Good show. It was nice to hear their thoughts on the issues raised. Hopefully ArenaNet was listening and uses the feedback to fill the glass up.
I caught the latter half of yesterday’s show while it was still live and went back and rewatched it from the beginning afterwards. Overall, I really enjoyed the show, and it really took me back to my pre-ArenaNet days. It’s crazy to think it’s been over a year since the last SotG, and I’m happy to see that DPS has picked up the mantle. I think this style of show is a great way for players to express their thoughts in an easily digestible format, and it provides considerable insight on player perspective for our dev team.
These shows are also a great way to disseminate knowledge from high-tier players. Meta formation is usually a trickle-down effect, with the top-players developing new team compositions and strategy. Quick communication of meta shifts can change the gameplay experience across the skill spectrum. On this note, and very closely related to what my role is at ArenaNet – I think providing more incentive for players to take competition seriously will help teams venture out of their comfort zones – forcing them to try something new and unexpected to one-up their competition. We’re already seeing this in NA/EU as teams shy away from the traditional bunker linchpins and move towards skirmish/rotation-focused team comps.
Regarding events (my area of expertise), I think there were a lot of great points presented by the players. I work very closely with Mistpedia, DPS, ESL, etc – and we try to cater our events to what works best for both the administrators and organizers, as well as the players participating in the event. I think what makes ToL a great event for us to start with is the fact that it touches players from a wide range of skill levels – you don’t need to be able to beat APeX or Team Mist to feel rewarded for your time. That said, I’m always working to improve our existing tournament structures within the confines of what’s reasonable. I’ll be working to address some of the points raised by the players.
Going forward, one of my main priorities is going to be providing a more competitive outlet for our most dedicated and hardcore players. Exclusive and compelling rewards for our most skilled players is our first step towards that goal. Events like the All-Stars tournament is a great added bonus.
One final note – while I’m greatly appreciative of the love from my fellow friends and players give me (I knew most of you before I came to ArenaNet), I’d like to remind you that everything we work on is absolutely a team effort. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just Karl, Evan and I sitting in a corner working on PvP or balance. Every project at ArenaNet involves programmers, directors, designers, artists, producers, QA, and even backseat designers like me! Our team is comprised of incredibly talented individuals, all dedicated to improving PvP in every conceivable way. We’re just as eager to get there as you guys are.
ps, I forwarded the VOD out to the team in case anyone didn’t catch it yesterday.
tl;dr – Wall of text!
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)