So just joined a pug, I was the last one left alive in the final phase but I didn’t have enough CC to break his bar so I killed myself. When we restarted he was still on the final phase, with all of his previous abilities and all of the shadows and mind creation things up all at once. Luckily we could burn him from 100% to 30% or whatever triggers the break bar phase again, while ignoring all of the adds, and then finish him.
Good job anet.
I’ve done it one 2 toons so far, once solo, and once duo; currently trying it on a third toon, but kitten it is so buggy, more than half the time my rifts are spawning out in open air.
aww, I am only at 77% of my reaper
Charr or Norn Revenant, the choice is killing me
New laptop anxiety is totally killing my HoT hype; I am totally going to fall off every ledge and fat finger all the keys with this unfamiliar keyboard.
Don’t summon VDGM, i beg you.
Who is he? I am a newfag in General Dungeon Discussion Threads.
I apologize in advance for this
Apparently, necro has gain some very nice (unintended) utilitity
I speculate that it would work at Old Tom? Ventari’s tablet works at Old Tom but not the cannon phase.
It works on Old Tom, had a PuG yell at me just yesterday for using it because “it’s clearly unintended and an exploit the projectiles are meant to be tanked, so stop exploiting”.
I’d personally want the group leader to distribute all loot out to who deserves it, but meh, that goes against the games philosophy of people sitting in downstate for half an hour and getting ascended rewards, while the people who cleared the content get nothing.
Two words: Ninja Loot.
Also the only thing that would change in that scenario would be the leader keeping all loot for himself after sitting dead for half an hour.
I have played and raided in a large number of other MMOs and no matter what it is the loot system is always a sore spot for people for a number of reasons. People complain about RNG because they don’t get the loot they feel they deserve, or the loot is ninja looted by the group leader, or the loot is based on some sort of token system and they complain it’s a grind.
At least a personal loot system like GW2 already has eliminates most of the animosity and loot distribution drama that can break guilds, friendships and clog up a GMs time.
Oh man, that healer hype
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A necro for a necro?
My necromancer has looked the same since the first season of the Living Story, I think it’s now time for an intervention.
I feel kind of guilty that I have only been playing my necro, instead of something more useful like my ele, thief or guardian. I used to love my guardian, but I can’t get into using mace; or maybe that’s just a lie and I want to sit back and watch the world burn.
Logged in to play around for the first time in like a year, it’s nice to see pugs are still the same; however, I guess now I’ve forgotten enough about the game to be as kittenome of them.
I surface from Pokemon Azeroth and smutty TV to check out the forums and GW2 and man, they are just trying to kill my desire to log on. Anet I don’t even know anymore.
P.S everyone watch this.
Hmmm. She’s trying too hard to sound intense and emotional. That chest.
I liked the images, though. And the bagpipes (such a stupid name) are kewl.
/summons adam and his kilt to the thread
I think the other end of her is more shapely, but the show is just shot beautifully in general; I am a sucker for historical themed shows. Also summer is the season of kilts here, so many guys wear them, unironically, probably the whole New Scotland thing.
On another note are the quality of the forums deteriorating in general? We used to play spot the stupid post, but now it’s more spot the coherent post.
I surface from Pokemon Azeroth and smutty TV to check out the forums and GW2 and man, they are just trying to kill my desire to log on. Anet I don’t even know anymore.
P.S everyone watch this.
Friends don’t let friends use truffle oil.
Am I the only one that doesn’t care about talking to/being listened by anet? I’m just playing with my friends and keeping an eye on new games coming out. They lost my loyalty and they’ll never get it back unless they do something for me that isn’t wardrobe related.
Eh, it’s pretty par for the course that a game company doesn’t listen to it’s players. This most recent update though, between that terrible detective instance (3 times, really?) and the super bugged crafting I am getting pretty fed up; It probably doesn’t help that 99.9% of the people I played with are now gone. They have pretty much lost my loyalty too. I still have my makeover makeover time, but I am running out of things to dress up.
Some friends recently sent me a game time card to go back and fool around in a certain other game and I am so totally lost without dodge roll. Pandas and cow-people are close enough to Charr right?
I am going to be the filthiest casual
I too have the pet seed, I completed the back last week, it was in my characters inventory and I have already made 2 of the new items for the cultivated vine.
I think I might need a staff, and pistol.
Oh man all my monies.
You can’t do that, your majesty. That would be….challengingtoo hard for PUGs…And those changes would only make it “normal”. I got more wild ideas to make it actually hard.
If it was up to me I would normalize base stats, remove passive crap, make AI more punishing, make boons and combos more important, improve condition damage and expand skill sets for enemies.
so you would make the game the hardest mmo in existence?
There are a number of other MMOs which have bosses with more numerous as well as harder mechanics so those changes would hardly make it the hardest MMO ever. GW2 bosses, for the most part, are incredibly tame; it’s the player base that seems to have very low expectations and skill.
I don’t know if enough of the PHIWs have made it to Lupi to actually complain. Whereas the Spider Queen was/is used by every whiner in order to bash stacking, line of sight, berserkers or whatever the complaint du jour is.
Oh my god, I just got home and I am so sad I missed a ridiculous post, I am going to have to daytime drink.
It is pretty funny to watch this thread evolve from troll posts, to the clueless people trying to give advice.
The PROPHET has returned to show us all the evil of our ways! He must all welcome him with open arms and sharpened blades
It’s like Christmas in July August!
I can almost feel the wolves circling.
Why would you even want to kill her? Everyone knows doing damage is an exploit; I am almost done my full ascended nomads armor to avoid falling into that zerker, elitist, exploiter mentality.
Donair pizza is best pizza.
For example, I played Anarchy Online for 7 years. Despite it’s age, it has THE most complicated gearing system I have ever seen; Almost all the gear is skill required and those skills can be buffed in multiple ways. In addition, the content is still very difficult with raids from single team (6 people) to zones that require upwards 12 teams. to complete. Despite the wide variation and raids and difficulty (It’s actually easy to fail a raid there, even to this day) never once playing that game did someone tell me “Oh, your build isn’t correct” or kick someone for not having the right gear. Gear was a non factor in completion and was a significant portion in your overall stats (at least 50%).
Anarchy Online totally had gear and build discrimination; most of my guildies and myself that game for years and years and people with terrible builds/gear were immediate targets in PVP, or ridiculed in PVE. Granted in AO a person with a bad build would have a hard time doing pretty much anything, so that would force them to get better, leech, or quit. I don’t know what server/faction you were from, we probably ran in different circles, but RK2 could be vicious.
I spent so much time in game, and on the Trader/Enforcer forums debating and doing all sorts of testing and theorycrafting, I do tend to miss that kind of depth in GW2; by comparison GW2 feels like baby’s first MMO. Besides AO, I have played several other MMOs for extended periods of time, including playing WOW competitively, and by comparison the aggression you speak of is incredibly tame.
Back to GW2: from my perspective if I put up an LFM with requirements, I expect the person joining to meet them and if they don’t, I will kick them. If a person is not helping the group complete the content in the smoothest most efficient way they can, why do they deserve to be there instead of someone who will? With this mindset most of the problem obviously comes from people who either don’t read, or feel entitled to join whichever group they want regardless of the LFM and subsequently get kicked. It’s not aggression or elitism, it’s basic respect for the other individuals in the group. Once you click that join party button you are essentially entering into a social contact of sorts with that group, if you then play selfishly to the detriment of the group, you deserve a kick.
TL;DR: RK2 4 Lyfe
OK, I can see that for WoW … but how that’s applicable to GW2. We don’t have damage meters. I’ve seen vids of people soloing content in the worst builds possible … is that done in WoW? GW2 isn’t that kind of game. It is truly ‘casual-friendly’. Why is it reasonable to have similar expectations for two completely different approaches to content?
The content may be different, but people are the same. Groups do not want to carry someone who is not contributing, be it casual or hardcore content.
Also judging by the multiple complaint threads for the simplest living story bosses, I wouldn’t say GW2 is completely casual friendly.
Good grief. That…. I have no more words.
Welcome to modern games and their communities.
Clearly we need time machines, and probably nostalgia glasses as thick as bullet proof glass.
What is with the slew of PHIW threads lately; did all the open world heroes flock to the forums when the events were broken and decide to stay?
ISP: Bell Aliant
Region: Halifax, Canada
Server: Crystal Desert
Cannot log on to any character currently in Dry Top, guesting does not seem to fix it, error is occurring at 4:23pm EST.
They moved this thread to the dungeon forums to keep the peace? Bad move forum mods, bad move
Moving PHIW whine threads here to keep the peace is pretty much just like chumming for sharks where children are swimming. Neither of them can prepare themselves for what is coming, and in the end you will just have a bloody mess.
So I found that the hardest living story instance is the one where you talk to the pale tree, you can totally die if you are on a ranger and use Swoop off of the side. Anet fix plz.
Also this quote from the OMG THIS IS HARD THREAD:
Oh first time I did this on my Ranger, it took me an hour and 23 minutes, of course it was 4 in the morning, but, um, yeah…
Gin Fizz is the best drink
The amount of kittening over how hard these pseudo boss fights in the living story are is amazing; I can’t believe there are people talking about how hard it was, it hurts my heart. People are still complaining about how hard the Fort Salma boss fight was last episode, I can’t even think of that as a boss fight, or hard.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Definitely Resolve, Judgement, and Bane signet, the last one I can’t tell/remember if it was Wrath or Mercy.
I have found the hero the PHIW deserve; I can’t imagine how high his FPS goes. I mean with those 4 signets, that main-stat vitality ascended GS would have to be real and not a skin, right?
I wonder if it is Sentinel or Shaman.
I totally have 4 female charr, I fashion how I want.
There needs to be a Dawkins series as well.
The casual delusion
The blind conditionmancer
The selfish Pug
The root of all bowbears?
The greatest healer on earth: The evidence for Nomad’s gear
A PHIW’s chaplain
Ignoring Mount Improbable
Discovery’s Shark Week starts on the 10th, we could totally have a PUG week.
PUGs in the Water: HotW edition
Staff Guardians: The New Evidence
LFG After Dark
Lair of the Support Thief
Casuals Strike Back
LFG of Darkness: PUG Roulette Returns
I always like to think of the Guild wars general discussion section as the casual discussion section.
Here we have in its natural habitat, a roaming PHIW player. He has been playing how he wants since the beta years and now he has come to the forums to settle down for the night. He has created a thread within which to nest, crafted meticulously from scraps of bear fur and bow strings that he has gathered from the dungeons he has managed to stay in without being kicked. The recent summer months have been harsh on the PHIW player, with the lack of real life events taking place he must take to the lfg to form a party and sully his spare time. The PHIW player does not wish to hurry, however mother nature is a fickle beast and many a hardcore will answer the call with a swift kick to the buttocks of the PHIW before he even enters the dungeon. To deal with this harsh reality, the PHIW forms many layers of defence in its proverbial coat. One such defence mechanism is the claim that dead dps is no dps. This has generally not been particularly effective when combating people with logic and reasoning but it does bode well for the self deluded. Much like a pigeon playing chess, the PHIW will knock over the pieces and crap on the board before returning to voice communications to croon of his victories to his flock.
This needs to be a documentary series narrated by David Attenborough or Morgan Freeman.
March of the PHIW
Through the LFG
PUGlife on One
The Casual Planet
Edit: Nature’s Great Events: The Kicking of the Bearbows
David Attenborough’s PUG Stories
So many more titles to think of.
(edited by Laar.5476)
I too really love GW2, and I agree that there is a serious flaw in their game design. I love piloting huge mechs. Like, awesome mechs equipped with LRMs and Lasers, chainguns and autocannons. I want the destructive power of being able to level cities. I want to play how I want, too.
I wish they would have mentioned that such features as mechs wouldn’t be in the game. All they mentioned was that the traditional trinity wouldn’t be in the game. Why have I been so misled into thinking I’d be able to pilot mechs in this game?
I too really love GW2, and I agree that there is a serious flaw in their game design. I love Skyrim Dragons. Like, awesome dragons that breath fire, and use shouts, and never land so you can melee them, and sometimes just kitten off for no reason. I want the destructive power of being able to play as a Skyrim Dragon, and just flying away whenever I want.
I wish they would have mentioned that such features as Skyrim wouldn’t be in the game. All they mentioned was that the traditional trinity wouldn’t be in the game. Why have I been so misled into thinking I’d be able to play Skyrim in this game?
WTB more ridiculous posts
Ugh, I don’t know if I like my ranger enough yet to buy another set of medium store armor, at full price. So far I am really liking the asymmetry on her, but I also really like strider’s chest, so torn. It makes me sad that HotW shoulders are on the wrong side, why can’t we flip stuff around, it is preventing me from finding good gloves too.
Also I think cinders dye is so great on metal-y bits.
My quest for the perfect look continues…
I will still secretly love my necromancer, but continue to never play it.
What is the coat in the third one? I like the shape of it, but I don’t know how I feel about how the textures look, maybe it’s just the dye.
I can’t log in yet, is viper armor still on sale?
When I stream normally I get 5-20 viewers.
When I stream with my face I get 30 viewers.
If I start drinking vodka when I die, I get almost 40…
GW2 logic :/
I need to start doing drunk dungeons. Are there any standard drinking rules people have come up with? Downed = drink, death = shot?
I usually just drink anytime I realize I’m still playing GW2…
I did pass out on the way to Jade Maw once while playing a FotM down=shot drinking game when I first started running (it was already at the end of a long drunken tour). Then I didn’t log in for a week, and my guild welcomed me back in chat with “DLONIE!!! WE THOUGHT WE KILLED YOU!!”.
True story. Such drinking games are rough when you’re a bad.
Yeah that sounds about how the last time I did this kind of thing ended, wasn’t GW2, but gist of the story, I was doing a raid, then I woke up with my head on my bed and the rest of me on the floor
Good times
Need something to spice up the Dungeon tours though.
I haven’t done really drunk dungeons in this game, just slightly drunk. I have had many a night of drunk raiding in other games, so much inappropriate voice chat.
I have done dungeons on hardcore post-op painkillers, but it’s not the same; maybe I should harass people into doing drunk dungeons with me.
The strider boots are my favorite boots, but it’s a hard choice between the strider chest or the viper chest and I am wishy-washy on pants.
Obviously dyes will be different.
I’m not really a big fan of vests, I was thinking maybe a combination of strider, viper and norn cultural. I’m fooling around in the wardrobe (kinky) between sandstorms.
I want to play my ranger more, for some strange reason, and I think giving her a total makeover is the motivation I need; but, I am having trouble coming up with any inspiration for a new look. I like her in greens and browns and earth tones because it has a rangery feel, but armor-wise I am feeling uninspired, medium armor isn’t popping out at me.
Screenshot has bonus FPS due to bear.
I swear this is the only MMO I’ve played where people try and optimize being bad; that ranger thread made my heart hurt.
Seriously, what happened to the games of old where we threw rocks at the people like that?
I could understand if he was talking about solo, but not even I’m going to pretend condition is even close to berserker in group settings.
He was totally talking about a group setting, whether it was exclusively or not, I don`t know.
I really don’t get why people in this game take pride in being inefficient or plain bad, or go out of their way to be the best bad they can be. You are in a group, you are there to succeed, if you are not actively contributing to that success to the best of your ability why be there? Why should you be there, why do you not deserve to be kicked for someone who will actually contribute? I know people mess up, I get inexperience, I get newbies or the uninformed but willing to change, or even those doing it as a joke. It just makes my brain hurt.
It also makes me wonder what goes through their brain, do they abide that sort of behaviour out in the real world?
My old iron-fisted raid leader is showing