Does it count if after 22 years I still count him my bestest friend and can’t imagine life without him? Maintaining giddy passion for decades is something very few can manage. (My parents are a few years past their 50th anniversary and at that party when asked how they’d done it my mom said “He’s my best friend.” Much heart melting resulted).
I don’t think GW2 demands to be our one and only. It’s meant to be something that’s always there for you without jealously requiring your attention when other matters distract you.
So I hope we get a fun new toy for Valentines as we have in the past (still holding out for my champagne toy idea I put in Suggested Gemstore Items the past two New Years
) but it shouldn’t be only for those who “100% rep” GW2.
Yupyupyup..esp if you can look at him decades later and your first thought is still “yummmm”, lol.
Are you sure that treating a game like that is healthy?
When is love ever healthy?
When you’re still head over heels in love with the person you married 26 years later. That’s when.
Couldn’t figure out the best way to phrase the subject, but hopefully it got your attention.
I know I cannot be the only player who has this problem, so I am going to post t his suggestion, and if implemented, I hope it will help others with this issue.
The issue is this:
Jumping Puzzles. I cannot do most jumping puzzles, because the way the camera is constantly zooming in and out in tight spots, and shaking around, makes me physically ill. The closest I can get to what it is, is motion sickness, like I experience when I try to play FPV games, like Bioshock (which makes me sad to no end because I really wanted to play that, but I almost lost my lunch 10 minutes into it).
If there was a way to make your POV stay the same, unless you adjusted it yourself, while in tight quarters, that would make things SO MUCH healthier. Maybe, instead of a tight autozoom, that makes the camera zoom in and out like it’s on crack, the objects could adjust transparency, allowing you to be able to see what you’re doing.
I hate Claw Island. Not because of the mission itself. I really had no problem with it once I had it figured out.
No, I hate it because it made me cry.
I’m pretty sure whomever wrote the Claw Island scenario is a huge Joss Whedon fan. Yup. Cuz first they make you care, and then they break your heart.
::goes off to cuddle her Tybalt plushie:: (sniffle)
Elona. I loved Factions, but the place I felt most “at home” in was Vabbi, in Elona.
Is it better than Armor skin idea?
Did you get more money from outfits ?
I know that people want only Armor skins because you can take parts and make your own unique armor skin.*We can have both. Why does it always have to be one or the other? We’ve gotten both lately. In fact two new sets of armor were put in the game for us to earn IN game.
Also, people don’t ONLY want armor skins. I LOVE outfits. I never have to use Transmutation Charges. I can dye them all and I can wear them while I am leveling new characters, etc etc. Its great.
Both are wonderful for their own reasons.*
This. Although, I would really love it if we had an option to show armor head skins. I’d so love my necro in the Noble Count, with the green glowy eye armor skin.
I made this last week, because I was tired of dealing with an entourage that constantly got in my way, or needed replacing. I love it. I don’t Pvp, so I have no idea how it would work for that. But I have a blast in Silverwastes with it. That staff…precious baby <3
(edited by Kitty La Boom Boom.4065)
I recently ditched the entourage, in favor of a Plague build. It’s so much more fun, though I do rather miss Bob (golem) once in a while.
GW2 was my second mmo after Lotro and I experienced worst dungeon system here that are just skip trash and kill boss,zerk zerk zerk…
You need to find a guild that has a playstyle that is compatible with your own. PUGs are always going to be hit or miss as far as your enjoyment of the instance goes.\
GW2 has the nicest community of players I have ever seen. I am sure you will be able to find a group of folks to play with that like to do things the same or in a similar way that you do.
I thought the perma ones were unbound. I’ve seen them at the trader.
Last time I played, if you were using a kit, your weapon sigils were useless. did they fix this yet? I don’t want to invest in an expensive sigil set for my rifle if it’s going to be useless 90% of the time.
I’d love it if they would design armor/fashions for the non humanoid races, that actually reflect the culture and aesthetic values of those races, instead of morphing the humanoid ones to fit. I tried the Noble Count outfit on my female Charr, and she looked like someone played dress-up with their cat The Charr and Asura have aesthetic values. We see it in their architecture, and in the male cultural fashion. Some may excuse it as being “unisex”, but both cultures definitely have both male and female ideals. You can witness it in the NPC chatter and environments.
I’m not saying I want to put a dress on my female Charr. I’m saying I want armor and fashion that reflects the feminine aesthetic within Charr culture.
Time to set aside $60 for this, just in case.
Yep. I’m betting they will do it like they did the GW 1 expansions. I’m fine with that.
I just really hope they will allow purchase of all completed LS episodes in mini packs for a nominal cost…maybe $15 or so? I missed all of season 1, and most of season 2, because I was on an extended break from MMOs. I like being able to purchase the episodes individually, with gems, but; it’d also be nice to have a bundle price, with an option of gems or cash.
Of all the lands in GW, my absolute favorite zone has always been Vabbi. I hope someday soon we’ll see a LS arc that opens up the Crystal Desert, and Elona.
Feeling kinda homesick, GW style.
I only have one wishlist item, and it’s more of a DO NOT WANT:
Please, do not create faction (race) based PvP. GvG would be awesome, but not Race v Race. The final scene in LS Season 2 made me concerned that this might be where GW 2 was heading. I would not mind it as a LS arc, but not as a world based thing.
However; I would not mind a bit if you did it in a way that the players must gain influence in other territories in order to be trusted, and have access to services and events within the zones. PvNPC faction could be interesting, but I do not want to experience open world PvP at all. I quit other games and stick to GW because it allows me to choose when I want to PvP, and doesn’t force it upon me.
So; I purchased some outfits from the Gemstore, and I love them, but…
I just tried them on my Asuran mesmer, who happens to be female, and likes it that way.
The Noble Count outfit would have been lovely on her, except that, on her, it’s the same style as the male version, which is a suit.
I hereby formally request, on behalf of Tchotchke Kerfuffle, Member in Good Standing, of the College of Dynamics, that Asuran females be granted a choice in fashion, as is accorded the other bipedal races.
PS: Her comrade in arms, Cmdr. Kitty La Boom Boom of the Blood Legion says she tried on a dress once, and thought she looked ridiculous, but she wouldn’t say no to a set of robes with softer lines than those of her male compatriots.
Yeah, I was pretty bummed when I couldn’t wear the glowing green mask with the noble count outfit, on my necro. It would have looked killer.
In short, no fix yet. Assuming your bug is the same as theirs — i.e. you’ve swapped outfits at least once without changing the dye, and at the next zone/relog the dyes revert to default — at least you know how to work around it (just change one of the dyes and then change it back before you exit that zone or logout, to make sure the dyes stick).
If it’s NOT the same bug, then please provide as much detail as possible, preferably with a step-by-step “this is exactly what I did and this is exactly what happened” procedure.
Good luck.
Aha! Yes, I switch outfits a lot, so that’s probably the same bug. OK, ty for the info <3
At seemingly random points (meaning it doesn’t happen every time), an outfit (ex: Celestial Plated Outfit, Noble Count Outfit, etc) that has been dyed, will revert to the default colors when: Logging into the game, entering a cut scene, changing zone territories via map portals, and entering or exiting an instance.
This is rather annoying, lol.
Is there a fix for this yet?
Here I thought we were going to talk about the Unsuspiscious Rabbit.
I’m pretty sure he really is up to something. >.>
Is he any relation to that rabbit I always used to send Koss to investigate at Drakkar Lake?
I crafted the Elegant Tailors Backpack. It has and upgrade slot, and an offensive infusion slot. Nothing seems to fit in them. Wiki doesn’t seem to have any info either. Can/would someone please tell me the types of items I can use for this?
Good to know, thank you <3
I really want to purchase the Jungle Explorer outfit, but I don’t want to show the head piece, because it makes your character’s hair disappear. When I preview an unpurchased version in my Hero panel, the hat doesn’t show, but when I preview it in the Trading Post, it is there.
Is there a way to turn off the hat portion of the outfit?
Also, is there a way to allow your regular armor headgear show, while the outfit is active?
I have the Noble Count outfit on my Necro, and it would look really killer if I could get it to show the Glowing Green Mask skin that’s on her headgear.
Are we ever going to get Build Templates, like we had in GW1? I really miss being able to create a bunch of different builds to see what worked well, and being able to save them to a template for instant use (as opposed to standing around for several minutes, readjusting my build every time I want to switch it up a little)
ok, good to know, ty
When I logged in last night after a long hiatus, I was overwhelmed with all the changes.
I’ll figure them out eventually, but I noticed that only the most recent chapter of the Living Story is available to me. The others are all locked, and seem to require a lot of gems to open them up.
Is there any other way to activate them?
I posted a note on my Tumblr with the GW2 tags. Hopefully it will get around and someone who know the person, or even the DancinWookie will see it and be able to help.
A lot of my old Guildies from GW1, and newer friends from Aion, also play GW2 now, but we seem to all be on different servers. I know it’s already possible to have guild members on another server; will it also be possible to do missions together as a cross server guild? If so, will all members of the guild get credit/guild benefits for the missions, or just the ones fr om the host server?
Also; is there any chance of Guild Alliances becoming an option? I really miss that.
It’s not just keyboard set up. Some people just aren’t very good at jumping puzzles (no offense meant by that). My friend hates them, because he just cannot get the hang of them. He uses his mouse to look around and has space for jump, which is a reasonable key to use.
I don’t have a problem at all with jumping puzzles, but I do think some of the vistas need to be made easier. Not everyone can do JP’s, so it is a bit unfair to put vistas out of their reach IMO.
This. Also, some named areas are in the JPs, and if you can’t do the JP, then you don’t get the map credit. I can’t do most of the JPs because they make me dizzy and nacreous. This means I can never get 100% World Map completion.
Maybe the mods could move the thread to the Fan Creations Forum, and re-open it.
Guild Halls
Guild Capes
Capturing Skills from bosses
Hard Mode
Alliance System
Being able to see the last time someone logged on in the guild
More Emotes
Rearranging Skills
Having a HUGE variety of skills
Being able to customize EVERYTHING on the UI
Festival Hat Makers/ Costume Makers
Auto Following party members or NPCs
Enemies stop being targeted after they die
The screen going funky when drunk
Free map travel
Free attribute retraining
Secondary Proffessions
This pretty much sums it all up for me as well.
OK. I feel silly now. I redid the mission to get a screencap of what I was talking about.
This time, I had a different camera angle and could see that I also had an option of talking to Larra. I thought before that I could only talk to Carrys, and that I would make my choice from her options. I got it now. I need to talk to Larra herself, so I can make that choice.
Is this a bug?
My character is Sylvari, and I’m on the part of the Mirror Mirror personal storyline quest where you are given a “choice” to take the problem to Trahearne, or accept the Asuran NPC’s help. I am trying to accept the Asuran option, but it keeps circling back to Trahearne, regardless of my choice. Is this a bug, or is this intended?
If it’s intended; why make it a choice? I think that’s really insert crass term for "*not very nice* here if it’s intentional.
I’d like to know this as well.
I currently bought 80 boxes.
5 mini golems, 4 mini infin,
ZERO Snowmen.
This sucks so much…
Wish it was a ticket system like the weapon skins…
The ticket system, in addition to having them available in the gem shop (like the weapon skins) would have been a nice way to go.
I agree that paying money just for a CHANCE at minipets is over the top and the system could be handled better. The store should be more of a shortcut, where you can pay to get pets/outfits that you otherwise have to grind for. I liked WingOfAsgard’s suggestion of having the minipets also be purchaseable for high amounts of ugly wool clothes or similar. It feels better to grind/work for a reward in a game than just to dish out on a gamble, and those who don’t have time to grind could still buy the pets at the store. Free to attain boxes can have a low drop rate and that’s fine, but something you pay for should not be a gamble.
I suggested another possibility in a similar thread this morning. Make a mystic forge recipe that takes 10 Wintersday Boxes, 100 Wads of Stuffing, 100 Drops of Glue, and 100 cogs to create a Wintersday Mini Trio Box. Many of us now have an additional 200 cogs lying around and this would be a good use for them.
I think that’s an excellent idea. After opening 60-ish boxes and still NO mini-pets whatsoever; I’d be thrilled with that opportunity.
Wintersday Mystery Boxes. Sold for 10/800 in Black Lion. Patch notes said it’d be available as a drop too.
I’d like an answer to this as well. The Festive minis (snowman, infinirarium, lights golem) are only available via those boxes, and I’ve already spent way too much money on those with no minis to show for it [while others get multi-multiples from half as many boxes as I bought ]. It would really soothe my disappointment to know there was still a chance to get them in game.
Well, I can see that nobody from Anet is going to take the time to comment on this. I’m sure they are working on more important things…
(On to the complaining)
I finally decided to get some gems to get some of the wintersday items like the costumes. I had a bunch left over so I also grabbed the gifts to see if I might be lucky enough to get them all or more to exchange for the special one. I got a batch of 10 for 800 gems. Sure enough the fear and complaints I had came real. The first 4 gifts, in a row(I swear) gave me the “Mini Festive Golem”….4 in a row… the same minipet. While the first few second were filled with laughter, then turned to rage, I ended at realizing that this is ok, I can keep one for the collection and the other three can be turned into “Foostivoo the Merry”. I did this so yaaa I have two of the four that can be found in the gifts.I had enough gems left over to get one more set of 10 so I figured what the heck. Out of those I got another “Mini Festive Golem”, and 2 “Mini Snowmen” and thats it. So to keep tally, I was surprised to get any all but all together I got 5 “Mini Festive Golem’s” and 2 “Mini Snowmen”. I am now stuck with two extra minis that do me absolutely no good other then being stack-able in the Mini collection…
Now here is where the genius marketing ploy comes in. If I want to get the “Mini Infinirarium”, I would have to buy even more and hope, or dare I say pray that I get it. I have a feeling it has a more rare of a drop rate than the others so my chances of getting more doubles is high. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy to at least get the ones I have but if I want to complete the collection, I am forced to spend even more money to maybe get the last one plus the useless duplicates I’ll more than likely get. GENIUS!
On a side note, to add to the genius marketing ploy, lets give away two of the special toy minis to be nice. Oh but wait, now that I have the two, I’ll have to complete the set so I’ll spend another $20 to get the gems and buy the other three. Sure I did not have to buy the first two and I would have to get all 5 but now I feel like I need to buy the other three so I can make the collection complete. A supposed good gestured that somehow feels just as screwed up. GENIUS!
I am sorry but I see mini-pets just like trading cards. They are intended to be traded with others so they too can enjoy the ones they don’t have or the ones they really want. By forcing us to spend real money for mini-pets that are randomly rewarded and can’t be traded just defeats their entire purpose in my eyes. Thank you.
Hey; at least you got minis out of those boxes. I opened about 60 or so and not a single mini to be found. I hope they can/will unbind them so I can get them of the TP at some point.
I’ve been leveling my thief (d/p and sb) and can’t think of what ‘not direct damage’ would be be (poison field I guess?). Kiting and AoE work great on all of them except the dolls. Those are some hearty little broads.
edit: haven’t found scorpion wire effective in single-pulling.
I tried that this morning on my L14 thief, and my experience on any class is that the mobs are tightly linked. I only had the birds so far, and they went down pretty easily. You can grab one with the wire and get him down before the others rally. That makes them a lot easier. The dolls are the only ones you need to worry about avoiding direct damage, and then, only if you are in confusion status. Disable your auto-attack so you can control your hits better, and kite/heal/stealth through the debuffs.
Try grabbing the box first, then run away to lose aggro. After that you can lay shrapnel and try using pistol and shortbow skills with poison attack. Just watch your debuffs.
This made me laugh, sorry.
Nope, they aren’t OP.
Those dolls sure are. The amount of effort required to kill these brats on a lower level player is insane. L 80 players have gear, traits, and skills that lowers don’t, so it’s far easier for them, and still a challenge.
Tricky kittens.
If you read the thread about how to kill the dolls, you will find some really good information. The trick is to not do direct damage. If anyone played GW Prophesies:
Remember Glint? Fight them like that and they go down brilliantly
I will work on my lowbie toons tomorrow to see about different builds, but here;s my Necro:
Spite: 10→ Spiteful Spirit
Curses: 5
Death: 20→ Minion Master→ Death Shiver
Blood: 30→ Blood Thirst→ Vampiric Master→ Fetid Consumption
Soul Reaping: 5
Weapon: Staff
Heal: Consume Conditions
Utilities: Shadow Fiend, Bone Fiend, Bone Minions
Elite: Flesh Golem
Staff is “Silence” with Sup rune of Demon, but hardly a necessity
L 80 crafted Exotics with Sup Rune of the Mad King set. Those birds are kitten badkitten, and with FG 40 second CD, that means you can summon them every 45 seconds. Switch that out with Death Shroud for every other box, or use both if you get in a pinch. I didn’t die once opposed to yesterday, when I died almost every time I tried to fight.
Dodge out of the red circles the Ventari cast, and don’t hit the dolls directly if you are debuffed with confusion, or you’ll just kill yourself. Those Dolls should be chanting : “Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, neener, neener, neener”, lmao.
Necro wells seem made for these little nightmares – well of power to convert confusion to retaliation, well of corruption to strip the boons and smash some cinderellas!
I think I’m gonna try that later today. I figure between that, vamps, DS and Plague they should go down before I do.
Here’s how I do it: Open box, get thrown 15 feet away, get attacked before I even get a chance to stand up, hobble toward the gift, pick it up, run like hell.
I’d really like to be able to kill them, since I got some really nice drops off the toy Ventari. Even in all exotics, my survivability is ridiculously bad.
(edited by Kitty La Boom Boom.4065)
No skins from purchased chests either, BUT, I did get a random Giant gift drop from a spider that gave me a ticket to exchange for a weapon skin (account bound). THAT was pretty cool. I got the staff. It looks like a Scandinavian style wood carving with decorative scrolling on it that glows. I got another Giant gift from the Mysterious Gifts in the game world and that gave me a candy cane hammer..which was tradeable.
Please note that I am not complaining about not getting any minis. My friend just had better luck than me (she’s one of those folks that tend to be favorites of the RNG gods, so if she got even one; it’s no surprise she got multiples). I’m happy for her, and I’m still enjoying the other aspects of this event. I had a budget for how much I was willing to spend in the Gem store. It’s done now, and all I really want to know is if I’ll have a chance to get a mini during game-play. If I don’t, that’s really disappointing, and I hope they’ll decide to make the minis tradeable so i can still get one.
(edited by Kitty La Boom Boom.4065)
Is there a way to get the minis at all, without buying chests? I think I bought 50 chests and no minis. My friend bought about the same amount and got about 5-6 duplicates.
I’d like to think I still have a chance to get these minis even if I can’t afford to spend more money on chests.
Now I want cocoa..also, I have marshmelloows XD
The icon only gets annoying on minimap if I`ve marked a personal waypoint & that covers it, can live with it though
Next time someone kittenes to you, tell them they should be thanking you, your guild or whoever paid as it`s us WvWers that give the PvErs all those free buffs they`re making use of
… What buffs are these exactly?
If you open your WvW palette you can see what buffs your server has gained from WvW, and how many points until the next buff.
We already have caramel apples..but all that other holiday food YES PLEASE!
I would particularly like new recipes for beverages, alcoholic or otherwise.
Tybalt Leftpaw, alive and well, to join us in new personal story missions.