Guild Name – Semper Dius [Dius]
Server – Gandara
Size – 10-25 at a push
Contact – KinkyWarrior (IGN’s: Lloantix, Saresial, Ryarlas, Disco Jimmy)
Type – Casual/Semi-hardcore
Preferred time – Thursdays/Fridays, 19:00-22:00gmt
So as not to hurt the servers efforts if the positions of the match-up are still undecided and can realistically change, we will probably not participate in GvG.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
If they are in range it does. Which is why a Mesmer can pull you on a wall despite you standing at the back where no, say scorpion wire can pull you Edit: You dont even need the curtain to fold over the edge of the wall.. So long as your in range of the curtain (900?) it can pull you despite objects in the way.
Temporal curtain does need loS. You can’t yank someone around a corner with it for example.
Only need LOS for placement, the actual pull works around corners.
We were about 18ish but not certain About 6 Yaks and 12 Dius
Maybe slightly more at some points and less at others but it for sure never went over 22ish really.
We would have liked some of your guilds seperated too ;D
Edit: Our highlight was at Bay on Kodash BL’s :P Sadly we wiped in the end but the entire fight was awesome.
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
On a more positive note; Semper Yaks (Dius + YaK) had some awesome fights on Kodash BL’s today against mainly BLAK, Gnou and LdF. Futhermore was fun see’ing fX from Riverside on Kodash :O did you guys miss us so much you had to fight us again?
That last one can be done by most people which can go invis I believe.
Edit: just seen it was a guardian, maybe renewed focus for 3-4 secs of invuln to get past.
Had a lot of fun on GBL today
Thanks to both Kodash + AR for the fights, EoW, SD, BLAK, Gnou!
Not even a full day and already missing us?
Great work on the parade AG, I was the Dius Guardian with ya Sadly RS thiefs kept ganking people
Good luck and may we see you all again soon
HAHA thanks Slomo we actually took a RS group down like that xD
Topnight has been AWESOME!!
Start off with TDA’s GvG event where many guilds from RS, AG and Gandara came. Dius thanks all it’s opponents.
dw, we only fought you once but it was a nice fight indeed!
UNTY, was great to meet you again, glad we could have that decider. Was great to fight ya once more
REQ, we said we’d have 5v5’s and the result was expected. :P You wiped us both times and it was well played by you guys indeed!
After that we moved to RS for some more GvG with TUP and they were the second best fights of the evening with it being 3-2 to TUP. Delievering the pain as always
Now the best fight? Well Dius (+ 3/4 TUP!!) decided to all turn into cow/bulls and try to ninja cragtop from behind riverside but after we got in, they capped it and we were trapped :O… we could only do 1 thing.. we charged them.. as Bulls…. AND WON! Don’t know how, but it was hilarious!
Awesome end to the week indeed for us in Dius! I love ya’ll!!
I play for the giggles.
I play for the epic fights.
I play for that feeling of awesome you have when your small group holds against impossible odds.
I play for that feeling of awesome you get when you work together with complete strangers to accomplish something awesome.
No rewards? so what, I don’t care. There’s many reasons for you to play WvW you just have to find your own.
@Kinkywarrior: After this thread you should know that we never ever fight without outnumbering the enemy 4 to 1, having siege in our backs and of course the mighty FURY alliance to save the day! !
Let’s just say that after fighting on EB before i’ve become paranoid about culling. Just see the AC as a sign of love and respect!
See you on the field!
Rorik Scarchest, UNITY
Aha Dius of all people know what your capable of. We were just surprised
Oooo flame fight!! gets popcorn
Aha Dius had sooooo much fun with our 12 yesterday. We thought it would be a meh night but in turned into a blast! The epic stand on the Hills wall with 5-6 infantry and remnants of MM supporting us was probably one hell of a highlight that night.
We realize that you be working on guild coordination AG but when we were in Briar and UNTY just got in before we capped it, was it really necessary for the arrow cart xD?
Anyway, great fights on Riverside borderlands in Hills and outside Greenlake. I see UNTY playing during our primetime today :O Sadly we Dius, are only 10 tonight so we cant give you the fight your guild deserves.
Also Culling is terrible right now :/
Dont say so KinkyWarrior, I think you will do fine
your coverage is amazing, just take this morning, you had a big group on AG(20+) and EB(30+), + a minor group on Gand and River borderland.
Think you guys will do just fine, and your guilds are good aswell.
Hehe, thanks for the vote of confidence but as space said, its probably more to do with it being half term that our coverage is good this week. We have it on good authority that the upper tiers require much more coverage than we have.
Probably not too well :P
Awesome night all round for Semper Dius! Had some nice fights with AG mainly but some nice ones with Riverside too!
I have a question for that dw/DRK/Zorn army running about, it;s about that fight at bluelake, we were defending you were attacking. Did you have any idea what was going on :P?
Zorn ran in, CNTK went behind, then DRK and dw went in to sammich, then we came into behind to sammich you, then Zorn capped and sammiched us… I think. Was that what happened xD? The lag in there was horrendous but it was a giggle after
Been winning, been losing…. been a hell of a fun night though :P!
I love to meet XxX in the JP when I am alone. They jump you with three people and end up giving loot.
I just dont understand why they wont complain in the forum. I mean one entire REQ Guardian and only three XxX lemmings. This game truely is about numbers, cant argue with that, guys!Kudos to FURY and Dius, I like you guys. You dont brag and dont refuse to join a little trolly journey on the forums without bad feelings.
Even Dius’ emotes started to feel warm and friendly, like they are laughing with us. <3Hugs, kisses and butterflies to you all.
Thats because we are <3
You REQ guys are too cuddly to hate/not like/<Insert any variation of the word Dislike here and continue until satisfied> !!
NEVER had a problem with chat suppression and I’m an incredibly vocal commander in chat. You shouldn’t have to say three things in a row or more but if you do, try to add variety to the sentence.
Squad chat isn’t a viable solution. 9/10 people need to know where other commanders are if you need a position reinforced which isn’t yours or something.
Hola AG and RS! I haven’t actually played properly this matchup yet, too much drinking to be had! Anyway I hope that this thread can be more civil this time around
@RS, It’s sad that you guys are being affected by trolls and low morale. I hope that your community can ditch them and rebuild
@REQ Nice to see you guys staying classy ;D Just a note; Maybe we (Dius) can organize a night (Probably friday) for a bit of 5v5? We don’t expect to win, being 5v5 not our strongest point, but maybe we can give you guys a ncie fight. it will be a giggle and maybe if you thrash us, we can learn a bit from you all
This is the second time we got a report about him :/ Was against Piken last time. I’ll once again try to talk to them but language barrier doesn’t help much, and they’re quite hard to find.
Yiishing makes a fair point. With that said, we don’t so much as nightcap, more than night hold. Primetime for us sets the stage for our night crew to hold and work on. Of course, the night crew does cap stuff too, but then everyone’s night crew caps stuff :P
Edit: Oh yea, our night crew is drunk 90% of the time :P
@Req, yea we love that rock here in Dius ;P You guys pack a punch but we saw you coming and was like “REQ.. get em!” ;P
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Had some awesome fights tonight guys That group on Riverside got us a few times today and vice versa. Learnt from our mistakes today and learnt a little off of you too! Firstly, guardians… so needed sometimes and you guys make great use of Rangers + Entangle.
and REQ, we danced out of love that time, got to hand it to you guys, you have kitten <3
Dey see us suiciding, they hatin!
Sorry, got bored at 10 minutes, couldn’t make it too 15… thought my ears would rupture and my eyes would bleed
Yea we’re just not used to such a defense setup which we spent 3 days cracking :P
Req; Hehe glad you guys could see that we’re just having giggles too. A bit of rivalry doesn’t go amiss but telling a server to ‘burn in hell’ (Wasn’t you I know!) What’s wrong with rainbows and pink fluffy unicorns anyway!? :O
Finally the TS and cheaters; Yes we’ve seen some ourselves and we are sorry for it. Like Darko said Gandara doesn’t stand for it and it’s a minority. On the TS matter, we’ll be having words with some guild leaders to make sure their members are not doing that, it was out of order.
Yes it is possible. It can be hard at first due to substandard equipment compared to level 80’s, but the higher you get the easier it becomes
I give up trying to maintain any form of civility between the servers
Edit: Just a final attempts, guys from every server + Guild everywhere, stop acting like fools. The occasional troll post, sure but god, all of us, Gandara, Riverside AND my own fellow guild members are starting to look like complete fools >.>
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
GBL vale.. how many riverside have you got in there? we got the load at the treb and thought yea we got this… DAYUM no xD
Its a shame that we dont have the manpower midweeks, i think we could stay at Hills the whole week but at some point there are more Weapons than Players there^^.
Every reset we set an goal we wanna reach, your Hill was our Project this week, so dont be afraid about it;-)
I think there are some decent Guilds on River that will always gave you the Fights you want.
Problem, we did it in the past and went some Tiers down.
Now we try to find some balance defending, attacking and Open Fights.
How many Gold you wasted from Reset till yesterday taking Hills just curious;-)Greets Myrmi
btw……….we will be back^^,so watch out^^
We’re sure you could as well, I’d rather you didn’t though
That’s fair enough, and it’s nice to see a server that’s found it’s balance between defense and offense. I reckon if you guys had the coverage you would go higher than previously before
Yea there is some awesome Roaming guilds on Riverside and I’m glad we found you guys, I just think this was the first time in the two weeks we found you :O.
As the commander who led the infantry assaults on Hills for the past two days.. too much xD It was NOT worth it I can tell you that but for some reason I felt we must have that hills.
Finally; Zumy I don’t think Darko is on about guilds (could be wrong) when he says ‘Decent fights’. It’s just that 90% of our fights until fighting [dw] were long drawn out Hills fights which we didn’t find very fun.
On a completely different note, that Snow Wolves [SW] Ranger from AM, hell your good
Boy, that were nice fights for REQ in the AM BL yesterday night. Thank you Gandara, the flow of zerg from ur spawn did n ot seem to stop :-D.
I wonder, why WvW and Dius mention beating randoomed pugs all the time, but not how mad they get when they get fooled by 6 people? Must be something about pride shrug.
We were only 5 and we ran individualy to get supplies from the camp because we were sieging up a tower. We get killed quiet often by bigger groups don’t you worry. I hope not everyone will post it on the forums or it will get embarrasing.
As you see by the distance between the two paragraphs, I was talking about two unrelated topics, therefor not about yesterday. At the weekend we melted 10+ parties of that guilds and Dius got so mad that they began chasing us even into the legendary guards at our spawn and started /laugh spamming at 5 ppl avoiding 20+ ;-).
All they write in the forum though, is how the rocked WubWubWub barely without casualties.
Thats my point. We (5ppl) have been facemelting guildgroups with way larger numbers for hours on the borderlands, Dius, WvW, OS, SNOW, TDL and many more and all Gandara writes about is how the cowards from RS hide in keeps and avoid the fight. On the other hand Gandara starts to team up to 20+ or even 30+ zergz to chase and hunt down a 5 man team that is providing small scale pvp. So they are actually negating themselves what they asked for: nice action.
I hope you got my point now. Just to be sure about it: no I am not saying how awfully good we are and how bad others. Neither that Gandara has no good teams or are zerglings. My point is that there are always two sides on a coin and ppl always talk about/consider the side with the shinier surface for them.
Just dont forget we are talking about pixels here.
@osicat: I hope we get a team tonight so maybe we can make a scavengers hunt through the borderlands! cheers!
Hehe We will admit, we did follow you, but mad? nah we followed you and danced in front or was it /waved? Mainly because it was follow you or siege hills and… no one wanted to go near hills again ._.
Also not all of Gandara writes that. Maybe 0.001% of our server? Which by the way your hills defense has mentally scarred me for life. The trauma… Q.Q
Boy, that were nice fights for REQ in the AM BL yesterday night. Thank you Gandara, the flow of zerg from ur spawn did n ot seem to stop :-D.
I wonder, why WvW and Dius mention beating randoomed pugs all the time, but not how mad they get when they get fooled by 6 people? Must be something about pride shrug.
Sounds like you trolled Kaligula after our event. Gives us the dirt! What happened :P?
Also; D R UC K W E L L E?[dw] you guys are good got us a fair few times!
And whats the problem with our denfense? try to break it dont whine about it.
It were fine weeks against u so dont destroy it with flamings. There are cheater on every server i guess. But that dont mean that your or our server is cheating in generell. I think if some posting such bullkitten he is just angry and sometimes there are people who shout “cheater!!” way to early.
Whatever lets have fun this week
We were CONGRATULATING you on your defense ._.
maybe your mesmer just can’t accept beeing killed … I searched that tower for mesmers, there wasn’t one, so tell me please how suddenly there is a mesmer inside that tower
He was spotted but we told him to drop the portal early and wait for us. You didn’t kill him. Invisibility? He was hidden right over the little wall next to the lords room Edit: he then jumped on the little sticky out bit and on to the ledge and placed portal and jumped down. Did you check there :P? Like I said he was infact caught but not killed.
I’ll let someone know
We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
uhh … gz to that tower without supporting hackers (your borderlands, red spawn tower)
We had a mesmer inside if you mean just then? Just because 1 person hacked, doesnt mean every mesmer portal is a hack :s
(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)
Server Gandara, AM Borderland. Guild Inset Coin [IC], Norn Warrior. Immune to attacks, speedhack and teleport through buildings and on cliffs/precipitations. Gratz m8. 1 second later he is onehitting people.
I’ll let someone know We on Gandara does not support or condone hacking.
Dayum riverside, good defending against that Golem rush indeed! You guys can sure defend :P
Just had an lovely time with SN holding down various camps in Gandara BL, especially from AM in the bottom right near hills
Wrong thread. :P
Here’s the GvG between Dius and UNTY from a spectator point of view!! (Footage provided by Kurty of Malicious Mischief!)
Let’s do thiiiiiissssss!!!!
Greedy is when a whole zerg of 30 ppl follow three from bay to the JP just to get 1 frag. Prolly the only frag in one hour.
Okay.. yea.. we do that sometimes xD It’s fun to watch, albeit frustrating at times too ._.
Well, I did not like this week honestly. The only remarkable thing about Gandara was the numbers they need to kill a hand full of people. And the greedieness ofc.
All but Judge, these guys rock.
Greediness? In a game about taking control points? Where the more you have the better it is? Your logic of, taking loads = Greedy is flawed. It’s called necessary.
Unless your AG, your numbers point is invalid. Riverside could contest us in terms of population and in fact had bigger zergs a fair amount of times, Hence how you were winning until Tuesday.
Would like to thank [UNTY] for the great fights tonight in what was Semper Dius [Dius]’s first ever organized GvG fights! It was an awesome experience for us and hope to meet you guys again
The reset has been cancelled! looks like it’s round 2 next week Riverside!
(Reset Source:
Dear Piken Square,
Why did you have to start beating Riverside? We were ready for you, ready to take you back, ready to try again… yet you left us once more :‘(. The thought of you coming back to us sent our stomachs into flutters and made us weep with joy, yet you leave our hearts broken.
It’s okay, we understand it’s these new friends of yours. We’ll be waiting for you should you decide to come back down the ladder our way, and then maybe we can continue the way it was meant too.
I moved from Gandara… to Gandara… never looked back, best choice of my life.
want to get rid of zergs , go SPVP. You aren’t going to take towers and keeps with 5-10 people. You want small scale combat, again go SPVP.
All those towers I took with 5 man groups must have been a hallucination…yeah cool, you took a tower during off peak with no defense. proud of you. I am sure your server sings your l33t praises.
Maybe he did it primetime but you were so busy with your Zerg you never noticed? It happens.
But on the other hand you have a point. Large forces are infact needed and will lead to some of the best fights. Although I would go with more incentives for small-mid group play rather than decentives for playing in a zerg. (As someone above suggested)