We’d keep it private, but with a lack of tags we can’t. Furthermore I’d like to say we’re trying to inform not whine.
On that note, actually more fun than I thought. Riverside were awesome tonight, really open field.. such a change, was awesome. Had to tag team with XxX a lot for the necessary numbers but overall the fights were epic, albeit FPS damaging
Hahaha.. have fun… right :P
Double post, it seems to be when keeps are uncontested, we cant get near them…
Green here /15characters
We also suffer this on Gandara, WP’s wont work on our Borderlands :x
/wave to the Gandara Ele from(Song) who fought with me 3 times near Dawn’s Eyrie MS Border ,especially our last fight was pretty funny until a Shiverpeaks group rushed over us ^^
Thx for the nice evening to all of you even though the MS Border looks once again like a scene of devastation lol.
Well even if some might have another view about the groupsizes..i don’t think that MS has much bigger groups then yours. If you come on the MS borderlands as guildgroup you have to expect being outnumbered by the pug the main pug is always on our homelands while the guildgroups try to do something on their own on other borderlands but if we are in trouble we call for help and they try to swap maps.
But on the other hand as you could see durring the last week and also now 2-3 guildgroups of yours are more then able to shatter our homelands and also our Pug in pieces thats just the different between a well organized good team and a pug that consists of players with different lvl ,solo builds,non TS user ect.
Also you can’t really expect every guild or group to watch for the size or if the opponent group might be outnumbered. When i walk around between resource camps and towers and one of your guildgroups is rushing me down you don’t watch for numbers do you ? ^^ otherwise you would send only 1-2 ppls over to me)
If you look for fights against even groups i recommend to get in touch with the guildleaders as far i know the guilds do always look for GvG fights and this way its a bit easier to make sure you don’t get disturbed much durring the fight by a pug or another guildgroup.
it’s the same all over. If Dius want to fight MS guilds, we go FSP Bl’s and Millers BL’s for FSP guilds normally However you did have [QQ] on MS tonight who were awesome to fight o/
For FSP + Millers you’ll find us on the enemy borderlands as well Its just that EVERYONES pugs goes EB and then home map :P
Soooooooo much fun tonight! Kudos to QQ sticking it out as long as you did and Kudos to the Millers who stuck it out… you made us treb in the end (We were 8 Dius + 15 pugs then).
However 23 Dius! That 20-30 min Garrison gauntlet was AMAZING! Got laggy towards the end but still was awesome.
Finally; as Caid said, we’re sorry for blobbing you at hills FSV Didn’t know YARR were there already
WTF happened on Gandara border, used to be such a nice place for small fights
Now its just 1 big MS zerg and 1 big Gandara zerg(I guess forced to do this cause the MS force). Funny how they had to portal into a tower with maybe 10 defenders though.
Guess its time to start siegerazer again
MS + 30ish golems is what happened XD We still held hills! CANNON POWAZ!
Good day, Ladies, Gentleman and Various other people.
Semper Dius [Dius] is a World Versus World based guild, which is not only a guild, but a community. We welcome those that wish to pursue a greater degree of enjoyment from their time in World Versus World (WvW).
We as a guild take on the ‘Roaming Guild’ style of play in regards to WvW, we roam the field looking for epic fights and challenges in which to test, and then improve our skills and better ourselves as a guild. With 3 ‘Official’ WvW events a week, Guild Missions and such on ‘Monday’ and all other days free to do whatever, we have found a nice balance between WvW and PvE progression. Furthermore; to those that are ‘Guild versus Guild’ enthusiasts, we do partake in GvG a fair amount.
The type of members we are looking for are those that are prepared to work to better themselves, can listen to orders and play to their best ability during our event times. With group sizes varying from 10-20 with around 15 each night, we’re looking to expand to get around 20 members online for events regularly. We’re accepting all applicants at semperdius.com.
Especially; we’re looking for Staff Elementalists; Necros and a mesmer or two.
Feel free to whisper me ingame also!
Thanks for reading;
Lloantix/Ryarlas, Raid Commander
Aye wasn’t going to mention that to avoid any arguments but it was ridiculous indeed. :P
Pretty good night tonight indeed! Some nice fights with [Punk] here and there in Vale camp. Had fun with other groups of FSP + Millers about aswell
Shoutout to NXM and their lightning elemental horde <3 Sorry we couldn’t stop the randoms from killing you
Eh? After being in multiple tiers now I can safely say that our nightcrew is dependant on how well we do initially. We win, larger nightcrew, like this matchup, we lose, smaller nightcrew. (like when we were in T4). Fickle nature of our many many pugs alongside how much effort our guilds put in.
So yea, when we win our nightcrew is quite large, when we lose it sucks.
Good fights few and far between tonight. AoA just had way too many for our 12ish people, but when TDA and Dius collaborated, the ensuing fight with you guys and your puggies was a fun one as we weren’t insta-rolled .
A fun fight against Dc, we messed up a little so well played to you guys there
Awesome night for Dius so far! Running 16-17 but been so fun.
Respect to [dc] I think it was from Millers at north FSP camp, that fight was epic and you kept fighting!
Just hope their forum warriors don’t sour things like they did during our recent brief visit to t4.
No no, I shall contain myself this week
Had fun fights from Dius tonight, shout out to AN, NXM from Millers and AoA from FS o/
Haha sucks for you Ag <3
Aws, going to miss AG duderos. See you again in the future :<
I fear there wont be good duels for a long time now.
Don’t worry Gandara is like an rash, we always come back just to irritate whether you want us too or not.
And 3/4 Stunbreaks?
7 hours left, will we drop? will we stay? Its tense for us ;P
Dont think you really outnumbered us (except the one time where we almost wiped yak und you inced
We didnt have an official raid-night and someone tried to lead for the first time.
Was still funny, even if we wiped alot tonight.
Haha we were going to let you and YaK finish but the ability to taunt YaK about saving them was just too much!
Today was contrasting to yesterday again! Had an awesome night [Dius] partook in shenanigans on AG BL’s. Won some/lost some had nice fights against GWSA and [dw] (Not sure how many you ran but I think we outnumbered you a little) and also one or two against [MSNG].
Thanks guys
God… im going bed Q.Q
Not being hard, just saying it wasn’t down to impossible odds tonight, you guys beat us fair :P
Our portals are done by the mesmer which cant talk to us on TS XD Never know when we’ll get one and never know where we’ll end up… it’s an adventure!
You may have some backline FURY but kitten gurrrlll you do pack dat melee ;P
Gah tonight was a complete contrast to yesterday. Yesterday, we did awesome and had a barrell of laughs. Today was… bad. Simply put we played bad and got wiped. Kudos to the AG groups today.
Dat Melee… We counted only 1 mesmer + 1 necro as your non melee :P
The amount of AC’s in RS garrison owned by gandara now, it’s just lol… never seen that many before… xD
Call it a little Revenge for them setting up in our hills so much when we fight them
Im sorry but your going to be FUMING when you find out about the GvG that goes on down there. 20v20, spectators, duels in the spectator area… such a marvelous community driven experience.
Here we go again.
Hi guys, from BB we’re really sorry for you. Hope you enjoy taking hills (or any other keep in general) from RS.
We just witnessed 5 superior trebs and more than 20 arrow carts just to defend the outter walls/gates.
Good luck next week xD
RG: 1 Post patch Arrowcarts x4: 0
The buff is mainly too much on the siege. All those saying don’t ram a defended gate? Well was ramming an defended gate other night with only 1 guy inside and 1 superior arrow cart and our rams got trashed. 1 Sup Ac shouldn’t have the power to eradicate 3 superior rams defended by 15 people.
If we were to treb, it would have taken too long and we would have been spotted and annihilated by the still prominent mega blobs before we could get the wall down. Catas were in range of another Sup AC, Could only build 1 golem which would have crumpled in seconds.
My main point is this; 1 person shouldn’t be able to stop a group which has done everything correctly i.e stopped all defender stragglers getting and such. He should be there to warn and pressure the attackers by say making the ram users get off and all but he shouldn’t be able to stop an attack dead like he can. Sure Ninjas shouldn’t (They should in my opinion but meh whatever) happen, but then it’s up to the enemy to respond as to whether a ninja happens or not.
This also goes out to hose who say all small groups shouldn’t be able to take ‘towers and keeps’ and the ones who say WvW is about Large scale battles, not really a large sclae battle when 1 person stops attacks like that.
The AC’s need to do less damage against siege at the very least.
Oh and before you say ‘You should have cleared the siege before you hit the tower’ The AC wasn’t on the wall it was at the lords room of NW tower, if we wanted to clear the siege we’d have to burn the very little supply we had.
There is a fine line between balanced, and ridiculous. As it stands now AC’s are ridiculous. The things they can do to balance this, is reduce the buff, revert the buff, remove the ability for AC’s to hit behind the gate or finally, they could drastically limit the range in which AC’s can be built near each other.
Oh and before you say it; we’re 15 90% of the time, not some massive blob of death.
Baruch, Piken, you truly have Gandara’s condolences after the AC buff this patch. We can only imagine the pain. ;-P
GvG with RG ruined by silleh commander on AR, patch update and disconnects. I hope that the next time Gandara meets you we can GvG you then RG. Hope to see you guys out in the field. o7
WAR on AR… kitten you! :P Got us fair and square between Briar and Bay when it was just our two guilds Look forward to more of you!
TUP, our fight was ruined by Skill lag and such sadly… was lined up to be a good un as well
Not even going to comment on the blobbing issue
9/10 the two GvG teams havfe their way with the third intervening force.
New opponents and if im correct, unless they transferred, we now have an AR with RG to fight ;P
Dius went to AR borderlands at first and tried to run about with 10 people for the first 2 1/2 hours, didn’t really go well sadly
Awesome having the reset so early though!
A very well defended Hills is one of the hardest things to take but its all down to opinion really.
I find Hills promotes more of a Siege Vs Siege bunker down warfare style meanwhile Bay promotes an open get out there and flank type warfare.
I take responsibility for only the first ram only! >.> Also, that last fight I believe was our ONLY successful enemy guild wipe of the night. We’re just that kitten awesome.
Bullkitten and lies. We totally killed that lone KISS guy once also
Aw yea forgot about that!
I take responsibility for only the first ram only! >.> Also, that last fight I believe was our ONLY successful enemy guild wipe of the night. We’re just that kitten awesome.
Dius vs NP GvG video from Mesmer PoV, Dius.
Gets all but the first fight
Our raid leader is drunk, I apologize for any erratic Dius actions for the night ;P
Haha someone read this during our event and after that we really tried to find you guys, to no avail unfortunatly but still the ‘hunt’ was fun
Just love the fights against you guys ^^ Hope we meet more often during the evenings!
Had a good fight vs Rddt or two but RL kept intervening :P Otherwise… siege trolling and cliff suicides EVERYWHERE :P
Our raid leader is drunk, I apologize for any erratic Dius actions for the night ;P
They do display the title.
Awesome GvG with Night Pact despite the many many interruptions, Thanks guys <3
Here we go with the hack accusations should be a fun read from here on out!
As already stated in game, Awesome fights with Night Pact [NP], Won some, lost some can’t wait for our GvG on Wednesday, it’s going to be good!
Ya’ll need to chill. I whispered both Addy and Wamgor at points telling you guys that we had no control or commander so not to expect fair fights. Sure we got a few pretty much even numbers, the two most notable; When we we clashed and melted that 15-20 man RS group in between us and right after when we got vengeance by jumping you at woodhaven. Thats what I’ll take from the night. And yea, no communication between OS and Dius. The only communication was ‘TUP at woodhaven’ or ‘RS at hills’ over and over again. you guys really wanted that tower :P
About ‘THE ROCK’. Yea its a bit of a joke for some, personally its a bit spawn campy for myself. But if people want to sit there and siege up the rock, each to their own. I wasn’t there for it if your wondering I had gone to my ranger to bank something.
Oh and uh, Dius will run again tonight, hope to see some more of our favourite guilds to fight out there. (Looking at you We Vanquish Worlds )
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)