pvp makes me hate pvp.
So many horrible aspects about it, the balance, the matchmaking can’t think of anything that is decent about it.
It’s too late for an apology, for me they’ve ruined pvp when HoT came out and then the league amplified that hate. Used to pvp every now and then before HoT for some casual fun but now, I just can’t stand it.
I think we can officially now say that pvp is dead since there is not enough players to make leagues viable. Well, wasn’t unexpected.
God no…it would just become stealth and bomb.
Definitely not enjoying it since HoT was released. Leagues are kitten, matchmaking is kitten, meta is kitten, balance is kitten. I’ve started playing LoL again and forgot how much fun it was and the matchmaking actually works there.
More or less the same. Except for the playing LoL. I see GW2 more or less on par with LoL now. LoL has the worst toxic players and GW2 just is a mess, so about the same, overall.
Most Common Mistakes Made by SoloQers:
Expect to not fight against premades.
Just a question:
- If PvP is so much horrible, then what about this official HoT release poster?It claims a great growth.
And great growth means pleased and happy players.
Yea…it’s called using their ‘data’ to just throw out a bunch of nonsense,
I understood nothing of what you just wrote…
Gem store item; it is a single account bound item. You can move around between characters. It’s only 1 item.
Went out the window with the manifesto a long time ago.
Well Arenanet response would simply be “You can simply make up for the loss by playing more!”
You forget players who just started having to cough up several gold for rewards that offfer noting to gameplay..
After 14 days the casual has 2 maybe 5 gold? having nop clue what top do and trying to grab WP’s in area’s where he /she should do events..
I can’t recall what event it was but this was the same thing last time, when the event occured it was a gold sink a new players back then were pretty much left out. I wonder which event it was. maybe it was when the Moa gambling racing was around…
It’s amazing how this event is! If this is to introduce new players into GW2 of how things are, job well done. Better to show them the reality of how things are then to lie to them.
I’d advise having someone who can do maths be part of the design reward team so they can calculate what would the the maximum tokens you could obtain and see how it fairs against all the possible rewards you could obtain.
As it is, it’s just insane. Did the guy who come up with the WvW achievements take part in this? Cause it looks like the same handiwork.
Can’t people just change their chat channels? or if needed hide UI.
Matchmaking. /15characterslimit
Welp, just had a match against a premade as soloqueuing and to make it even better a new guy with 120ish ap was on my team.
…how? did that even work as matchmaking and why was that new guy even put into my team. Sometimes matchmaking is just so stupid.
The horrible truth about terrible matchmaking is simply because there aren’t enough players in spvp which is why it eventually just groups up random people to face whoever else is queuing up.
Please let me have a filter options that I can select for “No new players” “No vs premade”.
(edited by Groonz.7825)
The ‘E’ in PvE stands for environment. Meaning the explorable world. Fractals are just a puzzle sideboard. Has nothing to do with the world map
Oh lord, people like you…trying to split tiny hairs. One could say that Fractals is set in an area that is in some ‘world’ and what you do is ‘explore’ it. Ta-dah! It’s an explorable world.
It would be simpler if you just outright said “I can’t do fractals, I shouldn’t have to do fractals for my dailies!”
To normal people PvE is just Players vs AI and PvP is player vs player. It’s that simple. Although if we wanted to be silly, PvE player vs environment, one could simply say ANYTHING around you is part of your ‘Environment’ even if you are in a PvP mode.
These forums…
Could you be more specific? and tell us how much progress we actually get from the different arenas and whatnot.
The potions give 1% is all I know.
Just had a 5 pugs vs a 5 man guild. This should not be happening. I’m evening playing (just now) at a time where there are lots of players online compared to at after midnight when most people are sleeping.
I don’t understand why I’m having to be put up against a full partied team when I am going in solo.
I’m sure Justin or someone will say that the 5 man groups have to fight someone. Well it shouldn’t be against 5 random pugs.
I haven’t had a match up like this in a while but whenever I see it I instantly rage.
I’m also sure Justin may pop up with some statistics. About my win and loss rate (been winning quite a bit). I wouldn’t mind losing if I knew my enemies were also 5 random pugs but when put up against a full guild team, I just find that stupid.
This sounds wrong. I’m pretty sure you can’t buy the game from the GW2 INGAME gem store. That doesn’t even make sense. To have the option to buy a game you are already part of, not to mention if you were to gift ingame the friend would already have to be ingame to recieve the gift.
Also that response was 4 months old and still seems wrong.
I’m sure she mistyped it and meant from the GW2 store on the website > http://buy.guildwars2.com/
Because the only thing available in the ingame store is the “digital deluxe UPGRADE”
I found this little reward useless. If I wanted to open a chest with a key, I’d just do it in SW.
After SW dies down, I won’t be bothering to go back just to get a key to open a chest for a few random loots (mainly a champ bag).
I want to see this played out in WvW now. One team plays sylvari and the other teams just double team them…BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT!
“Looks like vegetables back on the menu, boys!”
Matchmaking put me against a trio guild team, and I think my team may have had a trio group too.
What was horrible about it? I assume they were all russian, they were all warriors, they just ran in a blob from one point to the other. I’m not sure if they were bots or not.
Well the last few games have all been terrible. No soloQ is horrible…
This thread looks very familiar, pretty sure someone already posted about this exact same thing (maybe on reddit, since I rarely check here.)
Bomb kit. Tool kit.
Do you even play engi?
Episodic content isn’t a new thing just to point out.
You can do any of these PvE monthlies without the Puzzle Jumper! What more do you need? xD
Someone to hold his hand. Literally. Maybe he wants someone to play on his account for him too.
There is a reason why it is a 3 hour duration on the extractor…
Instead of forwards, go backwards (west?) there is a flamethrower in the room.
Rewarding indeed. Especially after defending the forts and being reward with pop up rewards even if is bag of blues and greens. Now they need to implement that into WvW too.
Firstly. Jesus F Christ. This fight is incredibly slow as a mesmer.
Anyone that has touched a mesmer knows that their auto attacks are pitiful and that their actual damage comes from phantasm and what not.
The facet of light pretty much nullifies all your options to do damage because of the AOE ground mechanic it has. You can’t summon phantasms in the field as your phantasms instantly die.
I’m not a newbie, I know my way around the game but this fight was terrible.
If you end up downing and dying you have to start over which is a pain considering how weak your auto attacks are.
There is a slight work around where you can use A phantasm, I emphasise “A” as in one. Just before you attune you summon a phantasm on the boss just as you attune. As whatever summons you have while attune will also be granted the attunement, any summons after you are attuned will not have it.
A second long CD damage boost is if you have the humans elite trait hounds of balthazar, similiarly to above, summon them before you attune so they can survive the field.
Besides those two options, mesmers have pitiful damage against this boss as it’s AOE field strips away it’s other damage abilities.
I just had to rant at this design. As this is the only class that is heavily disadvantaged if you are playing solo.
You had a good theory. So tried it out but unfortunately even using the “exit to desktop” option when I was on the new account. And then launched GW2 to log into my main account, it still had the locked features enabled, which to fix I had to exit out of the client and launch it back.
I’m not sure if this bug if because of having 2 accounts or because GW2 has recently been having connectivity issues.
But it seems to be apparent when I switch between my accounts, one is my main, the other is just a fresh account with not much use. For that new account I’ve been using it to do the maize farm. With that being said, I’m using newly created characters for this because of the NPE and how things are locked (I’m assuming this is the issue) when I switch back to my main account, my guild options are bugged/hidden. I can’t see my guilds on my main account. It’s almost as if the 2nd account’s NPE locked features are carrying over when I switch accounts. Similiarly I can’t also join parties as I’m sure that is also locked out from the NPE.
I’m pretty sure this is the case. As I’ve just tested it and it feels like this is the issue.
1. Logged into 2nd account on a character with the NPE where things are locked.
2. Log out and log into main account. Guild are hidden.
To fix, I have to constantly relog out of my main account and hope that the guild functions are back (remove the NPE unlocks).
I’ve skimmed a lot of what has been said in here so I’ll probably repeat ideas that some people have already have said.
Guild halls themselves are kinda plain, similiarly to the guild upgrades, you simply start and upgrade and wait for it to be done and eventually you are fully maxed out. I would see the same staleness appear if we got guild halls.
I think some some activity would be needed to keep things interesting. I think someone had mentioned something about owning land or something for their guild halls. Allowing guilds to own some areas (it would simply be small things like a mountain or something and then say there is an entrance/instance portal thingy to enter the mountain which would be your guild hall. Along the lines of the Whisper orders secret base.
But there was the issue about forever keeping the land. I’d suggest that this is where you allow GvG to fight over the land. Guild A is bored of X and wants to move to Y, they challenge Guild B for their land.
This would allow pvp competitive guilds to have some activity. I’m sure you could possibly think of some other activity instead of purely GvG, like having some PvE activity where they have to do better than the other or something.
I’m sure someone would be thinking, then what about the smaller guilds, wouldn’t all the lands be taken and there would be no space for them? This is where I would suggest having guild halls in cities which are neutral and any guild can start from there. It’s only outside of cities/towns where guild can claim areas for guild halls against one another.
There would be some rules in place, like a guild that loses their fight against another cannot challenge the same guild for that location for a week or so.
But there are some other issues like how would gvg fights be arranged and decided, when will it happen, what about if one guild doesn’t have the players that day, etc. haven’t really thought it all the way through. Just throwing out random ideas that probably aren’t feasible.
This is just stupid. This is a backwards approach to things. You’re simply wanting to go back to a grinding MMORPG. You essentially just want to beat up new players who wouldn’t have decent stuff (We are talking about sPvP right? I’ll assume so).
You want to throw out the idea where skill comes into play and people simply rely on the amount of time that has been put it in to outweigh the need for skill by having better stats then other people.
Warcraft? remember how this is not a WoW clone? and that GW tries to take a different approach to the MMORPG genre.
We’re finally leaving Beta!
Why can’t we just accept out new Dragon overlords? I welcome them!
People that can’t do these living story stuff I would love to see them record their gameplay and show exactly how it is so hard that they can’t do it.
As it is, my idea of people can’t can’t do content are people who are running in mixture of blues and greens and just randomly place trait points (a little in here a little in there, no idea what these traits are, let’s pick some random stuff).
Maybe it’s me but after entering the gate and the arrow tells you to run on the east to the arrow cart…
Did no one else think “Hmmm monsters on the left, not much on the right. I’ll just hop over the little hill on the right an run directly to the arrow cart” I did this one my first attempt and was wondering why the arrow was directing me to the left route.
As for the thrasher boss, it’s not particularly hard. If you pay attention the minions take turns to spawn in a clockwise position. East, South, West then North.
For the dogs, you simply just kill them, use your brain “Oh it’s attacking the minion, how should I stop them?”
“I should probably kill it but it’s also chasing after the minion.”
1. Slow down the attacker so it isn’t directly on top of the minion constantly so you give the minion extra time to reach it’s destination. This means using cripples.
2. Kill the monster before it kills the minion.
3. Speed up the minion so it can reach the thrasher before it dies.
4. Support the minion so it lives longer/takes less damage. Using protection/heals.
5. Important to note that the minion gets crippled from the monsters attack so if you want it to run faster, condition removal would help.
Let’s see what each class has to offer in the situation.
Warrior: Can shout heal, has warhorn to remove cripple and provide speedbuffs, can kill dogs due to high dps, can cripple spam with sword, plenty of various CC (hammer too).
Ele: Access to heals/condi removes/CC (daggers), high staff dps with fire #2
Mesmer: Shatter dps builds, CCs
Necro: condition removal, DPS, condi overload, CC
Guardian: support boons, condition removal, DPS
Thief: CC, dps, stealth
Engi: Heals, condition removal, DPS
Ranger: DPS, CC, heals
Every class has something that can be used to get past this.
Also in some cases the north monster will get bugged and stuck behind a wall or such and you don’t even need to protect that minion as it doesn’t get attacked.
Just some random things I’ve come across.
In Fallen Hopes mission you are able to bypass the jump in which you need the purple crystal with a leap skill or such and destroy the object that is blocking kasmeer’s magic before you have to wait for the purple crystal to spawn. Doing this simply causes Marjory and Kasmeer to stay over on that side until you progress to the next part and defeat the inquest (so you have to fight alone).
In Prosperity’s Mystery, as I’ve been completing the LS on all my characters, I try to speed through things, you can sort of interact with the objects before you need to speak to the NPC’s i.e. click on the paper on the wall then speak with marjory instead of having to wait to speak to marjory first then look at paper then report your findings. I’m not sure if it’s entirely related but I did I got up to rox and the diary but I couldn’t report my findings to rox and was unable to continue, due to speedily trying to look at the objectives before the NPC points them out.
Anyone know all the locations, I’m missing one but I just can’t find it.
Edit: nvm found it, it as hidden off the left side of the cliff where you get the air crystal.
(edited by Groonz.7825)
Since the wallet change, dungeon tokens are no longer actual items you can move about/select. With regards to that, are there going to be changes to the recipes that drop from dungeons? As it is, these super rare dungeon recipes that drop aren’t actually useable. You can learn them but you can’t make the items as the recipe requires dungeon tokens which it does not recognise in wallet form.
I farmed all my gauntlet tickets yesterday (took sooo long) and got 490 gauntlet chances. All of them were festival tokens. So much disappointment. The worst part is how bad the rewards are, you don’t get more than 1 token per ticket or even any gold to compensate your time.
In the end it was quite a large waste of time to be honest. Unfortunately like majority of cases you are simply better off doing other things like dungeons and earning gold instead of wasting time on festival stuff and simply buy out things from the TP.
What I don’t understand is why make the RNG so lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww in a large MMO such as this, I don’t understand why you would make an item (chaos of lyssa recipe) drop uber rarely amongst thousands of players.
Except for the guys theory about trying to get people to buy gems. I understand making it rare but at some point you have to think it gets to a stage it’s too rare. I’m pretty sure I’d have more chance being hit by a car then by a bus straight after than getting RNG chance at the Chaos of Lyssa Recipe :|
Oh lord! Major bug! A loot drop? How could this have leaked through. NO ONE OPEN THE HEAVY SUPPLY BAGS! THROW THEM AWAY! Clearly a bug. Anet will remove it on next update.
Those who are caught collecting the Heavy Supply Bag during this event will be banned. All will be set right once again.
Guantlet is an interesting content but this years rewards are abysmal. There is no real reward for doing them besides the achievements. Last year you could get gold and bags for scraps of stuff. This year, festival tokens with little value, gauntlet chance which gives 1 …1! festival token or if you are super lucky a festival ticket of the pavilion. Besides that, nothing else.
Although when I think about it, maybe it was a strategy for Anet to make it unappealing so the gauntlets weren’t overloaded. So people who did it last year are put off. Which makes it easier for people this year to complete the achievements.
The idea to steer away from zerg content is good but unfortunately Arenanet aren’t getting things done properly. This boss blitz probably due to lack of effort put in because of the China release should have been handled different. As it currently is, GW2 still has too much of a zerg mentality, Arenanet shouldn’t have just threw the new boss blitz at us like that as unfair as it is to say, a lot of the randoms/pugs in this game are pretty dumb.
For the Boss Blitz event, Arenanet should have added in a feature that guided the players to not blob, essentially to place 6 NPC commander like entities like the WvW siegerazers that require something like 5/5 to start, just so people are actually spread out and understand that you need to properly split up in order to tackle this event properly.
As it is, there is no guidance, remember players are dumb, they will just blob up like lemmings.
Arenanet should have used an idea like the one I suggested, just so further down the line with similiar helpful guidances that steer from zerg tactics then people will eventually adapt to it.
The only good thing about this content is that there was no achievement required to defeat the boss blitz gold reward, otherwise I’d be tearing my hair out.