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Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Anyways its obvious, what Xeph tries to reach here.
So i hope Arenanet can see through that thread

he’s pointing out that classes that take no effort to get high reward (either spam 3-dodge or mindless spam aoe conditions) should get nerfed, I see nothing wrong in that.
Then again, if you think that someone spamming 3 should get better “rewards” than someone playing piano on his keyboard JUST TO KEEP UP, then there is something wrong with you.
Seriously, old D/D backstab one-shot thieves took more effort than S/D thieves today, at least they had to chain some actions together (unless they macroed it, but that’s another story.)

The funny thing about the people spamming 3 is that, you have to be really good at it to receive any rewards. You can jump in a 1v1 and kill people based on your evasiveness, YAY good for you but if you jump into a group of people (just like several thief builds tend to do. PS: I really don’t know what’s so special about this one) you WILL get hit.

There’s definitely a risk to jumping in and that’s why they have a way to jump out, they don’t insta-gib anyone, so they need that ability to retreat when the kitten hits the fan, they also have to work with their team to get a target down or pop in when a target is low to push him down to downed health.

I’ve fought so many S/D thieves, and you can tell the bad ones from the good ones. It takes skill to play the build, nerfing it more would be idiocy.

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Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


you would be very narrow minded to assume that; our complaints about those things have been on going for a few months now, and the reason I am discussing this now is because there is a huge up coming tournament, that could potentially shape the face of this game, so I am a lot more concerned about that.
It’s obvious to me that your not even talking objectively if you have come here with the assumption that this is for some petty loses to a team; I don’t think that we are gods gift to guildwars, we win and loose just like any other team, but when I see things that are broken then I point them out.
Also nerfing some classes will bring other potential builds out, but if you are too blind to see the classes ruling this meta and in a very negative manner then I would say ask any team and they will give you the same answers I have.

I am not here to try and give my team some edge over others; and regarding the matter of stealth, well we have an engi and we do use stealth openers, I just hate the fact that there is no counter play to it.

There is a counter to stealth openers but it’s just that not everyone can use it. It’s called Traps and Marks and I’m pretty sure you know that.

Also about conditions, it’s either Anet nerfs them directly or creates something that counters them indirectly. Something that builds counterplay against condtions that isn’t cleansing them. I’ve talked about this several times and I think that’s the way they need to go in order to stop this chain of whack-a-mole they seemingly are about to enter.

There might be too many AoE condi spammers in the meta right now but just throw a Stun Warrior in the mix and the game just changes. This basically countering one extreme, with another extreme because the chain stunning that Warriors can do is bordering on OP (just like the Necros are considered OP now) but it is the only way that I can see that counters the Necros directly. Even two Necros have to pressure hard to take down such a Warrior.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Get a Warrior if you want to kill a Necro. In other news, Stunlocking/Infinite Adrenaline is OP.

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Why Guild Wars 2 is not a team based game

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I keep reading around the forums people saying that Guild Wars 2 is a team based game.
Well, in my opinion, it is far to be an 1vs1 game.

I’ll sum up in few points on why I think that, making also comparisons with Guild Wars 1, which is, in my opinion, a true team based game.

Solo play is allowed and encouraged
How many times in PvP you’ve found yourself fighting alone someone holding up a point? I tshink quite many. There are three points in every map and teams are composed by 5 people. Most maps, also, have a secondary objective which forces at least someone to split out to control it (like Trebuchet or Skyhammer).
5 people can’t control 3 points and secondary objective without being split up most of the time. A true team-based game shouldn’t encourage team splitting that much.

Let me give you an example. Have you ever watched Scooby doo? In pretty much every episode they always split up to find the bad guy. Why do they do this? To cover more ground. Splitting does not mean the game isn’t encouraging team play, in fact, it takes more team coordination to split up and still work as a unit.

No team-based roles and team synergy
Back in Guild Wars, every profession had a role in a team composition. There was frontline (melee), midline (pressure, support and ranged) and backline (protter, healers and support healers). Those roles were a prerogative in pretty much every team and the lack of one of them hamper the whole team.
If you didn’t have a frontline, you wouldn’t be able to kill a thing. If you didn’t have a midline, frontline would take way too much time to kill and enemy pressure would be out of hand. If you didn’t have a backline, your team wouldn’t survive.
In Guild Wars 2 there aren’t those strict roles. You can live without a bunker as much as you can live without a roamer. Everything fades between all the 5 member of the team which are everything and nothing at the same time.

Roamer, Bunker, DPS. There are roles in GW2, there are also several team synergy builds and it’s up to people if they want to build like that or not.

You can live without your team, you’re an one-man team
In a team based game, without your team you’re good as dead.
In Guild Wars 2, you have all the tools you need to cover the roles of your teammates.
You can have in the same build direct damage, AoE and single target pressure, healing, control and defenses. Obviously you can adjust those aspects depending on the build, but, still, you are capable to cover the role of an entire team in a single build.
Elementalists are a good example of that.

Even though an Ele can last quite long against two people. Without his team he’s performing less than optimally. Also if he’s out-witting his opponents, it’s a testament to his skill but it is also a testament to the bad timing that his enemies have.

So, at the end of the day, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, I find pretty obvious that Guild Wars 2, as it is designed, is not a team based game. The fact that you are forced to play in a team in PvP doesn’t mean that the game is designed around team competitions.


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Post your Hammer Ideas?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I’ll just put this here:

New Weapon: Hammer “made for the gadget enthusiast, this hammer comes installed with a spring loaded boxing glove, a rocket propelled guidance system for throwing, a magnetic flux inverter to reflect projectiles, a hidden compartment for a swiftness granting elixir that cures movement conditions, and a devastating skill chain that inflicts weakness on foes with the first two swipes and grants retaliation on the final blow.”

Where is that from?

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So yeah... Developers.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Vigourous Focus, Building Momentum (not vigor but still endurance regen), Signet of Stamina, Furious Reaction and Warhorn. Throw in Runes of Adventure and Sigil of Energy and I think if you wanted to specc a Warrior for repeated dodging, you can definitely do it.

Also, if you want to gain protection; just run Runes of the Forge or Runes of Earth. Warriors have really good access to weakness so they didn’t give them protection for that reason I’m assuming.

About Warrior Sustain. Trying to give everyone everything in one build is something you could possibly point out as the reason why Necros are the way they are right now. Warrior can spec into good sustain through Shouts and/or Regen so I don’t believe there’s any need to give them more than what they have already.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

ANet. ANet. ANet.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It’s a question of whether you want 1 OP build for every class or you want 2 or more OP builds on every class. Many people would like to have the ability to pick what OP build they play next and I’m sure Mesmers are tired of being stuck doing the portalling all the bloody time.

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Post your Hammer Ideas?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Guys please enough with the condition , remember we need more viable direct damage specs…

Just because a weapon causes conditions does not mean it isn’t a direct damage weapon. Crowbar on toolkit is a prime example. 5k damage crits and 5 stacks of confusion.

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Post your Hammer Ideas?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


My ideas for hammer are based on it being Rocket propelled.

Skill 1 – Chain Attack-;
Swing; Swing your hammer at your opponent
Swing; Swing it again.
Rocket Swing; Swing your hammer whilst activating your hammer’s propulsion system.

Skill 2
Hammer to the Head-; Activate the propulsion in your hammer and aim for your target’s head. Give them 3 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds.

Skill 3-
Rocket Spin; You activate your hammer’s propulsion sending yourself spinning, dealing damage to foes within range.

Skill 4 -
Belly Smash; You activate the propulsion in your hammer whilst swing it heavily into the ground, emitting a shockwave that cripples foes. Knocked down foes and foes in melee take additional damage. If a foes is knocked down, you blind all nearby foes.

Skill 5-
Hammer Rake; Spin Around with your hammer, knocking all foes around you down for 2 seconds.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Speculating new engie skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521



All ideas cool!

excpet…Boomerang?) really?) Maugli?) Better Banana bomba like in worms was)
Idea is cool but better name it another way…freezbe?)

or Rebound gun? with plates and the same skills that u mentioned.

I think Boomerang allows for more play on words. Frizzbe? …. nah, not so much.

To manage a name of skills is not a such big deal, but that Stone Age not boomernag suits to engi. Devs can make skiils based on it but without that name, cause boomerang better will suite to RANGEr or his monkey)

AND we need trait called Balls of Steel in invention thread!! I don’t know what it will do but something with steel and balls)

Lol, Ranger can’t make a kit that produces Boomerangs 24/7. They can only use the one. I think Boomerang is a good name but to each is own.

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New Ranger Skills? What do you want to see?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


With all the hoopla and holabaloo about new skills incoming for every profession, what skills would you like to see for the Ranger to help improve their build variety?

The skills I’d like to see are; New Skill set;
Splinter Shot; Your next 5 attacks deal splash damage to foes near your target. Only Axes and Bows.

Mis-Fire; Your next 5 attacks miss. Your target becomes confused for 5 seconds.

Skills that help you influence what your pet’s next attack does;
Beast Mastery
Disrupting Lunge;
If your target is confused, your pet’s next attack knocks the target down.

Mauling Strike;
If target is knocked down, your pet’s next attack does 50% more damage and causes 3 stacks of bleeding.

Brutal Strike;
Your pet’s next attack deals double damage if the target is below 50% health.

A new shout;
“Don’t let’em stop you!”
Your pet takes 30% less damage and is unblockable for 6 seconds.

And a new Heal;
Companionship; You and your pet are healed. You are healed for more if your pet has more health than you. Your pet is revived if it is dead.

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Speculating new engie skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521



All ideas cool!

excpet…Boomerang?) really?) Maugli?) Better Banana bomba like in worms was)
Idea is cool but better name it another way…freezbe?)

or Rebound gun? with plates and the same skills that u mentioned.

I think Boomerang allows for more play on words. Frizzbe? …. nah, not so much.

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Speculating new engie skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I maintain that they should be weird and uncanny (like the engineer) and bring out a Staff for the Engi which he uses as a Lightning Rod/Tuning Fork or they could just make it a kit.

Well let’s think of a new set of skills for the Engie. They have Turrets, Gagdets, Kits, and Elixirs and I’ve got a few ideas for each category.

Buzz Saw Turret:
Turret launches Buzz Saws that bleed and cripple targets. Activated skill; Fires 3 Buzz saws at once every 2 seconds for 8 seconds
Tool Belt Skill; Throw Buzz Saw; Apply 3 stacks of bleed and cripple the target.

Shock Turret:
Fires Bolts of lightning that bounces between targets and applies vulnerability. Activated skill; Produce a lightning field
Tool Belt Skill; Shock Treatment; Discharge a bolt of lightning that dazes the target.

Mini-Asura Gate: Create an exit gate. Create an entry gate. The gates short-circuit after 60s.
Tool belt skill; Displacement; Swap positions with target enemy.

Grapple Hook
Pull yourself to target location. Immobilize foes in target area.
Tool Belt skill; Shoot Grappling Rope; Target foe is knocked down for 2s.

Shoot a taser bolt at your target, stunning them for 1.5s
Toolbelt; Taser Pull – Pull your target toward you immobilizing them for 2s

- Lightning Rod/Tuning Fork Kit (You can see my suggestion here.)
- Portal Gun

Boomerang Kit
Boomerang – Throw a boomerang that strikes foes both ways

Bladed Boomerang – Throw a bladed boomerang that cripples foes on exit and bleeds foes on return

Boomerchet – Throw a boomerang that bounces between targets dealing more damage the more targets it hits.

Tornaderang – Throw a rapid succession of boomerangs that strike foes both ways. Nearby foes are pushed back. (Whirl Finisher, Same animation as Whirling Defense on the Ranger)

BOOM! erang – Throw a boomerang that stuns targets on exit (1s)and explodes on return.

Tool Belt Skill; Baterang; Throw a bat shaped boomerang that bounces between foes and disables them for 2 seconds (Daze 2s).

- Elixir V; Your next 3 attacks are unblockable. Toss Elixir V; Enemies gain 10 stacks of Vulnerability.

- Elixir D: Your next attack does 50% more damage. Toss Elixir D; Deal damage to foes on impact.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

New skill wishlist

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


New Set of Utilities called Bonds;
- Order of Pain; Form a bond with 3 nearby allies boosting their and your damage by 10%. Bond ends when your health goes below 50% or when your allies step out of range.

- Blood Bond; Form a bond with 1 nearby ally boosting their health by 10% and providing them 3s of regen every 5 seconds. You have 10% of less health and receive 3s of bleeding every 5s. This bond ends when you reach 20% health or your ally steps out of range.

- Cultist’s Fervour; Form a bond with 3 nearby allies boosting their and your endurance regen by 50%. This bond ends after 60s or when your allies move out of range.

EDIT: Thought I’d throw in one more since there’s 4 skills in every set for the Necro;
- Dark Bond; Form a bond with nearby 3 allies. For 60s, allies affected by this bond have a 25% chance to remove a boon, when a boon is removed from an enemy, that enemy takes damage.

Another Set of Utilities; LIFE STEALING!!!
- Vampiric Gaze
- Ravenous Gaze
- Angorodon’s Gaze(What happened to those animals anyway? Did they go extinct after the rising of orr? They were very funny necromantic animals)
- Blood of the Aggressor

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Papa's Stance Warrior Build

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I tested and confirmed double para does not increase skull crack past 4s last night.

It doesn’t exceed the 4s but two Para sigils definitely makes the stun last longer. I timed it using the Axe-5’s Whirling Axe. Whirling Axe is said to last for 3.5 seconds, stun ends at the same time as whirling Axe with 2 Para sigils. Use 1 sigil and stun ends about 0.5-1s earlier.

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Ranger considered OP LOL.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dirame.8521


anet made a mess by forcing the meta into spirit…now they have egg on there face :/

What exactly do Spirit Rangers do against conditions? Spirits don’t cleanse (except for elite spirit that has a long cooldown), spirits don’t reduce the duration of condis, they don’t do anything to condis, so really the only thing at work here is Rangers speccing for Empathic bond and actually playing better than the other team.

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Papa's Stance Warrior Build

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I was under the impression that sop does stack but keep in mind the rounding rule. Stuns and dazes get rounded. So if that extra sop doesn’t get you past the next second you will not see an increase in duration. I haven’t played around with the sigil in months but I haven’t heard that it works differently.

Ah…if this is true then that could very easily be the cause. I know with just the 1 sigil it feels like my Skull Crack is already a 4s stun.

I tested it. It definitely lasts longer with two.

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Team builds - synergies in Gw1 vs Gw2

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521

It has already been discussed to death in multiple threads, with the one above shining as one of the most in-depth analyses to date.
Unsuprisingly, none have ever been graced by any of the usual generic dev replies, let alone a specific and straight answer.

What answer do you want them to give exactly? There are team build synergies within the game but no one chooses to use them.

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Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


For Necros,
-Dodge repeatedly when they use Staff (this is where they use skills like Mark of Blood and Chillblains so dodging these will reduce the damage they start out with.)
-Blind them when they use Scepter (Scepter is where they stack the bleeds and they usually use Warhorn with it so blinding them will definitely reduce the damage you receive from this end).
- CC them when they use staff or try to heal(when they are at around half health, they either try to transfer condis or heal so CCing them is a must)
-Burst them when they use Sceptre (Sceptre has very little defence unlike Staff which has fears and chill so bursting them when they pull out a Sceptre is the best thing you can do).
- Bring two stun breakers, preferably a stun breaker with stability. (A Necro will try to chain CC you, the best thing you can do is bring two stun breakers and if you can manage it, make sure one of them has stability. This will prevent them from chain fearing you to death.)

For Engineers,
- Dodge when you see them firing poison darts
- When they start dropping bombs, get off the point. Don’t kill yourself because you’re try to hold a point against an Engi.
- Burst them when their Bombs are on cooldown.
- If they place Big Ol Bomb down, count to 3 then dodge.
- CC them when they are on low health so they can’t use Elixir R
- Blind them when they switch to flamethrower. (When they switch the flamethrower it means they want to knock you back or blind you).

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Constructive balance lists go here!

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I think AoE stealth is fine. It’s all about unpredictability, and removing that will just make the game stale.

The one thing I always do is check if the enemy team has a thief, if they have a thief or Engie, I expect a stealth play at any and every point after they have been wiped.

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[GUIDE]CeiMash's Guide to the Shroudmancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Those links to your builds don’t seem to work


Nice innovative build.

I will be trying it out. I like the synergy between Grasp and WoS. I also like that it seems to be doing fairly good damage without relying solely on conditions.

Why not use Runes of the Ogre instead of Mesmer? I get the 33% daze but you only have a daze on one ability, it seems like more damage would be optimal to 1 more second on a silence.


You can use what you feel comfortable with. I was using 5 runes of the Scholar with 1 rune of divinity before I switched to Runes of Mesmer, so it’s totally up to you.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

[GUIDE]CeiMash's Guide to the Shroudmancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Hey guys! This week in my guide series I take a look at a Necro Deathshroud build and the way I would put such a build together. It turns out the build is quite great at doing damage and turning what looks like a losing fight into a win or a very close battle.

I’ve also found that the build is very hard to master if you’re not accustomed to having so much Deathshroud available to you and using it to mitigate damage when you don’t have dodge available.

Take a look at the build below and check out the vid above to get more of an idea of the “why?” behind the different skill and trait choices.

DPS Shroudmancer:

Tanky Shroudmancer;

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Bolas and Leg Specialist [BUG]

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yea, Anet really needs to get on the tooltip fixing. Guardian’s Zealot Defence still says “blocks projectiles” and it doesn’t proc block-themed traits.

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Berserker Stance may just make us TPvP Viable

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


1 It doesn’t affect conditions already on you, its pretty much worthless unless you know your going to be struck by a bunch of conditions.

2 it doesn’t help your team, its nothing compared to what a guardian can do, taking away all his allies conditions and giving them to himself or completely converting all of them into boons.

3 The CD is very long, so long I don’t see why you bother with it, it doesn’t remove conditions it simply reduces the CD, and its only really good for running away.

4 I would much rather take a guardian or elementalist and help my team.

The stun warrior is built to help the team by stunning people and setting them up for burst. If my team know what they are doing, my presence in a fight can change the outcome significantly. Stuns are powerful, don’t get it twisted.

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Papa's Stance Warrior Build

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Well it seems you are right.

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Conditions has to go

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


OP must not remember bflash/bsurge eles. Blind is in every way implemented better in GW2 even if it has a few problems.

To this day, they still spam them blinds.

This would only work if condition removal was equally as meaningful. Both condition application and removal is equally as mindless. There is no thought of “Should I remove this condition or wait it out?”, mostly they are just removed (Try playing necro against cantrip ele and see if you can get anything to stick).

There is a hairline balance line in between “OMG Condition removal is too strg!@#!” and “OMG Conditions are too STRONG!!11!” because both are equally as mindless.

And this is one of the reasons why I don’t believe Anet would mess around with condition removal any more than they have (Warriors). The reality is, condition mitigation is what we need now and I hope they find the appropriate way to do it.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Why this kitten ing match over the build?

All it takes to make what he is saying is.

Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, Berserker Stance, Sig of Rage

Lyssa rune will condi cleanse before you pop Berserker stance.

30 points into Defense for Stance duration, Cleansing Ire, and Land Stand.

The other 40 points are free to be spent. It only takes those utilities/runes and 30 defense to do what he said.

That’s my point though – I said with ALL the categories he said that can be done, yours for example doesn’t have the traited stance duration increase, or the shield mastery trait, making what he said as not possible (read his message if you want to see what I’m talking about), which for me, since he basically said that it is possible all in one build, proved he doesn’t really know what he is talking about.

Now… back to the point, there is still a problem with warrior about sustain – while the other classes have their own ways of sustain even without perks, warrior has to use traits in order to get more survivability, which means it costs him more in other areas then other classes.

Who said anything about Shield mastery?

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Conditions has to go

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I think you’re looking at GW1 with rose-tinted goggles. Conditions in that game were just as spammed as in this game. Only thing is, that game had a monk and foul feast Necros.

Also there were no stun breaks in GW1, just blocks and Stability-type stances.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I saw it in action. Once the stances are gone, when you are focused you melt without being able to heal back enough IMHO.

Or, at least, this is what I saw with warriors: defence is still something you get to complement something else.

This is true. The thing that saves the build though is, even when the stances go down, you still have your stuns and vigor. Without those, it’s pretty much sleepy time.

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Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The funny thing is you guys already know the build but you obviously don’t see its potential.

… So, you aren’t going to prove yourself and show that you can make a build with the same capabilities you said a warrior can achieve… sighs, and then you say you only talk when you know what you are talking about.

If you want to see the build you’ll have to wait till next week when I feature it on my guide videos! Check here to see other builds I’ve featured;

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Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The funny thing is you guys already know the build but you obviously don’t see its potential.

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Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Dude, I don’t talk unless I know.

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Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


What class would you rather have stalling a point? A warrior or a guardian? A warrior or an engy? A warrior or an elly? A warrior or any other class? I just feel ( like a lot of people) there can be a spot for warrior and I also feel that a more supportive role could get them in the mix quickly without having to completely change your play style or build. With the current condi overload, an the warriors lack in ability to deal with condis, a few simple changes like this could make them more viable and give them sustain. They have a lot of direct damage mitigation with no condi removal? I main elly and I can remove a lot of condis..which allows me to stay in a fight. A net brought up boon hate…we have no class that punishes the boon haters.

You want a Warrior for every one of those questions, why? Stability. They have so much stability up time it’s ridiculous (20 seconds traited, 25seconds with Rune of Lyssa). Couple that with 10sec immunity to condis (traited), 8 second immunity to direct damage (Shield 5 and Endure pain traited) and cleansing Ire and you’ve got yourself what could potentially be one of the best side point holders in the game.

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What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Hurray for Anet! Now let’s get back to ripping them apart.. ;P

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My Necromancer Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


A necro without burning just becomes a worse engineer again. Either nerf burning or nerf both the necro and engi burning traits.

Replace burning with Torment and you achieve the same effect only with less condis to cleanse.

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Thoughts on warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Funny thing about Warriors Bunkering. The new Beserker stance combined with the lower recharge of Endure pain, makes them quite good for stalling on a point.

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Papa's Stance Warrior Build

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Identical sigils do not stack.

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Survey: Do you want more PvP achievements?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


My Suggestions;
Double Kill? Double Kill!!!!
Tier 1 – Perform a Double kill (You no longer have to fear the zerg)
Tier 2 – Perform a Double Kill Without Assists (You no longer have to zerg)
Tier 3 – Perform a Double Kill against a top 500 team (You’re an adept at killing)
Tier 4 – Perform a Double Kill against a top 250 team (You’re a Master at dominating)
Tier 5 – Perform a Double Kill against Team Paradigm (I bow to your prowess in combat)

Turnaround (In your face!!!)
Tier 1 – Perform a mid game turnaround (Victory is sweet when you almost lost)
Tier 2 – Perform 3 mid game turnarounds (Wow, 3 times in a row? That isn’t luck anymore)
Tier 3 – Perform 5 mid game turnarounds (This old man he played 5)
Tier 4 – Perform 7 mid game turnarounds (You must be a famous basketball player)
Tier 5 – Perform 9 mid game turnaround against Team Paradigm (Please teach me your ways)

Tier 1 – Perform a stomp (You’re no longer a noob)
Tier 2 – Perform 10 stomps (You look like you know what you’re doing)
Tier 3 – Perform 30 stomps (This might be too early but, I think you’ve got potential)
Tier 4 – Perform 50 stomps (There are two things I came here to do, Stomp noobs and chew bubble gum and I’m all out of bubble gum)
Tier 5 – Perform 70 Stomps against Team Paradigm (There is only one way to find out if they bleed)

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

(edited by Dirame.8521)

For your eyes only

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


If you’re not going to hot join to just shut your brain down and punch things, you’re doing it wrong.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Try out this sPVP Warrior build

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yeap, typical warrior build nowdays. “All damage, 0 defence.” Why? Because if you invest in defence and try something tactical, game punish you for that and you will lose. Better go “I kill someone fast and then die.”.

Funny thing is, lately I’ve been finding out that you can spec your traits defensively and still go out and wreck people.

The game has been trying to teach us this for a while now but big numbers are always enticing anyway.

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Objective Skyhammer Feedback Goes Here

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I have another idea and I think this one will work a lot better.

- Do not remove the pot-holes but make them such that when you step on them they do not break but the only way to actually break them is with the Skyhammer.
- Border up the walls with beams of light as I said in my last post but make the walls also shatter if the Skyhammer hits them.
- You can then make the Skyhammer dodgeable, have do a bit less damage but still knock people down.

The changes above would actually make the map all about taking advantage of the power of the Skyhammer to open up those holes so you can end a fight fast.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

My Necromancer Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521



Necros need that access to burning. It’s the combination of the damaging CC AND the burning that destroys people. I throw this example out a lot, but think of it from the perspective of a d/p thief vs a necro. If a necro lands a mark of blood without doomfire, the thief doesn’t give a kitten. But the second dhuumfire procs the thief is in very serious trouble and has to play defensively.

The amount of damage that burning puts out isn’t over the top and the way it’s applied is not in any way intrusive to what the necromancer does per usual. Without the burning terror would be far weaker, but without terror burning would not be weak in the slightest.

My picture of what a necromancer should be is a class that is less mobile than most but a must-focus target once they get the ball rolling with their life-force. It gives them a unique roll and actually forces them to use their class mechanic as it should be played instead of literally sacrificing their own health to protect it. While the changes I suggested may nerf other specs, let’s be perfectly honest and say that no other specs are worth running right now for the simple reason that the dhuumfire/terror combination is simply too strong right now. Other specs clearly need a buff, but to actually buff them this mechanic and spec need to be changed as well.

Also, if given the ability to disengage, necros would be even more overpowered than they are right now. Plus it seems like the developers want engis to take that spot with things like rocket boots and slick shoes. However a very large majority of builds that increase moiblity substantially for engineers comes at the cost of a HUGE amount of survivability just for the fact that they use kits. If there was a mobility mechanic tied to death shroud then necros would just be too strong.

Also, necros are very survivable IMO. At least compared to engis, the class that held the same role previously, necros are gods among men by comparison. The amount of damage they can dish out for how survivable they are is impossible to achieve by an engineer… While it may be one of their substantial weaknesses, it’s far stronger than anything else comparatively.

The power of the Necro without Dhuumfire should not be underestimated. I’ve played a Necro without Dhuumfire and I still destroy people simply because of bleeds, torment and fear chain. And that’s not counting other condis that come into play like, Chill, poison, weakness and cripple, which end up covering the other powerful conditions. Even in a power build I can stack up to 13 stacks of bleed, the only problem is they last for just a few seconds.

You should understand that different builds call for different playstyles. Some builds use DS more than others and this condition build does not use DS unless the person wants to add more bleed stacks, chain fair or defend themselves. If Anet decides that they want to make DS more important then great but like I said, different builds call for varying degrees of DS uptime. My power build is literally, DS every chance I get while for some other people that isn’t the case.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

My Necromancer Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I agree, it is a combination of things are put necros over the top at the moment.

1) To sum it up – at the moment there are too many ways for a necro to deal with other classes, but little for other classes to deal with necros.

Wrong. Throw a good Stun Warrior at a Necro and they won’t be able to do anything.

3) The above wouldn’t be much of a problem, but with the flaw of the game design there is no stat that is equivalent to toughness for condition damage. You can argue and say vitality is…but I beg to differ. This is a BIG deal. Condi builds allow you to invest in condition dmg (a stat that is already designed to be above physical damage as there is no counter stat) AND toughness, being able to put out the maximum amount of condi dmg while being tanky. Best of both worlds. However, when a physical damage class/build wants to put out their potential damage, they WILL have to sacrifice close to all their survivability…this is a fact, not a myth. If you are using a hybrid build, you are not putting out the most dmg.

I get what you’re saying but right from the get-go conditions are meant to go through toughness and to be honest there really doesn’t need to be a stat to counter it because it has been built to work like this from the beginning. Like I’ve said many times (and quite a few people have echoed the sentiment), just make Regeneration effective against conditions and make Weakness or Protection effective against conditions and done.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

My Necromancer Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


My skill/trait change suggestions:

Dhuumfire : 100% chance to inflict torment for 5 seconds on critical hits. This effect can only be triggered once every 1 second . Increase torment duration by 20%.

Terror : Fear have a 100% chance to cause torment for 5 sec.

Greater Marks : replaced by new trait : marks apply torment for 4 sec.

Staff Mastery : also makes mark unblockable

Soul Marks : also increase area of marks

Tainted Shackles : torment duration reduces to 6 sec.

Doom : now have 1/4 sec cast time (no longer can be cast while CC’ed)

You’ve gone from one OP corner to another OP corner.


I don’t think what you suggest for Deathshroud would have the effect you think it would. Instead of dealing with conditions directly, you’re attacking their survivability which I think is just weird. It’s not like you’re going to pounce on them as soon as they rez if their team is good.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Time to reroll to necro!

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I think it would be funnier if everyone rolled stun warriors.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

How to deal with necros.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521



But them fears though… without stability it’s just painful.

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That feel when tPvP win vs. goods. Mmmmmmm

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Those screams. Jeez! Calm down lol :P

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Sikari's Suggested Boon/Cindi Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Think about the Guardian and then re-access my statement.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Too much damage and control?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Let’s put this into perspective. When a group of people focus a target, there is a very slim chance that you will be able to react or counter (even if they didn’t use CC) if you are alone. If you are not alone though, then you or your teammates should be able to provide Stability or your own counter CC and focus fire to counter the enemy’s focus fire. It’s that simple but incredibly hard to execute.

The CC in this game is huge no doubt about that BUT you can counter it.

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Sikari's Suggested Boon/Cindi Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I talked about initiative affecting chill once. The retort I got was that the initiative used is shared between weapons therefore they would be doubly screwed if Chill affected their weapon skills.

I don’t agree with the Aegis change. I think it’s fine as is since there are multiple ways to apply it as well as multiple ways to block that doesn’t involve Aegis.

The regeneration change you suggest is nice. Similar to my suggestion only that I asked for boost to regen per unique condition applied. I also asked for Weakness to affect conditions, dropping the Malice stat down by 20% or reducing the duration of conditions you apply by 20%

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

(edited by Dirame.8521)