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[Suggestion] New stats on box obtained gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Armor that lets u pick the major and minor stats so you can customize your character just how u want, now that would be awesome. maybe for legendary armor eh nudge nudge

Yeah but that isn’t part of this topic.

Start another topic on “Where’s my legendary Trinkets!!!!” they actually mentioned something about that 2 years ago or so, but it was an off hand comment by Colin I believe, like “We would like to do legendary trinkets”, not “We plan to do”.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


From 58% Win Solo Q To <25% Ranked Win

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


For some reason there is a huge surge of pve players in rated arenas. So if you want to have a good time or just care about your win ratio I would advise to take a break from pvp and let things settle.

The PvP buff is on, that is likely drawing in an inordinate amount of PvEers.

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[Suggestion] New stats on box obtained gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Sorry if the topic may be misleading, working with the character limit….it should be New stats on uniquely obtained exotic gear. For example Glorious from PvP.

So since launch there are a number of new, unique stat sets added to the game. Some of them are soul bound crafted exotic, some are ascended only. I would like to suggest adding the newer stat sets to gear obtained via boxes that result in account bound or soul bound gear. For example, Glorious (PvP) boxes.

Opening another avenue to obtain these newer stat sets would be welcomed by all, I believe. Celestial and Nomad are some examples off the top of my head.

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Please adjust KB effect for Ranger class

in Ranger

Posted by: GOSU.9574


2 things about this.

1. It has been going on since launch.
2. Some of the rangers really do not understand/comprehend what a set back it is for any melee or AoE ring laying skills this effect causes.

The skill actually does a fair amount of damage, so many may do it for their personal gratification and not just trolling. I use it on world bosses that can’t be moved for the extra damage.

I don’t think there will be any way to resolve your trolling issue without effecting those who aren’t trolling.

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Auto-balance doesn't award bonus anymore?

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I would screen shot it and have this thread moved to the bugs forum.

You are assuming it is a bug and not an intentional change?

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Total Makeover and Sylvari Glow

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Considering getting a total makeover for one of my Sylvari, I am curious if new glow options were added with all the hair dye/eye color changes?

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Best way to report party search killers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Explanations/notes are not allowed. They are too confusing.

Gaile specifically said there would be no Notes section added, so you can forget about that request.

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Convince me axe isn't kitten.

in Warrior

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I think the only thing that was proven was that i lag in NA, but yeah.

.it still proves the point, because if axe is really “kitten” as you said.
you would be owning me even with lag?

well when i can’t dodge a single evisc instead of dodging every evisc, then ofc axe gets usefull. i guess thats an argument on in itself, but if the opponent has decent ping he will dodge every attempt and you will end up wasting all your adren and condi cleanse :/

So now new ground work for the argument.

Axe is kitten as long as eviscerate can’t land.

Got it. Going forward…….

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Low level in team = insta afk

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


you’re one of those low lifes who care only to stomp

Someone is having a bad day and wants to share.

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Low level in team = insta afk

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I like to make throw-away alts in PvP. This is primarily because I like to use other races/genders than what my 80s are, at times. Months ago I was on a new level 2 asura ranger alt I made when someone in the match started a ruckus over “we have a level 2….great”. They went afk and eventually was kicked.

I have 3 level 80 rangers.

I have been playing since the first day of pre-launch.

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Norn or Human Ranger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I have a human female, sylvari female and norn male ranger (was norn female).

For me it all comes down to cosmetics. However the one drawback to Norn is the slower movement animation which makes me feel like the character is moving slower and I really do not care for the female norn “Ugh” sounds (like being knocked down).

The sylvari female has some rather ridiculously overly dramatic sounds, especially with greatsword.

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Feedback: Stowing Pets Permanently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I am gonna tell you how stalwart the developers are against giving you any option to not have your pet out: They won’t even allow you to bind Stow Pet to a keybind, even for it’s temporary purpose. Nope, you won’t even get that out of them.

They make the pet SO required it is considered into the Ranger’s damage factor, yet it folds like wet tissue in WvW and most abilities are completely useless in world boss fights.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


I am really craving for a sequel to GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Well, the creators of GW that left ANet might bring us a game that could be a spiritual successor.
In theory at least. It won’t be branded GW though, and honestly, I have no idea what those guys are doing right now…

1 original founder is still with Arenanet, 1 other started up Undead Labe, where they made that console game State of Decay, and are currently making a new mobile device game. I wouldn’t be expecting them to do any spiritual successor anytime soon, looks like they have no interest in doing anything like Guild Wars. The last person behind Guild Wars 1 lead the company that brought out Tera MMO game, and then left that company and got hired by Undead Labs.

Same thing happened with Diablo 2. Blizzard North original employees left Blizzard to work on other projects. Diablo 3 was a disaster at launch mainly because it wasn’t the D3 people were expecting. Just as in the case of GW2, the departure from the previous game was so stark …I will leave it at that.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


I am really craving for a sequel to GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


And you are not going to get that game. Live with it or not that is the way it is.

again I have to point out the obvious.

1. I didn’t ask for anything, perhaps you should reel in your obligatory negative comments.

2. Who are you to tell people what they will and will not get? You are a forum poster. You don’t run this company, or as far as I know, any game developing company.

Stick to what you know and not what you want to PUT OUT THERE, it isn’t working.

Now your challenge, explain in detail why the original poster is not allowed to discuss what he would like in a future game product. Explain why it isn’t possible, plausible or marketable. Do something constructive instead of opening the door, say NO!, and closing it again.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


(edited by GOSU.9574)

Why Courtyard? why?!

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I think a party size of 2 or 3 would be best for it, with 4 as the absolute max. 5 is overkill

I’ve been meaning to bring up match team size recently.

A reduction in team size will equate to faster queue times. In GW1 the team size was capped at 4. When GW2 initially released there was enough fodder to fill the 5 man teams, which the maps were designed around. Now with Courtyard, and perhaps a few repurposed maps you could go with a smaller team cap. The problem is this should be a seperate queue/mode. The problem with that is it would further fragment the queue pool potential. This is also why I believe the joined SoloQ and TeamQ, to reduce queue time and unfragment the PvP player base.

Which way do we go…….

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I am really craving for a sequel to GW1...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


This is it, you don’t like it shame. Not going to change things.

I didn’t really have a response to this thread til I read this quoted post.

No one asked anyone to change anything. Just pointing that out right here, right now.

The OP stated he desires a follow up to GW1, not a theft of names and places used to make an entirely different game. You have two camps here, and the responses will reflect this.

Camp 1: GW1 players who were looking forward to a new engine to GW1 expanding in to crafting (I guess) and such, to provide a new experience with the old game. This was pretty much sold as GW2 right up until the launch when it was clear the Manifesto was ditched.

Camp 2: Players who never played GW1 during it’s glory days and come to GW2 from other games. These are the ones typically stalwartly defending everything in GW2 and poo-pooing anyone who brings up anything with GW1 in the discussion.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


think anet should charge a sub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Right now I have been paying far more than the usual subscription of a typical pay MMO. This is NOT a house, this is NOT a car. I don’t need a monthly bill to PLAY a GAME. I spend my money how and when I choose, I spend more on gems currently but I do so at my will, at my leisure, not on some continuing requirement.

The financial model this game was developed on is indeed a mico-transactions model. Most new MMOs have gone to this model, and the one’s that have not have failed. WoW subscribers are heavily invested, it’s numbing, they have been doing it for years and have totally forgot about the 15 USD/Month fee being drained out.

You put a monthly model on this game and it will die faster than it already is.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Spawning in the wrong camp

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I don’t know how it is working out for solo/team q, but in unranked people are spawning in the wrong camp. This isn’t consistent, so I don’t know how to replicate it, but it is happening.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Did they really merge solo and premade?

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


They simply wanted to defragment the PvP player base in order to optimize queue times.

Sacrificing doves to feed the swine.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Why Courtyard? why?!

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


A different game mode requires a different queue.

Indeed. They could take Courtyard, slightly rework a few other maps and make a murder-ball mode with a seperate queue.

I believe they are trying to avoid fragmenting the PvP player base and further diluting it to the point queue times become obscene. This is why I suspect you have no new modes.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


December temporary rule changes, dates?

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


This will not in any way help revive the decaying WvW environment. It matters little in the overall longevity of the mode.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Remember - the game is free

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I buy gems. Hence, I monetarily support this game. In fact, as long as I am active, I spend more on average monthly than I would for the paid MMOs.

So exactly how is it I can’t expect something in return? Also consider the fact that the very nature of playing this game gives reason for others to play this game. And thus it helps the overall population, some of who also buy gems.

I really don’t understand the extremely narrow scope of reasoning that because there isn’t a subscription fee the game is simply “free”.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Mail Carrier Customization Added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


What about using GW1 character class models as a “dove”?

Next up: Mail Dove Dyes

How long until “Mwahaha-evil” options? :\

Oooh, it’s Mr Tries Too Hard’s CROW OF GRENTH. Much evil. So impress. Wow.

I don’t even get the comment. Someone, you or I, is off in the weeds.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


I want to play soloq and not teamq

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Slippery slopes.

So now if you skew the scoring to favor the PuG over the Pre you are penalizing the Pre who probably wanted to face another Pre.

Just like in GW1, there should be an RA and a TA. Random Arena (random partners) and Team Arena (Teams).

I enjoy randomness of opponents. I heavily played RA in GW1. In GW2 I never played tPvP. I don’t care for Meta vs Anti-meta.

Now I just use Practice……as close to Random as I can get.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Mail Carrier Customization Added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


What about using GW1 character class models as a “dove”?

Next up: Mail Dove Dyes

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Premades vs soloers.

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


why are you trying to hide if teams are pre-made? wanna force us to ask?

Exactly my thoughts on reading his response.

It isn’t about fairness, it’s about not letting you know.

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Does blind work on siege attacks?

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Shouldn’t work on any non-targeting siege. Ballista, it probably should but I doubt it does.

Quick note: Spell check on this forum doesn’t know how to spell Ballista.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


courtyard is unbalanced

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I bet this map is great with a couple of turret engis.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Trait XIII

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


1. There doesn’t seem to be a class trainer in PvP, although it should be according to the trait guide (correct me if Im wrong).

They are there, have always been there. However if you are on a low level (I don’t know the minimum level to see the overhead icon) you may not notice them all lined up.

I can’t answer the other questions like how are you supposed to have the gold and trait points in order to compete with others that have these traits, on a low level character. Obviously this was a design decision and fair play was not part of that decision.

I took a screenshot to show them in relation to the new Laurel/TP/Bank NPCs added yesterday.


Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Perma dead in PvP match

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Correction, this also happens if you jump to spectate while dead and join the other team. Either way, you are perma dead.

Another update: while perma dead if you choose to Volunteer to join the undermanned team, you are sent to their WP as revived.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Perma dead in PvP match

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GOSU.9574


How to:

Die in match, go to spectate before revive.

Reenter match on same team. You are a corpse, you will not be able to revive/wp.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Very childish for a dev to post that.

I thought it was hilarious coming from within, and it shows they have a sense of humor when things aren’t going right.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Nerfed necro to the ground and didnt say?

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


  • out of combat regen to 20%

Are you serious?……..

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Can't queue for ranked arenas

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Screw testing the new system, right?

You would think in order to reach a point for player testing the minimums would have been attained.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Nerfed necro to the ground and didnt say?

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


better watch yourself. ANets solution to this will be to make life force decay overtime when out of combat so a necro always starts at 0 life force.

At the speed that adrenaline currently drains.

GG nuff said.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


PvP has seriously amazing game design

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I find it so hard to understand how people make an in depth post and yet say “Rogues” instead of Thief. Questions the reliability of the post if they don’t even know that the professions are.

What I enjoy most is when the “Rogue” players spell it Rouge. It’s their own kitten class.

Off topic completely as it isn’t really relevant to this game, just to that snippet.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Deadliest class still needs fixing.

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.


Yeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.

You are taking the comments to seriously chill

I like it when people do this. It’s pure trolling. Who isn’t “chill”? You try to shut me down because you disagree but rather than counter my point or bring material to discuss on the matter itself, the bugged slope damage, you decide to insult someone with an arbitrary insult.

Good luck with your interview.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Withdraw healing for 0

in Thief

Posted by: GOSU.9574


From time to time when I use Withdraw I get no healing. This isn’t often or reliably repeatable for me. I figured for a while maybe I was getting hit by damage and just didn’t notice. But there are times when there is no incoming damage for sure.

I have spectated some fights and seen this anomally happen to others using this skill.

Is this a bug? Does this happen to anyone else? Is it some sort of lag issue?

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Problems with Gemstore

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Just in case it’s a caching issue, open the %temp% folder and delete all folders that begin with gw2cache.

Wow….just wow…..

I came here cause my Gem Store display was not working after I did a spybot scan/delete of cache files that it deemed suspicious. My Gem/Gold exchange and Trading Post were displaying fine, but the Gem Store was blank. I followed your advice and deleted the cache folder (dated 3 weeks old) and voila! Gem store is back!

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Deadliest class still needs fixing.

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I have to laugh at people suggesting you need to learn to play and take reduced fall damage trait in order to avoid a B U G.


Yeah after over 2 years you can consider it an in-game feature, but in reality it is a B U G anet refuses to fix.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


PvP announcers

in Audio

Posted by: GOSU.9574


You mean to replace such epic voices as “The orb has a Beard!”?

I got that stuff disabled.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


[Suggestion] New PvP Reward Track

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Reward Track Title : Master of the Arena (this is NOT an achievement title, just track name, calm down)

Items in this reward track:

Custom Arena Tokens
Unidentified Dye (RNG chance)
Black Lion Chest Key (RNG chance)
Old PvP Armor (completion of track reward chest; Tribal, Stalwart, etc. Wardrobe Armor Unlocked Skins)

Just starting a conversation on what rewards you think should be included, realistically.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Revamped PvP kick-off idea: Old PvP armor

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I dont agree. PvP Reward Tracks are too easy.

Compared to what? RNG? LOL?

Before you had to get r30 to even get a chance to work on these armors (there were mystic forge recipes as a good alternative to the RNG chests). And r30 took a lot longer than it does with inflated rank points today.

No, no you didn’t. You see, they had these Achievement Chests. So, without doing 1 second of PvP I opened one and voila! The RNG Gods gave me Stalwart Shoulders.

People want those rather badly right now, along with Tribal. It takes long enough to complete 1 pvp track to get 1 piece of armor. I really do not see the issue with the old armors being in a new reward track.

I now PvP, and I get dungeon armors at the end of a track. It would be far faster to run dungeons, their rewards are basically static as well. I like the ability to earn static rewards based on time I put in, far far far better than some random crap chance. Enticing people who may otherwise never PvP to at least put some time into it in order to gain a set reward is a good thing, it doesn’t need to be wrapped in some artificial elitism.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Most obscure name that's been taken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Sir Spamalot? Come on, that was probably taken the minute the game launched.

For me, during the FIRST WEEK of release, I found Mungo The Mountain was taken……seriously?

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


GW2: Tier 1 Server Leader Meeting

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Server leaders are the community organizers who can influence how WvW is played on their servers. They are usually guild leaders, officers, popular pugmanders, or owners of various infrastructure(server TS/websites etc).

They are not elected generally, nor have any real power other than what the community grants them.

They are also incredible important. For example I cannot think of anyone more significant to BGs success in WvW than Choc Pudding, even though I never saw him tag up or lead anything in WvW proper. He just moved behind the scenes to influence events.

Give me a break.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Revamped PvP kick-off idea: Old PvP armor

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I dont agree. PvP Reward Tracks are too easy.

Compared to what? RNG? LOL?

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Revamped PvP kick-off idea: Old PvP armor

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Well this close to the update you got 2 camps you can be in.

Camp 1: They did it but haven’t announced it, it’s a secret until Tuesday!
Camp 2: They haven’t really considered it/didn’t have time/to late to bring it up so close to Tuesday!


Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Deadliest class still needs fixing.

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


It’s also possible to jump on completely flat terrain and take falling damage each time you hit the ground until you die, pretty good feature.

I actually have a specific location where this is repeatable and posted it in the bugs forum. Notice it got fixed…….not.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Deadliest class still needs fixing.

in WvW

Posted by: GOSU.9574


The slope damage bug been in game since pre-launch. I have adjusted to just consider it a “Feature” since anet doesn’t consider it a bug worthy of being fixed.

L2Jump down stairs, all I can suggest.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


12 easiest JPs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Dulfy has them ranked by difficulty along with videos for completing.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.
