Showing Posts For Eroiqua.5891:
I found it very predictable. I was suspicious from the beginning of the episode and would have told Caithe not to follow me (why wasn’t this an option anyway…just have Caithe secretly trail us), but I just shook my head and sadly accepted it as the latest in a string of instances where my character is forced to act in a way other than I want her to act. We’re forced to treat Canach badly, even though I would prefer not to. We’re forced to side with Phlunt against Taimi, even though I wanted to tell him go to the Realm of Torment and leave Taimi alone. Now we’re forced to accept Caithe along, even though we know we shouldn’t.
The issue I see with Silver and Gold is that it only takes a few ignorant/intentionally trolling players to ruin it for the group. I have yet to see it succeed because every single attempt there are at least a couple players who insist on popping the bubbles at the wrong times, no matter how many other players explain how it works in /say and /map.
Interesting fourth item. I had actually bought a Soulshard to try earlier, anticipating that the end result would be the Reaper of Souls. I never would have thought to try an item from a mid-level heart vendor.
Precise suggests a jumping puzzle. Scientific suggests Asura.
I’m thinking is involved.
Or tried the Portmatt. There is nothing unusual about the rewards here
The thing about Portmatt’s Lab, however, is that if you use the “wrong” coordinates you wind up in other places. What if something was added at one of those other coordinates?
At reset, in TCBL, we (TC) had the outnumbered buff for about five minutes, even though the map was supposedly queued. Big picture, it didn’t have much of an impact because five minutes in we suddenly got more people and things were back to normal…but there was definitely something wrong in the beginning.
I was able to open the trading post without issue but mine crashed (and I had to manually force quit the process) when I tried to use my home portal stone.
I’ll actually miss out on two weeks worth of rewards even though I’ll only be away for one week. My business trip happens to go from a Friday (9 hours before reset) to the next Friday (only a couple hours after reset). That means that not only will I not earn tickets for a week of playing—which I’m okay with, albeit disappointed I won’t get the title—but I also won’t be able to pick up the tickets I earned the previous week before they expire! I’ll wind up getting two weeks of rewards even though I’ll be playing three weeks of WvW. I really don’t see why the rewards can’t just add up and why we’re only allowed one week to claim past rewards.
I’m with the OP here. I came out naked from the place twice.
Apparently, I’m just a bad player according the the elitists here. Dodging isn’t hard, having enough endurance to dodge every time it is needed is.
That’s the first thing I thought as I read through the comments…how many of the elitists “l2p”-ers are on classes with access to vigor. Reminds me of the Mai Trin buff…“just block or reflect, noob”. Uh, yeah, I’m a Necro…
At least Ranger (the profession in need of the most help) got the overwhelming vote, though.
Well i dont even agree with that. Ranger is not far off being fine. Its almost a very strong PvE class. I cant really comment on pvp and wvw. But as far as i can tell it doesnt seem too bad in either of those either. :P
Thats my personal opinion anyway. Im a bit biased. But even so i dont think any one class should be prioritised. And it certainly shouldnt be made public if it is.
I also don’t agree with Ranger being the class that needs the most help in PvE. I have three 80s: Necro, Ranger, Engi (yeah, I really know how to pick the winners). I feel more useful and more wanted in dungeons and fractals on my Ranger than I do on my Necro. I mean, I do sometimes pick up a vibe of “aw crap, a Ranger” when I join an LFG party, but as soon as the rest of the party sees that I’m using the meta there’s no issue and I’ll often get compliments about my play. The only compliments I get when on my Necro are for how I look. I think Ranger is in a good place in PvE and I get the feeling that the complaints about Ranger are from folks who see Ranger as “ranged” and are focusing more on longbows.
Why did Rytlock fail (if he actually did fail)? He didn’t bother to get Dougal Keane involved. I mean, come on, the guy is just standing around in LA…huge oversight to not bring him into a storyline about Ascalon, the Foefire, ghosts, and old relics.
I’d also like to see utility skills added to deathshroud that are very strong but cost life force to use.
I’ve thought for awhile that all deathshroud skills should use life force, and that there should be no automatic draining of life force while in deathshroud. If I want to go into deathshroud and just sit there forever I should be able to do that. If I want to actually fight while in deathshroud, or if enemies attack me, then my life force drains and I’m eventually forced out.
I don’t understand the “don’t want to offend Asians” theory. Actually, I think that theory is in itself insulting to Asians by assuming that all Asians think the same way, and must and will be insulted by Canthan material. It’s obviously not true…for a reference see GW1. I’m guessing there are plenty of people who wouldn’t care in the slightest, and those who would care aren’t the people who would play the game anyway.
I read this as “Tailpipe Banana” then started humming the Beverly Hills Cop theme.
Would we really want every race to be able to get clothes and outfits that were designed for other races? Would it even make sense?
A Human in Sylvari leaves?
Specifically regarding this one…right now Sylvari have such limited selection that they’re usually wearing Human clothes. Why not the other way around? Plus, non-Sylvari already have access to one set of leafy clothes (Twilight Arbor set).
Don’t blame Anet, blame Taimi! Typical asura…
Hee hee, yeah. Taimi’s an Asura. She probably thinks the player is so intellectually inferior that she or he can’t tell the difference between orange and gray. There’s the RP answer.
Those are fantastic! I must have that axe and warhorn! If only the fossil in the warhorn was of a locust for perfect synergy with Locust Swarm…but cricket is close enough.
Yesterday I finished making howler for my necro. I never see encros with legendaries in PvE…
Congrats on Howler.
I think the reason there aren’t a lot of Necros with legendaries (and I’ve noticed it as well) is that most of the legendaries for our weapon types are not very Necro-y even if you’re not going for an all-out hardcore death look. The only one I think is really good, aesthetics-wise, is Frostfang. IMO, Howler is okay…not great but not bad either. Bifrost is just too colorful, Incinerator seems wrong (a fire-heavy look just doesn’t make sense to me), The Minstrel is too much fluff, and Meterologicus seems blatantly Elementalist-oriented. The underwater ones are pretty good, but you rarely see them anyway, for obvious reasons.
I actually wouldn’t mind having Frostfang, but if I were to get any of the others I’d just do it for the stat switching and reskin it. I wonder how many Necros actually do have legendaries that we just don’t notice because they’ve been reskinned.
Scrolling through this forum. So much of the reasoning has to do with “hey look a warrior can do this, why can’t my ele do exactly the same thing”.
There are absolutely cases where this sort of thing is perfectly valid, though. For example, look at the Mai Trin threads. They’re full of things like, “Mai Trin is easy, block or reflect, l2p lulz”…but as a Necro I have zero access to blocks and zero access to reflects. It’s perfectly valid to point at other classes and say, “All these other classes have access to blocks and/or reflects; if we’re going to have fights where blocks or reflects are important then every class should have access to them.”
Plus my other two 80s are a Ranger and an Engineer (and I don’t want to wear out my #1 button on my mouse).
Forget her ship. Where’s my ship?
That being said, we DO need some method to obtain upgrades off these items without spending 250 gems / pop.
I think the most straightforward thing would be to turn the extractors into an unlimited, account-bound version for 1000 gems, like the gathering tools.
What is wrong with imperfections? I like when things are contradictory. It feels more real. Look at the real world. How much of our own, real world, “lore” is lost to history? How much of what we think we know about history is speculation based on incomplete records or contradictory writings from hundreds or thousands of years ago? How many times has a widely held historical belief been turned on its head due to newly found artifacts or writings? There have been plenty of wars fought over differing interpretations of “lore” in the real world.
I think people are getting way too upset over imperfections in the lore. I prefer the imperfections because, for me, perfect lore takes the fun out of things.
One day for the Queen’s Gauntlet I went into a map that was just starting to fill. A few of us started working towards organizing and pushing towards gold. We did a few rounds and the map started getting better and better, eventually winding up at silver and getting close to gold. Then, after about two hours, I had to go. I never saw gold.
That is the problem I have with the way these events are designed. A person can put in a lot of effort that will eventually pay off later, but if that person isn’t able to stay logged in for hours and hours then that payoff never shows up for that person.
I just got my first (from the champ abom that shows up after Plinx; straight drop, not the champ chest), after about 3000 hours. The first thing to register in my mind was the text at the bottom. Best two seconds of my in-game life.
“This weapon is used to craft the legendary harpoon gun”…aw, hell.
Maybe after another 3000 hours I’ll get Venom. /rollseyes
I’m not sure why you would want to transfer TO that server, my experience with the guys from TC ever since megaserver rolled around has been like 90% furry ERPers.
Well, yeah, if you go looking for furry ERPers so you can have anecdotal “statistics” for the forums (while at the same time being secretly titillated), then 90% of the people you meet will be furry ERPers.
(edited by Eroiqua.5891)
if you can afford a 2-week long holiday, you can certainly afford a few gems.
plus, gems can be converted using in game gold.
But how am I supposed to get gold if I’m on a 2-week long holiday and can’t log in to grind gold? Gawd! We should get the LS unlocks for free and 50 gold for every day we don’t log in! Also what if I’m one of those people from those tribes in the Amazon that don’t even know what computers are? How am I supposed to log in to unlock the LS chapters then? ANet is RACIST against isolated indigenous rainforest peoples!!1!
Last I checked we’re supposed to be the Commander of a worldwide alliance that killed an Elder Dragon.
Make sure you talk to everyone. I was specifically referred to as “Commander” in the context of leading the Pact to defeat Zhaitan. I think it may have been while talking to the NPCs as part of one of the mission objectives that were labeled as “optional”.
Note, there are a few small spoilers beyond HVT in the article. The part you’re looking for is right at the end.
The one issue I feel would need to be handled is…what about the Sylvari? If I’m going to have a house, I don’t want to build it; I want to grow it. I think the mechanics of the “building” skill would need to take this into account. I’m not a heavy-RPer, but I also still flinch at things I find too immersion-breaking, and building a house out of planks and stone blocks as a Sylvari falls into that category with me.
Otherwise, I would love to have trophy cases, visual reminders of what I’ve achieved. Looking through the achievement and story panels on my Hero window is pretty bland. Plus having more control over what my house looks like and how my “home instance” functions would be great. I get annoyed when I enter my home instance and see a bunch of other NPCs there. It’s my house! Can’t I have a say who gets to enter my house?
Either way, I know the amount of my quartz is insane, but it’s not changing the situation.
I disagree. The amount is relevant here. You are an outlier. The amount you have is well outside what can be viewed as typical gameplay. That’s okay, though…there’s nothing wrong with just being an outlier. However, you need to realize this isn’t a sandbox game. The devs don’t have to (and IMO shouldn’t) go out of the way to accommodate you when you decide to take actions like this. If you want to do things that are outside the normal intent of the game then there will likely be tradeoffs—and you found one in this case.
Further, I’ll agree with some of the other posters that a minimal amount of research (there is even a /wiki command in-game) would have at least prevented the surprise of only being able to transmute one charged quartz per day. Really, if you’re going to stockpile or invest in anything you should make sure you know all there is to know about it in the first place if you don’t want to get bit on the kitten in the long run.
I know this will probably never happen, but I wish there was a trait that allowed Necros to see stealthed individuals while in Death Shroud, or at least for a couple of seconds when entering DS since having it be active the entire time in DS would be too powerful. Lorewise, something about Death Shroud allowing the Necromancer to sense the lifeforce of everything nearby. Grandmaster in Soul Reaping seems like a good place for it.
Other than that—and this has already been mentioned many times both in this thread and others—improving targeting would go a long way towards “fixing” stealth.
The real issue is people being mad because other players can play better than they do and can clear content faster.
That’s why you see all this zerker hate – because some players ( that are also very vocal on the forums) feel they need to hate other more experienced players.
Okay, this is just ridiculous and completely off the mark. It’s not a skill or experience issue. It’s about making more choices viable. Berserker-hate stems from feeling forced into a specific style of play.
I agree with you that Berserker gear shouldn’t be nerfed any more. That’s a poor solution to the real issue, which is encounters designed such that there is far too much disparity between direct damage Berserker builds and everything else.
I don’t agree with you trying to play victim and complain about how baddies are jealous of your mad skillz.
I want the crafting profession back items that China got!
Some of those are pretty funny…like the third image from the top. Now you, too, can carry your liquor cabinet on your back!
And the one that looks like it’s made from a dead bear…I would love that as a ranger in dungeons. “Don’t worry about me guys…no possible way I can run as a bearbow now, seeing as how I killed my bear and turned him into a backpack.”
Yeah, no argument that the town clothes was a poor solution for everyone involved.
Call me negative Nancy, but I see this is more bad than it is good. This means they will continue with temporary content in the future. While temporary content is fine when the base game is in a good state, GW2 isn’t. There isn’t a single area of the game that isn’t in need of drastic attention. What’s worse is I’m sure this feature has taken development time away from those areas that need it. I have no idea how they will attempt to balance the old LS content when a good portion required a zone full of people, meaning either those that buy it will be very upset or they will spend time retuning it and a lot of people feel like ArenaNet is ignoring the rest of the game in an attempt at more money.
I’d much rather they actually attempt to balance classes, fix the condition system, actually develop on WvW, make new permanent dungeons, put in a new zone, actually read the CDI’s, etc.
If you can honestly look at what they’ve implemented this year and still say that they’re not reading the CDI’s, then you’re the one not reading the CDI threads.
Hey, it’s “CD I”, not “CD everyoneelse”. Only my CDI posts matter.
Defiant needs an overhaul because it renders CC builds useless.
I think this is a big one. I would like to see a test of Defiant being tied to an individual, not just a pool of immunity to a group as it is now. If Person X just knocked down/pulled/stunned a boss then Person X can’t do any of that for 60 (or whatever is a reasonable balance) seconds. However, Person Y still has the ability to do it. If an entire party decides to blow their Defiant cooldown at the same time then the boss can’t be controlled for the next 60 seconds. If the party coordinates their control effects, however, they have a lot more opportunity for controlling the boss throughout the next minute, thus making the fight easier and rewarding coordination.
It would help with issues like the one I have a lot as a greatsword Ranger (and I can think of several other classes and skills where this comes into play). If I want to block an attack I can use GS4…but then I kick the boss and trigger a stack of Defiant and no one else can control the boss until the stack is taken off.
Off the top of my head, I would probably go with a Rabid Trapper build with Healing Spring, Flame, Spike, Viper’s Nest and Rampage as One…traits along the lines of 2/6/6/0/0 with Keen Edge, Sharpened Edges, Trapper’s Expertise, Trap Potency, Poison Master.
Keep the shortbow and use it when you can flank the husks. Sword is good for the secondary set if you want to be in close, otherwise axe isn’t bad, especially if you want to tone down the husks’ attacks (chill and weakness); for offhand, I do like warhorn with the Sharpened Edges trait because with high precision WH4 can trigger quite a few bleeds, even if they are short duration, plus you have the blast finisher (and fury) on WH5. For runes I would say Undead or Krait (maybe Perplexity with SB5?); for sigils, Bursting (expensive), Corruption, Torment, Earth, Geomancy…
I sometimes like when things change without warning. I think small changes to dungeon bosses without telling anyone are great. I don’t mind if my group gets surprised by a boss mechanic change and gets wiped. It adds some flavor every once in awhile. Then again, I’m not one to view the game as a job where the sole purpose is to mechanically race through things as fast as possible. That’s not to say that I care if you want to play like that…just that not all of “us, the dungeon community” feel the same way about this topic.
“The gathering” something festive. The Warnhorns appearance changes over the year according to the season fitting Chinese new year, Dragon Bash, Halloween and Christmas.
Just wanted to say this is an excellent idea!
This seems like a slippery slope to me. Replace “food and nourishment” with “runes and sigils” and the same things you’re claiming apply.
Anyway, to answer the questions you posed…
-Is it really adding to your overall experience?
Yes, particularly because of the crafting component. I love cooking. It is unique among the crafting disciplines because it’s deeper. Artificer/huntsman/weaponsmith are always the same. Every tier you use X amount of that tier’s wood, Y amount of that tier’s metal, Z amount of that tier’s blood or bone or claw or teeth. Boring. The same goes for tailor/leatherworker/armorsmith. Jeweler is a bit different but still very repetitive. Cooking does have some of that repetition, yes, but it’s also more in depth because once you get to the higher level foods you have recipes that use multiple layers of other recipes. I really like that and I really like cooking and I would hate for that to go away.
-Does it make things too easy?
No. The argument could be made that it makes things slightly faster and therefore slightly easier, but I would not say too easy. If a person isn’t very skilled (yet) and they die because they fail to dodge or block or get out of red circles…food isn’t going to suddenly save them.
-Do I always use it? Why?
Most of the time, yes. Sometimes the buff wears off and I don’t notice so I’m without the food and nourishment until I realize I need to eat again. As for the why…the same reason why I always use armor and trinkets and runes and sigils: they help maximize my potential. (That’s not the same as saying they are required.)
-Do I usually win 1v1 fights against those who don’t use it?
I don’t keep track of these things so I don’t really know. I’m pretty confident in saying that class/build/player skill/fight context (am I fighting open field or in a cramped space, has it been long enough since my last engagement that all of my skills come off cooldown) has orders of magnitude more to do with whether or not I win 1v1s than food ever would.
-Do I craft my own for fun? Or just buy it off the TP?
As I discussed above, yes, I craft my own for fun and also for some profit by selling on the TP.
-Do I offer it to other people when I see them without it? Why?
Yes, I do offer if the person says something along the lines of they ran out, or they’ll be right back because they need to go back out of the dungeon because they forgot food. However, if other people aren’t using food I don’t really care because, again, I don’t really feel it’s a requirement. Of course, when I’m pugging I also actively avoid the groups who demand full zerk, full meta, 100k+ AP and two decades of GW2 experience. For those groups, food probably is a requirement…but you’re not forced to join those groups if you’re looking for a more relaxed experience.
So, in summary, I absolutely disagree with the idea of removing food and nourishment. If food, and by implication cooking, was removed it would have a negative impact on my game experience.
I remember seeing sites or reddit posts where people recreated some of the recipes. One I remember was very strict in only using the same ingredients as in-game. I can’t find the specific ones I remember, but I did just find this site with some good looking recipes. Too bad it wasn’t continued for more than a few months.
I transferred to TC (from JQ) in January 2013, so well before even season one. I’m very tempted to transfer again because I’ve lost so much respect for the TC WvW community due to the win trading and some of the guilds we attracted before the current season. I’m just not sure where to go. I only RP lightly but I do like being on the RP server.
I also struggle hardcore with naming my toons, especially Asuran names because I don’t intend to include their “Profession” infront of their name, lol….
What I do is use the same first name for all of my characters. It’s a name I’ve carried through several MMOs and I’m rather attached to it. Then I make the surname something that is related to the profession…and in GW2 all of the surnames actually rhyme with each other. For example, though, my ele’s surname is Blaze, my ranger’s is Baze (bays, like a dog), my engi’s is Braze, my mesmer’s is Haze, my warrior’s is Raze, my thief’s was Quickfadze but then I remade it (wanted to change to a Sylvari) and now it’s Shadze, and my guardian’s is Savze. My necro is the exception, having no surname in GW2…though in GW1 I had necros with the surnames Decaze and Gravze.
This way the names refer to the professions but aren’t as straightforward as Engineer Eroiqua, Ranger Eroiqua, and so on.
Has anyone tried re-installing? That’s what I am trying now, but the 17GB takes forrreeeevvvveeerrrr
I tried that…now I get crashes every 10-20 minutesand the tgUpdate and gem store issues aren’t fixed. I saw a post on reddit where someone said the same thing (crashes, but only after re-installing). It looks like re-installing might make things even worse.
Same. I usually have issues with the TP—have since the beginning of the game—but they’re “fixed” by closing the client and clearing the cache (sometimes I have to do it every five minutes). Not this time, however. I’m not worked up about it. I’m the one holding onto my cash, not the one losing out on sales.
It’s not bad in certain (limited) situations. It’ll probably be my goto heal when zergdiving. I don’t see it replacing the medpack when I’m roaming in wvw or soloing in pve, or turret when I’m in dungeons/fractals.
(edited by Eroiqua.5891)
Mapping is not an option when you are the fractal owner, and my voluntary death did not resolve it last night.
I just had this happen to me earlier today, in the Molten (not boss) fractal at the end. All skills stopped working after I was thrown into the cage by a flame tornado. I died in the middle of the room but the rest of my party still saw me in the wall. They finally were able to rez me but even though on my screen I was running around, they only saw me running in place in the corner. I wasn’t completely DCed though since I was still talking with them in party chat.
We all hit the proceed to next fractal box…but even though on my screen all five players had green checkmarks, on their screens I did not have a checkmark. Well, being the one who opened the instance I thought we were screwed. Since there was nothing else to do, however, I quit the game completely (required a force-quit) and came back in…and we were all in the next fractal.
So…this bug looks like it had the side-effect of the server not realizing I had restarted the client, and thus not kicking everyone out even though the instance owner “left” for about 30 seconds.
I’ve done 10 sets, still haven’t seen Volcanic or Snowblind. I got the meta, obviously, but it will be a bit annoying to lose the points if I don’t happen to get those two by tomorrow.
I can say endboss is rng.
From 38 to 50 I got the combination dredge+Mai/molten endbosses 10 out of 13 runs. That’s annoying as hell.
Ten sets, Mai 8 times, Maw 1 time, Molten 1 time. It’s definitely annoying.
I run a full berserker rifle SD build (rocket boots, rifle turret, toolkit for utilities) and I do quite well in zergs. I pretty much act like a thief in that while the commander and the main zerg ball dive headfirst into the enemy zerg I work my way around the edges and pick off the squishy backliners. It’s quite effective. At first you might fail a lot, but after a little practice (and if you run with the same commanders so you know their styles) you get a good feel for it.
Plus, the same build is excellent for solo/small group roaming.
I am curious how this will hurt conditions engineers with every player in the game now being able to cleanse the damage from pistol #2, pistol #3, elixir gun #3, grenade #5, bomb #3, and tool kit #3.
Not only that, but this skill also doubles as the Perplexity nerf.
I’ve noticed the zerging in wvw usually boils down to who can melt ppl the fastest, and I’m sorry to say that this build won’t be melting anything soon.
Along this line of thought, I’ve actually had the best luck—in zergs—with a full Berserker SD rifle build. I tried healing bombs with Cleric’s, grenades, PTV flamethrower…but I found I became more effective—and a better player (you have to when you’re overextending yourself with such minimal armor)—once I switched to Berserker. I work my way around the edges of the enemy zerg picking off squishies. I’ve single-handedly disrupted entire backlines, giving my guys the time they need to demolish the zerg without having to deal with meteor storms or ranger barrages. Plus, I don’t have to worry about switching builds for solo/small group roaming.
The only issue I have is that I have to put up with the kissass sycophants who berate me for not being where they are…precisely up the butt of the commander at all times.