I did see the thread about drops in specific places, but my issue is slightly different. The places most likely to do it to me are BC (and Ashford), DR, and LA as mentioned in that thread.
However, it happens to me when I zone in or out, or even just log in. Just now it happened on log in to Ebonhawke crafting area. When I had a PS that made me zone from DR to Ebonhawke, wham. The only fix I’ve found is to exit to desktop and restart the game. For the PS, that meant hoping restarting wouldn’t do the same thing (it didn’t, whew).
This is intermittent but frequent. Usually I do have time to restart the game and am not in aggro, but it can still be vexing. 5 fps is almost as slideshow and certainly won’t work for combat. When I’m grouped and heading into a dungeon, zone-in is a roulette wheel.
I’m not sure about arcdash’s more drastic proposal but I’m certainly on board with the OP. I spent time in Gendarran yesterday with sword/shield and scepter/focus set to swap and I’d find myself going to the melee set to shove a foe to range, then swapping to the ranged set to do stuff.
Shield #4 is a shield bash iirc, so I think it suits close-in shield work just fine.
I’ve only been suppressed once. I was RPing on my Charr and I think she said “Rrrr” twice in a row. Next thing I tried didn’t work. Also in Charr military drill our Brevet got suppressed because of his repeated military commands to us …
It does seem a slightly oversensitive filter. What if we want to do a call and response singalong or the like? The caller might lose his/her voice! I suppose if one just custom emotes between lines or changes the /say phrasing a tad it will avoid the issue.
Yes, I’m looking at this from an RP perspective -grins- I don’t see so much of an issue with saying slightly different things in other situation.
It got reworked before BWE1, I believe, so that people would be able to get traits in a steady flow. They also changed out the old system that let you spend skill points on any of the skills you wanted to the current tiered one.
They did say on their announcement they’d be dye “packs” — I was surprised it was just one dye. I’m still spending birthday gems so I’m ok with a few wasted ones but I’d have preferred a green pack as I have two characters using a green palette.
Neat idea. I’ll add in recorders, lutes, and reed instruments such as oboes to the list of possibilities.
Now to figure out how to avoid a horrid cacophony in crowded cities …
Oh, I agree it would look cool. It just would not be appropriate for my Warrior’s mousy don’t-look-at-me street rat persona.
That’s an elegant solution! It won’t help people that like a whole stable of minis, but I suppose they can use an Invisible Bag for that. For those who want one special mini companion, you’ve come up with a great idea.
I’m surprised. I played a Ranger in BWE3 and my pets kept their names every time they were summoned, I never had to rename. I think you may be seeing a bug rather than something ANet hasn’t thought about.
Agreed on the guild name reporting. I saw someone with a perfectly fine character name whose guild name was highly offensive and ended up shoe-horning it into a Bug Report not really on topic (as an aside, can we have an “Other” for a bug report option? There’s always something that doesn’t neatly fit the available categories).
Eep, I hope not. The AC and CM heavy armors are among my favorites for looking like real, wearable, useful armor, but my Human Warrior wouldn’t wear fancy enchanted stuff that glows! She’ll be self-conscious in anything that isn’t patched and worn out as it is. I suppose if they let you choose to buy it with or without the effect, that’d be grand.
Simple and elegant. I like this plan, even though I tend to keep one set of fighting armor and one trait setup for most situations, rotating in different utilities and traits for specific dungeons or fights. But this would help a lot of people.
Plus for RP it would mean being able to quickly swap to my posh Noble’s Coat and elegant boots. I don’t want to transmute my main armor to that look because I like the skins I have for those too (and don’t have any Fine stones yet). Quick swap would be lovely.
I move with double mouse button pressure and pan with my right button, which means any time I get mobile in combat my target untargets.
I fully support toggling to left-click selection only.
I’m thinking in RP terms. In every MMO I’ve played, people want to say they live in a particular house or have influence in a particular town. If a hundred people “claim” the same house, there’s going to be awkwardness when you invite friends to dinner only to find a secret cabal plotting a crime in “your” living room.
Plus if a guild has the town (and has spent all that effort to get it) I don’t see them happy about it all going away in a couple of hours.
I’m not saying it’s not creative, or interesting, or fun for those doing it. It’s just that after all I’ve seen, I predict a lot of bad blood coming from making anything in the world a limited resource that only one “special” group can have at a time. Sure you can buy at the guild town’s merchants — and that guild gets some of your money? “Unfair” goes up the shout.
At first I was really sad about them changing it to character bound. However, over time it’s become much less of an issue for me. I have more money to buy specific ones (Iron is awesome on any armor, so I have it on my 4 played characters). I’ve developed a palette for each character so I get an idea of who will wear what. And as more dyes drop, I get more duplicates to share with the alts.
Or with my guild. I love my guild. When people get a cool drop of armor or weapon or dye, the first instinct is to ask in gchat “who wants this?” I got my husband to fund gems for me for my birthday this week, so I’m opening a dye pack a day, keeping the ones I like, and giving away the rest to guildies.
Bottom line, over time the dyes will come. Use them on the characters you want to use them on. You can get them again, or be creative with the palette available on one in particular.
Oh, and for the poster that complained about not knowing what they will look like, you can right click the dye and get a preview of it applied to your current armor. Alas, you can’t do this on TP yet, but if you have 40 dyes in inventory just log in on each character and preview them to see how they work on your textures. Multiple previews of the same dye will fill in more fields on the wardrobe window. (Warning: on some metals you will get a much lighter gleaming version than the preview window. Notably the helmet with the high plume is dark with Iron in preview, but nearly blue-white in reflection in the world).
The main issue is that there are far more guilds than available towns, unless you want to pave the wilderness. Any time you want to “claim” part of the persistent world for your own, you are taking it away from someone else’s use.
Also, what happens to items in that storage if the guild loses the town?
I’d far rather have guild halls in whatever implementation ArenaNet creates than make any area of the world a bone of contention and sour grapes.
Should they make HoM rewards available in Black lion trading company?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Donari.5237
I’ll join the “no” side of this. I knew a year ago that I could get interesting cosmetics if I was willing to grind through GW1. I have many guildmates that got to 30 and a couple that got to 50, and I could have joined them if I’d wanted.
However, a huge inducement to me about GW2 was the no-grind philosophy. I made a conscious choice not to work for the HoM rewards and though I like the skins and the minis, I do not regret the choice or think I should get them in some other fashion. That’s like saying “Joe worked for 30 years for this one company, he gets a gold watch,” and the other employees saying “Oh, can we have an identical watch?”
A thank you for doing something means something only if it remains special to that act.
Signed! I’ve been wanting this, or at least to be able to mouse hover over the gate from a distance to see which one it is. It takes a while even now to remember which one goes where from Lion’s Arch, for instance.
I would tweak that to you can only buy karma (or other) items useful to you -if they soulbind-. If it’s account bound, please keep on letting me get them on whatever character is at the vendor and has the karma to spare.
Memento Box (small Digital Deluxe, starting gear and home instance improvement)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Donari.5237
Interesting ideas. I’ll quibble about the ring, since when you make a character the ring goes in your mailbox. Just leave it there and pick it up on another character, voila, two rings. At least it worked that way at launch, confusing me mightily when I had 3 rings in the mail after quickly making a few characters to save names.
I support anything that lets unique skins and vanity items be preserved.
Likely you guys tried this, but have you hit Escape? I’ve found that sometimes my character keeps trying to attack something until I hit Escape, even if I un-target it with a ground click.
If that doesn’t work, it’s a very annoying bug that I hope never happens to me.
I know there was a thread on this a bit back, as I commented then about being fine with this so long as one doesn’t have to set up keybinds each time one makes a character. I personally am happiest with one muscle-memory set to learn and it would be extra work for me to have to custom set it per character.
So an option to save a set to a character would be great for those more flexible than myself, while leaving a chosen set as global default unless opted to change individually would be great for those like me.
No rewards? At least in the human one, I could get over 70 karma just for saving a lot of villagers before rushing off to the garrison. Plus it’s a lead in to the PS, and takes almost no time.
I happen to love most of the models. They look real. As in, like something someone would actually wield to do damage without weighing themselves down too much. (I did say most of course .. I personally cannot fathom the twiny blue and green branches Sylvari “sword” but I know many that love it).
Through decades of gaming and research to support that habit, as well as RL fencing and the like, I’ve garnered a fair idea of how a hand weapon will need to look. I’ve even collected a fair number of blades. That doesn’t preclude fancy extras like dangling tassels, gem inlays, etching on blades, or variety in blade shape. Still, after other games I’ve played, I couldn’t be happier to be running around in Tyria with weapons actually useful for combat.
(I love most of the armor for the same reason. It’s designed to protect the body and to deflect incoming strikes rather than guiding them straight to neck or sternum).
I would prefer a physical authenticator that can stay on my desk by the computer. My phone is usually downstairs with my purse and gets charged down there, plus it goes out and about with me so it could get stolen.
A dedicated keychain thing that I can tether to my desk mic would be perfect.
Undermine, I am sorry you haven’t seen all the RP going on. Tonight I RPd my Guardian’s PS with a friend and while traveling to the PS waypoint we happened on some other RPers chatting about swimming across to an island. I’ve seen RP just about anywhere it was safe to stop long enough to type a line. Which means not in Orr shudder
I’ve been RPing since the late 1970’s. Pen and Paper, MUDs, LARPs, MMOs, online mail-in-move games, online tabletops. I played WoW for 7 years (technically still do, if I can find the time away from Tyria) in heavy RP guilds and even now the RP on my WoW server is going full steam ahead. Before GW2 launch my guild had RP in forums and live chat that established many characters solidly even before we could make them for “real.”
A lot of it is just typing out custom emotes but the more visual tools to aid the better. So on-topic yes, sittable chairs, expanded animated emote options, more choices in town clothes (oh, how I want that pirate outfit from the drinking contest for my street rat’s town clothes!), all the bells and whistles requested in all the threads on this topic. Yes yes yes. I have faith it’s coming; still I will keep chiming in on the requests until ANet gives us a position.
Um, that sounds like I’m nagging. Not meant to. I just want to continue to support anything that will help RP flourish. It’s why I stayed with WoW so long, after all — the people and the stories.
Some vistas are ruining the game for me. Am I alone? Please heed my call.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Donari.5237
I’m also a bit inept at the jumps (especially on my Charr). Still, I’ve made it up some tricky ones, often with a guild mate showing me the path, sometimes just figuring it out on my own.
I’d say the biggest non-intuitive thing about the jump physics that was balking me until I figured it out is that you must keep holding the move button down after you jump, or you plummet in place. Useful in hopping to somewhere narrow because you can control your arc’s stop point, once you know about the effect. AND. Take heed here! You can steer in midair! You can jump around corners! In fact you -have- to on some of them, like in the WvW puzzle.
I hope that helps you and others. Steering mid-air is just not obvious until you are either told or do it by accident as I did.
No no, you just have to pull the gear into your bags to transmute, you can’t do it while wearing it.
Please revisit Cooking it's not a very attractive crafting profession anymore.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Donari.5237
I happen to love cooking. I’m not in it for rares, I’m in it for the fun of making tasty things and discovering more interesting combinations. It’s been far more fun to level than armor or weapon smith.
But then I’m not doing it to make rare things. I’m doing it for a fun activity.
I agree with this. I just hit 80 last night and ran around Orr for the first time. My goodness but there are some pricy karma items there … yes yes, I knew that in advance, I haven’t adopted a total no-spoilers blinder hood. Still now I know how long it takes to gather karma, and of the various dungeon sets I’ve previewed there aren’t that many skins I have to have so the tokens-to-karma conversion would be very nice.
That plus making karma-bought items account bound rather than soulbound, or making karma itself an account currency, would help me out with my minor altitis.
A very minor suggestion here. I’ve done some searching of these forums and the wiki and it seems there is no game item called a broken amulet or half amulet or the like. If there is, please tell me!
Anyway, not only is the “broken token” a staple of folk story and song, it exists in one of the human personal storylines. I am not using most of the personal story for my character ICly but I have chosen to springboard from that story element and have a half amulet that was kept with his adoption papers. I’d love a game item that is called Amulet Half or something similar. Even better, two items, a Right Half and a Left Half, as I OOCly know who has the other half and we could go collect the items for future RP.
It could just be a heart karma merchant accessory item with stats and such. If this doesn’t happen, no biggie, items can be described in emotes without needing to link them in chat. It would just be a nice extra touch.
I like this idea Though the only really jarring moment in that regard for me has been (SPOILER) finding gravestones of people that couldn’t possibly know my current name and having that entire name engraved in the stone. “We wish you well, Donari Mal Di Bette” just doesn’t work. Better in that case just to have “our (male/female descriptor).”
Sorry for vagueness, I’m trying to limit the spoiler level.
Tarnished Coast is heavy RP for US, and Piken Square is where many EU RPers go. You can check guildwars2roleplayers.com forums for a list of RP guilds.
I would love to remove griefers from my ken, including their visuals. I don’t want RP instances because then you can’t get new people wandering by, seeing the RP, and joining in.
Remember to report the griefers you see. ANet will take action if what you report is accurate and actually counts as griefing rather than ignorance.
I don’t think it’s about finishing all the content. I’m just now closing in on 80 on my main, I’m hardly rushing. Still, I like to complete maps at level rather than hoping something will be working later on and I’ll catch it while it is (I was super lucky a guildie commented that the cattlepult was working so I could swap to my Charr and zip over there for that one). Plus how do you remember which skill point was broken so you can go back for it later without traveling to zones at random intervals to check? Then there’s the completionist urge to fill in all the blanks.
I like Option One best. I don’t want default completion, I want to do the work to get the skill or vista or whatever. I want to see the content. However, I do foresee one issue with it: If every player can force an overflow any time they want, the servers might explode …
It would be handy to find it in a particular thread, but you can at least scan the top of the forums for the dev tracker to see all the dev comments abstracted out along with the title of the thread in which the comment was made.
This thread being linked by someone who advocates the Search feature, I’ll reply here rather than in the newer mail thread.
I agree with wanting to send more items at once, assuming the data load remains viable. I’d also love to be able to take just one item out of the mail. What if a friend sends me three dyes, and I want them on two different alts? I have to find bag and bank space now for the extras until I can get on the alt. Same with multiple items of gear that I can only use one of for now.
Perhaps mail isn’t meant as secondary storage, but still it can be a pain to have to remove all the items to get at one or two of them — even worse if we go up to ten items per message!
I’ve given whole-hearted support to this idea every time it’s come up. I continue to do so. Please, ArenaNet, please let us know if this is something you are working on. I’m missing a great group of people in two allied guilds because I don’t want to miss the people in my main guild.
Ah, I see, it’s more skill-sets than specific professions. That makes sense. Certainly I’ve wanted some way to find my own group of people on the map (usually my guild, so gold dots would work fine). I’ll only ever be a grunt, though — so anything that makes it easier for a leader to send me somewhere useful would be great.
While I admit I’ve done almost no PvP since launch, I am puzzled by your concern about “class group balance.” Isn’t this game made so the specific professions involved don’t matter?
That would ease the pain quite a bit. Still, I foresee the spammers standing in LA using /e to get a large “hearing” area loaded with their nonsense, leading to more draconian restrictions on all players.
Me, I’m hoping for the return of Dhuuming. Spammer gets reported, ANet rep verifies they have been broadcasting “buy my gold” messages, and WHAM. Scythe to the face, account gone.
I’d also hope no one would be stupid enough to buy gold from third parties given the gem shop option along with the limited use of gold in this game, but after many years in the criminal justice system I don’t have that much faith in humanity.
Fantastic ideas, OP. The dye market is already robust, and these would invigorate it even further. I want each and every dye you described!
They will have these things? Woo hoo! Too late for today (I’m asking my husband for gems for my birthday and I guess he’ll have to transfer some money into my account to make that work) but I have guildies I’d love to give gems without having to do money transfers.
Will these be physical cards or will it be possible to do them online? It would be awesome to be able to do it via the ANet account, just put in the other person’s account name and have gems show up in their account after I pay for them.
If there’s some way that could be abused, please weigh in.
In WoW I have a guild master who is a wonderful guy. He’s a good leader for guild matter and for raids, a fantastic role-player, devastating in PvP, and everyone loves to have his attention. He cannot log in without at least ten minutes of tell-hell, even when all he wants to do is check his mail or do a daily or just chill out playing the game. For him, invisible log in would be a godsend and he’s been super happy to have it in GW2.
And he’s an extrovert.
Me, I’m an introvert. I just happen to like hanging out with good people, which abound in GW2, and I have a different sense of what’s private. I don’t mind people tracking who I’m playing and where. I don’t mind them being able to contact me to ask for RP or dungeon runs or PS aid. I -do- mind random “cold-calls” like spam guild invites or other intrusions on my time if I’m not feeling like chatting. So far I haven’t had anyone bothering me in whispers that wouldn’t listen to “I’m fighting, can’t talk” responses. But if that becomes an issue, it’s nice to know the invisible option is there.
Someone mentioned blocking the particular annoyance. That works in some situations. However, some “stalkers” aren’t bad people, they’re just so clingy that you want to get away from them but not be mean to them. One of those drove me from Alliance to Horde in WoW … if I could have been invisible and just told the ones I wanted to talk with I was on, life would have been improved.
OP, I’ll assume you didn’t play the Beta Weekend Events. They were able to design super fun weekend-closing events, monitoring them on the fly, in a very short amount of time. They have the technology to do it, it’s not like they have to spend months of intense design time as if it were an expansion.
I am completely psyched to see how the live game events go, and only hope they go on long enough that I can participate during my gaming hours without falling asleep at work the next day -grin-.
Much as I want to stop spammers, I’d balk at blocking mail for new characters. After all, that’s how one trades items. I suppose one could work around it by mailing useful starter gear and bags to a more leveled alt so they could put it in their bank and then pick it up on the lower character assuming they can get to their bank. But isn’t that punishing all the honest players by encumbering their game? Plus it assumes the new character you want to help is an alt of someone higher.
Report + delete takes much less time than relogging and trotting to a bank. Less money, too, given waypoint costs to get to the bank.
As to blocking chat, egad no. I’m in an RP guild. People might make a temporary character to play a role, but not if they have to put in hours of game play before they can even talk to anyone! Besides, for non-RP purposes, how social of an experience will it be if you can’t interact with anyone for 10 levels? First impressions matter too much to prevent joining the community that long.
This would be a lovely feature. I’d suggest requiring you to have discovered the vista first, but then having it in a “library” you can access, or just click on it on the map to trigger it wherever you are.
I’d settle for a bit more context recognition in the filter. Right now it looks for letter strings and blocks them even if they are a completely innocent part of a word.
For example, in some chatter in game another person used the word “reputation.” If that is filtered here, it is rep utation. There is a bad Spanish word in the middle, yes … but really, getting “re——tion” in chat is a bit much. I had to go to No Filter rather than Normal because of that.
In this forum, I saw someone forget a space between two words. “Whom realize,” when mushed together, becomes “kittenalize.” (heck, it became it anyway when I correctly said Who not Whom) Back in the years when I frequented Blizzard’s forums, one could not use scrape (scr ape), grape (gr ape), rapel (ra pel), etc. Mind you, I absolutely campaign against casual use of the word for violent forcing of women (just ask any guildie of mine through the years), but completely innocent words have those four letters embedded.
So, however computer magic is done, enhancing the intelligence of the filter would help tons.
The LotRO instanced neighborhood way seems to me to be the only feasible way to accommodate everyone while still giving a community feel. I’ve seen housing in many games and that really was the best, other than having too few hook points and having a monthly upkeep fee. Though at least if you didn’t pay the fee, all your neat items just went into an escrow location for retrieval once you paid.
DaoC had a monthly fee that if missed just once meant every single item you’d put in the house poofed. This made it mandatory to login on that character and pay that fee. Losing my house due to RL distractions, combined with the horrors of Trials of Atlantis, well .. bye bye to that MMO for me. I pay taxes and a mortgage and bills in RL, games that give me the same pressures lose a lot of the fun escape factor.
Horizons had world housing, released in lots, causing a landrush every time one opened up. Not only did the wilds become suburbs, but there was a ton of bad feeling and flamewars from people that got edged out in their attempt to get their dream lot. Those of you saying “not everyone can have a house” please remember GW2 is made to make everyone happy to see other players.
So yeah. I really do want a house to decorate, I’m fine with it being an investment of money and time, but I absolutely don’t want the world cluttered with houses or to have all that investment lost if I don’t choose to play that character (or the game) for a bit. No upkeep fees, PLEASE. This game is pitched as one from which you can walk away for a time and resume later without losing anything.
Not that I expect to do anything with any spare leisure moments for a long time but play this game — still, part of the joy is that I’m not grinding or compelled to be here. I’m here because it’s fun.
Only if it’s optional, please. I only have but so much muscle memory at my age … I need the same key to do the same thing every time. I even tend to still use keybinds that I used back in DaoC because they made sense then and they “stuck” with me.
I really don’t want to have to set up fresh keybinds each time I make a new character.