Showing Posts For Drew.1865:

Guaranteed rare chest in cursed shore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Guaranteed if you see that really small chest next to the big chest and click on it when there are mobs of people around it :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Condition, Power, Toughness Gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


So I’m just wondering as to why there is no available Condition, Power, Toughness Gear? Is it because ArenaNet thought this kind of gear would be too overpowered in WvW?

Condition damage is a worthless stat to have since it can only stack to 25 and with condition removal being so common in wvw it would be even worse.

Stick with the other stats that are actually guaranteed to effect your target.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

What do you find most fun on this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


The forums are the most fun part of the game. The game was fun until that patch in November. It was also fun until everyone in the guild I was in got bored and left.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I find the world bosses and the combat boring in this game. It’s pretty though :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

About whining on the forum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


You’re whining about people whining. Forums should be where players can be heard not censored.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Obviously it was a lot easier to code a daily chest, but another way to cut down on the excessive number of rares coming into the market would be to make the pre-event chains much longer, and have them scale to the number of players properly as well so that there was a real possibility of the pre-events failing (like the balthazar and arah chains).

This would have the side effect of nerfing the ability to track boss spawns via the timer (notice how the temple timers are almost always outdated) so there would be fewer people camping bosses and thus less problems with overflows.

Taking it a step further they could tie the chest to pre-event participation, so you could only get a chest from the boss if you participated in the pre-events.

VERY smart idea and I wish more people as intelligent as you are were designing games (hope you are). I read comments like this and truly appreciate their wisdom.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


For a lil europian dipkitten i bet your use to geting lied to hence the eruo failuer …..but for the rest of the world anet is the worst bag of liars i have encounterd in my 25 plus years of gaming i understand trying to fix overflow but dont use excuses on why your chaning things be honest you dont want people to get precursor drops ect dont say its cause theres to many yellows on the market.

First off, before you start ranting about failures, spell check your post. 25 years gaming experience ( which I’m sure looks great on a resume) made me LoL btw.

Anet hasn’t lied about anything. They implemented a solution to a problem – which was overly generous IMO – that had unforeseen consequences. No test scenario in the world would have caught it. I honestly believe the one guaranteed rare per account per day deal should have been implemented from the start.

I’d think after 25 years of real world gaming experience would give you atleast some manner of hindsight to understand the rationale of making a mistake. If you’re really not happy, go back to WoW, see if Blizzard treats you any better… >.>

This is great advice Dub and exactly what I did and on my first day back I didn’t have to worry about DR and I made over 1k gold selling skins I farmed on the AH. Having a great time too and just reading this forum everyday to see what’s nerfed next just reminds me I made the right decision.

Also please excuse any spelling errors I might have made.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.

No there is just a new game to it now, now you stand at the back use ranged AoE to tag mobs and avoid the champs at all costs as all they do is slow you down from tagging other mobs. I use my thief now as my warrior cant kite worth kitten, i just tag mobs and if i accidentally aggro a champ i just kite him till event is over and he dies when event ends.

Its not as good as it was because champs do replace some numbers of mobs but if you completly ignore the champs you can still get 80%+ of the drops you used to from those events.

K thanks for explaining that. I quit doing that event right before they made that change. The drops seem different from when they were at the first part of the game because now u get a bag with one thing in it or porous bones. I think you used to get more but I’m not completely sure.

The loot system is completely different now than it was when the game started.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

How do you guys make all your gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I used to make gold from crafting berserker and apothecary swords and staves. You could make from 6 to 8 gold a piece but with all the loot nerfs across the game crafting is pointless now unless you are playing this game 24 7.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Insinuating another player can’t read isn’t helpful for discussing the topic and ANET can change anything they please at any time as this change proves so your technique for trying to prove you are correct by copying and pasting isn’t needed but thank you.

I didn’t mean that. I was just pointing out what’s there. I’ve been on these forums for months, and whenever there’s a “nerf” to anything, people will complain. And these nerfs are needed… You can pretty much predict when something will be nerfed or adjusted by playing the game. It takes a while for Anet to respond or change things though because it requires actual adjustments. Basically, we players can predict what will be adjusted way before they change it.

This in particular, was one of them that was predicted at least 15 days ago.

The rewards for the world boss chests were bad before they were increased and they had also just changed pent/shelt to where it’s pointless to try and farm that event.

Basically the main way for someone who wants to craft now is to salvage every blue they can get and use the mystic toilet to upgrade the mats but add in the increased cost of crystalline dust and that isn’t really worth it so all these changes have pretty much ended high level crafting unless you are going to play the game all day for mats.

These changes are gating many of the founder players still playing from beta that craft and new players into buying gems to convert to gold.

Yes this was really bad because of the people abusing guesting but why couldn’t all the world events happen at the same time on all servers so people couldn’t abuse it instead of nerfing the loot?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


If you’re completing all the world events on one character in one gaming session and still sitting at your computer looking for something to do… Go outside!

Good point I only did maybe one or 2 a day. The world boss fights aren’t fun with that many people.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I can’t believe how many people are posting here and not understanding what Martin has said, so let’s try to break it down…

Chest A: Pre-buff chest which usually gives blues/greens, with a rare or better about once per week (from my experience)

Chest B: Buffed chest that gives a guaranteed rare or better drop, and up to 4 rares in a single chest (again from my experience)

Here’s how the new system will work:

My main character does The Shatterer event for the first time today. Upon completion I will get a Chest B which will be a small dancing chest in the lower-right corner of the screen. I could get 1 rare, or 3 rares, or 1 exotic, or 2 rares and a precursor, whatever! At a minimum, I will get 1 rare.

If I do The Shatterer with one of my alts during the same day – server day, so between daily resets – this time I will only get a Chest A. I could still get a rare, exotic, or precursor, but the chances are back to what they used to be before the buff. There is no guaranteed rare this time, but it’s still possible. I will most likely get blues and greens this time.

If I continue to do The Shatterer in the same day with all of my other alts, all of those chests will also be Chest As. I can still only get a chest once per character, per day. Any repeated kills of The Shatterer will result in event credit (XP, karma, small coin) only.

One of those small chests some players don’t always see :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.

Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?

Simple, they dont want to admit they want to kill smaller guilds. This would immediatly cause a large number of players to leave the game.

If they say nothing about it and just let the players who prefer small guilds slowly leave the game as they figure it out then it looks alot better for Anet as it isnt a mass surge of people leaving but a small but steady stream.

You just ignored all the people above you trying to calm you down and make you understand that you had a misunderstanding >.<.

None of us will know what changes were really made until this is implemented and there is still RNG that can be used as a reason for a big change to the chest loot.

The game I just went back to playing after about 2 years has the exact same drops and I can farm crafting mats all day if I choose to. It’s so nice to be able to play a game the way I want to play it again and not have to worry about DR.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Stealing from guild bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Anyone that steals from their guild bank should be perma banned. Not sure why the OP even thought this was a question anyone would even think about much less ask.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mega Boss loot changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


This game is like watching someone run a casino. I wish all the many issues causing players to leave this game would be addressed with the same urgency seen with this decision.

Oh and why hasn’t a dev responded to the guild missions thread. Why does that thread sit unanswered but this one was answered so quickly?

PS the guild missions thread is on page 43 with no response since the thread was created to discuss the topic.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

(edited by Drew.1865)

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Thanks for your reply

-Elementals only pop when their respective temple is captured

Oh ok, didn’t realise that. They’ve always been up before.

-You’re an AUS player transfering to a US server, so more than likely you are playing when all the NA players are sleeping

All oceanic servers were/are full. Guilds, inc. Aus guild were on Stormbluff Isle till recent transfer of Wvw guild to Kaineng. Even so, Orr events were still often running AEST times with enough players to complete them.

-Anchorage WP is almost always contested on all servers due to bugged damage of some mobs that keeps failing the pre-event

Ah yes, noticed that was bugged just yesterday. Tried 2 manning it a couple of days ago and failed though we are both experienced players.

Guesting to oceanic servers seems the only available option now.

You can try looking on tarnished coast. It seems the temples are open more often on TC.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Diminishing returns on kills hurts the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


So people are complaining about doing a tedious job? That is a perfectly balanced DR imho. Why should they increase drop rates of everything and make it easier for us? You’re not going to see an increase in profit margins, you will see the exact opposite (Rares are the prime example of this).

I like that they have made obtaining legendaries a lengthy amount of time required before any can be obtained. It helps keep the rarity at bay, rather than making it an end game item which would make them considerably useless under the ‘Legendary’ status. If anything, they should be made account bound once created to help keep the rarity high.

Easy game play gets boring people ;P

Not only does it keep them expensive but it creates a reason for a player wanting a legendary to buy gems to convert to gold to buy a precursor and or the mats for the gifts.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why no dungeon tokens for laurels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think they keep adding currencies to boost the economy and give hardcore gamers a reason to keep grinding and dungeon tokens are extremely easy to grind if you know the dungeons well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they added more at this point.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Do You Want CoF P1 Farming to be Nerfed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


They just need to reset the burning effigy boss at the end of path 1 back to it’s original state. Trust me nobody will be speed running it then lol. That boss was crazy hard when this game first came out.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

I want to keep playing- but lost at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.

See? plenty to do

This is the perfect response lol :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

how do i report a bunch of guild members

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drew.1865


As per mentioned in the title thread, I would like to report on a matter of getting wrongfully kicked out of a dungeon at the last part of CoF p2. I have screenshot evidence to be submitted to Anet but i can’t seem to find a link for it. Can anyone direct me to one? Thanks in advance.

If you are pugging always start the dungeon or go with a friend and have them start it. Solves so many problems.

Op I’m sorry this happened to you and I hope you don’t have another experience like that. I have found most GW2 players to be extremely nice but there are some very mean players.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Diminishing returns on kills hurts the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Says more about the company you keep than the game.

Actually it says a lot about you that you would judge another player you don’t know or have played the game with. I guess the company you keep agree with you or they’re bads you feel the need to insult ;-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Diminishing returns on kills hurts the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’m pretty sure you’ll find that diminishing returns are a good thing for the game in the long run.

Weird it’s probably one of the main reasons my whole guild left the game.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Diminishing returns on kills hurts the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I just went back to a game where I get coins and loot from EVERY kill and I can skin creatures I kill and make a profit from that. Why would anyone think players would enjoy playing a game where you can kill multiple mobs and get nothing?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

GW2 is so much better...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I feel the complete opposite. GW2 is very nice to look at and it’s way worth the price to buy the game but once you realize that it’s really nothing but a huge gambling game for pixels with unbalanced classes, DR, gated content, join a huge guild or no new content for you, RNG at the extreme, broken pet AI, nerfs galore.

At this point I like logging in and seeing how beautiful the game is and then I remember that it’s a game I can’t play the way I want to play I just log out and play something else.

Could have been a great game and I had a great time playing it but I’m not really interested in gambling and being paranoid that if I play a certain way I’m going to be tagged with DR.

Also the trinity is so much better than a dps only or you get no rewards race.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

This game isn't for you...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


1.If you aren’t a zerg warrior :-).
2.If you like class balance.
3.If you dislike rng, DR and loot nerfs.
4.Don’t want to play the game in a huge guild.
5.If you want end game activities that are actually fun.
6.Want to play the game the way you want to play.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

WvWvW Population balance issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


One really great thing about being on a low population server is your allies are visible :-). Also this game has lost tons of wvw players due to culling and zergfest and that combined with guesting and dragon events is just a recipe for the next Tortanic.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Engineer Elite Skill

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I wish this class didn’t have black lion chest RNG skills. RnG is bad enough for loot but putting gambling in an already weak class is a no no.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

elementlists need to have greatswords!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


i will be honest here, i feel that eles are super weak up close. the ele needs to have a greatsword that floats near him and attacks melee based on the attunment!
seriously, its a most have!

My Ele doesn’t need any buffs whatsoever. If you follow the rules of staff stay in support healing and or dps and dagger dagger for Ima melt something’s face off and tank dps ftw you will feel like the op Ele you are.

You can have a greatsword when they buff rangers and engineers and fix the worthless instadeath ranger pet and nerf warrior pve damage.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

You're doing it wrong!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since they’ve announced GW2 will not have expansions this year, I’m kind of expecting the game to die.

I mean, the consistent complaint is that there’s not enough content and the counter to that was that the GW1 that most people remember had 2 expansions.

Without an expansion, they’re not really resolving the “lack of content” issue.

They still haven’t provided an adequate reason for people to continue playing after reaching level 80. There’s no new armor art or weapon skins to grind for.

Just Ascended gear which will only appease people that like grinding for more stats without visual reward.

GW2 is increasingly seeming like a churn-and-burn game where they get people to throw money at the gemstore, and then quickly abandon the game.

They keep introducing new currencies (because people have kept accumulating the existing ones).

Nothing’s really being resolved.

Without an expansion, I expect more content like Southsun Cove which really has no current reason to visit.

It’s nice to see that they’re planning on FIXING that content release in the coming months… But if it takes them months to fix something that should have been worthwhile to begin with? That shows a lack of quality control.

They have no idea what they’re doing and it’s showing.

At least Blizzard has a clear vision on what they want to do.

What you’ve said is quite harsh but very true. The lack of expanisions is worrysome. And that people 7 months into the game are still complaining of lack of content is also also worrysome.

Heck even the gem store is laughable because there is NOTHING really cool to buy. Other then maybe around 300 gems worth there is nothing.

Totally agree and they made the most beautiful game but can’t put anything of beauty in the gem store. I would LOVE it if they filled the gem store with cool shinies and made tons of cash. They had an awesome aesthetic design team to design the game but I guess those people weren’t asked to create gem store merchandise.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


My guild did there first guild missions yesterday. Here are our thoughts.

Spending all the time tracking down the npcs first before starting the mission, the guildies found tedious and boring, no fun whats so ever. Once we started the bounty, killing the bounties was great, we we killed the first person, we rushed to the next location, entire guild searching for the npc and we found and killed him with like 30 seconds left, it was great and everyone was so happy we just did it.

Suggestions: Give us 30 minutes per bounty to locate and kill each npc. So when you start a mission, the npc appears what ever map they are on and we all got to rush there find the person and kill it and then move on to the next one. Finding the npc before we start the mission no one enjoyed doing. if you had the npc only appear when the mission started, then everyone is looking for him at once rushing around frantic and enjoying the mission, instead finding an npc before we start and following him till everyone has found the npcs. So boring, repeat so boring and tedious.

And interface, guildwars 2 has never had the best interface, why isn’t there a descent interface for the missions. Would be great when we trigger a mission, everyone representing the guild, gets the timer and the npc we need to kill and what map they are on on the actual game screen not hidden away in the guilds tab that takes up your gamescreen so you can’t see stuff all on the map.

And finally, why do we have to earn all the merits to get the other guild mission, not everyone wants to do guild missions first, we want to try the puzzle missions and the others, but no we have to do guild missions first and at the moment and eventually and long time time from now we will be able to do the puzzles, etc, we have only done 3 bounty missions and feels like everyone one is quite sick of looking for the npcs before we start the missions.

And what a stupid place to put the first mission, at the end of art of war guild tree, i pity the small guilds who unlikely have any of that researched. Way to divide big guilds and small guild, the have nots and haves, arenanet very stupid decision . Sometimes i wonder if arenaet even think about what they are doing, they have this great idea but don’t think it through properly. Dividing a community is not smart in an mmo.

In the end great idea of the missions, very badly implemented and not very well thought out at all. Hopefully they are listening and reading this thread and they have ideas of how to fix the issues people are having with the missions.

Finally a nice little reply in the thread from an arenanet person would be nice and show that they respect our comments and are listening, even if they just say, “Thank you for your feedback, we are working on the guild missions to improve the experience of all players”. Any feedback would show that you do care about your player base, after all we are your customers, with out us you wouldn’t have an mmo.

Luckily for the small guild I’m in we all have multiple 85’s and maxed crafting and knew how to farm and run dungeons to make the gold to buy the influence. We are really lucky since they have nerfed all loot into the ground recently and you can’t farm mats anymore unless someone knows how to craft exotics with porous bones.

I see no way a new game player or small guild without players who have been playing since beta can afford the upgrades to run these.

I have zero interest in running them at this point and just waiting on a new game to come out so hopefully everyone in my guild can play something else.

It makes me really sad to see where this game is now because it’s so different from the game we started with.

Correction new players can buy gems to convert to gold for influence now. Interesting how that works now.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Well, by the time I managed to get to the guild event, the NPCs were dead. I managed to make the final NPC, who was bugged and essentially immune to damage, and we failed the missions and I received no chest.

I wouldn’t care so much, but I don’t like to miss out on gear like this. Guild Missions are organised content and I don’t like that. I like to log on guildwars and do what I want when I want; that’s why it trumped other games. Content like this is the opposite of fun and a step in the wrong direction, I think.

I know the laurels are there to compensate, and I’ll probably opt for that path for the earrings as I’m not in any rush to get them, but the aforementioned stuff is still pretty disappointing.

You and your guild grinded all the influence to run that guild mission and then it was impossible to run and borked and then you got no chest?

Um that is horrible and I really hope that doesn’t happen to you guys again. This whole thing is so kittened up.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Celebrities who play gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think she quit after the loot nerfs. I know she hasn’t been farming pent/shelt.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Elementalist Weapon swap,out of combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


why should ONLY an ele (and/or engineer) get it? Because they don’t have one? they have other advantages as detailed above. You have a surplus in one lace you get a deficit somewhere else, its called balance.

The real solution would be to add 5-10 optional quickslots on the screen for all classes that can be used for whatever you want without having to dig in the inventory. Food, oils, stones, 3rd, 4th, 5th weapon sets, minis, karma/vendor goodies. Whatever it wouldn’t matter but at least it would be fair and benefit everyone and not just buff 2 classes with already clear advantages.

How is a quick out of combat weapon swap option an advantage over any other class, when an engi and an Ele can already switch that said weapon out of combat? How is adding a one button swap and a slot in the paper doll going to make those two classes gain a advantage? I think you are clearly mis understanding and thinking people are asking for it in combat which is not the case. SO explain how adding a out of combat weapon switch will make the two classes have an advantage, when they already have the ability? It isn’t like the ele and engi only have one weapon they can ever use. Cause thus far your comments have been poorly chosen in due part to mis understanding or if you do truly understand then forgive me but your a moron for thinking it will creat some sort of god like state for these two classes. I am inclined to believe that your misunderstanding and not a moron.

You do get an out of combat weapon swap. I swap from staff to dd on my Ele all the time both in the world and in dungeons.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

You're doing it wrong!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Guild wars 2 a mediocre stereotypical mmorpg? What the hell are you talking about?
I’ve been playing tons of different mmrogps for the past 8 years of my life (wow, tera, gw1 warhammer online, aion just to name a few), some of them pay2play and some of them free2play. There must be at least a hundred mmrogps that I’ve tried and let me tell you one thing, Guild wars 2 might not be THE best mmorpg out there but without a freaking doubt it is the most original and revolutionary mmorpg out there.

Please tell me what is original and revolutionary about GW2….im not being smart, im genuinely interested in what you see in GW2 that you think hasnt been done before.

Dynamic Event system, far superior (and different) to anything Rift or Warhammer Online ever did.

Active Combat, ok there have been RPGs with more emphasis in combat, but never a real blend between types like in Guild Wars 2

No trinity, no “roles” in combat. OK maybe there are some roles but not as strictly defined as in other games, nor the same. In this feature I must add the “no threat”, there is no threat management/generation skills/abilities (Thank goodness)

Weapon system/Skill system, it is funny how it is now being copied by the MMORPGs of the future. Limited Skillbars, Weapon-specific skills.

The World and Exploration. Vistas/POIs/Skill challenges, it’s the only MMORPG that is actually rewarding true exploration.

Just to name a few features

No instead of the trinity we get LF serker warrior and Mesmer only for speed run. Also your toons damage effects how much loot you get just to name a few more “features”.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why don't I have the motivation to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


WoW is pretty terrible. Ugly graphics, stale combat, brain-dead leveling, can’t move while casting, nodes + mobs aren’t shared, no jumping puzzles, ilvl gates and gearscore gates, monthly fees, they arbitrarily lock people out of content to keep them paying longer, just yuck.

No wonder they are trying to recruit off the GW2 forum, I hear it’s getting mighty dead over there.

Yep that game now has almost no population. I do enjoy the trinity a lot more than the unorganized and unbalanced mess that the combat in this game has.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why don't I have the motivation to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Yeah, sorry if I formatted the paragraph really bad, I’m tired. I just honestly don’t know what it is about the game that makes me not want to play it. WoW is more exciting when you level up, and even if Guild Wars has the dynamic event system, it still sorta feels like a grind, doesn’t it? Most of the time I don’t even run into any, and when I do, it’s basically “kill this and that” "collect eggs’’. Sorry if I offended anyone by comparing GW2 to WoW.

So, you had time to type a response, but, no time to fix it?….interesting…

I find your obsession with writing skills on a game forum more interesting. I have to admit it’s a good way to avoid the subject of the thread.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why don't I have the motivation to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


You are not alone. The devs have pretty much gated the whole game community into world boss events.

Farming = nerfed into ground.
Dungeons being buffed with bad rewards unless you like blues.
RnG out the wazoo
Diminishing returns
Gated content
Ascended grind
Bad class balance etc…

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

My suggestions and MY opinion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


World bosses are laggy because you either have a bad computer, poor Internet speed or there are 300 people guesting on your server and that might why you are getting lag.

I never had lag at these events until guesting and that might be why there are 400 threads complaining about this very thing.

If that is the only reason you wish to nerf questing, I’d say you’re coming from the wrong angle.
Even if you remove questing, you’d still potentially run into the lag when your own server fills the map. So nerfing questing would not completely solve the problem, but also harms other aspects of the game.

How about decreasing the playercap on the map instead, so it is not possible to crowd enough for lag? There, no need to mess up questing. Will also demote event jumping, as you need to be on the map before the event starts to have a spot in the event.

I think they should keep guesting but not the way it is now nor was it a good idea to implement it at the same time the increased the rewards from world bosses.

This is just my opinion and I actually think guesting is a great idea but unfortunately many mmo players abuse things and make everyone else suffer.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

My suggestions and MY opinion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


World bosses are always going to be laggy so that’s hardly a significant issue. Most of the ‘issues’ with people and guesting comes from the fact that they are stuck in overflow while the event is happening so they miss out.

What is your recommendation? To turn off guesting? Because that’s fair to the people who want to hang out with their friends/can’t do the events on their servers right? No, it’s not. It’s you and those like you being selfish and wanting priority so you can get access to the best loot that are the problem.

Yes I have framerate issues when I do world bosses, I accept that. I don’t whinge about it and demand A.Net fix things. Oh how these forums would be better if others followed my example and only raised issues about matters which were actually important (note: World bosses and frame rate issues are not).

Actually you having a bad frame rate is something they could help by optimizing the game engine. Poor engine optimization was one of the main reasons why the Tortanic sank.

So you think people should only raise matters that you think are important or agree with?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

A positive note about overflows

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


At least if you’re stuck in an overflow long enough, the world event you want to do is lag-free.

I hope you get to do the events you are wanting to do on your server. Hang in there and hopefully they get this fixed soon.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

My suggestions and MY opinion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


World bosses are laggy because you either have a bad computer, poor Internet speed or there are 300 people guesting on your server and that might why you are getting lag.

I never had lag at these events until guesting and that might be why there are 400 threads complaining about this very thing.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Regarding the new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Yeah Kholer was my favorite fight (with experienced players) Now we just end up skipping it and lose a chest and a valuable waypoint. Why on earth was that every changed?

I can only imagine so people would quit running this dungeon. I know I won’t run it again and Kholer was the only boss that I found fun in this game.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

My suggestions and MY opinion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


? What would happen if they gave a Guest a tag on them? For instance a [G] before the name of the toon in Blue letters.

side note, one thing I might would add to that list is stop putting chance drops in those BL-chests if you want to make more money, then double the gem price. If the pink quaggan was 500 gems I would go get some gems right now….since its a chance to get out of the chest I will not buy 500 gems to get keys. I thought Anet had got the message back at Halloween.

They want as much RNG as they can get because just like a casino the more you lose the more you spend. It’s kind of scary to think of how many children are becoming gambling addicts because of chests in games they are playing.

You’re better off avoiding anything that is a gamble using real money for pixels.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Elementalist Weapon swap,out of combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Ele’s are op ATM we all know it if we are good at this class. Nothing needs to be added to make playing this or a guardian or warrior easier until they fix the ranger and engineer classes.

If you want to be strong as an ele for melee use dagge dagger and if you want to be an aoe and dps turret use staff but think about the play style before combat.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

DR? (Diminished Returns)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


The loot is crap. Utter crap.

I should NOT be getting blues from The Claw of Jormag.

Hardly ANY of your content is worth the reward anymore.

I understand the need for patience and hard work but the fact is the drop rate on rares and exotics is barely enough to even give people hope. Even masterwork gear in some cases……

You do not have a good balance of risk vs reward.

It is ALL crap nearly ALL the time.

Um it’s the Claw of Jorlag since the guesting patch.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

One core flaw in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I watched this thread get to 6 pages and can’t believe the MMO community today.

I wish we could go back to the days before public beta testing. Back when you bought a game and played it for what it was, not for what your nasally one sided voice kittened at the devs for it to be.

If you played this game in beta as I did you would see why criticisms of this games development after release are valid and not nasally one sided. Why can’t players discuss the state of the game and their opinions on it without being insulted?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

No GW2 Expansions or Sequels (Anytime Soon)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Yes guys, stop pestering them for expansions. They’re too busy providing 10 minutes of story content and a new achievement every month with the game we already have. There’s no time to fix 5 month old bugs, add name changes, re-add outfits available in beta(masquerade/tribal, the female corset dresses townswomen wear,feathered bustle dress,etc). They need to add backpack skins and hair colors that nobody asked for! Gosh, guys.

My thoughts exactly! It’s sad that so little has been done with the cash shop in this game and instead of using it to it’s full ability to generate revenue we get DR and loot nerfs to stabilize the game and generate gem sales. Oh and the new AC to slow people grinding tokens.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

My suggestions and MY opinion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I feel there are many things to improve the game and I hope this thread can be used as our suggestions on improvement.

1. Make guesters guest on an overflow on the server they are visiting.
2. Turn DR off or communicate how it really works so we all know how to keep it from effecting players that just want to play the game their way.
3. Make Spvp balance for classes completely different than Pve balance.
4. Boost dps on engineers and rangers for Pve and add more survival for ranger pets or just remove them from the game and change the class to an archer.
5. Quit with the secret loot nerfs and place a limit on how many porous bones a player can get in one day.
6. Stop releasing silly fluff content patches and focus on making the game better.
7. Don’t buff anymore dungeons and ruin them for the levels they were intended for. If you can’t make a decent challenging dungeon to begin with don’t change it and further anger your loyal players. If you want to make it more difficult then add a hard mode and make changes there with increased loot chances. If players are abusing a dungeon decrease the tokens granted for the most popular path.
8. Stop posting important game information on Facebook or Twitter first. This is your forum so use it first to share game news.
9. Get rid of multi guild representation.
10. Stop over moderating the forums and also ask for devs to keep rude comments in a private message instead of making not nice responses on the forums.
11. Don’t add gated content. Mmo players are going to find a way to burn thru any content as fast as possible so focus on replay enjoyment.
12. Add world bosses and dungeon bosses that are complex and not something that just spams a one shot at players.
13. Make loot drops also based on area effect healing and support skills. Don’t give glass cannons all the glory for playing the game. If support got as much credit for drops then it would slow down progression and even out demand for crafting mats for dps and support gear.
14. Add a sub option without DR or mail restrictions.
I’ll add more later unless this is merged or deleted or moved etc…

1. No, a large number of people guesting are doing it to either A. Hang out with the friends or B. Complete events that can’t be done on their home server due to lack of population. Show up with plenty of time to spare instead of porting at the last second and expecting no overflow.

2. DR is already communicated quite well (as to it’s purpose) in the wiki. It is there to disrupt bots and exploits from disrupting the economy. They will not disclose how it works (because it would give the exploiters the information the need to bypass it) nor will they remove it because doing so would cause more harm to the game than good.

3. Quite a bit of work you’re asking for there. I’m guessing you don’t know much about balancing or how game development actually works/costs.

4. No issues with this, personally I think Engineer rifle skills need a complete overhaul. Rangers need their pets though.

5. It’s called RNG sometimes it favors you, sometimes it doesn’t.

6. Stop complaining, content is content and the game is coming along just fine. If you don’t like it, the door is that way, don’t let it hit you on the way out.

7. To the last part of this point: That’s what DR does.

8. I check my twitter/facebook more times a day than I check these forums.

9. No.

10. Forums are fine as is, maybe if people didn’t spam or make threads about stupid topics the moderators wouldn’t have to deliver the smackdown.

11. Again, no, gated content is fine.

12. Also no, world boss fights are laggy enough without needing to worry about extra mechanics that could cause everyone in the area to wipe because their frames are so slow that they can’t get out of the way in time or click a button.

13. The second decent suggestion here… no complaints.

14. Absolutely not, and no I won’t explain why aside from mentioning that if GW got a sub, it would no longer be GW.

Thank you for your response. Not only are you rude but some of your answers also show you have no idea what you’re talking about but thanks anyway :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


All new stuff in dungeons is going to be hard for the first few days. We see it all the time with new content – people fail and get knocked down when they aren’t used to that sort of thing, and they claim it is too difficult.
Give it a week or so for everyone to develop strategies, learn encounters, and build fundamentals, and they will claim it is too easy. Trust me when I say this, the numbers are punishing (but less than they were before), but knowing the mechanics will greatly mitigate the danger.

Isn’t that what players already did for AC? We developed strategies to make it through the dungeon and so it seems it was changed so now we have to do it all over again and I’m in AC path 3 and Grast is bugging so it’s pointless in the state it’s in.

I’m still trying to figure out what the goal of this redesign is.

Also when will the loot be adjusted for the new difficulty?

I also love how we get rumblus to half health and he regents all his health.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?