You got exactly what a “L40 relaxed farm” is – and yes, it definitely works!
But how do you explain that people started leaving after 12 runs? It definitely didn’t work, otherwise we would have kept going.
12 runs seems fine for a relaxed farm group. Go in, twelve runs, made some cash, time to do something else now. A farm, relaxed or otherwise, does not need to extend itself for four hours to be declared a success.
Not a month from release, no.
Why are you even camping the staff and with four minions out?
Ugh, people still thinking condition duration does not increase the damage of conditions, just makes them last longer but ticking the same?
I’m not even sure why they are removed from the cash shop since they are cosmetics people will always want. Not being available simply means they cannot purchase them. for some reason this is considered a sound business plan.
Glint’s Gaze, please. Any ETA when it is to return? Is there a chance to have a calendar showing when items will return to the shop? We could at least count the days until then.
I don’t see the problem. For open world you don’t need max DPS, just pick Blood, as a condi reaper should be rocking scepter and dagger anyway. What ever gain you’d get from picking up Death you’ll lose either by losing 25% duration from runes or from an utility skill to have Locust.
You can try to change Locust before a fight but it was clunky, I found, sometimes we don’t have the time before a fight starts or whatever.
This is what I use
Well of Suffering is pretty close in actual damage compared to Corrosive Poison Cloud (since the diminished CD of CPC makes no difference as we have to wait until Shroud #4 is off CD anyway) but has the bonus of healing when we do shroud #4 on it, and it heals pretty decently. On four or five mobs expect half your HP back.
There’s nothing really useful in the mid-tier of Curses, so don’t bother min-maxing, leave Master of Corruption as is despite having no Corruptions skills on, and this is because once you’re out of open world and headed into fractals/dungeons you switch Well of Suffering for Corrosive Poison Cloud and Suffer for Blood is Power.
Still on fractals/dungeons if there is enough Might to go around you can also switch Chilling Victory for Decimate Defenses, but if the fractal is high enough Might is harder to get so don’t bother switching Chilling Victory.
(edited by Kanto.1659)
Considering the chances of getting something useful from a chest? Not really. Considering how lackluster the designs of weapon collections have been? Double not really. It’s as simple as looking at the prices of the new stuff. Nothing spiked, no grand numbers. They aren’t interestesting so there is no market and they remain cheap-ish.
SAB weapons look really lovely (yes, my opinion, others have different opinions, that’s cool too) but given the dwindling skins the prices have hit some meteoric heights. I even made a corrupted dagger to pass as a ghetto SAB dagger (no way was I paying 800g for one).
But google a bit, some people on Reddit posted opening 100 chests or such. The results speak for themselves.
So you’re saying in order to see people die it had to involve a meta that spawned a lot of champs and veterans and where people had to dodge the red circles not to die? I think my point still stands, and there is no trap involved. There is me saying that dying is not a bad thing.
Super Mario bros, how many deaths needed to learn the patterns? Any game, really. Death is what stops from bumbling around and ask ourselves what to change, what to do so our progress won’t be stopped. There is nothing in the story that stops us cold.
(edited by Kanto.1659)
There is a wardrobe in your bank, check all the skins there. There are also outfits which are armor like (some), again, check your Outfits in the Hero window.
If people are dying to pocket raptors it is a sad thing. They are so weak and die in two or three hits. Oh, I’m not going to say I didn’t die to them when I first began HoT and tried to run past them (same as with the small dinos that roll around. Seriously, do not try to run past those) but after the first couple of deaths I figured it out. They always have a two second pause between attacks and they all attack at the same time. So, y’know… press dodge…?
On a more serious note (haha) even in greens the game is doable. I played the Hot story with a Rabid geared engineer, a Berserker mesmer, Berserker revenant and half rabid half Viper reaper (was still in the process of crafting Viper to replace my greens).
Did I never ever ever die? Kitten no. Of course we die. A game with one hundred percent success rate in the first try (like the old Tyria some people are wailing and gnashing their teeth in longing for) has no value. Of course HoT mobs and the story line killed me a few times.
AND WHY IS THAT A BAD THING!? Whoo! I had to pay attention to timings and patterns of some mobs, see which ones I had to kill first, use the terrain to break line of sight. Why is this a bad thing?!
When was the last time someone died in old Tyria, outside of dungeons and falling off cliffs or trying to solo a champ? Show of hands, please. I’ll wait.
Okay, okay, this has no bearing to the OP. If you’re condition, buy green Rabid gear. If you’re power based buy Knight gear. Do not expect miracles, you still need to dodge.
And yes, some achievements are meant to be done in a group, even in story mode. This.. is… rare sense (previouslyknownascommonsense).
We only need to do three though. that usually means a forager, or lumberer, or vista, and then one PvP game is enough to get the other of of defender/capturer/killer. I do it for the AP. But kinda wish I had been into them to have reached the cap already.
I have the same thing. It’s client side only, my friends I asked don’t see the egg on my back.
Not sure if serious.
You and everyone else. Conceptually it’s a great idea, but it needs more WPs so we can go whoa the first time and then have WPs to skip it the second time around.
Recently a guildie was ‘Well, time to head to TD, lets see if it’s as bad as people say’ and our guild chorused ‘good luck!’.
Half an hour later he was ‘Wtf is this place…!’
Necromancer. Lots of pets who tank for you and have a lot of HP in PvE, dots that can be applied on the run or even over your back, lots of CC, lots of life leech and shroud as a second bar (if you turn off auto-targetting shroud also serves to create gaps in distance).
Ooh, yeah, I actually tested and vampiric aura only heals for 35 HP and does 35-37 damage. I thought everyone got close to 100 but that’s our Vampiric Strikes + Vampiric Aura.
Okay then. I got nothing. It still has no ICD so multiple hits will heal a trickle, but it’s really bad.
I’m just like you and dislike 80% of the skins in the game. Most are just plain ugly and it makes me cringe an adult designer whose living is based on creating armors will make such things.
Most armors have redeeming bits though. Heavy aether armor has gorgeous gloves. Medium aether has pretty decent boots (especially for an asura). All zodiac armor helms are cringe worthy (very very much so) but the light armor chest and pants go well together if we do not use shoulders.
Mix and match saves Fashion Wars 2.
I’d go with the staff. It’s what I’m using. Condi reaper is supposed to camp scepter anyway, but the staff works for emergencies. A poison field to shroud#4 on and that also chills? Check. Condition removal? Check. AoE fear (that also chills)? Check.
As for if you should change sinister weapons to viper? Yes, you should. You’ll want to reach 80% condition duration (preferably with food helping) which needs help from all quarters and taking in consideration outside of raids there is no Viper ascended gear.
So full viper armor, weapons, amulet, two trapper and four nightmare runes, 20% food and a sigil of malice = 80%. Now either go all Sinister on jewelry or Rampager if aiming for an hybrid build.
Making everything ascended gives almost nothing for a Viper build, btw, so unless there are high level fractals in the equation there is no rush.
Blood. I’m like you and tinkered around a fair bit, but Blood. PvP and PvE, being able to AoE put people up when we spin and teleport them away from fire/stomp is simply invaluable. Now add the run speed trait for the dagger (liberating either an utility skill or the the armor runes) and a bit of sustain and damage from Vampiric Aura.
Lets face it, if we’re solo everything is easy and we don’t need the might and vuln. If we’re in a party other people are providing. In either case time spent in shroud should be at a minimum.
Vampiric Aura already is a party wide buff and DPS boost. Sure, it’s less than 100 damage per hit, but it has no ICD. Party wide it may turn to be a typical 5% at the end of the fight.
And don’t get me started about being in five guilds of which three I represent depending on the activity and with whom I am playing, and all three have variations of ‘Please donate X flax, planks and etc so we can upgrade the GH!’
This should have been addressed a week into HoT. Waaaaaaaaaay too late.
Really, it should have been addressed during the design phase.
Failing that, in QA.
It’s just absurd that this made it to live release, when there’s so much that’s so clearly broken.
PLEASE take a look at your process, folks.
You’re missing the point. Four months like this took a whole lot of gold out of the game. Now they ‘notice’ that scribbing is more expensive than ‘expected’ and will ‘lower’ the prices. The slice of the population who had resisted leveling scribe because of the prices is now enticed. Another % of the gold of the game vanishes (in the meanwhile the first ones who swallowed the bitter pill get to watch).
Give it another two or three months and I predict another lowering of prices to snag another part of the population.
And please, please, don’t say no. No one makes a table or a chair or a shelf cost 400-900 gold by accident.
Chill does not need its damage upped. What Chill does is add to the pile. If we think of Necro as a balance scale Chill tips the balance, but it does not carry the necro.
And increasing the damage of the Chill does not even make good sense. Chill does other things on top of the damage. It’s not like bleed or burn whose sole purpose is doing damage.
What Chill needs is to ensure it does the damage it is meant to do instead of being gobbled up by other players or mobs coded in the old way.
If only we had less outfits and more armors. By the law of statistics we’d get a few who aren’t trenchcoats.
I’m still waiting for more of the gask mask (still best skin in the game (it even takes in consideration charr anatomy)), sleek, magitech. No protruding shoulder spikes or weird gloves (and for the love of all that is sacred in gaming, stop making stuff with only one dye channel).
It was completely ridiculous that I took a year off GW2, returned, decided to check the armors to change looks… and ended with the same previous look I had. What happened? It’s Fashion Wars 2 and there is no new fashion? Outfits? Who wants to be a clone differing only in dye choice?
My asura would love to get the cook shoes back, thank you. 90% of asura footwear have the toes showing. It takes cultural armor (or the dev who designed the cook outfit. Gayle, if you read this, please extend my kudos to the ones who made it and the gas mask) to have boots that conform to anatomy.
It’s interesting how it took three months to ‘discover’ this. All the time needed to get rid of several metric tons of gold in the game. And when people are settled, have spent gazzilions, now prices are lowered to bait more people into getting into the guild hall trap.
Myeah, people saying that Revs are fine because #2 was buffed don’t understand how Revs work(ed). Everything is/was balanced about maximizing buff uptime and once energy ran out the legend swapping would fill it up again.
If Revs use #2 when energy will run out much early than the legend swap CD leaving them back at autoattacking and no longer providing buffs.
This nerf is like the random nerf chronos got when their whole thing was a balancing act with alacrity and quickness. Alacrity got nerfed, but their CDs remained the same.
Wait, you’re a necro asking to be nerfed? Other classes asking for necro nerfs are becoming crafty in how they present it.
I always use viper’s and just change trinkets for the AR. I have no complaints, except on the fractal where we pour molten metal on the boss which is where we do crap damage compared to berserkers.
Fortunately I only had one group yet that insisted in Mossman on a tree and which I accepted since the group had not been formed by me. I’ve had others try to insist but since it was my group I told them to stay there or fight with the rest of us.
Dragon Ball is pretty bad. Pretty pretty bad. Everything the OP said and more. On the other hand the snow PvP was so much better. Better skills, we can actually dodge stuff, objectives, three classes.
I could understand if burn effects structures but the other conditions shouldn’t really effect them (how do you make a wall bleed?)
This is a slippery slope. How does a stone golem bleed or burn. How does an asuran golem bleed or burn. How does an elementalist use fire skills under water? Why do we have chairs if we can’t sit on th-… Wait, no.
A good question. Some things are ‘objects’ and can be afflicted by conditions. I’ve seen gates and such take conditions. But old content does not.
Why? No idea, some sort of ‘vision’ of the devs (anyone who played City of Heroes remembers how the ‘vision’ of the lead dev crippled the game). I suppose wooden barrels don’t ‘bleed’. But then stone golems do? Devs shouldn’t try to roleplay their game, this is game mechanics.
Conditions also don’t get a boost in gimmicks The fractal boss where we drop molten metal will have direct damage players doing 30-50k crits while my piddly conditions continue ticking for 3-4k.
When Teq is stunned and lands all direct damage is also multiplied, but conditions only tick for their regular amount. If I’m not mistaken this applies to all breakbar related stuns where there is a brief window when direct damage is multiplied.
Is leeching bolts working for anybody? I didn’t notice it healing me in shroud.
I gave it a good testing last night. Without actual numbers on the log it’s not easy to spot, but I got around 2k or 2.5k out of spinning on one mob. When I pulled several mobs I got half my HP back with one whirl which is a lot more than Transfusion.
I couldn’t notice a difference between Corrosive Cloud or using Well of Suffering in terms of damage which was odd. Corrosive Cloud does damage on its own and we add a large amount of it more with our poisonous bolts where Well of Suffering does minimal damage (I’m viper geared) and adds vulnerability (which does help the damage, but not in group content since 25 stacks are easy to keep up) and the whirling on it should only be around 2.4kish from leeching bolts, assuming none miss.
Yet when I tested several times against veterans they died at roughly the same time. It made me ponder if I shouldn’t switch Corrosive Cloud for traited wells. I will no longer have the teleport downed people, but:
- I had to wait for CPC to align with Shroud 4 so the lower CD on it does not matter.
- The healing is weaker on one mob and greater with more.
- The time when we go whirl is when we’re vulnerable to a boss’ melee and cleave so Protection is never a bad thing even on top of Rise which offsets the lower heals on whirl.
I like MM, but tbh I wouldn’t advise anyone to go full MM. The pets just aren’t that useful to waste utility skills on.
Personally I would go Curses, Death and Reaper for open world content. Corrosive Cloud, Signet of Locust, Rise. Blood Fiend and Flesh Golem.
Staff for pretty much everything and swap to scepter/dagger to kill single targets.
With Rise, Death Nova, Blood Fiend and Flesh Golem we have nine or ten minions around us which satisfies the MM craving.
For dungeons/fractals swap Death to Blood, get Quickening Thirst, Vampiric Aura and Transfusion. Replace Signet of Locust for Blood is Power. Staff for AoE/trash, scepter for boss.
For gear go with Viper. It’s the best but kinda expensive so trade it for Rabid if you don’t want the hassle. Otherwise use and put Tailoring to 400.
(edited by Kanto.1659)
Necro Reaper is my new baby and it rocks. Unless the class is butchered I’m having a hard time thinking I’ll switch again.
It’s tanky, it hits hard, it solos well, it’s 90% ranged.
Going back to the kittenty play of stealthed thieves hitting us while we can’t hit back is goin-… Oh wait, I don’t PvP anymore GOOD LUCK, GUYS!
That’s so stupid, now the auto attack that can deal
up to 8.5 seconds of blind or
up to 17,25 seconds of weakness or
3 stacks of vulnerability for up to 17,25 seconds or
up to 5,25 seconds of SLOW or
up to 17,25 seconds of poison or
up to 6 seconds of chilled or
3 stacks of consusion for up to 5,25 seconds or
up to 1,75 seconds of FEAR or
up to 17,25 seconds of crippled or
3 stacks of bleed for up to 20,25 seconds
in a realistic pvp setup on top of it’s base effects
That’s broken.EDIT forgot chill and bleed duration boost
Are we still talking about scepter here? I’m confused. What makes scepter autoattack do any of these?
Rift also went with a very safe route of ‘everyone is human, except for their skin tone’ which was very dull for those of us who don’t feel required to play humans in a fantasy setting.
That means no asura or charr/norn to skew proportions.
But, still, even today my friend who plays charr loves her gasmask (one of my all time favorite skins as well, I wish we’d get more sleek advanced looking stuff like that instead of stupid spikes and horns like the mistwarden armor has) and the way it has tailor made places for her horns and ears.
(edited by Kanto.1659)
The overwhelming answer has always been armor, not outfits.
Mind, outfits have a place and a few of them are welcome, not only to change looks, but to sport a snazzy look while leveling (not that many still do that) or for classes who don’t get social looking armor such as heavy armor users.
But the overwhelming response, each time this comes up, and ignored by Anet, is armors. Armors. Armors. (And please, good looking armors, I’m not sure who is making stuff but most of the armors are just forgettable).
No one (few) want to play Clone Wars2. Simply changing dyes isn’t enough to be different from Joe wearing the same outfit.
I’m currently wearing the zodiak light armor, ley line gloves, asura T1 cultural booties and the necro mask (until Glint’s Gaze comes out again) and I think it looks pretty decent. Where would we be if we only had outfits?
Guild trying for Lost Precipice. Tips wanted.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kanto.1659
It’s no more difficult than a regular dungeon.
Since the past few weeks I’ve been busy IRL so haven’t been playing but I was looking forward to what’s to come in 2016. And then I find this.
700 gems for 1 inventory slot that’s shared on your account… This is the reason I never spend money on microtransactions in games. The people that come up with pricings for these things are just the embodiment of greed. It’s good that people can at least choose to use gold but it seems my decision not to purchase gems when I got the game 3 years ago is still applicable now. It’s great that they finally implement a much requested feature but once again the marketing/publishing department show’s it’s true face. It’s sad as the game itself is alot of fun.
I understand what you are trying to say. But 160g for 700 gems is what? Uber casual 30 minutes of Silverwastes a day for two weeks? If you cannot spare 30 minutes to work for something you want do you really want it? Doing one full meta of Silverwastes, help as many dolyaks, protect as many forts, do as many ‘kill X veteran menace’ as you can, then Vinewrath, then labyrinth until it closes. Toss all bags to a level 30-40 alt. Voila, you just made 15g in one hour. Repeat for 11 days. Or do two of those a day. Repeat for five days.
why do you toss all bags to a level 30-40 alt?
Medium leathers, iron, soft and hardwood, sell for much more than mithril and level 80 leather.
Since the past few weeks I’ve been busy IRL so haven’t been playing but I was looking forward to what’s to come in 2016. And then I find this.
700 gems for 1 inventory slot that’s shared on your account… This is the reason I never spend money on microtransactions in games. The people that come up with pricings for these things are just the embodiment of greed. It’s good that people can at least choose to use gold but it seems my decision not to purchase gems when I got the game 3 years ago is still applicable now. It’s great that they finally implement a much requested feature but once again the marketing/publishing department show’s it’s true face. It’s sad as the game itself is alot of fun.
I understand what you are trying to say. But 160g for 700 gems is what? Uber casual 30 minutes of Silverwastes a day for two weeks? If you cannot spare 30 minutes to work for something you want do you really want it? Doing one full meta of Silverwastes, help as many dolyaks, protect as many forts, do as many ‘kill X veteran menace’ as you can, then Vinewrath, then labyrinth until it closes. Toss all bags to a level 30-40 alt. Voila, you just made 15g in one hour. Repeat for 11 days. Or do two of those a day. Repeat for five days.
According to answers posted, only if they weren’t bought too long ago. ‘Too long’ being subjective. Give it a try, I know I will since I bought a second one when HoT came out.
You’re absolutely correct. I looked at things and immediately saw no reason to buy more than one slot. I followed the same reasoning you did and saw nothing that really warranted it.
Of course, if I had a perma bank or perma TP, sure, but the prices of those have always been so prohibitive for such a small gain, considering we can TP for a couple of silver to Rata Sum and have everything on hand.
Nah, one slot is good. It means every single character of mine now no longer needs to have a couple salvage kits in their inventory. Now if only we could share the perma foraging tools…
I think you are looking for Scarlet Blade instead of GW2.
Sleep 100
Click 2
Yeah, waiting for three ticks of damage before starting to heal has always worked for me. For those without a clue I bring my chronomancer to shower them in alacrity.
Don’t tell me what I don’t want.
And why do we have a +1 button but not a -1?