Showing Posts For Drew.1865:

which class will benfit most from pvt ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


None unless you want even fewer drops. If you have to use pvt gear you should skip that content because the rewards will be next to nothing.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Topic on End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


That left one thing basically to do at end game for a PVe’er. Which was zone wide events, which gave the same rewards generally as Rifts. When I played, everyone basically ignored them and they couldn’t be soloed. So they’d fail. You couldn’t do them at all. You couldn’t go back to early zones, because nothing would even attack you. It was pointless.

They didn’t ignore anyone. They just did a “bad” job “by your standard”.

That is quite different from what you try to convey before.

By my standard and by the standards of lots of others. I was like Clay on those forums. I was the guy who thought the game might have a city that looked like more than a quest hub. Or it might have something to do other than dungeons. Or it wouldn’t put a raid at the end of the only epic quest line in the game.

That’s why I tolerate the guys who bash me all the time for being a fan boy. I was in their shoes on the Rift forums, along with a lot of other people. However, I was nicer to the fan bois than some people on these forums.

Tolerate? Lol!

I’m very tolerant of you guys. I don’t ever report you, even when you say things that are clearly derogatory. That’s pretty tolerant. I don’t even mind. I just figure it’s payback for stuff I said on the Rift forums. lol

I only report people who twist people’s words around and use subtle word play to insult them.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


why should paying customers not complain, and ask for fixes?

You paid 50$ to get access to the game and that’s it. Do you expect them to send you loveletters now? You can complain and I am pretty sure the devs appreciate it if it is constructive but most of the time you just see people crying and begging for changes for their own benefit.

People are entitled to complain all they want. That’s fine.

Well thought out, constructive posts will likely get noticed by someone at Anet. Unfortunately, a lot of posts are either lacking in data, lacking in thought process, or worded so offensively, with so much hyperbole, that it’s hard to take them seriously.

I don’t think people realize if they worded their stuff in less offensive ways it’s far more likely to be passed up the line.

It has been confirmed that CMs take important stuff up to the devs on a daily basis. If all the trolls would post coherent posts, that would increase the noise in these daily updates and drown out some of the more important topics. Don’t encourage people to write proper suggestions

Hopefully they only take the complaints you approve of to the devs because those are the only important issues. And by coherent posts you must mean anyone that writes a post you disagree with is a troll? Yeah that makes sense….

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I agree about complaining. My gm’s girlfriend didn’t log into her account for about a week then logs in to find her precursor was gone and all the gear from her toon was gone. She complained and nothing was done so I just explained to her that this is a game with no sub so we aren’t allowed to complain.

So other people had stuff done and your girl friend hasn’t? You mean she contacted customer service and they did nothing?

Not my girlfriend and they said they did a small rollback but the items were not returned so they told her sorry. I think there was a bug that deleted items off some people’s toons but I dunno. I know she’ll never play an Anet game again though.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

what to be expecting in this months patch!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I am on my knee’s praying for a Minion AI fix.

Or a new whip move which I can spam whilst my character shouts: “REST, REST, REST!”

I think they patched that by giving everyone a reason to reroll as a warrior, gaurdian or Mesmer.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

An honest question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


- All of this probably feels very familiar to many of you. Except soon after the bulk of our members started to get bored – primarily because there wasn’t anything left for them to “continue progressing” their character. Sure some leveled alts but most of us are hardcore players and like to dedicate to one charatcer. Others continued to focus on WvW but even that didn’t provide any rewards that made their characters better. A fewer number completed their legendaries and today there’s only a handful left playing GW2. Sure theres the notion of playig the game because its fun. And GW2 is that, it is fun. But many of us need to feel like we are accomplishing something. Call it vanity too, but we also want to feel and look special…and Gw’s lack of gear progression makes us sad.

The big issue with gear progression lies in that sentence. You can only feel special by making the vast majority of people feel bad when they see you. People don’t play games to feel bad.

What? That’s not what he said at all. If you feel bad looking at somebody who has something that you don’t want to take the time to earn yourself, that says alot more about you than him. Why don’t you worry about yourself and not about what other people have.

Because if others have stats that I can’t gain, and therefor gain an insurmountable advantage, that’s unfair in a competitive game. It’s like giving Usain Bolt a segway while I have to run barefoot against him. It’s like giving Kasparov 7 queens for being the best chess player. As if Real Madrid could field 40 players in soccer. Makes absolutely no sense in a competitive sense.

Max stats should be available on logging in, for free, seconds after buying the game. Uniquely looking gear should be the goal of “elite” players, not stats. That’s how properly designed competitive games work.

Nothing in life is fair. Some of the most rewarding gameplay is beating someone with an unfair advantage because you’re a better player.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

To those constant complainers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I agree about complaining. My gm’s girlfriend didn’t log into her account for about a week then logs in to find her precursor was gone and all the gear from her toon was gone. She complained and nothing was done so I just explained to her that this is a game with no sub so we aren’t allowed to complain.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

An honest question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


“All I see is an argument that basically sums up to “If I can’t have it then no one can.”

Okay, you’re losing credibility with me here. Have you really read through all the posts? People have explained the flaws that come with a gear based system and why they don’t wouldn’t want that in GW2. It’s not an ideal system for every MMO player and it never will be.

And is there REALLY a problem here? Do you think the time you’ve spent in the game wasn’t worth it? I think for players like you who miss gear progression should just feel glad you aren’t paying a subscription. That is the beauty of GW2, just come back when you want to. Maybe you should just a take a break and come back for an expansion.

Agreed or go play one of the new games coming out that have the things these players want I know that’s what I’ll be doing ;-). Mmo market is flooded with tons of games so why should Anet care if some players are unhappy?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Topic on End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


That left one thing basically to do at end game for a PVe’er. Which was zone wide events, which gave the same rewards generally as Rifts. When I played, everyone basically ignored them and they couldn’t be soloed. So they’d fail. You couldn’t do them at all. You couldn’t go back to early zones, because nothing would even attack you. It was pointless.

They didn’t ignore anyone. They just did a “bad” job “by your standard”.

That is quite different from what you try to convey before.

By my standard and by the standards of lots of others. I was like Clay on those forums. I was the guy who thought the game might have a city that looked like more than a quest hub. Or it might have something to do other than dungeons. Or it wouldn’t put a raid at the end of the only epic quest line in the game.

That’s why I tolerate the guys who bash me all the time for being a fan boy. I was in their shoes on the Rift forums, along with a lot of other people. However, I was nicer to the fan bois than some people on these forums.

Tolerate? Lol!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I like this post. But… I have to share my feelings from the other side of the fence. Things that I feel didn’t pan out as I hoped they would.

First and foremost, ANet has kept up on the monthly updates, I am definitely seeing them making an effort to evolve this game. Unfortunately, I don’t think this evolution going fast enough. However, this might just be the nature of free to play MMOs. Long story short, most of my friends have already quit, and those that are left (VERY small amount) are now looking for another game to play. Once they all leave, I have no reason to continue playing GW2. Unfortunately, if they can find a game to invest their time in, they won’t come back.

Its been 8 months and we really haven’t seen anything new in the way of permanent content except fractals, and that got old quick. Most of what ANet has done has been focused almost exclusively on one time holiday events, which we no longer have access too at this time. SAB, while I won’t deny that its fun, is going to be gone soon too. Its also content that doesn’t even fit into the theme of the game. While the one time events were amazing (Mad King’s Clock Tower and Bell Choir are my personal favorites), I can’t help but feel that time could have been better spent on more permanent content we can enjoy year round.

The Flame and Frost story arch was interesting, but extremely shallow. They made it seem like they were adding a couple new dungeons, but instead we get 2 little story mode solo instances. I did all of it in a single day. I have no reason to go back and do them again. I was honestly expecting more. A lot more. The lead up to it was also extremely lacking. For an entire month we just got tiny little trickles of fed ex quests and camping a portal for an achievement. I wouldn’t even call any of that content.

Southsun was just… I have nothing positive to say about any of it. The in game event that started it all was just… eh, moving on. I can’t even stand going back to Southsun. The entire thing left such a bad taste in my mouth that I never even want to look at that place again. The Karka are even some of the most annoying things to fight in this game. The ONLY redeeming quality Southsun had was the rich orichalcum vein, and that got taken out. Now, the only reason to even go to Southsun is if you get unlucky and manage to draw a guild mission that forces you to go there. Even the guild rush event in Southsun is terrible. It is unanimously regarded by everyone in my guild as the worst rush mission. You can just hear the anguish, dread, and torment in peoples voices whenever we get told the guild Rush event is in Southsun.

Speaking of Guild Missions, these are pretty cool, sort of. I honestly can’t explain it, but Guild Missions don’t really feel very impactful. They feel more like a diversion or just something you do on the side. I was hoping they’d be large scale events that required your entire guild to participate in. Like a series of events that lead to a champion boss at the end, or defend a town from a massive invasion force or something.

The WvW update was also not what we expected. While the elimination of culling was great (no seriously, we love it), there was no new content added there. All we got was an experience system that ultimately means nothing. We can’t actually DO anything with our rank. The siege specialization certainly wasn’t the “Game changing” content we were expecting, either. All in all, it was a huge disappointment. WvW is still the same old thing it has always been.

Game is still amazingly crafted, but it doesn’t seem like it has the draw to keep people playing.

Most games at the 9 month haven’t added even as much as the fractals. I think your expectations are out of line with reality. In the time that the game has been out, in addition to the Fractals, they’ve also revamped a dungeon, added two new PvP maps, and other things as well.

As far as permanent content, well, you can bet the stuff from Christmas will be back next Christmas. It wasn’t a waste…it was an investment. Most of these games have holiday events. Making good ones that will last for a long time (which they can also build on) is pretty important.

I don’t remember Rift adding nearly as much as this game in it’s first 9 months. I don’t recall any pay to play game adding this much in the first 9 months.

Sure it’s a couple of instances. I agree. They should have never promoted it the way they did, and then no one would have expectations. But the only way Anet is really falling down on the job is if other MMOs in the same time frame have out performed them. I haven’t seen that happen yet.

Keep up the good work Vayne! +1!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

what to be expecting in this months patch!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Warriors get a much needed buff, engineers get a nerf, a loot nerf and hopefully a borked new crafting recipe. Maybe a new area in southsun cove? A new high population server with special events called the Vayne server!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

(edited by Drew.1865)

Dungeons and you.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


I don’t think that you should imply that berating players new to dungeons is a phenomenon specific to GW2. Played in enough trashy pugs in WoW, both post and pre LFG queues, and a few other MMOs to be certain that its fairly ubiquitous across the genre.

That’s what happens when you roll the dice and form a group with a bunch of random people. There’s always the chance that you’re going to get grouped up with a bunch of jerks, and I don’t think you should be placing the blame on dungeon design or the state of the ingame LFG infrastructure for it.

I realize this is in other mmos as well, but because of the difficulty often people don’t even second glance new players and avoid them. Especially if they are not 80. Now take Aion for instance, the dungeons/instances were fairly straight forward (granted I sort of despise that game..) but you didn’t need to prepare or spend hours outside of game to learn the dungeon. After a few runs you understood them and could do fairly well and didn’t need epic gear either. But in GW2 you have these level 30 dungeons with ppl spamming that you need to be 80 and in X gear, or that they are glitching part 1 or 2 and only invite those who are ok with that. Why should exploiting be a common part of dungeons in a game? Something is clearly wrong, and yes it is in other games, but I’m playing this one.

I found the community in gw2 to be the nicest of any mmo I’ve played. There’s no comparison with wow’s community but this has a lot to do with how over moderated this game is. That can be a good and bad thing.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

An honest question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the “I hate gear progression because I equate it to griding” or “I want my skill to be the only measure of worth” crowd is missing something entirely in htis argument.

Those of us asking for something more -something harder, something that takes longer, more comittment, yes even More skill, are NOT infringing upon your enjoyment of the game. What do you care if the devs add in new items/gear that based on your schedule or willingingess or ABILITY to achieve is impossible?

All I see is an argument that basically sums up to “If I can’t have it then no one can.” All I am asking for is something akin to dungeoning/raiding with tier gear that is associated with difficulty. The more difficult the dungeon the better the items and the better they look.

If whatever “requirements” there are to achieve these items are too steep of a price for you to pay so what, what skin is it off your back. Are you simply afraid that the folks that do achieve the better items will then have an UNFAIR advantage over you in PVP? I feel sorry for you, really I do.

Okay make all PVE dungeon/raid gear default to static stats when entering PVP. The game already auto levels anyhow. No big deal. What then is the issue with having gear progression?

The answer is there is No issue – other than a group of people who feel slighted because someone is able to do something they are not.

I am not willing or able to have it so by the alimighty neither shall you…that’s what you are saying.

They will add tiers of gear to this game more than likely. It’s a lot easier and costs less than an expansion. I think mmo players that like progression will get bored unless they add it and they made this game for all different types of players. I find it extremely shallow and boring because once you have more than a few level 80’s there’s only wvw.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


It is well worth 60 bucks. Thank you only charging 60 bucks for this Anet.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Topic on End Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


There is none. End of topic.

It may not have the end game you prefer, but there’s definitely end game (as evidenced by the millions of people that keep logging in after they hit 80)

Fractals, 43 dungeon paths, keg brawl, World vs. World, crafting, 3000 dynamic events, a host of armor and weapon skins to get, Guild Missions, legendary weapons, costume brawl, jumping puzzles, achievements and titles, new content each month, Super Adventure Box, 26 zones that you never outlevel, insta-boost any toon to 80 with all the best gear for PvP, etc.

What makes the endgame in this game so attractive is that the content doesn’t become obsolete. So while you’re left with only a couple dungeons and a raid or two in that other game, here you get the entire game. Forever. With more added every month.

The end game is optional insane grinding for cosmetic skins, grinding fractals for ascended gear, grinding dailies, wvw where the server with the biggest Zerg wins and doing the lower level content over and over. End game in other games is raiding. Both can be very boring or fun depending on the player.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Someone else accused me of being on Anet’s payroll and after that you said

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

I think it’s perfectly clear what you’re saying here. If you were responding to a post about me being paid by Anet, then I have to assume (and it’s an obvious assumption to make) that this refers to me as well.

Particularly after how often you respond to me for defending Anet.

I think you’re paranoid and I never said that so not sure where you got that from. Are you trying to say you’re the only person that defends this game on the forum?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Probably not as much sense as you think. I’m not even sure Anet is happy with how I defend the game. I’m actually an instant target. I probably cause more problems on the forums than I solve.

I’d love it if Anet did pay me. But they don’t.

I’m letting you know that no matter how much you think of yourself, none of us are solving any problems by posting on the forums.

It’s more interesting than the game is in it’s current state imo.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

I’m not employed by a gaming company and I could care less about your opinion and I never said everyone who disagrees with me is an employee. 1/10

Me neither, then why come to a discussion forum where you will read my opinion whether you care about it or not and yes you did.

Because I think the game can be improved upon and has a lot of potential and good things about it but the bad things at the moment outweighs the good. The same reason many critics critique something. They critique it because they are passionate about it.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

I’m not employed by a gaming company and I could care less about your opinion and I never said everyone who disagrees with me is an employee. 1/10

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


zerker gear is only useful assuming you know how to play the encounters. To say that zerker > everything is assuming that you know how to pve/pvp masterfully. I’ve seen people in zerker gear drop like flies in cof1 (which, you know, actually reduces overall dps since we waste 2 people to get him up [him and another to res]), and i’ve seen zerker people own in wvw. zerker gear rewards people for playing the best that they can, and punishes heavily if they suck at it. In the same manner, defensive gear are more forgiving if you fail, but less rewarding if you’re good at the game. Seems like a fair trade-off to me.

People fail to assume that just because one or everyone in the party is in zerker gear, they only need to 100b the mob once to kill it. A lot of mobs are not like this, especially boss encounters. The prob is cof1 is such a faceroll that the skill cap for players is very low and zerkers are indeed the most efficient. In a lot of other dungeons (AC, TA, CM for instance, where a lot of mobs have knockbacks, takedowns, aoe damage) it is very hard to pull off a full zerker party.

Not necessarily hard. See my friend has a warrior in all zerker gear and my Ele is trained for max healing and has all apothecary gear with healing accessories and I can spam water heals on him and each splash is about 500 healing and the big heal can heal a ton so he can almost sit on a boss and dps and never go down.

Of course my drops if any are horrible with healing gear but zerker gear is always the best.

The question is, can you sustain the same party momentum (not necessarily healing him per se) with you in zerker gear as well? I’m sure you can. But the difference in ease will probably be evident, and one’s personal skill (and group skill for that matter) will be more fleshed out.

You’re going to laugh but with the way loot is given in this game there is just no reason reward wise to play in any other gear except zerker gear. That is just my opinion and I have played support which I prefer but there is no point in playing support unless you’re in wvw, a guild run or spvp.

Another thing about support is it makes the dungeon run take so much longer with how bad the dungeon mobs are set up in this game and the health pools. One person running support is just going to slow the group down and people are going to get one shot by a boss anyway. This is of course what Anet wants because slowing down rewards equals more gem purchases.

afaik you only need to deal a certain threshold of damage per mob to be eligible for loot. Even on my support guard, I can dish out enough damage for me to be able to loot. And let’s face it, most loot from mobs is trash anyway. And support only makes the dungeon longer only if everyone knows the dungeon like the back of their hand, know the mechanics, when to dodge, activate utilities, etc. If you’re still learning, having a support-oriented playstyle might be better. Once you “graduate” from a dungeon/encounter (like most people with the old ac), you can opt for a zerker build to increase efficiency.

I’d actually reckon there’s no reason not to run full damage in wvw and spvp, mainly coz wvw is a zergfest anyway, and spvp (not tpvp) boils down to two basic builds: damage (whether direct damage or condi damage) and bunkers.

I run full healing support in wvw zergs and you wouldn’t believe the healing and with dagger dagger I can make thieves really angry so support is fun in wvw just not rewarding as far as loot is concerned.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

First, I was under the impression that there would no be gated grind, grind that you have to do to access other content. Which, I guess, is true. Also, I do hope that the game does improve. But surely there must be a line where not everything critical posters will materialize (in the same manner that nothing the community says reach the devs). On one hand, I felt the devs caved in to the people who cried that there’s nothing left to do in forums. On the other hand, I felt they really did plan for ascended gear but just couldn’t ship it out at the start.

I was talking to a friend who was in the guild with me tonight who also quit and we both think Anet thought they were going to have a huge casual turnout that would buy tons of stuff in the gem shop but they learned that casuals don’t generate the gem purchases.

We both also feel like the drops are horrible and the combat system is bad. We love the passion put into the beauty of the game but are disappointed in how scattered the focus on the game is.

I think the final straw was when our gms girlfriend hadn’t logged into her account for over a week and when she did log in all the gear was gone from her toon and her precursor was gone and Anet did nothing to help her or explain what happened.

Our whole guild except one person stopped playing after that.

Also the way the guild missions were handled didn’t help.

I find the whole RNG gambling chest thing sketchy as well.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


zerker gear is only useful assuming you know how to play the encounters. To say that zerker > everything is assuming that you know how to pve/pvp masterfully. I’ve seen people in zerker gear drop like flies in cof1 (which, you know, actually reduces overall dps since we waste 2 people to get him up [him and another to res]), and i’ve seen zerker people own in wvw. zerker gear rewards people for playing the best that they can, and punishes heavily if they suck at it. In the same manner, defensive gear are more forgiving if you fail, but less rewarding if you’re good at the game. Seems like a fair trade-off to me.

People fail to assume that just because one or everyone in the party is in zerker gear, they only need to 100b the mob once to kill it. A lot of mobs are not like this, especially boss encounters. The prob is cof1 is such a faceroll that the skill cap for players is very low and zerkers are indeed the most efficient. In a lot of other dungeons (AC, TA, CM for instance, where a lot of mobs have knockbacks, takedowns, aoe damage) it is very hard to pull off a full zerker party.

Not necessarily hard. See my friend has a warrior in all zerker gear and my Ele is trained for max healing and has all apothecary gear with healing accessories and I can spam water heals on him and each splash is about 500 healing and the big heal can heal a ton so he can almost sit on a boss and dps and never go down.

Of course my drops if any are horrible with healing gear but zerker gear is always the best.

The question is, can you sustain the same party momentum (not necessarily healing him per se) with you in zerker gear as well? I’m sure you can. But the difference in ease will probably be evident, and one’s personal skill (and group skill for that matter) will be more fleshed out.

You’re going to laugh but with the way loot is given in this game there is just no reason reward wise to play in any other gear except zerker gear. That is just my opinion and I have played support which I prefer but there is no point in playing support unless you’re in wvw, a guild run or spvp.

Another thing about support is it makes the dungeon run take so much longer with how bad the dungeon mobs are set up in this game and the health pools. One person running support is just going to slow the group down and people are going to get one shot by a boss anyway. This is of course what Anet wants because slowing down rewards equals more gem purchases.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


zerker gear is only useful assuming you know how to play the encounters. To say that zerker > everything is assuming that you know how to pve/pvp masterfully. I’ve seen people in zerker gear drop like flies in cof1 (which, you know, actually reduces overall dps since we waste 2 people to get him up [him and another to res]), and i’ve seen zerker people own in wvw. zerker gear rewards people for playing the best that they can, and punishes heavily if they suck at it. In the same manner, defensive gear are more forgiving if you fail, but less rewarding if you’re good at the game. Seems like a fair trade-off to me.

People fail to assume that just because one or everyone in the party is in zerker gear, they only need to 100b the mob once to kill it. A lot of mobs are not like this, especially boss encounters. The prob is cof1 is such a faceroll that the skill cap for players is very low and zerkers are indeed the most efficient. In a lot of other dungeons (AC, TA, CM for instance, where a lot of mobs have knockbacks, takedowns, aoe damage) it is very hard to pull off a full zerker party.

Not necessarily hard. See my friend has a warrior in all zerker gear and my Ele is trained for max healing and has all apothecary gear with healing accessories and I can spam water heals on him and each splash is about 500 healing and the big heal can heal a ton so he can almost sit on a boss and dps and never go down.

Of course my drops if any are horrible with healing gear but zerker gear is always the best.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

He has around 5-6k achievement points, so yea, he plays the game… alot! :p

I had close to 5k when I quit :-) I doubt that qualifies me to write guides but it definitely qualifies my right to have an opinion.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Getting instantly downed in one hit while doing arah or fractals 25+… Yeaa, i will pass and stick to my Pow/tough/vit build

True but any serious player will have a dps and tanker set of gear. I have at least 2 sets on 4 level 80’s and my main has 3 sets. I only used the tanker sets if I didn’t care about worse than usual drops. I don’t care what anyone says the more damage you do the better drops you can get.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.

I don’t use exploits.

His aoe is easily avoided by using your dodges correctly so you might have wasted a trait for that. Oh well we learn something new everyday :-)

I dodge just fine from higher up. When you’re lower, he can hit you with other attacks as well. It’s a much easier fight from the stairs. Why advocate doing something the harder way? Masochist much?

Actually dodging his aoe isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing.

Drew, I suggest you stop being a masochist and do it from the stairs mate.

You might not believe it but I tanked him on my Ele many times lol. It’s hard at first but once you learn the aoe and when to dodge it’s not that bad.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Nothing is focused on the cash shop, I was never forced to use it in any way, that’s nonsense. I also play the game the way I want to play and never found it shallow, if you can’t grasp the complexity of the game it’s your fault.

Or if I don’t agree with you it’s a L2 kitten ue.

If the cash sho kitten o unimportant then why is there an economist that monitors the game economy and why is there a cash shop if it’s so unimportant?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.

I don’t use exploits.

His aoe is easily avoided by using your dodges correctly so you might have wasted a trait for that. Oh well we learn something new everyday :-)

I dodge just fine from higher up. When you’re lower, he can hit you with other attacks as well. It’s a much easier fight from the stairs. Why advocate doing something the harder way? Masochist much?

Actually dodging his aoe isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

A Good Armor & Weapon to Invest in?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Condition damage is a worthless stat for anything but solo leveling. The other stats have their uses but in the current state of the game berzerkers is the best.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

And I’ve heard from others who didn’t like Guild Wars 1 at all and like Guild Wars 2. I actually like them both. Both have upsides and downsides, much like any other game.

But then you have guys like Clay who say Guild Wars 1 was much better at launch and then died, and I’ve heard many other people say the game got better as it went on.

That’s why it’s called an opinion.

Or when you don’t agree with it you call it tripe ;-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.

I don’t use exploits.

His aoe is easily avoided by using your dodges correctly so you might have wasted a trait for that. Oh well we learn something new everyday :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

It’s not an exploit. It’s why I traited for 1500 range for that dungeon. It’s a tactic. It’s a regular line of site shots and the boss still attacks me from there using dragon tooth.

I don’t use exploits.

You should put that in one of your guides so everyone who is frustrated with rangers can learn how to correctly play the class.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

I have a guy in my guild who’s definitely not carried on his ranger. I’ve done dungeons on my ranger and no, I don’t believe I was carried, Particularly because the longer range of my longbow when traited allowed me to hit the destroyer boss in CoE from the stairs, which none of the other professions could do. Made that particular fight much easier, let me tell you.

There are always people who say stuff like what you’re saying. Your OPINIONS are neither better nor more important than anyone else’s.

Hitting that boss from the stairs might be considered an exploit. I know anything that makes dungeon combat in this game easy or easier is usually fixed so I hope that works for you on your future runs.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

So you heard something and you believe it’s true? I’ve played GW1 for a lot of years and GW2 does a lot of things far better, GW1 is not better in every way.

No I know the things that I don’t like about this game. I don’t like knowing that I invested time leveling 4 level 80 toons and the loot drops are totally different now than they were right after beta. I also don’t like that so much money was put into how beautiful a game is only to try and mask how shallow it is and how everything is focused on the cash shop. I like games that let players play the game they want to play. I was discussing this with a friend earlier who quit for the same reasons so I know there are at least 2 people who feel the way I do.

It’s like buying a BMW and getting it home to only find out later it has a bad engine and they have no plans on doing a recall.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Rangers are still a joke.
Lol condition spec.
All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

I’m having a blast on my ranger in WvW and I’d prefer my ranger over any other profession there. I also run many dungeons with my ranger, including Arah P4 and 20+ fractals and have no issues with pugs or in guild groups. Yes the profession needs help as many utilities are still useless, but the profession isn’t a joke at all, you can do everything if you play well, terrible players should go find “easier to handle” professions I guess. Go play the easy mode Guardian/Warrior.

Condition specs work, unless you get more than one condition specced char in your group but that can be avoided. Also, Condition specs work very well in sPVP.

I bet you haven’t been to many fights.

Not true at all. I’m using more than 10 utility skills and 4/5 weapon sets on most of my chars (on the Ele I use only 2 different sets) and I would gladly use a way to load/save spec builds quickly, it would certainly help me a lot since I change so much depending on the situation. Again, learn to play.

Most(all?) classes have 3 elite skills and you say 3 of them are viable? Then it’s 100% viability? That’s awesome, but not true, most professions would rather use utility in the elite slot because elites are lacking.

Vertical what?

Lost Shores was a lag fest, that didn’t make it all bad though, one time events should be repeated, with certain changes to eliminate lag.

No trinity means nobody can be carried by the rest of the team, or a group of 7 AI heroes that can make even a total newbie (or someone afk) perform the hardest content ever. Yes, amazing design and trinity in GW1, the afk game.

No you don’t like the game, for someone that hates it so much I wonder why you still play, and post here.

If you’re playing a ranger you are being carried in dungeons. I know two players that were never carried that played that class. I know I’ve been carried before on mine and I played mine a lot better than many players I ran dungeons with.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

And many don’t. See how easy this is.

They are just people who wanted Guild Wars 2 to be Guild Wars 1 with better graphics. They will get over it, or go back to their awesome GW1.

I never played GW1 but I have heard it’s much better in every way except the graphics in GW2.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Is there uncle fan bois too?

Though I am a bit worried about you touching me. ^^

And very strange that you state that “I’m not going to bad mouth you guys” yet started out by labelling, then go on to point out that this game isn’t for us, and then, speak on behalf of “other people” claiming that they “really like the updates”.

So, crystal ball aside. Why does the Ranger blow chunks? Why does the combat feel shallow? And why, if all is well in FBville, are there lots of empty WvW areas. Or did we imagine it all???

It blows chunks because the pet is absolutely worthless unless it’s used to revive someone. When I played my ranger I basically kept it on passive and used the f2 skill or the revive player skill. Of course I had 2 sets of gear on it and played sword/horn when melee and then used bows when I used zerker gear.

The ranger class is just bizarre because it really doesn’t do anything as well as the other classes. They can be fun but only when you have a group that doesn’t care that you’re playing a broken class.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

I did when it first came out…then I started playing, and didn’t have time.

Oh but you have time for the forums ah makes sense now.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…

I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Disappointed and gone.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I try to like WvW, but it’s just too pointless. The combat system is absolutely awful. Taking out trinity made this game a pile of shallow trash. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. The game is basically a skin grind. I’m sitting in WvW saying to myself, this zerg of players doesnt need me at all. Without the roles and tightness that brings to combat, everyone just mobs up and zergs the kitten out of everything. I really have no idea why i still log in. This game has fundamental design flaws that just arent going to get fixed. I can’t even explain, but the gameplay is just too shallow, leave it at that. Wish they had some integrity not to turn my favorite online game (GW1) into a steaming pile of average joe trash for the dumbo masses. Hope the cash shop sales have been worth all the disappointed fans that basically GAVE you the wherewithall to fund this dung heap. This game is trash.

Many agree with you trust me.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Explain this to me...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


ANet discourages mindless farming (which, by the way, some people DO enjoy,) to make a measly potential what, 10g an hour?

And yet playing the trading post is perfectly okay to make thousands of gold a day.

So confused.

If you’re making 10g an hour farming that’s really good. I always farmed to craft but farming is pointless in this game which makes crafting pointless.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Farming in cursed shore/frost gorge atm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


The OP clearly hasn’t made any sacrifices to the gem store lately, and the game is punishing him now. :P

(It’s just a joke….)

I actually tried that clay and my drops were still bad. True story :-(

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Fix Critical Food.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I fixed it by rolling crit ranger with a bear pet. You have no idea how op they are.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Guild Wars 2 Chinese Closed Beta Announcement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I hope they won’t require people living in China to access Chinese servers that will most likely be cut off from the rest of the world, and in Chinese language. Isolated servers and Chinese language only is exactly what we have with WoW and what happened in the foiled attempt of having Guild Wars 1 in China. There’s too many rules and different ministries vying for control of video games. Expansions can take years to be released in the Chinese market. I thought GW1 had been enough of a headache, but here they are trying it again…

The game has strayed from what I perceive as “fun”. But my wife still plays it every day. She’s Chinese as she would hate having to abide to yet another law/censorship that serves to isolate Chinese citizens from outside influence, in order not to break “harmony” with Chinese social and cultural identity.

The internet has been our connection with the outside world from an otherwise system of laws that serve to constrict access to outside influence. Making players in China having to access Chinese-only servers would be quite a suffocating experience, at least in our case. She has a whole network of good friends that would be heartbreaking to lose, and it would be extremely difficult for expats like me to play in Chinese language.

I have a Japanese guy in a guild I play with in wow and it would be nice if they had an add on that could translate chats for different languages. That would make a lot of gamers lives much easier.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


huh? i dont think iam playing same game as OP is this gw2 forum?

Me either of course I’m not playing it anymore because I don’t see them making the decisions many of the people like myself want made. I also don’t like gambling unless I’m sitting next to old ladies at the slot machines in Las Vegas where RNG actually gives you a real return vrs risk.

Funny enough, I was only reading just about that very thing being stamped out on Massively (Hunts for the artical and…

It seems that the whole “get your lucky chest here” with heavy handed RNG and empty promises could get MMOs and Apps games into hot water. (The sooner the better imo. At least with subs you got the lot and knew what you were paying for (And who you were playing with – as an added bonus!).

Oh I’ve been thinking about calling my senator and congressman or woman and bringing this to their attention. Not only should it be taxed but it should also be regulated as gambling if it’s a game with purchasable RNG boxes or whatever. I have a feeling it will be in the future but as you said the sooner the better.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why anet is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865



Rangers are still a joke.

Lol condition spec.

All fights deteriorate into zerg buttonmashing.

Pigeonholed skill system, 5 skills for the whole game for your favorite weapon, on top of that, their effectiveness precludes the utility skills, making for a bar that is barely customizable at all.

Most classes have less than 3 viable elite skills, more often than not, its not even a choice.

Vertical gear progression.

Lost Shores.

No roles means that everyone can do everything. Without the trinity to structure combat and content design, we have hp sponges with OHKO mechanics that belong in a LoZ game, not an MMO.

List of features done better in GW1 (8 year old game):

- LFG tool.
- Depth of class and skill system.
- Depth of combat and group integrity.
- Making individual players feel useful by using distinct roles that were supported by a tried and true content and encounter formula.
- Mob AI, mob depth, mob synergy, mob appeal through interesting skill sets.
- Skill procurement
- PvP

Feel free to add to it. I enjoy the game, but ill save praise for when it’s not an utter joke designed to keep me grinding dailies and gambling for RNG skin tickets.

Couldn’t be better said! Plus 2!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?