Showing Posts For Drew.1865:

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drew.1865


I agree with your point Michael, I just find it absurd that they are so strict about it. I have never heard of a game with so many banned players over something so trivial. Yes bad language is bad language but there needs to be a little bit of common sense about it too, sometimes people lose their cool, sometimes they are goaded into it, other times they are not directing at anyone but get reported anyway. I find it silly that even mentioning a bad word is a 72 hour ban, it is far, far, far too long of a ban for language, especially considering what some people are sensitive to and others are not.

I recently started to play LoL again and was pleased at how much there is in that game, for instance there is at least 10 different items to report a player for and yet GW2 still only has basic reports like scamming, spamming, etc. There is no report option for players that troll, that includes goading other players into arguments, nor is there an option for reporting players for leaving parties to wreck dungeon runs. Trolling should come with a 72 hour ban, not bad language. I would find that many players would be glad if it was reduced to a simple 2 hour ban, that will teach them to cool off and they would be nicer in the future. I am sure Anet is taking info on the repeat offenders anyway so why not just reduce it for the sake of keeping a solid player base; I don’t curse often and especially not at players and I do use my ignore option, but I can still feel the sting of a 72 our ban for all those other players out there.

Do you not think, even a little, that players could learn their lesson from a shorter punishment?

They should focus more on giving players a stronger ignore function instead of banning people for language.

I’d rather be able to perm ignore someone and never have to deal with them again then have to report them for something I find offensive.

I don’t understand why a game would have a teen rating and a chat filter but then ban people for bad language that people can only see in chat by choosing to turn that filter off.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


not gonna lie, this video was a pretty boring and standard.

nothing really cool or impressive, or unique. should be pickier with your plays in your next video.

your group also seems to lack burst, and mesmer. LOL

Boring to you but it’s not boring IMO to see players enjoy the game and sharing it with others.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

How to kill the thief in WvW scenario

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


If they want to have stealth then they should have to sacrifice some burst.

How would you propose this be accomplished?

I have no idea because I think if it happened it would break the class so I just let them burst my toon if I can’t escape or get lucky and get a bad thief.

It’s just frustrating because they can burst you down so quickly.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Do you want a skilled game?

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


If you want a game where skill prevails over numbers its time to get rid of or drastically change the downed state.

The cards are in your hands anet, I hope for your sake you play them right.

EDIT: Why are you people talking about sPvP? It still has a downed state o.o

An elementalist should only complain about how bad our downed state is not the mechanic itself :-). Maybe you mean the gaurdian downed state has no place in the game?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

How to kill the thief in WvW scenario

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


The time to kill or burst on a thief in wvw combined with stealth and culling gives them an unfair advantage over other players.

If they want to have stealth then they should have to sacrifice some burst. It just seems the profession is a little unbalanced atm.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Lol after all the smack I have read from u in the last few weeks u play the same as every other d/d out there

Subtle I heart you :-)

Where we’re you tonight btw?

dude I’m in Dominican drinking my face off with the wife be back on Saturday

Sweet have a fun and safe trip! See you guys in wvw and you missed an epic battle tonight.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Nice work on your ele and d/d is fun. It’s my main.

Next time you should use this song though :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

[OG] Original Gankstars - WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Lol after all the smack I have read from u in the last few weeks u play the same as every other d/d out there

Subtle I heart you :-)

Where we’re you tonight btw?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


The trail was a HUGE improvement. You should switch it back because the culling and lag in wvw this week has been ridiculous.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Preserving the honor of Maguuma in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Hi there,

I’m the guild leader for Supply and Demand [SAnD], located on the Maguuma server. It was recently brought to my attention that some members of SAnD were accused of glitching into a keep during our WvW match-up last week. I have been able to confirm that two of our members did indeed exploit into that keep. The confirmation came via a video that we were able to record as this took place. We promptly provided that video to ArenaNet, along with the appropriate supporting details.

Supply and Demand [SAnD] takes exploiting VERY seriously and these players were called on this behavior and immediately removed from our guild. We can also report that they have since left the Maguuma server. It upsets me that this exploit happened, particularly by members wearing our guild tag. This behavior is definitely NOT what SAnD is all about and I hate to see something like this tarnish our good reputation. I assure you that I will do everything possible to avoid having something like this ever happen again. The rest of the SAnD membership is as committed as I am to the highest ethical standards of play.

An exploit like this is also not what Maguuma is about, and I apologize to the server that this unfortunate episode took place. I hope that the actions of these two individuals will not taint the reputation of our server in the eyes of our competitors. We felt that it was in the best interest of the WvW community to report what we found and the subsequent actions that we have taken.

We stand ready to continue to fight honorably on the battlefield with our fellow citizens of Tyria!

All the best,

Good job kicking them from your guild. Sorry you had people do something like that you trust but we can only control what we see and do.

I doubt people will hold your whole guild accountable for the actions of a few.

Posts like this mean a lot to the community to cheers to you!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Oh I also heard you guys hired some guilds to help out and I saw a huge group of HIRE toons. Hmmm I wonder what that name means?

Hopefully next week we’ll get a worthy opponent :-)

HIRE is an amazing guild that pound for pound holds its own as well as any guild i’ve seen in any tier of WvW. I’ve seen many many competent players on Ehmry Bay from many guilds.

Yak’s Bend is fortunate to have such great opponents. And it is only through hard work and a bit of luck that we have the lead in this.

Luck has nothing to do with this. The players on Yak’s take pride in our server and we have some really good players and commanders.

EBay might have some competent players but I didn’t see any tonight unless they are competent in pve.

Anyway when you see groups of 20 toons from a server camping the jp entrance and picking people who enter it off one by one I have no respect for them.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

A nice class for running dungones.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have a level 80 gaurdian and ele and I have tons more fun on my ele than on my gaurdian. Gaurdian IMO is just a really boring class and while they are great to have in a dungeon I can’t see why anyone would want to run a dungeon as one.

I’m leveling a Mesmer now and while there are issues with aoe at times this class is a lot of fun to me like the ele is because there are many roles you can pay with it.

I prefer the staff with the evasive clone trait and the elasticity trait. You can bounce around conditions and tank and aoe with all the clones you have.

Time warp is probably my fav elite skill in the game and can really help out when the group is in a bad spot.

I also love how time warp can be used at gates in wvw.

It’s not really the profession that is important but the player’s knowledge and skill of the class they are playing as well as the gear they have.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Mag.. you guys sound irked.. are you mad? We didn’t mean to recruit better than you this week.. honest. We were just trying to get numbers like yak has to stay competitive but we stubbed your toe in the process i see. Apologies.

Why would Mag be jealous of EBay? You might want to check the wvw map ;-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mesmer advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drew.1865


Don’t worry about shattering clones, because we have plenty of ways to generate clones, shatter clones often and frequently. The AOE damage, and benefits of shattering, distortion/diversion are huge and will improve your gameplay and returns greatly.

The first trait I grabbed on my Mesmer while leveling was 20 points in the Crit line for Deceptive Evasion (trait X) it creates a clone every time you dodge, to me this is when the mesmer really comes alive. This allows you to continuously shatter AND have clones up to draw aggro.

What is weapon are you using as your weapon swap? What are you looking to do? Continue leveling, WVW, pvp, or dungeons? What kind of play style do you like. Do you like hard hitting crits and damage, or do you want to do conditions?

Thank you so much for your response! I picked up the deceptive evasion trait tonight and I’m loving it. I was doing some serious pwnage in wvw.

Thank you for the advice and thank you for your service.


Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mesmer advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have a level 54 Mesmer and I prefer the staff as a weapon and I have all rare toughness/vit gear with dps accessories.

Can you guys give me advice on the best build and when should I shatter my clones? I’m always afraid to shatter them because I use them to keep mobs off me in wvw and pve.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drew.1865


Thank you for posting this guide and build daPhoenix. I’ve been loving my ele since I started playing it this way!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Thank you DB and Mag for the best week I’ve had in wvw. This week has been a blast and best wishes and hope we get this match up again soon!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Please no repair and no map travel cost.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


If you are playing your class as intended then the repair cost and travel costs are nothing substantial.

Look on the TP and find something like oh maybe fish scales that sell for over 1 silver a piece and farm a few of those and problem solved :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

A command to join an overflow server

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think this would be an awesome feature for finding groups.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Please Stop Killing People in JPs

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Nevermind it was SoS. I guess they’re bored and have nothing else to do aside to annoy players at the JQ BLs JP. That’s awesome and super mature of you. Winning and being asinine. Please take out PvE crap from WvW. Going there and getting a repair bill because people want to be asinine is not fun.

PvPing in a PvP zone where you’re meant to PvP is so immature right?

Camping is immature. Just staying in one area to repeatedly kill ppl is immature. Get off your high horse.

Agreed and it also makes your server look really bad. I only attack in the jp in eternal bg if someone attacks me first.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Please Stop Killing People in JPs

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Thanks for all your support everybody.

Merry Xmas and have a lovely New Year!

Oliver just move to the yaks bend server and ask a Mesmer to port you. If you don’t like the pvp in the wvw jp I recommend you just ask for a portal.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Staff Ele’s don’t have a problem either, they just have to be smarter about what they are doing, just like any aspect of being an ele.

In your opinion they don’t but then again this is just your opinion just like it’s my opinion that some staff Ele’s could benefit from a permanent pet.


Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

What to look forward to with a level 80 ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drew.1865


Look for a lot of fun, frustration and repair bills.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Not liking Elementalist lack of survivability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drew.1865


Play better or play a class that takes less skill.

Actually I play this class well and it is the class with the worst survivabilty in the game.

Either you’re telling a funny joke or you’re just plain bad.

Or maybe bad like as in Sea of Sorrows wvw rank?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Not liking Elementalist lack of survivability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drew.1865


Play better or play a class that takes less skill.

Actually I play this class well and it is the class with the worst survivabilty in the game.

Either you’re telling a funny joke or you’re just plain bad.

Bad as in one sec lemme put my staff down so I can res this OP d/d ele in this dungeon because staffs are pointless bad?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


ANet specifically wants to keep farming to a minimum in GW2.

GW2 is meant to break away from a lot of frustrating MMO features. Farming is one of them, as many felt is was a long-grind that only hardcore players could keep up with.
If you don’t like it, go back to playing GW1. This game isn’t made for players who would agree with you.

And where the heck are you getting this information that claims people have monopolies? LOL
Besides that person who put up a Twilight for 9500gold, I don’t see any instance of a market being monopolized – Not unless someone’s deliberately putting all their stock on sale for numerous varying prices.

Oh you must mean frustrating features like grinding for gear and vertical progression. I’m glad GW2 doesn’t have that and that’s exactly why I’m about to go run FOTM level 1,000,000. Gotta have those new rings! Oh wait but this game isn’t like other mmos.

No farming = people who craft on their first toon have to buy gems to convert to gold to buy mats and bank slots + account bound minis = big $$$ for Anet

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Farming is a horrible waste of time and it detracts from community. I’d much prefer if guild wars 2 had a better group pairing system to go dungeoning. Also, better guild recruiting and control. It’d be nice if my guild could advertise what we want and then have people request to join on a trial basis. Like we want nice people, that are relatively active that use mumble (headphones and microphone). I don’t want to post on the forums since the target audience is located only in the isle of janithir.

Farming is not a horrible waste of time if you like killing mobs and crafting. It might be if you run a guild and hang out in Lion’s Arch the whole time you’re online.

I know this is shocking but some players actually like loot.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Not liking Elementalist lack of survivability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Drew.1865


Play better or play a class that takes less skill.

Actually I play this class well and it is the class with the worst survivabilty in the game. It’s extremely versatile but that also makes it the most vulnerable.

One thing that really bugs me about my ele is the many bugs it has and how you can press one of the atunements and it won’t change or you can cast glyph of elementalist and it summons one from an atunement you aren’t in. My favorite thing ATM is how you can press your health button and it doesn’t activate.

I do like the extreme helpfulness in your comment though. That really provides a lot to the discussion. One sec I think my nose just grew about 6 feet long.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Drew.1865


Mesmer with a staff is op as kitten in pve. All you have to do is 3 at your target then hit 5 and step in your aoe field hit 2 then spam 1 and rinse repeat for major pwnage.

I solo champs on my Mesmer and wvw is even more fun.

The only issue I could see anyone having with a Mesmer is aoe damage but you can get that with a shatter build.

I protect Hodgins in AC on mine at level 40 because the warrior in my group kept dying.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


It is a solution. It is not an in-game solution, but it is available now. Increase the oxygen flow, it might help you think better.

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Oh my Robin that was not nice! :-)

This message was brought to you by a fat norn on a hoverround

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dungeon Tokens - Add Lodestones to Vendors

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Recently I’ve been thinking of ways that Anet could increase the availability of lodestones on the market to make some of the rarer lodestones more attainable. What I’m proposing is adding specific lodestones to each dungeon vendor that fall in line with what the theme of the dungeon is.

Lodestone Prices and Dungeon Exchange

Ascolonian Catacombs – Consumable that grants a random Lodestone (120 tokens)

Caudecus’s Manor – Consumable that grants a random Lodestone (120 tokens)

*Note: Crystal Lodestone would most likely be put in Caudecus Manor instead of the random lodestone consumable.

Honor of the Waves – Glacial Lodestones (120 tokens)

Citadel of Flame – Molten Lodestones (120 tokens)

The Lost City of Arah – Corrupted Lodestones (120 tokens)

Twilight Arbor – Onyx Lodestones (120 tokens)

Sorrow’s Embrace – Destroyer Lodestones (120 tokens)

Crucible of Eternity – Charged Lodestones (120 tokens)

Sorrow’s Embrace – Destroyer Lodestones (120 tokens)

Fractals Of the Mist – None

Price Reasoning

I placed the token cost for these lodestones at 120 tokens to prevent lodestone farming (since the max tokens you can get in 1 day from one dungeon is 180-196 assuming you only do each path once).

Though I do understand that some dungeons are easier than others (AC Vs. Arah), I didn’t want to vary that prices based on dungeon difficulty because it may cause unneccessary large shifts in individual lodestone prices if more than one of each lodestone could be obtained from a specific dungeon in 1 day.

What affect could this have on the Game

It is difficult to say, but I would imagine a price drop on all lodestones as a new method of acquisition becomes available.

More incentive to run dungeons to get lodestones for either money or personal use.

Slightly easier aquisition of the lodestone part of legendaries.

In conclusion

Let me know what you guys think! I’m putting this in the dungeon forum because I know you guys and gals run dungeons and would like to hear your feedback on this idea since it may affect your dungeon running in a positive / negative way!



I completely agree. I know how to farm them but it’s only something the bored and unemployed can do successfully.

I want to see the employed players who have a 9 to 5 and a family be able to get these not just players like me.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Camping spawn points

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Although annoying, it’s a valid tactic. Need to take a keep? Leave a group to spawn camp so no reinforcements can try to save the keep.

If you’re being spawn camped and out-manned there’s really no reason to be in that map anyway. Consolidate with the other maps. If all maps are spawn camped…no reason to play WvW (sadly.)

It’s a tactic but it’s one that I believe bad players use to flame a server who might have a lower population for whatever reason in wvw.

I prefer allowing the other servers to get to their overlook before the slaughter.

I have seen MANY Yak’s bend players chew out other players in wvw for spawn camping so I know I’m not the only Asurans who feels this way.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asuras fav rock band

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think it would be Devo or Daft Punk.

What do you guys think?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Camping spawn points

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


I busted a commander promoting this on the Yak’s bend server EB today and it really kittened me off. It was kind of awesome to see the new wvw breakout event take place and see ehmry board bay totally pwn my server’s siege at the spawn site.

On a side note how dare you guys kill my poor ele asura trying to defend the overlook we took from you! That was not nice :-P

I love Yak’s bend but camping spawn points is a wvw no no.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asura babies

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


Asurans actually have babies like French bulldogs they go to the vet and have a C section.
What you really should be asking is what happens when you feed a baby asura after midnight and or spill water on one.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


<hands Drew a Clue and a 70’s Dance Aerobic video tape>

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

You know Jane Fonda is really an asura. I’m serious! I hope it’s her workout out tape cause asuras know best.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Changing names

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Agreed! Why can’t mmo companies launch with stuff like this?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Just for you!

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

I do not use websites such as this! That’s like logging into a gold sellers website with my password and username not gonna happen.

This message was brought to you by a fat man with an iPad.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’m 38 now will we get this feature in the game before I go on social security? Just curious.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Repetitive Sounds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I can run faster than a centaur btw. Ideas are like cream, good ones always rise to the top. For great justice! These are just a few that I have nightmares about I hear them so much.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asuran Ears

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


It depends a bit on your weapon. Greatsword and Hammer for example lift your ears, but not as much as other weapons do. :P Also, if you have bigger ears it will be more noticable.

However, I believe all one handed weapons put your ears up fully. Rifles lift them a lot also, I don’t know about the bows though.

If you want to know how it looks, I added some screenshots.
1) Hammer 2) Greatsword 3) Staff

Omg she is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asuran Ears

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


Hey All,

Just rolled an Asura and his ears stick up when he fires his pistol. See pic. Once he puts the pistol down/goes out of combat they go down.

Is this normal?

Yes it’s totally normally and is my favorite thing about my asura. I just redid the looks on my toon and made his ears even bigger. All he needs now is a black feather in his nose and he can fly.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asura Only Guild [merged threads]

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


Let’s make one!

Read my post above yours for a possible name. Excelsior!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Asura Only Guild [merged threads]

in Asura

Posted by: Drew.1865


I was thinking of starting an azura guild called “The Church of Excelsiorology” and have the Guild leader be an azuran named Thom Krewes. Thoughts and anyone else want to do this and send me an invite?

I’m very happy in my guild ATM but would love to see this in the game.


Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Mini pet summon and collectors tab

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


This game needs a way to see all the minis you’ve collected at any time in the game and a way to summon that mini from your collection. What’s the point of having minis if they are getting put in your collections tab and bugging out and disappearing from time to time and we have no way to summon them without going to our bank.

This needs to be addressed if you want to make minis an enjoyable aspect of the game.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Ridiculous DR in the Infinirarium?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Drew.1865


Agreed and this DR in the game is why I’ll be playing other MMO’s instead of this one as they are released. Punishing bots is fine but punishing players for playing the game is ridiculous.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Stop using DR

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


It is their tactics fighting with bots. But we all know it’s flawed. Very flawed. Instead of punishing bots, every player is punished.

I can see how it could benefit the players in some ways but the amount of time Anet allowed the massive amounts of bots to exploit while not banning them is sad.

I don’t see many bots in the game anymore so they need to turn the dr off.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Stop using DR

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I love this game and believe it’s the best mmo out atm but as soon as a decent game with a sub and or doesn’t use DR I will stop making this my most played ame.

Punishing players for farming mats to use for crafting is ridiculous and if your players want to run the dungeons multiple times in one day don’t punish them for it.

This is the worst feature in this game imo.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Extremely Dissapointed with Wintersday event

in Wintersday

Posted by: Drew.1865


The dungeon when Tixx was in the grove tixxed me off cause it was pretty boring. I love Halloween and wish we could have it more than once a year :-).

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?