison, and yes it should not feel exactly like moving your own character, otherwise what’s the point, just give us all superspeed and done (and people would complain…).

You can’t satisfy everyone with implementations like that. Just like with the whole vertical/flat debate on the maps, people want different things and Anet can hardly be blamed for giving a bit of everything to everyone.

Also I will say it as much as I can… Please please praise the animation lords for their work on the raptor. The idle animations are absolutely fantastic, the cutey looks more alive than many movies rendering CGI creatures!

500 GOLD from new ecto gambling?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


With the original gambler you can get more than 500G though.

new maps are just regular sized.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Even without the full picture… they would just have to look at the title of the map, it’s always centered vertically and horizontally. The fact the title appears on the right of the explorable area for the demo shows that we’re only getting half of the map.

And so yeah. OP’s statement is wrong.

Massive FPS drop w/GTX 1080 since 8/9/17

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I remember having huge slow downs after overclocking with this game, so it might be due to bad overclocking values.

Cross-Region play needs to happen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


they need to work on the american ping issue they are apparently having before a cross between the us and eu servers happen , that’s the biggest issue about mixing the two , our US pings will not run the same with EU pings , us will see pings of like 143 and up to eu and vise versa that’s the reason. right now Me and apparently several others are seeing bad ping spikes in the us server.

I was playing to NA servers while living in Europe. It works fine, it’s better than OCS playing in NA server (~250ms ping).

The ping is an issue, but a separate one, if you go play in a region that isn’t yours, obviously you won’t have the best ping, but that’s on the player. And anyway it’s possible already today.

Cross-Region play needs to happen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Because NA and EU servers are very separate. And it’s not an Anet things. it’s a legal thing.

Blizzard is forced into the same issue. They have EU and NA servers for WoW, and they are also in the same place as GW2. It’s not like they aren’t allowing it because they want to be mean. Doesn’t that seem counter-intuitive for a for-profit business?

What legal issue are we talking about?
- You can still transfer from one region to another, you just have to pay gem, there is no “legal” agreement for doing so.
- You can still pay gems with euros or dollars, or use a euro credit card on a US account.
- GW1 allows it on the fly.

So if it’s a legal issue, I’m really curious as to what it could be that would only prevent it for GW2 and not GW, and only for instant, free transfers.

Cross-Region play needs to happen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318



So, yesterday something interesting happened.
I moved to NA a few years ago (both in game and physically) and have been enjoying GW2 with NA friends with minimal lag (40ish ms).

However, yesterday, I was not able to connect to the server while all my friends from NA were able to.
The only reason I can find is that part of my account remains in the European servers.

So here’s my question, knowing that, and knowing that I’m not experiencing any lag… why is it still not possible to allow cross region guesting?

The way it is done right now, guesting is absolutely useless because mega-servers got rid of the issue once and for all. I had a friend today – whom I bought PoF to and was hoping to get him to like the game again – complaining to me because he couldn’t play with his brother… who is in Europe. He thought that it was what guesting was about…

I mean, I can totally understand the confusion, and it’s hard to provide an answer as to why this is still a limitation. You can join the same guilds, pm each other, send mails (with items) to each other… but actually playing? Nope.

Come on Anet, make it happen. If it can’t be instant guesting that’s fine, but then allow us to send one of our character to another region for X days, something like that, make guesting a per character based thing where you pay a certain amount of gems to anchor a character in another region for this purpose. Anything would be better than completely removing the possibility from people to play together…

Legendary WvW Armor crafting time

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


So we get 365 tickets per week now? Is that with the same amount of pips or more?

How does this compare with the time taken to get the raid legendary armor?

same amount of pips but faster to obtain since base pip was also boosted (2 more pips per tick).

It’s more or less on par with 2nd and 3rd raid armor right now. (300 LI > 23ish weeks)

Losing 64 WvW Claim Tickets after update

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I don’t see how you’re losing 64 tickets… knowing the last diamond chest used to give you only 40 tickets, and you’re still getting 34 tickets out of it.

Also, diamond chest is currently repeatable so just do one/two more chests and you’ll end up with more.

This content requires GW2 HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


You don’t need to get paid to be willing to support a game.
If you want to keep playing the game for free that’s fine, but then accept the fact you’re not getting everything.
… Pretty much like any free 2 play.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Please leave it this way. There is no real reason for tickets to be capped. PvP tickets aren’t capped. Why punish players who mainly play WvW?

People are happy now, PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS BACK.

Because raid “tickets” are capped.
The logic would be to make pvp currency capped as well, or give other ways to get LIs.

I’m not for timegates but if you remove all timegates but raids, it becomes really unfair for raids. Let’s not forget you currently need 23 weeks of raids for second/third armor.

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


no more Ticket cap , i just got 14 tickets on the first Diamond Chest after finishing diamond tier.

This is unintended. There is supposed to be a weekly ticket cap and we will be fixing this.

While you are at it, can you also credit those of us who already got most of the skirmish chests for the week (but haven’t hit diamond yet) with the ticket difference from the new increase per tier?

That’d be appreciated indeed

Legendary armor acquisition [Time]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Maybe play GW1 then, there was no timegate that I can think of (also a reason why I’ll forever love it).

Only once in game did I discuss in map chat about how timegates are basically there because the real content can’t be delivered fast enough, and to keep people playing artificially. I remember some very rude answers about it. People are actually liking timegates, for some reason.

Yes GW2 is heavily timegate related. I don’t like it either but when it comes to this specific example, they gave us more than enough time so that even if you didn’t do all raids every week you could still get 2 armors, close to 3, by the time the armors were released.

If you want to complain about timegates in this game there is much more annoying: The sunless set is the best example I have in mind. You only get one attempt/day for a ridiculously low chance of getting one of the sunless skins… and it’s a full set.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Legendary armor acquisition [Time]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


That is basically the issue I have with WvW tickets, and any artificially timegated stuff in general. They serve the developer’s purpose to keep players in the game rather than serving the player.

Yes, basically whether you do 13 boss/week for 3 months or 13 boss every day for two week is the same amount of work.
In this case however, you’ve had almost 2 years to prepare for it and get your 150 LIs… almost 2 years where you could choose to work on it whenever you wanted.

Some people have now more than 750 LIs, it’s proof enough that there was time for it. I hate to use the same argument as wvwers when it come to it, but what did you do before the armor becomes available?

Also, I hate to be that guy but if the first armor is 150 LI… the second and third sets are both 300 LI each.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Imbalance in player base is something that players need to fix. Anet shouldn’t be forcibly moving players to different servers. There are things that Anet can fix that they haven’t fixed, but player imbalance all comes down to player mentality.

Heh. I’d love for my friends to join my server. The problem is that it’s always full…
And no my server is not Blackgate. It’s just one of these servers that have to deal with Blackgate whose guys are constantly outnumbering us except for 1/2 hours at reset. (the only way they know how to win anyway :P salt salt)

There are full servers and there are more than full servers and that is a problem.
Also, timezones matter, or they should when considering reopening a server…

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


This is a really amazing change but I think the raiders gonna be so mad at it.

In before the complains.

It takes more effort to get this armor than the raid legendary armor so they haven’t got a leg to stand on.

I’m sorry what?
Ardent Glorious skins require more effort than 25 LI for first armor and 50 LI / piece?
Sorry, that made me laugh.

Even Triumphant armor doesn’t take that long. It’s T2, not even 8 weeks of WvW for a complete set.

It seems that you’ve forgotten that it takes a MINIMUM of 7 hours to get the maximum amount of tickets a week, and that’s assuming you have reached 10k WvW rank AND maintaining outnumbered the entire time. The average player would probably have to spend 15-20 hours in a week in WvW if they wanted to max out their tickets and get it in the 8 weeks you stated. So yes the Triumphant armor takes far more effort than the raid armor does, but the effort for pvp is pretty minimal, though you have to wait for leagues to happen so that can make it take a bit longer. I’ll also assume that the gifts will require even more Skirmish Tickets and the PvP tickets, so they’d likely take more than one tourney, and a bit more than one additional week of wvw to make your set.

I do both raids and wvw and I disagree that wvw requires “far more effort”. It takes time yes but the way you spend that time isn’t the same as raids.
It’s the same good old pip discussion again, only backward this time. If wvw vets acknowledge there is no proper way to reward skill in wvw and that instead time spent is all that matters, then it shouldn’t be that fast to get legendary armor from WvW.

T3 to legendary would make sense. it’s rank locked and it requires more tokens. T2? Nah. It doesn’t.

Now yes if the gifts requires more tickets then it might make it on par with raids.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Still no fix 4 the horrible Balance.. WvW s full of condi spamming jerks thiefs which can´t be gitten because of evade / movement and a lot of other cheese kitten … Servers are lagging as Hell and so on …

Gliding in WvW should have been a thing to think about when the main Problems are fixed and i m afraid it has been done because mounts will not work in WvW ? ! Or will they ?

Condi is being seriously nerfed next week though.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I’m waiting to see what it does, it could force people to rethink some strategy and keep the mode fresh. Why not give it a try?

@Anet, could consider having matches with this on or off, or even matches with slightly different objectives, matches with perma superspeed for fun… etc to make all matches look different from the last.

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I truly hope that there is a time gated barrier to this, as the people that have been raiding (and time gated by only having the ability to earn “x” amount of LI per week as well as the Provisioners Tokens) have been stuck behind that wall. All well and good for the other gametypes to get Legendary armor – just hope it is balanced in the way it has to be EARNED.
PvP and WvW players should have to play the whole game in the same way that the PvE’rs do in having to play PvP and WvW for portions of the requirement…enough with the reward track cheesing your way through everything

That was my feeling too. i don’t mind pvpers and wvwers getting it. I think it’s great. But it takes no time to get glorious ardent parts, and something like 2 months to get a triumphant t2 set.
We’re far from the 23ish weeks required for 2nd/3rd raid armor.

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


This is a really amazing change but I think the raiders gonna be so mad at it.

In before the complains.

It takes more effort to get this armor than the raid legendary armor so they haven’t got a leg to stand on.

I’m sorry what?
Ardent Glorious skins require more effort than 25 LI for first armor and 50 LI / piece?
Sorry, that made me laugh.

Even Triumphant armor doesn’t take that long. It’s T2, not even 8 weeks of WvW for a complete set.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Having issues preordering path of fire?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


If that helps… yesterday I tried to connect for the first time from work (ooooh bad) and it asked me for phone verification and threw me a java error right after. I tried many times and always had the same issue. It was right after selecting the extension to buy after clicking on a button “Login to Continue”.

Back at home it worked perfectly.

Save armor/dye style as "outfit template"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318



While waiting for build/gear template loading/saving (it’s coming… right?), I think it’d be nice to also talk about the ability to save the way a character look as a “template” of some sort.

It would just save the specific skin + dyes associated to it either as part of the save or in a local file (like the builds of gw1) so we can reload them later.
Yes, it would still cost transmutation stones, but I think It’d be a neat idea for those who like changing the appearance of their character often

no new system specs Path of fire no buy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


While I don’t see the point of asking for higher specs just for the sake of it, one issue has been brought that I’d pretty much like an official answer as well.

Gaile, can we hope for some form of proper 4k support in the future?
At the very least, I would like a way to get a bigger cursor, it’s barely visible during fights with intense effects.
Of course a UI overhaul to allow for better 4k would be great, but at least the cursor I feel is supposed that can be expected of Anet.


Worst lag I've ever seen.

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


You can tell BG is coming by how much you start lagging.

This is seriously ridiculous.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Chalice of Tears – Tribulation mode

[suggestion] Bigger Commander Tag

in WvW

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Bigger tag based on rank

Pearl Shell (Cin Business) bugged

in Living World

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318



Posting that here, but already sent a report…
The little kid behind the gate in Lake Doric is bugged, you can’t interact with the npc anymore.

It’d be great to get that fixed asap as you can’t complete the collection associated and can’t start working on legendary trinket without it…


Celestial Blue infusion bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I looted it for finished level 100. Not CM. So CM is not needed so far.

I’m probably gonna sell it if they turn it all the way blue though.

2 Golden Zephyr Backpieces out of the BLC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Actually, it was likely one. My haste in the irritation saying it was two.

Still….. a duplicate rare item should re roll on the rare item table. Not just go “Meh, you’ve already been lucky before”, and getting a key back.

It’s like playing roulette and getting your number again after winning, and the dealer saying….uh sorry, you’re already won. I’m just going to give you your bet back.

This is wrong and it’s not cool.

Wait, how did you get a key back? Support ticket or did they add something to the system to handle duplicates? As a fellow gambler have dealt with a lot of doubles and counted that as cost of gambling but hadn’t heard of this key return bit.

Seasonal items always returns 2 keys when duplicated.
Also… they’re not that rare to get.

2 Golden Zephyr Backpieces out of the BLC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I corrected it. The gw2 forums are taking a literal crap right now, and taking forever to go through.

You still aren’t accurate on the comparison. The bank access is a trash common drop.

Fine, the stylist item is rare. If I don’t need it should I ask for a reroll?

2 Golden Zephyr Backpieces out of the BLC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


As someone who tries to get all the seasonal items: You get 2 back.

And I don’t see how that’s offensive. Should I ask for key back everytime I get a bank access, just because I have the permanent access?
It’s gambling. It’s nice that they’re giving us 2 keys back.

Your example doesn’t apply though. It’s not cogent against the statements I’ve made.

The bank access is an ordinary filler drop, that isn’t taking the place of a higher level item. It has utility to you, even as an owner of the permanent version. I also have this permanent contract and I know it is private access only. You can still use the single use item to benefit those in your party or those around it. You aren’t being denied anything.

A true example would be if you got another permanent contract, but because you already owned it, a key is given back instead. Would you be happy with knowing you hit on a rare loot table and simple got your entrance fee back?

Of coarse you would not.

If you look at this critically, there’s a solution in your comments, and my reply. Ask yourself why you wouldn’t be upset getting other permanent contract? We both know that it can be sold or given away. Make all items from the BLC trade-able.

What happened to me is no different, except my lucky RNG hit was unfairly taken away from me.

I think that a reroll on the rare table would be reasonable in situations like this.

It’s only the only fair solution aside from making every item trade-able.

You are mistaking it with the trader or merchant. The bank access is a wasted object if you have the permanent one. I has absolutely no use at all and you can’t share it with friends (I WISH I COULD).
Same thing with permanent stylist also.
So yes, I am upset when I get them and can’t do anything about it.

There is a general issue with what you get from BL chests. For some items there is simply no sink at all. At least you’re not left with a useless duplicate and get something back.
They could make it tradeable but then I doubt people would buy as many keys, which is their primary goal.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

What is this helm/skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


It’s the celestial blue infusion with Astralaria and a zodiac sword.

Expansion 2 ! Class Preview and BETA TEST!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


Elona, 99.99%.
Mounts, 99.99%
New class, 0%.
New elite specs, 100%
New legendaries, maybe 1 or 2 at launch; dagger seems likely.
New race, 0%.

For August 1st:
Announcement of 2nd expansion.
New slideshow/storyboard of 2nd expansion and call it a trailer.
Confirmation of current expected delivery date of 2nd expansion.
Possibly a teaser of a new legendary weapon and/or new raid.

Hype train begins if any of the following happen:
New race.
New class.
Destination other than Elona.
Something else truly cool and game changing I can’t think of on a Wednesday.

You forgot gear/build loading/saving. Something really really convenient that we absolutely need.