I don’t think I’ve left IoJ’s BL once so far this matchup
I’m sure there are some where this is the case, but the giant GoM zergball rolls through our 3rd of EB like clockwork, and once we manage to get it back, here they come again…..chugga chugga chugga. We can stop 10-20 if we have the people, but the 40-60 just steamroll everything. They are also very well timed, because I often see them show up before we can complete upgrades. Just lucky timing??? I think not.
And yes, these steamrollings are a BIG reason why I see people leave. They get rolled, and rolled, and rolled again, say “kitten it, I’ve had enough of this kitten!” in chat, and they’re done.
If we could push a magic button and move to T8 (or start a new T9!!!!), we’d do it. AR hasn’t been in a match since…..hell, I can’t remember when, maybe Jan/Feb, where we haven’t had the Outnumbered buff most of the match. We went 3 months against Ebay…..a full 13 weeks….with this type of uneven pairing. The new rating system is supposed to “fix” it so that doesn’t happen on a regular basis, but here we are what….4 weeks, 5 weeks…..I can’t remember…..into it and thanks to the fair weathers finally having enough and bolting, here we sit with yet another giant zergball server who, not satisfied with just taking all of our EB, camps our spawn!!!! Sorry, that’s not a server that want’s “fair/even” fights (though I do realize there are members of GoM that truly DO want even fights, the server as a whole……well, actions speak for themselves).
What I find ironic in this is Anet. They claim they want to even up matches so the existing player base doesn’t leave (leave the server, leave WvW, or leave GW2 entirely), and attract new players to WvW, yet they won’t even honor a petition to drop us to T8 to prevent the very population loss that they profess to want to prevent. Sigh……
I wouldn’t say all of GoM is like the Eternal PuGs they have. Consistently putting bad players on the field. For instance, being outnumbered in Eternal, the GoM commander running the karma train there decides to take AR’s corner of the map. It’s fine, we have seen it before(god help them if they actually meet a tier with even numbers though). So 3 people retake Veloka and start to treb the keep, because, well why not. GoM recaps Veloka while we are in the tower. We continue to treb the keep from a now GoM tower. Get the outer to under 50% before anyone walks into the tower to see whats up(poor warrior that came in, sorry man, you aren’t going to beat me with that set up) then of course GoM sends more people, mind you, into a tower they own, to take out the treb. That is the GoM that is in Eternal. Poor ability, poor map awareness, sadly high ranks due to WxP farming with no ability to do anything but press 1 and cry for help when they meet up with a single player.
While your non Eternal players may very much want to have good even fights, your Eternal crew is a sad mix of some of the worst of GW2. Trust me after I spike someone in a group 5 v 1 while you have a guard as well, you don’t need to /laugh unless it is at your utter inability to handle combat outside a zerg. And it’s not all your players, just a vast majority of them in Eternal. I feel for you guys when you come up against even numbers in the future, 90% of your Eternal Players are going to bail on you.We had less than a dozen people on the map when your Eternal commander decided to take AR’s third @ 11am server on a Monday. I’m sure he feels like accomplished something. He did, he taught them doors who was boss.
Pretty lame post. Implying we have not had an even match-ups and come out on top before. We can go toe to toe with DH, and any other server of our size, and we have proven that in the past. Sorry we are so much bigger than you, but it really is unfair to call out an entire server like that because you are a little sore in the rear from being pushed around by numbers.
Please read the post. I am pointing out the PuG zerg that is clearly bolstering your numbers, not the entire server. If you were in eternal while AR keep was being trebbed from a blue Veloka, then I can understand why you would take offense.
Ok please don’t read this negatively I’ve been at this defense game for 8-9 hours on AR hills and I’ve been up all night and it is now 12:17pm…
We took hills in AR and after several attempts at trying to take it back from us you guys have seemed to have given up… Has the transfers really affected you that bad lately that you can’t take it back after this long?
You had some great assaults to begin with from really crafty areas but there was a point where we had 4 people defending from 15 of you but still nothing… Ioj came with a few golems but didn’t even see we had cannons so that didn’t last long… I mainly ask can you not field the men to reclaim it because it’s reached that point where I feel like I’m bullying the under dog of the match at the moment…
Also wanna say I have had some amazing fights tonight in your borders (solo and small groups), and a great job at defending your other assets in the borderlands…
All love from the [RUN] ranger that is usually hitting air. <3
Well, considering that AR is at this point by far the smallest of the three servers and has the lowest rank, you are in fact “bullying the underdog” along with your server being unwilling or unable to hit IoJ with any impact, the rest of your server is following suit. Sending around 60 with multiple golems to our Eternal keep while IoJ is hitting your SMC is just more evidence of that. If you guys were looking for legit fights, you would actually fight IoJ with the same tenacity that you fight AR. Looking at the WvW map at most times of the day seem to contradict that.
No we can’t currently field many players, and there is nothing wrong with capitalizing on that, but then to say you want better competition while actively avoiding it for karma training sends a mixed message. When you face 2 more populated servers this is going to become more apparent.
It is fun knowing that even with cheaper siege we still must be costing you folks a fortune in golems though. The first several golem rushes you guys pulled failed on Eternal AR keep, and you only succeeded with overwhelming numbers(and I mean having to drop graphic settings to avoid fps drop massive) all the while avoiding IoJ. I understand why your EB comma don’t hit IoJ though, because we may only have about 1/4 GoMs numbers but IoJ actually has closer to equal numbers, and they fail to win on an even playing field.
I don’t think I’ve left IoJ’s BL once so far this matchup
I’m sure there are some where this is the case, but the giant GoM zergball rolls through our 3rd of EB like clockwork, and once we manage to get it back, here they come again…..chugga chugga chugga. We can stop 10-20 if we have the people, but the 40-60 just steamroll everything. They are also very well timed, because I often see them show up before we can complete upgrades. Just lucky timing??? I think not.
And yes, these steamrollings are a BIG reason why I see people leave. They get rolled, and rolled, and rolled again, say “kitten it, I’ve had enough of this kitten!” in chat, and they’re done.
If we could push a magic button and move to T8 (or start a new T9!!!!), we’d do it. AR hasn’t been in a match since…..hell, I can’t remember when, maybe Jan/Feb, where we haven’t had the Outnumbered buff most of the match. We went 3 months against Ebay…..a full 13 weeks….with this type of uneven pairing. The new rating system is supposed to “fix” it so that doesn’t happen on a regular basis, but here we are what….4 weeks, 5 weeks…..I can’t remember…..into it and thanks to the fair weathers finally having enough and bolting, here we sit with yet another giant zergball server who, not satisfied with just taking all of our EB, camps our spawn!!!! Sorry, that’s not a server that want’s “fair/even” fights (though I do realize there are members of GoM that truly DO want even fights, the server as a whole……well, actions speak for themselves).
What I find ironic in this is Anet. They claim they want to even up matches so the existing player base doesn’t leave (leave the server, leave WvW, or leave GW2 entirely), and attract new players to WvW, yet they won’t even honor a petition to drop us to T8 to prevent the very population loss that they profess to want to prevent. Sigh……
I wouldn’t say all of GoM is like the Eternal PuGs they have. Consistently putting bad players on the field. For instance, being outnumbered in Eternal, the GoM commander running the karma train there decides to take AR’s corner of the map. It’s fine, we have seen it before(god help them if they actually meet a tier with even numbers though). So 3 people retake Veloka and start to treb the keep, because, well why not. GoM recaps Veloka while we are in the tower. We continue to treb the keep from a now GoM tower. Get the outer to under 50% before anyone walks into the tower to see whats up(poor warrior that came in, sorry man, you aren’t going to beat me with that set up) then of course GoM sends more people, mind you, into a tower they own, to take out the treb. That is the GoM that is in Eternal. Poor ability, poor map awareness, sadly high ranks due to WxP farming with no ability to do anything but press 1 and cry for help when they meet up with a single player.
While your non Eternal players may very much want to have good even fights, your Eternal crew is a sad mix of some of the worst of GW2. Trust me after I spike someone in a group 5 v 1 while you have a guard as well, you don’t need to /laugh unless it is at your utter inability to handle combat outside a zerg. And it’s not all your players, just a vast majority of them in Eternal. I feel for you guys when you come up against even numbers in the future, 90% of your Eternal Players are going to bail on you.
We had less than a dozen people on the map when your Eternal commander decided to take AR’s third @ 11am server on a Monday. I’m sure he feels like accomplished something. He did, he taught them doors who was boss.
AR has finally started a community website. If you are interested in taking a peek, feel free, the link is in my signature. Please keep the posts there at a mature level. Thanks!
So seriously curious at the moment. We started off by roaming a bit on AR BL. An hour later we had every keep. An hour later we lost everything but Hills. Then some IoJ homies that were Lord Moding like us got bored and stopped by to see what was going on. We went from prepping to defend Hills to owning the whole entire map. With Zero resistance. With less than ten people. And this wasn’t even the usual Oceanic players, it was “oh lord we’re still getting away with this, but I’d love to go to sleep if they ever fight back” players. This isn’t a rant/chest thump/brag post as much as it is a simple question. We’ve heard the rumors, but holy cow…is it really that bad?
I’d quote some of the crap you guys had to say about IoJ last time we tangled but at this point I’d seem like a bully.
What happened to AR?
The people you’d be quoting would most likely no longer be on the server. Several smaller guilds and solo players and a large guild left the server. We are in the process of rebuilding, so I hope you are enjoying the ultra low population in our sections of the map.
On a fun side note, we will get back on our feet, it’s just going to take some time.
Well, aside from seeing low point totals on the board when I got up for work, nice job on reset AR. We really need to look at working with people on off hours. We don’t currently have a community site, any AR WvW player have the time to set one up? If not I can see what I can do for us after I escape the day job. Doesn’t need to be fancy, just needs to work. Fancy can come later.
What I would really like to see is more guilds willing to work together and communicate. No “main” WvW guilds would be ideal. Each guild playing to it’s overall strengths. A really good offensive guild could take and cap points, work with a strong defense guild to hold onto them. We on AR obviously have coverage gaps, but overall communication and making all of the WvW guilds equal regardless of size, could make a huge difference in the bigger picture.
Oddly enough, I am happy to see you guys again this week GoM. It should be a fun week for all three servers. IoJ is a nice addition to the match up.
I have to say Anvil Rock, this has been our best reset night in quite a long time. If we lose what we gain during prime over the evenings, take heart, and do not give up. Come out and have great fights and fun. Everything else will just fall into place.
[TWIN] supports that action
Anvil Rock needs to be the medium wvw involved server it was some months ago, with a nice wvw coverage, for us to have all fun again, so like Dogvan, I would also gladly welcome any candidats in TWIN or other wvw guilds in our dear server !
We appreciate the support of TWIN. [KAOS] also did some coordination withTDME in Fergs BL wiping all 3 keeps. We would like to try and gather our remaining WvW guilds leaders together and work out a plan of action. I know we have a long road to travel. I wouldn’t mind having company on the trip.
Thanks! We just started working a little with a few guilds on AR and are will to work with more as well. If you are in a WvW guild on AR and want to work along with us. Feel free to hit me up as well.
I just got on.. did someone make GoM mad.. or did ar and fc just quit??
It’s the last day of the match up and it’s off prime. The one thing AR should have done was killed your karma train by starving it to death, but players here are stubborn. I tried to explain no karma = no karma zerg.
Had fun at last nights Fight Club. Made some new friends. And who doesn’t enjoy a box o’ fun? This may be the last Fight Club I get to sponsor for awhile, hopefully someone else will take over, just a lot of work to do on Anvil Rock, and I need to direct my efforts there.
Hello forum friends. I am not sure how many people actually read this section, but I figured I would post here regardless. As some of you know AnvilRock has taken some major hits to it WvW population in recent weeks. Now where some people on the server have felt the need to head elsewhere, and I do not fault them for it, our guild intends to stay. We are aware that there are MANY small sub 5 man guilds on AR as well as people in WvW in non WvW guilds. [KAOS] is extending an invitation to join us on our Anvil Rock WvW mission. That mission is to bring some fun into WvW. [KAOS] is currently a medium to small guild. We run a mumble VOIP with streaming music. Friendly, helpful people familiar with most parts of the game, although some of us exclusively tPvP and WvW. We are working on building all aspects of the guild in general. We currently have a couple commanders and are happy to train.
So if you want to have fun in WvW regardless of where Anvil my fall, are looking for a little companionship and teamwork in WvW, want to learn more about WvW in general message myself, Glitterkitty, Myssa, or any [KAOS] or [LPC] member you come across in game. (I have more names to add and will edit them in when I make sure on some of the spelling).
Fight club is up and running, take a break from karma training and come on by
Fight Club starting now, GoM BL Windmill
On a fun side note… Fight Club! Starting to do my rounds now. 1v1 5v5 GvG fun for the whole family! GoM BL(why because I think they have a WP and because I said so) kicking off Thursday 4pm server time. Your opportunity to have some fun outside the normal WvW grind. Fights happening through Friday..settle a grudge, test your skills! Reply off this post if interested and what fights you’re looking for!!
For the next two days…4pm server time. [KAOS] will be there enjoying the festivities. Bring your box of fun and a positive attitude. Remember it’s all in good fun, and can be a great learning experience.
FC sorry about the BL thing yesterday. We figured since you liked our keeps so much, we’d just take yours. Thanks to TDME and friends for working with KAOS.
Dovgan, I was giving one of the reasons we left, not all of them. If you want to believe that, though, then you’re welcome to it.
Kane, if you were so concerned with appearances of “pay to win” you would have gone to Borlis Pass, Darkhaven, Stormbluff, or apparently Yak’s Bend. We in Dragonbrand paid to have fun with similarly minded players, and we had already sent scouts and seen friends leave to Ehmry. The ones that came back told us why not to bother. See you on the field.
Our contacts lists are showing a further spread than only Dragonbrand and Ehmry, anyway. Anvil Rock has been bleeding players for months, and the recent move of ALS simply caused many more to do what they were already prepared to do. We found that many already had the gold saved up, and were simply awaiting the word to go. We’ve also run into ex-AR players that moved months ago without announcement.
My post was not directed at ALS, just the AR roaming population in general. There is raw talent on AR, it just needs to be shaped into something that works. I cannot know all the reasons ALS moved, but I don’t harbor any negativity toward them as a guild. I have seen many guilds come and go.
Fight Club! You know I’ll be there. This HAS to draw a few people who I have diligently been working on building hatred towards me. (Unfortunately, once you know me you’ll find out I’m not the devil. I’m just passionate about what’s left of my community.) Info on page 8.
Good morning, AR!
Hope you don’t mind, we made ourselves feel at home in your borderlands while you were fast asleep! =3
Yours sincerely,
Night Crew.
Don’t mind it in the least. Sorry you don’t get to experience the “fun” side of WvW. Hopefully you will get to soon.
On a fun side note… Fight Club! Starting to do my rounds now. 1v1 5v5 GvG fun for the whole family! GoM BL(why because I think they have a WP and because I said so) kicking off Thursday 4pm server time. Your opportunity to have some fun outside the normal WvW grind. Fights happening through Friday..settle a grudge, test your skills! Reply off this post if interested and what fights you’re looking for!!
awww my msgs really got infracted but its okay, i don’t mind.
Indeed I was trolling, only because my first reply to dovgan states everything and even answers his question. Im not talking about WvW skill. Im talking about class skill and strategies in small scenarios that FC so claimed to have over GoM. but when it came to a 3 v 1. 2 FC left after one of theirs was put down.
And going as far to say that because I was on a thief. They made the right choice to bail because they shouldn’t be wasting their time on a troll class? Each class in this game has their own merits and their own strength and weaknesses. Being able to exploit your strength and your enemies weaknesses is all part and parcel of this game and that depends on your skills and strategies.
On a 3 v 1. A mesmer, ranger and an ele should be able to easily take out an aggresively played thief, if they are played right, and had I died I would have been able to learn a ton from that. oh well. My posting here was to express my disappointment that despite all the barking and chest thumping about FC being more skilled and strategic, they would run when they outnumber 3 to 1. It was a let down for me. Guess I expected too much when I shouldn’t.
Also my apologies again to the forum for all them troll posts. But they did crack me up and I found it amusing.
I found it fun and engaging as well. Was sad when I had a PM pop up.
If he starts a petition using only l33t speak, then we will know for sure…
^ That is hilarious. I’m the wrong person to get reported by, unless it is something painfully offensive. Forums are all in good fun as far as I’m concerned.
In the case of Dovgan vs. Pocachubbz, I’m gonna have to side with Dovgan.
I rest my case Your Honor.
Individual player skill aside, because you may be very good at your class, you fail to answer the question, type in caps, and make a general fool of yourself…continue.
I ran into 3 FCs outside RQ/WC. one ele .. one mesmer .. and one ranger..
I killed the ele.. and the mesmer and ranger runs into WC ..
come on….. its 3 v 1…
Technically 2 v1 at that point. Now the next 2 questions are very important. What class do you play and were any of the 3 up leveled? If you either play a thief or these guys were up leveled, bravo for them for either A not wasting their time or B not dying to an 80 if they are not.
Non of them were uplvled and yes I play thief. Your telling me an elementalist, a ranger and a mesmer from FC can’t kill a thief whose playing aggressively to kill them. Class doesn’t even really matter, it depends on how well you play your class. Not what class you play. I c. Wheres all that skill and strategy that you were talking about.
3 FC vs 1 GoM and FC runs away.
clap clap clap clap clap such good skills…
Say all you like to defend yourself. Its basically the only thing you can do at this point. Your bark is worst than your bite. Im not gonna bother replying you anymore as well since your next post is most probably gonna be sprouting excuses, reasons and nonsensical crap.
Woof woof much?
oh, your welcome to flag and report this post if it makes you happy.
I would look for a GIF but i gotta catch up to my party. So if any other GoM member would like to help me look for one. Much appreciate.
I’m not saying can’t and your forum manner never fails to surprise. I’m saying it’s a waste of time. Most thieves play troll builds, in an objective based game why would they waste their time? If you wanted to play a class that was going to have an opportunity to have real fights and not play hide and go seek then you probably shouldn’t have rolled a thief. The fact that you would even post here only says you were upset you couldn’t play troll FC. Bravo to the two FC players that ignored you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! most thieves play troll builds!! we got some hate on the game classes now.. ROFL
Don’t be hating the game. hate the player..
pppfttt hahha .. This is absolutely hilarious.. I have to share this..
I knew you were gonna say something ridiculous.. but .. ROFL.. this takes the cake! LOL
and yes yes Bravo to the two FC, they really do show skill. /laugh.I love it. You bring so much laughter to my day. =)
And some play pretty heavy troll builds on the forums. Why would I report you by the way? Some great Civil Rights leaders have said that it is important to let the ignorant speak so that the rest of the world can see them for what they are.
So let me understand you correctly, because you couldn’t tie 3 players up for however long it took to kill you, they are the ones that lack WvW skill? Please elaborate.
I’d give you a shovel, but it seems you brought your own. And more caps next reply. Don’t let me down.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
I ran into 3 FCs outside RQ/WC. one ele .. one mesmer .. and one ranger..
I killed the ele.. and the mesmer and ranger runs into WC ..
come on….. its 3 v 1…
Technically 2 v1 at that point. Now the next 2 questions are very important. What class do you play and were any of the 3 up leveled? If you either play a thief or these guys were up leveled, bravo for them for either A not wasting their time or B not dying to an 80 if they are not.
Non of them were uplvled and yes I play thief. Your telling me an elementalist, a ranger and a mesmer from FC can’t kill a thief whose playing aggressively to kill them. Class doesn’t even really matter, it depends on how well you play your class. Not what class you play. I c. Wheres all that skill and strategy that you were talking about.
3 FC vs 1 GoM and FC runs away.
clap clap clap clap clap such good skills…
Say all you like to defend yourself. Its basically the only thing you can do at this point. Your bark is worst than your bite. Im not gonna bother replying you anymore as well since your next post is most probably gonna be sprouting excuses, reasons and nonsensical crap.
Woof woof much?
oh, your welcome to flag and report this post if it makes you happy.
I would look for a GIF but i gotta catch up to my party. So if any other GoM member would like to help me look for one. Much appreciate.
I’m not saying can’t and your forum manner never fails to surprise. I’m saying it’s a waste of time. Most thieves play troll builds, in an objective based game why would they waste their time? If you wanted to play a class that was going to have an opportunity to have real fights and not play hide and go seek then you probably shouldn’t have rolled a thief. The fact that you would even post here only says you were upset you couldn’t play troll FC. Bravo to the two FC players that ignored you.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
I ran into 3 FCs outside RQ/WC. one ele .. one mesmer .. and one ranger..
I killed the ele.. and the mesmer and ranger runs into WC ..
come on….. its 3 v 1…
Technically 2 v1 at that point. Now the next 2 questions are very important. What class do you play and were any of the 3 up leveled? If you either play a thief or these guys were up leveled, bravo for them for either A not wasting their time or B not dying to an 80 if they are not.
What AR has yet to figure out is that you can do both PPT and open world PvP. Just takes more effort than some people are willing to put out, and I don’t hold these players accountable. This is a game, meant to be played for fun, not stressing over a PPT or how “good” your server is. AR WvW community is small, and as someone very wise put it, it’s like family on AR. Some of them may be idiots, but they are OUR idiots. I love what remains of AR’s WvW community and fight for it every day. We may not be able to keep points on the board right now, but most of us here don’t complain and still have a great time. That’s not going to change for AR. My guild and I have no intention of leaving, our ties to the WvW community are too strong. And maybe someday AR will be able to mix roaming and defense the way we try to, and when that day comes Anvil Rock will rise again.
It’s just that we’re a heavily PvE-based server and easily distracted by shiny objects with particle effects.
Now the peeps in the offices near mine think I’m insane because I busted out laughing when I read that. Thanks for that….keeps them on edge. ;-)
Oh and on a side note, I can tell you I have had up to 60 on a tag at some given moments. I really should command more, but I’m trying to train new comm’s and this is a really good environment to do that, because it’s hard, formation and team training when it’s easy. These are good rules of thumb. I also feel all posts from this point forward should contain hoopleheads or some version of said word.
Yes, EB has HOURS long queues and a full map running in one group during the karma trains.
Wow….just wow.
As Dov said, we’ve (AR) been together with the likes of Ebay for MONTHS, who are competitive in T3, and they didn’t have numbers like GoM. Maybe they do now, but holy hoopleheads, why why WHY are you guys in T6/7/8 with your population?
To put it into perspective, one month ago, BEFORE we lost a huge portion of our WvW population, AR could AT BEST (ie. everyone getting on the same map) queue ONE map for maybe 10 minutes. Now…..hah! If we put everyone onto one map (NA prime time mind you….I’m not talking off-peak) we might be able to get 40 people on a map. 40. Total. Meanwhile GoM seems to be able to run 40+ zergs on multiple maps at the same time.
IMO we’re headed to T8, and if there was a T9, we’d likely go there. We’ve just lost too many people to be able to match 60-man zergs and unless we get EVERYONE onto a map, we typically have 10-15 (and more are leaving….it’s not over yet). GW2, to a large degree, is a numbers game, and no matter how “good” or “bad” you are, 10 vs. 60 isn’t going to go well for the 10.
Anyway, GoM, I am thoroughly convinced based on playing servers that are 2-3 tiers above you that if you picked up your game you could be competitive with them. Organize, train, work on tactics, and go beat the kitten out of some T3-4 servers. :-)
Well that’s a way nicer way to say it, but doesn’t make for forum fun while my utility is stuck on the side of the road(broken idler pulley) and you used hoopleheads to boot!
Wait, Zumi. How many of those posts did you flag as offensive or inflammatory. None of them? Right.
Just checking. wanted to make sure we were still being good sports about things.
I’m honestly not sure, but I think you’re saying that I should have flagged them? I could be wrong.
Either way, come to think of it I’ve never flagged any post as offensive. Maybe it’s because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn’t realize how their post could come off as offensive. Or maybe somewhere deep down part of me subconsciously enjoys these kinds of back and forths (they can be entertaining!)
I’m sure Dovgan is a perfectly nice guy, we just started off on the wrong foot.
Well someone had to get a conversation started… And for the record, I like you guys and want you to be fired up, matchups without some forum fire while I’m trapped at work are too dull.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
Man, also forgot to add. Shiver, I am always open for some friendly 1 on 1. Feel free to hit me up when I’m online. Chest thumping and insulting my guild aside, I like a good fight. Also be careful of accusations, calling someone a bot on the forums can get you banned.
PS dern phone and auto correct.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
Seriously, when was the last time GoM has got a match that required us to work?
I personally don’t care if we’re T1 or T8, as long as the matchups are good and the fights are fun/challenging.
I don’t think that’s an option for Gates. You will either get into a matchup where the numbers are close and get destroyed or have an overwhelming population against your opponents. We have faced higher ranked servers, and I’m telling you, your overall WvW presence is much higher than over half of them. I’m not saying everyone on the server is terrible, but a huge percentage are. This is why you are stuck in the lower tiers. A-net is doing your server a favor.
ROFL! This reply ^ cracked me up. You are basing your opinion of us when we literally have stopped trying coz WvW is so boring. yeah GoM is slowly but surely moving up the tiers. But whats happening to AR?
Looks like A-net is doing you a favour as well aye? If you really think you guys are that good? Please do something to get us interested in this week’s match up again, and if you can’t, then please stop hiding behind the excuse that you don’t have enough people as compared to GoM, your biggest wvw group left. That kitten happens to every server. Get over it. And if you keep insisting that, it obviously shows that you guys aren’t as good as you claim you are to make a difference.What Im trying to say is walk your talk, if you can’t. then it obviously shows that AR’s bark is worst than its bite.
Im going out on a limb to say that this post will most probably be flagged and reported.. I won’t be surprised.
I don’t disagree that A-net is doing AR a favor by having us move down in rank. As far as GoM being bored, sorry, but you guys were bad reset night, and nothing has changed. For the first time I can recall, as a solo, I put orange swords on the map. Sorry but a single player shouldn’t even be a speed bump for 25+ players. We had another 2 v 25+ and one of us actually got away, and got a few kills out of it. It shows poor use of skills, poor class management and a total inability to play your class properly when things like that happen.
Look at it this way, for every loot bag you get, we get 15 and the bonus of 0 repair and 20% magic find. I’m not complaining, your server has helped my guild buy another commander tag in just 4 days. I hope we get matched up again, GoM is single handedly making WvW that most profitable part of the game. Thanks!That’s a hell lot barking, forum warrior, but do you bite?
Great players don’t need to say ‘they are the best’ 10 times per page in the forum. They just are.
I was not impressed by KAOS so far, so it must have not been you I guess, all those guys I murdered… or maybe they were AFK and this is why I didn’t need my own personnal army of 25.
Still, they were moving, but they were so predictable, like NPCs. So maybe they were bots? Are you a bot Dovgan? Because your next answer to this thread is again very predictable.
Yours truly,
- Shiver
In no post did I say I was the “best” at the game. If you have “murdered” any of the 4 normal members of KAOS congratulations to you. Nor did I say all of GoM was bad. But I can guarantee you’d remember me if we fought. I usually group with solo or duo players and say “gg” on either a win or loss.
Nice chest thumping by the way. If you actually fought any of us, advice on what they can do to improve. Honestly we are always open for critique.
Oh Shanks, forgot to add, fun running around with you for a bit yesterday.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
I still don’t think most people read the actual content of a post. I’m honestly trying to give you advice. I said that not all, but a majority of GoM are not good players, and that may be a build/gear issue. It may be a group/organization issue. When I see a massive GoM group my first instinct is to run … right through them. There is very little bite to your zergs on average. If you want to take that as an insult, so be it. But ignoring what your opponents say to you, whether you want to hear it or not, just shows you have no desire to grow as a WvW server. This week would be an excellent chance for you to try new things, but instead you karma train. That speaks volumes about the overall server mentality.
I’ve been saying the same since January and i’m from GoM
I guess it just bothers people more when an outsider brings it up. Honest and candid outside advice is usually met with all kinds of rage.
I still don’t think most people read the actual content of a post. I’m honestly trying to give you advice. I said that not all, but a majority of GoM are not good players, and that may be a build/gear issue. It may be a group/organization issue. When I see a massive GoM group my first instinct is to run … right through them. There is very little bite to your zergs on average. If you want to take that as an insult, so be it. But ignoring what your opponents say to you, whether you want to hear it or not, just shows you have no desire to grow as a WvW server. This week would be an excellent chance for you to try new things, but instead you karma train. That speaks volumes about the overall server mentality.
edit looks like we have this thread heading in the right direction now. Amirite?
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
Seriously, when was the last time GoM has got a match that required us to work?
I personally don’t care if we’re T1 or T8, as long as the matchups are good and the fights are fun/challenging.
I don’t think that’s an option for Gates. You will either get into a matchup where the numbers are close and get destroyed or have an overwhelming population against your opponents. We have faced higher ranked servers, and I’m telling you, your overall WvW presence is much higher than over half of them. I’m not saying everyone on the server is terrible, but a huge percentage are. This is why you are stuck in the lower tiers. A-net is doing your server a favor.
ROFL! This reply ^ cracked me up. You are basing your opinion of us when we literally have stopped trying coz WvW is so boring. yeah GoM is slowly but surely moving up the tiers. But whats happening to AR?
Looks like A-net is doing you a favour as well aye? If you really think you guys are that good? Please do something to get us interested in this week’s match up again, and if you can’t, then please stop hiding behind the excuse that you don’t have enough people as compared to GoM, your biggest wvw group left. That kitten happens to every server. Get over it. And if you keep insisting that, it obviously shows that you guys aren’t as good as you claim you are to make a difference.What Im trying to say is walk your talk, if you can’t. then it obviously shows that AR’s bark is worst than its bite.
Im going out on a limb to say that this post will most probably be flagged and reported.. I won’t be surprised.
I don’t disagree that A-net is doing AR a favor by having us move down in rank. As far as GoM being bored, sorry, but you guys were bad reset night, and nothing has changed. For the first time I can recall, as a solo, I put orange swords on the map. Sorry but a single player shouldn’t even be a speed bump for 25+ players. We had another 2 v 25+ and one of us actually got away, and got a few kills out of it. It shows poor use of skills, poor class management and a total inability to play your class properly when things like that happen.
Look at it this way, for every loot bag you get, we get 15 and the bonus of 0 repair and 20% magic find. I’m not complaining, your server has helped my guild buy another commander tag in just 4 days. I hope we get matched up again, GoM is single handedly making WvW that most profitable part of the game. Thanks!
Seriously, when was the last time GoM has got a match that required us to work?
I personally don’t care if we’re T1 or T8, as long as the matchups are good and the fights are fun/challenging.
I don’t think that’s an option for Gates. You will either get into a matchup where the numbers are close and get destroyed or have an overwhelming population against your opponents. We have faced higher ranked servers, and I’m telling you, your overall WvW presence is much higher than over half of them. I’m not saying everyone on the server is terrible, but a huge percentage are. This is why you are stuck in the lower tiers. A-net is doing your server a favor.
I didn’t realize how many people read the forums.
GoM map chat has been pretty rich since the incident in the past pages.
There has been an incident? Oh my!
In all seriousness, AR has been up against EB, SBI, DH, DR akittens height, Kain, etc. GoM far out does all of these servers as far as what I have seen in total zerg population. I just don’t understand why the median of player skill is so low on the server. You may want to direct some of your player base over to the class forums, because maybe it’s a build/gear issue. I’m not trying to be mean, I am honestly trying to help you guys out.
…or maybe no one is taking WvW serious right now. Many are taking advantage of the karma train and leveling alts(lots of PvErs too I assume). We don’t need to put out effort as of now, since we have the numbers. Seriously, when was the last time GoM has got a match that required us to work? Its something the server needs, we need a good shock to get everyone’s head back in the game. Unfortunately Anet refuses to give it to us.
Don’t try and feed me that “I’m not trying to be mean” story, be a man and stand behind your trash talk.
This post wasn’t trash talk. The GoM “karma train” itself was almost causing SMC lag by AR keep in Eternal, and was by far the largest group I can honestly recall seeing in GW2 ever, but in small doses your players are laughably bad. You don’t feel you need help, that’s fine. All a “shock” is going to do for your server is to make your fairweather players PvE for a week.
All I can say to a post like this is … wow.
I didn’t realize how many people read the forums.
GoM map chat has been pretty rich since the incident in the past pages.
There has been an incident? Oh my!
In all seriousness, AR has been up against EB, SBI, DH, DR akittens height, Kain, etc. GoM far out does all of these servers as far as what I have seen in total zerg population. I just don’t understand why the median of player skill is so low on the server. You may want to direct some of your player base over to the class forums, because maybe it’s a build/gear issue. I’m not trying to be mean, I am honestly trying to help you guys out.
Nice coordination between FC and GoM in ARBL tonight. Amazing two groups of that size didn’t run into each other. Bravo!
Now now Dov, you know better than such accusations. WvW is always 2v1
LOL, no accusations, I’m just surprised it took them until the entire BL was capped to run into each other.
As long as they left all my stuff where it is so nothing is out of place when I get back. Otherwise my OCD will require we wipe everything
Wouldn’t worry too much, just a blast going up against a server with t4 population and t12 skill. I make 8-9 gold a day off these guys. We may not have a lot of people, but the walking loot bags on one of the other servers more than make up for the population difference.
Nice coordination between FC and GoM in ARBL tonight. Amazing two groups of that size didn’t run into each other. Bravo!
Now now Dov, you know better than such accusations. WvW is always 2v1
LOL, no accusations, I’m just surprised it took them until the entire BL was capped to run into each other.
Nice coordination between FC and GoM in ARBL tonight. Amazing two groups of that size didn’t run into each other. Bravo!
GoM you put up some decent fights, but only when you have numbers/walls/siege to use. The FC group that build the balista to fight 2 people, bravo! I also like how you guys put up orange swords. Although it was quite possibly the longest 25v2 I have ever been in, and yes, you guys actually did down one of us!
I don’t know, but I have yet to see a server play for second harder than FC. I guess what I mean is, why attack anywhere else but the second place server. I swear if any FC ever complains about getting attacked from AR down the road in this match up I’m just going to reply with this pic.
That is Interesting, if you haven’t notice we have been attacking GoM all day long. They put up a good defense and we didn’t succeed in taking as much of their stuff as yours. so it might seem we are playing for second but its your lack of defense.
I’ll also use this quote the next time I see an FC posting about AR attacking them.
I don’t know, but I have yet to see a server play for second harder than FC. I guess what I mean is, why attack anywhere else but the second place server. I swear if any FC ever complains about getting attacked from AR down the road in this match up I’m just going to reply with this pic.
Some quality arrow cart action by Anvil Rock.
Please, tell me that you think this is some form of hack. (Because it would totally make my night.)
sigh See Styx. This is why you can’t pay anyone a compliment.
All I ask is to be entertained..
Some quality arrow cart action by Anvil Rock.
Please, tell me that you think this is some form of hack. (Because it would totally make my night.)
Stoked to finally be in a matchup against AR again. You guys were always my favorite server to fight against back near launch. And even though it seems you’ve fallen on hard times, this matchup should be a fun one.
I believe we (AR) are in free-fall to T8. About 3 weeks ago our largest WvW guild [ALS] decided to leave for T2, and while they didn’t fully depart until last week, their presence in WvW went to near zero almost immediately. Over the last 2’ish weeks, other guilds joined the exodus. It will be interesting to see where we actually end up.
I for one will just be happy to get out of “zerg wars” with servers that can queue all 4 maps on reset. Mustering 20 peeps on a map only to have it rolled by a 60+ zerg everywhere we went was getting old. I’m looking forward to some balanced matchups.
I would say more like T7. That’s pretty much where we were before ALS became our next WvW presence. It gives the server a much deserved break from having to fight well above our weight class. Our coverage is too off time for us to be a T8 server, not off enough to be T6. We’ll see if, as a server, we can rebound and rebuild ourselves. Time will tell, until then we can enjoy far less zergy WvW than we are used to.
Just wanted to add, I hope the population stays consistent throughout the week. Anvil doesn’t have reset night number increase. Our numbers stay pretty consistent through the entire match. I have been trying to work with some other commanders that are newer and trying to explain the role they fill. That the little blue diamond just makes you a mobile rally point, that you should be open to learn from those people that follow you, and that you never let up, never retreat, never surrender. We may not always win, but we sure will break something off in our enemies before we die, for our server, on the field of battle.
(edited by Dovgan.8605)
Hoooowey, what an active night in GOM borderlands tonight! AR you are one persistent bunch! Had me commanding about 6+ hours straight! First getting home from work we were in the process of losing bay, and did (Me and Noonespecial did our best to hold out for our incoming Zerg >.<) Afterwards we gained enough momentum to push you guys out of the map but not for very long as we got the BL threatened again by the huge WAR group, but thankfully we were able to make a lord stand at Hills and Bay, great fights! (I question why I kept seeing orange swords by our NW skill point tho xD) Too tired to remember most of the details after but there’s one thing I remember clear; to the THF (Or TFH, I forget the order, I’ll edit when i get the right tag, it’s late >.>) guild in AR, you guys are some of the most persistant and well coordinated groups I’ve ever had to fight. I’ve seen quite a few tactics I’ve rarely seen or never had to deal with before, which I’m thankful we were still able to keep you guys contained for the most part. I must say it will be exciting fighting your group I was the (probably annoying) Asura ele commander in TA armor that kept divebombing your seige and being a general pest :P Too bad I didn’t really see much action from FC tho, sides the occasion roamers >.<
Looking forward to this matchup
Ah yes, [TFH] is a fun little group. I was messing around with them in GoM BL last night. It’s hard for me to take reset night very seriously, and I have a feeling our paths may have crossed (you may want to warn your players when we are baiting them into the spawn, that OH axe pull will grab 5 people and pull them in, sorry about that but we needed to thin the herd a bit). You guys had me in stitches most of my time out there. Fun fights overall though.
Now stop picking on FC, they clearly have the widest coverage gap, no need to remind them of it. Well, need to get back to the day job!