The Mists is a proto-reality, the whole WvW thing is actually -canon- in the lore. We are fighting a front against the other alternative realities that the Mists connects to. There are multiple existences of Tyria so basically there can also be multiple existences of the spirits of these legends.
The Mists is a highly complex thing that can’t be explained rationally since it’s essentially a celestial plane.
Well for me personally I bought the expansion, the Deluxe edition specifically, because I like the game and want to continue to experience more and more of it. It’s not just about the Revenant, you don’t -need- to play it. There are plenty of other features coming out with HoT (guild halls, adventures, more achievements, more legendary weapons to unlock, further Living Story content to be released periodically). So basing your desire to purchase the expansion solely on that tiny little piece of it, which you don’t even have to play just like a majority of things in GW2 (you basically do what you want to do in this game), seems a little silly to me.
Revenant issues from the most recent Beta Weekend were addressed, not to mention during that first beta event the Revenant was even more unfinished than it was during the recent beta event.
Not to mention they even show how they’ve increased damage for the Revenant and it’s extremely noticeable.
So I do think you should probably do a little more information gathering before making these accusations.
As for the “elementalists are too susceptible to lag spikes” and “the game is too laggy” that…is not Arena Net’s fault. They aren’t in control of your internet connection, they have no sway over whether or not your ISP is screwing you over. Don’t blame them for that, it’s just outright silly. That isn’t a fault with the game, that’s a fault with your choice of an internet provider.
That would be like personally blaming a Customer Service representative for a store where you yourself chose to buy something and someone else lit it on fire.
Legendary weapons will no longer be legendary
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125
And that is exactly what people had attempted to explain and what my relatively abrasive post was trying to get across. And yes that statement was directed towards you because of the way you were coming across throughout this thread, which multiple people pointed out.
You made it seem like you would have preferred that Precursors and Legendaries cost in-game money so that time was invested into farming for it or farming money for a variety of other reasons and that there was skill behind doing that, to a degree, all out of concern that the new system would not take long enough of a time for it to actually be challenging or time intensive.
We still don’t know the full details yet and also based on observations of what we’ll have to do, of the little peak we got at some, I don’t think it will take a small amount of time. I should have stated this in my previous post but I think you just let your concern get the better of your rational judgment or interpretation of the currently available information.
Legendary weapons will no longer be legendary
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125
Wonderly if you do actualy enjoy collecting things such as Legendaries, as quite a number of people do, then this new system should very much appeal to you.
Also Legendaries should have always been something that required effort to be put forth rather than relying purely on luck to efficiently acquire. It is so much less about skill and much more about -money- with the current system. Know how I got my precursor? Gold. Gold bought through a severely large amount of gems. It set me back a stupid amount of money and I am actually angry at myself for having spent that much.
Do I enjoy my legendary? Yes, of course, but I was put into a position where I either had to spend a ridiculous and immeasurable amount of time farming and -hoping- and -praying- to a God I don’t believe in just to get t6 materials and a precursor -or- I had to spend a large amount of real money on an extremely large amount of gems to then buy said precursor, or hell just buy the Legendary itself (which I didn’t).
That is not a system that should remain within this game because it drains people’s wallets dry or it requires them to spend time doing something tedious and monotonous for a result they may never even reach. They put forth effort and time for a percentage chance that they -might- get something and that is -not- conducive to the gameplay. RNG is okay sometimes, but it is absolutely horrifying where it is right now.
Also I can guarantee you that people -will- want to work for these Legendaries, that is a goal people will strive for because they will see people running around with said item. If they want it, they work for it and put forth the effort for it and this upcoming system for precursors -will- accommodate that.
I highly doubt it will be in any way extremely easy to accomplish, as well. Maybe you’re okay with spending obscene amounts of money just trying to get your grabby hands on something shiny but myself and many other people would rather that not be the case.
@ TheBlackLeech.9360
Seems you not played many real beta / alpha well at least the non payed ones. Just watch videos of older game’s beta and alpha back when they where not selling you incompetent games and testing was helping the game makers and they where happy to have you play it for free.Obviously you did not play the Guild Wars 2 beta stress tests (prior to the game’s release) or you would not be making this statement.
The HoT stress test beta had literally less than 20 minutes worth of content to explore.
It is not even comparable to the amount of Living Story we would have available since hot was released if Anet was still giving us episodes.I know its nowhere near a finished project. (as I have stated over and over again in this thread) I know this was just a stress test… and I also know that compared to the other stress tests which I participated in for the game’s initial release…. this is a joke.
…and all of that is still unrelated to my concern that this “expansion” is just a bundle package of Living Story, some of which we would have probably already had in final and complete form by now.
We haven’t had a Living Story addition since the announcement of Hot.
We were getting content every two weeks in the form of living world.
How many episodes are we going to miss before the expansion comes out?
How much of this “expansion” is just going to be the Living Story which we would have already had by the time it is released.
Why are we going to have to pay for something that is being delivered in a method more undesirable that what we had before when it was free?
Living World Seasons are supplementary to the content of larger releases.
Living World is not going to stop. There will be HoT story instances and then Living World Seasons to come after that.
I will say this again. Living World is not going to stop. Colin said this himself in multiple interviews.
Basically their new method of content release is going to go like this, based on how things have developed.
Guild Wars 2 Release > Living World Seasons > Heart of Thorns Release > Living World Seasons > Next Expansion Release > Living World Seasons > Etc.
Yes, the expansion seems like it is “lacking” in content, but what you experienced in that Stress Test was only a -tiny- piece of what will be available when HoT comes out in full release.
You’re concerned about things that have already been elaborated on which sadly get lost within the Internet because it is spread through multiple sources.
I will also reiterate what someone else said earlier in this thread; Do not think of this in terms of having the same amount of content that WoW would deliver in an expansion. Notice what happens with those. They load it up with big chunks of content with fairly large spans of time between large updates and it all gets blown through in maybe a month and then people have to wait, wait, wait, and wait.
GW2 is taking a more procedural approach. More consistent, frequent releases with an Expansion to introduce larger, newer features (Guild Halls, new PvP mode, New Class, etc) so as to keep things more consistent. They are even going to be adding a feature in HoT that is essentially enabling re-playability in older maps in the form of those Map Bonuses we’ll be getting with rewards and such (t6 materials being among them) for participation in events.
Sometimes I feel like people don’t pay attention to information before going off on a rant in a forum like this.
From that point on until a different question arises gives a pretty clear view that Living Story will likely make a return. It will very much be a sort of bridge between the large releases (possibly more expansions). Essentially becoming the in between live release content that furthers the story without having to go uber-mode like WoW or other MMORPGs have when they want to advance their “story”.
(if GW2 lasts that long)
These statements all severely bug me.
If an MMORPG has lasted for at least over two years it’s likely going to have many more years ahead. Everquest 1 is still pumping out expansions. The only times we see MMORPGs actually killed off, or just closed down, is when the company actually believes it’s development to be -that- stagnant or, in the case of Warhammer Age of Reckoning, the game shuts down due to dev incompetence.
Just needed to get that out.
Revenant Starting Area [Possible Spoilers]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125
Short version is that we don’t know anything yet so while we can all speculate don’t start tearing each other’s throats out over your disagreements in -speculation- and -unconfirmed- information.
With that said, Revenant in this case does not mean one has become undead, it means one who has returned. It can mean both, it just depends on the context it is used in. Revenant is derived from the word reveniens, which is Latin for ‘returning’.
I rather dislike when people only, for some reason, understand one piece of the definition of a word and not look at the context it is being used in. Just…egh.
Well we still don’t know how the Revenant is going to be introduced story wise aside from us knowing that Rytlock is the first one and it was said that he will be training new ones.
Revenants may get their own starting point, outside of the typical racial ones, so as to make more sense within the lore but we don’t know that yet and it’s at least something I hope they will do because I agree it’d be extremely off for a charr Revenant to be going to see Rytlock in the beginnings of the Personal Story if you pick Blood Legion.
Now also understand that okay this looks like something to please the “ritualist/dervish crowd” but also remember that both of those classes were also called Professions, even the Ritualist which got its magical powers the same way a Revenant is. From The Mists.
Also I wouldn’t call this ‘retconning’, that would imply a deliberate, immense and drastic change to already established lore foundations to accommodate for something that was previously impossible to implement with the standard lore. Which…is not true in this case seeing as Ritualists already had an established lore foundation, as did the Dervish. I mean I can understand some people having an issue with Rytlock teaching others this class seeing as he can be kind of a prick, but that all falls under preference.
The Revenant was built out of things that were already established in the lore as plausible. If you don’t like these parts of it, okay sure that’s fine, but that doesn’t invalidate the idea of a Revenant because you don’t like the segment of lore that is the Dervish and Paragon (as you stated in a previous post).
Keep in mind that Warriors and Rangers had no Spells in GW1. These would be the people who do not act upon their magical capabilities. Ranger spirits were rather explicitly not the same kind of magic that is tied to the Bloodstones, but is actually far older, as it was around even before the gods gifted Magic to mortal races. These two and Engineers currently do ignore the Bloodstones because what they draw from for power is not what gets filtered.
Thieves are a little funky. Not easy to tie them down as being “magic” or just ridiculous skill. Aggression would be the school that best fits them, though.
No they did not, but you could multiclass in GW1 with Professions that used magic and Anet said very early on before GW2 came out that some of their classes are kind of meshed together with ones from GW1. So while Warrior as a base did not use magic, you generally multiclassed with something that did. Or you could and that’s kind of the point. Each person has an affinity to magic on Tyria, it just varies by the degree of their affinity or the effort put forth to expand upon that affinity.
You also have to remember that magic in GW is not rigid, it’s actually invariably flexible despite the limitations of, basically, 1 magic school per person. So I think their nature magic can very well fall under Preservation. I also don’t recall Rangers ever being described as using a completely different kind of magic to everyone else, just that they utilized nature rituals and that it was unique to them…just like elemental magic tends to be unique to Elementalists or death magic to Necromancers.
(edited by KryTiKaL.3125)
Actually the point you’re making about it is that it -is- about the quantity. You’re the one who said “too small”.
Sure it might seem like there is less content or features coming with this than your typical expansion, but the -quantity- of such things actually factors into it in that case.
Not to mention the content of this expansion falls right in line with GW2. Its quite literally -expanding- rather than adding some standalone game to their original. Which is what Factions and Nightfall were on GW1 and EOTN was the actual legitimate -expansion- for GW1 and added, comparatively, just about the same amount of content. Not to mention it’s just as Rin said, this is going to shape the path for newer features and further expansions upon the rest of the game.
Anet actually put their patches, Living World and Feature Packs together, to take the basis of one thing and expand upon it. The same will very much happen with HoT I imagine. Maintaining a MMORPG is a much longer ordeal than just one release and they want to lay a foundation for things to come so they can tweak and fine tune things along the way and make things better.
Which, honestly, is a smart move from the developer standpoint.
Don’t forget how atrocious dungeons were back when GW2 released in terms of even being -slightly- rewarding.
You do have that right, sure, but also we still don’t know how expansive everything is. We don’t have -that- much information despite all we’ve learned.
—We don’t know the exact sizes of the areas we will be able to access across the three biomes
— We don’t know how extensive the specialisations will be whether they replace all trait lines for the class or just one
—We don’t know how masteries work 100% yet we have very little information on them aside from the base description and a few examples with no detailed information
—We don’t know how much content Guild Halls will actually be adding to the game (do I think they should have been included at launch, sure, but I’m not being a whiny brat about it), on top of if they are going to be utilized for GvG purposes which is being added to the game as well
—We don’t know how much content the Revenant itself might be adding, we still know nothing about how it is actually going to be introduced into the game alongside the other classes from a lore perspective
—We don’t know how abundant using the hang glider will be in the new zones, we can speculate a lot, but we still don’t have that kind of detailed information
—We don’t know if they are going to ‘turn their back’ on the Living World, very likely -not-, so you can’t make any kinds of claims like this
We simply don’t have enough information and I think you’re jumping the gun based upon a rather…irrational emotional response to needing to spend money on an expansion. You have to consider that if they bundled this stuff into Living World it wouldn’t be released all in one big go, it’d be released across -months- of the Living World where -those- were small and had relatively very bland content that you could blow through in a day, if even that. Sure it was good for story, but outside of that…it’s very dry content wise and only lasted for very brief periods. Silverwastes was nice and all, and I think that it’s how they should have done Orr, but that is only one piece of literally -months- of other Living World pieces from Season 2.
Don’t be cheap. Not wanting to pay for a subscription is one thing, but basically trying to find every and any excuse at all to try and justify -not- paying for this, or complaining about having to pay for it, is just tremendously annoying since you’ve made -multiple- threads just dedicated to whining.
Orpheal I think you took things just a tad bit too literally with how they are referring to it as a Revenant.
TheDaiBish makes a good point of the origins of the actual word and not just its mythological connotations in norse or medieval western european mythology.
So much hate on this for practically no reason. People are funny, aren’t they?
Warriors, Thieves, Rangers, and Engineers actually don’t use any of the four schools of magic. Three bypass any form of magic entirely (Engineers replacing it with technology, Warriors and Thieves with skills), and Rangers don’t directly use any magic themselves, instead performing rituals to summon nature spirits that have the magical effects (and bypass the bloodstones entirely). Revenants, drawing power from the Mists instead of Tyria, also bypass the Bloodstones.
Actually it’s said that every person in Tyria has some affinity with magic, what matters is if they actually act upon it or how strong their affinity to it is. Sure you can RP a warrior not using magic, or an Engineer not using it, or a Ranger or a Thief not using it but the idea remains that they -can- and -will-. Unlike in WoW the abilities presented on GW2 professions are actually -canon-, Anet has a good track record going all the way back to GW1 with how they actually make nearly all content in their game actually -canon-. If Thieves didn’t use some kind of magic then they wouldn’t use some kind of magic, especially considering they were derived from the Assassin from GW1 which very obviously used magic and so does the Thief.
Also mind you a ranger performing a ritual to summon spirits…that -is- magic, that isn’t a natural physical feat of a typical mortal being. Also you can’t bypass the Bloodstones…it’s the Bloodstones, unless somehow all Rangers are of King Doric’s descent. And as for Revenants yeah, they use the power form the Mists but they are the only case in which they do not draw upon -typical- magic. Ritualists did the same thing.
Well sure it might be “elemental” in some kind of sense but so isn’t Guardian magic with the flames they can conjure. Same goes for Warriors. But in a sense I feel like Preservation fits more with Rangers seeing as their orientation toward nature rather than just “elemental” damage.
You have to remember there are four schools of magic that each profession generally ties itself to.
Elementalists use Destruction.
Guardians and Rangers (possibly though never confirmed) use Preservation.
Mesmers and Thieves use Denial.
Necromancers and Warriors use Aggression.
And Engineers I feel use Aggression as well but nothing is ever really clear as to what school of magic they might more utilize over others.
Revenant is going to fall into it’s own category as they draw their magic directly from The Mists.
While yes Necromancers are described as drawing on life force, their power comes more from -The Underworld- which is Grenth’s domain within The Mists. Grenth was the one that stopped Dhuum, with the help of the Seven Reapers, and thus allowed Necromancy to be a practicable magic.
The Mists itself isn’t the domain of the dead, The Underworld within the Mists is and that is where the souls of the dead end up being brought. Generally by the Envoys.
Revenant =/= Necromancers. Two distinct sources of power for two distinct professions.
Also I repeated myself because otherwise I don’t think it’d get the point across. If you just poke your head in on the GW2 and even the GW1 wiki you’d understand.
Chewablesleeptablet I swear the only threads I’ve seen you post on here have simply been whining because you have to pay for the expansion.
You had to do the same thing with GW1 Factions, Nightfall -and- Eye of the North.
Yes, this is what you should expect. That is the nature of the beast that is a MMORPG.
Get over it.
It is that easy, sure, but that’s a kitten poor execution for it just cuz a bunch of people want to play a feathered kitten and are groaning about the fact that they built up these expectations for a new race themselves, Anet had -nothing- to do with it aside from one little offhand mention of races over two years ago.
From a lore perspective I don’t see the Tengu giving up their isolationist ideals very easily. Yes they are unified and yes they have knowledge of the Elder Dragons but it isn’t that they are just ‘secretive’ they also just don’t give a kitten about anyone else other than themselves.
Their society as a whole is not going to suddenly change it’s ways when they have essentially been hostile or ‘removed’ from the rest of the factions for hundreds of years.
Still think you’re taking a cinematic trailer that made no claims of showing actual gameplay footage a tad too literally.
Yes, it is showing game footage however it makes it plain and obvious that it’s for marketing purposes just from the content within the trailer itself seeing as how a majority of it was all cinematics.
Gameplay footage would be like what you see people livestream. It’s a completely different thing.
A trailer is meant to be a showcase of the content not the actual experience of the content.
That’d be like someone claiming “Oh I’ve seen the Heart of Thorns trailer. I’ve basically played the game now.”
Taking things way too literally here, bud.
if u dont like dont buy it =)
How would I know if I like it if I haven’t tried it? To try this expansion I am forced to buy it. #mindblown
And to try GW2 you were forced to buy it.
Why is this an issue for you now?
Stopping the Hypetrain: It won`t be as good?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125
Alright well what I think you should understand is that they didn’t go into this “with no idea how it will work or how it will be implemented.” That just isn’t intelligent development and a video game studio like Anet would not go and throw something out there that they haven’t been creating and planning for quite some time.
Sure people are going to feel like we should have gotten some of this stuff at release or at least soon after, however you have to account for the fact that GW2 was stepping into a different direction with MMORPGs and also that people whine and complain and beg for things, things that are being added in this expansion, and then when they announce such things are being released the other people whine and complain and beg about things that “could be different” or “should have been added”.
That is not our place to decide, not to mention quite a few of the things being introduced into this expansion, like specializations, are going to be foundations for further content releases and how they further advance professions and other mechanics of the game.
If Rytlock could change profession completely, does that mean that profession switching is a new feature in HoT?
No. I highly, highly doubt it.
Revenant's Personal Story/Timeline Problems
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KryTiKaL.3125
Actually it’s been entirely confirmed that Rytlock is the first Revenant and that he is going to be training new Revenants.
Johanson: Rytlock Brimstone is the first Revenant. He is the famous hero of the Charr and during the Living World’s second season, he disappeared into the mists, chasing after an incredibly powerful magical sword. Through his journeys in the mists, he has mastered the power of the mists and he is returning to teach everyone how to be a Revenant.
We’ll just have to see how they intend to handle this. They have a good track record with keeping things like this canon (like in GW1 where the classes from the standalones were only able to be created on their respective continents they hailed from) so…we’ll see.
Faith as a word (mind you with synonyms), sure, but remember it can both be a term and a philosophy.
I just want to make it clear that it’s not just faith as a philosophy. Faith, as a word, can also be replaced with loyalty, or hope, confidence, conviction, and belief. As well as others that just aren’t popping into my head right now.
Actually… the guardian is based on faith. It just doesn’t matter what the faith is placed in. Faith in your companions is just as powerful as faith in the Six Gods or the Eternal Alchemy.
I didn’t say faith didn’t have anything to do with it, I’m saying that it isn’t entirely based upon faith.
Guardians use Preservation magic which entails protecting one’s allies or preserving one’s own life through healing, defensive magics or even the smiting of one’s foes and the dominating of the battlefield to preserve your life and the lives of others.
It’s broad enough that one could use faith as a means of justifying preserving life or serving a deity, like one of the Six Gods, but it’s not simply about faith as a philosophy.
“They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity’s defensive nature and the charr’s desire to rule the battlefield.”
Just keep in mind that “Druid” in GW2 does -not- entail the same things as “Druid” in WoW or EQ.
They are a relatively different being altogether. I would expect more support based magic, sure, but don’t expect dedicated healing.
Are you sure he’s the first?
It’s always possible that there are others out there right now, just not drawing attention to themselves. Rytlock would then be the first well known one, but not the first.
As for how they’ll deal with the class taking down Zhaitan and the like? Imagine if, for some strange reason, nobody ever rolled an engineer. The game goes a couple of years, and nobody makes one. Now, suddenly, someone rolls one and goes through the living story. As far as the story’s concerned, it’s nothing important. They can do the same here. There were always revenants, as far as the story is concerned.
Johanson: Rytlock Brimstone is the first Revenant. He is the famous hero of the Charr and during the Living World’s second season, he disappeared into the mists, chasing after an incredibly powerful magical sword. Through his journeys in the mists, he has mastered the power of the mists and he is returning to teach everyone how to be a Revenant.
He is the first, this has outright been confirmed. Also when you talk about the Mists you have to understand that…the Mists is a rather…mystical place. It transcends dimensions. Remember, WvW is actually canon and we are canonically fighting against the inhabitants of the other versions of Tyria. I highly doubt that the powers it may allow to be bestowed upon any one individual takes into account any degree of racism. I don’t think “it” cares.
Think about Charr and their Guardians. One could’ve speculated at one point, early on, that the Guardian profession (Preservation magic) is somewhat about a type of faith seeing as how closely related it is to the Monk profession from GW1 when we know that to not be true now. However we still have to wait for more information on this just like a lot of the other things coming in this expansion.
Druids in the GW universe aren’t your typical healer types. They are connected to nature, in a rather profound way, but they don’t fit into the typical “Shapeshifting into animals” or “Only heal” category that we’ve seen a lot.
I am curious, though, about whether or not this might clear up some information about Druids themselves in lore. Since they were abundant in the Maguuma Jungle and were speculated to have once been human.
The baseless race hype is so tremendously painful to watch.
There is no new race. Stop asking for one when everyone already realizes Anet will not add one unless the story direction within the game leads to it.
I also explained this in another thread already.
None of the other races that are currently in GW2 actually have enough lore-friendly basis to even become a new playable race.
Kodan, Quaggan, Hylek, Skritt, Centaur, and other tribal style races do not have a completely unified society. They are all spread out across multiple clans or tribes or settlements all with their own leadership that does not answer to one single monarch or governing body.
Tengu -are- unified but they keep to themselves. They are described as being isolationists and are said to have unknown knowledge of the Elder Dragons yet -still- they do not come out and give the support of their race to the others of Tyria. They even shot hails of arrows at any, -any-, who approached their gates while Lion’s Arch was being obliterated by Scarlet.
TLDR; Tengu don’t give a kitten. I don’t see us getting to play them any time soon. If ever.
And yes, while Anet sometimes likes to keep details close to the chest they would have definitely announced it, really loudly, if there was going to be a new race. They like their hype trains, don’t ever discount that fact about them.
THe points is : It was and would have been one of the best features of the game
…Please elaborate. So far all we’ve established that guild halls bring to GW2 is a place for RP’ing and socializing. If those are your thing, great, but you have to be aware that not everyone feels that way.
True enough, but you also have to be aware that they aren’t just making Guild Halls for that reason. They will likely have “quality of life” additions that will be of use to players who focus upon other aspects of the game rather than just RP and socializing. Guild Halls did the same thing in GW1 and also provided a place for people to trade after confirming purchases of items off of GWGuru (GW1 version of the Trading Post).
They are there for a social aspect, but also I imagine they are going to be used for a more gameplay oriented aspect. However we do have very little information on it as of right now so what I’m spewing is just speculation based on observations and other information.
The short of it is; don’t discount it simply because “you don’t get it” because from where I’m sitting…it kind of seems like you’re a bit more of a solo MMORPG player than a social one.
Don’t get information twisted. Yeah they were used a sort of “meet up” spot, and can still be used that way, but in no way did people use them as an in general just “chill” out spot most of the time to replace Lion’s Arch or Ascalon City, or Kaineng. All of those were far more populated all of the time.
They are an amenity, but they are a big part of the guild experience in the Guild Wars franchise. It gives them a home so that should they need to, and should their needs in terms of guild focus require it, they have a place to cater to those needs and be there for other purposes.
To be honest I’m not sure why anyone was even hoping for a new race to be introduced. I certainly wasn’t expecting anything or even considering that Anet would ever add one. That’s just not what they do with the Guild Wars franchise.
Mind you they did add multiple races for GW2 itself, but you have to remember all of those races had prior setup all the way back to GW1, hence their presence in this game due to the build up from a slew of stories throughout nearly the entirety of the game.
Pretty much every other race, aside from the Tengu, has a much too widespread diversity of tribes. They don’t have some sort of central government or leadership like the races we can play now that they all congregate under.
Quite a number of the races people want to be playable, specifically Tengu, don’t make a lick of sense. They are more reserved, they prefer to be left out of everything else and think only for their own people. Granted there is the -one- Tengu that helps create weapons for The Pact but…that’s it. They are described as isolationists for a reason.
Not to mention if you want the Kodan they aren’t going to just suddenly decide to help out with the rest of the races outside of a few instances where a small tribe lends its aid. If they were going to lend the strength of their entire race to the larger kingdoms of Tyria then they would have done so when they first fled Jormag nearly over a century ago when he awoke.
So I know people want it but I don’t see it in the cards so early on. Anet actually likes their content to be lore friendly and have some sense of context and build up rather than just throwing it in there like a nonathletic fat kid throwing a baseball into the woods.
“I want to do this but idfk how or why.”
And mind you GW1 basically pumped out “expansions” like they were firing off a full-auto AR until EOTN. I think it’s reasonable that, maybe, they should take things just a tad slower this time. Although I do think the Living Story updates need a bit more content within them to keep them engaging so I, and others, don’t end up just blowing through it all in a week or less. Except for the Silverwastes, that’s still relatively interesting if not a bit tedious and I think they should expand on the concept they had for it. And I just…went way off track. I’ll stop.
I like this idea. It would expand upon the daily achievements that already exist for the game and give players, even RPers (I play on TC) something more to do. Make the rewards reasonably worthwhile for the challenge it may or may not present and I think it would work out great.
Yes, but it isn’t even a -huge- stat gap. Not to mention they are going to release it in stages and not all at once.
The complaints about it were -mostly- based around the fact that people -thought- it would result in a gear treadmill. That isn’t the case, as they have pointed out.
Now if you’re going to make that big of a deal over a tiny stat difference then -wow-, just -wow-.
Oh -also- they are going to release it for other aspects of content as well. WvW and whatever else. Chill your kitten, seriously.
(edited by KryTiKaL.3125)
Look at this.
And copy-pasting it for those too lazy to follow the link.
Our Studio Design Director Chris Whiteside just posted this:
“I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.
Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.
Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.
Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores."Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director
Now please stop your complaining. Thanks.
I’m trying to say the mechanic is a part of the gameplay. It isn’t some hitch or anything else. Timing matters, that i why it contributes to skilled play.
Also yeah, WoW takes no skill. I played it for kittening years and got disgusted at how easy things were getting starting in WOTLK and only saw it get worse in Cata.
GW2 combat is proven to be more skill based.
You voiced your opinion, that is all you did. You’re not doing anything more than trying to back it up by saying anyone else who might share it is just acting like they can’t be bothered to say anything about it.
Want to know my opinion? Get. Over. It.
The mechanic isn’t broken, you’re just clearly -way- too used to games holding your kitten hand.
Dude I’m playing a GS warrior, have been since the 27th of August. Haven’t kittened about this once. Know why? It isn’t a problem.
You might want to take a hint from the fact that you’re pretty much the only one complaining about this, or just one of the -very few-.
For shame Anet actually makes you have to appropriately time things to hit your target because making a game take skill is such a sin. Cause, you know, WoW certainly takes -tons- of skill to play.
Coughs up blood
Oh god, look at that. I’ve said that line so many times I’ve contracted a severe case of bronchitis.
Endgame is the entire game. From level 1 to level 80 and beyond.
People should just realize that by now, please.
Vanity is just vanity.
I just want to point something out that some people seem to be completely unaware of.
Server transfers are not meant to be free, they are only free for the time being while they get Server Guesting to work properly (aka being able to group with someone from another server and do a dungeon with them and whatnot). Once they do they will make server transfers require gems or a straight payment.
Well the cards would be able to be bought from a retailer, like Gamestop, which means they would come with a code that you put into a box in the Gem Store to redeem it and get the gems.
With the way that works it would be fairly easy to just give someone you want to buy gems for the code from that card and poof, all set.
Now I’m very, very positive I am not the only one wondering about this, especially since we already know this is going to be done. But with gem store cards that we can buy from retailers, when can we expect to see those go onto shelves at our local walmarts/gamestops/best buys?
So far the only information we have on them is “More information will be posted about this at a later date” but when exactly is that? We are over a month into the game’s release and I’m getting a little antsy because I do want to go out and spend like $20-$40 on some of those cards.
All I’m suggesting is give us an update or something, even if it just involves you telling us the order for them is going through to such and such companies to produce them or whatever.
Psst, guess what? If you’re calling for warriors to be more tanky you’re doing it wrong.
The gameplay for warrior isn’t about soaking up damage, it is about being heavily offense/support based. The closest thing to a “tank” would be a support build for a warrior with healing shouts+banners. They are not the mega tanks like they are portrayed in other MMOs. If you want that roll a Guardian, they have the most defense/“tank” related support skills.
Just to clarify on that, though, I know one can play the “but I want to be able to play the warrior the way I want and that is tanky” which is all fine and good, but each of the classes bring different mechanics to the table. Warriors have different support/defense trait/build mechanics than guardians do. Same can be said for all of the other classes.
First I just want to get something out there.
The Charr didn’t conquer the lands south of their initial homeland, it never says anything remotely relating to that. It just says they expanded southward. Expanding=/=conquering unless we know there was something living there in the first place. As to my knowledge the Seers, Dwarves and Mursaat were elsewhere, the Charr came into Tyria -very- early on.
Second the Charr society was built around the High Legions when the first Khan-Ur came to be. It unified them and quelled many of the internal conflicts. They are a heavily militaristic society and have been for a very long time. They held onto that society until the humans came into being and shoved them out of their expanded homeland, which caused the start of the hatred between the two races. Though I tend to sympathize more with the Charr seeing as the Humans face kitten any early possibility of coexistence by attacking them outright.
Now as for the main question, are they above the level of “barbarians” or “army ants” I would say yes. They are fairly similar to ancient Rome but with a much stronger focus on the military side. They have a very strong military and a unified society consisting of the Legions, but that does not mean they are nothing but soldiers. Blood Legion consists of -just- soldiers. They rush headlong into battle and carve everything up. Iron Legion consists of not only soldiers, but creators. They build machines of war and design complex mechanisms and even develop new kinds of technology to use. This does mean that they are blacksmiths in a very strong sense. To actually create these machines of war they need to have that skill set and blacksmithing is an -art-. The Ash Legion makes up the spies and such of the Charr society, they are intelligent but clever and I would imagine they are the more diplomatic types over the Blood Legion, but not as much over the Iron Legion.
Long story short, they have multiple facets of their society that makes it simple yet complex at the same time. Each one seemingly connecting to another and they take pride in whatever it is they do for their race, even if it might just be creating machinery and not actually fighting.
Most of your initial analysis of the Charr lore/information leads me to believe you actually haven’t taken a good amount of time to actually look into it. That isn’t meant as an insult, just as an observation.
Dungeons should be difficult, those of you who disagree clearly haven’t paid any attention to Anet’s official outlook of it. The frustration over the bugs is understandable, however they wouldn’t have to be scrambling to do these sorts of relatively quick fixes if people didn’t exploit in the first place. Granted you are always going to run into that kind of thing, that wasn’t what they are going to mainly look at when designing a dungeon. Just be patient and understand this: This is why we can’t have nice things.
As for pug groups and dungeons I honestly think pugs should be kept away from explorable mode dungeons. Why? Because it is meant to be a difficult, and a challenge to be able to get the right amount of tokens and get the armor and therefore a look that shows you busted your hump, put in the heavy effort and came out on top in a dungeon. Anet wanted this to be a competitive game as well as a cooperative one. If you are someone who pulls the “I don’t need no guild” line and yet you want to run dungeons then you’re in the wrong game. Even if you have a group of friends that you play with, that is your “guild” in a sense. If you came into this expecting to come out on top with the minimal amount of social effort then you are in the wrong genre of video games.
Personally I go with a gs/axe-axe set up for lots of damage or a gs/hammer set up for damage and control.
My trait build is 20/30/0/10/10 with a focus on greatswords, but also on crit and condition damage. The gear I went for was power/precision/condition damage with Sup Runes of Lyssa (165 Precision total, 10% increase in condition duration and heal/elite utility) with power/vit/crit damage trinkets (accessories/amulet/rings) and I do have to say I am very pleased with the results in PvE, both solo and in dungeons.
The thing about it is I don’t rely totally on HB to deal out my sustained damage (nor do I run around with frenzy in Dungeons), because HB is not sustained damage it is a “burst” skill (honestly it should be switched to that and we should be given something else in place of it on the normal bar). The damage is very persistent and in the current meta condition damage is a very deadly thing to deal out with any class.
In PvP this does remain true to a point, I’ve actually been handling mesmers/guardians a lot better with a sustained condition on them along with my ability to throw down a lot of damage with Eviscerate seeing as it is a legitimate burst skill unlike Arcing Slash which is just useless since I get the fury from SoR (and with my Sup Runes of Lyssa the duration gets stacked twice immediately) and it is hardly a “burst” skill.
Point is, find something that works for you and maybe it will work great. I did some experimentation with builds before the game even came out, and even afterwards. I didn’t come up with my current build until I was half decked in exotics from dungeons at 80.
Second boss before main boss? What?
The second boss, as far as I know especially since I’ve done the run before, is Gaheron and taking down the Eternal Flame in the Ritual Chamber.
Personally…I didn’t give a kitten about AC or anything that didn’t reward badges that got me level 80 exotics. I understand they can still be used for cosmetic reasons, but even people leveling up and doing those dungeons at the appropriate levels are just going to replace that gear that they likely grinded for hours, even days, to get and hell they probably would have out leveled the gear by the time they finished getting enough badges for it all.
I’m all for a challenge, and hell this is much less of a grind than it was to get good looking gear in GW1, but overall the structure of it seems lax and unrewarding.
My point: If you want the players to diversify what dungeons they run, across the GW2 playerbase as a whole, then for the LOVE OF GOD tone down the badge amounts for the gear and give -all- of the dungeons level 80 gear sets (hell throw in level 80 explorable modes for the lower level dungeons if you want, whatever makes you happy) otherwise it is pointless as hell for people to waste their time to get something purely for cosmetic reasons when the stats themselves aren’t even worth it.
The reason people did CoF and other speed runs is because they were actually rewarding in some way. Now its just…meh.