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Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


You should get a baseline mission just for making the guild and have it stupid easy. Then with each rank in each area you can get a new mission, of course they get harder with each rank but the rewards are better.

Seriously, give me a base mission for like 100 influence that gives some blues and some silver for a reward. I don’t want crazy exotic stuff for doing easy missions, I just want my guild to not be totally locked out of content, which is what this will do.

I don’t even want loot from them since it will just be porous bones like 75% of the rest of the drops. I just want to have fun with my guild mates.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


My small guild has been active since almost the start of the game. With 4 members and 3 still active we have Art of War 3 and that’s only because we wanted to be able to claim keeps and put buffs on them.

So I’m forced to do one of the following:
1. Join a big guild and hate it
2. Dump a ton of money on influence and spend my time farming that money(sounds fun?!)
3. Zerg recruit
4. Don’t participate

Once again I have to question what the heck is going on over at ArenaNet. Every single time they announce something they have taken the absolute wrong route. It’s like they fired all the people with common sense. Why would they make the baseline guild mission at rank 5 of anything? You should get a baseline mission just for making the guild and have it stupid easy. Then with each rank in each area you can get a new mission, of course they get harder with each rank but the rewards are better. Was that so hard? Give me 40k a year and I’ll tell you how to fix all your new updates before they reach the public and people think you guys are insane.

I couldn’t agree more!

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I don’t want to judge something i haven’t seen myself, so we will have to wait for the update anyways. But just some thoughts.

First the ‘my guild will never see this content’ argument. Everyone can participate in these events, even players without a guild. So you don’t loose out on the content. You just don’t get the guild rewards, just the personal rewards for participating, but that’s nothing new. In a small guild you already don’t have the karma/exp/magic find buffs running all the time, so by playing in a small guild you already descided that you don’t play in the guild for buffs. Yes, you can’t descide when you kick off the event, but in a large guild you can’t either, because the leader(s) in the guild descide when to start it, and there won’t ever be a time when 100% of the guild have time to participate. 1-2 weeks after the patch, the regions in which the guild missions take place will be known, and you can expect to have some event from some guild running there whenever you want to play, so the content is there for everyone.

And then think about why you are in a smaller guild. Probably because you prefer to be in a close-knit group of poeople. And there is no better social glue then working together for a common goal. Make your fist guild mission the mission to get the influence for the required upgrades. If my math is right, you need 73 gold to buy the influence for Art of War 1-5. If you are a guild of just 5 people, you can run dungeons together, and afterwards everyone spends some of the earned money on influence. Playing as a group already gets you more influence then playing alone, and spending some of the earned gold on influence will speed up the process a lot. Yes, it’s harder for a small guild than for a large guild that has more influence than it can spend, but think of how proud you are as a small guild after you have pulled it off. And running 2-3 dungeons a day , and then everyone spends 2 gold on influence each day is already enough to get the influence for AoW 5 within a week with just 5 people. A guild reward for a guild working together for a common goal. And you can keep all the fun you had together while working on it. This is what keeps small guilds together. Large guild mostly are people who play solo but want the buff’s, or who want someone available 24/7 whenever they need someone for some content. Smaller guilds play together becaus they have fun doing something with each other. Both can get what they want from the missions. The players in the large guild get the buffs and the loot from the missions, and the small guilds get a common goal to work towards as a group.


It takes ~39000 influence to get to WvW level 5 from 0.

20g for 10,000 influence
2g for 1,000 influence

That means from a guild that was just made, it will cost 78g to get to level 5.

This is a mountain made from a molehill. If a group of 5 people can’t or doesn’t want to pay 78g (or less) to start having the ability to put events in the open world…then it really wasn’t worth it to them in the first place.

And that’s perfectly fine. You are a most likely a small guild because you WANT to be. It’s fine if you think that 78g is not worth the hassle to potentially expand your guild. 78 divided by 5 is 15.6…that’s 15g and 60s that a FIVE MAN GUILD will be asking per person.

This really is a mountain meets molehill problem.

But I thought Anet wanted players to play the game how they wanted to play it?

Actually your wrong it’s making a grindfest out of a molehill :-)

Also I will be in the guild I want to be in and the size of said guild is irrelevant or should be.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Art of War level 5 huh? Well that means if my small guild started working toward it now…. we can join in on all the awesome fun in maybe 2 or 3 months.

It takes you 2-3 months to earn 78g…as an entire guild?

No but it was much easier before drops were nerfed into the ground on nov 15 and before we also found out drops were based on how much damage you were doing to a mob so basically anyone who wasn’t wearing berserker gear was getting kittened out of drops.

Magic find is also kittened which effects how much you can make from drops as well and before you try and say I don’t know what I’m talking about I have 4 level 80’s and 2 of them have exotic jatoro gear and my gaurdian has exotic yakkington’s gear.

This is just one more example of really bad decisions and bad timing on Anet’s part to make a cash grab for gems when all they need to do is add more cosmetic items to the cash shop.

Thankfully there are MANY new mmo titles coming out so Anet’s will have a good reason to stop making bad decisions and stop doing really bad events that are beyond boring and add real content to the game and also:

1. Fix culling and give people more reasons to wvw.
2. Make dungeons more fun instead of doing things like adding 40 more spider adds to the spider boss in AC.
3. Balance the classes and make it so thieves can’t be perma stealthed in wvw. Tone down warrior dps and fix the issues with rangers, necros and engineers.
4. Make fotm part of the rest of the game instead of a grindfest where people have to grind with obnoxious former (insert that game we all know here) players.

And the list goes on……

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Getting Kicked from AC parties

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have seen players level 40 ish not dying or getting downed in AC and level 80’s just gettting downed all the time. In my opinion if they want level 80’s just post it and be done with it otherwise kicking people without telling anything its very rude (not the best example but its like feeling you work without getting paid). I think that with more people asking level 80’s maybe its better to make all dungeon level requirement lvl 80 because a low level will never get into a group…

Sorry but lvl 38 is too much. I’d kick you too if I were still running that. I don’t care what you claim you’ve seen but a lvl 38 thief is not going to have the survivability, ability set, traits or even the dmg to contribute in any meaningful way to a team.

If level up is what you are after it’s far faster simply just to solo explore the world map doing heart and events.

If tokens are what you are after and you still want that exp boost then just use your lvl 80 and ask for permission to switch to your lvl 38 before boss.

The one thing that’s truly rude and frankly simply not efficient is to show up with a lvl 38 in a team of all 80s and expect them to carry you through the whole dungeon, which let’s not kid ourselves is the only way you’d be able to go through that dungeon with that setup not to mention it would take longer than if you just simply used the 80 and switched to your other char before boss.

Actually you are also lowered to level 35 when you run AC ex and I’d rather run it with a level 38 thief than with a player with the attitude you have.

This might be a surprise to you but some people run level 35 dungeons at level 38 for fun :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

what's wrong with the kicking in pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


The community has taken a nosedive in behavior lately and running a pug is something I used to live but now I dread it.

Lots of (insert that game name here) players are coming into GW2 and those players usually the rudest mmo players you will encounter.

Best bet is to only run with your guild.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Older player guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Drew.1865


Savage Pygmies is a guild of older players on Tarnished Coast. We are all 25 and up and most members are late 30’s.

We are looking for older players like us to enjoy the game with. We do AC ex runs every day and FOTM runs as well. We have all crafting professions as well.

I’m experienced in all the dungeons except Arah and will gladly teach any player who knows how to dodge the dungeons.

We are also LBGT friendly but we do have an adult chat so be forewarned.

You also don’t have to be on the TC server to be a member but if you need extra help it makes it easier for leveling.

TY and happy gaming

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have just started to enjoy spvp and noticed this from the opposing team tonight. Is Anet planning on making it where the opposing players can’t communicate? Seems like this would make spvp much less likely to have this occurrence.

Unfortunately I was introducing this part of the game to a guildy and that was the main reason it was offensive.

I reported them so hopefully it gets addressed.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since the last patch I have quit trying to farm anything and noticed much better drops and doing DE and moving around is much more fun anyway.

I think anyone that feels like they are having and issue with DR should stop trying to farm any specific item for more than an hour and do more events in all the different zones.

I got 2 rares off of vets today and that exotic staff withthe skulls that goes for almost 10 gold on the TP and a loadstone off a vet in the level 4 maw FOTM just tonight.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Is kholer harder to dodge for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


No sometimes it just bugs and you can dodge but he’ll still pull you in.

He’s one of my fav fights in the game so stick with it. He’s worth the fight.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

COF path 3, AC path 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


AC path 2 is a dps and gear check. Always keep them away from detha by kiting and using slows and aoe damage on them.

If you have someone in the group that is not following instructions or doesn’t know their class it can cause problems.

Always kill necro, monk, ranger, Mesmer and ele then warrior in that order.

Tagging them helps a lot.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

How to dodge Legendary Effigy's knockdown?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Use stand your ground if you are melee fighting him with a gaurdian and always keep moving behind him and you can even move under him.

Ranged can dodge the flame that he sends out and that will keep him from knocking them down.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


It seems the issue I was having with drops has been resolved with this patch so far. I feel much better and I hope it continues.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


The little chest next to the big chest in dungeons is a nice addition. I got a rare in one to with no magic find on.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


People are way to obsessed with gear when this game is more about skill and builds. They slowed the grind down and you can always get exotic rings and or an amulet and dodge ftw.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Charging players to finish a dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


You seriously think it’s ok to sell a dungeon spot to another player? The dungeons aren’t even that hard for the most part.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Why do nerfs scare or enrage the community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’m not too worried. Apparently rangers are really underwhelming right now, so its more likely we’ll be buffed which is nice. But people do overreact. It’s a fantasy game, it’s not like increasing the cooldown on Ability X on Class Y from 30 seconds to 30.1 seconds is gonna make a massive impact on your life.

I actually love running dungeons with rangers and engineers. I find it’s more about player skill than class.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Charging players to finish a dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


This happened to my friend the other day. He was asked to pay the guild who he ran the dungeon with an amount of gold and when he didn’t they kicked him on the last boss.

This has been happening to players lately and I would love to see these players get banned.

It’s one thing if they have some arrangement before the dungeon starts but many players don’t know this until at the last boss.

Has Anet said anything about this?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

trend I am seeing in Pugs... War's only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


The ones that want wars only are normally noobs that don’t know how to play. They normally don’t say but its the Berserker warriors that they want. Good only for AC and CoF.
CoE, HotW, Arah normally kicks their kitten
It’s the run fast elitist groups that want DPS only.
Don’t worry, type your own LFG and you will probably end up with a normal group

You sir have no idea what your talking about i don’t ever go into COE, ARAH, TA or any dungeon to be honest without full zerker gear. Only time I don’t is for fotm30+.

When I make a group for any dungeon I always put zerker preferred because as any good player knows dodge is your friend and every path of every dungeon is easily done with multiple zerkers. This is the only way to combat the insane hp bosses have in this game. Anet thinks difficulty means add more hp

Some people actually enjoy the fights and how the different classes interact. Speed runs bore me. I could care less what class someone plays. I care about how well they play as a team.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Dual trait build

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I completely agree because it would encourage people to try more support builds and enjoy different ways to play their class. It would also encourage players to have several sets of armor for different builds.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

why do people hate magic find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I hate it because the gear seems to be bugged ATM and offer no magic find. Stick with the food.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Watch the YouTube videos online and the loot drops will make you lol. They were getting blues at level 20. I don’t see the point in grinding that high for the same drops you might get in a DE.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Only if dismissing returns is taken out of the game and they balance the classes.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

In my opinion, the armor is ugly in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I disagree. I think they did an excellent job in the art direction of this game. The variety in armor and how cool most of it looks is one of the best parts of GW2.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

anyone else bored with legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think they are completely ridiculous and there is no way I would grind a game to get something like that. I wouldn’t buy a precursor either.

I think it’s great if people want a legendary but not me. I think they did an incredible job with the gear design in this game so I have plenty of easily obtainable skins to choose from.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


took my mesmer into 15-25 area, completed the area at level 25, picked up only 5 items for my class, only 3 of those items I could upgrade to.

This means @ lvl 25, I am heading into a 25-35 area with:
Head: lvl 18
Shoulders: lvl 12
Top: lvl 14
Gloves: lvl 8
Pants: lvl 18
Boots: lvl 14
GreatSword: lvl 19
Scepter: lvl 11
Focus: lvl 14
Trident: lvl 20
Spear: lvl20

This is NOT going to be fun … challenging yes, fun no.

You should be crafting as well as trying to get good drops. Unfortunately with the dr and nerfed drops it will take you some grind to get what you need for either.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Add an alternative sub fee

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


I would have no issues paying a sub for this game if it had no DR and I could use as many bank slots as I pleased or could upgrade the amount of space with gold.

It would be great if you added a sub option so players could play this game with less restrictions caused by all the bots.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’ve had horrible luck with drops. I have full MF gear, omnombars, guild banner, magic find consumable, and I get maybe 1 rare out of 2-3 hours of farming. I’ve also done the dragons plenty of times, and I think maybe one time I got a rare, and that was before November. I’m quitting this game anyway as I’m sure many others have and will quit. ANet is taking the completely wrong approach and after months of people complaining nothing has been done and nothing will probably be changed. I played GW1 for years and years and had a great time playing it, but this game is completely different and it’s not as fun as GW1. ANet’s answer to bots is DR but what these idiots don’t realize is that bots don’t even farm for loot like that because there are much more profitable ways of making money and destroying the game economy, for example teleport hacks and what not. There are tons of hacks out there for this game and instead of trying to patch up the issues they are punishing casual players and pretty much forcing you to no life just to have some gold. Let me give you a hint ANet since your dev team is too stupid to figure it out. You have issues with memory, that’s why people can teleport anywhere on the map they chose, they can noclip, speedhack, and all sorts of other things. So yeah instead of fixing the game properly they take the easy way out and implement DR in an attempt to curb bots, but that’s not even botters primary concern, instead legit and casual players are getting less drops, but as I stated before it doesn’t matter. I can create an alt, get him to level 2 complete a quest to get karma mining picks and then telehack to southsun and farm all the ori I want. In the end it makes no difference to me, I’m waiting for ESO to come out because ANet completely ruined this game and the gaming experience. I don’t know about you lot but it pisses me off that we have a 18 page thread about the horrible loot drops and nothing has been resolved. Sit back casuals, ANet doesn’t care about you, and if they say they do they are blatantly lieing. Sorry if my post is jumping from one place to another, I’m a little tired and kitten off.

Before anyone says I don’t know what I’m talking about, I have very good understand of how memory works [thanks for programming skills] and how programs allocate memory for usage, with GW2 the hacks tap into this memory pool and abuse it.

I couldn’t agree with you more and I think you speak for a lot of players. I have a fanboi that absolutely loves this game who created the guild I’m in now and he even raged about the loot nerfs and ecto salvage nerf yesterday.

I just don’t understand why Anet doesn’t realize that DR is going to chase off a huge number of players and leave them with mostly bots in their game.

I want to play a game I feel free in and that I don’t feel paranoid about how I play it. If paying a sub would fix the bot issue I would gladly do that.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


FWIW, I did have major issues in dungeons as well, I would do 10 runs and would gather maybe 1 gold of total loot. I was pointing out what someone else said awhile back in this forum, that there’s a chance fractals may undo the DR bug or whatever that is. I am not suggesting this is the solution and we should close this forum. I hate the DR as much as the next guy and if the solution to botting comes at even the massive frustration of just 5% of the population, that should not be the solution. I want to have the confidence that if I farm in Orr, I will be treated equally with everyone else. Current system does punish certain players and we dont even know why we’re that subset at the moment. Easy fix is to remove the DR, do something else, rewrite it, … I don’t know.
I was merely suggesting that while anet is ignoring our plea that there’s something massively wrong in low lvl and high lvl drops, fractals might be the key to the problem of 5% of the 5%. I am not sure if it was my problem but hey I had no drops from dungeons/wvwvw/DEs for a long time and last two fractal runs were pretty good so sharing that.

From my experience it seems ANET has locked all players into strict DR unless they are running FOTM. The only chance I have at getting decent drops is in FOTM and all 3 of my level 80’s are in exotic magic find gear. I’ve also noticed magic find gear has NO effect on drops and the only time I see a surge in quality drops is when using an omnoberry bar and entering a new zone or right when I eat one.

I have also noticed they nerfed the ability to salvage ectos from rares especially if you craft them and salvage.

I just signed up for the beta for another game so hopefully I can leave this and have something to play where I don’t get punished for playing the game.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Was asked for gold when joined a group.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


This is the second time I see something like this.
So basicly there is a group of people already inside that clears most of the dungeon, they look for a last member and then ask for gold, in my case they were asking for 15g, or I would get a kick.

While I see why they are doing that it just smells unethical and scam everywhere. I mean is stuff like this accepted?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not affected by this, just thinking about people that would pay (people that are still learning) or even worse get kicked after paying, because their way of talking was not only pushy but agresive too.

Anyone doing that should be banned from the game. I would screenshot and report them.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Fractals, Guardians, and Anti-Projectiles

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Ranged players will always do the best combined with condition removal in fotm. If you try to melee most of the fractal bosses you are going to get downed.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

What do you think about Guardians?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Depends on the Guardian:
P/V/T wannabe Tank without Support = horrible.
Sharing boons and healing like candy = I like.

btw, this thread belongs to the dungeon forum. It’s not about Guardians, it’s about feelings for Guardians in Dungeons.

Boon duration is affected mostly by runes and no sane guardian would go healing power armor as it leaves them being squishie or lacking damage to even get drops. so Power, Vitality, Toughness is the way to go.

People should not comment about a class they know nothing off.

So you do bad damage AND don’t provide healing or boons? What do you do, exactly?

P/V/T is the worst non-condition stat combination you can wear for guardian.

Incorrect it depends on the build and weapon and cantrips. Most classes that do higher dps can’t be be compared to a gaurdians because they’re usually downed before a gaurdian.

Class is irrelevant it’s all about listening, playing as a team and your choice of skills for each fight. Gear is also a factor.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

What do you think about Guardians?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


They are great for dungeons but I think they are the most boring class. I rarely play mine and it’s level 80 with 3 sets of exotic armor.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

5th time getting griefed in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drew.1865


Bliss I will add you to friends and you can run them with me if you want.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’m on fractals 17 and ran multiple 1-10 runs prior to this level, so many that I don’t remember the exact count, and I have NO vials. NONE, NADA, nothing. The only thing I got was ONE glob!!!!!!!!!!!!! How am I supposed to make my backpiece with nothing?

Strange because one of my toons has 4 of them and I haven’t gone past level 7. The loot in this game is so sad. To bad they are account bound because if not you could have the 4 that are rotting in my bank because I am so sick of running fractals and someone getting DC’d that I stopped running them.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Powerful Blood Farming in Southsun Cove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Well this explains why the drops here seem a little different than usual lol.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have almost 3 toons with a complete set of jatoro gear and yakkington’s gear and I can honestly say the magic find gear has almost absolutely no effect on drops unless I also eat an omno bar with it and that’s also with sigils of luck in my weapons and the only time I get a rare drop is right after my toon eats the ar and then it’s blues a few greensand mostly porous bones.
The only time I’ve gotten an exotic drop was when I was on my ele in a dungeon with tanking gear on using magic food.
The drops in this game are the worst in any mmo I have played.
I can say that this will hopefully be my only and last B2P game and once that new game comes out that has a sub I will be moving to it.
I have probably spent about (a lot more than a monthly sub) on this game including gem purchases which is more than I paid for a sub game without this DR or the insane amount of bots, bad loot and the “I love you” messages in my inbox.
There are so many wonderful things about this game but being penalized for playing it isn’t something I can continue to support.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

(edited by Drew.1865)

Whats the go with cursed shore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Southsun Karkas seem to be nerfed as far as loot is concerned. You can kill them and used to get bloods and vials of potent blood but I farmed some today using a sigil of luck in my staff and an omnoberry bar and there was a period where I killed about 8 and they didn’t drop anything. I noticed a big difference in the drops so I wouldn’t recommend that area.
The drops I get in Orr seem to be nerfed as well. I’ve decided to stop playing until they decide what they are going to do with diminishing returns.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I posted in the last thread that was closed and i submitted tickets to support when this issue started showing up in forums

i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

my only response is to take my credit card off and not log since its more trouble than its worth to play the game
this is not the same game that i bought
really its not

i still think this is the best exploring ive ever encountered and check every day this thread like the old one hoping some one will give us an answer

Agree. I am not interested in playing this game anymore. It was a good concept, with failed execution. It is the worse kind of grind – grind with no reward – unless you grind FoTM 20 times per day. They might as well fold up the rest of the game.

I completely agree. I feel like the only way I can ge a decent drop is to run a FOTM and with the way people dc in them there’s no way I’m grinding them for loot I should be able to get in the other parts of the fame.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

The tragedy of Orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Orr is my least favorite zone in the game. The amount of mobs and their spacing is out of control.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

I miss actually playing a healer role...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I miss the trinity too sometimes and I loved playing a resto Druid healer. I think the trinity actually creates more of a sense of communit that this game is missing. This game is more solo oriented and I never realized until recently how much I missed playing a healer and being a needed part of a group to achieve a goal.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Played for 200+ hours exotic never dropped

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I’ve played 1,150 + hours on my ele and have had 2 exotics drop. The loot in this game is the worst of any mmo I’ve played.

I was just talking to my friend tonight about how even the jump puzzle chests have horrible loot.

I wish I could type a command in game to see how many porous bones I’ve gotten.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Playing with friends?

in PvP

Posted by: Drew.1865


Will you ever be able to play spvp with a friend or 2 on your team without having to use one of those tokens?

I don’t get why this isn’t in the game.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Our guilds experience of GW2 so far.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


There really is no guild in guild wars 2 unless you just enjoy chatting with the same people every day.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Best MMORPG on the Market!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


If the game had a sub which would help with the bot issue, proper testing of content before release (insert snowflake here), no diminishing returns, a dungeon finder, wvw without culling,no rng gambling, ridiculous banning and forum moderation (closing critical threads) then I would agree.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


The number of accounts terminated as a result of this exploitative activity is actually very small—fewer than 200. However, these people are the very worst offenders, and engaged in this exploit to egregious levels—hundreds and even thousands of times. They knew exactly what they were doing and they knew that their activities would damage the economy.

As a reminder, when we dealt with the karma exploit incident in September, we said that we would show some leniency for that particular incident. However, we made it clear that future exploits would be dealt with more firmly. As a result, we have terminated the accounts of the worst offenders in this most recent incident.

As always, if you have an exploit to report, please email

Thank you.

I consider myself to be a very nice and honest player. I have played this game since early beta and have been a fan boy for the whole time.

After this incident and the way infractions are handed out in this forum as well as Anet changing the game to make it heavily grindy with FOTM and the ascended gear combined with diminishing returns I no longer trust Anet. Oh I forgot to mention the chests with rng from events.

I have decided not to purchase anymore gems because of all the things above combined. I can’t support a developer that creates an environment of paranoia in the game.

Yes I think what these players did was wrong but I also feel the way it was handled was equally wrong and I can’t imagine a company treating customers this way and expecting the customer to trust them.

I’ll probably be infracted for posting this but I will never use this orum again because I want to be able to express my opinions on the state of the game without fear.

Hopefully with future content the devs will test it correctly so this can’t happen again.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Oh I also heard you guys hired some guilds to help out and I saw a huge group of HIRE toons. Hmmm I wonder what that name means?

Hopefully next week we’ll get a worthy opponent :-)

HIRE is an amazing guild that pound for pound holds its own as well as any guild i’ve seen in any tier of WvW. I’ve seen many many competent players on Ehmry Bay from many guilds.

Yak’s Bend is fortunate to have such great opponents. And it is only through hard work and a bit of luck that we have the lead in this.

Luck has nothing to do with this. The players on Yak’s take pride in our server and we have some really good players and commanders.

EBay might have some competent players but I didn’t see any tonight unless they are competent in pve.

Anyway when you see groups of 20 toons from a server camping the jp entrance and picking people who enter it off one by one I have no respect for them.

Yes, luck has played a part in it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve held my breath because I just knew that HIRE was going to hit us in a spot I deemed vulnerable, only to see them just miss it. They are great opponents and we should try to learn from them, win or lose, rather than bash them. Also, I think you missed the first part of that sentence, where he mentioned “hard work” and a “bit of luck.” He didn’t say that we are just super lucky, but any victory in a matchup with EBay and Mag involves a bit of luck. They are worthy opponents.

FYI – Matheon is a very influential member of the Yak’s Bend Alliance. You’re fighting your own teammate.

Don’t know who Matheon is and all the players on our server are just as influential in wvw. It’s a team effort.

I was also stating my opinion and opinion is not fact.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


First time posting ever. I been doing the JP on 1 BL a fair amount and this morning I did again, that is , I tried. 3 YB cowards started to attack from water as I was climbing toward the lower key. Why ?. I don’t get it. Small people I guess. Next time guys, try a 1 on 1 if you have the guts. I have never attacked a player in a JP myself but I guess that is just me.
Been having at ton of fun this matchup, good work all.

You do realize the jumping puzzle is in WvW, right? And being so, it is a free-for-all, PvP zone. There is so secret or “honorable” rule to not attack people in the there. Attacking someone in the JP does not make you small or a coward, just as attacking someone anywhere else on the map doesn’t make you one. They are they enemy, this is PvP, they might give me a loot bag. I don’t get why people think that because it’s a jumping puzzle, it’s a safe zone and getting ganked, attacked, or camped is such an atrocity (not you in particular).

Dunno if you’ve encountered it yet, but people also camp the JP. Good luck dealing with that but there will be no need to post about it.

3 vrs 1 is not pvp. That’s called ganking someone. Yes it is a pvp zone but fights are a lot more fun to me when they are fair. That’s just my opinion.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

How to kill the thief in WvW scenario

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


If they want to have stealth then they should have to sacrifice some burst.

How would you propose this be accomplished?

I have no idea because I think if it happened it would break the class so I just let them burst my toon if I can’t escape or get lucky and get a bad thief.

It’s just frustrating because they can burst you down so quickly.

I’m sorry, but again, if you are playing Elementalist and you cannot escape a thief, or outheal and kill a thief in a straight 1 on 1, then you’re doing something wrong. There are bunker dagger + dagger Ele specs that are nearly impossible for a thief to kill unless caught already hurt.

Because it’s WvW, is it possible you are fighting at a gear disadvantage?

Who said I was dying to them on my elementalist? Actually one killed me on my Mesmer but my Mesmer is level 60 and even though I am scaled to 80 and my Mesmer is in all rares this thief was level 80 and in exotic gear.

If I was playing dagger dagger on my ele he wouldn’t have killed me or at least not easily. The thief burst damage combined with the traiting for permanent stealth and initiative is a little OP.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Let's Talk About Downed State

in WvW

Posted by: Drew.1865


Gaurdian downed state is a joke with the healing symbol. It’s way better than the ele downed state.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?