Showing Posts For Kanto.1659:

What's with warriors and OP regen in MMOs?

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It is a well known fact. But only warrior players will insist that they are in a ‘ok position atm’ and to please not nerf them.

Me, I steer away from the meta. Not as a hipster choice but simply because it pleases me to play that way. I do rifle/SD engineer and eschew conditions.

All classes can kill me. It depends on the player.

That said, warriors are a joke. As a burst character I may take 1/4 of a warrior’s HP IF I take them by surprise. Afterwards my skills are on CD and I get the whole block block block, invuln invuln invul. They get close, they stun. In three or four hits they can kill me. I use my stun breaker, my dodges, but each time I spend doing anything but (trying) to hit them they are regenerating HP.

The regenerating HP is pretty much the clincher. They are invulnerable? They are regenerating. They are blocking? Regenerating. I’m stunned? They are regenerating. I try to gain some distance because, melee with stunners who can kill in three or four hits is suicide? Regenerating.

Eventually, a minute or so later, my bag of tricks is empty and they are at half HP and one of their stuns catches up with me and I sit there watching myself being killed while everything is on CD.

P.S. Unrelated. I fought a (mental age) child yesterday. He got kitten ed off his godly warrior got killed when I helped a team mate killing him. Next game he ignores the points, ignores the team, and only focuses on me. I took him across the map at least twice. Could not shake him off. Yes, the high HP, high armor, invulnerable, blocking, high regen character was able to keep up with me np. I spent the game on my back since he refused to stomp me and would just sit close and watch until my HP trickled to zero. Repeat.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Kanto.1659


We got what we wanted. So.. er.. you’re boasting about us who voted, getting what we voted for.

Y’know, if only RL politics worked this well….

Out of curiosity...

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


That’s what I was missing then. I was raging for the wrong reason. Just goes to show.

No wonder I was under the impression that Dazes were omnipotent. Stunbreaker cured the stun but didn’t remove the immobilize.

Out of curiosity...

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


The pistol also immobilizes? I must have missed that. Is it recent? Because, I repeat (there is no iSwordsman close or even summoned).

Pistol shot. Dazed. Cannot move. Cannot dodge. Use stun breaker. Still cannot move. Still cannot dodge. In the meanwhile three clones blow up while they use their sword attack. Conveniently, invulnerable while doing it so I cant even fight back and try to stop them, but that’s another bag of kittens.

Out of curiosity...

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Funny then. They use their pistol. Shoot me. I’m dazed. Cannot move, cannot dodge. I use my stun breaker. Still cannot move, still cannot dodge.. In the meanwhile they are teleporting on top on me and doing the usual combo.

What am I missing? Other than the basics which is my stun breaker not doing what a stun breaker is supposed to do.

Out of curiosity...

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659




Out of curiosity...

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


…when can all classes haze Dazes instead of stuns? I just fought another mesmer doing the tried and tested ‘stealth and then daze from stealth to then burst to death’.

Of course my stun breaker did not work. Like all the other times. Because a daze is not a stun.

It does not let me move.

I cannot use skills.

I cannot dodge.

But it is not a stun, ergo stun breakers do not work.

I would sure like having a stun-which-is-not-a-stun too. It makes things so interesting when we cannot fight back and must just die within the first fifteen seconds of combat.

At least a stun warrior lets me extend that to almost a minute sometimes. I will still die, of course, one does not survive a class with high HP, high armor, high regen, blocks and invulnerabilities AND low CD stuns. But at least I can fight back for a while.

+1 for to removing all stupid nomenclatures. A stun breaker should work on dazes and immobilizes. It is our choice to use it on any of the three. But need a stun breaker, a daze breaker (IS there such a thing as a daze breaker or is it just a ticket to land whatever combo people feel like?) AND an immobilize breaker is three sorts of ridicule.

Is the Injection Meter actually Player Input?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It’s a timer, for one good and simple reason: if it was not the devs would have had to design two patches. One where the anti-toxin is delivered in time and the tower crumbles and another where it is not.

It is just common sense. It would be great gaming to have this implemented. You know. Actual consequences from the decisions of players that affect the open world.

But I am not disparaging the devs. Two patches for the price of one would be too inefficient.

As it is the LS is a script. Be there or don’t be there, s’okay, Scarlet will be defeated, the tower will go down, the Queen will be rescued, etc.

A Trading Post Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Adding a +1 to this.

Leveling.. When does it get easier

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Pfft, so many people say that. I don’t understand it. Tanks on demand that cripple when killed. Between the HP boost and the signet that grants more HP clones and phantasms are beasts.

Leveling.. When does it get easier

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


The moment you grab a staff. I tried three elementalists and always deleted them pretty fast. Like, pre level 10.

The skills were just so slow to land that it was painful to watch. I followed the popular idea of going dagger/dagger) utterly dislike having to be in near melee range) and the Scepter/Dagger setup (slooooow animations taking foreeeever).

At my fourth elementalist I grabbed a staff and never looked back. 100% fire. Start with staff 2, then staff 3, auto attack, most things are dead by the time they reach you. Or start with staff 3, auto attack once, put lava font under your feet, keep auto attacking. Use Arcane Blast when mobs are in range for more damage and 3 stacks of Might.

It was easy. The attunement dance is a bore and forces a piano display of virtuosity to achieve what staff in fire does: frig ton of damage.

Bug: Gasmask does not prevent toxin

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It couldn’t be a skin then, but an actual item. Makes sense, but it is role-play, not game mechanics.

Please make Gas Mask an unlimited use skin.

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659



More Gasmask skins Please?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659


+1 too.

I frigging love this gask mask and I know others who are sad they can only have it on one character.

As for it being a reward from the PvP chests I would take that with a grain of salt despite the Wiki. The air filtration skin does drop from the PvP chests. but the gaskmask is a friend-of-a-friend tale which I haven’t seen proved.

A dev comment would be very welcome, and please, offer my kudos to its skin maker, the thing rocks hard.

Tower Favors Defensive Builds, Thanks!

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I don’t understand this logic. So full zerker that must on their toes, dodge at the right time, use their CC, their heals, terrain, is a ‘1 masher lolnoskillscrub’?


What of the tanky dude who takes twice as long but isn’t even bothering to learn how/when to dodge because he is healing the minor hits?

I was a big follower of the Knight/Rabid gear and used either in different characters while swaggering around proud of how I was the last to die in a wipe, sometimes giving enough time for my team to zergdeath run back to the fray.

Then I did a dungeon where a boss instashot me despite being in full Knight and I had this epiphany: why the hell am I gimping my damage if the boss will still kill me in one hit? I went full berserker and never looked back.

10% of the game/tower will do a game of attrition and kill me (died three times to the tower at the same point yesterday, three veterans and three normals mobs were clumped together killing me each time), 90% of the time I tear mobs apart before they reach me, and if they had the HP to do so, a silver mob, I can ballet around them with CC and using the terrain until they are down.

Then I play with a tanky guardian friend who was skittening at us unable to run past the third level. He breezed the 10% of the tower while killing twice as slow the other 90% of the time.

What? - Wasn't that boss too easy?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Make it harder and then we’ll have a QQfest talking about how they’re doing another teq-ish boss

Pretty much this. By the way, how many of you are complaining he’s too easy and are on a zerker build?

Full zerker, Rifle/SD engineer. Was np.

Antitoxic Fashion - Gas Mask Question

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


And if it does, I would love it even more. BUT WE CAN ONLY HAVE ONE!

Why!? Why must you do this!

Throw the skin into the achievement skins! I want to use 9 of them! I want 18 of them, if we can use them under water too!

Give us some mean of acquiring more gasmasks or duplicating the skin somehow!

New Toxic Gloves/Shoulder Skins are AWSOME!

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Half the price of a six piece costume for one piece? This is insane.

Gasmask thread appreciation.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Please consider making it a gem store bought item for the duration of the patch!!

You mean in addition to getting for free, right?

Either, both. I don’t care. I’ve bought a lot of things from the gem store and the only RL money I spent was the one I put for the game.

Gasmask thread appreciation.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Aw maaaaaan, only one gasmask? I am appreciative that it does not depend on RNG, but only one? I would like to purchase several copies for most of my characters.

Please consider making it a gem store bought item for the duration of the patch!!

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Jon, if you happen to see this, please consider it or at the least have it tested… Fire Grandmaster trait, Pyromancers Puissance (spelling) Gain might on each spell cast in Fire… Lets face it, staff skills have a long recharge and barely get above 3 might stacks.

Wut…? You completely kill your arguments with these arguments loaded with misinformation. Without boon duration (other than 20 in arcana) I get 7-8 Might stacks, sometimes topping at 10 with a fireball, lava font, meteor shower.

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Well, the problem with elementalist is the survivability.
I’ve been playing about 1300h, died 1300 times with my ele.

Haven’t completed the story as some of the missions are way too difficult to play yourself. Like the Defending Claw Island, tried 10 times, then needed guild mates and waited that my ele is lvl 80 with exotic gears. (Manged to solo it with my lvl 50 necro).

It took 1300 h to do map completion and I’m still afraid to run alone in Orr & Malachor ie. trying to avoid combat at any cause.

And I’m always the first one to be downed in dungeons. Feel like the elementalist survivability is the worst in the game. I know the ele is the most difficult to play, but after these changes I might quit playing ele and change to another more easier class

My build might not be optimal, but

::headscratches:: Are we playing the same class? I went full berserk with a staff and annihilated my way through the game. I feel my damage is through the roof.

See, the problem is the gimmicks. I started three elementalists and deleted them all. They felt slow, uber clumsy, the damage was not all that. And of course, with all the railing against staff I never grabbed it.

Now I’m 95% in fire with a staff and most things don’t live long enough to touch me.

Heart quest almost undoable with the update

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Fire and Frost did the same, and took forever to fix. Newbie players in areas as low as 6 were being ripped apart by KD spam from scopes. Ripped apart by level 16 Molten vets in level 8 areas. Gated from at least one vista, and having to deal with scopes placed to overlap content designed for low levels, but made far more difficult by enemies with skills they had no counter for.

You have a valid complaint. But, be prepared to hear “living story!” thrown in your face a lot. You will be told to buy a heal skill with SP you don’t have, or by doing content designed for downleveled 80s. You will be told “it is supposed to be harder” by people who can’t grasp the idea that the magnitude of difficulty is far far greater for people of appropriate level for the zone, compared to the skills and traits of a downleveled 80.

When they finally fixed Fire and Frost scopes, I assumed they learned something. Apparently not.

There are other low level areas that can be done. Spitting on the face of new content is not welcome. So out of a dozen areas one is hindered by the Living Story.

Mesmer 5 = Guardian 5 = Elementalist 20?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


You’re not the only one. Enginer also needs to spend 20 points for vigor on crit. Or 30 for 50% endurance regen.

Gasmask thread appreciation.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


This skin ROCKS my sox! I dearly wanted it for my asura ever since it was datamined months ago and now I have seen it textured I want it even more. To my surprised it even looks good on a charr!

Both me and a friend are going, ‘we need five of them!’

The real question is now, where do they drop? Someone mentioned having received the gasmask from a tournament chest, but does that method makes it usable in PvE? It usually does not work like that but his post was a bit confusing.


in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Gasmask, gasmask, gasmask!!

About new armor skins and some feedback

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Yay. Another version of males being covered in steel but the women belong in the kitchen because, kitten, you’re certainly not going to battle with your cleavage exposed and your thighs bared.

At what point people does the line between kittenty armor design and subtle misogyny will be crossed?

Patch ruined the balance in this game!

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


All you guys rock ^^

Tried Some Dungeons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


CM is a terribad starter instance, really. You should persevere and try the next dungeons. I have so many people telling me how they got disgusted from GW2 instances and never wanted to do them again after being introduced to the death grind that is CM.

I, myself, went from CM to level 80 without touching another dungeon on my first character after the whole experience of dodge once, dodge twice, try to line of sight, gets mobs following anyway and kill in two hits.

Regardless, dagger playstyle is melee range. With elementalist’s HP and armor melee that is pretty suicidal, especially in the low levels without the full back up of our traits, gear and utility skills.

Staff, healer or dps? :)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kanto.1659


You guys could take this to PMs or something. You are not going to change each other’s mind and this thread became a clutter of back and forth verbal snipes.

Gold From SPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I would not mind the gold. But the crappy unwashed populace being what it is we would get farmers ignoring the game to farm. I mean, kitten, we already got farming for something as meaningless and useless as rank. We got people spectating when their team starts to lose just to re-join on the winning side.

Best Sniper/ranged attack build for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I do the sniper role. Love it. I actually found lots of nice spots to perch and shoot with an aerial view of the battle.

My usual game play resembles what my brother calls the jungler from LoL. I look at the map, check to see which points are contested. I glance at the icons, then at the HP bars and see if they are in combat or just capping. If in combat I rush in (perma swiftness), unload all my CDs, down the enemy, seldom even glance back and just rush off again in look of a point that needs to be capped or is being contested.

I will hardly ever sit on a point.

Rifle/SD engineer. Most squishies die from a single burst and even bunkers get a large chunk of HP stolen from them.

Best memory: killing three at once (a one life time event and thus more cherished for it) by seeing three people sit on a point fat and happy while capping it. Choose one, unload everything, downed, SD bounced between the others and hurt them. Drop the elite crate, stun them for two seconds, fall at their feet, rifle 3 (aoe), rifle 5 (super aoe). With only a sliver of HP the turrets from the elite crate finished the other two and I could stomp at will with 100% HP.

One time thing but gawd, should have frapsed it

Why can't you cap a point in stealth?

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Not sure if serious, but I can guess which class you’re playing.

Worst thing that's been said to you in PvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


i got killed in a 1v5 and one guy was like “good 1v1 bro” haha

I have seen this a thousand thousand times.

Player A charges a point occupied by X Opposing Player.

Player A proceeds to single out one other player and engages them.

Player A is crushed by all Opposing Players.

Player A calls out the single player he was going after, throwing out such insults as, “You suck, can’t even 1v1 me you gotta get your friends to help LOLOLOL.” or “LOLOL it took all X of you to kill me.”

If you want to 1v1 folks, don’t charge 1 person standing in a crowd and expect him to know your intentions, you look like a donkus.

Oh, I got so many.

I had a thief name drop how he played with another thief who was ranked. Called me no name, insulted me (after winning, which is new, I usually get insulted by those who lose), insulted me because we both were on the point and a guardian joined and us two killed that thief. As if it was within my control to make that guardian not join us.

What got me the most was how much he bragged about sPvPing but how heated up he got from a random hotjoin.

I got called a cheater from a French guardian who was rank 9. He couldn’t understand how his 12k (his words) melted from my Rifle/SD burst. He calmed down once I spoke with him and told him about burst and how playing a glass guardian was not smart.

But mostly I get the very strange and internet based role reversal. We might expect the WINNER to brag and trash talk about how good he is. But over the internet it is the loser who trash talks and does the ‘no skill’ card.

Which begs the question on how a no skill wins over an obvious pro and who is more no skilled of the two.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Or people learn to play the game. With ONE stun breaker i can kill a stun Warrior and Im a bunker Engie. Just play the game.

O’rly? I’d like to live in your world. In mine a stun warrior stuns me again before I have finished my stun breaker animation.

CC is most frustrating in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Part of the problem is there are no diminishing returns on CC and even if you use a a stun break, you can just get restunned a second later from a different skill and this time you have no escape.

Other pvp games gives you a few seconds of CC immunity immediately after using a stun break type move. The stun breaks can’t keep pace with the application rate of CCs.

This. As a Rifle engineer it very frustrating to fight some enemies who pop Stability and become immune to knockbacks for 4-8 seconds while I lost the count on the number of times I was stunned, use my stun breaker and before the animation is even over I am stunned again and killed.

Thieves with their stun-and-pistol-whip-that-makes-them-invulnerable-WHILE-they-attack are one of the biggest offenders, in particular because they can throw their stuns from stealth. How do we do dodge killing moves like stuns if we cannot see them? A spamable event?

WTB Mounts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kanto.1659


What’s wrong with the waypoint system? It takes a loading screen to get where you want.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kanto.1659


The sad truth is that the first iteration of SAB was welcomed with open arms by everyone. It was loved, it was a huge hit, people flocked to it and many, myself included and God knows I don’t like JPs, wanted it to become a permanent fixture.

And this done in part-time simply by some devs who wanted to present an April’s fool.

But, said sad truth, the second iteration was made to be milked. I bring back my Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 example. As with Diablo and with SAB the players wanted more of the same (in Diablo’s case, with better graphics) and in both cases the devs decided to change the winning formula and… do… something.. which is no longer that winning formula.

Now, take what I say with a grain of salt. I have not entered the new worlds. I only finished SAB’s april fool twice since, like I mentioned, I’m terrible with JPs and I avoid them, but by what everyone is saying this is what happened.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kanto.1659


What I don’t understand is how infantile mode is being clamored as too hard. I only used it once in the first apparition of SAB and I remember it being exactly as advertised: something that allows the less able to see the content to the end.

Now it seems Infantile is Normal, Normal is Hard and Tribulation is Nightmare.

I am sorry but I will join my voice to the others saying this seems tailored to go hand in hand with the infinite continue coin. Which is okay. Except the part where the difficulty is raised purposefully for the coin to be bought.

You know, like Diablo 3 and the auction house. Lets have a minute of silence for that big flop (considered a huge success by sales’ standards) once it sunk in they nerfed gold farming and made things unfair (teleporting one hit kill ground-is-lava mini bosses) with terrible rewards so that the way to advance was to have a fantasy based EVE revolving around the AH.

SAB fun->NOT?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kanto.1659


More and closer checkpoints?

SAB was good...

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I bought the pistol off tp and I’m done. Apparently even getting 1 bubble bauble out of the once a day chests was too Op. Essentially finished this living dead story in less than an hour using b2w. Back to LoL till the 17th. Great update…

That’s me too. I liked SAB’s theme, but I’m terrible with jumping puzzles. So I farmed my way to the skins I wanted with five characters.

This time I played for ten minutes. Lost a whole life for falling on the rapids, dig spot rewards diminished, once a day per account. The tales of world two are hair raising for someone who utterly dislikes one shot mechanisms and jumping puzzles.

I only wanted the rifle anyway, and was going to farm for it, but since that was once a day per account I just hit the TP and bought myself the skin for 8g. That’s me having a lazy two weeks ahead of me now. No rush for achieves or grinding skins.

S.A.B rewards account bound?!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Welp, I only care for one skin which is the rifle. I won’t be farming on five characters each day, which is good. I also loathe JPs (though I love SAB’s idea and theme) which means this whole patch I can kick back and watch grass grow since it is focused on SAB and JPs.

I’ll just do the two first worlds and collect 100 bubbles to earn 5 baubles a day, in ten days I’ll have enough for the rifle. S’good enough for me.

Edit: Ah, it’s 250 for a bauble, I forgot. And lowered dig rewards coupled with being account bound means I won’t make the extra bauble.

Welp, to the TP. Jolly good we had that gold influx.

re-Edit: Rifle skin at 8g the first day. I’m good and done, thanks for this patch!

(edited by Kanto.1659)

Invasion Zones

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Simply tracking which maps are we missing would be tremendous! Like tracking which goggles we used/didn’t use, tracking which dungeon paths we did/didn’t do and a whole plethora of similar achievements, past and future.

Is legendary armor coming out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kanto.1659


We demand holo armor just like the weapons and wings! PLEASE, no dumb spikes or huge shoulder pads /notWoW.

Economy concerns

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I really don’t get it. I mean it was obvious (by obvious I mean crystal clear, zero humidity on a sunny day, 20/20, spotting dimes, sticking out like a sore thumb, “Hey isn’t that an elephant in the room!”) that there would be an “issue” by implementing things in such a fashion.

So why why why do they go forth, knowing that they will have to put in corrective measures, after the fact?

“Hey, want to make a giant snowball?”
“Sure thing!”

“Right on let’s start.”

“Let’s make it by the top of the hill.”
“Isn’t there the chance that it may roll down the hill.”

“Ofc there is! We are going to push it.”
“Won’t we have to clean up the mess afterwards?”

“Well yes, we will.”
So…tell me again why we are going to push it?"

“Idk…just push it. We will worry about it later. Live in the moment!”

Obvious like, Liadri’s orbs having their hit box under the ground so they are always obstructed? Is it that sort of obvious we are talking about?

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Again, we’ve seen them in action and their feet don’t get in the way.

You’ve seen a computer animation that ignores laws of physics, such as weight and inertia. Lets just say that the fembots are actually floating via magic and that will be fine.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It does make perfect sense.

These aren’t people, they were made, and programmed to perform in the shape they have. Their center of gravity could be placed and manipulated so that they’d be able to perform with the heeled feet they have, on any terrain. They don’t have to worry about fumbling and tripping over their own feet, or any kind of human error, they don’t have to worry about losing their balance nearly as much as a regular person, because they were designed to work that way. Also, it’s a fantasy universe, all the female characters wear heels, if were going to talk about proper footwear it would be a whole other large discussion, but specifically in this case, the way their feet are shaped does little to add or take away from the topic at hand.

Also, areolas not nipples. You should be able to name the body part you are so offended by, nipples and areolas are different.

Offended? Don’t be silly. I’m a guy, we love the female body. But to say the heels make no difference hints you never wore a pair or looked at a female wearing one.

The streets where I live are pretty bad and sometimes I see women trying to walk them with high heels. Disaster. Now, we can say that the bots ignore most of that (‘shoes’ are built-in so they don’t slip off, their ankles won’t dislocate, etc) but there is a reason we go to rugged terrain with sturdy boots with a good grip on them. Two narrow platforms (ball of the foot and high heel)? On gravel? To climb a rocky hill?

Or are we saying these clockwork bots will fight in nice smooth asphalt?

Well, anyway, I arrived late. Everything has been said so it is just re-hashing. I’ll just chalk it up with the ‘female armor bares thighs, cleavage, and sides while the same armor leaves a male only showing his face’ rest.

(edited by Kanto.1659)

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Had to edit it to clarify I meant the designer who made the fem-bot model.

Half this thread seems to be about how some of us are sexist. I’m pretty okay with the bots. If they were bartenders, like someone mentioned above. A bartender is fine to anthropomorphize. Give them big butts, give them nipples, give them high heels. It’s fine. Perhaps a bit in bad taste since it implies a sexualized angle and that maybe they were built anatomically correct but hey, s’fine.

I’m just on the whole angle of big fighter warrior. If they are for war, why the nipples, why the well formed butt, why the high heels? None of these help for war. Why the innards half showing?

It’s just that for warriors they really don’t look that warriorsome.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Just because it is modeled after a femakitten dy does not automatically make it sexual in nature. Some people are just to hyper sensitive about the human body its a little ridiculous. They are made of armor hence why they look “naked” and as for the slender design that’s easy to explain its called efficiency. I see the watchknights as a beautiful piece of craftsmanship nothing more. And to be quite honest to accuse Anet of being sexist with them is a little ignorant. Just look at great sculpters of the past they did not do them for the sexuality, but for the celebration of the human form. Try to look at them for what they are not for what form they were created after. Then you might see that they are just awesome pieces of mechanical ingenuity.

High heels.

Watchknights are a bit concerning....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kanto.1659


To me, they’re modelled after Amazonians. Would you prefer if she surrounded herself with hulky half dressed man bots?

They’re not sex bots. They’re dangerous warriors intended to defend the realm. Why is it a bad thing that these defenders were modelled after women? Is Xena a bad example too, should she have been Male?

Because your ‘dangerous warriors’ are made with a huge and well formed butt, nipples, and fight on heels. ON HEELS!


It makes perfect sense. I’m not sure about who designed these bots, but I worry about you, son (developer). And your team leaders who said to go ahead and make high heeled, big butted, nippled fem-bots.

(edited by Kanto.1659)