I agree with all. I’d put #3 as the highest priority.
The highest guild on every server is almost certainly 500. The large guilds rarely have more than 50 members online at any time though. With your suggestion, I could make a 1 person guild and get influence equivalent to a guild with 500 members where they are all online at the same time and actively playing.
The point of influence is to reward people for playing together.
I’m giving this a bump to get more exposure. We’ve only had a couple people join for the missions so far, but they were all very appreciative of our missions being public. I think more people need to see this so that everyone can get access to their weekly rewards.
Yes, random world bosses would be awesome!
By the way, they already had a rabbit boss in BWE 1.
I do notice that you’re not asking for dalies and monthlies to stop earning acheivements, when they, presumably offer the same “impairment.” Acheivement points are supposed to be some sort of future currency, or tabulation, or something. Following the concept of play your way, why should entropy nutters not get to earn them their way?
I’m not opposed to the way daily achievement points work, because they are finite. At the current rate, if you do every single daily achievement every day for a year, you will earn about 3k achievement points. Whereas with entropy, you can get a 100k in one week if you wanted to, and it is not bounded by anything.
Seeing as a lot of small guilds are still struggling to unlock their guild missions and the posts about large guilds hosting public missions are sporadic, Darkhaven Elite will open our missions to the public for a week. The week will be a trial period and depending on how it goes, we might or might not make it a permanent thing.
The reason our public missions might be slightly more appealing than the ones posted in the past is because we have a missions schedule that is posted on our calendar:
All the times are in PST (Server Time). This calendar is normally only visible to members, but for the next week we are making it public.
What we do:
-We only do fully organized T3 Bounties (to earn 25 merits) on Saturdays. If your reason for joining a mission is to learn how to complete T3 Bounties so you can take this information back to your guild, then only join the Saturday bounty.
-We do T3 bounties almost every night of the week just for those of our members who have not gotten their personal reward yet that week (because not everyone can make the Saturday bounty). In these bounties, we start the bounty without finding the targets, then I choose the easiest of the 6 targets, and everyone who needs their rewards proceeds to search and kill that one target.
What we ask of you:
-If you want to join for any of the scheduled missions, please message me (Kuzzi) or any of our other officers within an hour before the scheduled mission.
-After the mission, please kindly leave the guild so that we can have space for people who want to join future missions.
This achievement having no cap undermines the value of all other achievements.
Please explain how.
It takes months of commitment to complete all Slayer, Boss, and Jumping Puzzle achievements. You can earn the same number of achievement points you would earn from all those achievements by simply salvaging for an hour straight.
I’ve seen these same suggestions hundreds of times since launch, and never seen an official response. I think it’s disappointing that guilds are ignored in “Guild Wars 2”.
The worst part is that these improvements would have enormous benefits for guilds and are for the most part very easy to implement. I know quite a few players who gave up and quit because they had expected to get either these mechanics or a response about them months ago.
Just make it increase linearily like that guy with the 25k suggested himself:
First tier: 100
Second tier: 200
Third tier: 300
Fourth tier: 400The guy with the 25k would be down to less than 10k with a simple measure like that.
10k would still be way too much. I think there should be a hard cap of no more than 1k. It took me 7 months of doing a whole range of achievements to earn 5k, I don’t think it should be possible to get 10k in one day by buying and salvaging a bunch of whites.
This achievement having no cap undermines the value of all other achievements. Even if the cap is as high as 1000, it would make all other achievements much more worthwhile.
I know Eijin announced that they would have this feature “within a month” back in October, but they never actually got it.
Is there a guild website hosting service out there that has a feature that could automatically load and synchronize the guild roster from Guild Wars 2?
I agree with this suggestion.
I think AoE’s should be split between PvE and WvW. Keep the 5 target limit in WvW, but remove it in PvE.
Yeah I cant wait. We are doing ours tonight! Quick question though. Will guildies on otger servers be able to guest and still recieve the perssonal rewards?
No, you have to be in the same server to receive the personal chest.
If it is indeed weekly, when is the weekly reset?
I believe no one outside of Anet knows the answer to this question. Right now my best guess is that it is on Friday at the same time as the WvW reset.
And no, you can only get 2 commendations a week from bounty’s, doesn’t matter which tier and you only have to kill one boss.
That’s what I assumed originally but I got 2 each day.
Now I’m speculating that the personal mission reward might be a daily thing and that it is one per mission (no matter what mission type).
The personal rewards are the same for all tiers.
And no, those of us who did bounties both days only have 4 commendations.
How, exactly, do you fix that?
And don’t take the easy way out and say “roll it all back / take out the guild missions”. Solve the problem as it lies.
Releasing a watered down bounty mission “tier 0” at AoW level 4 (or even 3), with only one bounty, reduced merit gain, drop rate and only 1 commendation would be a good start. Preferably followed by watered down versions of other missions at other level 4’s (some would be easy. “tier 0” puzzle would likely take some time).
Small guilds would have something to occupy them while waiting for the bigger missions unlocks. It would stop the perception of being gated from content (which is the main reason of hemorrhaging players to the bigger guilds). It would force big guilds to adopt again a nicer attitude, because their potential (and current) members would have other options and could simply go elsewhere.
I think this is a reasonable solution. I don’t think there is a need to lower the requirements for the missions because in my opinion the influence is not the problem, but making easier versions of missions for smaller guilds to be able to complete would definitely be a good thing.
At the same time, it would keep us bigger guilds happy because our content wouldn’t get easier.
Discussion Ending Post:
I created a guild of 5 people for the purpose of trying to understand things from the perspective of people in small guilds. We cleared our bags and began farming CoF path 1 for 2.5 hours. (We can speed clear in about 6-8 minutes, but even for newer players doing it in 15-30 minutes is fairly easy). After completing 20 runs, we exchanged tokens for ectos and sold them to the highest buy orders on the market. We then pooled our gold together and had just over 73g – enough to buy 36500 influence.
I’m not sure where people are coming up with “years”, because that is just not the case if you exchange gold for influence. After this little experiment, my conclusion is that the guilds who are complaining are just not willing to put in the effort.
Fast speed running farming is not “effort”, but a playstyle which not everyone adheres to. In short, I dare you ask ANet developers if they intended for all players to play that way, and if they even expected it-exactly, so shouldn’t you, as the way you and your friends play (which yo uare entitled to) is not representative of everybody else’s.
If I were them, I would fix any and all Dungeons where speed farming is possible, to be honest, so that you understand the “effort” that other people play the game with besides your own.
A vigorous or determined attempt.
I think going outside the box and doing something you don’t normally do (for only a couple hours) qualifies as effort.
And with your guild of 5 people, were you able to do the first bounty?
I can buy influence. I’m not sure how that’s work, but I can do it. So then what?
Well, we’d need at least 15 people to guarantee succeeding in a bounty. But, if we take our chances guessing where the targets are we would have about a 1/3 chance of completing the mission with 5.
(edited by Moderator)
Discussion Ending Post:
I created a guild of 5 people for the purpose of trying to understand things from the perspective of people in small guilds. We cleared our bags and began farming CoF path 1 for 2.5 hours. (We can speed clear in about 6-8 minutes, but even for newer players doing it in 15-30 minutes is fairly easy). After completing 20 runs, we exchanged tokens for ectos and sold them to the highest buy orders on the market. We then pooled our gold together and had just over 73g – enough to buy 36500 influence.
I’m not sure where people are coming up with “years”, because that is just not the case if you exchange gold for influence. After this little experiment, my conclusion is that the guilds who are complaining are just not willing to put in the effort.
Same exact thing here, small guilds will get guild missions, just not as fast as large guilds. (And they can get it just as fast if they just put in the effort to farm influence/gold)
Are you sane?
How does an 8 person Guild possibly farm 50,000 influence in the same amount of time as a 500 person Guild?
First of all, I didn’t say small guilds can get the same amount of influence as large guilds. I said they can get enough influence to buy guild missions.
An 8 person guild could farm 50k influence by farming gold or buying gems and turning gold into influence. If your members are not willing to contribute gold for influence then maybe they don’t care enough about guild missions.
I wasn’t asking about relevance to guild missions, I thought my questions was a simple one without any implications. and was directed towards scaling.
please do not take what I said and try to add something in there I clearly did not say.
which is a common thing in this thread.
This is a thread about guild missions. If your input is not relevant to guild missions then you are in the wrong thread.
so if 5 ppl each spent one dollar and 50 ppl each spent one dollar, which single person spent the most amount of money?
I agree with you on some of your points, but this one no. If you decide to respond please answer the question first.
Answer: Each person spent the same amount of money.
Relevance to guild missions: None.
The correct question would be if a group of 5 people each spent 1 dollar and a group of 50 people each spent 1 dollar, which group would be able to afford a $50 item first.
Same exact thing here, small guilds will get guild missions, just not as fast as large guilds. (And they can get it just as fast if they just put in the effort to farm influence/gold)
Yeah it resets weekly. It likely resets at 4 PM pacific time on some day of the week (as dailies reset at 7 EST/day)
The day of the week is really important to me. If it reset on Friday, we have to speed up bounty and finish them before the reset.
Well, I had posted this in a separate thread but it got closed and I was told to post it here. Even though it is totally unrelated to the discussion in this thread, here it goes:
What time/day do the rewards for Guild Missions reset?
If there was no cap, or point where you got less influence for each person completing, very large guilds would be getting insane amounts of influence.
Very large guilds already have insane amounts of influence.
I think defining a rigid cap is not really possible because there is no way to make that fair. 20 members might work for one guild, but another would want 25. At the same time, the guild with 5 members would feel cheated.
A good and much needed system in GW2 is a timer on ppl active. So if a person has no rep for x number of day the guild leader can look and see what going on maybe kicking the person to asking the person how they could make a better guild. We could go as far as added in a system of last time logged on.
A guild is only as good as it members so the rewards should be build in now there should be guild aimed events to build up infuses for there guild leading to guild events.That is exactly the reason they don’t have the system in when they have it in GW1.
Individual power.
As a result, we have people in our guild who haven’t logged in since August.
If that bother you kick them (even invite back in case it might be a mistake).
What is the problem?
There is no last login feature so I don’t know if they logged in yesterday while I was sleeping.
I like this idea – minus the diminishing bonuses part.
Sorry I don’t like that idea. I shouldn’t be able to get an armor set from a dungeon I never ran.
Pretty much this.
I agree. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.
A good and much needed system in GW2 is a timer on ppl active. So if a person has no rep for x number of day the guild leader can look and see what going on maybe kicking the person to asking the person how they could make a better guild. We could go as far as added in a system of last time logged on.
A guild is only as good as it members so the rewards should be build in now there should be guild aimed events to build up infuses for there guild leading to guild events.That is exactly the reason they don’t have the system in when they have it in GW1.
Individual power.
As a result, we have people in our guild who haven’t logged in since August.
Thank you very much for this amazing new content. This has really brought our guild together to work towards earning influence for missions and hoping to tackle these in the future.
Although the prices are steep, I think they are fair. I wouldn’t want to have been handed everything at once, I feel like earning something is a lot more gratifying. Please do not give in to the cries of those who like getting everything for free.
I sure hope a red post comes. If the reset is indeed on Friday then speeding up the bounty mission will be worth it.
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
Best idea I’ve ever seen.
Day of the week can be automated.
Well it has to be a weekday.
What time/day do the rewards for Guild Missions reset?
Hey everyone. I’d like to make an offer to small-medium sized guilds on the Darkhaven server.
I represent Darkhaven Elite [DHE]. We are an established guild and have been on the server from the start. Over time, we have racked up a good amount of influence, 800k+ , which will come in handy for unlocking all guild missions. However, due to our relaxed recruitment strategies our active membership is lower than we would like. We currently have 20-50 people online at most times, but we would really like to push that up to 100. We have set up a very thoroughly organized rank system (http://darkhavenelite.us/sections/ranksystem), but we lack officers to fill it.
I am hoping that we could find a guild that would be willing to merge into our guild. What we have to offer are active forums, officer positions for your leaders, active TeamSpeak server set up with advanced permissions and character badges, and most importantly a very friendly and skilled group of players. In addition to preserving your community and gaining access to guild missions, both sides would benefit from getting new people to play with. I believe that any gaming style that your guild is into could fit well within our guild. We like to play all aspects of the game, but PvE is definitely preferred by most of our members. Our rank system is set up in a way where if your guild strongly leans towards one style of game play, you could take leadership of that style and have strong influence on how we go about it.
PM me in-game if you would like to discuss a merge in more detail: Kuzzi
Check out our website at http://www.darkhavenelite.us/
A 10-person guild that was around since the start would easily have enough influence to afford any missions they want. You will not get all missions unlocked immediately for free.
Case Closed
I find it amazing that people can be given so much amazing free content and complain about it. People are making it seem like 30k influence is impossible to get.
First of all, you can pool together money and buy the influence to buy any of the missions you want.
Second of all, the fact that you cry that you have to choose which ones you get and expect to get them all immediately is pathetic.
Lastly, these missions finally reward large guilds for all the hard work they have put into organization over the past 6 months. New guilds will have to take time to get the influence for missions and that is totally appropriate.
The entire mechanic of encouraging guild hopping was a fail from the start.
Is there a mechanic in place to prevent someone from guild hopping and racking up 100+ commendations and multiple pre-cursors on the first day?
Not sure if this is a bug or it is intended (although I can’t think of a good reason why that would be). I tried every salvage kit in the game and they just don’t do anything.
They will continue making all dungeons easier because that’s what majority of the community wants. That’s why I hope that they introduce a hardcore mode for hardcore players to keep both sides happy.
And no, fractals is not what I’m suggesting because I’d like to play the other dungeons too. Also, fractals are great, but the only way to beat levels 40+ is by exploiting so I’m not going to continue doing those until future updates are added.
Or, create a separate keybind for reviving
Please add a hardcore mode to all dungeons. I think it would be fine if the paths were exactly the same as explorable, except with slightly stronger/more mobs. Most importantly, make it so that there are no waypoints in this mode, and if a team wipes they are out of the dungeon.
The rewards for this mode could be just a little higher than explorable, but it would definitely keep all the hardcore players entertained. As of now, all dungeon paths with the exception of Arah path 4 (because Dwayna feels bugged) are way too easy in my opinion.
Please don’t troll on my serious thread.
Elementalist CAN be the highest ranged DPS in the game, but only if it is 10x squishier than the next highest DPS. (aka – get 1-hit by trash mobs in high level fractals)
Elementalist is by no means the best tank in the game. Eles survivability is very prominent in WvW, due it it’s mobility/healing. This does not transfer over to PvE where fully tank speced eles are about as tanky as berzerker geared warriors. Additionally, tank specing an ele forces us to play one build – support.
When looking for groups for fractals 25+, I very often see groups “lfm no ele/thief”. Lately, I haven’t been able to find a group unless I ran with guildies, who also complain about the elementalist not being very useful.
Furthermore, I recently saw the post about AoE nerfs… If this happens, the elementalist will become completely useless. I really hope Anet does something to salvage my class because I really love the elementalist and I don’t want to have to reroll as a guardian, warrior, or mesmer to be able to enjoy high level fractals.
I agree with OP’s 2nd point. The lack of guild functionality is the main reason most of my friends stopped playing.
I disagree with the other points thought. I don’t think gw2 is a solo game – I’ve played most of it alongside friends. And I definitely would not like to see an item treadmill – I’ve had a carrot dangled in front of me in games in the past, and I love that gw2 took that out.
Sure, that works. But usually by the time Anet realizes there is an exploit there are already a handful of players who have abused the exploit.
Additionally, from the time they find out about the exploit, it only takes a little longer to implement a quick fix than it does to formulate an official in-game mail letter.