Showing Posts For Dirame.8521:

Time to make immob lock-out movement skills?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


With all the evasion spam by thieves and Rangers and people complaining about the current meta… would making immob lock-out evasion skills be the best course of action in order to give players tools to counter these very powerful builds?

I know that Anet didn’t want to make immob do this because they were afraid of nerfing the only build that Rangers had. But the thing is though, Rangers can still evade the immob before it hits, Thieves can do the same. On my Engie, I have a build that is based on constantly being able to use my dodge button and that build can rival the Rangers ability to dodge repeatedly and keep alive for long periods of time but something seriously puts me in a bad spot when I get hit by it, what is this thing you might ask? Immobilize.

Immob should start shutting down evades, just as they shut-down dodging. The Ranger has enough passive condi removal to render immob useless anyway and the Thief can just teleport out of danger, so these classes have built-in counters to immob already. You, the devs, shouldn’t be afraid to do this.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

The game was better before solo queue

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Problems with the current implementation of solo queue:

It emphasizes imbalances. Each solo queue match, at least at top ratings, is at least 60 percent necromancers. (I don’t know how I would deal with this besides nerfing my own class.)

Sync queueing is way too easy. In fact, it’s so easy it’s passive. I can grab anyone in the top 100 and tell him to queue around the same time as me, and I guarantee we’ll land in the same game.

Team arenas now have such ridiculous queues that they basically don’t exist. On top of that, duo, trio and quad queueing are no longer viable.

Solo queue is a good addition in theory, but it’s actually made structured PvP way worse with its current implementation.

The question I’d like ask everyone who has the same opinion as you is, what did you expect?

People will always roll the “OP class”, people will always try to cheat the system and the ripple effect of having solo queue is that Team queues would take a hit.

If Anet could just somehow fix syncing by taking a group of 10 players and then shuffling them into teams, that would be great but as for the rest of your complaints… what did you really expect?

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

So Being 1-Shot is meant to be a Challenge?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The “first boss”? I’m pretty sure at least half the enemies you encounter in there have frequent one-shot mechanics. And most of them have very subtle tells on top of it.
The Queen’s Gauntlet is a microcosm of every mistake one can make in designing special fight mechanics.

The only mistake is the stacking of one shot mechanics into one fight. If the AoE 25% of your HP and the exploding dark things took 50% of your HP, I’d be more inclined to call it a fair challenge but this fight is just cheap as all hell.

You’re definitely a pro if you can finish it, that’s for sure.

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This patch was a Success.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Master of Damage would have to be in an instance. Getting “helped” by other people whilst testing rotations in the HoTM is annoying enough as it is.

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Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


This would make hammer guardian bunkers perfect. They’d literally fear no power or condition damage.
Not a bad idea by itself, but it needs a LOT of work.

The auto-attack is really slow so in the time it takes to create a light field you’d have eaten a crazy amount of condis. The best combo people would be able to do is Mace 2 then hammer 2 and that’s only possible every 16 seconds.

If someone else creates a light field though, then it becomes something worth noting.

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Queens Gauntlet feedback

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Dirame.8521


And reward for gambits is kinda silly considering that it is not something everyone can do.

You’re not being logical with this statement.

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Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


wouldn’t that make guards to hard to kill ?

Nope. Guardians have very few blast finishers. This would instead make Engies harder to kill.

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Get skyhammer of soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


If there’s a map that teaches you awareness and positioning the best, it would be Skyhammer.

Let’s not lose that.

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Community's thoughts on Duo Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I thought Team Queues allowed for Duos to queue as well… ?

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Empty promises and ignored suggestion threads

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


How many times do they have to tell us that they read the forums and don’t always have time to reply?

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Where is my Master of Om Title?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Dirame.8521


but i LOVE OmnomnivoreD

I want Master of Om!

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Protection for Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


If you want your Warrior to get prot just put on Runes of Earth or Runes of the Grove or Runes of the Forge.

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M/S GS warrior 4 signets outhealing 10 people

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Well I’m guessing the 10 people he was taking on didn’t attack him all at once, right?

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Where is my Master of Om Title?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Some people have probably read my thread on the GW2 discussion forum about Achievements that sound like they would be cool Titles but don’t give Titles and this thread is quite similar to that but with a little more focus on the Master/Grandmaster of Om Titles.

Please Arenanet, I spent so much time, blood, sweat, tears and rage to beat those cheating NPCs and to beat FIFTY PLAYERS! (I didn’t beat all of them but most of them, yea) the least you could do for me was just let me have the Grandmaster of Om as my title…. I am so disappointed right now.

“Omnomnivore” is great and all but…. I want my Grandmaster of Om title seeing as I earned it.

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Inability to play Belcher's Bluff in HOTM

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


This needs to be fixed guys. I can’t play one of the most fun mini-game’s in one of the most populated places in the game? Bad Anet! I want to burp in people’s faces and get my Master of Om title in a place with lots of people who have lots of time to stand around and do nothing.

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Reaction time

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I am a Bobbing Cat but occasionally a Rocketing Rabbit.

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What would you like to see in the next BP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


EDIT: Wrong Thread……

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Flame turret - Smoke screen

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521



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The Achievement Titles that aren't Titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Someone has probably asked this before but, why are there achievements I complete that aren’t Titles I can tag to my character? For instance, Combat Mechanic…. what type of Engineer wouldn’t want that to be a title beneath their name? The moment I got that achievement I was like “Awesome I’m totally going to tag that to my Engi” only to be disappointed that it isn’t a title….

I know that Achievements that become titles have a crown next to them, I get that but really, why can’t we get anything that could possibly be a cool name become a title? Another example, many of the PvP titles, Genius, Phantom, Paragon… I actually wanted “Phantom” more than “Champion Phantom” for my Necro, I actually wanted “Genius” more than “Champion Genius” for my Engi (because, the Champion tag just doesn’t go well with the other title).

Recently I completed the “Grandmaster of Om” after struggling through a torturous month-long battle with mister Irongut (because that guy is a flipping cheat!!!), beating him and then going on to trash the final boss…. all I wanted as my reward was to crown myself Grandmaster of Om…. but nope…. not going to happen…. I am sad… ;(

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SoloQ: you won't feel super powerful

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It works like this when you get a good team:

Warrior :" go on and burst them down, I’ve locked them down for you"
Thief :" no need to watch your back, I’ll watch it for you"
Mesmer :" they’ve thought they were winning…they were wrong"
Guardian:" just hide behind me, I’ll cover for you"
Engineer: “I give you..superior firepower, trash them!”
Ranger :" keep them away from me..they’ll go down soon"
Necromancer :“time to turn the tides of this our favour”
Elementalist:" when you need…where you need"

In an ideal world, that is how it would work. However, not every class has effective PvP builds right now. I’ve literally no idea what a mesmer would roll in soloQ and expect success, for example.

Just keep spamming that Phantasmal Beserker from 1200 range where no one can reach you.

I have so little faith in solo q that I believe it will just end up being a bunch of new players jumping in and kitten ing around like it’s hot-join for the first few weeks. The next few months will probably be the same thing but a lot less annoying.

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Game balance with only 2 additions:

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The answer is that people dont want balance they want to be over the others thats their definition of balance i think.

What you just defined is what you are suggesting. You original post wants Condition classes to always win over Bunkers, when it should be more like, they have a stronger ability to neutralize a bunker.

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Queen's Gauntlet = Death of the Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I was actually thinking after reading, that would be a nice equalizer. All those dodge roll spamming thieves are out of luck, and we don’t get to dodge much anyways.

They can evade with skills. They don’t need to activate dodge.

Yes, in Fractals you can change a number to increase the difficulty of the Fractals. Gambits are completely different, however, in that you activate a specific condition. For example, completing the challenge without being able to dodge.

So basically a gambit in the Queen’s Gauntlet removes the ability to dodge. That is the ONLY thing a necro has to avoid large amounts of damage. We have no invulnerability/stealth/evade/reflect/block. Fear/Weakness/Blind/whatever other CC’s a necro has are worthless due to Defiant and Unshakeable. Great job making an event that renders a Necro’s defensive capabilities useless.

Step 1) Build to generate Deathshroud
Step 2) Build to have access to Deathshroud more often
Step 3) Win at everything.

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The way you orgainzed Runes is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Personally, I think we should get rid of vendors and have the GW1 gear Ui.

“Click click clickity click and I’m done with my set-up guys!”

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Engineer Defense

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Personally, I learned by constantly throwing myself against the Lord NPCs in the Heart of the Mists.

If you can kill all those guys without getting downed, you’re halfway to becoming a good engie.

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Guide to winning in new SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Get a lucky dice roll.

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How is engi supposed to..

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Step 1) Move 10 points away from Firearms,
Step 2) put that 10 points into Inventions,
Step 3) get Stabilized Armour.
Step 4) ???
Step 5) Profit

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New Meta no more Mesmers :(

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Personally, I feel like Mesmers are still viable.

The problem is people get to cushy playing a certain playstyle. When it’s disrupted, they would rather cry foul and switch classes than sit down and work it out.

IDK, instant gratification is strong in this community.

Already tried full condition, sort of condition-bunker, phantasm (Already useless and then nerfed)…even a troll confusion spam build with glamour skills and lots of cond removal…nothing worked, at least not good enough to get a spot into a good team, whatever you can try outside shatter someone can do it better than mesmer..side point is spirit ranger’s territory, condition dmg is necro’s, bunker is guardian’s, assaulter is bomb engi’s with s/d-d/p thief and valkyrie ele roaming…nothing else to do with mesmer, classic spot was side point’s defender…vs bomb engi or a necro spamming fear, conditions and kitten everywhere? Not possible…at all..if you spec for surviving @ side you’re gonna deal no dmg at all, so why not getting a spirit ranger that is almost unkillable 1vs1 with a decent dmg too? Mesmer is not dead, you can still kill stuff in hotzerg, it’s simply out from tpvp meta cause in a point control game you can’t go on point without being melted by condition spam all over the place…if xeph and helseth already rerolled there must be a reason..

The question I have to ask is, does viable now mean being the best at a position/job on a team? If that’s the case, we’re always going to be addressing a profession as unviable as a team only has 5 spots to fill with 8 professions to fill them.

Time for some 8v8 GvG!!

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New Meta no more Mesmers :(

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Because we’re lazy and Necromancers are strong.

More likely because you can’t be as strong as a necro on condition/fear spam, as tough as a spirit ranger or guardian, as good as bomb engi @ far and as fast and reliable as ele and thief @ roaming and let’s say not as annoying as permastun hammer warriors…whaterver you try someone can do it better, so there’s no reason to keep playing mesmer in tourney. And, as i said above, already tried something like 5 or 6 different specs with different roles…going nowhere…

Time to roll that backpoint phantasm Mesmer.

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Sword of Justice Activated Skill..?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Doesn’t seem to be working. Normally the sword stabs the ground but now nothing happens. Was it changed or is this a bug?

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New Meta no more Mesmers :(

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Personally, I feel like Mesmers are still viable.

The problem is people get to cushy playing a certain playstyle. When it’s disrupted, they would rather cry foul and switch classes than sit down and work it out.

IDK, instant gratification is strong in this community.

You… have gained awesome points.

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Weird evades when stunning (possibly bug?)

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


This has happened to me once. I was fighting my friend whilst he was playing his thief, he steals the Whirling Axe skill from me and proceeds to use it. Now every time a Thief has done this I’ve been able to stun them but for some reason when I activated my skull crack, I just saw evade.

In my case it could be that he evaded whilst still in the animation of Whirling axe but that seems unlikely because he would have moved further away from me if that was the case.

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Support - Engineer vs Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


A lot of good stuff to digest here, thanks guys. Could anyone point me to a sample build to refer to? Will be making a side-by-side comparison soon.

I don’t have a PvE build for support but this is my PvP build;

Maybe you can retro fit it for PvE.

EDIT; I went ahead and did it for you anyway. This is is no way proven to work but, this is what I’d use in PvE;

You can replace the Thumper turret with the Elixir Gun for more support.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

MiniMap changes with Aug.6th patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Isn’t the mini-map re-sizable enough?

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[EU] Programming Required LF 3 More

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Prog Req is new team looking for 3 more players. The two of us who are starting this team have been playing since the release of the game and have been in competitive teams ourselves. We’re looking for decent players with minimal drama, fun and constructive feedback.
We’re currently looking for Eles/Thieves, Guardian and Ranger. If you play one of these classes really well and you have a working mic, can understand and speak English and you’d like to try-out, just send me a PM in-game or speak to Krilce.7864.

We usually start playing around 6-7pm GMT. So feel free to hit us up then.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

why m/sh + s/m and not s/sh + m/m ???

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I have been looking at Defektive build runing m/sh + s/m..

But i wonder why not s/sh + m/m ??


Well to get 100% crit on Final thrust you will need unsuspected foe:
+15% stun on shield bash = 100% crit on final thrust.
And shield bash is on a very short distance, so with s/sh you can leap first > shield bash > final thrust

If you run sword/mace and do Tremor you dont get the extra 50%.. its a knockback.

Also i think its easier to mace/mace > Tremor > F1 stun = complete mace chain.

You can time it so that you activate Final-T at the last second of the Mace stun. My Mace burst build uses pretty much the same set-up and that’s how I get people from 100 to 0. I also use Frenzy so, I’m a lot faster on skill activation.

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[Guide/PvP] CeiMash's Guide to Stun-ting

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Try swapping to Soldier+zerk ammy. Since you’re taking full advantage of unsuspecting foe anyways a bit more survivability would do wonders. I really like the concept of your build.

I do that all the time, I just like Zerks because I do more damage to bunker-y targets.

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tPvP: Penalty for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It’s coming in the August 6 patch.

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Support - Engineer vs Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


… Wow. I had no intention of levelling an ALT until I read that.

Could anyone elaborate? Some heal numbers or the exact kinds of boons Engineers have access to?

Lucky for you, I did the Math the other day. An Engi can burst heal a group of people to full health in about 3 seconds due to many blast finishers being insta-cast.

At max healing power (1849 from my quick build) with all Healing power gear and Rune of Water, your initial heal will hit for about 5054. The blast finishers, of which you can do 5 in a row without breaking your fingers and each one healing for 1698 would be a total of 8449. Combine that with the initial heal and that’s 13.5k, the full health of some classes. You can do a proper burst heal every 20 seconds and you can do a minor 4k heal every 20 seconds as well. This healing is just from the Healing turret alone, the Elixir Gun can provide a good amount of sustain as well and would increase the amount of healing that has been detailed here if factored in.

The problem with the blast healing though, is that people have to be within about 300 range (This still needs to be confirmed but the range is from the middle of a point in Battle of Khylo to the edge of the point and I believe that is about 300units) of you but the inital heal is 600 range so that’s pretty good.

As for the boons they can generate, the main one is regeneration. They can also generate might from blast finishers, up to 15 stacks every 30 seconds. If you throw in Rune of Altruism, that’s 18 stacks and Fury. They could also get a lenghty amount of Retaliation from light fields with blast finishers but I wouldn’t use my Blasts on more than two things in a given encounter.
TLDR; Regen, Might, Fury (with Altruism Runes) and Retaliation.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Pax Finals - SYNC vs TC!

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Edit: On another note, look how schweet I look:



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[Guide/PvP] CeiMash's Guide to Stun-ting

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Very interesting build. Like the combination of Unsuspecting Foe, Sharpened Axes, and Burst Mastery.

Any tips on landing Earthshaker and Backbreaker? Seemed like you didn’t get dodged, blinded, or interrupted very much.

For landing Backbreaker, it’s all about timing and a bit of luck. People rarely pay attention in team fights and tend to waste dodges a lot more so doing it there is easy but in a 1v1 you’ll have to dodge cancel Backbreaker and use Hammershock as a fake out because Hammershock and Backbreaker have similar starting animations. For landing Earthshaker, I usually use it after a minor CC like Pommel Bash or Staggering Blow (99.9% success rate when used after Staggering Blow).
Not getting interrupted or blinded just comes from the 20 seconds of stability and Beserker stance. After those wear off, you’ll have to really dock and weave to land your blows. I try to spam autoattack as much as possible when I’m blinded and when I see the blind is gone I then push for an attack.

Though, I think that one is Mace/Shield Sword/Axe. I definitely see more potential in Defektive’s version.

Can I get a link to the Mace/Shield Double Axe build please? I’d like to take a look.

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What Is The Point Of Downed State...

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Then there would be 50% less things for Shoutcasters to talk about.

That would be a good thing. At least, if they make all the downed states uniform, it would be a lot less interesting but a lot more fair.

You could make everyone’s auto-attack different but the stomp evasion the same. Throw rock to daze target.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yeap…. I think it’s totally fine to assume that there would be different festivals going on across Tyria but you’ve got to wonder; if they ever release expansions for other continents, wouldn’t the festivals within each continent overlap?

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The top Solo-Q skill will be:

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It’s going to be full of Bunkers.

This is what I am thinking.
It’s like playing a Monk in Random Arena’s.

Guys, you’re overestimating the level of which people care. No one cares enough to play bunker. All they want to do is see big numbers and nuke things down. Most of what you’ll see is DPS everything and the rare bunker here and there.

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Why I dont use this...

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Utility Goggles and Elixir U; In PvP, Compared to Elixir S and the other Stun breakers, I feel this leaves me too squishy and open for punishment even after I activate it as a stun break. In PvE, they probably would work great.

Elixir C; Doesn’t fit into any build I’ve ever created. There’s always something more useful or something that could help deal with things a lot better. It also doesn’t help that Elixir R removes condis over time on the tool belt skill. In PvE/WvW, I probably still wouldn’t use it.

I would use Turrets more often if they would just focus fire. All they need is that ability to focus the target you’re focusing and it will be golden. I currently use Turrets’ whose effects are mostly AoE like the Rocket Turret, Flame Turret, and Thumper Turret. Turret Engis would be the new Phantasm Mesmers and Minion Necros if they finally got focus firing.

Auto Defence Bomb Dispenser(Explosives Trait);
There’s just no specc I have that goes 30 in Explosives and there are very few Engi builds in general that go 30 in explosives that would use this trait.

Acidic Elixirs (Explo Trait);
Doesn’t provide anything remotely unique or build altering/Boosting. It just needs to be replaced with something better.

Empowering Adrenaline (Explo Trait)
Maybe in PvE this would be a trait worth picking but in PvP, I just don’t feel taking this trait above anything else would be a good idea.

Armor Mods (Tools Trait)
Not a build defining trait in any way shape or form. There are no builds that I would use this in whether it be PvE or PvP. I would love to see it replaced by something else.
My suggestion for a replacement trait would be Choking Gas; Your smoke fields also poison enemies who stand in them. Possibly moving Auto Defence Bomb Dispenser down to tools and Choking Gas up to Explosives to keep with the theme of Tools and Explosives. Moving ADBD might actually get it more use seeing as sometimes people go 30 in tools for Static Discharge builds and having that defensive trait can really help that build’s survivability. It would probably also see more use in my Evasioneer build as well, which would be nice to see.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

Why pistol more popular than rifle.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The reason why P/Sh is more popular than Rifle is due to utility. At least, this is the case in PvP. Also, I personally rage a lot less when I play Pistol/Shield. The bugs with close Range projectile skills really can do your head in. 1 second where your skill goes on cooldown for no good reason can result in a lost fight.

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(edited by Dirame.8521)

[Guide/PvP] CeiMash's Guide to Stun-ting

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Hey guys, another week, another guide and this week it’s all about learning how to stun-t with your Warrior. Using this build you can keep a target locked down for quite some time whilst doing a lot of damage to them. You have almost no adrenaline downtime and the only thing that can really stop your stun chain is a well timed stun break/blind/evade/stability pop or a slight miscalculation on your part.
It’s a good build for winning 1v1s against all kinds of classes and it’s also a good build for stalling on a point till your friends take a different point or come to help you. Take a look at the build below and check out the guide above.

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high tier Tpvp 2v1? no problem.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


One mistake and Teldo would have been dead. Trust me man, if you can take that specc and do what he did in less than 5 days then thumbs up to you.

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Blind and Evade need checked.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It’s painful dealing with Shadowshot spammers on builds that don’t run Beserker stance.

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Chilled and initiative

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


does chill affect life force and adrenaline?

It affects the recharge of the skills used in deathshroud and the burst skill recharge, I believe.

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War changes over the past 1.5 months?

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Beserker stance – Immune to conditions for 8 secs
Cleansing Ire – Removes 3 conditions when you land a burst skill
Mending – Removes 3 conditions when you heal.
Healing Signet – Passive Can heal for up to 700 per second
Longbow 5 now applies 6 stacks of bleed as well as immob
And stuns are the new thing for Warriors.

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