Showing Posts For Flatley.1620:

Path of Fire Stress Test August 31, 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Are any bug findings to be reported in the bugs forum or on this thread?

“Is this gonna be a stand up fight or another bug hunt?”
“Hey man, I only need to know one ting. Where. They. Are”

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

This Blasted Glider...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


It should have a mapable key, not just space.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Your biggest fails in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


LS3 where you have to pick up those glowy things being lobbed over a barrier to you. Had my armour stripped back to a fig leaf so many times I gave up.

Ih and “precocious Aurene” ? That too.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Is the game badly optimized/outdated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Reading these replies I get the feeling that people don’t understand computer infrastructure, even though they pretend that they do. I suppose that can cause frustration when their eight bajillion core turbosquid 9000 doesn’t run gw2 at $Infinity frames per second, but come on… The loading times will not be influenced by core count. That’s a file IO and network issue. Zoning into LA always takes ages for me, that’s not because ehrmahgherd!! DX9!!! It’s the sheer volume of players with all the data that describes their location, name, what they are wearing etc. If you are worried about loading times, I would look at your disk read/write speed and network latency, that might prove fruitful.

Having a fast drive will help load times, surely?

You would expect it to yes. When people quote system performance and resource usage, they tend to forget about data transfer rates. It’s no good having oodles of RAM and a huge graphics card if your HDD is taking forever to read lots of little bits of data from all over your disk.

Yep, a standard HDD is going to take some. I usef to have 10k Raptor that helped load times. Of course, now its all about the SSD which is another step forward. To make things even better, my system drive, which also houses GW2, is one of these:

Stuff loads quick now.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Is the game badly optimized/outdated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Reading these replies I get the feeling that people don’t understand computer infrastructure, even though they pretend that they do. I suppose that can cause frustration when their eight bajillion core turbosquid 9000 doesn’t run gw2 at $Infinity frames per second, but come on… The loading times will not be influenced by core count. That’s a file IO and network issue. Zoning into LA always takes ages for me, that’s not because ehrmahgherd!! DX9!!! It’s the sheer volume of players with all the data that describes their location, name, what they are wearing etc. If you are worried about loading times, I would look at your disk read/write speed and network latency, that might prove fruitful.

Having a fast drive will help load times, surely?

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

What Else Is Coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I’d like a tool tip or mouse-over tip that tells me what stuff is destroyable in my bank/inv as it had a) no value on the trading post and/or b) is redundant stuff no longer of use. And less account bound clobber.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Is the game badly optimized/outdated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I have no issues at all except in a huge zerg. Specs in sig. For me, I think the o/c is doing me the favour of running on high settings and supersampling. My GPU is helping of course but it’s the CPU clock that counts most – as has been mentioned.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


It may be just me but I don’t find any houses in GW2 ‘homey’. To do that, one would need to furnish their own home. And make their own custom furniture a la EQ2 – and some of the stuff there is more than a little inspired. GW2 doesn’t have – at least not now – that kind of flexibility.

As far as allowing other people to see what you’ve built, just allow access to all, update to none.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Advice? (Path to take from here)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Wait for the expansion and just jump in. There’s bound to be a bunch of exploration to do as well as grabbing those HPs for your elite. There’ll be a lot to do – at least until you finish it all

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

will you change main at pof ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


It’s extremely unlikely. My main has been a ranger since the game was released (and before that I played a ranger in GW1. And I play similar classes in most other western RPGs too).

But I do also have 1 character of every class and I just play whichever I feel like when I log in, so I could easily end up playing a different one more if I find myself enjoying them more.

I’m not going to deliberately swap though. The new elite specs are optional – if I don’t like soulbeast I’ll just stick with what I’ve got now.

I’m doing almost exactly the same except for the GW1 and other mmo stuff. I enjoy my ranger and he’s far more important to me than any of the other classes I have – one of each also. I don’t think – or at least I hope – that PoF breaks any class sufficiently to stop one playing them, especially your main.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Sweet FX, or no Sweet FX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I want to try something like this, but I’m afraid my account will get banned for it. I have too much money and time spent in the game just for even the smallest risk that it will get banned.

WarriorsCharging seems to think its OK to use and I didn’t hear WoodenPotatoes warn of any infringement …

Can someone please clarify as to whether Anet are OK with it too?

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Creepy Content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I’d like creepy stuff too but neither of those YT links are working for me.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Please Don't Forget Underwater Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I think a lot of the player base ignore the underwater stuff a lot. Why? I couldn’t possibly guess others reasons but for me, I find combat “sluggish” – I don’t know how else to put it. Exploration though, that I do enjoy although, I think, so much more could be done. It feels like a missed opportunity. Just my two ha’pennies.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Thoughts on decreasing waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I don’t mind the decrease too much but having just one in a map is a bit much.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

PvE enemies update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Personally, I’d keep it exactly as it is purely from a new players’ perspective – GW2 is still attracting a lot isn’t it? They are one of the main life bloods of MMO’s. If GW2 had stagnated and only experinced/vets played, then yes, tweak the difficulty.

It is easy in core Tyria, even if just “living off the land” on looted white, blue and green drops – I’ve done it and it’s fun to do – but then it’s difficult to unremember stuff so a certain amount of experience comes into play.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

I've returned after three years.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Flatley.1620


HoT happened. New… er… stuff got done. There’s been a ton of things that were revamped; how you build you chars now; “balancing”; gliding… The list is much too mych to detail here. My best suggestion would be to do some research and post back if there’re any specifics

As for guilds, as far as I can make out, they are burgeoning and you can pretty much find one that meets your preferences pretty easily. Have a look at the “Lookin for…” subforum here:

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

No Flying Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Give me a proper flying mount so I can finally do JP’s.

Seriously though, I personally think they’d kill the game making exploration pretty boring: “Hey, I wonder if or how I can get to that place up there?”; “Don’t sweat boss, just whip out your flying duck billed platypus snd fly up, man!”

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Sweet FX, or no Sweet FX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Thanks all, really appreciate the feedback!

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Sweet FX, or no Sweet FX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Late comer to this so please forgive me. Also, may be tech support is a better place for this but let’s try here first.

I took a look at WoodenPotoatoes on YouTube regarding SweeFX. To be honest, I couldn’t see a great deal of difference between the YT vids and what I see now on-screen in GW2. I have everything maxed out and supersampling on.

Is it worth running? Is it allowed by Arenanet? What are your findings with SweetFX?


ETA – instead of “difference”, read “improvement”.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

(edited by Flatley.1620)

UK player on TC looking for PvE/RP guid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Just made it in-game. If you’re around, would love to join – short notice, I know

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

UK player on TC looking for PvE/RP guid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Many thanks for your reply. Wednesday has just turned into a bit of a busy one but I’ll see if I can get there

Incidentally, and please forgive my ignorance here (I’not had to look into this before now) but how does being on a different server not matter? How would I interact with guild members unless we all entered the mega server? Apologiesfor coming across as dense.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

PoF WOW factor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


For GW2, the wow would be mounts, love them or loathe them. Not unique to MMO’s for sure but a wow nonetheless for GW2.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

UK player on TC looking for PvE/RP guid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Flatley.1620



I’ve been in Tyria for almost five years wandering the lands mostly alone. Is there a guild out there for me?

About me and what I’m hoping for:

- My play times are late evening UK time and I am on the Tarnished Coast server

- I play only for around an hour or so a day

- The guild I’d enjoy would be a no fuss/no drama’s place that focuses on PvE with a good dose of RP thrown into the mix (although not enforced)

- I’m not competitive nor am I rocking the best of gear so I don’t PvP and will probably never WvW. In fact, I am, as the vernacular would call me, a Filthy Casual

- I am already in one guild: total players, 1. Me!

Could someone please point me in the direction of a good “fit” for me guild-wise?

Many thanks!

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

[Guild Recruiting] [Kogs] (a fractal guild)

in Guilds

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Not sure this type of post is allowed here..

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Customize screenshot filename?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


If you’re a screenshot aholic yes. But I don’t take that many so renaming via file manager works for me

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Interesting Ideas for the future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I’d like boats. HUGE, massive sailing vessels with “stuff” to do them. Like fishing. —runs for the hills--

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I like GW2 because its lack of hand holding. However, there’s more than enough of that for new characters now: I seem to remember far less tips at launch.

If you need pointers in what to next however, you’ve come to the right place!

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Why did you pre-purchase Path of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Because I knew I was going to get it anyway. I knew there would be at least one elite spec that I would like and I’ve enjoyed the story so far and want to continue it

This although not for the story as its not my cup of tea. And I splurged. On the ultimate edition because, reasons. And 4k Gems.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Interesting Ideas for the future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Build templates please – again, asked for numerous times : D

As to GW/2’s future, here’s an interesting thread:

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

why no duel?

in PvP

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Duel requests in PvE? No ta. However, I wonder if there could be a way of setting a duel/no duel flag on your char so those who get off on it can? Mind you, going at it in some places wouldn’t be welcome I suppose. Although, it would be fun to see in DR for example, the duellists whisked off to prison by the seraph for causing an affray…

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

(edited by Flatley.1620)

Request- Strafe for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Perhaps we could have a strafe toggle to suite both camps?

I thought this was a brilliant suggestion for compromise.

Would allow those who want to role play their mounts to do so.

Would allow those who want their mount to feel like a natural extension of the character in movement and who couldn’t care less about “realism”, to have their way as well.

Everyone goes home happy.


However, since posting that, I’ve thought of an issue: it would probably need amimation updates, which, at this late stage may be very unlikely for strafing to be a possibility

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Please let the hair show it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


skirts get blown tightly around legs on updrafts.

Yeah… uh… skirts tightly around legs… thats what we all want to see from a skirt blowing in an updraft… uhum.

Huh? Eh? Whaddya mean? That’s “realism”! Sheesh!

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Mount poll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


If you dismount in mid air to glide, does your poor mount crash to earth? That’s cruelty that is. if so. It should be fixed so that your mount glides (visibly) with you. Also, you could have a remount from glide option.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Please let the hair show it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Also, trench coats should flap in the breeze and cloaks billow whilst gliding. Horses manes should flutter in the wind and skirts get blown tightly around legs on updrafts. If the wind is strong enough, hats should get blown off. However, when it comes to wind and stuff, I don’t there’s any room in GW2 for any Marilyn Munroe moments thank you.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Wow, the thread lives on!

With regard to HoT and casuality, and I may well be imagining it, but it seems a lot more casual friendly than it did when it first landed. Maybe it was getting certain masteries to enable easier travel and exploration, I dunno.

Mobs feel easier. I certainly haven’t “git bedder” as they say in the vernacular. I even managed to do the vine meta thing a couple of times. Weird.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


This is a link to how EQ1 bards were handled. If you have the patience to read down to the singing piece, you’ll get an idea of what twisting was about.

The reason I bring this up is that I teckon it would be fun although fatiguing in the long run. As a counterpoint, kiting of any kind in GW2 is a little difficult.

Still, one has ones dreams

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Seems to be quite a bit of bard love going around. Have a sqiuz here:

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Unplayable Lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flatley.1620


You may get a better response from the tech forum but have you tried pinglotter or a tracert yet? It might be worth doing to see if there’s a timeout on your hops.

It could be you ISP but then again, it could be anywhere en route to Anet and out of their control.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Bard Character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


My EQ1 bard was awesome and accepted donations for drags across West Karana; such awesome run speed. My EQ2 dirge didn’t have speed and didn’t require the physical dexterity (RSI from twisting much?) but was dead fun to play as a Jack-of-all-trades.

Nearest I can get to the dirge in GW2 us my ranger. He has a lute and a drum which he/I can’t play and are useless in combat but hey…

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Loved it

Very little verticality and not much call for jumping which is great in my opinion. There are comments in other threads but I will mention two again here:

- raptors ought to have a strafe option
- mob difficulty was pitched just right in my opinion


Oh, one last thing: the night sky was a joy to look at!

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Mobs in PoF beta undertuned for demo?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


My two penneth: the mobs’ difficulty was just fine thanks.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Request- Strafe for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Horses are great at stuff. Look at at dressage. At around 2:15 in this vid, the horse starts to strafe (sort of):

Shame the rider didn’t wield a long bow.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I liked how smooth the graphics “feel”. I am experiencing zero FPS lag.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Demo zone kudos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Sorry to start a new thread but I think this warrants mention:

The night sky. Like, yeah, baby. That’s what I call a starscape. Reminds me of sitting in the London Planetarium.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Gw2 after death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I’ll make a prediction:

When the devs have all left and are programming total immersion narratives, when a terabyte is something your watch will laugh at (AI), when FTL is used by consumers just to get to the shops on 39ly Trappist 1f…

… there’ll be a hardcore Tyrian hosting the game on his nanibot quantum TV/matter transporter

Thank u this wat I wanted. I’m gon take yo word as gospel

I preach. I am the voice from the outer world (said in a Bene Gesserit accent). This will pass, mark my words for is my name not Nostradamus? Mwahahaha.

Seriously though, hosting GW2 on a personal server 50 years from now isn’t really that much of a stretch.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


Here’s my definition of casual; yours, undoubtably will differ and this is how I see myself:

Plays perhaps an hour a day
Groups on the rarist of occassions
Will never get a legendary due to time sinks
Will never get all MP’s
Never raids, does fractals
Isn"t concerned about raids, fractals, APs
Has resigned themselves to all of the above but…

… still enjoys playing

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

(edited by Flatley.1620)

Gw2 after death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


I’ll make a prediction:

When the devs have all left and are programming total immersion narratives, when a terabyte is something your watch will laugh at (AI), when FTL is used by consumers just to get to the shops on 39ly Trappist 1f…

… there’ll be a hardcore Tyrian hosting the game on his nanobot quantum TV/matter transporter

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

(edited by Flatley.1620)

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


But… 16k APs and 5 legendary’s? Casual?

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

[IKNEWIT] Disney bought Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


“Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore!”

Oh, wait. So wrong on so many levels.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up

Character Name cleanup?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flatley.1620


One reason I like making Charr. They are extremely easy to name.

[Cool Name] [space] [Scary/Angry thing]+[Scary/Angry thing]

Substitute the scary/angry adjective with whatever general mood/motif that fits your character and PRESTO, you have a cool, unique and lore-fitting Charr character.

Same thing with asura.

[Title][space][asura name]

It’s incredibly easy. Op is just being lazy.

Or perhaps is imaginationaryley (is there such a word?) challenged.

i75820K@4.4ghz Noctua NHU14S GTX980TiSC
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up