Showing Posts For Groonz.7825:

Do not like "light up the darkness"

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Plenty of tries, many rages but even after doing it the challenge itself was interesting but the timelimit on it was horrible.

If you look at my pic, you can see the announcer counting, down, that was for my gauntlet. I only managed to make it within a second or so.

The whole theme and concept, good. The achievement part of it, bad. The gauntlets have a 2min timelimit on them I believe so that means you had to atleast use an orb once every 15 seconds.

Never want to do this kind of thing again. Halloween jumping puzzle fun, gauntlet timelimit orb collection race, not so fun…

Light up the Darkness

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


For this achievement I feel there is a lot of luck needed in this, where you get multiple clones hitting a single vortex. I don’t believe you can actually do it through 1 clone 1 vortex and still be within the time limit, not counting vortexs that you miss by being too far or in AOE.

Easiest Boss/Gambits for tier3 + 5 gambits?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Queens Gauntlet gambit rewards

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


The bags don’t hold A couple of silver and watchtokens too?

Each bag is the same (depending on tier). It doesn’t matter as 1 bag = 1 ticket.

High stakes gambler experience

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


the quaggan punched me to the balls and took half of my hp with one hit when I tried this…

Works best like shown in the video as you have 2 Endure pains to help you out, which is like 8 seconds worth.

Queens Gauntlet gambit rewards

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


From what I’ve seen you essentially just get another bag for every gambit you have. To make it simpler, essentially each ticket you have is worth 1 bag.

It feels that this is a wrong way of scaling the rewards.

Do T3 ooze boss with 4 gambits = 5 bags which is just 5 tickets.

It’s exactly the same if you used 5 tickets on 5 bosses.

The only thing that you are doing with more gambits is simply using less time to get rid of your tickets for the same reward. :/

High stakes gambler experience

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


All besides squeamish. The reduced damage makes it way harder.

i see, thanks!

hmmm what about the humble victor achievement then?

that one requiring squeamish and frailty right?

Haven’t done that :[

High stakes gambler experience

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


All besides squeamish. The reduced damage makes it way harder.

High stakes gambler experience

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Yea that actually makes sense. Thought it would require 2nd boss defeat but mm.

High stakes gambler experience

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


After looking at this warrior ( on subject 7 with 4 gambits I thought it would just be as simple if you took 5.

So I decided to do that, picked all the gambits besides squeamish since reduced damage is painful. I did it like the video but what was the strange part about it (most likely bug) is that after killing the ooze, the 2nd boss (due to crowd favourite gambit) manage to down me since I was low on health after killing the ooze. I got kicked out AND got the High Stakes gambler achievement without having to kill the quaggan.

Buggy I guess but sweet.

Announcer Voice Actress

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you don’t say.

I recall Tara Strong from Raven from Teen Titans and mostly from Final Fantasy X Rikku.

But god kitten she is annoying as the announcer simply because the sound files are constantly spamming one after another.

Drip vs Drop (karma item)

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


They want you to buy more bank space obviously.

Wouldn’t make sense for them to come out with the wallet if that was the case. =P

Oh don’t worry, we’ll be getting more random junk from future content updates.

Bugged Balloon Tower Tourist

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Groonz.7825


So OP is stating that he has visited ALL 42 towers and only has 29 count?

42…wait a moment, for some reason I stopped after 30 towers, seems I completely forgot about some other maps. Decided to take a peak did a random one I didn’t go out and pinged my last tower. Silly me. Well thanks for solving my issue for me.

Wallet opens unexpectedly on it's own

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Groonz.7825


When you click “ok” on overflow popups.

Bugged Balloon Tower Tourist

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Just a reminder to devs, as I have not seen a single response from them acknowledging this issue.

Sitting on 29/30 after doing them all after something happened near the start I think I posted to DR before it picked up the loot or the loot chest was already opened.

To be honest I think it was silly to make it trigger from the chests and not simply from reaching the top.

I hope there is a dev response. I thought it would be fine on day 2 if the chests were going to reset along with the dailies but nope :/

So at the moment I am screwed with others as well.

Why do Gambits cost Tickets?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I didn’t realise and wasted a lot of tickets on selecting gambits :/

The Queen’s Gauntlet Bug -2 vs 1 always -

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I sort of had this bug but I entered in with someone else and they were also doing a different boss, you can see windcaller and subject 7, needless to say, it was a disaster.

Cogs? Where did they go?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Bank. Deposited.

Death, waypoint, run

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Heaven forbid there’s a penalty for death. Even 1 silver and a 2 minute walk generates complaints. If it were up to me I’d charge 1 gold per death.

Good thing you don’t make game designing decisions.

Queens Guantlet- death after loose?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I thought WP’s were free within cities?

It’s an instanced area, not part of the city (where free WP’s are).

Death, waypoint, run

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Am I not understanding this right or is it really as silly as it is?

When you are trying to do the Queens Guantlet, you end up dying you get ported back out BUT you are dead, and you have to waypoint and run allllllllll the way back.

This is really annoying. It’s not like the NPC’s will revive you, so you have to use the waypoint and run back.

Could Anet not really have designed it differently? or is it really just another gold sink method?

Please make Hobo-Tron permanent

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Groonz.7825


When I heard hobo-tron I couldn’t help but think of this;

Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Don`t QQ guys, its possible to do it solo, i did it two times – one for Evon and one for Kiel. It`s difficult, but not impossible.
Everyone is complaining about the game because its too easy, and every time ArenaNet comes up with something challenging, the people start to complain again.

Will people like you stop talking. This isn’t just about soloing it. Think things through please. As a group activity it simply scales way too high, go try doing this in a group activity then come back saying it is easy.

2500 for Southsun Survival...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Groonz.7825


When I did a few trials, some low scores were like 17-25ish, high scores were around 60ish.

That means if you do well, you have to do around 45+ rounds of being high scorers.

If you are bad, you need to do 100ish.

I can’t recall how long matches go on for, but let’s just assume 5 mins average (could be more) it would take players:

For high scorers 3.5+ hours for constant high scorers.
For constant low scorers 8ish hours.


Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Times like these, I feel like Anet are so out of touch…

Also I would also like for the Anet devs to show that T4 can be done as a group. Show us how it’s done.

Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I found this “trial” concept to be extremely boring.

My first thought was “…didn’t they remember how defending magg in CoF went? just constant spam waves of veterans over and over, where the player can’t really over power the enemies but just get constantly wittled down.”

Also to avoid the annoyance I simply solo’d it with a thief camping the spawn points. I didn’t even bother doing it in a group, hearing how it will scale and with all those vets running about, I doubt a normal pug group would have been able to do it at all.

New gameplay ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Groonz.7825


After making a reddit post that discussed about the new Bazaar of the Four Winds map.

I thought about how it was interesting to focus the design of the new map to be more orientated towards a certain aspect/theme. So this got me thinking of what different ways GW2 could implement new experiences.

Then it got me thinking about how it would be possible to create a new area (map, or whatever) that GW2 hasn’t covered yet.

Doodle attached to help explain it better;

It’s just an idea and would most likely need refining but the concept in hand is not in GW2. It’s a puzzle styled maze, not the typical labyrith that simply has paths that leads to dead ends.

It is a large (size may vary) area that consist of many (amount may vary) rooms. You enter through 1 side and come out the other but in between you have to try to navigate through the rooms. It becomes difficult because the floor rotates which causes the player to lose sense of direction.

(at this moment I just realised the flaw in my idea, the minimap, if we can somewhat remove that/ignore it then my idea still stands).

Every room will have a time limit before new entrances open (undecided time limit). Inside each room should have something of some sorts.

In the doodle I made the purple star indicates that a boss type creature would be in that room (monsters or such only trigger/pop up after the players enter it and have the room closed, otherwise people would simply be able to see what was in and avoid the monsters so it’s a trap basically) anyway, the purple stars are for boss creatures that mainly went with the idea that they are meant to be difficult, they either can’t be killed and you have to survive that room by constantly running away or by using some mechanics (maybe have 4 interact-able objects in the room that need to be thrown at the boss before it can be hurt and you need to use all 4 otherwise it won’t be killed, so wasting 1 prevents it from dying and then you are restricted to survival methods or running and such.

Green stars are just regular monsters, nothing much to worry about, simply kill said monsters.

I thought of more ideas after making the image;

Some other rooms could simply have interact-able objects in them. No real use, just there to make the room feel less blank.

And some trap rooms where you need to avoid the traps, i.e. a room that continual shoots fire arrows in every direction, the only safety spot is the center of that room. Or similiarly, all the floor crumbles away except for a few tiles.

The idea can be expanded for different uses but as it looks, it feels more like it would suit a guild mission.


Griefing WvW JPs

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Also, you realize that all the new PvE players are most likely running PvE-centric builds that will not have a chance of holding their own against experienced players running WvW/PvP-centric builds, right? There will be fighting, but it will be very one-sided.

I found this comment to be really stupid. Of course if someone is running a PvE build, it won’t necessarily work for PvP.

Also through failure it will cause players to think why they failed. If they don’t think about why things went wrong, they simply aren’t people who would ever PvP in the first place.

And if you want people to ever return to WvW, you realize that the experience of getting killed many times by griefers might be doing the opposite and drive them away instead, right?

Same can be said for PvE, if people died constantly during the starter levels while playing through GW2 how are those people still playing? Shouldn’t they have ragequitted after their 5th death or so? “OMG THESE CENTAURS ARE SO OP!”

It’s no different. “Oh this monster hits hard and uses a powerful attack, I should dodge that.” “Oh this monster has knockdown attacks, I should use stability” the same can be applied to PvP. If those people are just constantly zerging mindlessly to the end and constantly getting killed without thinking of ways to prevent it, they can’t be helped. I bet if you asked one of those people “Why don’t you change some of your traits or carry some different utilities?”, they’d probably ask “Why?”, such a player would never be able to stand in WvW or PvP.

Free Wapoint cost in Bazaar

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Anet has always “best” ideas for gold sink.

Yup. Permanent minigame to play against one another? 100g…

Fix Hellfire Armor PLS!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Groonz.7825


This is ugly.

…asura are ugly to begin with!

Belcher's Bluff

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Due to the health (or healing/damage) indifference between the player and NPC’s it just makes this minigame extremely boring and tedious.

Due to this, it reminds me of the open world champion monsters, large amounts of health that you have to slowly chip away because this is what makes it more “fun/challenging”…

The first impressions are meant to be the defining point of the game. If this does in turn happen to be a bug, well I’m already put off the minigame from now on. If it wasn’t a bug then it wasn’t fun at all. Where is the QA :/

(edited by Groonz.7825)

How to defeat 3rd wave of Frizz?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Being a guardian I found it easy.

Pulls or knockbacks? Stability. or dodge (you can see the animation when they charge up their arm backwards).

Also stun breakers to break out of the knocked down/pulled on floor status. To instantly get back up incase you are about to hit the laser walls.

Mariners Horn

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Groonz.7825


@Those who are talking about the Choir Bell: This fix should also fix the Choir Bell and allow it to work in WvW and Heart of the Mists, as well.

The fix is not in yet, but will be soon. Again, thanks for playing and supporting GW2! You guys are the blood in the life of the game!

Just to make it super super clear, do you mean you are going to fix it so that Enemy players in WvW will also be able to hear the horn/bell?

Mariners Horn

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Hey guys!

Thanks for the reports. We apologize that the Marriner’s Horn didn’t work the way you expected it to. We didn’t intend for the behavior you’re seeing to happen. We’re working on a fix now, so please keep that patience!

Thanks for playing!

If you are going to make it work in WvW then shouldn’t you make the Choir Bell work as well? they share the same category of items.

Are you quite sure about buying food?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Yes, because they someone would come here and whine about by mistake trading all their candy for the wrong thing.

Then that person deserves to lose all their candy. We’re talking about about items with large amounts of candies. Which can be cheaply bought on the TP now.

It’s not like they are dungeon tokens which takes quite a while to acquire 300 tokens for a weapon or such.

We’re talking about 5 candies for 1 food item. Of which you can easily reacquire more candies.

DragonBall - and how boring it is.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


There are several reasons, I have only won 3 games,, I admit it was fun, but then things changed… enemy team zerg

That was my problem too that I noticed. Essentially numbers win. Doesn’t matter if you have skill or such, 4 people spamming #1 at you are going to plow you down. Just zerg through your enemies.

100k candies for wings? O.o

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Still more content that may provide candies as rewards?

Even so let’s say that each upcoming new content mission or such gave out a FULL STACK OF ZHAITAFFY (250) and we still have 4 locked achievements, let’s say there is 10 quests or whatever that you can do which will reward 250 for the first time you complete them. From those first time rewards from 10 quests still only give you 2500 candies. You still need 97500 candies.

Now let’s say if they added in a dungeon that gave 250 candies for first time completion or even as end reward no matter what. You’d have to re-run said dungeon 400 times for 100k taffies.

Or even looking for other various possibilities that each of the locked achievements gave out 10 jorbreakers each, you’d still need 60 jorbreakers, 60,000 taffies.

No matter how you look at it, the numbers are terrible.

From all the other crappy mmo’s I’ve played, I’ve never seen something like this where you needed to trade in 100k items for a single item. Maybe if it were gold or some kind of common currency in the game which would be the equivalent of 10million or so (you can’t compare taffies to common currency due to the large gap between them. You sell an item and could get 1000coins or so, but in GW2 you get 1 taffy per monster (if it drops it).

At least, if you work for it, you’ll get the wings. You could spend this whole month grinding and not get a weapon skin. And considering how cheap the candies are on the AH, and how often they drop, plus the piniattas, I think the wings are pretty doable, and I bet most people who wanted them will have them by the end of this.

I have a strange feeling that you are more likely to get a weapon ticket from a coffer than someone managing to grind out 100k taffies.

100k candies for wings? O.o

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825



otherwise I’m not sure what their attitude was towards new players.

Buying taffies for the wings (last time I checked taffies @ 25c) 250g
Mini from Moa racing, 24.8g min average.

The only thing a new player can hope for is to ignore the event and just play normally and hope that when they get a coffer if gives a weapon ticket or they manage to luckily have the wings drop for them.

I’d say your best bet is to farm as much gold as possible right now (i.e. CoF p1) while encouraging everyone to farm as much taffy as possible. Then hope that the price of taffy goes down enough by the end of the event that you can afford to buy them off the TP.

Even in best case scenario where taffies overflow the market @1c each that is 10g for the wings. Unfortunately since every person needs 100k taffies, taffies won’t reach 1c because they will have a high demand still from a single person. So even if they turn to 5c per taffy, you are still looking at 50g for the wings. Last time I checked taffies were at 25c that’s 250g for the wings.

The entire thing is stupid, someone must have misplaced the extra 0’s. 1000 taffies in total maybe but 100k that’s just stupid.

(edited by Groonz.7825)

The fanbase resents the RNG chests

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


You guys do all realise those rich dragon coffers exist as an option to donate to NCsoft, right? The contents are just a inconsequential “thank-you” style junk reward.
If you’re buying them primarily intending to actually get skins you are an idiot, lets face it.

Yea…to want to support Arenanet and hopes in return to get something nice in return must be an idiot. People shouldn’t even ‘donate’ to Arenanet at all! Complete fools! …

I suddenly hate everyone AKA Dragon holograms

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


This happens at these events where you end up fighting each other for these “nodes”.


The fanbase resents the RNG chests

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


GW2 is becoming more like the standard MMO with grind and RNG. The only appeal GW2 has anymore is the non subscription pay-2-play model and the somewhat monthly themed content that is riddled with RNG.

Dragon Ball Jump Pads Laggy

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


It’s also annoying how there are times where you simply aren’t launched high enough and you simply just bob your head out of the hole and end up falling back in and you have to backpeddle back over the launcher.

The worst part about this event

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Is that there is quite a large aspect revolving around grind/huge amounts of gold required.

100k zhaittafies. Sure there is the “Just buy from TP” but that emphasis on spending money but if you don’t want the “instant method” and want to get it on your own through normal play, it would take hours upon hours. There was a post on reddit where an example was from a user who said they got around 30 taffies in 10 minutes, so we assumed that if you managed to get 180 an hour (which I feel is quite a stretch of an assumption) that to get 100k you would need to spend 555.5 continous hours to achieve 100k.

The other issue is the moa racing a simple gold sink; a thread on reddit did some maths and came to the conclusion that the minimum gambling cost for the mini would be around 28.4g (cost will vary but being based on a 1/5 chance of winning races)

The immediate feel I got when I saw these things were “goldsink” and “time sink” (if you want to grind your own 100k candies).

The event itself is great but there is that feel that goldsink is quite a large factor behind this entire event. I’d like to hear from the decision who thought “100,000” items were needed to gain an item. if you were to exaggerate it and make it sound worse, you could say “One tenth of a million”.

I’m just confused by the decisions made from these new content updates, one moment it’s
“Halloween: you can only get these cool skins from RNG gemstore”

then it’s
“Wintersday: you can buy whatever skin you want from the gemstore!”

“Southsun: you can get these new crates that give out freebies AND they drop from normal monsters! AND we are throwing you a 200%MF boost to help you further!”

and now..
“Dragonbash: grind for your 100k taffies or buy them from the TP, also spend more gold on the moa racing not small bets like 10s or such but 50s per bet”

I always keep trying to think that GW2 is a new MMO that is trying to appeal to casual gamers and not the old MMO players who simply just grinded.

This latest Dragonbash event really does feel like Arenanet are taking steps backwards. I feel incredibly sorry for new players who haven’t been playing that long. 50s for a bet? that would probably put a huge dent in their funds.

edit: oh and one more thing, I feel kinda sad for those who are buying the “rich” coffers and aren’t getting much from them considering they are meant to be more generous. They don’t seem to be more ‘generous’. Let’s say the normal coffers have a 5% chance of a ticket, the rich roffers should have at least a 35%+ chance for a weapon ticket. It looks terrible how people are wanting to support Anet but still end up frustrated after 20+ coffers with nothing to show for it. And it feels terrible to tell others to no bother buying from the gemstore because it’s a rip off. Regardless of RNG it’s just a poor way to treat your valued customers, if they’re not supporting the game, who is?

(edited by Groonz.7825)

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


The thing you are asking for letting wxp be account bound but letting you pick different traits on different characters is not a simple solution.

Sure its simple to say, but I have a feeling it is far harder to implement than you think.

Yea, I meant it as “simple idea” but obviously coding wise it might have some difficulties but that’s for the coders to work out :]

I like having a few things in this game that isn’t easymode/designed for casuals. Your going to have to put in effort to get your wvw xp.

Effort…effort? there is no challenge to it, it’s just a grind/time sink.

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


@OP if you make it account bound how would different upgrade paths taken on different characters be handled. I imagine it is character bound right now to allow for the different upgrade paths to be taken.

To the people wanting different roles on their other characters. Simple solution; make ranks/wxp gain account wide but leave the point distribution character based. Done.

LOL is this serious? you get more free loot with it being seperate……but youd rather its be tied to account to keep your medicore bonus??? LOL sooo much hurt in this thread

Don’t really care about the loot not that I need the 10+ badges and masterwork items. Are you sure when you say;

medicore bonus???

You don’t mean ‘medicore reward’ ?

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


(User was infracted for this post.)

Quality moderation….

Because I mentioned Devon in the title, which they’ve changed as you can see. No mention devs name in titles as “call outs” :/

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


To the people wanting different roles on their other characters. Simple solution; make ranks/wxp gain account wide but leave the point distribution character based. Done.

WvW ranks take too much time

in WvW

Posted by: Groonz.7825


When I saw Devon say;
“World Abilities is a great feature, but it is one that takes a pretty dedicated player to take full advantage of due to the sheer amount of time required to gain significant rank.

I just felt like there was just a big slap in the face. If Devon himself can understand that it takes a sheer amount of time to gain wvw ranks it should just be changed to account wide instead of character bound. It’s really anti-alt friendly, there are instances that occur in wvw where you are playing and there is a situation where you think X profession would be really needed at the moment, e.g. You’re about to rush in and mesmer utilities would be really helpful but your team doesn’t have many at the moment.

If WxP was account bound I would gladly swap to X profession to do what I can to support my team but as it is, I’m too inclined to stick to my main. Our team lose out on possible advantages I might bring with another character due to my selfishness of wanting my WxP to progress on my main.

I had subsided with the changes after a while when it was implemented but this latest post where Devon himselkittennowledges that it takes a significant amount of time to gain wvw ranks just reheated my dislike for the character bound wxp. I still can’t see how Anet can justify that decision; “Oh when they reach max, rank they’ll just swap to another character and progress all over again! It’s fun and adds replayability!” …no. A dedicated WvW player tends to stick with 1 character as their main wvw guy. It would be kinda stupid to see one of your well known wvw commanders abandon his wvw commander character to start progressing his wvw rank on a different character.

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Groonz.7825


There are certain pieces of gear that are easier tan others. Hats and gloves are generally easier than a full suit of matching gear, since a full suit requires it for 3 different weight classes (light, medium, heavy). Fun hats and one-off gloves don’t require near as much resources.

So would it be fair to come to this assumption. Essentially we will never (give or take timeframe) see new armor skins and such IF it is not part of the themed monthly content.

e.g. in Southsun, you’re so called resources, were put in only the new Southsun backpieces, F&F weapons/gauntlets and Southsun Scerlite weapons. Which gave no spare resources for the new statted items to have any skins of their own.

With that in mind, it would be fair to say in the next month there will be no new skins except for the designated content of the Dragon Bash backpieces, hat, waepons etc.

Meaning, if it’s not part of the themed content or BLT store items, you shouldn’t new skins or such that is on the side and not related to anything.
e.g. Making new Ogre themed armor skins that you can get from WvW ogre camp during a themed content month that is something totally different.

My only suggestion to this is that in the future when GW2 announces new updates/content and involves anything along the lines of new “armor” to specifically reword it to “new statted armor” which makes it more clear. Considering how we saw things evolve.

May 16, 2013: Welcome to Paradise
Attention brought to Kasmeer’s special armor she was wearing that screenshot.

Date after 28th (can’t recall as it was getting updated as time went on: A Guide to Last Stand at Southsun Cove
“special weapons and armor.” which gave off the impression that these new things would actually be something of worth and “special”. While in the end it was just “new statted armor” using old skins, which made it even worse being that these stats are quite different and I usually see people asking “what kind of builds would even use these stats?”, very limited classes and builds, (think it was bunker ranker and maybe an engi but besides that nothing).

Maybe it was just player hype or incorrect wording from Anet (I’ve yet to see anyone say the new items are “special” in a good way.) as well as how things came out.

Then again I’m also still blinded by the words of the pre-release days when Anet said that “What items you see NPC wearing, you can also wear them as well”.

Figuring out what gear for d/d ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Groonz.7825


Been pondering for a while which gear set up I should go with, mainly to roam about in wvw with. I’ve came up with a few gear set ups, all using +boon duration boons with a different specific +boon duration rune for the last 2 slots;

A. 2407 armor, 14705 health, 36% crit chance, 56% crit damage, +might duration

B. 2418 armor, 16745 health, 29% crit chance, 50% crit damage, +might duration

C. 2173 armor, 16205 health, 35% crit chance, 56% crit damage, +protection duration

And just a random PVT cleric set up which I was just pondering about, I’m sure it hits like a wet tissue but what is 1000 healing power like for d/d ele, with the regen, water attunement regen and various heals

(all using precision boosting consumables, as well as the same trait set up although that may change a bit after I play around with it)

Each has a slight variation between the stats.
(A) has less health but somewhat higher armor while maintaining somewhat decent crit chance and crit damage. Uses might duration for some extra damage.
(B) has more health and same armor but sacrifices 7% crit chance and 6% crit damage for the extra health as I read that an ele should have around 16.5k health. Uses might duration for some extra damage.
© has more health than (B) but less armor than (A)+(B) while still maintaining the decent crit chance and cirt damage from (A) at the cost having less armor. With the reduced armor, it uses protection duration to try to help out more for the surviving instead of the might duration.

In my mind I’m thinking (B) is the better option as it seems to be the middle ground but I was wondering what others thoughts were or if someone wants to share their gear set up that works for them, so I can get a better idea of how things are.