(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Potion with no skill bar o.0?
That potion allows you to use your own skills.
Unless They changed it, then we wont use it.
Edit: They Haven’t. In answer to your question, we have reason too. Just note we don’t use enough to cull bomb.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Awesome video mate, you guys really rocks ^^, finally a real10-15 man guild capable of something wihtout abusing the system.. clipping..
And you are not using wierd tactic like some( I would not point anyone) with PvE potion in WvWvW..
Respect Againalready copy past the video link to share it to my guildies ^^
really respect again.. more should taje you re example ^^
congratz finish, I hope we met you before the end of the match up ^^HS: BtW apparently there is a TAG [TE] something turkish elite using speed hacking in gandara playing thief.. someone just tell me that>> Bane them Anet ^^
Thank you for your kind words sir
I will admit, we do in fact use the Potion Of Ascalonian Mages sometimes. The reason isn’t to cull bomb you or anything, it has other purposes too, which I wont say.
Turkish Elite [TE]? I can try and find someone in game and let them know what’s going down.
A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)
Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!
We d love to see you in open this week catch you on thé field
We were in the open all day in your borderlands ;P
A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)
Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!
As stated above guys, if your looking at Gandara, feel free to drop me a whisper any time I’m online. Although with that said, tomorrow I shall pre occupied so your better off trying other folks first =)
Let the fight…BEGIN!
Old faces and new, should be a fun matchup
Here we go to our ECL foes! The video of (most) of the YaK Vs ECL fights with a bit of Two steps from hell to listen to while you be watching it ;P
P.s .Yes I realise my Screen resolution isn’t exactly brilliant.
Ps2. the quality isn’t too good, any ideas how to make the quality of videos better ;P?
Ps3. I was filling in a shortage of YaK spots, which is why I a Dius member was with that YaK horde ;P
Like Darko has said that Longview/Garrison fight was DAYUM epic.
My favourite part was when MM reinforced some Dius who had run for supply, but Dzagonur had broken into Longview, with the last of us dying you capped it…. BUT! we had a Mesmer drop down to our 15 people with a portal, and managed to port in just in time and held you guys off to recap it! That was awesome for sure!
Good day my friend! I am glad that you may be considering Gandara as a transfer possibility.
As you may have seen from our matchup threads lately, Gandara has been under a serious reconstruction of it’s WvW organisation and it’s community is flourishing. The reconstruction was prompted by the round of loss’ we faced in the past month and the improvement can really be seen in the way we now play.
Gandara is quite full of ‘randoms’, but neither does it lack organised guilds. The ‘Randoms’ are not really that random and a majority make up the bulk of the community who work together with our organised guilds through the use of our server wide TS and community forums. At times they are the main driving force of Gandaran success in a map, at others they support the various guilds which operate across the map.
As stated above, Gandara does not lack organised guilds in the form of Yakslappars [YaK], Malicious Mischief [MM], Semnome [SN], Semper Dius [Dius], The Dark Alliance [TDA]. These are just the ones off of the top of my head and there is yet more that can be seen about.
Edit: As you can see above me; EB tends to be the only map that queues.
In terms of Queues: We vary greatly in queues. On weekend primetime, queues can be up to about 20mins assuming your not hit by that queue bug. At other times, there isn’t any queues. Then again at more times, there is 5 minute queues to each map. But that doesn’t happen so much.
If you have any questions, ask away.
If you wish contact me in game under the names: Lloantix or Saresial
I disagree, just think how much more annoying it would be to build siege if the keep is already under attack and you cant get to a supply camp and back. Or you need to repair the gate to buy time.
Although I do agree, people taking supply from keeps when it is unnecessary is frustrating ._.
Silly Darko, you should have filmed all night ._.
DAYUM tense already, loving it. Keep it up me beauties!
Nice fights last evening at Piken Borderlands, prime time start slowly with just little skirmishes but rest of night was great, first Gandara supporting [Dius] place nice siege on Hills Keep was very difficult to push you back.
No rest for us as heavy numbers from AR start attacking Bay, that force us to call help from other Borderland, cheers to VII for come over and help hold ours Keep. I guess if that attacks will come same time we could lost one keep, bit lucky for us overall.
Thanks to all Piken Square players to keep stamina up and hold our Borderland, nice job.
Like to say that and previous match-ups was full of good fights, good luck for both servers and we looking forward to see you guys again.
We were going to go for round 2 on hills while you were all at Bay but we kept getting harassed by a french guild when we went to push. The result was that we went over o Bay, Wiped AR and then got wiped by you guys xD
Well from a [Dius] point of view, it was a night well spent! We had 21 people at our peak and had some awesome fights deflecting DT + SFRJ off of our spawn tower, only to be attacked by pesky french. Busting through hills south outer and wreaking havoc to the point that both SFRJ and DT had to come kick us out
Shame about our golem rush.. that went badly :P
Oh and good attempt trying to stop us taking Cragtop… But we like that tower!
We’d rather have our secure core base or at least guilds which have enough decency to check with the community and such And we do get full queues sometimes
Just rarely
@ oneleggedpony: Tuaf or whatever seems new to me, never seen them before, I’ll hunt down one of their members and inform them if I can.
That bay fight in AR zone vs gandara was fairly sick. 23 or so RG and 10 or so TUP. Tup died and we held till they ran back good 3-4 mins. Good effort by gandara. Might of been one of our best keep takes or up there at least.
It hurt. It hurt a lot. Hehe we kept losing sight of you coz of the culling
On the topic of new Piken guilds;
Nug (Or Nugos) Has transferred to Piken and so has DZ (who are not DT) I ain’t complaining merely letting you know in case you haven’t seen them. I only noticed them today myself.
Talking about hitting maps hard, Piken got it hard on their own map tonight too! Some absolutely EPIC fights tonight. I’m glad we, Gandara, managed to finally get that hills keep and even some of your north towers/
We tried to hide inside Bay and nab it before AR could get it but they couldn’t keep the wall down long enough :P Anyway again thanks for the awesome fights
The Hills battle was good fun. You got pretty unlucky on the first battle in the lord room since for some reason, the waypoint was uncontested, so after you wiped us inside, we could just respawn at the entrance of the room…
Not that it delayed you for too long mind. couldn’t do much to stop you on the second go.
Hehe first time it was just Dius and Smug and we we focused you siege then when we wiped we just called in EVERYBODY I was popping golems about like it wasn’t anyones business! :P
In the end we actually had so many people we just DPS’d the last 10% of your reinforced gate xD It’s a shame our cameraman Darko didn’t include those two fights in his video, both were awesome and you guys were awesome!
Got to watch some of those fights first hand. It’s like an FPS nuclear bomb ;P Although good work guys : )
Use full sentences and try and contain more than one order per sentence? Also try to switch the wording out. Otherwise, as an extremely vocal commander, I never have this problem.
Talking about hitting maps hard, Piken got it hard on their own map tonight too! Some absolutely EPIC fights tonight. I’m glad we, Gandara, managed to finally get that hills keep and even some of your north towers/ We tried to hide inside Bay and nab it before AR could get it but they couldn’t keep the wall down long enough :P Anyway again thanks for the awesome fights
Second one We had nothing left and we couldn’t decide what to do. Ran around to finish the last 5% off but they saw us and slaughtered us
Nope.. It was a ranger who hid after we broke in previously and the server had fully repaired it xD Attacked it from the inside. They never noticed until we were about to break in properly :P
If you want persistence, we had a Gandaran auto attack a gate single handedly until it was 5%…. It wasn’t during any of our matchups but since the theme switch to matters of persistence I felt like sharing xD
If only you’d sent someone to keep him company.
We tried but then he was slain
If you want persistence, we had a Gandaran auto attack a gate single handedly until it was 5%…. It wasn’t during any of our matchups but since the theme switch to matters of persistence I felt like sharing xD
Jesus guys everyone is acting like fools again this week! We had a clean thread last week why has everything boiled up?
Reset night? In case you didn’t realise but Gandara actually came better off as the night went on so Gandarans whining about that, your being fools. Piken has always had a strong reset night. As someone who has played on Reset every week, you should have seen that by now. (aimed at Gandarans here)
And the last point I’m going to make: I saw someone posted that they hated Gandara because of exploiting accusations of respectful guilds. We covered this two threads back, that happened to both servers. It’s sad but it’s getting to the point that you have to fraps every mesmer portal —> Keep because otherwise people throw the words hacks and exploits around. This makes me sad Anyway, please don’t hate the server, (Although I don’t actually blame you after some of the things that have been posted in this thread already) Hate on Anet for not fixing them pesky exploits yet.
I for one had fun last night. Outrunning Piken guilds and killing stragglers made me giggle. Taking camps like a guerilla warfare person only to be munched upon by that large BOON control group near astralholme.. :P
I also have to say that I’ve enjoyed fighting Piken guild groups and have been learning lots from them, I’ve been drilling home some methods in which to increase the likelihood of a nice fight/not get steamrolled. They’re not foolproof depending on how you guys switch it up, but they do certainly help.
I will personally make nout but peaceful posts and ones which probably won’t reply to any other from here on out.
I know the feel Bro… I honestly know that feel <3
Naw, but you’ll never really ‘gain’ in WvW. I used to never PvE and would sustain around 4gold, but if you want more; you need to PvE. AC a few times usually sets ya right for a while :P
43 Badges. I spend all mine
Aye. Supply for your team, but don’t be expected to always do so.
Ah I saw some GG members and well, the way you raid I just assumed! =)
Oh I remember the cat from that time someone posted a thread angry at all the RPers on Piken looking for the cat in the middle of a Stonemist Siege xD But to drown it is a bit… extreme xD
Oh jesus… well that escalated quickly
To Piken: As the commander of the PuG Warbands on Gandara borderlands nearly all evening, I salute you! Your persistence and tactics led to many good fights this evening and I thoroughly enjoyed myself
I think it was mainly:
sIN(early on)
AFTL (Most of the night)
And some others, but for what could be classed as the true last night of fighting, I had a barrel of fun =)!
Dius see’s TUP group at Arahs hope Ruuunnnn!!! reaches the top of the hill Ah screw it, might as well have a crack! ATTACK!!!! :P
Also… Vier… I will find you in that TUP mass and one day… I will kill you! <3
Remove anything PvE for my legendary. I don’t want to be forced to step into PvE.
Well this was Necro bumped :P Fluffball is right but it depends on numbers.I found about two weeks ago, AAing does add up if you have a good 30-40 people but otherwise, Walls + Flanks = most important.
Had a great fun night! =)
COTG and DT gave as good as they got which made for some fun fights here and there!
AR, you were kitten persistent at Bay, shame you got your Garrison ’Pikey’d’… No? Okay
Here’s too more enjoyable fights this week! =)
Okay folks Round 3!!
Lets begin by saying this: The drama was fun the first week, but not so much the second week. This week lets leave out all the drama and keep the thread clean. If someone from a different server is exploiting and such kindly inform them and report it to ANet. That’s the end of the matter, Mmmkay?
Well should be an interesting week considering Gandara’s Recent tourists are out farming Piken guilds. We wish them luck with that.
Remember guys, Behave now!
Tut Tut. OP is failing to start a thread even as he asks :P Don’t bait or troll “Recent tourists are out farming piken guilds..” Terrible attempt. “lets leave out all the drama and keep the thread clean..” Listen to your own words good sir.
As for Gandara tonight had a blast going to EB on reset (never go there by choice) prefer borderlands. Painted the town red had some nice fights.
Then the action we’ve been crying out for, been gagging for, and tbh been missing alot. GvG action. Has to be said easily the best action i’ve had against another guild. Win lose or draw? wait… no draws… Win or Lose was some epic fights in EB. Hoping for a weeks worth of the same.
Now if I can finally watch through Queccs video ;o
Cheers all for the fights. Kind regards TUP
Ah my good sir, I apologise. I wrote this tired and wrote ‘farming’ in the meaning of ‘hunting’. I have changed it.
Edit: I realise we’ve had a less than friendly two weeks, but try not to see every post as trolling or baiting first, and maybe a simple mistake. I plan to do likewise.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
It’s tense already. both sides went for our Garri. Both died >=] having fun so far lets keep it up.
Give it time bro
Okay folks Round 3!!
Lets begin by saying this: The drama was fun the first week, but not so much the second week. This week lets leave out all the drama and keep the thread clean. If someone from a different server is exploiting and such kindly inform them and report it to ANet. That’s the end of the matter, Mmmkay?
Well should be an interesting week considering Gandara’s Recent tourists are out hunting Piken guilds. We wish them luck with that.
Remember guys, Behave now!
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
My post is playing up.
Anyway I was thinking peaceful day in Gandy Borders.. hit some camps.. ya know. BAM! Walking out the watergate and I get 6 golems all up in my grill! I pooped my pantyhose!
Im with Luranni, both sides have to stop acting like… <insert word here> Ar… keep doing whatever your doing because your the best behaved out of all 3.
Wamgor; congratulations! Would you like a medal? you were voted most popular by what probably isn’t even 0.5% of the WvW population. which is representative of.. oh yea, nothing. Comments like that is why we think your arrogant.
And yes the alliance thing was last match up no need to continue it here. It doesn’t matter if one server is hitting us or both at a time… it makes for a target rich environment.
Yes because that comment was to show you that… not everyone thinks Piken is the Devil
We never said everyone thought that. We have just been saying that’s how Piken have come across to us. Just because you weren’t arrogant in other match-ups doesn’t mean you aren’t here, in this one. (Your arrogance being going on about how respected you are by other servers and Gandara must be wrong, the constant belittling of Gandaras achievements. those things.)
It was in response to all the besmirching of Piken… to show Gandara got the wrong impression about Piken.
Don’t blame Gandara for besmirching your reputation, blame those commanders who made that alliance with AR. Blame your fellow server members who are hypocritical. (See bottom of this post.)
Already pointed out that AR will be loving all this, I bet they laugh their heads off that Gandara are going to continue playing games and continue baiting Piken… while in 2nd place and pushing for first… making PS vs GD more likely, than PS vs AR… like last week when first was targeted.
So be it; I’d rather that they won than either of our servers. They deserve it most.
Continue to mistake my realism for arogance if you will
Im not the one posting screenshots of beating randoms, or accusing legit players of hacking.
Realism eh? You don’t accuse respectable guilds of hacking eh? So while it has been removed by a moderator… the FIRST thing that came out of this thread which wasn’t the opening statement was a Piken player accusing YaK and Smug from Gandara ( respectable guilds and players) of hacking into a keep. Yep… No hypocrisy here. Please, you might want to try reading the thread? (it was there long enough for you to read it)
Before you go around calling Gandara all trolls and baiters you should probably realise that Piken has it’s fair share and Gandara isn’t all trolls and Baiters. Your realism is about as realistic as a unicorn galloping through a field of rainbows shooting flying multicoloured squirrels with an AK.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Im with Luranni, both sides have to stop acting like… <insert word here> Ar… keep doing whatever your doing because your the best behaved out of all 3.
Wamgor; congratulations! Would you like a medal? you were voted most popular by what probably isn’t even 0.5% of the WvW population. which is representative of.. oh yea, nothing. Comments like that is why we think your arrogant.
And yes the alliance thing was last match up no need to continue it here. It doesn’t matter if one server is hitting us or both at a time… it makes for a target rich environment.
We had 5 people on AR borders attempting to just defend Briar Not much we could do against Ar’s 20ish people.. maybe 15 if you take pets into account.
Quite an exciting match already! It seems that Piken Square really wants to prevent Gandara from gaining points aswell.
But don’t worry, if AR agrees, you will end up 2nd, just behind us.
What do you mean by that o.0?
Tonight has been brutal on PS borderlands. Gandara stopped what… 5? 6? AR breakout events. Massive three way fights around Bluebriar there and Piken, maybe you should watch your back wall ;P.
With [LdF] and [NOM] on Augury now I feel like I’m fighting Fort Ranik all over again.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
No need for a new thread, Round 2 BEGIN!
Actually quite proud to be a piken and only finishing a few k behind after being double teamed for 5 days. Id be scared to fight us alone too AR n Gand
Critz – P
Really… I …. I just cant…