Oh, it’s been noticed. I’ve called it a scaling issue, in that a short human man next to a tall human man looks wrong because everything gets smaller. It’s certainly graphically easier to do. Still it means that my tall lanky guy (I picked the slimmest build that still had some chest hair) looks like a burly giant next to a guild mate who’s on the short side, rather than just coming across as the slimly-muscled beanpole he’s meant to be.
Why hello, Drake. You don’t know me since I don’t have an MMO Champ account, but I’ve followed your posts over there!
Anyway, yes, I agree. It’s so hard to see what a pistol or focus or dagger looks like, and some swords which have all the interesting stuff in the hilts (Krytan skin, for instance) are likewise an issue.
Wonderful ideas. While I’ve started having some fun with armorcrafting now that I am finally seeing new skins, cooking’s been fun from the start with just a brief hiatus awaiting the discover-from-bank fix. I’ve even managed to discover recipes by using real world cooking knowledge as to what things might go together.
Roaming merchants with mini-events to get their items would be awesome, assuming they don’t become the only way to get staple ingredients needed in a lot of recipes. Possibly they should have predictable endpoints to their travels once unlocked, so if I wanted Norn Snow Honey for instance I could wait for the vendor to wander into Lion’s Arch if I didn’t want to chase all over the trade route hoping to find him or her to get that sweetener for the special cake recipe (example totally made up off the top of my head, I have read no guides as I am having too much fun finding the recipes on my own).
That’s an interesting concept. However, I think the other threads asking for custom chat channels would meet the same need with a more globally useful mechanic.
For me, the (( )) is a fine way to show OOC chatter at a glance. I don’t have the best eyes in the world, and given a custom channel (and some way to see it at the same time as the RP, hello moveable chat tabs!) there’s no need to interlace the OOC lines with the RP … though I suppose it’s all in what one’s used to.
I don’t know about globally disabling them, but I would love to disable dance grunts and hums. I did ballroom dance for years, including vigorous swing, and I assure you I never heard anyone sounding like that.
If there -must- be sounds with dancing, at least make them exhalations timed to the moves.
One of those is already there. If you have someone targeted and do an emote with an @ you will have it aimed at them.
So, target Fluffy and type /wave @
You will wave at Fluffy in the dull grey text.
I will add to your list: Detachable tabs for chat so we can see more than one window at once to allow parallel conversations. Also custom chat channels to allow inter-guild chatter. And color control over text display for those of us who HATE the dull grey emote text!
I thought they patched in a hierarchy for the F key already? So it’s loot>revive>chat.
I love the CD set so much! And my favorite piece is on CD 4, Track 2, “Raven Speaks.” I first heard it in game before I listened to the CDs. It made the retaking of Claw Island even more epic.
However, I am highly puzzled by the name of the piece. Most of the tracks have simply descriptive titles, or a title that conveys the flavor of the music. Yet this one makes me feel I’m missing something in lore. I don’t think of Raven as a soaring triumphant chorus, somehow.
Maybe only Soule himself can answer this. What artistic choice dictated that title for this music?
Are you sure it isn’t on the CD? I don’t know which piece you mean, but during the fight on the island a glorious choral piece plays that is definitely Raven Speaks, CD 4 Track 2.
In fact, I’m about to make a thread about that piece!
I had a similar issue. I purchased the set almost immediately after it was first announced. Customer service response started out strong, then went to a boilerplate reply that didn’t answer my query about whether they had in fact gotten my order. They only said to allow 4-6 weeks — in fact it took much more than that.
I was sad that I didn’t get the cd’s until after the game launched. That meant I wasn’t willing to just sit and listen to them while reading track names; I wanted to be in game! I ended up ripping them for safekeeping and then loading the cd’s in my car to listen to while commuting. Thus I don’t know which pieces are named what for the most part.
Anyway, hang in there. DirectSong is slow and uncommunicative, but the set will come and the music is all glorious. Soule’s signature is a glyphic wonder. And after all the other game soundtracks I have gotten, I must say I am -vastly- pleased to have a clear, easy to read listing of the tracks in number order, making it easy to figure out what piece is which. Assuming you are willing to take the time away from other things to read while listening, of course … /grin.
I was wondering why I had constant target loss. I’ve used right click to pan and double button to move for years. Thanks for explaining! And yes, I would -love- to have target change on left click only. Hitting tab a zillion times to get back to a target that isn’t ctrl-T’d is inefficient, and clicking the target while leaping around in combat is impractical especially as my mouse is my means of motion.
This has happened to me today in every PS cutscene, one or more lines are mute (including no mouth movement). Hooray for having the text as well or I’d have no clue what was being said. Several of my guildies report the same issue.
Thank you! You said it all wonderfully.
I’ve been agitating for undockable chat tabs since BWE1. Auto-collapsing them when in combat (not just when pulling weapons out, as one might do so in RP0 would be marvelous, assuming a feature to easily restore them back to the spread out state. It is super hard for me to track a chat if I have to deliberately click to a tab to see it.
For readability, please PLEASE make emote text more vivid than that dull grey. Or even better, give us the ability to customize color for each type of chat so we can set things to the colors that catch our individual eyes.
And multi-guild chat, YES. I’ve barely interacted with some pretty good friends since launch simply because we are representing two different guilds despite a close IC guild alliance. If that’s too difficult, then let us have a custom chat channel. Guilds that want to share chats can join a custom channel and interact that way.
In fact, that might be best. If two guilds are doing an IC competition, they might not want to mix the chats during the event. Custom channels give ultimate flexibility to mixing and matching chat companions. Of course you would need to make them easy to create, join, and leave. Moderation of the channel is a separate issue, but for now let’s assume the channels will be for consenting groups that want to hear each other.