Since HoT released I’ve tried to do arah p2 3 times and all of them were stopped at Operative Belka (literally the first boss) and she’s just porting around, the bone wall is up for some reason & the burning barriers are also active. I get that Anet doesn’t care about dungeons any more at all but this is pretty silly. I love solo/duo’ing Arah just for the sake of doing the dungeon, being stopped by a bug that completely halts a path of the dungeon and will probably not be touched for a few months is kinda defeating.
PS. I heard you can run to the bonewall at the far end of the fight, I’ve tried it twice but sadly no luck, might work for someone else though.
On a necro it may prove a little trickier as cc is kind of a counter to your lack of mobility. There aren’t any huge tips I could give you that would cause you to win fights against an equally skilled s/p thief. There is a brief moment of aftercast on pistolwhip that you could take advantage of but as I said before, it’s kinda just a bad matchup for you.
I don’t quite remember the name of the stream we used to get (state of the game I think?) but it was ALOT better than the nothingness we have now! It would allow top players to ask questions that the players wanted to ask and would force them to think of an answer on the spot instead of thinking of a transparent speech or try to change the subject/evade the question
e.g. “Yea that’s a game breaking imbalance but remember when warriors were OP but nobody noticed them, we’re just gonna see how it plays out over the next 30 years”
I do like the ready-ups quite alot but where can devs get real educated information about the “state of the game” other than talking to players themselves. Yea the forums are a start but get serious, 90% of the posts here are out of rage and another 9% is people saying they’re leaving the game.
“Hey Anet, S/D does too much damage for how evasive it is”
completely screws over skill mechanic
“Don’t worry, if nobody plays S/D anymore it wont be OP”
Alot of thieves I presume will be playing other classes, there’s a slight possibility for rangers to actually make an appearance but I doubt it, still a pretty bad class it just has a few stupidly strong mechanics e.g. hit 2; do 15k dmg from 1500 range. DPS/medi guard just getting stronger every patch so i’d assume people are going to get on that hype train a little bit more. Greatsword/longbow warrior seems good but not top level tpvp good. Warriors in general got nerfed quite a bit but they’re still too tanky & deal too much damage to pass up.
Just some speculations from what I’ve seen & some possibilities.
Picked up a few but definitely still searching for more in time for season 2!
I’m fine with destroying things as long as you do it right, Lions Arch is the same lions arch it was, it doesn’t look like an army came in and a massive drill disrupted a dragon’s habits. It looks like there was a earthquake or something haha, when I think of destroying things/places/areas I always think to my favorite concept art I’ve seen in gw2 which is the loading screen for Mount Maelstrom (if only the map actually looked like that) where there’s an insanely large hole in the world with the lava spewing up ect… It just seems alooot more dramatic and game-changing than toppling some buildings (although I do like the post-apocalyptic parts of Lions arch nobody goes to).
I actually had Roy join my guild for the first season, alot of people on my server thought it was really cool to do something like that, just play as another person & get rid of the Anet tag and play with us for a bit, turns out it was actually an amazing time & I ended up tPvPing with him quite a bit even after the tournament. This is the type of thing we could use a little more of in GW2. ^.^
Definitely a weird bug, no specific scenario but I just find myself missing steals when clearly they should hit.
Bumping! Still looking for members!
I would understand someone saying it’s a bit lacking in fast & super organized screen shifts, people talking do occasionally stutter ect… I’d much rather it this way though. Why waste resources on something showcasing the product instead of using the same resources on the actual product? Also it adds a casual feel to them (we all know Anet likes their casuals eh?).
This game and it’s devs just have such a love/hate relationship with the playerbase, it’s either “omg new WvW map and it’s huge and looks so kittening amazing” then it’s “wow this map is terrible it’s just a karma train and zergs” People just get tired of things and get cranky so when their needs aren’t met things get ugly, I know as i’m one of these people. Also they just don’t work on everything, they seem to be working on LS or Dungeons (not, lol) or PvP. It’s never doing things in all areas it’s one at a time and when your game-mode isn’t being worked on it makes those people upset.
P.S. Teamspeak 3 is also a requirement
If all of these sound good to you, please feel free to contact by mail or in-game pm’ing any the following officers:
(Leader) chedder.6302
and of course(myself) Inverted.7439
We do bite, just not hard.
(edited by Inverted.7439)
The Way Of The Master [Zen] Is in general a PvP/WvW on the server Blackgate! We are focused guild that has just recently dusted out the roster and are now looking for like-minded folk that agree to the following:
We have the best of both worlds! Say you only like sPvP or only like WvW, that’s more than okay with us! We understand people enjoy different game modes for different reasons and wouldn’t dare try to pull you into a game mode you don’t enjoy. We have very PvP-centric members in the guild and others WvW focused leading to a nice mix of the two.
Strive to improve! Improving yourself and your personal skill level is one of the best mindsets you can have in almost anything and this is no exception, you may think that your bearbow ranger suits your playstyle and “works for you” but it doesn’t work for us or most other teams for that matter.
Be mechanically sound! We’re not looking specifically for any top players but we do want you to know the game and how the combat just works in general, it’s a very fun combat system and understanding it makes it all the more fun! We’re very ready to try teaching anyone and everyone but you must refer to the first note and strive to improve!
Get ready to change & Adapt! When we are running around in WvW we want to have builds that benefit our group composition and builds, so if you’re asked to change a specific thing or aspect of your build you should be ready to do so. We’re more than happy to help you get the armor/weapons you need to synergize with us properly.
Lastly, We understand joining a new guild can be intimidating at times, especially if you are hesitant about meeting standards of a guild which is very understandable but there’s no harm done in joining and at least trying something out before you make any decisions.
better to do something and regret it than regret not doing it
(edited by Inverted.7439)
I’m sure Anet completely took doing so off of the table when /r/Guildwars2 Rioted about “SAB not coming back” aswell as “No more dungeon content” I can somewhat agree with the SAB thing as I did buy an infinite continue coin, I still highly doubt they’d even hint at content that is being worked on.
Of course PU mesmers can cap and even hold points in s/tPvP, It’s some stupid mindset people have that it’s impossible for them to survive outside of stealth. While yes of course PU is a trait literally FOR stealthing it doesn’t mean that you can’t force your opponent off point unless he wants to aoe down your clones and eat that clone on death condi, not even to mention just how insanely tanky you are as condi mesmer.
I’d much rather propose viable changes and clearly state why people like/dislike some of the changes instead of “omg Anet goodjob, broke game”
Proposed mesmer scepter changes;
Instead of all of mesmer clones applying torment with the scepter auto-chain why not JUST the clones summoned by completing the third scepter auto-attack.
This encourages some counterplay by getting people to react to the scepter auto, knowing that the third auto will create a clone that is stronger than the rest (but not as strong as a phantasm ofc) but 1 dodge/evade would not completely negate it as you can get 2 or 3 (I forget exactly) of the third auto’s off before it resets to the start of the chain again. Many of the already existing scepter skills are very strong if used but are a bit slow which ties in very nicely to just general dps catagories:
“slow but stronger or fast and weaker”
Proposed Mantra Changes;
half or quarter second cast time on the actives of the mantras
After experiencing alot of Chaotic Interrupt mesmers in the past, I found alot of them keen on using mantra of distraction and had it not been such a one-trick pony it may have had more potential, well now it’s getting some attention.
Offensive mantra’kittenting 5 people seems like an overall change for the better, I will definitely be testing out builds in a group setting (which it currently sounds amazing for) but it also sounds too good. Instant cast abilities are very controversial and have seen their fair share of complaints (fresh air, steal/mug, Doom) but only when they seem like they do too much to be instant.
I think that if there was a cast time even be it a quarter of a second it would make it alot cleaner and easier to tell what just hit you. (even though yes I saw the animation in the ready up) I understand it maybe not working so well as mantra of distraction as usually you’re using it to daze a skill but that shouldn’t really be an issue as things like comet, headshot, illusionary wave all have cast times even be it as short as they are.
Now I know it seems like I’m being very anti-mesmer and I can somewhat understand that as none of these are really “buffs” but personally I Don’t like the “big changes over long periods of time” method of implementing things but if they’re going to do it I think it requires some feedback so we don’t have another case of dumbfire or pre-nerf acrobatics thief.
(edited by Inverted.7439)
So one night (not sure when) I drunkenly deleted my mesmer as I had two lvl 80 mesmers, unaware that it was the one of my 12 toons that had my other gift of exploration on it. I did fill out a ticket but my guildies have said I should just get started on map completion again as it doesn’t seem like the type of thing that gets refunded especially under the circumstances (deletion). Can anyone give a broad answer or an idea if something like this CAN be restored?
also already used my other gift of exploration and this one is all I need to finish my next legendary
lol inverted, complaining about mesmers when thieves spam 3, nice joke kid. Get good As soon as I destroyed him he came here to cry, when he plays a thief and spams 3 none stop. You just want to make mesmer less viable than we already are, when thieves are ridiculously op, nice kittening joke.
Well yeah you kinda fall under the “spam dazes, get interrupt, reap rewards” but clearly are egotistical and can’t converse without sounding disgustingly condescending but that’s alright, I’m patient.
but guys…. you need to really immerse yourself for an hour every 2 weeks and do the living story !!1!
It’s annoying at most, yeah having to leave to clear a full inv of shards,clovers, boxes ect… but hugh is secretly working on a deathmatch game mode so i don’t think he should be bothered
I did p2 maybe 3/4 hours ago and it was the same as it was 1-2 weeks ago. Might’ve been changed before that but i’m not sure.
Sure why not, turrets aren’t passive enough. Lets have builds where you literally don’t hit anything but 1.
Here is another kittened up game.
Its a kittening gamble, you see the team score? One team is in the 200s and the other team not 1 person in 3 digits.
It was 5v5, but that gamble of having all the newbs on your team is real.
I was 1 win over 50%, now I’m 12 losses under 50%.
So many stupid kitten matches, in a row.
IF you ask me, that MMR stacking people on leaderboards vs people not on leaderboards due to lack of players playing PvP… Because stupid kitten MMR. Making people not want to play this kitten. And all these newplayers have bad experiences.
Game after game shouldn’t be 2 digits to people in 200s+. MMR is kittening off.
The fact you think that people not having 3 digit numbers at the end of a game is the cause is a bit funny. Score hardly reflects the impact of a player in the game or their skill.
Example: A thief decapping points and running around just tagging kills could be the worst player on a team and the best being a bunker guard but the guard was just sitting on a capped mid (hypothetically) and trying to support his team all game could have the lowest.
Well duh, they’re broken in that you jump around too much with few games not because bad players are able to stay top10 or anything. It’s pretty difficult to get top 5/10. There are actually alot more factors than mentioned. If you queue at night / early morning so OCX/EU times the players are substantially worse (or just have bad ping) and there are alot fewer so the leaderboards will usually end up putting say a top 100 player against anybody it can find.
This could be so much fun, too bad gw2 is a “casual” mmo and the only dev at Anet that wants to implement harder content/improve the playerbases overall skill is Josh 4man. Sad as it is this game’s only going to get easier and easier until you don’t even need to put your face on the keyboard to play.
Berserk anything has “so low defence” except warriors but Anet decides not to care about that. Zerk engi is about the same as zerk necro/ele. I’d actually say it has pretty good defence in it’s ability to burst, high swiftness/vigor uptime, block (toolkit) and stealth (elixir s)
I clicked on this thread to “mock” how silly it sounded at first then on my scroll down I realized my hand actually has been pretty screwed up lately -.-
bows are bad, rangers don’t have much going for them but definitely more than you people think. They’re a very strong class but it’s the bearbows or shortbow rangers that set the terrible image. (sword/Greatsword is your best dmg)
Up until very recently I had always thought you could add moderators/admins to the servers but after looking around I found I’m not so sure, is it possible to have other owners/admins/mods? If not, it should definitely be implicated I feel.
Now I understand everyone hates Prismatic understanding and I definitely fall under that catagory so instead of taking PU I’ve noticed alot of mesmers swapping to Chaotic Interruption which immob’s & applies Chill, cripple or weakness (I think) to “not run a cheesy build” but in my mind it’s not the fact PU is overpowered it’s that mesmers are so tanky when they run it that you can’t burst them down without taking all their condi/burst.
I personally think it’s a step in the right direction but it’s still not right, it promotes interrupting skills which is amazing to see that skill can pay off but it’s a trait in a defensive tree and it’s not that hard to spam your interrupts and get huge results all while being tanky (for a mesmer).
What are your thoughts on CI?
Yea thief does counter basically everything that has a berzerker amulet in a way but that’s what they’re there for. if you’re talking about winning a mid fight who do you take? A complete glass staff ele who can sit up high and meteor storm for 4k each meteor which obliterates a team or a thief that cant get in the fight without dieing? It’s the trade-off team’s need to decide on, sadly alot of teams have been taking thieves lately and they exterminate everything glass that isn’t other thieves.
I love GW2 as much as the next guy and obviously the game has it’s flaws like any but there’s a reason I play it over others.
The one thing I am finding interesting though is on Guild Wars 2 streamers are rapidly getting subscriber buttons which is great dont get me wrong that means the game’s growing in popularity but how is this happening?
The application clearly states 400+ constant viewership and that’s not really happening with many streams so I was curious if anyone knew why? (I know this is probably gona get deleted but i’m hoping for a quick answer if possible)
inb4 conspiracy; Anet paying off to promote gw2
The “Trap” picture is the spirit of nature thumbnail which belongs under the soul/spirit and vice versa. Sorry I didn’t post this on the Chinese forums but I’m lazy <3
You can probably use chrome translator or copy+paste into google if you’re unsure what I’m talking about, it’s in “03 Special Skills”
I’ve also been having troubles since the feb. 18th patch. I Crash whenever I try to load gendarren fields so 4 of my toons are unplayable.
This also happens when an enemy is higher level than you, it is pretty silly imo but yes it’s not a bug.
I dont think i’ve ever had problems with dc/connection in general with gw2 until yesterday. Every time i log onto a character that is in gendarren fields or try to WP there I crash and the the send anet message prompt.
I get:
Fatal Error: Fatal disk-error (23) on read and ALOT of missing textures for some reason.
I have sent the message to support twice (from the prompt that comes up, not a ticket) but i could send a ticket if that’s required? I’m a bit lost on what to do.
Can I change my email adress tied to my acc?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inverted.7439
My brother initially created this account but he’s since left and I took it over. I’d very much like to change the email address from his to mine, is this possible?
Ok so i’ve seen a few discussions about similar things but can’t find one with my situation and i’d much rather be safe than sorry so i’ll ask myself.
I have Zojja’s coat on my norn thief but I just made a human thief (norn too big) and I want to keep the stats and look of the ascended coat but transfer it to my new human thief, how can this be done?
I GET TO PLAY MY RANGER AGAIN! I hate weighing my team down even the slightest but wow I absolutely need to re-main my ranger <3 Finally they’re being changed.
Nah keep skyhammer, always fun to toss some kiddies over the edge then they qq on forums
I know there’s the whole “passive play” that everyone and their grandparents hates on and dont get me wrong, when i’m playing my thief a spirit ranger is one of the most hated things to run into in sPvP but it’s awesome to actually be able to log onto my ranger once in a while and have a build that not only does something but it does it well.
Spirits were obviously too strong when they first became “meta” but right now they’re in a pretty good place as far as I’ve seen. The Sun Spirit I look at something similar to Dhuumfire (necro) or Incendiary powder (engi). I see the recent patch notes and see that spirit rangers are taking moderate blows to the spec but nothing too gamebreaking yet & I’d really like that to Not happen.
It’s an auto attack, you shouldn’t be using it as your primary damage source. I’m sure the devs love your in-depth analysis aswell.
I recall in the good ol’ “state of the game” Anet would always talk about how they wanted to slowly buff/nerf things and shave things that are too strong a little bit by bit because it gives the community time to adjust but then;
Bunker ele nerf
Healing signet
Warrior earthshaker nerf
S/D Evasion thief nerf
Healing signet nerf
Dhuumfire change/nerf
Spirit ranger nerf
Dont get me wrong, a few of those buffs/nerfs were warranted and well deserved but it just goes against what Arena net has been saying for ever so long. I personally think the healing signet nerf and Dhuumfire change/nerf are taking it too far and could potentially destroy the classes.
Now I do understand the time-frame between the bunker ele nerfs and now (which is quite a while) and how this could be their “shaving” but it’s redundant because they do it all in 1 patch. e.g. Necromancers went from being right next to power ranger all the way to the top of the list in 1 single patch.
Yes, please nerf one of the most balanced classes atm. If you dont play a thief and know how it works and actually how hard it is to play them properly you dont deserve any say in if they should be nerfed/buffed because you’re just spewing nonsense.
Hahahaha MM shouldn’t QQ about anything bud. Go back to spamming 1 and letting your little farm do the rest.
I more-or-less like where the game is at right now. Clone spam memsers are getting nerfed, healing signet nerf might be a bit overkill imo since they’re supposed to be a tanky/frontline type of class but testing new things is how a game can grow I guess.
Thief is in a decent spot too. The very common sleight of hand build (Caed’s build) is bringing a unique addition to thieves along with their burst potential. But the one thing that really bugs me about seeing thieves in the higher end of solo queue is shortbow.
Shortbow in general is painful to fight against since it just gives thieves more mobility and versatility but the Biggest problem imo is Disabling shot which gives thieves evades on a 0s cd that can be spammed. So not only is it doing roughly the same damage as the auto attacks (about .05 worse scaling) but the thief is completely invulnerable since there’s no after/pre cast to the skill.
It’s not something that low level thieves do so I really dont see a point in keeping it how it is right now. Alot of Anet’s methods are trying to benefit new players and people that are a little less-experienced (let’s be honest, the majority of the people playing this game still click their skills)
Atleast a 1/4 second after cast can give it even the slightest bit of counterplay allowing for an interrupt or spike. I usually get a response when i mention along the lines of “let them spam and waste all their initiave then try to burst them while they’re helpless” but that’s just not how thief works. The whole point in thief is their ability to survive in situations like that. It isn’t hard to spam 3 then shadow refuge which by the time the stealth ends would completely replenish your initiative.
I almost want to post about how thieves can also spam 2 (Cluster bomb) and it does tonnes of AoE damage but it atleast forces the thief to get in close and use their initiative and if Disabling shot had some after/pre cast then Cluster bomb spamming on a group of people could leave you even More susceptible to getting caught.
(edited by Inverted.7439)
Ele’s used to be a top class and people cant seem to realize their class isn’t the same as it was, people used to be able to pickup bunker d/d ele and just kill everyone & everything. Now if you want good burst on ele you’re forced to run something with >14k hp which is pretty obsurd considering Dhuumfire on necromancer does around 4-5k dmg passively. I like my ele how it is but i can definitely see why people aren’t happy with what Anet’s done to the class.
ooo i’m in a screenshot ^^ worth