Bump. We killed Vale Guardian with 2:13 left today – not bad for a PvX guild.
Is this thread serious? Please stop crying and play the game.
There are MANY more Mastery Points available than what is needed to max out all Masteries.
Thank you for the fixes Lawton, the achievements with counter issues seem to be resolved.
I still want to report that some achievements are not being tracked correctly. For example, the Master specialization achievements:[2385,2448,2471,2353,2384,2395,2455,2593]
The completed ones show up as current=0. The ones that are not completed do not get returned at all in the “/account/achievements” query.
I definitely agree 100% that buffs should be changed to allow using more than one simultaneously.
There is already a discussion about this and other guild related issues here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/Guild-Features-what-s-great-what-s-missing/first#post5719150
That is definitely a scam. You should use the in-game Report tool to report it.
Also, this is the wrong forum for this post.
No matter what angle i use the erase tools from I can’t remove this thing…
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
I guess I don’t understand why you need to switch buffs 15 times a day. Do you literally do like one pvp match, and then do one event, and then go gather ten nodes, and then go back to do another pvp match, and then zone in to wvw to cap one camp or something?
If that’s the case i can see how adding more loading screens to your already massive self imposed giant number of loading screens would be an issue.
If It’s that you have to visit the hall after an hour of PvP when you switch gears to go do events, I don’t get how that’s a massive inconvenience, or why you wouldn’t be in the hall already to access the services, bank, etc. there in stead of LA since the load time is way faster.
I’m not sure why you’re playing devil’s advocate. There are 2 simple solutions that would be a clear improvement over the current implementation:
- Leave the 24 hour potion approach but make it give all guild buffs
OR - Let us simply switch the buffs through the guild window
I feel like no matter what your view is, you should think that one or the other solution is leaps and bounds better over the current implementation. I would be happy with either.
Bumpitty bump. Now is the best time to join.
If you don’t mind joining a guild that’s not NSP based I think you’d love our community in Darkhaven Elite [DHE].
Check our post here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/PvX-Darkhaven-Elite-DHE/first#post5741117
Message me here or in-game if you want to ask any questions or give us a try. I guarantee you’ll love it if you join.
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
You’re saying you find it tedious to click a button, walk ten feet, visit a vendor, and then click the same button?
Slap 2 load screens on each of those times and the need to switch buffs ~15 times per day if you like to play a variety of content, and yes it does become VERY tedious.
I don’t like to be forced to play the game one way or another. I run a PvX guild and I myself like to experience everything in the game. Having to constantly switch buffs is an unnecessary inconvenience.
You have to first “Launch Mission” from the guild window before you can click the flag.
It also increased your guild exp. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
My guild is waiting for Heavy Supply Bags to be added back into loot tables so we can proceed with our next Guild Hall upgrade…
How can such an oversight be left alone and still not addressed over two weeks after it was introduced?
(For those unaware, Heavy Loot Bags used to drop in WvW before HoT, but they don’t anymore and are still required for War Room upgrades)
Although this incentive would for sure drive many guilds into WvW, it’s simply too much. They want guilds to be on even grounds – the only option to increase the Aetherium rate right now is paying 100,000 influence for a 1.05x speedup.
Such an unfair advantage would surely create many conflicts between guilds on the same server (for who claimed an objective) and would result in a lot of chaos.
It appears that many other achievements have the same issue – not just with the counter but the done flag as well. Although, that flag might just be comparing current to max.
The current field is always stuck on either 1 (Slayer, Weaponmaster, PvP Titles) or 0 (Explorer, Dive Master, Treasure Hunter, etc.)
Some additional, potentially useful info:
Many of achievements which are stuck at current=1 actually should be completed. Is the current field being written to instead of done? For example, my completed Slayer achievements appear to have a count of 1 (instead of 1000) while the incomplete ones have the actual kill count.
I found a bug in the Slayer achievements (ids = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,16,23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,36,38,39,40,41,43,44,45,46,47,48,50,51,52)
The status of all of them on my account is current=1,max=1000,done=False.
What?! When I asked about this just over a month ago you didn’t even know if it was possible. Lawton for President 2016!
No really though, this opens up so many cool things I can do for my guild. You’re the best.
Hey Joe!
I’ve got an active guild that I think would be a good fit for you. Check out the thread I made a couple hours ago.
Feel free to contact me in-game if you have any questions.
Please address Raziel’s question. To take a simple poll look at this thread and see which side is the majority…
There is plenty of casual content in the game. We are not asking for that to be changed. Please let us have the tiny amount of slightly more challenging content. You are greedy and want to take it all away from us.
GW2 is not a hardcore game, it is not for you. It is a casual game for casual players, and they gain nothing by alienating those players.
When did you decide this and who made you the boss?
GW1 had a lot of hardcore content and because that had been missing from GW2, many players were alienated and still play GW1 to this day. Making parts of GW2 more challenging will help bring those players to GW2.
Darkhaven Elite [DHE] is looking for new members.
About us:
DHE has been around since the game’s launch and is purely a Guild Wars 2 guild.
We are NOT a multiple platform gaming community so you can expect us to keep on going strong for many years to come.
Our main goal is to have fun with the game. Although our core members come from strictly hardcore gaming backgrounds, we are all getting older and taking on more life responsibilities, so we are taking a slightly more casual approach this time around. We have no explicit age requirement, but we expect all members to be mature. We will always maintain a fun atmosphere, but we will also get things done when it comes down to it. That being said, if you are not comfortable with either a guild that likes joking around a lot or hearing a couple curse words being thrown in here and there, this probably is not the place for you.
What we have to offer:
- Over 400 members with people online around the clock.
- Guild Leaderboard: Our Hall of Fame is an automatic API-powered guild leaderboard that lists the accomplishments of all our members in all aspects of the game. As new API endpoints are released, we will continue expanding our leaderboard to highlight all possible accomplishments.
- Guild Hall: The Guild Hall is a huge focus for us and we plan to be among the first guilds to reach guild level 80. We hope to be first but it’s hard to make that claim this early on. Maybe with YOUR help we can make that happen.
- Fractals/Dungeons: We have people able to efficiently do any fractals/dungeons
and don’t mind teaching new members. These are being run every day of the week.
- Raids: We anticipate being a little more elitist about our Raid runs, as our hardcore players will want to acquire legendary armor as fast as possible. However, anyone who has a certain amount of skill and is willing to listen and learn can be brought up to speed.
- Structured PvP: Organized groups running tournaments throughout the week. We have our own PvP Arena only accessible to guild members where we spar daily. We also have the Guild Arena which will be fully upgraded along with the Guild Hall.
- World VS World: This is not our focus at all. However, we have weekly WvW events scheduled and usually have small groups roaming throughout the week. We also have a couple of the top commanders on our server – simply because they enjoy our company in TeamSpeak.
- An active Teamspeak. We really utilize voice comm! We usually have around 25 people on TS at peak times and 50+ during missions. TeamSpeak server is thoroughly set up with advanced permissions and badges for each level 80 character a member has – these badges come in handy when forming groups.
- Guild events: Weekly events such as trivia, jumping puzzle races, hide and seek, and many more. Winners are always awarded prizes which are made possible by our affluent guild bank.
- Guild missions: We run all missions at different scheduled times, which allows all members to get their weekly commendation rewards. Since HoT, all members are able to start missions themselves to get their personal rewards as well.
- Guild Activities: Scheduled weekly events such as HoT Hero Point runs led by our knowledgeable officers.
- Guild buffs: We are focusing on maxing out the Guild Hall Enhancements first to let you choose any of the maxed out available buffs.
- Family feel: In our guild every member is valued and may be invited to take part in some critical decisions. We really get to know each other at a personal level and make connections that will likely last beyond GW2. With that, comes our dreaded rep requirement. We do ask for a commitment to rep a minimum of 80% of your time. In our experience, having members represent promotes a strong community.
Guild management:
We are always clearing out inactive people and bringing new blood into the guild. All of our members have either logged in within the last month or have given notice of prolonged absence.
We still have some leadership spots open. If you join and prove to be an asset to the guild, you can be promoted to one of the officer positions.
Even if you are not interested in those positions there are achievement based advancements for regular members as well. Check out our Rank System here.
Our Website: www.darkhavenelite.com
If you would like to join the guild you can PM anybody below or apply on our website.
Cexy Beast
Mone Abrahms
Dk Aquarius
Plague Wind
Hishaur Macloyd
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
I accept the fact that they are having a problem. The solution to that problem, though, is not to reduce the difficulty of the mob, but to increase the skill of the individual. That is the point of L2P. It isn’t to say you’re wrong, they’re not strong, it’s to say that your solution to the problem is wrong, you need to rise to the challenge, not lower the challenge to yourself.
Well said. Too many of the suggestions I see on the forums can be simply fixed by taking the time to learn the mechanics instead of asking for them to be changed.
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
After unlocking a couple more Enhancements I have a comment to add about the current state of these. Forcing every member to visit the tavern every time they want to switch the buff they are using is very tedious.
Buffs are one of the only bonuses that guilds offer to their players through game mechanics. We used to have them all active prior to HoT, and they did not provide too much of an advantage to begin with – they just felt like a nice little perk. Why were they turned into a chore?
This really hurts PvX players. It’s simply not worth it for me to go to the guild hall every time I want to play a PvP match, or mine a couple nodes, or pop into WvW to cap a camp or a tower. Instead, I’ll probably just keep the EXP buff active until I max my masteries (even though it provides no bonus in PvP, WvW, and pre-HoT content) and after that I will only use Map Bonus or Magic Find. Please change Enhacements to make them useful.
The Numbers:
- Buffs provided before HoT: +5% EXP, +10% MF, +15% Karma, +10% Crafting, +10% Gathering
- Buffs provided after HoT: +10% EXP (only after your guild spends thousands of gold upgrading Enhancements)
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
While it is true that there are a couple adventures that need to be rebalanced (such as Shooting Gallery), I think the vast majority of adventures are great where they are. I really hope Anet doesn’t listen to your suggestions about nerfing this contentl.
For example, it took me nearly an hour to get gold on A Fungus Among Us. Although it was frustrating at times, I feel like the reward of a mastery point is what pushed me to get it and ultimately experience the sense of accomplishment for completing it. If the mastery point was given for silver, I would have only done that and would have never had this experience.
I agree with 1 and 4, especially 4.
As for 2 and 3, I actually like that we might have to work in new mechanics. I have always enjoyed going between PvP and WvW because the their differences – it adds a challenge and keeps things interesting. Having a “third style” of PvP is pretty cool.
That’s great news. For me personally the roster and the ranks would be most important.
Would we need to create an API key for the guild?
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
So I’d say scale the needed amount of stuff based on the people in roster.
To people saying we should play more or go out of our way to enjoy the features we used to. Try forming a small guild starting from a scratch money and resource vice and building a guild hall. If there are people who are part of a small guild. Less than 20 active members and have had no problems with getting guild hall up and not feeling like grinding I’ll take all my words back.
This has been suggested before and it does not make sense because there would be a loophole for large guilds to rework their rosters for upgrades. But in my opinion, that is not even the point.
Although I lead a large guild and we have a level 21 guild hall already, over 90% of the resources for our guild hall upgrades came from a handful of people (<10). Sure, having a large guild increases your chances of having very active players in the guild who have lots of gold/resources, but this experience suggests that small guilds with dedicated players should have no problem getting their guild halls up. On the contrary, I’d think members of more tight knit communities should be willing to donate larger percentages of their capital.
Maybe I’m weird but I actually enjoy the process of sifting through bags and salvaging things. Like, it keeps inventory compressed while actually playing so I can focus, and after adventuring I have downtime moments that are still kind of exciting because of the addition rng “ooh shiny” moments.
Salvaging, which was sort of a GW1 staple as well, sort of clicks with me. Somehow it just feels more natural to break down all the random worthless junk than sell a never ending supply of it to merchant NPCs that don’t seem to do anything with it but make it vanish.
I understand why it all bothers people, but I kind of like it. I think perhaps if we could deposit runes and sigils to a collections tab like crafting materials it would make the bags/salvaging system a bit more streamlined as you’d spend less time clearing them out at a merchant or the MF just to clear space to open the rest of your bags, and more time opening them and going “ooh, shiny”
As well, some sort of “salvage all” command by rarity would be nice, again, to streamline the process while keeping the feel of doing a “loot audit” and having those same downtime “shiny moments”
I’m in the same boat. I don’t mind the salvaging / bag opening downtime.
The runes/sigils are the main obstacle – I also wish they would have their own collection but I doubt that will happen.
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
What’s missing? All the stuff I used to be able to build for my small family & friends guild that’s now buried behind a HoT paywall, materials, and player minimums.
What stuff are you talking about? Why do you focus on the negative instead of appreciating that you now have a kittening GUILD HALL that you can call home!
If you choose to view having a challenge that you need to overcome together as a guild in a negative light then it is only your perspective that’s hurting your enjoyment of the game. Where would the fun be if you were just handed a fully upgraded guild hall? I say take on this long term goal and enjoy every step of the way.
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
What I’m missing is the feature to see when someone joined the guild. Like the entry date.
I agree that having additional member information such as join date, last promotion date, contributions, time represented, etc. would make guild management much more convenient. My only concern is that this would require a GUI redesign for the current guild window, so maybe just exposing this information in the guild API would be enough.
The best. Thank you so much for the continued support.
Sounds like a personal problem.
Even with nearly 5000hrs put into the game and more gold than I can ever spend, I would still be ecstatic if I got my first ever precursor drop!
Guild Features- what's great / what's missing
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kuzzi.2198
I have been a leader of a large PvX guild since Beta (oh my, it’s been 3.5 years). This post expresses my impressions with the new content introduced in HoT and opinions about what features are still needed.
Let’s start with the good. No one can deny that HoT has helped breath new life into guilds which had been stale for a while.
- Guild Halls have far exceeded my expectations – they are just phenomenal. Not only do they provide every guild with a home, but also give a set of long term goals to work towards. The upgrades may seem costly, but I think the prices are just right to make each upgrade to the guild hall feel like an accomplishment. The Aetherium and Favor time gates allow large guilds to have a sense of progression for their guild hall expansions instead of just rushing through everything.
- Guild Missions can now be started at any time, for free. This is great. People who don’t make scheduled mission times can now still get their personal rewards by getting a couple guildies to help them out.
- Multi Guild Chat is another awesome feature. It has enabled being and fully participating in multiple guilds at the same time.
- Message of the Day being posted in the chat window is nice QoL feature. I feel like the MotD was often overlooked in the past and now it can be used to relay messages to all members very conveniently.
- New Permissions related to the guild hall and bank access are a nice addition that makes ranks more meaningful.
- PvP Teams are a great addition for PvP guilds and PvP focused members in PvX guilds. The individual stat tracker for each team is sweet.
Thank you for those changes Anet, Guild Wars 2 really is the best MMORPG ever. With all that said, I still think there are quite a few features and minor changes that could really improve guild life even further:
- Admin Lower Ranks permission should be split up into into “Invite Members”, “Kick Members”, and “Change Ranks of Lower Members”. I made this suggestion in a similar post over 3 years ago. Is there a reason why Anet insists on combining these permissions into one?
- Treasury is a great feature. I think we should be able to deposit items directly from our bank though, like we can with crafting. This is a small QoL improvement that could go a long way in helping guilds expand. Furthermore, I think the contributions of members should be tracked in some way. The current treasury log which only tracks the last few dozen donations does not suffice. One easy solution would be to expose the log in the API so guilds that want that information can track it themselves, but of course an in-game tracker would be nicer.
- Ranks are still limited to 10. Especially now with the addition of new permissions, it would be nice to have more ranks available.
- Guild Missions have some mechanics that feel clunky. For one, Guild Rushes now force all members to wait until the mission timer expires before they are awarded their personal reward. This is harsh when everyone in the guild finishes a rush within 5 minutes and then has to hang out for 25 minutes waiting for their chests. PvP missions are currently a pain for large guilds, but they are a brand new feature so I’m sure Anet will make the necessary improvements as they receive player feedback. For example, the requirement of every party having to form an official team feels like overkill. Combine that with a broken search field on the team creation tab and you get a whole lot of overhead before being able to start some simple missions. In addition, missions that end as soon as the goal is met should track individual progress better. In large guilds, all too often players who participate in a mission don’t get personal chests because another team completed the mission before they could receive their ticks.
- Guild LFG that is built on top of the existing LFG system. It would be nice to have an LFG tab in the guild window that would show all the LFG groups that have any of your guildies. Here, they would not have to be split up by dungeons/areas.
- Guild Buffs have been nerfed to only allow one active buff at a time and they have to be manually refreshed with potions. I think this is a very poor implementation. The old way of having multiple active buffs and being affected by everything from the guild you are currently representing was much better. There was a lot of hype about HoT bringing permanent buffs obtainable through the guild hall, but this purchasable potion method leaves a lot to be desired.
- Mail Message Cap should be increased for guild members. I’m sure the 2 message cap is an artifact from an anti gold seller feature, but it makes sending messages 300+ members a huge pain.
- API Features are something I’m very much looking forward to but I’ve already listed those in My API Wishlist so I won’t go into detail. However, I will throw in this shameless plug – check out my guild’s Hall of Fame.
Lastly, although these are not feature requests, I want to point out a couple guild related bugs that will also help improve guild QoL.
- G in Guild Hall crashes the game. I’m sure this has been brought to Anet’s attention, but opening the guild window while visiting any NPC in the guild hall will cause your client to crash.
- Slow Loading Logs are a hurdle for guild management. In particular, some entries under Guild Roster can show up as “…” for up to 15 minutes before they load in.
- Guild Hall Instances… There should not be multiple instances of one guild’s guild hall. We want to see all our guildies who are in the hall.
Are there any important suggestions I missed? Please list them in comments and I will update this post.
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
But if that is not an option perhaps allowing the Guild Treasurer to access materials from your bank to add to the treasury, similar to how crafting works. As long as it’s it your bank you can access it to make stuff.
This. Having to zone in and out and memorize what materials are needed is a pain.
I shared this on reddit yesterday and it was really well received (even Anet’s own Tivac said it was super cool), so I figured I’d share it with the community here as well. It is a little project I made for my guild – an API based leaderboard, or as we call it, the Hall of Fame.
By collecting guild members’ API keys, I’m able to automatically pull data from their accounts and visualize it using Tableau Public. Anything that is available in the API can be turned into a leaderboard, that’s why we can also have fun ones like “Number of Deaths”.
This is very much so still a work in progress so I will do a lot of polishing and expanding of the various section. I’m also looking forward to adding other things as they become available in the API. For example, a couple that will for sure be added are WvW ranks and Mini collections. I’m sure HoT will also add some new fun categories (please let there be Jumping Puzzle times)
I’m interested in your guys’ opinions about this project. Do you have any suggestions on what can be added? How interested would you be in a publicly available tool that would enable you to do this for your own guild?
Disclaimer: I’ve only gotten API Keys from ~50 out of our ~400 members so far, so the leaderboard is not a complete representation of the guild quite yet.
I use the API to help with guild management/leaderboards, and there are a few things that I would like to see added at some point in the future. I know implementing new API paths is time consuming so I don’t really expect these anytime soon, but just want to spread awareness about what some casual users like myself might find useful.
Already part of API but disabled:
- Achievements – I would love to be able to access some binary flags for every achievement per account. Progress could also be nice, but just a list of completed achievement ids would be sufficient for me personally.
- Guilds – In particular I’m interested in the list of members. This may be a looong shot, but I would love to be able to access members’ API keys through the guild API. This would probably require some kind of permission from the members to enable API access for guild leaders. It would be nice if this permission step could be entirely contained in-game, but I’d understand if this is not feasible.
- Leaderboards – It would be nice to access leaderboards information without web scraping, so I am definitely interested in this feature. I also hope it allows me to view the achievements leaderboard for my guild through my API key. (either that or the achievements for any guild leaderboard through a guild API key)
New API Paths:
- Minis – I’m surprised I haven’t seen a suggestion for this. It would be a nifty feature similar to dye unlocks.
- WvW – I would like to have API access to an account’s WvW rank. Per character WvW point distribution would also be nice, but not something I foresee needing personally.
SAB. That’s all I’ve got.
For those unhappy, think of it this way, what we’re doing over those 2 hrs get’s erased the moment we log out. Meanwhile, YOUR 2 hours spent in game you get to keep. So you could be that much farther ahead of us in wealth, in ranks, toward a Legendary, etc.
Those complaining are the REALLY loyal/active players who already have unlimited wealth, maximum ranks/levels, and all currently available legendaries they want. Although the complaints are uncalled-for, I can justify their disappointment.
The way I read the message is that it was a lottery/drawing selected by active players that also subscribe to the newsletter. So somewhat RNG my friend.
Seeing that over 50 people in my guild (everyone who is active and has over 15k AP) got the invite, I think the RNG is only true to some extent.
I wonder what the selection was based on. I’m the leader of a guild where most of my guildies who are far less active than me got invited, but I didn’t. It’s odd that the email states that the “most loyal” players were selected. Have all invitations been sent out?
We’ll draw our initial pool of testers from among active players and loyal customers who are also subscribed to the Guild Wars 2 newsletter.
I definitely consider myself one of the most active and loyal Guild Wars 2 player and I signed up for the newsletter in the first hour that it was available. I’m the only one from among my active guildmates who did not get an invite, that’s why I think there may have been an error or not all emails were sent out.
I wonder what the selection was based on. I’m the leader of a guild where most of my guildies who are far less active than me got invited, but I didn’t. It’s odd that the email states that the “most loyal” players were selected. Have all invitations been sent out?
Because supply and demand.
I just want to point out that the lion roar sound on the Crimson Lion Warhorn leaves a lot to be desired. For those who haven’t heard it, check out Dulfy’s video:
The sound is really kind of sad. I would love to see the sound file for the Crimson Lion Warhorn be updated or an entirely new warhorn with a proper lion roar released.
Waiting 2+ weeks to log in to my account.
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
Ticket 1297151
It’s been 2 weeks since I submitted the ticket, still no response. My Guild Wars 1 login isn’t working, even though my accounts are linked and I remember my character names. Please help, I just want to play Guild Wars 1.
Is there an NPC where we can still trade in our Ram Tokens? I didn’t know it would get taken away so suddenly so I hadn’t used mine.
Its not that big a deal. Price increases almost linearly with demand. Now they are only worth 100 gold or so, the gold value per gauntlet chance hasn’t changed that much.
I’d much prefer getting 100g over the absolutely nothing I got from 4000 chances.
I remember specifically asking for a title for 8 orbs last year and getting a response that this would be highly taken into consideration. It seems like giving the achievement to simply killing Liadri must have been a mistake. There was already a mini that was given for killing her in the past, so there was no need for a title.
Also, those few people who managed to do 8 orbs put in many hours to be able to accomplish that. The title should be added retroactively to those who have completed it.
Darkhaven Elite. (DHE) is looking for new members.
About us:
DHE has been around since the game’s launch and is purely a Guild Wars 2 guild.
We are NOT a multiple platform gaming community so you can expect us to keep on going strong for many years to come.
Our main goal is to have fun with the game. Although our core members come from strictly hardcore gaming backgrounds, we are all getting older and taking on more life responsibilities, so we are going to be taking a slightly more casual approach this time around. We have no explicit age requirement, but we expect all members to be mature. We will always maintain a fun atmosphere, but we will also get things done when it comes down to it. That being said, if you are not comfortable with either a guild that likes joking around a lot or hearing a couple curse words being thrown in here and there, this probably is not the place for you.
What we have to offer:
-Over 300 members with people online around the clock.
-Dungeons: We have people able to run any type of dungeon
and don’t mind teaching new members. We run dungeons every single day of the week.
-Structured PvP: Organized groups running tournaments throughout the week.
-World VS World: We have weekly WvW events scheduled and usually have small groups roaming throughout the week. We also have the best commander on our server.
-An active Teamspeak. 400-slot server where we usually have around 20 people at peak times and 50+ on Saturday nights during missions. TeamSpeak server is thoroughly set up with advanced permissions and badges awarded for each level 80 character a member has – these badges come in handy when forming groups.
-Guild events: Weekly events such as trivia, jumping puzzle races, hide and seek, and many more. Winners are always awarded prizes which are made possible by our affluent guild bank.
-Guild buffs: Passive guilds buffs active at all times. The pool of upgrades we rotate through include +5% Gold from Kills, +10% Magic Find, +10% Gathering Bonus, +5 WvW supply. Additionally, we frequently put down Guild Heroes Banners and notify everyone of their locations.
-Guild missions: We run all missions at different scheduled times, which allows all members to get their 6 commendations every week.
-Family feel: In our guild every member is valued and might be invited to take part in some of the decisions.
Guild management:
We are always clear out inactive people and bring new blood into the guild. All of our members have either logged in within the last month or have given notice of prolonged absence.
We still have some leadership spots open. If you join our guild and prove to be an asset to the guild, you can be promoted to one of the officer positions.
Even if you are not interested in those positions there are seniority advancements for regular members as well.
Check out our ranking system.
Main forums: www.darkhavenelite.com
If you would like to join the guild you can PM anybody below or apply on our website.
Mone Abrahms
Cexy Beast
Hishaur Macloyd
Miss Taken
Plague Wind
Dk Aquarius