SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
Bumping as further research has garnered this factoid (from event viewer in Win7):
1) In LA, approaching bank, PC froze and rebooted
2) Logged back in, switched to Windowed mode, crashed, video driver recovered from crash.
2) Went into the event viewer and got the following:
- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41
Version 2
Level 1
Task 63
Opcode 0
Keywords 0×8000000000000002
– TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2016-01-28T21:21:27.596414200Z
EventRecordID 1007915
– Execution
[ ProcessID] 4
[ ThreadID] 8
Channel System
Computer MININT-C870EJL
– Security
[ UserID] S-1-5-18
- EventData
BugcheckCode 278
BugcheckParameter1 0xfffffa80060184e0
BugcheckParameter2 0xfffff8800ffb42bc
BugcheckParameter3 0xffffffffc000009a
BugcheckParameter4 0×4
SleepInProgress false
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
Now, I have been told that a forced reboot can be the result of a failing PSU but I disagree with that diagnosis given it’s only GW2 that gives me this.
I had this before but only after a patch. Since the last time this happened and now, everything has been fine.
Any help most appreciated.
Aha! Thank you so much! I should have been paying more attention to these boards to see the bug you mentioned. Anyway, back to normal now so thanks once again!
Aha! Thank you so much! I should have been paying more attention to these boards to see the bug you mentioned. Anyway, back to normal now so thanks once again!
A “me too” here.
Sorry if this has been posted or is in the patch notes somewhere – I did try and find something about this!
When harvesting nodes for wood, metal, food etc. items found would automatically go into my inventory. Now I have to click unclaimed items. Is there a setting to switch this back to the “old” way somewhere?
Hello, thanks for the reply Beldin, appreciated.
I did some research on a failing PSU but I doubt that’s the issue. I found this
“run Speccy to check out your Rail voltages, 12V in particular, shouldn’t be less than about 11V”
I’ve investigated using Speccy and that particular rail is well within norm. Also, it’s only GW2 that shows this behaviour.
Would a complete install of Windows updates and an install of the latest driver help, do you think?
Firstly, nothing has changed on my PC, neither hardware nor software wise.
The past couple of days (since a small patch in fact) I am crashing badly enough that the PC reboots. The game will freeze, a buzzing noise occurs and then the crash happens. The last time this happened, I managed to alt-enter and catch an error message – something like nVidea has recovered from a something-or-other and it mentions something about the kernal.
Now, I can’t grab a shot of the message as it flashes off screen too quickly.
I think there’s a way of looking up the system log but I’m flummoxed. Has there been a change to the game that’s causing this?
My PC specs are given below and only GW2 gives this error.
Graphics driver version (yes, old I know, but up until now perfectly stable)
All CPU cores @ 4GHZ around 35 degrees C idle
GPU cores around 30 degrees C idle
Just mentioning these in case I’m looking at overheating.
Any help most appreciated.
render the horse and give us JBOOTS!
JBoots ftw. Or Selo’s Accelerando.
Got all my writs from dailies. May have got one from a drop. I’d like to see more BLC key drops though…
On a slightly side note, I’d like nights to be darker. Feels like daylight all the time. Just an opinion of course…
I don’t have the strength. Sorry.
I know that it is very difficult to ask. But it would be a great leap for all of Tyria have the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
I can already see angry shouts that this is not worth doing, but it’s just the idea of the future.P.S. Return the aurora to the territory of the Norn!
This is in addition to the topic, which I removed, about the environment effect: sliding or freezing on ice , areas with poison gas, killing bosses in another way – for example throw on them giant rock from the mountain (“not direct attack method”) =), and so on…
I delete all my old posts, so read it while it exists.
I would love to see a “continuous” world. I’m not sure of the code behind it but I’m guessing it would be doing a lot of unloading and loading rather than a load of an individual map. I’m also guessing you’d take a ping hit but I may well be wrong there
Great idea though!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
People really complaining about grinding?
You grind for loot.
You grind for crafting materials.
You grind dungeons for tokens.
Oct. 23rd and the highly anticipated HoT release – within hours people complain about grinding.
smhThat’s not quite the issue here
So you get to tell him which issue he wants to address? Not hardly.
I think he hit the nail on the head.
- and the “storm” here in the forum is mainly based on not revealing important things before pre-purchase even started. Namely:
As a company they do not have to reveal a shred of information. We are fortunate we got what they gave us. We are not entitled to anything.
People expected the elite spec to be available more or less from the start – instead they are hit with double gated content AND a huge HP cost. Get almost all HP from HoTM – to get those get a lot of masteries first.
So it’s not the grinding as such (or rather, not JUST the grinding) but it’s the way things turned out to be – which is a rather radical change from how GW 2 was before HoT and which was nowhere announced.
People (from my point of view rightly so) expected to be able to play their Chronomancer, Reaper, whatnot a few hours into the game and to enjoy HoT WITH the new elite spec. Instead they have to go through HoT with their old build do unlock the elite spec to then … er … have nothing really new to try it out with.
Assuming is stupid. You and others have no one else but yourselves to blame for “expecting” anything.
Just one point on this: “we are fortunate we got what they gave us” and “expecting”. As paying customers there are expectations.
reading through the posts here is not encouraging me to purchase it I’m afraid.
Well, what do you expect a few days into the expansion? I know I wouldn’t be posting if I had access to my game atm, I would be out in Maguuma enjoying myself instead
This is true, it’s always better to wait until new releases calm down a bit. However, I wouldn’t posting here either if I had access to the game – I’m at work at the moment (well, technically,; I’m working from home cough cough) – I’d be out in Tyria enjoying myself
The thing is though… well, no two things:
A) I’m a really casual gamer – “challenge” is in my life all day long and I like to chill with GW2, not fight it. However, I can’t really comment as
B) I don’t have the expac ergo I cannot leave it.
I appreciate your enthusiasm about it though so good luck to you; reading through the posts here is not encouraging me to purchase it I’m afraid.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
PvE is very boring…
WvW and PvP is what makes this game good.
In your opinion
Flatley.1620 if you don’t own it
don’t say its bad I am not trolling it is different but different in a good way. The core tyria is awesome to learn you how to play to enjoy find friends and then to play the end content with them.
I didn’t actually say it was bad. I did, however, say in an earlier post that I wouldn’t be buying it given the posts here.
Flatley ok so you want the boring content like the one in ESO or Core tyria or WOW ? well you have plenty of options.
KEEP in mind HOT is END GAME CONTENT… dont think about it as a jurney to learn your skills .. it is a END GAME content .. you cannot run with your zerker gear and do everything solo.
The content is fully doable with 5 peoples party. I mostly run with 4 peoples and everything I encounter, which is not a big champion, also all hero points in the first 3 zones, except the one in the basement of the forgotten city, are doable and I already did.
Also wait for it… I run thief.. whaat ?? THIEF ! yup not warrior or guardian or some other pve easy guy … I run as thief … not kidding I run thief and I don’t die at all…. I die only when I fall
cuz I forgot to use my glider. However I play alone like 20% of the time only and usually I am searching for some Hero Point alone otherwise I invite random peoples around me .. since it is an MMO.
SO how .. someone my ask.. how ? solo content ? you dont die ?!? not possible.
Easy .. valkyrie armor + Rune of the Dolyak .. berserker trinkets and maruder staff.
Just .. play with your build forget the old meta.. forget the zerk gear…and yes learn your class.. you played 80 levels with it kitten … dont know your skills ?
A) I said do some research around what MMO means.
B) HoT is end-game is it? Oh OK, I can’t say as I don’t have the expac
C) I like core Tyria and it is not boring.
D) Never played WoW, nor EoS. Was an Everquest player for a while and MUd’s before that
E) Congratulations on being such a l33t gamer. Good luck in your career.
F) I know my skills thanks. And they are absolutely fine for the content I like to run
G) Congratulations on your troll skilz. +1 to you and -1 to me for falling for it.
MMO means “Massively Multiplayer Online”.
I agree that it do not means you should not play solo, but it’s not meant to make solo playing as “easy and rewarding” than group content.
Group content must be challenging to be interesting.
And the game must promote group content over soloing.If you can do anything alone, it’s not a MMO.
I’d agree to a certain extent but perhaps scale the difficulty if there is a solo player and reward as applicable.
When you say " the game must promote group content over soloing." I’d have to disagree with you there. Given there are a lot of people who solo, there’s a danger of alienating a big percentage of the player base.
You know that it is impossible to create content that is balanced, doable and enjoyable by all types of players? Mass/Raid, Group, Duos and Solo? They all focus on diffrent things to succeed. There should be solid part of game for all these groups but not common. It is like racial or man/woman issues. We shoudn’t be disgracing them but why they should be prirorized? They should be equal but not in favour.
But MMO games are ment and designed to be multiplayer. So promoting solo content over group content is like making loan but instead of cashout – You put that money in bank. In the end You get your money back but minus % of loan.
I’m not saying content should be created for all types of player, but rather scale – let’s say some kind of boss type thing – so that a solo player doesn’t need the skills of 20 other players to handle the encounter. I’m pretty sure the Champion Risen Giant in Orr works this way to a certain extent.
On the grouping thing, I’ll think we’ll have to agree to disagree hehe
MMO means “Massively Multiplayer Online”.
I agree that it do not means you should not play solo, but it’s not meant to make solo playing as “easy and rewarding” than group content.
Group content must be challenging to be interesting.
And the game must promote group content over soloing.If you can do anything alone, it’s not a MMO.
I’d agree to a certain extent but perhaps scale the difficulty if there is a solo player and reward as applicable.
When you say " the game must promote group content over soloing." I’d have to disagree with you there. Given there are a lot of people who solo, there’s a danger of alienating a big percentage of the player base.
Wow, I cant believe im seeing all this complaining about grouping up in an MMO. Isn’t that the point? I was coming here just to say how much i enjoy it and i see this thread.
Every time I play the new content im excited that it so hard you have to group up. It actually feels like an accomplishment when you finish something. Also its a good reason to run around with your guild/friends. You do have friends, right?
Anyways, thanks Anet for some quality content. Please don’t downgrade the difficulty. There already plenty of easy content in the game. My guild and I are having a blast.
With all respect, people are different from one another. Some do exactly as you do and that’s fine. Others prefer solo play and that’s fine too. Some prefer a mixture and so on and so forth.
MMO doesn’t mean forced to group
This is MMO you should not play solo.. if you want to play solo go play witcher.
MMO does not mean this. Do some research.
I am so glad I held off buying this expansion. I’m not the greatest game in the world it has to be said which is why I came to GW2 for the casual side of things.
I’ll be keeping an eye on these boards to see if things change before I take the plunge.
Big thank you to all for your posts; it has made my decision to buy much easier.
Fixed in what way though? For me,. the only way to “fix” it is to make it playable solo. And that seems to go against the grain. And yes, tad yada MMO yada yada; I’ve heard it all before. So, it’s a good job that I’ve placed my decision on not “upgrading” to HoT by not buying it based on user posts here.
Oh, and to the “challenging” thing? The grind? No ta. Not the way I enjoy playing. IMHO. You have yours, I have mine.
I´m loving the hard content. Combat feels much more satisfying and the action camera is the best thing to happen to the game. So much fun.
Should it be because you do not believe in preordering, prefer adopting the “Wait and see” option, are not interested in HoT (yet ?) or straight up cannot afford it, is there any “Core”, or F2P players who will keep running around GW2 without the xpac ? And if yes, what will you be doing ?
I don’t believe in pre-ordering. Yes, there are incentives to do so but I would rather see what others are saying before jumping in.
I won’t be buying HoT unless they change some stuff – I PvE solo for the most part (and yes, I’ve heard all the arguments about MMO etc) because that’s what I enjoy the most. I don’t like grinding, I don’t like being forced to group and I don’t like being one shotted – these are all things discouraging my purchase of the expac which seems to be what a lot of folks are saying at the moment.
So, it’s core Tyria only for me and is that such a bad thing? No, not at all. I still love GW2 but it really isn’t on my radar to “upgrade”, as it were. As to what I’ll be doing, it’s harvesting to get my tradeskills up, may be some daily’s, general running around and the hope that one day I’ll get my Legendary. Oh, and craft some ascended stuff.
(edited by Flatley.1620)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
It’s always best to check out reviews before splurging on a game/expac – let alone a new PC. Given all the comments on this board right now, HoT is one item I will NOT be purchasing anytime soon.
Grinding even if it seems boring, is one of the cruicial aspects of MMORGP genre.
If you can’t handle a good old fashioned grind, then go play some soft core mmorpg’sGo on, pour that sweet critique of yours on me
but remember, make it worth your time, because you could actually spend it playing the game.
Just wanted to comment on this point. What about daring to be different and move away from grinding altogether? You may find it fun but it’s the main reason I steered clear of grindfests. Probably other folk feel the same
I’m sure I’ve seen this somewhere… can I change the music being played to songs sourced from my PC rather than the in-game tunes? Not knocking the in-game stuff; it would be nice to just have a change.
Also, there is a fine line between a fun challenge and one that’s just frustrating.
On a personal note, I didn’t finish season two either. I got to one point (in a cavern with some dragon-y looking thing and stuff being hurled over a wall that you picked up – forget the stage now) and couldn’t work out the mechanic. Oh, I know there is one and I could look it up but after having my armour stripped a dozen times, I gave up.
Having said that, the LS isn’t a priority for me; I just enjoy the PvE aspect. Going to wait to see how this translates into HoT before I get that expansion.
Sad Pamda these are gone. I used to use these for tactical deployment before a big fight.
I haven’t explored it that much yet, but a couple of things have just caught my eye:
. Jumping into the Mystic Forge
. The Quaggan water feature
I love detail like that.
I need to mooch around this place a bit more…
I’m just wondering what all those folk who pre-purchase find out that the expansion actually sucks. Not saying it will, just saying…
You might want to place a ticket for that with CS. Or it could be timing thing and your gems are still en route.
Hmm. I’m not sure “misled” is the right term. It’s all there in the faq – the point I want to make is that the extra character slot is only given if you pre-purchase. Whether that’s fair or not is personal opinion.
All of those would be very nice but a reality injection is required here.
So I had a quick look on Amazon. According to the description the “Box contains: code”. So the physical box is just the code to either add to your account or make a new account – no CD/DVD or other paraphanalia?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
Am I reading their FAQ right? In that you only get an extra slot if you pre-purchase… I might be having a senior moment here.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
Here’s hoping that there have been some constructive conversations at Anet/NCSoft the past few days and they are ready to do something to stem the negativity today – or at latest, by mid week.
It seems that the vast majority of people agree that $50 is probably a fair price, but that the pre order program was communicated and executed very poorly. We are used to Anet treating customers very well – better than most other MMOs treat their customers. This really felt like a step in the opposite direction.
Again, hopefully, we will see something this week, even if it is as simple as adding the equivalent of a free character slot to all pre order accounts (which I think is a must-happen at this point).
To clarify, I’ve already bought my copy of HOT, but many of my guildees and friends have not – saying they are waiting to see if Anet does “the right thing.” This makes this topic very important to me as, without my guildees and friends, the game will not be as much fun for me.
On a personal note, I think a character slot should be given regardless of pre-order/purchase. I’ve invested a lot of time on my guys so deleting a level 80 just to get a reverent is going to be a hard pill to swallow. Yes, I could buy another slot but that will be extra cost. Ho hum, just have to wait and see
Gotcha. Thanks for that.
When (or if) I get HoT, will it install over my existing base game? Or will it just install the expac stuff? I’m planning on getting the box set rather than downloading it.
Which, actually, begs another question. On a download, would the whole game + HoT come down the pipe as ANet say the base game is included?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
Why there is no precise information about what HoT will add and change ?
We have little to no information about what’s coming and yet they first sell explain later.
No information about content, about maps, about anything (well those sneak peeks are not enough) hell even release date is unknown…You don’t jump into water when you don’t know how deep it is…
Why they keep ignoring this problem – this won’t fix itself.
Silence ain’t helpful here.
Pretty much why pre-purchasing may be a bad idea – not saying either way as we have too little to go on. At the moment, as the quote goes, “all is vain”.
Thank you! Very clear now.
Slightly confused… my main character has well over 500 skill points. Does that mean I’m going to get loads of mystic forge stuff? It also says hero points will be used to progress characters when HoT launches. How does my 500 SP’s translate into that?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
Yes, a bit of semantics on ANet’s part there….
Sorry for offtopic. But in your signature:
“800 mhz RAM”
Isn’t there a mistake? 800 Mhz?
Just ran Speccy – it’s definitely 800 mhz – DRAM speed.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Flatley.1620
Yes, a bit of semantics on ANet’s part there….
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