There’s two options for respawns in custom arenas – wave and individual.
Setting a custom arena to wave will give you different respawn timers based on the game timer, such as Zietlogik mentioned. Individual will give you a static respawn time, regardless of how/when you were stomped out.
The aforementioned settings can be found in the custom arena control panel.
Looks like Helseth won’t be able to join us.
The show must go on!
Edit: Added Ostrich to the list as well.
This Friday on Ready Up (12PM PST @ I’ll be joined by various members of World Tournament Series finalist teams the Civilized Gentlemen and the Abjured. The show will be an AMA (ask me anything) of sorts, with the players fielding the questions.
Most things are fair game, including meta, builds, balance, WTS, ESL, strategy, favorite color, recent performances, etc. I feel like this is pretty obvious, but I’m going to mention it anyways – our guests are not developers, and cannot answer questions on development.
Here’s the list of guests:
Magic Toker
Ostrich Eggs
I’ll be pulling questions from this thread and from stream chat so feel free to ask away.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Thanks for the feedback, OP.
I’ve written blogs to this effect in the past, and I actually have one slated for this upcoming Friday. I’ve been pretty busy lately, but I will try to do them more often.
Tomorrow’s cups kick off at 7AM PST for EU, and 1PM PST for NA. Plenty of time left so sign-up.
More information on this weekend’s cup and the recent increase in prizing can be found here:
Congrats to the Absurd and Made in Meta for taking first place this week.
Edit: fixt
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
As an fyi for teams signing up: ESL requires that your team owns a custom arena in order to participate. Make sure to read through all of the info over on ESL’s website (listed above).
Also, you can sign-up early.
The question is why do you think this somehow stops them from doing other things?
Pretty much this. I can assure you that running events for our competitive players is not detracting from other areas of the game.
Thank you for expressing your concerns, OP!
We’re really excited that we were able to partner up with the crew at ESL on this project. Hope to see you guys out there this weekend.
So, now that the Skyhammer changes have gone in (hammer now dodgable, floor break time increased, can’t break floors while in stealth), what are people’s opinions? Is it bearable, or even fun, now?
I’m interested in seeing these questions answered by those who have posted in this thread with a generally negative opinion, but have gone back and retried the map since yesterday’s changes.
In your opinion, are yesterday’s changes to Skyhammer generally positive? Are there other small tweaks like this (aside from removal of solo queue) that you feel would make the map a better experience for players – changes that wouldn’t drastically change the gameplay dynamic and aesthetic of the map?
Sounds awesome, Sam! I hope you get some takers on your offer.
The “Tournament of Glory” event in the top right can actually be clicked and takes you to the stream. I’ll do a better job of making that more clear the next time I get a batch of these implemented. All in all, I think it was a great start and a great test for the system.
The “yellow text” system alert is not something we want to use for these events, as those are broadcasted across the entire game, regardless of if you’re in a dungeon, doing living world, or whatnot. We want it to be as noninvasive as possible. Someone mentioned having an NPC in the Heart of the Mists that shouts upcoming events, and I think it’s an interesting idea. I’ll bring it up with the team.
Thanks for the feedback, I’m definitely listening.
Just because we’re upping our tournament game doesn’t mean that we’re not working on making PvP better. We want the best experience for players on both ends, and we’re actively working on improving both.
As for the eligibility stuff, I’m sorry that you had a lot of underage/ineligible players. I sent you a PM about your situation if you’d like to talk about it with me.
Good luck to all participants today, and many thanks to ESL for running this cup for nearly a year now!
I remember casting the Test Cup way back then….brings a tear to my eye.
Should have all of the qualifiers rewards ready for distribution this week.
Thanks for the feedback, Moa. I’ve incorporated some of your suggestions for future rules.
Here’s also a snippet from the latest WTS blog we released:
On October 11-12, and then again on October 25-26, we will be granting all players 10% increased PvP rank point gain, +15% reward track progress, and an extra 100% magic find while inside PvP maps. (And yes, magic find works on PvP reward boxes.) Check out the Maguuma Wastes Reward Track to work towards the geodes and ambrite fossils needed for the Ambrite weapons, or just snag a few Zephyrite Keys for your adventures in Dry Top. If that isn’t your cup of tea, you can always work towards the PvP-exclusive Glorious Armor, available only in the Glorious Reward Track.
This will pair with our first jump into in-game messaging.
Because ToG/ToL is open enrollment, the qualifier games tend to result in one-sided blowouts, especially in the early rounds – not exactly the best viewing experience. A lot of what you described above is already done for the finals that happen next weekend.
Good luck in the finals, Eura.
we have multiple planned LAN events through the next year
Now that’s cool. I didn’t hear about that. Good to hear
he probably meant WTS.
Yep. China is just the first stop. We’ll also be hosting events in NA and EU.
I listened to the entire VoD, I think this might be an opportune moment to mention that I will be enforcing the Guild Wars 2 Code of Conduct for the World Tournament Series at my own discretion, including punishments that can result in a player or entire team being ineligible to participate in a single or multiple World Tournament Series Events.
If you know who I am or how I’ve gotten to where I am today, you’ll know that I’m very passionate about Guild Wars 2 PvP, and I’m excited to finally be in a position to help drive a project like the World Tournament Series forward. Having been on both sides of the player/dev fence, I know that what we’re trying to do with the WTS is going to be a communal effort – meaning I’ll need your help just as much as you’ll need mine.
The first part of moving this project forward is to start treating your fellow teammates, competitors, and players with the respect they deserve. The World Tournament Series and all the associated events should be an exercise in community building and education, with new and veteran players alike getting interested, whether they’re participating or not. Players in the WTS effectively represent Guild Wars 2 as a whole, and toxicity will not be allowed to be a part of that.
So please, take this as a friendly reminder – you should always treat your fellow players in a decent manner, and in accordance with the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement and Code of Conduct. If you’re planning on playing competitively in the WTS, community events, or otherwise, you will be under additional scrutiny.
We will be releasing legal documentation on the World Tournament Series in the coming weeks, but if you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to contact me or create a thread on these forums.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Outplayed By Children: Team History
“With immersive and descriptive language, Backpack’s moving account of fellowship, tribulation, and eventual triumph resounds deeply with the newest generation of aspiring competitive players.” – 11 out of 10
2 spots go to the “host region”.
When its in EU well have 2x EU teams, same for NA.
Yep! This is so we can have an even number of teams and go for a standard elimination tournament, rather than something like round robin.
Thanks for the read, Aeroxe. I read through this yesterday on my phone and didn’t have a chance to reply.
As you mention in your post, building a team isn’t just about mechanical skill or game knowledge – it’s also about personality. There are a lot of people that I’ve played with in the past that were very gifted players, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out on a personal level, and really, that’s OK. Ultimately, finding people you enjoy playing with and working towards a common goal is much more satisfying and rewarding than trying to shoehorn a group of individuals together and hoping for the best.
Up until recently there hasn’t been a lot of incentive for top-tier teams to stick together after an event such as ToL/ToG, but hopefully now as we have multiple planned LAN events through the next year, teams can start playing the long game, learning to grow together as a team rather than look for replacements at the first sign of adversity.
Anyways, good luck in the finals, Aeroxe. Maybe I’ll see you in Beijing.
If you have stability you’re immune to the self-knockback.
We’re aware of the issues detailed in this thread and are investigating ways to address them. The most likely culprit is the way latency is interacting with how Steal is scripted.
Thanks for the reports and the video evidence!
I’ll be joining Strike Force [SF] on JQ and Driven by Fury [dF] on FSP!
I’d like to say this was a great idea Dev’s. And, to express my excitement and extend my thanks to Josh for coming over to JQ. It was a rough start being stuck on a home BL but, that’s as bad as it get’s. Tomorrow on an offensive map will be a lot more fun!
Did he suck and what class was he playing?
He was playing elementalist.
He was well….decent, considering we were fighting 50+ blobs with a lot of random damage.I like how enemy also had a Dev with them so it was a Dev vs Dev epic mortal combat.
Considering this is coming from a [dF] member, this is pretty much the best compliment I’ve ever received.
Also, I’d like to add that I was the only guy left alive in that massive failed keep rush. #lastmanstanding #Shrektinsixtyseconds #Showing[dF]theropes #Kappa
Edit: Thanks for having me. It’s been a lot of fun.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Good luck to all of the teams today!
I’ll be joining Strike Force [SF] on JQ and Driven by Fury [dF] on FSP!
I need a bit more information to help track this down.
a) Do you live in NA or EU?
b) Are you playing on NA or EU servers?
c) Was your account ORIGINALLY created on NA or EU?
d) Then of course get me the /ip while you’re lagging
I think this belongs in the Dungeon forums.
Hey Henry and anyone reading,
The next time you get lag, can you type /ip into your chat and post your results here?
Would be helpful in tracking this down!
Moving to the profession balance forum where dis belongs!
Identify the philosophy of your team-mates and react accordingly based on whatever class you are playing (although if you really want to boost your win rate you’d do your best to counter comp the enemy and bring the class that would most benefit your team).
I think the worst thing you can do is engage in a negative form of communication in any way—especially blaming someone. Not only does it COMPLETELY destroy morale, but it throws everyone off their game and some players are going to be more hellbent on pvp’ing in the chat box than doing basic things to win.
If I remember the correctly from discussions with our server programmer, this is something we could add as a “nice to have” check in the matchmaking system, but I don’t think it could be something that would be 100% required to start a game. As you mentioned, making this a requirement for roster creation would add a considerable amount of time to the queue.
Not to mention every match has 10 players and there’s only 8 professions. 4v4, anetpls.
Personally, I’m OK with how boss stealing works.
Just because a creature has spawned doesn’t mean you need to kill it. In fact, in a lot of high level games, you’ll see the creatures up for long amount of time without being attempted. Players understand the value of a kill, but they also appreciate the risk associated with the attempt.
Before you attempt a creature, you should ask yourself the following questions:
- Where is the enemy team?
- Talk with your team, or at the very least try to get a rough approximation of enemy player location by reading the mini-map. Also try to be cognizant of enemy respawn timers, as players will often times push to far point off of a respawn, setting themselves up for a perfect boss steal opportunity. On the flip side, watch the NPC mini-map icons for movement – if you see it move at all you know that the enemy team is attempting a kill.
- Do I have the ability to safely secure this boss kill?
- Often times you’ll see players with tanky builds or condition-based builds attempting to take creatures by themselves. There’s a good chance that if a burst spec’d enemy player comes across you while you’re fighting an NPC, they’re going to steal the kill.
At the end of the day, it really comes down to map awareness and risk assessment.
That’s great! Some people have all the luck…
I didn’t know this, is it known why they won’t play ?
Real life stuff, I believe. Happens!
But… but… Doctor Who
That is quite the predicament. What would the Doctor do?
He’d totally want a llama, that’s what.
I think we’re all a little sad that TCG can’t play today. In light of this, I think this puts Cheese Mode in a pretty good spot to win. Will be interesting to see if anyone can take them out.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Annnnnnnnnd we’re live:
As a note, we’ve extended the amount of time the sign-ups will be open by a few days to help you guys out with team creation. Our partners Mistpedia and DPS have also agreed to allow roster changes up until 24 hours prior to your team’s qualifier.
This will be detailed in tomorrow’s blog post.
The next Ready Up after tomorrow’s will actually be next week – we’re going two weeks back to back. This will give you ample time to sign-up ahead of time and request a roster change if you feel that it is necessary.
I’ve made some clarifications in my last post. Sept 13/14th is the first qualifier for Tournament of Glory, which follows the same exact format as Tournament of Legends. The top eight teams from ToG participate in the Invitational.
Edit: As mentioned in the OP, I’m working on an FAQ for the World Tournament Series. The conversations we’re having here are helping me write it.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
I guess the working man will have to miss out on a tournament again. thanks!
Why does the working man need to miss out on this? You only need to play in one qualifier, which always take place on the weekend. Just curious!
Hey all,
Thanks for the comments. These events are a community endeavor, and I will always try to make changes that will make these tournaments a better experience for everyone. I understand where a lot of you are coming from in terms of sign-up timing, especially for those of you that haven’t had an opportunity to see how their profession would change in the coming weeks with the balance patch.
Because of the World Tournament Series event in Beijing, and everything that goes into making that a reality, we’re running on a very tight schedule. The first weekend of Tournament of Glory is scheduled for just after the feature pack – September 13th and 14th. ToG ends in October, and the top eight teams from that enter the World Tournament Series Invitational. Starting any later than Sept 13th begins to put our event at risk, as we’re already pushing the comfort zone.
I’m willing to entertain ideas/suggestions for the sign-ups and timing, but we can’t delay the first qualifier.
(edited by Josh Davis.6015)
Hey all,
I’m going to be delaying the opening of the Tournament of Glory sign-ups until this upcoming Friday, August 22nd. I’ve been receiving a lot of questions regarding the Tournament of Glory and how it factors into the World Tournament Series, and I want to take some time (now that I’m back from gamescom) to write an FAQ and provide the information you’ll need to make a successful team.
We’ll also be requesting email addresses for all team members during sign-ups to help with reward distribution, and I want to give interested teams time to gather that information. As a reminder, sign-ups are handled on a first-come, first-served basis, so having this information ready ahead of time will help ensure that you’re able to reserve a spot in the tournament.
Thank you for your understanding, and let me know if you have any questions!
-Papa Groucharino the III, Esquire.
Regardless of the outcome, I think this will be a good test of how the existing meta comps do against the new hotness Cheese Mode has been running for the past few weeks.
@kensusa – there’s three 50k tournaments.
Sorry for the short post, using my phone from gamescom.
One of the main goals with splitting the balance discussions up into segments was to allow us to survey the feedback on each individual change more effectively. It’s a lot easier for us to sift through two professions worth of feedback every two weeks than it is to sort through all eight at once. We’re happy with most of the changes, but they’re by no means final, and like every other balance update we’re open to being swayed.
See: Deceptive Evasion