Maybe one of my experience can tell you one of the reason that why skill NPCs are missing. I challenged an underwater skill challenged NPC and he is so hard (well, every fight underwater in this game is hard and boring, though the scenery is great) that I was downed and I tried to swim to the surface. He followed me for an extremely long distance up to the water surface (don’t think he is supposed to, because for the first time when I runned, he stopped chasing me at the entrance of the cave). He keeped pulling me down into the water while I fought for the surface and this last like 5 minutes until finally I was able to get out of down state and escape to land.
When I went back to his cave, he is missing. Waited for 10 minutes, still missing. I gave up and logged out the game. Luckily for this case, he was back the next morning.
The cave is very deep underwater and his behavior of chasing me to the water surface seems to be the reason for being missing. And I guess this can happen in many cases that the skill NPC unable to run back if they chased a losing player too long.
Same here. Nothing can be done to progress the Renown Heart. The nearby boss event also gets stuck, boss health bar is empty, boss mark on map but nothing there. Looks like everything around this small area are screwed up.
Both has been sent as in-game bug report. Something worried me is, I can hardly see those bugs reported through in-game get fixed unless they got a long thread on forum. Maybe there are just too many in-game bug reports that they are overlooked or they can’t bother for the time being. However, this is what exactly I saw in SWTOR and probably one of the reason it failed, so I hope they can keep their fixes updated. At least give us a known-issue list (I know it is going to be very very long), but at lease it lets us know they are aware and working on them. I hate to see exactly the same bugs happening on my alt a few weeks after reported them, but it is happening.
Zone: Iron Marches
West of Hellion Waypoint
The trash Earth Elemental here are level 56, but my level 75 character is being down leveled to level 51. Fighting at where they are, I am still level 51.
This is the 3rd location I found to be behave like a Super Raiding Zone. (Raid boss are usually 3+ or 2+ level than your max level player).
This is never allowed in a side-kicking system. You are fooling your customers.
And looks like there are many more locations like this in the mostly abandoned Charr high level zones. Many part of these zones are always bugged, poorly imbalanced, they are just unfinished.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
Cooking is fun but there are so many recipes that are consist of ingredients, then that ingredient is also consist of other ingredient. Every time you have to find an ingredient from hundreds of recipes, then another, then another, making it hard to create or discover what you intend to. Not everyone is expert of cooking so you don’t even know which section you should look to find that ingredient. And definitely you want to avoid typing in the words every time.
My suggestion is, when you click on an ingredient/component on the right pane and it will direct you to the specific recipe in the left pane. Things would be much easier and comfortable.
The story quest I chose is asking me to go to extremely far destination back and forth so frequently that the more I proceed, the more I have to pay for the travel cost. Unless you have no WvW queue in your server, you pay much more for travel cost than the reward. This is stupid. At least give us some soul-bound travel item to Lion’s Arch as reward, so we don’t have to lose money to proceed a quest chain instead of being rewarded. Do I have to finish a few DEs to earn the traveling cost to proceed just one single step of the story quest, then get those pointless fine rewards?
We need a healing signet like Warrior’s. Current healing signet is horrible because your damage are mostly DoTs and you hit much less, thus hardly giving you any heal at all. It should work on a X heal per damage dealt basis. In that case, it helps a lot when you are dealing with a group. With your AoE, the more damage you deal, the more aggro you get and you end up tons of mobs chasing after you. Even you can outrun them with speed, you can hardly hit them to gain any heal with the current signet. If it is a heal per damage dealt basis, you can place GTAoE while running away from them, still receiving heals from the damage deal and the fight would be drastically balanced.
ANet needs to study how mage and priest works well in WoW even with squishy armor and health. This is the part I find really inferior in GW2 comparing to WoW.
The issue did not resolve even if I switched character then switch back.
I gave up and played my alt for around 30 minutes. Then I logged back in and this time the sound disappeared. I did not have any debuff and that sound started before I actually did anything or killed any mobs when entering that subzone. Still wondering where did that come from.
And I recalled this happened on somewhere else too, in multiple places. Sometimes it is someone coughing all around the subzone, sometimes just murmuring. I thought that was part of the programmed ambiance until I encountered this one that I am pretty sure it is no way to be some sort of ambiance sound.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
Zone: Mount Maelstrom
When I entered Gauntlet Gulch, I start hearing the same Asura talking “You know, your failure is only funny if you try.” repeat every 10 seconds or so. Never stops.
Relog, does not help. Restart client, does not help. Went to Mist and back, does not help.
There is no portal to other zones nearby so I have to pay to move to the waypoint in Timberline fall. The voice stops there. I ran into Mount Maelstrom from Malorean Wilds, ok, no voice. I got relieved and paid more to teleport back to the waypoint at Gauntlet Gulch, thought I would be fine now. WTF the voice is back the moment I got back there. There is no way I can do my Renown Heart with that voice keeps talking every 10 seconds.
Please fix this ASAP. I don’t think anyone would like to keep hearing this while in the zone. And I wasted 5s (that’s rewawrd for 3 DEs!) just to test this out.
Now that I have started leveling several alts, I am really sick of this TAKE ALL for the trade post. Why can’t you choose what you need to take? Why must you pick up everything even though some of them are for your alts? There are many trade post NPC out of the cities but very few bank NPCs, so it does not work well to just place them into the bank for common access.
Let us pick up what we need please. One of the simplest thing available on all kind of applications and games but GW2.
Light armor class should have better defensive stats against magical or attribute attack. Or give them more powerful shielding skills, or better movement skill without sacrificing the use of multiple utility skill slots. None of this exists in the game, which make the balance really awful. The heavy armor classes may even have better skills in some aspect.
I gave up on my elementalist exploring the 2nd/3rd part of Orr, after seeing the disadvantage with tons of mobs respawning around you almost instantly, then start pulling and immobilizing you.
Kind of, Congratulations! You have just completed FOTM (Fool of the Month) Achievement.
TBH, I was thinking of moving on to MoP when I got that monthly reward.
Transmutation Stones, does the current system work for you?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hologramx.6402
Oh I see. Maybe it is a bug or they have changed the behavior of the stone. I still could combine a white piece (the initial chest piece from start) with a blue, then combine into a masterwork with that blue in the past two days, with my low level alt. Also works on the foot piece too. You should give them the name of the items that you failed to combine through an in-game bug report. There might be some sort of bug to disable some specific combination.
Transmutation Stones, does the current system work for you?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hologramx.6402
I am not sure of the problem but I could combine a piece of Masterwork with my level 80 exotic armor. Are you using a fine transmutation stone (required if any of them is level 80, basic transmutation stone only works with both item level <=79).
I do agree that transmutation should work even across light/medium/heavy armor, to make it more fun and give you more choice for variations.
I agree with the OP. Some kind of specific rewards need to be rewarded for doing over 90% of the DE. Especially for solo escorting and solo collecting type, it can take extremely long time and huge effort to finish them alone and what you get is nothing special, what you can get by jumping into an event for 30 seconds, then leave it to people staying behind, not bothering the outcome and you still get the same gold.
I have been experiencing many events that I had to solo all the way because there were hardly anyone around, or people just abandoning them. Every time I had to ask myself “Is it worth to do this alone?”. I don’ think so but I just can’t ignore those NPCs requiring my help, just like what you do in real life. Imagine yourself ignoring these in a virtual world and how it will affect your life style in real world. It is bad for kids too if they get used to this sort of “I don’t need to help because it is pointless.”.
It will be nice if we receive extra reward (hopefully not gold or karma), something special, such as Platinum Medal that can be used as currency for specific goods (mini-pets etc) or count towards achievement, to encourage people to finish pending DEs even alone. And if people abandoning events maybe the cause of stuck events, this would be much more needed.
I have been playing a lot in the low level zones with my level 80. From what I have observed, only veteran or champion mobs drop items close to your level, normal trash will always drop items with level for that sub-zone. Apparently this is necessary to prevent people from farming in the low level zones.
I would certainly be glad to buy gems to pay for cute mini\pets like this(I already see many of them in the game). However, they need to provide a better UI for keeping, summoning, switching mini-pets (for both land/water) first, and keep that mini-pets sticky where ever you go, also add some options to auto-dismiss/summon when entering/leaving dungeons.
Besides, mini-pets should not be an item that you need to keep in an invisible bag. It must be an item to be consumed to make that pet available in a mini-pet UI that is account-wide too, otherwise I don’t think I want to buy them for each of my characters.
Some of the WvW achievements suits the requirements much better, like how many times taking down keeps and castles, also defense count, orbs and etc + that 100g (sure you must be willing to pay and you certainly have that gold if you really spent that much playing the game).
It spammed like hell when I was doing the story quest “Forging the Pact”. Looks like it will pop up most of the time after I killed a trash. Got more than 20 of them flooding my chat box …
Already seeing some stupid commanders wandering in the WvW ground misleading people and splitting up groups. Apparently they don’t have the experience and knowledge and brain to be a commander. It is a good system if we do have a good and capable commander, not people just showing off their golds.
Badges, kills, number of gold medals in WvW events, playtime in WvW, many other achievements would be reasonable requirements for it.
TBH I have completely lost my interest in dyes when I started my alt, not even interested with adding them to my main either. I just sold every dyes to trade post. I believe this is happening to many other players from the drop of price of dyes in the trade post.
The reason is very clear. If there is a reasonable possibility for you to get your collection, it keeps you on, otherwise, you just give up and forget its existence.
Making dyes character bound only give you some short-term profit while some obsessed guys trying to get them desperately. But in long term, most people just ignore it when you start an alt and realize the insanity of this character-based system.
I can’t believe this key customization is account based in a game that recommends you to play alts so heavily. Its completely nonsense. This is especially fatal for the profession skills because some profession like Elementalist use them extremely frequently while some only use 1 (warrior) and you may even don’t hit that key for hours depend on your build.
I don’t see why it is so hard to get it implemented. I am a programmer and I am very sure that this can be done in 30 minutes. I have no idea what they are thinking of …
I have not done it before but I heard that if you go to the mist (sPvP) (use your Hero’s panel) from WvW then exit from there, you get back to your original location.
I think the best solution is:
Boost Defensive Stats, Nerf Offensive Stats
at Downscaling. It becomes more harmless to other lowbies, and lessen your pain and frustration for being killed or chased by low level mobs. But only for PvE.
PvE and PvP needs to have some different mechanics, as always it should be.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
My main (now 80) has completed all the level 1-15 area.
My alt has completed 3 level 1-15 areas.
Zero chili pepper in my bank. Never used any of them before.
I always try to harvest a node even if it is 2000m away and I have been exploring caves even without POIs, killing all the mobs on the way. Also participating as many DEs as I could, killing tons of mobs.
Apparently this is either a bug, or they are doing something very wrong, such as same thing like they set the price of tier 1 cultural weapon to 1c and now drop rate of chilli pepper is probably 0.0000000000000000000000000001.
This happens in many popular items in the trade post.
Many people buy them for an extremely cheap price then sell them at 3-10 times they bought. This becomes serious for leveling because of these guys buying all the most desired gears and selling them at extremely high price. You can see most of these come from just a few players, can be possibly gold-sellers (easiest way to make money without interest in the game play at all). Then selling all of them at the same price (you know it is the same guy or same group because there is almost no price competition in both buying and selling). In real world it is called monopoly.
Since “Buying” is supposed to be for real need of the player, not for selling at a higher price for profit, I think you should limit the BUY option to the maximum of the stack quantity. i.e. it can only be 250 for each material per player, but only 1 for gear (since gear cannot stack and usually you don’t need multiple pieces of same gear). This will prohibit someone from buying all the most needed gear then selling them at an extremely high price using monopoly.
Don’t ignore immoral please. This can become very serious. I already hate seeing all these every time I need to upgrade my gear, and sometimes you really have no choice but to benefit these probably gold-sellers if you need your gear immediately.
My guess is, if you are in a party, it adds up the damage of the party i.e. you get bonus damage deal and kill from other party member. So you have a higher chance for loots and definitely much easy to get over the least damage required to get gold medal or get the loot in huge event with a lot of participants.
Monthly Acheivement - Kinda Lame loot, Add something kinda cool?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hologramx.6402
I did half of it with my level 80 and another half with my low level alt. I got 63 coppers as reward with my level 80 rofl. If I have known that, I would have let my alt finish it, at least he gets some experiences. Huge surprise for seeing such a joke in an excellent game like this. Is there some kind of stealth jerk in ANet? I wonder.
Not much an issue I guess. I would rather they add the level range to the loading screen so lowbies won’t get into high level zone accidentally. Once I saw a level 5 in a level 40-50 zone that he gets killed instantly so many times, until we all realized his level and decided not to rezz him anymore … that was fun but pathetic.
Looks like when a small portion of players (usually bad guys) did something bad, either exploit or farming, they tend to punish the whole player base severely. The price of tier 1 and tier 2 cultural weapon is a typical example that make them practically untouchable, thus causing a rare level 40 weapon can cost almost 1g in trade post.
Then we lost a lot of fun (for experiencing rare gear in early level) and received tons of frustration … this is bad.
Same in Jade Quarry. Lionguard Mette is missing. Many players try to find him but everyone just got stuck here.
Please lower price for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cultural Weapons, its IMPOSSIBLE!
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hologramx.6402
I am almost level 39 and I only have around 7200 karma. I spent only like 1000 karma so far. I have been doing purely PvE for leveling, try to participate as many DEs as I can, and completing area with Renown Hearts. Now I am playing everything as recommended by the game and what awaits ahead is something that almost no one can buy? What’s the point you manage to earn 10k karma to buy something at the point that you don’t need anymore? What’s the point of spending every karma you have to buy just one weapon that probably only last for 10 levels? Not to mention that most of us use more than two weapons. We don’t even have enough karma to buy just one.
This looks like a PUNISHMENT for you to reach level 40. Show you something you can never buy. Then another at level 60. This is an insane imbalance everyone knows and you just don’t want to get it fixed? You prefer us to get hurt rather than your pride to get hurt? If this 9800 karma is the proper price you considered for tier 1, then what’s the meaning of the previous price (guess 1K)? Are you admitting that the previous price was 1/10 of the proper price? Or are you suggesting that you neglect to sell thing at a proper price? Who is going to get hurt from all these?
Issue with Endure Pain:
Not sure if it is a bug with Endure Pain. Seems that every time I used it, I will die suddenly after a while, even there was no more enemies around and I was not taking any hit or DoTs, while my health is still around 30% or even more. Last time it happened, I checked the combat log and it only showed me a streak of me dealing damages (no incoming damages) before that, then suddenly the message of me suffering gear damage (meaning I just died from nothing). This already happened like 5 times, every time it was after I have to use Endure Pain. (I am trying not to use it after suspecting this)
I was wondering if Endure Pain is supposed to carry over any damage when it is in effect, thus causing your death when the combat is over? Looks like it is more like a bug because it can take more than 30 seconds after I used Endure Pain, then I just died after leaving combat.
Considering that most people are complaining that overlevelling makes the game trivially easy, personally I don’t think this is a problem.
If anything, it would be cool if, the higher level you are, the more challenge lower areas present to you. If you want to roleplay it, you can say that, since you are so heroic and awesome at high levels, you deliberately restrict your power against weaker enemies just to get more challenge and fun.
That is not how side-kicking supposed to work. You are talking about imbalance in some situation and action of some ignorant high levels.
And I am not talking about level 80 players. This problem does not persist for level 80 players because they are level 80 and they are wearing level 80 gears.
I am talking about leveling player. I have no idea how to explain that, I could kill some level 25 mobs with a specific skill combination at level 26, but I could only take them down to 30% with the same skills at level 31. Not any kind of RPG in the world will work like this even with the side-kicking system exists.
And I guess that why some story quests are insanely difficult and some are too easy. If they tested it under such situation without realizing its side effects, that will appear as a severe disparity in the difficulty for those story quests. A level 10 quest can be well-balanced for a level 14 players with all updated level 14 gears, but can become very hard for a level 19 players in exactly same level 14 gears.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
Apparently someone has already pointed this out (I could not find the post though) that, the side-kicking system has a fatal flaw at leveling. The down-scaling is calculated on your level, not your gears.
Suppose you are currently level 15 and leveling at a level 10 area. You have all the level 14 masterwork gears and level 15 trinkets. You can’t get any upgrade until you are level 20 for the next masterwork tier. The down-scaling is calculated on a coefficient as 10/15 for all your stats. If you gain a level, your stats coefficient becomes 10/16 and you will be a bit weaker. At level 19, it is now 10/19 which is almost 30% down when you gain 4 levels. Although you may gain some benefits from traits (depends on where you spend), still this is a ridiculous system. Why would your stats drop when you gain level? I confirmed that my power (after down-scaling) drops by 5 in a side-kicked zone right after I gained a level.
An easy solution is to calculate all the stats one by one from your gear level. Make the calculation decimal and round it up after you add them. By doing so, at least you won’t have your stats drop by side-kicking when you gain level. If you are still wearing some level 5 trinkets and you are in a level higher than 5, the calculation should not affect any stats from the lower level gears at all.
Please fix this ASAP because I am feeling so stupid to be side-kicked to become weaker and weaker per level gained for 5-6 levels. And that is assuming you update your gears constantly, otherwise it will be much worse. And if you cannot upgrade your gear due to tradepost on maintenance, you are only playing to become weaker and weaker. Side-kicking is not supposed to be working like this or it will be nothing but harassment for playing in any zone which is lower than your current level.
I did it yesterday. Killed him by 100% ranged. It is a basic mechanics for boss fight.
When the boss spawns some small wurms (I think its 4 of them), he gets an invincible buff. You need to kill all those small wurms to remove the buff. If someone pulled any of the small wurms away, you might not notice that and would be struggling against his infinite invincible buff.
I hardly died in PvE contents (other than dungeons) while leveling to max level in other MMOs. I also died only a few times in this game, most of them death from falling, except the story quest. Over 90% of my deaths all come from story quest.
I thought it would be better with a warrior (always with best gears), still there are some encounters that will get you killed quickly. 5-6 Mobs (some are ranged) spawning from nowhere, maybe with a veteran, all firing on you regardless of aggro, even you are just a guest helping the NPC who is supposed to be their main target.
All these look like a setup to kill you. Does not match the story. Does not consider how these mobs can appear from nowhere suddenly. Most of all, you are not given the time and fun to think and plan for the strategy for the encounter, which is really terrible. You just die and reset, and situation can be completely different when you come back. All NPCs might be dead or enemies get bugged and it becomes incredibly easy with them being bugged or very hard instead …
BTW, are you supposed to Report any insanity of imbalance in these story quests as Bugged? I did them frequently but I have no idea whether they have been fixed or not, considering you usually do them once and you might want to avoid the same story just to check it out.
100% world completion ruins the "Alt" experience. Make it account-wide.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hologramx.6402
I am pretty sure that there are some appeared-to-be-unfinished zones that you never want to bother completing again. These zones have hardly any DEs, other than a lot of bugs to make Renown Hearts unobtainable. Some with insane mob density as well as almost instant respawned mobs. That’s how I gave up on the 100% map completion and am rerolling on an alt. More fun in the lower level finished-and-well-balanced zones.
We ought to play for fun, not for leveling or 100% map completion. Don’t we?
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
Maybe we can give it a long CD, such as 180 seconds, so it can be useful in some solo fights against veteran mobs or in location that you have definitely no ranged merits that you need to use daggers suddenly.
Many profesions get temp bonuses for swapping weapons. It’d be completly unfair if you can spam these bonuses, hence the cd on weapon swap.
I am not aware of that. If it can be a serious issue in PvP, maybe we should remove it only in PvE. I was talking about purely PvE.
Currently if you hit level 80, you have few reasons to buy gems unless you want to get your set of exotic gears instantly. Your reward from DEs or any other game play should be enough for you to get your exotic gears in time. Everything you do is mostly for yourself. I remember myself, as well as others who are not even high levels, spending quite a lot of real money in some Asian-made MMOs and how we are willing to pay for that. Definitely not something nasty and it always lightens everyone. So I am suggesting the same idea.
It’s an Area Buff item that can only be bought by gems. When you use it, it applies a buff to everyone in that same zone. And the same buff can stack to extend its timer. My suggestion is a bit more complicated but make it “harmless”.
(1) When you use it, it does not apply instantly. It only makes an announce in your current area like “Player (Guildname) has applied ItemName in AreaName. Effects will start to apply in 10 minutes”. If you want to have that buff or you want your friends to receive it, they have 10 minutes to get to that area to receive.
(2) The item will give everyone in that area a say, 3 hour buff of a random type. It can be “+10% Exp” or “+10% Magic Find” or “+10% money from DE’s reward” or even some stats buff. You don’t know what buffs it will provide. The same buff stacks by time, up to 24 or 48 hours.
(3) Usually from what I experience, it will produce a chain effect that others would try to use the item simultaneously so it will benefit more players when they come.
(4) Any stats buff will keep its timer running in WvW or sPvP but will not have its effect while inside those circumstances to prevent from breaking further balance with gems.
Just an idea to help ANet business running while we enjoy the subscription-free game. Hope it won’t insult anyone who does not like it.
There is no cool down for weapon swapping while out of combat.
However, if you swapped weapon right before the combat ends, you get the cool down running even after you leave combat. Shouldn’t be the cool down be removed after you leave combat? I find it pretty annoying to have to wait to switch back to your default opening weapon in such situation.
I understand the need to stop players from farming the same route in specific dungeons and I don’t like that either. However, for the changes in the patch, there are some side-effects that should not be ignored. Reducing the rewards for anything after the first try of story mode would cause players to hestiate to help others, making it a lot harder to find a group to run story mode, because anyone who has run it already would have much less interest in running it again.
Wouldn’t it be better to implement a soft lockout for dungeons? For example,
Another completion of the same route within 1 hour -> 20% reward
within 3 hours -> 40% reward
within 8 hours -> 60% reward
within 12 hours -> 80% reward
within 20+ hours -> 100% reward
Every completion reset the lockout timer.
And you would probably need a UI to manage the timers for various routes in each dungeon.
Making some dungeons insanely hard seems to be not so intelligent. Besides, disparity of difficulty between routes isn’t so bad after all, considering there are many types of players/groups with different level of skills and gears. You can finish route A once everyday until you get your skills/gears for the harder Route B, and so on… If you make every routes the same difficulty, either you can only do ALL or NONE. That is a terrible design.
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
It can be helpful in many DE/PvE occasions. Suppose you are trying to challenge a Skill Challenge or a Veteran or a Boss that you find it impossible to solo. Now there is a player near you with a down arrow. If you are level 14 and it is a level 14 challenge, you don’t know you can do it with two or not. If he is down from level 15, it does not make any difference, but if he is something like 60→14, sure you know it is likely you can make it. Some challenges are still hard with two unless you assume everyone is well geared and skillful.
.At least let us see the health of our party members. Sometimes you want to know why a warrior can die in 5 seconds with any group of mobs. Is it he is 100% dps focused and only has very low health or in fact he has a lot of health but he simply knows nothing about defense or dodge. I would try to be fully supportive to lower his damage if he is dps-focused, otherwise I would advise him to dodge or try to attack from ranged as possible as he can.
There are simply too few information in the game about a player. The only things you can see is the outlook. Is outlook everything in the game? I supposed not. I don’t even know what class the player is if he is not in my group and before he uses any skill.
This is very hard if you do not know the tactics. I did it 4 times since BWE2 and have never ever got a credit (not even medal) even I stayed there for nearly an hour, sometimes at level 20, and usually died 4-5 times.
Yesterday I was able to finish it and get a silver with my level 15 warrior (ranged attack only), no death while I helped many from down state when killing embers. I am probably the only one who is constantly alive, so if everyone do the same, it should be easier.
What you want to do is, get inside. Basic tactics is Hit (with burst) and Run. The bridge is the last place you want to stay. There is no safe place around it and the limited space on the bridge gives you a lot of disadvantage. There are a few location inside that will provide enough range and get you out of LoS from her fire attack, that you can also heal yourself and pull embers to kill. Always avoiding the GTAoE and approach to attack when your burst attack CD is up, then hit and run. There is interval for her fire attack and it is also a good timing when the fire elemental is focusing her attack on somewhere else.
Unfortunately it is impossible to revive anyone since you will probably get yourself killed while reviving. So don’t expect to be rezzed but have hope when you are down .
(edited by Hologramx.6402)
Some are easy, some are just nightmares even for well-geared and skillful players.
I have to assume that they tested them without side-kicking while we are are side-kicked. The difficulty is far from anything I can imagine in my 8 years of MMO experiences. I know some of the very hard quests in WoW and I managed to complete them with a few levels above + some good gears, but with the side-kicking, everything you do is just useless. If they really want to give us challenge, test it thoroughly before they put the garbage for us to test. All you good impression of GW2 just GONE after experiencing these garbage.
If it is shared by all your characters, the reward should be based on the maximum level of your characters, not on the character that finished the last few percents. Supposed you did 90% of it with your level 80 character and finished the last 10% with your level 5 character, you only get 1s for daily instead of that 5s for level 80. Why should there be a huge difference between the two if you only happened to finish the last tick with a level 5 and with a level 80? It is supposed to make you feel free to play with whatever character you own to finish the daily, isn’t it?
And I believe the difference would be much larger with the monthly. Please fix this so we don’t have to watch that achievement meter so that we don’t happen to finish it with out low level alt to get a huge disappointment although you did 95% of them with your level 80.
You’re finding problems where there are none. If two worlds decide to attack the 3rd so be it. It’s impossible to coordinate such thing, so when it happens it’s purely coincidental. And WvWvW isn’t supposed to be fair. With just 2 sides on a map it’ll become pretty static and boring. With 3 it becomes much more dynamic.
So you have proved and arrived at the final decision that there is no such problem?
Looks like you are the God.
It is not even whether it exists or not. Read carefully. Its about prevention.
Besides, look at the real war in the world. Not everyone joining the war in everywhere. Italy did not fight US in World War II, Japan did not fight France neither. What I suggest is actually more realistic.
Unless you want to conquer the whole world, there is no reason that you must be fighting everyone at everywhere.
First, there are some problems in the current WvWvW system.
(1) Priority goes to EB. Why? Because there is a castle to fight for. This makes EB queue almost a queue impossible when the 3 borderlands are accepting participants.
(2) All the 3 borderlands look the same. It does not really matter much which one you join. Just 3 identical battlegrounds with the exception of minor difference in the one with your world’s name.
(3) Possibility of World Alliances to corrupt the whole system. You don(t know if it really exists. It would be very hard to prove it if it really exists or might in the future. But if it is theoretically possible, the system needs a safe-guard. And it is reasonable for 2 worlds to do that to obtain a win-win relation while the 3rd world suffers and results in players abandoning WvWvW. Imagine players have to abandon WvWvW because they think there is an unfair world alliance, even if it does not actually exists. They might never come back after a week.
(4) In an A vs B vs C battle, sometimes prejudice can change a lot of things. Suppose World C is in fact as good as World A and World B. However, if both World A and World B thinks that World C is inferior, they would both focus on attacking World C, resulting in a 2 vs 1 battle even if there are no commitment between A and B.
My suggestion is to minimize the work needed for the changes while providing solution to existing possible problems.
(A) EB would remain the same.
The 3 borderlands would be:
West Borderland: World A vs World B
East Borderland: World A vs World C
North Borderland: World B vs World C
Players of World A cannot enter North Borderland to intervene.
(B) Player limit for borderland would be 1.5 times since there are only 2 worlds in each of them.
© The north part (where the home world suppose to be) of the borderland map would become something like SM. It will be best if we can add some sort of PvE mechanics here, like adding 3 bosses guarding 3 gates, and players have to kill the bosses and claims all 3 gates in order to take it, because there are only 2 worlds here.
(D) The total scores of each borderland is only a bit less than EB. Now since EB and these 3 borderlands have different stories, they should have equal priorities in a player’s choice. So you will have something like 3xEB now.
(E) It will be hard for World Alliance because you have to fight each other without the 3rd world. You will also have to face an enemy alone in a specific borderland.
(F) Even if any world alliance exists, it only affect at most 50% of the WvWvW now.
(G) If there is an extremely powerful world, they can’t take 99%. Instead they can only take at most 75% of the whole map. The 2 remaining worlds can still have fun in their own 1vs1 borderland without the interference from that super power.