Showing Posts For KyreneZA.8617:

Soft Wood Logs Crafting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Shhh! Don’t let out our secret, Manasa!

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
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Best and Worst of GW2 Releases - Year 1

in Living World

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


1. Though I loathed finding all the crystals, I loved the rest of Bazaar of the Four Winds. Sanctum Sprint is still my favourite mini-game.
2. Queen’s Gauntlet.
3. Wallet.
4. Though I will never grind for one myself, the Legendary update to ascended with on-demand stats.
5. …nope… got nothing…

1. Tequatl Rising
2. Tequatl Rising.
3. Clockwork Chaos.
4. Queen’s Jubilee.
5. Aetherblades.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Soft Wood Logs Crafting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


There are historical reasons for this, thus working as intended. It is probably no longer required, but it is what it is.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Rangerok is coming my brothers

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


We will blow the warhorn #4 at the coming of Rangerok and the birds of heaven will feast on their… erm… ears?

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Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Who would most benefit from an axe?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I vote the poor unplayed ranger in the corner.

Seriously: You do know you can sell the ascended inscription (or ascended dowel and exotic inscription) on the TP? Perhaps you can recuperate financially from your slip?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

arctodus bear ...

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


You don’t get them there. The wiki even states this. You can get them from the dredge mine Moleberia once you kill the veteran dredge and break open their prison/pen.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Please for the love of god

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


That, and uneven terrain still “confuses” pets, and makes them run out to obscure places in order to get around terrain that players can travel with no problem.

Now, it isn’t a 100% persistent problem (meaning that it doesn’t happen every time), but the inconsistency is part of the problem; sometimes pets work perfectly, sometimes, you’re yelling at your computer screen and wanting to put down whatever sorry excuse for a pet your using.

JPs or just general traversing of vertical areas with ledges being another example. My ranger is a Norn, so I don’t stow my pet for JPs (my Norn’s big kitten in front of the brain-dead camera is much more of a hindrance than the pet could ever be). My pet is often and consistently “showing” me where to jump next, being somehow told by the pathing AI to jump/appear on the next valid accessible piece of terrain. My group of playing friends have even started saying, “Yeah, so-and-so is just showing off again,” due to this.

AI programming is not for sissies. As a developer myself, I know that. However, our pet AI is some of the worst I have seen in the current generation of games I have played.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

PVE Elitist ragers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Armchair psychology from our resident helper aside, you also have to look at other factors:

  • This game is rated PEGI 12, and therefore kids and immature persons also play it.
  • People are competitive in games and this often translates to elitist attitudes.
  • People are playing games in their leisure time and don’t want to waste it. If someone in a fractal or dungeon run is being perceived as wasting time, there will be raging.

Next time, depending on how upsetting a “rager’s” behaviour is, take the appropriate in game action (blocking, reporting or more), shrug, be thankful it’s not you and move on.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Farming grind: orichalcum and ancients

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Maybe I should stop saying how good it is. I don’t want the zerg to get too big :p

On my server some nights, and on weekends it’s already too big. I have to skip champs and go ahead to the next just to not miss out on all of them. As much as the champ trains are maligned on these fora, it is a lot more social (and therefore fun) way of grinding for materials. Pity it is frowned upon and has been nerfed since introduction of the champ bags.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Unofficial Leveling Server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Here’s a better suggestion: Level on the Queensdale champ train! It’s got XP, karma, money, level relative loot, the Troll and trolls. What’s not to like?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Reporting of Offensive Names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I have run across a character name that is a drug reference in my own language. I have reported this character each time. Nothing has been done.

How can I escalate this?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Tequatl already a ghost town

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I never played WoW, so forgive me for asking: If only large, organised guilds kill Tequatl in overflows with any regularity, isn’t that exactly the same as instanced raiding?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

automatic removal of unreasonable offers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


They proved they can when they returned all the MF items. All it will require is for the TP to be down for 6 hours again. However will we TP moguls cope if that were to happen?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

So how is GW2 these days?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


About the only thing between now and whenever you left, OP, is that you have “lost out on” some achievement points and are now far behind on the AP treadmill. Seeing as you now get “rewards” for APs, you’ll just feel like not playing the game all over again.

The rest of the game is about as un-/fun as it has always been. It seems like ArenaNet as a company is bi-polar. Some moments it is happy and giveth us fun content, some moments it is not and taketh away fun content.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Flipping on useless items?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Case in point: Evon Gnashblade Representation Buttons. That poor (or rich) charr lost the election. His ill advised supporters must have dumped thousands of these into the marketplace. Yet, the current selling price is 4s79c. Now comes the interesting part.

I despise that fool and his tax, so earlier in the week when some sellers did the reasonable thing of selling below 1s, I bought out all the low-priced stock and systematically destroyed them (except for one, but that goes on my charr loving succubus because that’s how she rolls). I then thought about it and put in a reasonable buy order for 50c (probably still over-valued, but I’m throwing his supporters a bone here).

Not 12 hours go by or someone outbids me by 50% with a similar sized order. So I dump the few units I managed to get (seems like Evon supporters are a proud lot and won’t sell a worthless item for 50c) on this person, and use the profit to outbid by 1c on a small order (I figure I’ll still get to destroy them when this order comes in and I wanna now see where this goes).

Not 12 hours go by or I’m outbid again. Do people honestly flip or want to flip worthless items like this? Do the clever flippers ever invest in pet projects like this just for the giggles?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Depressed crafting weapons? Wait for armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


This is so true my best time in the game was early this year before world XP was introduced in WvW. I had karma to outfit my l80s, I was easily able to experiment builds and easily gear up for new builds and just play and experiment to my hearts content. I had to make sure I did dailies and monthlies for laurels but whilst they were something of a job it wasn’t that bad. I was able to use some mats to make some vanity weapons like abyssal scepter and the anomaly.

Now I have to do dailies and monthlies, I have to do my daily ascended crafting, I have to make sure I mine my quartz and convert it to charged quartz. I’m restricted in the builds I can experiment with cause BiS is so hard to get. And I have to make sure I get some orr mat farming in for high level crafting.

I’m restricted in terms of what characters I can use in WvW because to maximise the rather large benefits from WXP being character bound I can only use 2 to 3 characters (out of the 8 level 80s I now have).

Everything is a job or we’re restricted from playing how we want.


This post rather succinctly states exactly how and where ArenaNet has gone wrong over the last three months or so. The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say: in an effort to get players to log in (and spend money) they have gone down this path by design. The players feel as if missing out on the grind will result in them being left behind those that don’t. When they do grind, the results are uninspiring in looks and effect and restrictive.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Arah: Story-for "Victory or Death"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Thank you all for your solid replies.

I hear Logan “sacrifices” himself for the good of the team yet again. I may just throw up in my mouth a little when that happens…

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Clock Tower - Tribulation Mode

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


OP’s skillz are OP, yo!

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Shield Drill Sergeant

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Location: Claypool

The drill sergeant who blocks does not block, making the renown quest trivial. The one who attacks, as described above, only attacks once, making it a pain.

Server: Aurora Glade

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Arah: Story-for "Victory or Death"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Since this is for “Victory or Death,” my wife and I have to bring those characters, a Ranger and Engineer, to the dungeon. Since we’re in direct communication, and they are our mains, we are pretty solid in fractals with these two. Both of us hate dungeons, so I would never call us experienced.

  • Can this be duo-ed?
  • If not, what other group members should we be looking for to complete this?
  • Should we use undead potions (I heard they are currently bugged)?
  • Should we just give up on the idea of ever finishing our personal stories given that it involves a dungeon?
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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Please for the love of god

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


You should have used more cripple and immobilzation to keep him at a distance.

Totally. I jumped into WvW to help a friend kill dollys, without changing anything. That’s my point: I lasted against a warrior using a PvE build.

If I had my shortbow, entangle as elite and another stun breaker, maybe things would have gone differently.

I use the same weapons out of preference and would love to see your build. Would that be possible?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Can please start Halloween please?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


But I too am looking forward to the Halloween patch. One of the very few patches over the last year that I still hold in high regards.

To be fair, I wasn’t playing the game back then, and I’m not entirely fascinated with Halloween. I have hopes for it though, simply by how highly others regard last year’s festival.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Farming grind: orichalcum and ancients

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


So, in my opinion, you’re just lazy.

Shows exactly how much you really know, Mr. Opinion

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Coolest thing you've gotten from a BLC

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I got a Holographic Scarlet mini. That mini is priceless! She runs around after my succubus—the glowy red making her look like a kitten ed soul, forever enslaved…

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Gossamer Price Rise

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Insider Trading appears to be going on.

I didn’t believe it before…. I thought everyone was just being paranoid as usual.
Nah this is definitely uncalled for price spikes on other stuff too that went up even more than Goss where the orders placed and sell amounts MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL. A bunch of people … probably not just Dulfy editors either and other Media kittens, but Krewe members too all seem to be getting in on this.

You Tinfoilers win …. this is as insider as it’s ever been before.
If it’s this darned apparent, then it’s time for Anet to do something.
…change their policies…. cap purchases for all Krewe & Media people until after patch.

And your proof is?

I think your satire-detection is borked…

I hope you mean that as an insult to satire.

Well if not satire, at least not to be taken seriously. I found it rather tongue-in-cheek: poking fun at the “Tinfoilers.”

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

On the fairness of roamers

in WvW

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Go roam – watch potentially good action destroyed by zerg.

Sadly, yeah! No amount of food or the much maligned Bloodlust is gonna help with that.

I’ve also only met one honourable enemy, in all my time roaming. I therefore don’t fight fair myself, and will even stoop to emotes when meeting particularly annoying enemies. With my old fingers and slow PC, if I happen to stomp the annoyance, I’ll even emote-camp the corpse for a while. If I’m out-“manned,” but holding my own I’ll even stop fighting to /laugh just before they down me. If the fight was good, I’ll stomp and /bow as a sign of respect.

If it’s an obvious noob or uplevel, I’ll /wave and be on my way. If they still attack, see the previous paragraph.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Can please start Halloween please?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Between this and “Boss Month” I’ve actually been able to just play the game and not all the happy, buggy LS horsekitten they keep on churning out. I’m happy we get some content that only some like.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

What is the purpose of the current pet stow?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


It’s where the budget to code “real” Ranger mechanics went. /sarcasm

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

What Would YOU Like to Use as a Pet?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


That freaking huge devourer thing from the skill challenge in Diessa Plateau. Griffons and moose are cool too.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Please for the love of god

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I never have this problem, because of my old fingers.

From day one, I’ve just hardly ever used F2 because there’s only so many buttons my stupid left-hand can mash on rotation.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Why is this class so terrible?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


After playing ranger for 3 years in GW1 (too lazy and check exact time) and over 2,5k hours in GW2, I disagree with your post.

And I’m also too lazy to even explain why. I did it sooo many times on this forum.

This is purely a learn to play issue.

Gonna have to agree with these two posters. While the Ranger has some… okay I lie, one major handicap and some other problems, it is a—from my own experience—perfectly viable class to play in any content. The player behind the keyboard makes or breaks the class far more than ArenaNet ever could.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

My Ranger im only level 19 need suggestions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


This professions doesn’t seem viable. Is there any profession that can support a group but be easy profession as im not very good at this game?

False, but it does have some serious handicaps.

If you want easy-mode, go Warrior. You even get to keep the Ranger’s bow if you want.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Best class(es) for fractal running?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Just run your fractals, OP, with more of the very elusive and often maligned class: “The Skilled Player”

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Gossamer Price Rise

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Insider Trading appears to be going on.

I didn’t believe it before…. I thought everyone was just being paranoid as usual.
Nah this is definitely uncalled for price spikes on other stuff too that went up even more than Goss where the orders placed and sell amounts MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL. A bunch of people … probably not just Dulfy editors either and other Media kittens, but Krewe members too all seem to be getting in on this.

You Tinfoilers win …. this is as insider as it’s ever been before.
If it’s this darned apparent, then it’s time for Anet to do something.
…change their policies…. cap purchases for all Krewe & Media people until after patch.

And your proof is?

I think your satire-detection is borked…

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Droprate ecto on rares

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


It’s not you, OP, it’s me…

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Hunter's Insignia still creates Pillaging

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Welcome to the party. I’ll add this thread as a link to the thread I created a month ago.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Bug: Tailor Hunter's Recipes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Another thread with screenshots.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Is my Ranger Build Okay?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


After reading my guild chat a few days ago I’ve been so paranoid that my Ranger sucks. I was hoping people could shed some light on my Ranger’s build and what kind of accessories I should get.

For weapons I use the Rampager’s Nightmare Longbow with a Super Sigil of Earth and a Rampager’s Nightmare Greatsword.

My Traits are 30, 30, 10, 0, 0.

My accessories, back, amulets, and rings all need to be upgraded but I’m not sure if I should I keep going down the path of Rampager or if should I add some toughness?

I mostly want to PVP but I was thinking about getting a different set for PVE.

I was thinking of switching my Greatsword for a Shortbow as well.

Thanks for your help.

Would getting accessories that boost my toughness and vitality be enough to help my build?

I’m not good at builds, but even so I know not to use condition gear on power weapons and vice versa. Both your weapons should be Berserker’s or Soldiers. Your gear probably a mix of Berserker’s, Soldiers, Valkyrie and toughness (Celestial if you’re really stuck).

Why not use this calculator and link us your build so we can better help/critique your build.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

[Video] Ranger WvW Roaming

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I see good gameplay from your side, but at the same time not really exceptional gameplay from the enemies featured in this video. Would still like to see your build+food.

Again, a ranger is only as good in WvW as the player and as long as the pet is alive. Seeing LB plus any-weapon that is not a trapper/spiritmonger is very heartening though. Then again, I already do that too, even if with less skill and more lag (5 y/o PC here).

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Can I do better?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


She uses ascended rings and an ascended amulet already. The accessories are level 50-something masterworks, no big stats difference IMO between that and ascended accessories. Don’t concentrate on that guys…

I guess my question is, have I fundamentally gone contrary to my use of weapons with my traits/skills or the stats on my weapons and armor?

Narg brings up a good point: why critical damage if not enough precision to ensure critical hits. That’s exactly what I want to hear. Should I be swapping all my ’zerker/Valkyrie gear for something else? Should I cut back on the Celestial items? Am I doing fine, but raising critical hit chance to 40% would do X for the build? Should I raise toughness and vitality rather?

I enjoy that build currently in fractals and general PvE, and hardly ever die. But then that is against AI opponents. I struggle immensely in WvW, given that I do know the limitations of my class mechanic, even as much as I enjoy “deep cover” capping camps and slapping yaks. Should I not look at the build, but rather make peace with the fact that only exceptional Rangers thrive in WvW?

Is there anything, anyone would tweak to bring something a little more to the table?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Why can't I use my Grandmaster's Manual?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


No you’re not. You can sell the manual on the TP last time I checked.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Ectos, Salvage Kits, Dust

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


When you absolutely, positively have to salvage every ecto in the room…

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Looking for the Class!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


My first choice would be ArenaNet’s pet.

My last choice would be the class with the pet.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Are your Infusion slots all Empty?

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Of course they’re empty, ilr. You’re an intelligent forum poster, I take it, why did you ask?

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Farming grind: orichalcum and ancients

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I’m very interested to hear your definition of grind and how to eliminate it.

“Grind” verb:- doing the same thing repetitively, with little to no real progress towards one’s goal.

I’ll use a conservative example: crafting a single exotic longbow (the fugly “Berserker’s Pearl Stinger”) vs. a single ascended longbow (of the fugly ‘demon-crab-tick’ “Zojja” variety).

The first requires 30 ore (10 nodes), 42 logs (14 nodes), 4 leather sections, 5 ecto (so between 2-5 world bosses depending on RNG in drops and salvaging) and 5 blood (about 1-2 hours worth of skelk/drake culling or riding the champ train in Frostgorge). All in all I’d estimate about 4 hours of total game time (depending on your luck finding/salvaging the leather), of which probably 1 hour (the bosses) is “fun.”

The second requires 720 ore (240 nodes), 2270 logs (~750 nodes), 600 leather sections, 18 ecto and 15 dust (so between 10-25 world bosses), 5 blood, 10 dark matter (5-6 crafted exotics salvaged with BLSK), 500 dragonite ore (17 temples), 500 bloodstone dust (trivial; probably during the temples), 500 empyrean fragments (unsure; I use world chests and JPs, but that’s sub optimal). All in all (ignoring time-gating) at least 72 hours of total game time, of which probably 4 hours (one round of bosses and temples) is “fun.”

I think you are intelligent enough to draw your own conclusion, bearing in mind my previous point about “grind” escalation.

So what I’m gathering is you want end-game rewards to be just as easy to acquire as the 2nd best tiered item?

You want everything to be easy enough to acquire in short time?


Okay, I’m done here. If I were to ever reply to you again, I would be infracted. Have a blissful life, Vol!

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Farming grind: orichalcum and ancients

in Crafting

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I’m very interested to hear your definition of grind and how to eliminate it.

“Grind” verb:- doing the same thing repetitively, with little to no real progress towards one’s goal.

I’ll use a conservative example: crafting a single exotic longbow (the fugly “Berserker’s Pearl Stinger”) vs. a single ascended longbow (of the fugly ‘demon-crab-tick’ “Zojja” variety).

The first requires 30 ore (10 nodes), 42 logs (14 nodes), 4 leather sections, 5 ecto (so between 2-5 world bosses depending on RNG in drops and salvaging) and 5 blood (about 1-2 hours worth of skelk/drake culling or riding the champ train in Frostgorge). All in all I’d estimate about 4 hours of total game time (depending on your luck finding/salvaging the leather), of which probably 1 hour (the bosses) is “fun.”

The second requires 720 ore (240 nodes), 2270 logs (~750 nodes), 600 leather sections, 18 ecto and 15 dust (so between 10-25 world bosses), 5 blood, 10 dark matter (5-6 crafted exotics salvaged with BLSK), 500 dragonite ore (17 temples), 500 bloodstone dust (trivial; probably during the temples), 500 empyrean fragments (unsure; I use world chests and JPs, but that’s sub optimal). All in all (ignoring time-gating) at least 72 hours of total game time, of which probably 4 hours (one round of bosses and temples) is “fun.”

I think you are intelligent enough to draw your own conclusion, bearing in mind my previous point about “grind” escalation.

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Any Good Armor for Male Norn Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


T2 Cultural gloves, torso and leggings, Swindler (2nd top row) boots, Order of Whispers shoulder and absolutely any hat you fancy.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

"Master of Ruins"

in WvW

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Had some of my best WvW times in those circles one day. It did help that the LFG tool kittened out and had a member from one of the opposing servers join our party. We could tests strategies for 1v1 or 2v1 with him, ducking for cover (or being creamed) each time a zergball rolled by/through.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Can I do better?

in Ranger

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


“Bueller? Bueller?”

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
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Can't Salvage Sigil From Invader's Weapon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Have you tried a Transmutation Crystal?

I would sooner spend the 2.5g to get another Force than spend 11g+ worth of gems to get a stack of crystals. Seriously, what were you thinking?

Conversely, were you thinking at all before running your fingers off. He very well may have some lying around or not value them as much as the current gold-gem ratio would suggest. Did you think of that? Probably not, in your haste to shoot down and insult a valid (and well meaning) suggestion.

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Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief