Since I don’t play heavy armored classes in pvp I find most of the time the thief is my hard counter. I do not mind there being a hard counter, how stuffed up would an environment be if someone removed the scissors from your RPS.,
It’s cute that you think they want feedback from players.
They want gem purchases so you can experience what they want the game to be. That is it in a nutshell, anything else is cute and delusional.
No idea why this wasn’t implemented long ago. All enemy effects should have red glow, etc., I don’t need to know their guardian has a nifty blue bubble….how nifty!
Evidently they can’t introduce a delay as they did in GW1’s spectate (was a 5 min delay, also they would save matches and you could watch them at a later time, sorely lacking in GW2) due to using something called Havoc?
Anyways without a delay there will be no spectating competitive matches.
The OP has a legitimate issue. Along with that there also needs to be an option to disable display of commander tags. All this junk and clutter serves no purpose other than ego-fluff.
I am not really sure why WvW maps still have completionist, other than time consuming to relocate those requirements to Southsun and Dry Top. It really could be done, I just don’t think the developers care to do it.
For the build, for the haters.
That is no longer used. If you have characters in every Realm you can switch right away.
What? Things must have changed. I only played first 6 months of DAoC and during that time you could only play on 1 realm per account. That was done to prevent spying, which GW2 copied.
Leave the champs. Make them invincible.
Now let’s see what gets QQed about.
“OMG champs killing us from behind! Nerf these champs farming us!”
There is actually a point to attacking the crap behind you. The most important of which is phase 2 when keeping them off the bots.
The variety of armor appearances with the mix and match possibilities still continues to capture my attention from time to time with those who pull off unique looks I never considered.
I don’t really have an issue with some need for more stock appearances.
You will be replaced by the slow, steady and weak stream of new players who never experienced the original setup but will purchase outfits, armor styles, hair kits and the ever popular gambling mode of Black Lion Keys.
~ Engineer: Tank Turrets – mobile turrets that use various ranged damage types (can’t imagine using a net turret but if that works okay)
You should visit the PvP forums.
I keep a running joke going whenever possible about giving Engineer’s a trait for mobile turrets.
You will get laughed off that forum if you post something serious along the lines of mobile turrets.
^ actually the endgame of GW1 was:
UW, FoW, DoA, Urgoz, The Deep, Sorrow Furnace, ToPK, Dungeons(18), Hard Mode missions, Hard Mode maps completion, Challenges Missions, Zaishen bounties, Farming money/rares/titles, chests runs, Jade Quarry, Aspenwood, AvA, HoH, RA, Codex, GvG.
You got me on UW/FOW, I was talking about the 2 year mark, Just before EotN. There was no “mode”, etc., at that time. Yeah they had Sorrow’s Furnace too, but peeps only did that for the greens. There was some other seasonal content as well, but largely at the 2 year stage it was a PvP/GvG end game and had a lot of PvE complaints even though GW1 was explicity designed to NOT be an MMO.
People did farm but I don’t consider farming to be intentional end game content. I farmed greens, had the old 55hp monk build, etc., etc., but I considered this type of thing unintended content and never held Anet responsible to create such content.
It should not be a gem required item.
The item should be in the game.
Mystic Forge type or NPC that removes upgrades. Can remove any player upgrade. Can not remove runes that were initially in karma armor. Can remove player upgrades from Karma and WvW gear.
Real suggestion: Remove the runes from Karma armor and alleviate this issue all together.
If you are level 80 and are having trouble getting the net to appear, try using skill 1 only, so that you kill the mob more slowly. And be careful about stacking too many bleeds at once.
That helped me get through the heart.
Edit: You could also try unequipping your gear, especially if you’re running full zerker. I didn’t think to try this, but it might help.
Ha! I just did this before returning here for my results and what I will recommend needs to be done for this task.
First, yes, unequip weapons. This is mainly to get rid of sigils like Fire and Air which can have devastating results (obvs).
Second, do not enable auto attack (which I never enabled).
Finally, have cursor over skill 5 and as soon as it is available, press LMB.
Now, how I would resolve the issue with this task.
1. Remove bleeding from this weapon. There is NO reason to have bleeding on it.
2. Increase the amount of health to trigger skill #5 from whatever it is (it seems incredibly low, like 10%) to 49%. There is no reason for this to be at the currently incredibly low amount.
It’s 2 years beyond time that this guild wars game have guild wars.
I find it absolutely SHAMEFUL there is no legitimate, authorized GvG.
Inb4 people tell you to read the lore, as if the lore wasn’t made to fit the game but vice-versa.
INB4 I mention I don’t read MMO lore, not do I read MMO novels, or do “Story” content for the “Story”. I buy and read books with stories worth reading, game material is crap even at the highest level. At best it’s ripped off from legitimate stories that I read over 20 years ago.
INB4 I mention naming a game Guild Wars and not including Guild Wars.
Too late on my part.
It’s Guild Wars.
Are people that seriously kittened enough to complain about lack of “end-game” in this franchise. GW is not an “end-game” MMORPG. There are like a gazzillion other MMORPG’s that do that. Go play one.
Let’s put things in perspective. GW1 end game was about PvP, period. No one did missions repeatedly as end game content. It was all about PvP and get this…..GvG! That’s right they actually had Guild Wars in that Guild Wars game! Amazing?
So now Anet decides they aren’t gonna do that “Guild Wars in this version of their Guild Wars game” so they go out to create an MMO. However, they fail to bring in MMO end-game content AND their PvP blows kitten . On top of that there is NO Guild Wars in this Guild Wars game….erm…MMO.
It’s 2 years beyond time that this guild wars game have guild wars.
I find it absolutely SHAMEFUL there is no legitimate, authorized GvG.
Fix this bug. Level 80 toon has no access to the net, can’t get map completion…………seriously BAD changes to weapon skills/skills effecting ALL.
Surely you might consider they are on sale about 1 month after initial release for a reason? Yes?
I will go out on a limb and speculate the internal metrics reveal weak sales. It’s either that or they are gonna remove them due to a good idea with poor mechanics or they are about to introduce a better method players will desire.
Still bugged as described.
Ego. For the “gamers” (I use another word but that comes off as insulting as it is meant to be) they need to feed the Ego. You can’t feed the Ego if you aren’t an Elitist. Keeping builds, good/bad/ugly, in a niche provides the ability to feel Elitist and feed that Ego.
Anything else is really superfluous.
Has nothing to do with Legendary, that just happens to be your personal situation.
The game simply needs a method to remove sigils and runes from gear without destroying the gear and netting the upgrades removed. It should require in-game cost, not some gem store item.
Many parts of this game are extremely archaic in design, this is one of them.
- Asurans can use Norns as mounts
Only if Norn can use Flaming Asuras as Siege.
Open Cantha but make it an underwater map. That’ll show those fanboys
This made me chuckle. I wouldn’t mind that happening.
If you are gonna be doing a lot of open world end game content (world bosses, temples, event grinding, etc.) one class will win hands down out of the 3 you mention.
Ranger. /thread
Seriously, however, a few notes.
1. You can do spvp with a level 2, so keep 1 open character slot and enjoy the benefit of being able to do spvp with any class at any time. Super note: XIII skills cost 3g and it isn’t advised to buy them with an alt you may delete.
2. Ranger is not a cake walk to solo/roam in WvW. Certain builds work, the one’s that work best are not the most popular (BM Condi/Regen over flat out Power Bow).
3. Some players (Elitists) will hate on rangers for Dungeon groups, but they hate on rangers in all content so .. yeah.
4. Ranger can also do WvW Zerg. So can the other 2 classes you mention.
5. Thief is the godling of WvW solo roaming.
6. Mesmer has serious mobility issues for WvW solo roaming.
Many more just these off the top of my head. However, let me say no matter which you choose they are all good classes for similar and very different reasons.
ArcheAge, can have healers.
No it’s Glitched..and they haven’t fixed it..been trying to get an answer for when it will be fix..but the trolls in this forum keep telling me to “play without minions”..they are just trolling..and anet hasn’t said anything about fixing it.
Giving someone sound advice is now considered trolling.
“My car doesn’t run, don’t tell me to ride my bike cause I have THIS car! I want to get to work but I refuse to ride this bike! I have this car!”
play without minions
how about you play without skills..because that’s what you are telling me to do..i’m a Minion Master..hence the word “Minion”..and i’m not the only one..
I guess QQing about something makes one feel better, than resolving the issue one’s self.
You are given a wide variety of these “Skills”. The set you want to use does not work, how about you try something else?
Beating one’s head into a concrete wall will likely not remove said concrete wall. Proverb
Does it never end?
“OMG this is too good, nerf it! Whatever you do, do NOT improve on the kitten that isn’t too good! That would be insane! Do not balance positively, only balance negatively! OMG!”
How about instead of nerfing what works, you enhance what does not? boggled
play without minions
This game is all long stick and tiny or non-existent carrot.
You will suffer no fun from this game.
Well, joking aside, my point was that it’s kind of offkilter to blame aNet for a lack of Mac api development if the tools are there.
It’s off kilter to expect it to be developed internally for their own game? No matter what platform, we are talking about this game here. Event browser should be in the game, it’s been 2 years. Platform has nothing to do with that lack of development.
You have reached the point I reach every so often. While I haven’t done half the things you list, I have done all I care to do when I finally decide to take a LONG break. I played the first 6 months, then took a 6 month break. I played for 2-3 months upon returning, then took an 8 month break. I’ve been back around 2 months now and I am reaching a break away point once again.
Games do have their limitations and interest points. Once you have reached yours take a break, explore other things, return later when you feel you may find interest renewed.
That is the point. As a Guardian or Mesmer outside of a zerg you will have speed runes or you will greatly suffer from the lack of mobility.
The point I made about levelling has nothing to do with runes, I am countering the argument that this OP states there needs to be MORE speed runes. The 25% speed should be available to all classes in traits or skills. It is absolutely void on these two classes, without reason.
Did you realize the Ranger, Necro and Elementalist did NOT have 25% speed on signets for some time after launch? Only the Thief did. It was added in a later patch.
Stealth should, in my mind, break targeting AND any channeled skills. If I’m running forward and being hit, then stealth and run in another direction, there should be NO BLEEPING WAY I should still be getting hit, right??? Even on an theme and immersion basis, it should just be that way.
Let’s call it out, Ranger Rapid Fire was and Warrior Kills shot were and still are the biggest offenders in this regard. Basic combat flaws like this should be way up on the list of bugs/issues to fix in game. For my thief, the conflicting “mug” and “stealth and steal” trait bug should be fixed too.
I’ll agree with channeled skills that require a target to channel.
Actually all but requiring a rune set in order to achieve 25% run speed just about kills build diversity. There are so many better runes out there but if you play a mesmer or guardian in WvW you are kitten by the lack of mobility.
I won’t mention that these two classes are the slowest to level in the game by…….how much? 25% slower.
It would be better if those features were included in GW2 in the first place so that mac users weren’t left out.
Couldn’t agree with you more and I am not a mac user.
Since launch this game has lacked any in-game method to find nearby events. For a while some third party api hacks were pulling the info into a webpage display to sort out events like world bosses and temples. Sadly the megaserver change botched up the ability to track many events like Temples.
This game should have launched with an in-game event browser. If not world wide, at least map wide. The ability to search for nearby events and have in-browser links to the nearest waypoints, etc.
Sorely lacking for two years.
Google the definition. I believe in teaching a man to fish.
Getting gray junk out of champion bags is kitten . Pure and simple. In their position in the loot table simply replace their value with coin. Give me that 32cp instead of crap in my bag.
<3 Koroshi, not only a very good roaming engi, but the guy is always upbeat and cheerful.
It’s gonna depend on your build. As many suggest, either stating they are BM or stating they use cat/cat, if you are traited for a BM type ranger chances are your pet is highly survivable and has high damage (comparitively) and the only reason you would want a bear would be as a party hero cleansing tool. If you are a dps build, bears are the better tanks but they will pale in comparison to a BM pet of just about any type.
Within the past few months I was trying the ranged pets on a zerker ranger and I found that most still get too close and do not survive well. You seriously have to control the pet in a zerker build.
Work on whatever one you like best. Sword is the highest PAPER DPS of all the weapons if that matters to you.
There is so much silliness in this thread.
You do realize not only was it requested that ascended boxes have stat choice options, right after it went live right? You do realize the developers KNOWINGLY put these drops in, both the boxes and the items, completely confident you would not get what you wanted 90% of the time. You do realize there is no real end game content and all they can serve up (the developers and designers) is the gear-chase, right?
GW2 is nothing more than a gear-chase.
2 years later and you still expect something else? Seriously………
The one thing GW2 excels at is leaving HUGE gaping wholes in gear stat availability. It’s like nothing gets done completely, it’s all kitten.
Gaps in gear/stat availability can work, though. Look at WoW- you can’t get perfect stats on every item you get.
Not to say that it’s a good idea or not for GW2, I haven’t thought about it that much, but it can work.
You know they could have put the gear in the game. They know they could have put the gear in the game. They decided not to, and you are here defending it.
I can drive a really bad car to work every day. Do I need to do that? Or can I please drive my car that is really good? Please?
It’s a half-kitten job, and they know it. They knew when each stat set was worked on and it was a developer DECISION to NOT put it in the game. To leave that gap, something for a future project. You know…….like Back items and Rebreathers and on and on. Please don’t excuse the obvious decisions they made.
The one thing GW2 excels at is leaving HUGE gaping wholes in gear stat availability. It’s like nothing gets done completely, it’s all kitten.
GW1 was good when it had a healthy population. I have everything except EotN, which did not interest me as I quit playing GW1 upon it’s release.
If there was actually some player base I might consider getting EotN and getting HoM rewards unlocked, but for now I don’t see that happening.
Out of all the beautiful necromancer armor they imported the one and only set I never wanted to wear.
Could not agree more. Although I think at one point I did use the arms and legs from that set (wasn’t a full outfit in GW1, could be pieced together).
While there are a few remaining members from the original GW1 staff, they are few. It seems to be a different dynamic altogether now.
I feel that they feel as though it was a young company back in the day, and they have matured and do things differently now. Walling out the community that play and support your game isn’t a good business model.
Point at hand, look at Wildstar. Knuckling down and delivering the developer’s “Vision” of what the game should be, in the face of the gamer’s feedback, has not helped that game to grow. It seems to have brought it down faster than otherwise might have been.
(edited by GOSU.9574)