Showing Posts For Inverted.7439:

Weird lag (everying blinking around) ?

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Yep, I cant even play wvw anymore. Gona have to PvP or somethin until Anet decides they want to fix their kitten

Post patch: Small groups and Soloing death

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


So basically now I cant roam in any BL without sitting outside another server’s spawn. The whole middle part w/e the hell it’s called is a place where guilds that dont have enough people to blob go to.

Troll Unguent and SoN going to be nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Troll Unguent has never EVER been a problem before BM and spirit ranger, why the QQ? ovbiously because OP just got his kitten handed to him in a hotjoin by a ranger using it. It’s a good heal yes but it leaves you very vulnerable to burst and can be countered by poison.

No sound? Nothing?

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


So today after waiting 10 minutes queue’d up for solo q I decide to hop on the forums and look around, make a post or two. Little did I know right when I got on, my queue popped and I was standing there afk like the scumbags we all know. I’m sure if there was even a small beep I would’ve checked gw2 but I had no warning whatsoever that my queue popped and if there was a sound or warning i’m sure alot of losses or bad games due to afks could be prevented.

PvP leaderboard title?

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I read on a wiki page if you reach top 100 on paid tournament leaderboards you get a title a title “Challenger of the arena” is this still in place ? I’m curious because it says “sPvP” and “Paid tournament”

Spirit Rangers, prepare yourselfs for nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Yknow I’d take you seriously if you didn’t block your name out on the forums where your account name is broadcasted publicly…

Guild Leader Tag

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Yea this is a wonderful idea, although maybe have a limitation of atleast 100 people in a guild to have one, or everyone and their grandparents would have one.

Superior Rune of Divinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inverted.7439


What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing.

omfg i just laughed my kitten off. <3 you

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I think there’s a difference in degree between a stability stomper and an invincibility stomp, since you can damage stability stompers.

stealth stomping is like invincibility in many ways, though obviously not all ways

You cant damage a stealth stomp? oh i must be insane, i thought you could just use a skill and it’d deliver damage infront of you. Man i’m just a nutcase.

8/23 Jade Quarry/Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Inverted.7439


So, after taking a few camps this morning I went to solo north camp. There i ran into a persistant power necro who crit like a truck, me being on my thief I ran around a bit into the open for better fighting terrain and after downing in my shadow refuge and reviving myself before the necro saw me, I drained all his life force and me being at 25% HP and the necro being at about the same I panicked and hit my #2 on my keyboard 3 times and it ended with the necro dieing. I’d just like to apologize to whoever this was and I do actually feel bad about it.

Gemstore or Subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Anet has already stated their quite comfortable money-wise, they’re not desperate for cash and I doubt they will be anytime soon. They’re using this RNG thing strongly to their advantage.

*SERIOUS RANGER BUGS* Requires Urgent Action

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Think what you want, I don’t care. LR pwns orb pull. I beat Liadri in about an hour (Probably about 7 tries). I really didn’t find her difficult at all but then again I have almost 2500 hours on ranger along with almost every dungeon armor in the game. I’m pretty good at PvE, not ashamed to brag about that. I’m an old school platformer at heart (mega man which was super hard) and, listen, after you play I want to be the guy or Super Meat Boy, you realize how easy gw2 pve is.

Good ol’ Chopps, you’re hilarious.

WvWvW is so empty!

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Come to blackgate I quite NSP because that dreaded [Os] guild was the only reason we weren’t bottom tier and Os were all a bunch of kittens.

Helseth's rant of the week

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Wow, i’m shocked. I disagree with so much of what helseth has said in this weeks rant… And i’m the one that posted his first rank on the forums. He’s just stabbing Anet repeatedly and uselessly. It doesn’t take a genius mind to figure out why Anet isn’t completely changing the meta right before PAX. You could say something like “just tweak down necro’s/spirit rangers” But if they did something like that, that could be the tipping point to make other classes viable. COMPLETELY changing the meta and the PAX teams would have what? 2 weeks to practice with a meta that is brand new? No that would just simply be stupid.

Players adapt to the meta and not the other way around. Seriously how hard is it to play spirit rangers and necros effectively? Probably the 2 most difficult classes to master…
This current meta is not showing if they are truly the best players. Take Sync for example apart from that Caed guy they just play ridiculous OP builds…they can be the worst players in the world and still ele’s and mesmers would be melted while 2 rezz spirits are up. If that is whats Anet wants to show…Congratulations they succeeded.

Yeah it’s true players adapt to the meta but you’re not going to be able to adapt to a brand new meta within a Month of PAX which is a huge event for gw2. You judge Sync for being meta but you say players must adapt? you’re contradicting yourself. They’re playing what has to be played for them to win, 10,000$>what you think about them. Yes it’s true that necro’s and spirit rangers aren’t very hard to play and dominate other classes but that’s just how the game is right now. If you think your Whining is going to get you anywhere, you sir are gravely mistaken.

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Stop raging and deal with it. Alot of classes are able to stability stomp which is basically the same thing.

Helseth's rant of the week

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Wow, i’m shocked. I disagree with so much of what helseth has said in this weeks rant… And i’m the one that posted his first rank on the forums. He’s just stabbing Anet repeatedly and uselessly. It doesn’t take a genius mind to figure out why Anet isn’t completely changing the meta right before PAX. You could say something like “just tweak down necro’s/spirit rangers” But if they did something like that, that could be the tipping point to make other classes viable. COMPLETELY changing the meta and the PAX teams would have what? 2 weeks to practice with a meta that is brand new? No that would just simply be stupid.

Sync Queue'ing!?!?!

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


The PvP scene in Gw2 has been getting alot of love lately and it’s great to see all these new people trying it out for the first time. One of the newer features is solo queue. This is where you’re teamed up with 4 other people on a team vs. another team of 5. And for the first few days it was awesome, I even made it to 175 on the leaderboards which is really cool for someone who doesn’t usually PvP too seriously. But today when i Queue’d up for solo queue on one monitor I opened up some gw2 streams on my other just to get into the PvP mindset, after going through 5 or 6 streams I found out people are queue’ing with their friends by simply hitting the button at the same time, and the shocking part is that it’s working. As if facing one high level PvP’er isn’t bad enough now I have to face 2 or more that are in Teamspeak with eachother? That doesn’t sound very fair. Isn’t that the general idea of solo queue? Not to be put up against premade groups? And you could say that in games like LoL or other Moba’s that duo Queue’ing is acceptable but this game isn’t a moba and it doesn’t function the same. I just felt this needs to be acknowledged by the dev’s.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Inverted.7439


SoR spamming laugh after 2v1 our keep makes me a sad panda

The true problem with animations and asura

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I just recently found this guy’s stream and he makes a EXCELLENT point about the state of guild wars 2. I strongly suggest you check it out.

(It’s also gameplay not just talking)

(edited by Inverted.7439)

DeWolfe--Best ranger outfit NA? -- updated

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Well hurry the hell up, i wana see this.

Stun duration is unvalance needs change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inverted.7439


There’s a difference between unbalanced and very strong, warriors have had no viability for quite some time, i hate being stunned and 100b’d to death as much as the next guy but seeing warriors happy playing their classes really makes up for it.

Trap masters... are they still viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


In all honesty i don’t think they are, I was matched in a 1v1 against a trap ranger as a spirit ranger and even though he had the edge on my with all his aoe I was still able to out heal him, i used to love my trap ranger so i really hope anet buffs em!

Ranger bad main?

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I play this game in every aspect and have 7 lvl 80’s so i kinda know what i’m talking about when i say rangers aren’t a bad class they just take too much work to be mediocre at stuff. I feel like Anet realizes this though and rangers are going to get reworked or buffed. well, that’s what i like to believe atleast.

Spirit build - I am quite amazed

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I really hope they do nerf it but not the spirits, I love being able to play my ranger again it’s amazing but the nerf is inevitable and i dont want rangers to be nerfed through the ground. If Anet could somehow make this build alot harder to play with a better payoff for those who are good would be amazing so less people could play it to it’s full potential and people who truly like rangers can just get good from enough practice. And yea i know this is the problem with basically every class.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Good to see some good ol’ pals from Zombie Land again after leaving GoM. Hopefully I may even be able to see some former TCMM out there.

Do rangers need a nerf? (sPvP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Compared to a class like mesmer, thief, ele. Spirit ranger could be called OP and i wouldn’t doubt it for a second if Anet said they were going to nerf it. I just love my ranger so much it’s nice to see some viability and I just hope they buff some other aspect of ranger so it’s not just a bad class. I like the warrior buffs now that they’re able to survive a bit more and stunlock warrior is quite unique and very strong :\ where’s my new ranger build.

Fighting stun locking zerker warrior?

in Thief

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Yea the only way I can really beat a stunlock mace/shield & GS warrior is if i can place some blinding fields ontop of them before they try to skullcrack or if i have s/d I make sure that i have shadow return from infiltrators strike ready to get out of the 100b
Other then that i usually lose to them sadly enough, it’s a very strong build but I kinda like seeing warriors not garbage anymore, although the healing signet is a bit much and can really push up to the overpowered boundaries.

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Inverted.7439


It is nice to know the IRON crew still thinks of me and misses me so much <3

BG’s trolling is really subpar when your not around.

Can’t you host something like a server wide troll training class?

lol, 2 Iron in a row trolling pls help guys

Mesmers = Lowest dps in the game?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inverted.7439


All i have to say is that this post is just stupid, and now my sides hurt

We are becoming redundant

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inverted.7439


The new portal item effectively gives every class (at least in PvE) an exact copy of the mesmer portal skill which is one of the main reason to play mesmer in PvE.

The new runes apparently afflict much more and longer confusion than any of our skills (see 5 stacks confusion for 10s base duration overshadows everything we got ourselves to apply confusion.

Really seems like ArenaNet is trying to remove the mesmer from the game.

/edit: Seeing the current power creep it seems that ArenaNet simply “forgot” to adjust mesmer accordingly to other classes (or better: Adjust other classes to the mesmer. We don’t need power creep).

“mesmer portal skill which is one of the main reason to play mesmer in PvE” lol what?

Broken mouse? Or broken option ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inverted.7439


So i’ve been PvP’ing alot recently and “About face” is a bind in the control menu that turns your character 180 degrees around. I used to have my mouse 3 (scroller click) as “view behind” which is really nice on my engi but “about face” isn’t working with my mouse 3 and that’s the only place i’d really put it if i wanted to use it. Fix ? It works on my other keys just not mouse 3

Need superior sigil of the night recipe!

in Crafting

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I’m almost done crafting a bow i’ve been wanting for a very very long time but the one last piece of the puzzle is 20 Superior sigil’s of the night. Buying 20 off the trading post is around 28 gold which is quite alot and I tend to have alot of excess mats laying around which could save me alot of gold and I learned that the creating the sigil with weapon smithing would use glacial lodestones which are alot cheaper then onyx or charged so i bought 10 glacials. Only after i bought 10 glacial lodestones i learned that the actual Sigil recipe was 8 frickin gold! Which is obsurd for a recipe, This is definitely a long shot but i was wondering if there were any kind souls out there that have this recipe unlocked that would be willing to help me out or atleast give me some tips on what i should do :S. Thx

Ranger Weapon and Skill Building

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Longbow skill #3 reworked.

instead of shooting an arrow that stealths you upon hit, your ranger could do a very quick, sharp twist while becoming crouched then after that animation the ranger has 3 seconds of stealth, getting rid of needing a target for rangers to stealth. idk, just my .2 cents

(inspired by this photo)


Ranger and the Zerg, Upper Tier(s) WvW'ing

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Just to add some more, I guess I am talking about feeling important to a zerg… you know here are some examples:

Commander: “Alright mesmer, drop a portal down to get the rest of our guys up”
“Mesmers, viel please for the zerg on my command”

Commander: “Can necros please put their wells on the door incase the zerg rushes out”

Commander: “Gaurdians, blast finisher and might buffs please”

Commander: “Ele static fields please”

Like when is the last time (if any) that a person has heard a commander have a routine role (that another class cannot do) just for the ranger?

my old server used to rely on rangers, and you would frequently hear;
Rangers, drop waterfield on gate. or Rangers, get up in front and use entangle. Right before the S&R nerf, we had commanders calling out for rangers to always pick S&R. And it got used by the masses for zerg fights.

The thing is, most people got NO clue about the utilities rangers provide. All they see is a mediocre class that is easy mode in low level PvE. And to be honest, it IS easy mode in PvE. Until you reach the 50’s, the pet will be able to tank 80% of the creeps. While you just sit back and pew pew with the bow. Other classes can’t do that, and i honestly think their slightly jealous of us in that aspect.

Also, the vast majority of players, have little, or no understanding how this class works. They level one up to level 80, put on full zerker (cuz thats what their warrior has) and dies. They then proceed to deem the profession useless and tell everyone else to re-roll something else.
Then the next day they get rofl-stomped by a ranger in PvP/WvW and cry their kitten off on the forums how rangers are OP and need nerf.

EDIT: rangers are often called for to destroy cannons up on walls, because their heavy ranged DPS (and yes, no other class can fight the raw ranged DPS we do. Ele can do more AOE, but their range isn’t as long as ours)

ele’s have the same 1500 range with the earth auto attack so that’s false, ele’s also lay down more dps on cannons/oil then rangers can as they could put down a fire field+meteor shower+auto attacks. You can defend rangers all you want but they’ll always be one of the worst classes for running in WvW, whether you’re roaming or zerging, they just lack what alot of other classes can offer.

New idea for pet changes !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I LOVE this idea, i hate my pet and everything about them, i could really go for this idea of a passive effect while stowed

The guys that say war is OP are describing:

in Warrior

Posted by: Inverted.7439


l2p, stunbreak, teleport, evade, blind, block, chill, cripple, fear, stability, so many counterplay to that mace build. just outplay the opponent and dont go into a fight thinking you will just faceroll that warrior. your fault. i have no problems at all to fight such warriors with my thief, warrior, mesmer or guardian.

please share what class has stunbreak, teleport, evade, blind, block, chill, cripple, fear, stability. I’d really like to know this god tier class.

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Inverted.7439


It’s pretty obvious warrior is the most OP/faceroll profession now. For people who have all 8 classes at lv80, all of them are using the warrior since it’s so faceroll. Basically pwn everyone even with no skill due to how easy it is.

Lack of substantial evidence, no emphasis on where the OP aspect comes from, and again lack of evidence. Are you a troll? This is pretty hilarious if you’re using sarcasm. LOL

How am I a troll for stating the facts? You just want to defend your OP build from a nerf (but it’s coming and you know it!), and throw the L2P card even though you know that learning to play would not save you from this OP build!!

You sound 10. Use constructive argument. It’s called being professional. There’s a few reasons why this build is fine and you should read more posts on it. Warrior has been the most underplayed class in Spvp for quite a while and finally a good build comes along, and here goes the community crying because they don’t quite understand the mechanics behind it. It will eventually become the same issue with the 100b bull’s charge. Play with it and you’ll see that it’s easy to keep someone stunlocked who DOESN’T CARRY STUN BREAKERS.

Mr. Callahan, you’ve commented on about 5 posts claiming the warrior GS/mace,shield+healing signet build isn’t OP, calling people children, criticizing on how bad people are and how the whole PvP community needs to learn how to play against it. This is a build where the warrior heals 400hp per second+any extra healing power you have, and a very uptime of stuns being put onto your enemy. 3 second stun=100b on your enemy and 1200+ hp for you, please explain to me how that’s not a wee-bit overpowered? “Omg dood jus stunbrek pls” Well please tell me what viable build runs 3+ stunbreaks and is still able to out dps 400+ hp a second? That’s the problem. If you run all stunbreaks it’s likely you lack the damage to out dps the signet. But if you run more dmg with only a few stunbreaks you’re going to have to blow them unless you want to eat a 100b which usually does 50%+ of your hp and since the warrior has mace burst+skull crack+shield bash+ bulls charge, if you survive the warrior was either terrible of you got very lucky. And please, what class has perma chill/cripple to kite the warrior and still has enough stunbreaks AND enough Dmg to out dps the healing signet? NONE. Keep defending your little overpowered stunlock build and when it gets nerfed i’m sure the warrior forum will hold open arms for your QQ

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Inverted.7439


TBH. GS is extremely easy to counter. I won’t even touch the thing against good opponents.

You can kite a Mace/Shield warrior pretty easily with cripples. And if they have Berzerkers stance up just simply spam evade frames, dodges, teleports or movement skills for the 8 seconds, then reapply cripples.

Personally, I’ve found that players who are over-eager to get a kill against a Mace/Shield warrior are the ones that get punished the hardest.

dodge,evade,teleport, movement skills for 8 seconds? Are you kidding? Not even a thief has that many evades/dodges without using shadow refuge. 8 seconds is a very long time in a fight.

In Defense of the Mace: Why it's Fine as is

in Warrior

Posted by: Inverted.7439


So, the last couple of weeks has been rather heated when it comes to the Mace/Shield GS builds that are now popular for warrior. The amount of OP claims have possibly surpassed even the old Ele D/D build debate. However the main difference is that the d/d build is that it actually was just a little too good (although it was over nerfed). Our Mace/Shield build on the other hand only appears to be as strong as it is because it is countering the current meta.

The spec is strong 1v1, however 1v1 strength isn’t overly important in GW2. The same is true for Mesmer, it is very strong 1v1 (can frequently beat the Mace build), but just OK in team fights. The mace build can be good for either stopping a stomp or locking down a single target, but that’s about all. Even now warriors aren’t the fist choice for high level TPvP, because when the goal is to capture points classes that can lay down large amounts of AoE damage or classes that are able to withstand pressure from multiple foes. This build can do neither.

As for WvW, it’s the same deal, in a fight between 2 forces of large amount of enemies a warrior stun locking a single one isn’t going so somehow manage to shape the outcome. One Necro with Epidemic is far more deadly than multiple Mace warriors. Warriors can not burst as fast as a Thief or Ele, we can’t spread as many conditions as Necro or Engi, and we can’t withstand pressure from multiple enemies for an extended amount of time like Guardians. Warriors lie somewhere in between now, decent damage but not as much as a thief or the survivability of a guardian.

The idea that something that is not only counter-able by such things as : block, blind, dodging, Stability, Stun Breaks, Teleports, and Protection (dramatically reduces the damage 100b does). While Skull Crack can be used frequently, missing it means over 7 seconds of being very vulnerable. Healing Signet is only good because when a target is stunned or you are blocking you are regening HP, and sort of continual pressure makes Healing Sig useless.

The best compromise I could see is making Skull Crack a 2.5 second stun at max adren, reverting it to pre-buff would making it a lesser version of Earthshaker that’s only slightly easier to land. I still don’t see it as necessary because as I said the build is limited in its uses and people who have fallen victim to it are only looking at it from their personal views and not the overall picture.

Considering the amount of Nerfs my BM Bunker build just took in the past few months because of how strong it was in 1v1, I don’t think i’d hedge my bets on that keeping you safe from a nerf.

Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Bird: Slash: Increased the damage by 15%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced the damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced the damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced the damage by 27%.
Insect Swarm: This skill can no longer fire behind the drake.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced the damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced the damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish: Tentacle Slash: Increased the damage by 50%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased the damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced the damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced the damage by 25%.
Shark: Bite: Increased the damage by 10%.
Spider: Spit: Increased the damage by 10%.

Start replacing the names of these Pet abilities with the names of your abilities…Come back and tell me you still believe only being good at 1v1 will save you from a nerf.

oh my god. Get this through your thick skull please, BM build isn’t and never was supposed to be the rangers single most viable class, it’s stupid and had a insanely low skill floor aswell as a low skill ceiling so someone who just started playing this game could pickup BM ranger and in a few days could have it “mastered”. Now go play your spirit ranger until that gets nerfed then QQ more pls

In Defense of the Mace: Why it's Fine as is

in Warrior

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I personally love playing my warrior now but when i see another warrior on any of my classes it’s run or die in WvW roaming. I personally don’t like it at all. I think if they took away the daze from mace #3, warriors would be a bit less of a pain to deal with but they’d still be able to use mace burst+100b which atm is really strong and i love it because it’s a step forward for warriors. BUT I feel like Anet is going to buff warriors again which is going to be just silly, then warriors are going to be everywhere until they’re nerfed back down to the ground. :\

floating castle in kessex hills

in Lore

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Although it Might not be Verata (since he’s believed to have died in gw1) We did see that he had followers. So there is a possibility one of his followers is trying to finish what Verata started and create a minion that never dies!

Heavy up the thief

in Thief

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Mesmers have melee weapons too? Engi’s are more “in the fray” then thieves most of the time and don’t have nearly as many escape mechanisms that thieves have yet you want to add more toughness to thieves? Not happening lol, whether people like this post or not. I’m sure Anet know’s better than to do something this insane.

The reason of hate on thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I personally don’t play thief but you say repeaditly that bad thieves can just spam 2 and win. But at the same time spamming 2 is terrible. I found this quite funny actually. I find when a thief spams 2 alot of people don’t know what to do to escape it and even some decent players will go down to the heartseeker spam. It’s a skill that thieves have and they’re just utilizing what they have. Some builds dont have what’s needed to escape heartseeker after heartseeker so it’s not a skill matchup as much as being at a disadvantage.

Hunter's Shot change. Why!?

in Ranger

Posted by: Inverted.7439


As an avid ranger player i HATED this update the first hour i played it. Then after a few more hours of roaming with a few guildies i found out how useful it actually is compared to the 10 stacks of vuln on hunters shot. I’m able to stealth, re position myself quickly and get a point blank shot off from behind my enemy. I wouldn’t mind some sort of opening shot eg. daze/stun when shooting from stealth, like a thief but less spike.

Guild vs Guild Arenas.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inverted.7439


This is a wonderful idea. Remove the mobs, polish it up a little bit to make sure there aren’t any bugs and bam. You’ve got yourself a GvG map.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Inverted.7439


This is a big ol’ welcome to T1 from your friends here at Blackgate !

[PIC] 22,215 damage. Thief FUN!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Inverted.7439


I play thief and am currently leveling my engi. If I decide to go glass cannon on my thief the only way i’m going to be able to get the kill is if I either 2 hit you or you have no escape mechanisms. Sorry but that’s really the problem here. You should put on rocket boots or tool kit idk just something. This doesn’t really apply to thieves specifically though. As seen in your picture you have elixir S as really your only escape. That’s a problem on your side

Why we are being viewed as "OP."

in Necromancer

Posted by: Inverted.7439


If it’s so “not op” why is it getting nerfed? A dev (not naming) actually stated that the combination of terror and dhuumfire is overpowered at the moment. Trust me, necromancer’s were never seen in high tPvP level play. Now they’re seen almost every match.

What legendary are you making?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Frostfang is a awesome legendary. All hail Jormag!

Craftable Caladbolg

in Sylvari

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Caladbolg as you probably already know was a peice of the pale tree itself so having 100’s of those in game would just really screw over the whole part of it being the only weapon able to slay the lich in the story line. Although it would be cool, i must disagree. Something like it would definitely be cool though.