(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
What really seperates big guilds from small ones isnt the influence to start unlocking the first tiers, its the big guilds ability to unlock them nearly instantly.. while smaller guilds have to use upwards of 5 weeks to unlock them.
I thought the last part of the “living” story was meh, until i saw this part of the “living” story..
I’d hate this, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m doing everything in the game with rare and exotic gear. I don’t need ascended to do anything. If it takes a long time, how does it actually change the game for me.
See, in other games, you NEED to have X to complete Y. If you don’t have certain gear levels in Rift, you’re not allowed to queue for specific dungeons. Here, I don’t have that problem.
You need ascended gear to beat an equally skilled player in WvW who has ascended gear.
Hell, you need ascended gear to fight them evenly.
Surprise surprise.
The difference is small enough that that isn’t the case at all. You’d have a point if you were referring to the gap between masterworks and exotics, but not exotics and ascended. The difference is too miniscule to make a realistic impact.
I love how people keep spouting this sillyness that the diffrence is small.. the multistat accessory has almost twice the amount of stat points as a exotic item.. How is that a small diffrence ?
tbh I doubt ectos were ever ment to be as rare as they are, the ecto prices is part of why precursors etc are as overpriced as they are.
Another thing to makes me thing ectos wernt ment to be THAT rare is the amount you needed for ascended backpack etc, not to mention new accessory.
Btw John smith if you are behind the laurel economy, DOOM on you! dosn’t take a genius to realise those prices are way out of wack :P
The only excuse for failing on Simin before the update was if she bugged — which was a rare occurrence much like Lupicus bugging.
There was absolutely no requirement for a certain party make up — any combination of classes could do the fight. If you failed it was because your team couldn’t run sparks worth a kitten
You know what that is? That’s a Necro, an Ele, a Mesmer, and 2 Engineers downing Simin. The fight did not need a nerf in the least. It needed a bug fix for a rare bug, that’s it. The only other barrier to completing it was between the chair and keyboard.
not really surprising you had decent condition damage and AOE, now try doing it with 2 entirely healing build Guardians and a Ranger, very painful. Felt like hitting head against a brick wall. She was most definitely a DPS race.
Really? Aoe? I didn’t know Aoe mattered for simin. That party’s dps is so low yet they completed it.
You could AoE her while she was Stealthed to counter her healing, while 2 people ran the sparks.
She’s invulnerable while stealthed.. unless I missed something or its an undocumented change.
she’s not, it just seemed like it because her regen was so fast, infact dmging her while she was regening is how people beat her.
Also I don’t really see the prestige in a dps test..
Really? Already cries of “nooo! my small guild”?
No one is seriously suggesting that small guilds had the intention of going for T3 Bounty to begin with, right?Hey, genius, read above. 1 million! LAWL. Squirm back to your zerg you call a guild plz. I like to know the people in my guild.
It’s true, I can only voice regognize half of our teamspeak server.
Small guilds will eventually be able to get all the guild missions, just not as fast. Real life is full of things like this to. I’m sorry if you feel left out, or if your guild will go through a hard time now. My guild was in need of this scale of things to do for months, so we embrace it fully.
Good luck to you
People play games to get away from real life concerns, saying “Its like real life” is actually a pretty bad sign.
That said, gratz on finishing t3 bounty hunting, wish my guild could also do them.
Salvaging seems fine to me, and its about time ectos become more common.
Shame the rest of the patch was bleh.
MY experience
1. Represented guild and bought influence until we could do the Guild missions
2. Guested on that Guilds server (My home is JQ, and I guested to this guild’s server which is not JQ)
3. Participated in Event
4. Only got credit for a Dynamic Event (relating to the guild mission)Is this working correctly? Do I need to rep the guild & have the same home server?
Is this a bug that got fixed and I just missed out since I was an early adopter?
Wow, should have expected such a genius design by arena net -.- now its extra fun to be on a server with only smallish guilds lol.
that dosnt make any sense, what kinda spear would be worth 80g? regardless of look :p
some time gated content is to be expected in mmos so players don’t get burned out, but the way arena net has implented it, it does the exact opposite, and if anything will make players burn out quicker rather then slower.
Chests are linked directly to daily reset, the reset same time as daily achivement etc.
there are enough chest events to keep players busy for a full day, so no I do think it will keep dropping.
People seem to forget that you rarely get enough laurels for the earrings ,so that wont affect ecto price at all.
Seems I was spot on when i said ecto prices would plummet, a few days before patch
and judging by the amount of rares i saw in events, it will drop ALOT, on a diffrent note precursors have also dropped some.
Yep, seen those patch times Jp, then again this isnt 2004
Yep Anon, in same boat as you, almost feels as if some accounts are infact much luckier.. even doing fractals I am LUCKY if i get a single rare from a full run..
Also see a few people that just get rare after rare after exo, very noticeable when you play with the same people alot.
Its downloading! want to be peppercorn prices reach 10s before i get in ? :P
These items are mainly earned through guild content, we included them on the laurels vendor to give players the opportunity to earn them if they are not in a guild but they are priced high to encourage players to try and accomplish them via the guild content.
And in a small guild without alot of influence it takes up to 6 weeks, I fail to see how that encourages players to do one over the other…
There is no GOOD option for getting these new ascended items, just a bad option and a worse option…
On a diffrent note, when are you guys adding tokens we can only aquire once a year? I am sure theres alot of us that just can’t wait for those tokens.
Woot got past connection error! Downloading at 0.00kbs!
Almost got past the patching, then boom.. Connection error… I wonder how much longer this takes simply due to the fact that people get connection error mid dl, rather then a que system.
R.i.p melee warrior grab your rifle and longbows, time to show them rangers whos boss :p
I am not gonna argue that the food wasnt poorly balanced, It was, however the way the endgame is built it was vital to stay alive if you had any intentions of using melee weapons.
Personally I am glad its nerfed, I just hope Arena net dosnt take to long to make the needed changes to fill the gaps of the food.
this is just laughable. What’s next? Ascended GS worth 100 Laurels, 250 ectos and 250 obi shards? Like wtf is wrong with these stupid decisions? I want to get items by playing the game and not wait 2 years doing boring * dailies!
100 laurels? keep dreaming, more like 364
Thats kinda like saying exotics only give an advantage on paper.. the diffrence is about the same..
Fact is skill will always be the biggest advantage in a game like this, though between two equally skilled players that stat diffrence would be plenty noticeable.
And Yes RoRo, this does definatly hit players with alts the hardest, which is kinda strange considering selling char slots is one of arena nets main incomes..
I personally am not against ascended gear at all, but I have to say the way to aquire them is the most backwards and idiotic gear progression i have seen in any mmo so far..
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
Afro, good reply you are absolutely correct the stat diffrence is very noticeable, especially now that we can aquire this many ascended pieces, the diffrence will only become more and more noticeable.
Daily for ascended, weekly for ascended, monthly for ascended..
Seriously whats next? yearly for ascended..
I like to be able to EARN my gear upgrades, often on more then 1 char.. this system you guys seem to be bending towards now seem to suggest i should only log on once a day to complete the MEHHH tasks..
Not to mention the prices are getting more and more idiotic for every new ascended item you add.. seriously who the hell is coming up with these prices? they make about as much sense as licking a frozen pole.
40 days, of doing the exact same thing to get 1! accessory? for 1! char? with hardly noticeable stat increase..
Honestly it seems Arena net is trying to cater more and more to the ultra casual, while at the same time killing of the idea of having alts..
But HEY, I can always get accessories from guild mission drop, good luck getting the one you want, the odds will be even lower then getting a fractal skin..
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t much care if the new ascended also cost globs, even if i feel 15g in globs is another stupid move, the problem is the senseless laurel prices.
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
Ectos have already dropped around 10s in a week, and thats before people even knew that guild missions would give rares.
Also I would like to know where you got info about ascended accessory being 50 ectos, I must have missed that.
Edit: K, saw the post about new accessories now, only problem is those also cost a crapload of laurels, so it wont really impact ecto demand much I imagine.
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
This weekend, like almost any weekend, I saw three precursors drop:
-Energizer and Dawn to partymembers in the Maw-Fractal.
-Zap to myself in Wv3 from a player, just 9 hours ago.This is the sixt precursor I get. Twice Dusk from MF, Scepter and Focus in Orr doing Plinx from random mobs, dagger and Zap in Wv3, killing other players.
I dont understand the issue.
If I had luck like yours or the luck of those you play with I wouldnt understand the issue either
Think you got your facts upside down, ectos are gonna drop like rocks.. with 2 rares per guild mission, not to mention the increased chance of rares of champs etcetc.
Infact they are already dropping like rocks.
So if my job was to make toys, and i made defective toys, often with sharp nails in them or even toxic material, should I be forgiven because “hey” its my job.
I am not gonna argue wether arena net is doing theyr job well or not.. but they kitten well better except to be held to the same standards as people who work in a diffrent industry.
As for taking the game less seriously, you said it yourself, its a hobby, my hobby.. who are you to tell me to take it less seriously?
FGJ is just too good not to use. It is the one constant ability that should never leave a Warrior’s skill bar. It sure gets repetitive though…
Actually, I run a damaged focused boon warrior and I run without FGJ as I solo/ roam more. I almost have 100% uptime on signet of rage, therefore the additional fury is wasted. A utility slot is not worth 3 might in my build. Generally I fill my utility slots with balanced stance, signet of stamina and either endure pain or frenzy.
If you have enough boon dur to get almost 100% from signet of rage, you also got enough boon duration to make fgj = 6 might, which definatly makes it worth it.
yes. both of mine. IMO pres are the first thing any legendary chaser should get. just doesn’t seem ‘right’ to have this long journey only to get the weapon last, never use it and suddenly ‘imbue’ it with legendary properties.
to each his own, though. some pres are just…not attractive so that might be a reason as well as their costliness
If you could give me 700g up front I’d gladly buy my Colossus right now. As it stands now, the Precursor is the hardest part to get. No way are people gonna get it as their first piece of the Legendary puzzle.
This is exactly why so many of us are against the current precursor setup, It kinda feels like the item should motivate you to continue the long boring grind for legendary, but as it is the precursor IS the long boring grind for legendary :p
You are pretty much always gonna be landing critical hits, and its only gonna take 1 total to make it more effective then mf.
If nothing else simply from fury.
you wont even notice the MF on skilled players even i trash dungeons in a blink with MF gear. so its more a L2P issue.
Of course you will notice it… basicly you are tieing a entire stat + your runes in a stat that brings absolutely nothing of benefit to the team.
If you got the skill to drop toughness for mf, then you also got the skill to drop it for Crit Dmg, which makes a hell of a diffrence.
Thief sucks in pve? from what I’ve seen only bad thieves suck in pve, I will often pick thieves i know are good over warriors in pve..
As for people thinking its absurd non warriors getting kicked from CoF groups.. If I advertise that I want warrior for my cof group, its absurd that people playing anything else would expect not to get kicked..
CoF farming is all about the path of least resistance.. Thats about all warriors are needed for.
I want to dual wield hammers!
Ok fine ill be picky, dosnt help if you enter a dungeon 30 mins before patch :p
3 min warning dosnt help much if your in a dungeon or fractal :P
When I was young, we used LFG when we are alone looking for a group, and GLF when we were a group looking for players.
Now them kiddies makin’ up new lingos, leaving us oldies behind.
I have to say, I’ve been playing MMOs since Meridian 59 and I don’t ever remember “GLF”.
Actually, what I recall from back in the day was gamers typing whole words out and not relying on abbreviations. :P
I’ve seen GLF plenty in previous games, but it never stood for “group looking for players”, It was in the past used by guild groups to find 1 pug to compliment theyr group.
Or even simply for guilds recruiting players for theyr guilds.
As such it actually means Guild/Guild Group Looking for.. Have no idea why people started using it incorrectly..
That said I havnt seen it used much the last few years, since alot of the newer games tend to not have guilds but rather clans, leagues, etcetc.
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
must… resist.. urge… to sticky…
Good post. Just be patient with folks and educate
Give into your urge, Mabye this being stickied would lower the amount of people who confuse the two.
O god yes, I run into these people all the time… so tired of people who can’t tell the diffrence between lfg and lfm.
1: precursors as is now, will indeed increase for ever, as gold will never stop dropping in value.
2: It is not unusual for casuals to play as little as 5-6 hours a week.
3: thats 30 hours a month just to keep up with the price increase, this dosnt sound strange/unreasonable to anyone?
4: Yes it actually mean casuals cannot get it, without sacreficing real life time, which again means they are no longer casuals.
1 – Precursor prices should drop around the time the Scavenger Hunt comes out
3 & 4 – You make the mistake that there’s some imposed time frame in which to get a Legendary. It’s possible that a very casual player could still get theirs in a year or so. That’s taking into account any Precursor hunt.
There is a reason I said “precursors as is now” when scavengers hunts come out, which could be half a year + away, this of course wont be a problem anymore, however it is a problem atm..
I would like to have it removed as much as the next guy, fact is its never gonna happen however..
inspecting is the next best things from what I can see ..
haha, the bleeding condition is bleeding the bandwidth
Anet’s general intention is pretty clear when they made Legendaries that hard to get. Putting it together with Mike O’Brien’s “thousand hour grind” quote, it’s pretty safe to assume that their intention was to make this item very hard to get.
Whether its perfectly tuned or not? I don’t dare claim to know what Anet’s intentions are. But regardless, the general intention remains the same. Of course everyone can achieve it. It just takes people an asslong time to get it. And that is by design.
Anet may want 1% of population to have it, instead of 0.5%. Which is okay, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still pretty kitten hard to get.
When prices of precursors go up faster then what the average player can make, that really isnt true..
Lures actually has a very good point. Precursor prices (the most desired ones obviously, because that’s what everyone talks about.) are going up at around 100G/month. Look at the threads in this forum detailing how you can get 3G/hour. that’s just one hour of play in a day, 30 hours in a month. So if you play any more than that, you’ll easily outpace the rate at which precursor prices are increasing.
This is also working under the assumption that precursor prices will increase forever, which is a HUGE assumption.
BTW, just because because a casual player doesn’t play enough to get it, doesn’t mean he CANNOT get it. He can, but he just chooses not to play this game much due to various reasons (life, work can be anything).
1: precursors as is now, will indeed increase for ever, as gold will never stop dropping in value.
2: It is not unusual for casuals to play as little as 5-6 hours a week.
3: thats 30 hours a month just to keep up with the price increase, this dosnt sound strange/unreasonable to anyone?
4: Yes it actually mean casuals cannot get it, without sacreficing real life time, which again means they are no longer casuals.
WheezerX, its a game, everything is cosmetics and numbers
Depends entirely on which fractal you get turkman.
In general I will rip anyone who brings mf gear to a dungeon into pieces, however when it comes to gold infusion/mf infusion in the new amulets, the only time I would possibly be bothered by it is if im in a fractal with someone who is clearly lacking AR.
Personally I will proudly be wearing my Ascended amulet with a gold infusion, and I must honestly say I don’t see why anyone in theyr right mind would choose 4 power instead of it.
By the time more then 30AR is required, most of us will be able to afford a second amulet anyways, or simply get a triforge.
That said, I really think we need a inspect feature, I have no intrest in pulling some smuck wearing full mf set trough a dungeon so he can get greater rewards, while I get less per hour because of it.
I am just glad most of them are stupid enough to run around with the mf sigil, they might aswell put up a big red blinking sign saying “Hey, Look at me, Im a moron wearing Mf gear, kick me plz!”
PS: poster let me know how much that 4 power increased your dps.
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
“Priority is resolving ways to get precursors, including the scavenger hunt 1/2”
Without a doubt the best part of this post to me, I am glad that it seems the devs do realise that there is a issue with how precursors are obtained, or rather with the lack of ways to obtain one.
Also very nice to see the part about guild missions taking place in southsun, I have yet to find a reason to go there, I guees thats about to change.
I think the basis of all those discussions is: Who of the player base should be able to get a Legendary.
On the one hand there are Vol., Ursan and Goldi, who say they should just be available for the most hardworking players.
On the other hand there are players like me, who started with their legendary a long time ago, when we had no idea how it would develop and who are now sitting on their gifts without precursors. And so we can’t understand why we shouldn’t get our legendary after we spent many hundreds of hours working for the gifts.Well in fact, I can totally unterstand guys like Vol., but it’s not my opinion.
And as long as Anet doesn’t give a statement about who shall be supposed to get a legendary the discussions will go on.
And then theres the third group called arena net that claimed legendarys would be a longterm goal that anyone could achive.
When prices of precursors go up faster then what the average player can make, that really isnt true..
and yes “anyone can get precursors from mystic forge”, but that comment makes about as much sense as saying “anyone can become a millionaire by playing the lottery”
I don’t mind paying out of my nose to get a precursors, my problem with it is that the price will continue to rise at a more rapid rate then what most players can keep up with, let alone casual players.
Saying that legendaries should only be a goal for hardcore players is completly unreasonable, and like I said before it goes against what arena net themselves have said in the past.
And yes lures, I will argue that casual wont be able to keep up with 3g a day, some days they only got a hour or two, other days they don’t get to log on at all.
Hell, easter is coming up.. should casuals cancel theyr vacations so that the gold they earned the last few weeks isnt less then what the precursors rise during theyr vacation?
Does that sound reasonable to you?
(edited by Kilrain Daggerspine.6843)
you’re right there but there is no need to whirl out of battle if you have a shield or knock foes down.
I dunno man, when I have 48 red invaders loading on my screen, I’m pretty sure that a shield daze or knock down isn’t going to do squat compared to GS abilities for GTFO.
Did you not read the title? this is PVE we are talking about here
Did you not read the reply date before yours? this is necroing we are talking about here!
I dunno, to me it looks like the market could use a proper shock, so that might not be such a bad thing lol.