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It gets worse when you consider buying the mats off the TP for one of the recipes. If I want to buy the base candy corn and convert it into cobs myself, I need to buy 10000 candy corn…but the max order I can put is in 250. I need to place 40 orders on the TP to buy 10000 pieces. Then I need 10000 skulls or nougats or teeth. Another 40 orders.
We’ve definitely been tricked, not treated.
The new atmosphere is sterile. Nobody talks (at least in the games I’ve been in), and you can’t tell which one of your cohorts fell first versus which one made it half way up with you. The new atmosphere might as well be a single player instance; it would have the same level of player interaction anyway.
I’ve had a completely different experience in several of my groups. People talking between runs, congratulating the ones who made it, giving suggestions to the ones who fell. Also, I can easily tell who fell where (make sure you have name tags visible!).
Do it with one hand (keyboard turning). Do it with your monitor upside down. Do it with a strobe light right next to your screen (disclaimer: don’t do it with a strobe light next to your screen if you are prone to seizures). Do it with your eyes closed. Do it with a fifteen pound that likes attacking your hands while sitting on your lap (I managed this achievement today).
Plenty of ways to make it more difficult without depending on ANet.
I agree with OP; last year’s implementation had a better atmosphere IMO.
Better atmosphere? Last year I ran the puzzle as a skinny Sylvari and even I was getting hate. I felt so bad for the norn and charr. This year I haven’t seen one instance of hate. Much better atmosphere this year.
These are making it tough on my engineer. I love the Altruism runes…but I’m so tempted to use these instead. Boon duration + the 25% speed…8% perma-speed plus a little less group support seems like a reasonable sacrifice for not having to switch kits every five seconds.
Now we have cannon that says Sylvari are indeed smarter than Asura.
Have fun walking everywhere on your toothpick legs when we shut down the gates, silly bookah.
It’s not Liadri itself that’s alienating me from the game. It’s that the Liadri fight showcases lazy design decisions, lack of decent bug testing, and class favoritism more than anything else in the game. Basically, poor quality is shining through because of the intended difficulty of the fight mechanics. Class bugs I shrugged off before now become the reason why I fail the fight. Not being able to get into a flow because every third try has oozes in with Liadri, or another player fighting their challenge, or problems killing the orbs point blank is not “challenging”. It’s unacceptable in a timed event.
reward got nerfed already in morning
Reward for 7 got nerfed. Reward for Deadeye did not. Both can be done with 4 gambits in the same amount of time. Yet another thing that makes me question if the devs even know their own game.
I only see #4 as a valid complaint. We do need stability added to at least a few utility skills and possibly a trait or 2.
Adrenal Implant would be a good trait to use for stability instead of endurance. Something like X seconds of stability on toolbelt skill use with a Y second cooldown.
I really like The Fixer…too bad my engineer doesn’t use maces.
How about a compromise. Keep the temporary content temporary…but don’t start the timer running until after all the bugs are fixed. That way, Anet can call it “temporary”, but we’ll still have it around in some buggy form or another for a very long time.
Six tries, every time the first piece of meat is thrown right on top of the dog. Half the time the second piece is as well. It’s to the point of trolling now.
As soon as I saw Anet’s stance on public test servers I knew we were dealing with a bunch of (relative to other game developers) amateurs.
I like the gauntlet. The encounter designs are meant to be challenging and they are—and still would be without having to deal with garbage like leftover mobs from the previous fight and lag from a zerg running below your dome halfway through your fight. That’s the kind of stuff that gets found on a PTS. So what if people have a few days to practice before it’s for real. I’d rather be limited to two weeks of bug-free attempts instead of buggy crap that may or may not be fixed during the month it’s available.
I wonder what polls would look like if people could getit through their heads that this is not the GW1 Abaddon fight
I, for one, realize that. Doesn’t matter to me. I want the reactor.
I simply pointed out that I played GW1 in response to the mistaken claims that anyone who’s played GW1 must want the Abaddon fractal.
I think a very vocal minority have hyped up the Abaddon fractal too much, and there were so many echos on the forums, and in the portions of map chat that we chose to acknowledge, that we gave ourselves false expectations we were in the majority.
It’s pathetic to cry and moan in order to pressure Anet in to add the fractal that loses. It is.
The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.
Boo frickin’ hoo. Grow the hell up. I played GW1. I voted for Kiel because I want the reactor fractal. I’m not the only one.
On the flip side, are you claiming that every Evon supporter voted for him because of the Abaddon fractal?
Enough of this. The same could be said in the other direction, but I don’t see nearly as many complaints from the Kiel voters…even the ones (and there are more than you want to believe) who are voting for her specifically for the fractal. Maybe the Kiel voters are busier collecting tokens and actually voting.
There are people who don’t do fractals who are voting for Evon because they like Charr, or they want cheaper keys, or Gnashblade rezzed them in the candidate trials and Kiel didn’t. Why aren’t you critical of their votes as well?
I don’t really like either of them. Kiel is boring, Gnashblade is crooked. I started voting for Kiel because I want to see the reactor fractal. As the days went on, I became more and more for Kiel and against Gnashblade because I want to see the reactor fractal…and I’m a GW1 player who grew tired of the very vocal minority spewing garbage about “true” fans and how only naive children would vote for Kiel, and presenting false comparisons (for instance, claiming the vote is Abaddon fractal vs cheap waypoints).
I had put a few dozen votes in for Kiel on the second or third day and was originally planning on just deleting any tokens I found after since I didn’t want to have to click through them all. Now, though, Kiel will be getting multiple hundreds more votes from me, even if my finger falls off when I’m done clicking all the tokens.
I got the Aetherblade skin and like it a lot on my Asuran. That combined with the aetherized pistol and aetherized shield is an awsome look!
I also picked up the Aetherblade armor (but kept my starter Eagle Eye headpiece) and it looks great! Splurged for a shield, too. I do think the pistol’s barrel is a bit long for an Asuran, so I kept Gearbore.
I’m hoping the watchwork stuff in the next patch is engineer-oriented. It certainly sounds like it could be.
I love the mine. Two great places I use it are in Spirit Watch—it’s so useful when running the orb as a knockback I can control (as in throw where I want for best effect)—and now in Skyhammer. I can’t even count how many times someone has come to assault a point and were immediately knocked down a hole by a mine hiding behind a pillar at B. It’s really fun. Short cooldown is nice, but I do agree that the toolbelt skill is a bit meh.
I think it’s actually pretty easy…if you recognize there are two games within the game. The first game is winning the match by being the last one standing. The second game is getting high on the points list. They’re often not the same thing. You can certainly get a lot of points and be last one standing, but that’s definitely the harder way to win. Whenever I’ve won I’ve had 10 or less points because the easiest strategy is to grab a bunch of rations (usually I get 7-8) and then just hide.
… Ended 2 times lvl 4, no acheivement unlock…
Another untested crap…try to finish tier 1 and 2 first to unlock that achievement
I’ve already finish tier 1/2/3 with Kiel & Evon.
I had the same issue. It’s a bug, not a l2p issue. Soloed 1&2 yesterday, did 3 with a group today (and had 1 of 2 in advanced support), then spent about 90 minutes working out 4. Finally did it, no achievement.
Tactical chest, gloves, legs, boots (for PvE you get them from heart vendors in Fireheart Rise; Halloween bird skull shoulder skin; starter skull mask.
I’ve mainly stuck with point defender, though in matches where my team doesn’t have an ele I’ve carried the orb and did rather well, wearing Soldier’s and helped by staff and dagger/focus and wells. Maybe I’ll try runner-stopper…I just don’t like Spectral Grasp because it’s finicky, though now that I think about it I suppose the fact that the orb carrier is slowed by the orb might help Spectral Grasp hit more often.
The trash mobs are the new Kholer, just dodge them.
Yes, it’s easy enough to say “just dodge them”…but if we’re expected to be dodging so much then we need some sort of access to vigor. I was trying to protect Hodgins last night and had three gravelings on me very early into that event. That’s three knockdowns each on about a five or six second interval. Even with my chills and fears I wasn’t able to get to the point where I nullified enough of the knockdowns to allow my endurance regen to keep up with the amount of dodging I needed to do for the knockdowns I couldn’t stop.
And no, “make sure your party includes X class that provides vigor” doesn’t cut it in a game where we aren’t supposed to need to worry about having certain classes or class combinations.
Be wary, fellow necromancers. My friend got it as a drop, gave it to me since I helped him grind his hall of monuments on guild wars 1, and I’ve learned that, well, it has the same animation problem with the sycthe staff skin.
I’m starting to think anet likes to mess with us. the TWO staves perfect for us, gets animation problems. XD
The casting animation looks fine on Deathwish. That is another “perfect for us” staff. In fact, I prefer that one since I’m wearing the PvE version of Tactical armor for chest, gloves, pants, and shoes, the bird skull shoulder skin, and the original necro death mask. Deathwish adds even more skulls to my ensemble.
I run what I consider a hybrid build without using a scepter. The key is that I mainly run dungeons or WvW and I count on my allies to bring the conditions…I just spread them. Well, I do have the conditions from my staff, from BiP and Epidemic, from my focus, and from whatever I transfer with staff 4, and finally from Corrupt Boon (I love fighting overconfident guardians!)…but I just count on someone else to provide the large stack of bleeds (or confusion) that I then spread with Epidemic. I find it to be quite effective, so much so that I’m now torn between trying the high-retaliation uptime axe build I’ve been sitting on for a few months (I was waiting for axe buffs) and keeping the build I’m using now.
And obviously does not change any core issues with the necro, but i assume nobody thought we would see something like that in this patch.
You know how you fix the core issues you see with the necro? Play the class for awhile. Those “core issues” go away. It’s a class that takes practice. Also, when you’re just getting started, play a little bit of everything (open world PvE, dungeons, WvW, s/tPvP) even if in the long run you just want to focus on one aspect.
It almost feels like we’re being pushed out of our profession intentionally and into the more popular ones.
Developer meeting, somewhere in the deep recesses of ANet…
Developer: Hey, guys? Do you realize we have THREE light armor classes, THREE medium armor classes, and only TWO heavy armor classes?
Lead Developer: Huh, how about that.
Developer: So…what are we going to do about that?
Lead Developer: I don’t know. Just pick one each light and medium class and screw them over so badly that no one wants to play them. Then when everyone rerolls away from those classes we’ll just remove them from the game.
Conditions are too easily removed.
Has anyone else seen the new Sigil added in this patch? I can’t find a reference on any wiki/database sites yet…just look up Sigil of Generosity on the TP. Superior gives 60% chance on crit to transfer a condition to your target with a 10 second cooldown. So…yet another way for other classes to get rid of our conditions.
…and also has death shroud to extend that life total even higher.
The secret of DS finally revealed to us!
And here I thought using DS as a second health bar was doing it wrong…
I prefer Spruce (actually considered a blue hue even though it looks more green to me) and Celestial. I’m not a fan of red so I like just going with a green and white theme. I wear Stately armor (you get it from heart karma vendors in Timberline Hills in PvE) and it looks stunning. Actually, any deep, vibrant color plus Celestial looks stunning on that set.
I found cooking to be really fun. The recipes aren’t as internally consistent as the recipes in the other crafts and there are more combinations and layers of ingredients. There were plenty of times when I put three ingredients into the discovery boxes and needed one more that I wasn’t sure about…I found that to be quite fun.
We currently don’t have any legendary weapons that would look like they should be on a necro (so does most class).
I disagree with that. I think Frostfang fits rather well on a Necro, particularly because I like to use a lot of chills. Of course, it figures that it’s our weakest weapon…but as looks go I think it’s good.
I also think Eye of Rodgort should have just been created as a legendary with a bit more pronounced effects.
One I would like to see, though I’m not sure if the animation would be easy to do, is a staff that looks like a snake (even better a skeletal snake) that wraps around the player when stowed and wraps around the player’s arm when being wielded. When walking it could drop little snakes that slither away behind the player.
For camp value, a staff that looks like a shovel would be pretty funny (hey, they have a trident that looks like a pitchfork). Not sure about the animations and particle effects for that one.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why the scepter does not grant life force for DS. In fact it’s the only main hand weapon that Necros have that doesn’t give life force. It makes it very hard for me to commit and use this weapon because when I actually need to use DS to fend off an attack I either have no life force to do so or very little. Is this an oversight or was it intended?
Take another look at Scepter 3.
Necro: Very good in tower defence or attack. Staff marks are just simply good for this. Quite difficult to kill you and is actually a very solid WvW class for the large scale stuff. Not as strong in small groups however, such as suppy raid parties.
I think necros can be very strong in small groups. I usually run a power/wells setup and in small groups I can do really well. I can easily solo the Temple of Storms and if I’m careful (need to time things right due to the large number of blinds from the NPC scouts) I can solo supply camps.
I tried to figure out what it’s purpose was but have never come up with a single situation that it would be helpful in.
One time one of my horrors actually took a hit from a mob before dying. It helped me finish that particular fight at 95% health instead of the 92% I would have had if I had taken that extra hit. So there’s that.
Just a head’s up…the event today has caused an extreme drop in prices for named exotics. Yesterday Khilbron’s pieces were anywhere from 6-10g each on buy. Today I just scored a full set for 8g50s total.
In the garrison, we are able to place our marks on the underside of the lord’s room roof and they will trigger on enemies standing up there. I’m assuming the same can be done with wells, but I haven’t tested it since I don’t run with the ground-cast wells trait.